Episode 66

Published on:

4th Oct 2024

Unlock Your Divine Number Potential: The Secrets of Numerology Expression Numbers

Numerology is a powerful tool that offers deep insights into your life’s purpose and potential. One of the key components of numerology is the Expression Number, which reveals your strengths, talents, and how you express yourself in the world. In this blog post, we’ll explore how your expression number works and how understanding it can positively impact your relationships, career, and personal growth.

What is an Expression Number?

An Expression Number, sometimes referred to as the Destiny Number, is derived from the full name given to you at birth. Each letter of your name corresponds to a number, and when these numbers are combined, they reveal your unique personality traits, talents, and the challenges you might face in your life. While other numbers in numerology focus on your life path or soul’s desire, the Expression Number is all about how you express your true self in your daily life.

How to Calculate Your Expression Number

To calculate your Expression Number, you’ll need to convert each letter of your full birth name into its corresponding number using the numerology chart. Here's a simple breakdown of how the system works:

  1. Assign a number to each letter of your name according to the chart below:
  • A, J, S = 1
  • B, K, T = 2
  • C, L, U = 3
  • D, M, V = 4
  • E, N, W = 5
  • F, O, X = 6
  • G, P, Y = 7
  • H, Q, Z = 8
  • I, R = 9
  1. Add up the numbers for each part of your name (first, middle, and last), and then reduce each sum to a single digit (unless the sum is 11, 22, or 33, as these are considered Master Numbers).
  2. Finally, add all the resulting numbers together to get your Expression Number.

For example, if your name is Jane Doe, you would assign numbers to each letter, add them up, and reduce the total to find your number.

The Meaning Behind Expression Numbers

Once you've calculated your Expression Number, it’s time to understand what it means for you. Here’s a quick overview of what each number reveals:

  • Expression Number 1: You are a natural leader with the ability to inspire others. You are ambitious and driven to succeed, often blazing a trail for others to follow.
  • Expression Number 2: Your strengths lie in cooperation, diplomacy, and maintaining balance. You excel in building partnerships and creating harmony in your environment.
  • Expression Number 3: Creativity is at the heart of your expression. Whether through art, communication, or innovation, you bring joy and inspiration to those around you.
  • Expression Number 4: You are a hard worker who values stability, organization, and responsibility. You thrive in structured environments and take a practical approach to problem-solving.
  • Expression Number 5: Freedom and adventure are essential to your happiness. You’re adaptable, open to change, and enjoy exploring new experiences.
  • Expression Number 6: You are a nurturer, driven by love, compassion, and a desire to help others. Family and community are at the center of your world.
  • Expression Number 7: You are introspective and deeply spiritual. You seek wisdom and understanding, often preferring solitude to reflect on life’s deeper meanings.
  • Expression Number 8: Ambitious and focused on material success, you have a natural talent for business and leadership. You’re driven to achieve and make an impact in the world.
  • Expression Number 9: You are a humanitarian with a strong sense of empathy and a desire to make the world a better place. Your life is centered around helping others and making a difference.
  • Master Numbers (11, 22, 33): If your Expression Number is a Master Number, you carry an added layer of spiritual significance. These numbers indicate that you have a unique mission or calling, often tied to helping others on a larger scale.

How Your Expression Number Impacts Your Relationships

One of the most powerful aspects of knowing your Expression Number is how it can enhance your relationships. By understanding your strengths and challenges, you can better navigate your connections with others. For example:

  • Expression Number 1 individuals may thrive in relationships where they can take on leadership roles, while also learning to balance their independence with partnership.
  • Expression Number 6 individuals often find fulfillment in caregiving roles, but they also need to ensure they’re not sacrificing their own needs for the sake of others.

Each number offers a unique perspective on how you interact with others, making it easier to build stronger, healthier relationships.

Using Your Expression Number for Personal Growth

Beyond relationships, your Expression Number can also be a powerful tool for personal development. By understanding your natural talents, you can focus on areas where you excel and work on any challenges that may hold you back. For instance:

  • Expression Number 5 individuals may need to learn how to balance their love of freedom with responsibility in order to reach their full potential.
  • Expression Number 8 individuals may be highly focused on achieving success, but they also need to ensure they’re aligning their goals with their true passions.

By embracing the wisdom of your Expression Number, you can move through life with more confidence and clarity, knowing you are aligned with your authentic self.

Final Thoughts

Numerology, especially your Expression Number, offers a roadmap to understanding who you are and how you show up in the world. Whether you’re seeking insight into your relationships, career, or personal growth, your Expression Number can provide the guidance you need to unlock your full potential.

By decoding the secrets of your Expression Number, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the path you’re meant to walk. Embrace this powerful tool, and use it to shape your destiny in alignment with your true purpose.


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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. I'm your host, Jill Hart, and with me today is Adrienne Harris. Adrienne is a relationship and dating coach expert at Cosmic Connections and Book of Life Numerologist and relationship harmony expert. Welcome to the show, Adrienne. It's really nice to have you here.


Thanks for having me, Jill.


So let's jump right in and hear your story. How did you become a numerologist to start with? And then how did all the other pieces kind of fall into place?


Awesome. Thanks for asking. Yeah, you know what? Numerology actually fell into my lap about eight or nine years ago.


So I've been an entrepreneur for 18 years and had a business and spirituality wasn't sort of a part of my world.


And I met an individual who was a numerologist, and I attended a workshop and she had me calculate my ruling number, and I added up all the numbers and I was like, oh, this is so cool. And then I found out that I was a life path 11.




And I was like.


What is that and a life path? 11 is actually a spiritual wounded healer and I was like, I'm a what?


And so, honestly, I think as soon as my soul realized what I was here to do, my life literally changed his trajectory. And it's been super cool since then.


That is awesome.


And how did you figure?


Out what your what your life path number was.




So you literally one of the things you can go to my website and we'll put, I'll give you the link for that. But all you do is you just calculate the numbers of your birthday. So you add your month to your day to your year. So for example mine is June 3rd 1973, so 6 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 3.


It equals 29.


9 and 2 + 9 = 11, So we calculate the numbers and then we calculate. We add them up until we get a number between 2:00 and 11:00. Those are the ruling numbers and that is really ultimately I kind of it's, I call it a ruling number because I've learned the Pythagorean style.


But some people call it life path and it can be interchangeable, but it is really a neat thing because once we find out our energy, then we can understand so much about about ourselves.


Yeah, I've. I've been down that path a few times myself.


It's it's not complicated. That's one of the things I've I've dabbled in astrology and human design and Clifton strengths and all of these kinds of things. I experienced a a very tough life of.


It is.


And trauma growing up as a child and I've been really into personal growth and professional growth and astrology just kind of.


And it pointed in the right direction, but numerology just kind of resonated more with my soul. And I think that that's one thing to share is not everyone resonates with this. And I think that we're here to translate energy in a different way, but I can literally tell someone's ruling.


Number and tell them something about themselves and it's never wrong.


OK, let's do it.


With me.


Sure. OK, what's your birthday?


It's 2/24/1960.


I think it's 6.


Yeah. So one thing I'm going to tell you right away is, is that you have two twos in your chart and one of the things is is you are very intuitive and you know how to just automatically know what other people need.


Yeah. And so you. Yeah. So you are. So you're also a ruling number six, and you're all about home and peace and harmony and love.




And it's such a beautiful energy because it sits within the masculine and the feminine realm. So you're able to adapt with that masculine and feminine energy. One thing I'll tell you about yourself, though, is you dislike conflict.


Absolutely, yeah, it it makes me sick to my.


Stomach. I just.




I try to avoid it at all costs and and often to my own detriment like.


In order to avoid conflict, I will just like.


I'll just swallow it and go along with whatever somebody wants to do, even.


If it's like.


Causing me problems.


Yeah, I was married to A6 energy for 26 years. I didn't know it at the time, and that's one of the reasons how I've sort of gravitated into this relationship. Coaching is because I wanted to know why.


My husband didn't talk to me about the things that he should have talked to me.


Vote because if he would have just come to me and talk to me, then we wouldn't have gotten a divorce. And if we avoid that conflict.


It's very challenging because how is the other person supposed to know? And that's one of the things that I do is I take a look at those energies and I help people with, you know, understanding who they are and and why.


I'm sorry.


That's OK.


I'm sorry about that. In fact, I'm going.


To let him out.


As they might not come.


Dogs, dogs and children, of course.


So I'm you were saying? I'm sorry that I interrupted you that.


That's OK. No, no, it's all good. Yeah, I was finished saying what I was saying just in the sense that I think that that's one of the things about our energy. I am an 11 and 1 + 1 = 2. So I'm actually very sensitive energy and I.


Is brought up saying you're too sensitive. You're too sensitive. You cry all the time and that has actually, now that I'm turned 51.


And I've been a numerologist now for a couple of years. I'm like, no, my sensitivity is actually my superpower. Right? And so that's one of the things is understanding the how the correlation of our numbers work and all these kinds of things. I can tell a lot about a person. And do you actually also have what's called the?


Barrel of skepticism.


And so until you actually like, learn about something, can you make it part of your philosophies and part of?


Who you are.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And there's times when I will just.




Throw it all out too.


Like I can look at something and I.


Can hold it.


Without actually having to believe it or I can try it on and if it doesn't fit.


And may it may take you know.


A couple of minutes it could take decades, but when I close the door.


On it, it's closed.


Yeah, I've said it over there.


Yeah. Yeah, so it that's the neat thing is, is I can just take a look at people's numbers and I can I I can just because I have a combination of 3369 in my own chart, I actually see the patterns within people and I can instantly tell something about somebody.


That they might not have told anybody else, and it's a really innate ability that I have, especially also with my intuitive and my hypersensitivity is, is that I can lean in and I can help people from a place of kindness and compassion and understanding.


I can see how that would really.


Help relationships and in terms of dating, it's like do people come to you and say, hey, I'm thinking about dating this person and this is their birthday.


Yes, I get it all the time. It's one of the fun things that I do. I actually, I actually have a lot of girlfriends who message me and go tell me about this guy who she'll send. They'll send me the birthdays and I actually work with with people. I have a a small fee for sometimes. If someone just wants to know.


Cosmic connection. They can just message me and uh, I can put together like a little two page thing cause.


Not only are we looking at your ruling number, but we're also looking at your book of Life numerology system, which is a very unique system that's been hidden from humanity for all of our lives.


So tell me about that. That's.


Yeah. So this so this system has been around since humanity has been alive, there's only a couple 1000 practitioners in the world that use this system.


It's called many things, but from a numerology standpoint, a lot of us numerologists call it the book of life or quantum numerology, and it's been around since about 5000 BCE. So it's came from the Sumerian times and Egypt and what it is is it's based on the deck of 52 cards.


Is it Tara?


No, it's not Tara. It's from before, Terrell. It's very unique because the day that you were born into this world, you were born into certain energy. So, for example, I'll just pull up my little chart here. So you're born on the 24th of February. So that means that you.


RA3 of diamonds.




And so there was a book that was written back in the 1800s by a gentleman named Richmond only only and he was given this information to him through.


Certain ways we don't know exactly how, and he wrote this book. If you actually want to purchase the book, it's a couple of $1000, which is not available. And yeah, it helps people really understand.


Their energy and what they're here to experience in this lifetime. And so I do I do yearly forecasts for people because each year that on the date of your birthday, you're actually gifted new energy.


Oh, that's fun.


So people should.




People should definitely be contacting you before their birthday.


Yeah, well, I actually bump it. I I talked to people all the time. I'm very social and I love doing peoples energy forecast for them because the last couple of clients that I've had.


They have. They have a nine in their like sort of in their overall year. Energy and nines are always about a completion of a.




And that could have that could be in in many different ways. So we tie in numbers, so numerology and we tie in the suits and also with this system we tie in planets. So it's an Astro numerology system that we utilize.






Yeah, I think I might have met another person who does something like this. I know she uses the regular cards and she told me it had nothing to do with tarot.


But I do know that Tara did start with the cards.




I think a lot of the reason we have playing cards has to do with that. I could be wrong.


But the so and one of the biggest. Yeah, the one of one of the biggest things is is that and this is all like so the system is hidden. It's been hidden from humanity for thousands and thousands of years. And the reason that they hit it.


In the deck of cards was because the books got burnt. There's a lot of.


Stuff that humanity doesn't know about, and so this system was hidden in the deck of cards, and it was carried throughout the world through China and Europe, and so on and so forth. So no one would ever think to burn the deck of cards because it was used to, you know, play games and so on and so forth.


And so now that it's come into our lives, we as a humanity have been waiting for this level of consciousness before it gets put out into the world.


Yeah, there's so many things that are becoming.


More visible I guess is one way to put it that even five years ago was just like nobody knew about it or thought about it or considered that it would. It could be a possibility, but as these things are are becoming more mainstream.


I think it's really helping everyone have better relationships with each other and with themselves, and so they're able to really.


Be the person they're here to be, and I think we're. We all have a a mission while we're here. And it sounds like what you're doing just helps people really cement in their own in their own being. What they're here to do and to confirm things like you were saying, you know, there's. These are certain characteristics that I have.






And and.


Yeah, those, that's who I am, yeah.


It's is it.


Tell you something funny. Really fast. Both. I have two husbands. I like Sara Lee, one after the other, not at the same time. But their birth dates were are both the same day. Oh, wow.


So you're so you've you've and this is the really neat thing. So people ask me all the time. What about twins? What about, you know, people that are born on the same day? And I'm like, they are the same energy. But what it's happening is, is with this deck of cards, we actually get born into 13 different types of energy. So actually, you and I are a connection.


Because we're right beside, right beside each other in the life spread and I am actually your son. And you are my moon.


So it's actually a very cool connection, so we'll have to chat about that later.


But the neat thing is, is that even though someone has the same birthday, I always bring in the ruling number information, so that's always helpful. But the other part of it too is is that.


The belief is is that your soul has chosen how it wants to live out this life. So for example, I have met other ace of spades, which is my card. I am the card of the Magi. I am the card of the system. That was the other thing that was a big wow thing for me.


But I have met other ace of spades, and they have chosen to live their life differently a based upon their ruling number, and B is is that they didn't have the life that I had, and I've chosen to learn how to. So my lesson in this lifetime is for me to learn how my.


How to love myself.


And that's what I teach people is to learn how to love yourself, no matter the things that you, you know, your strengths, your weaknesses, your challenges, the sabotages you might do, your patterns of behavior. I layer in a lot into the coaching that I do with clients because.


Not only am I looking at your card system, but I'm looking at your attachment styles. I'm looking at your you know how how you were raised. You know, your patterns of behavior. There's so many things that come along with.


Who we become. And so that's the really unique thing about having somebody. So I find it funny because, you know, that might be the fact that.


You know you.


Didn't you didn't experience that energy? Well the first time around, so you went for a second go? Yeah.


That's awesome.


Yeah, and.


And ultimately they are actually friends at this point because it's been so long and we all grow up and change and.


We're not the same people we were 30 years.


Ago no.


It's interesting that you're talking about.


Life paths in terms of.


I I do think we have sole contracts where we pick how our life is going to go, not specifically like this is going to happen on this day. But I mean it's not preordained, but in a way it is we we start out we preordained stuff but then we come down here and we forget.


What it was.




And so we spend our life, excuse me, trying to figure it out back out again.


Yeah. And the interesting thing is, is that, you know, I was married to my ex-husband for 26 years, and he's a he's a wonderful man. You know, he was a he's a great father. He is just a really great guy. But there's things within his energy that.


He wasn't wanting to look at, and I also didn't have that knowledge back then. If I could, you know, talk to him about that now. It would be very different, but this is his lesson to learn and.


He he lost his best friend and it was interesting because we're just going through the the signing of our divorce papers because we're very amicable and it's all good. But it's interesting because I continue to play the role that I play throughout our relationship dynamic and.


That is the sole contract that we chose.


To to be and to do and and it's very interesting because after he and I separated, I started dating and I met somebody and I just didn't realize, like I had gone to counseling and worked through all my stuff. And I looked at it.


And I was like, you know, this relationship. I've worked to be very secure within myself and so on and so forth. But I truly believe that I got into that relationship with that man to help me.




Move along in my studies and move along in my knowledge of what it is that I do, and we decided that sole contract. He was a two of spades and I'm an ace of spades. So that is a sun moon connection as well.


And he had had a lot of trauma, and he possibly needed to meet me, and I needed to meet him, to work through the things that you know, that we had had. And I'm now, you know, I call myself a dating coach because.


Truly, the gentleman that I'm I'm dating now, we have a profound cosmic connection. And what ends up happening with that is is that.


He is. He is Jupiters and Mars to me. And when we think about the planet Jupiter, it's a benefit planet. It's very positive. It's very uplifting. And that is our relation.


Chip, it's very different and that's the cool thing is, is that when I look at cosmic connections, I can see peoples planetary alignments and what makes them, what makes them gel, what makes them, you know what, what makes it work and what doesn't make it.






It's very interesting and so.


How would how would people come to you and how do you, how do you organize?


Your sessions with people, is it one one-on-one of the group or?


For sure. Well, I send people to my website, adrianharris.ca. I'm in Canada and and I just people can click on any one of the links and fill out a form and it comes to me. I like to know where people are at first before they come and work with me. It's kind of like a little bit of an interview. I don't think that I'm meant for everybody and.


Yeah. So they fill out the form and uh and in that form they have an e-mail address and I e-mail them and we start to have a conversation because.


As A2 energy and 11/2 energy, I'm all about relationships. I'm all about connection. That is actually my energy, so I don't want to work with people that are just kind of one off because I continue my relationships with my clients even after they possibly get their blueprint done or possibly get.


Other yearly forecast done.


I'm always checking in on them because that relationship they've chosen to have a sole contract with me.


In helping them step into their spiritual journey, because that's what I'm here for.


I can totally relate to that it it's.


It's really hard.


For me on on my life path.


To have a casual relationship with people, it's like we have to be we have to be friends.


I know you're my client, but we still there's there's going to be something there. There's going to be an exchange of energy that will never leave. It's like, give you a piece of myself and I take a piece of you and keep it inside of me.


Well, and the neat thing I love about relationships is we come into relationships. So there's two basic things that humans want. We want. First off, we want connection. We are meant to be connection.


And the second thing is, is we also just want to be authentic in that connection. And what has happened as a society is is we've been taught to not be our authentic selves.


And so this is what I get to do with people day in and day out is I get to teach them who they are and they get to learn all about it and then they get to apply it to their life. And that's what excites me because I get the most amazing texts from clients saying, Oh my gosh, I actually like just.


Didn't speak up and I kept my mouth shut. And you know when something amazing happened because, you know, they've got the energy that they might possibly, you know, interrupt somebody all the time or, you know, like I give them, they're empowered and disempowered sides.


So I really ultimately just give them give them their toolbox that they can choose to use those tool tools to help with the relationship dynamics in their life. You know, I've helped everything from someone who was got an arranged marriage.


He had he had actually been put together with.


That one and they started to get along really well. And so I pulled up his charts and her charts. And I said, listen, OK, I'm like, these are the questions you need to ask her. This is her energy and not even a month later, I went and saw him at his work. And he's like, I got married.


And I was like what?


And he said, yeah, based upon your questions, he's like, I took that information.


And I asked her all the questions and we're good. And we got married in India.


And I was.


It's like, Oh my gosh. Wow. That's amazing. Right. So this is the one thing I absolutely love it because, you know, I just want people to have better relationships. And one of the things that I've been challenged in my life is relationships. I don't have a healthy relationship with my mom or my dad.


Yeah, I got goosebumps.


I experienced a lot of abuse growing up and and and I believe that they did things in, you know, I don't say that they did the best that they could have because they could have changed the trajectory of things halfway through.


That, but at the same time I also know the cosmic connection that I have with the two of them, and I am meant to be their lesson in this lifetime.


And that's OK. I've had to come to a lot of terms with those types of relationships in my life. And it's OK because I am who I am and I just love my life.


That's that's a hard lesson to learn is letting people that are supposed to be your family.


Be who they are and it's OK if they want to have.


An extended arm distance relationship with you. Yeah. You can have a surface relationship with your parents. It's totally fine.




I and you can do the same with.


Your kids? I.


It's like we all before we came. Decided what? What the ground rules were going to be. And you can't make them different just because society says, well, if you want to be like a really great parent, then you have great relationships with all of your kids and you never fight.


We sure did.


Our families never fight. It's like, yeah, no.


Families are just a bunch of people that are connected in an interesting way.




Yeah, it's really helped me. I have a 21 year old son and it's really helped me understand who he is and I have learned not to try and control the relationship. I'm just here and.


Because I'm such a strong energy in his life, I'm here to just help guide him and support him. I cannot step in and do these things. I unfortunately looked at his forecast and and saw some things, and I now know to just zip it.




They just got to go through what they're going to.


Go through, not like.


Right. Exactly. Yeah. And and that was my lesson too. And and I think that that's the biggest thing too, is, is if we were to understand.


The relationship dynamics between people I've worked with a family of a mother and she had. She has three adult grown children that are all fighting. And so I did and I I went through and I looked at not only their ruling numbers, but I also looked at the cosmic connections between each other and what.


Each of them brings to the other person so that they can understand each other on a deeper level because they're fighting over something that is just so minuscule and it's like, OK, you know what, like, and these are the things that they got to understand about themselves. And it's like, oh.


And so, you know, it's brought a little bit more peace and harmony into the interactions between each other, which is ultimately the goal is to is to bring that more peace and harmony into each.


Other's lives.


Yeah, yeah. And then it happens when when we understand that everybody has their place and we can just value them for being who they are instead of trying to force them to be something that they're not and they're never going to be and then getting mad at them because they're not the thing that we.


Want them to be?


Right, yeah.


It's not up to us to live their lives.


Busy. We should be busy living our own.


Yeah, well, that's what my boyfriend says. He he was. This is the first sort of, I guess relationship that he's had where he's like.


You don't want to change me. And I'm like, no, I I love you. The way that you are. Like, why should? Why would I want to change you? And he was like, well, I wanna change. And I'm like, well, that's up to you. That's your choice. And yeah. No, I'm not here to change. I'm I'm here to help you. My card, especially my energy is related to.


Death, rebirth, and transformation. That's who I am. And so when people work with me, I always kind of give them a bit of a heads up that there's going to be a little part of.


Them that dies.


And that might be the part that they don't like about themselves.


And that you're going to rebirth into some new energy and there's going to be transformation because I work with another layer within my coaching called the divine timing cycle. And so we are meant to, we're meant to go from awareness to transmutation on a regular basis and we are not meant to stay.


Stuck. That's not how the universe works. And a lot of people want to just stay the same and I'm like.


Yeah, OK. If you want to, then eventually the universe is just going to push you off the Cliff, either in health, career, relationships, you name it. So you decide it's your choice, but the universe has other plans for you. So I just suggest you kind of just play.


Along with it.






First has its own ideas about how things are going to go together, and you can you can kick and scream all you want, but it's much easier if you just kind of relax into it and get a little bit of a heads up and.


About what your purpose is and and how your relationships.


Can go.


Yeah. And I think that that's the biggest thing too, is that, you know the and I always start off with people understanding who you are first because.


You know, when I started dating, I was like, I'm sensitive. And to meet somebody that is, that doesn't want to understand my sensitivity, I can't be with someone like that because I need to have that empathy. I need to have them to understand.


Why I'm why I'm the way that I am. I don't want them to change themselves for me. But I need them to.


Yeah, to just understand who I am because I I say it right off the bat I, you know, and I also have within my within my energy I have black and white thinking and I sometimes don't see the Gray areas. And so there's lots of little things that I've learned about myself that I am so blessed.


To have learned because.


When I step into relationships with other people, be it clients or friends or or, you know, even my own family, I know that I can be a little bit overbearing. I know these things about myself and so I can just kind of take a little bit of a step back and just say, OK, you know what?


How do you want to show up here? And I don't always have to be a certain way all the time, which has taught me a lot about myself.


Isn't it kind of refreshing though, because I'm like that too. It's like I I know how to get this done. Let's just do it and and.


Get get this part done so we can move on to.




Next thing, and sometimes other people, they just want to go through the experience and I've had to learn to like ask, but it's giving me. It's taking the pressure off of me to be the person that fixes everybody's problems. It's like.




Ohh yeah, yeah it's it's huge and and I find that even now like.


You know, I have relationships even with like, my personal trainer at the gym. I I go to the gym so that she can boss me around. I'm like, just tell me. Just tell me what to do. She's also part of my energy that I work with and I'm just like, yeah, I'm. I'm here. You just boss me around. You tell me what to do and and I'll tell you about, you know.


This helmet.


Your relationship dynamics with your children, which is actually really cool as well.


So yeah, and I think that that's one of the things is to really just kind of lean into it and and not fight the fact that we have chosen our paths. We have chosen these lifes that we're here to experience these lessons.


For sure.




How do people get in touch with you if they're interested in working with you? And and most importantly, how to get the ruling number is considered one of the most important numbers in your numerology chart, and they can find that.




Through your website. Yeah. So I have a website so www.adrianharris.ca you can also find me on socials. Adrian H coaching. I'm on Instagram. I'm on Facebook and I think it's, you know, that was one of the things was because of my hypersensitivity, I was kind of like.


You know in the background and now I'm just like, no, people need to find me. People need to reach out and I'm actually in the process of I'm going to be starting a podcast with another numerologist. So I'm super excited. Yeah, it's, you know, this is kind of one of the things that.


Has been on my.


You know, just sort of on my bucket list of things that I want to do. It's part of my vision. So when I work with people, I always look at values, vision and lifestyle. What is it that you want of this life? Right? Because I think I asked a lot of people. I'm like, what do you want? A lot of people can't answer that question. So I'm a tough coach.


I am. I work with people who are very self, self LED and self motivated and I won't. I won't drag you kicking and screaming. That's not who I work with. I work with people.


That really want to know about themselves and really want to enhance their life through working with me. That's a that's a major goal of mine. So yeah.


That's very cool.


It has been.


An honor getting to chat with you, Adrienne. What's the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from this conversation?


Based on this.


I, to be honest with you, I think I posted about this the other day. Is is that?


When we don't understand something.


We are programmed to judge it.


And so I would just love for people to just have an open mind and possibly set their programs and their beliefs aside and be open to something new. And to be curious because that's what our soul has come here to experience.


I love that.


We'll leave it with that. Thank you so much for joining me.


Awesome. Thanks for having me, Jill, it was.



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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the World—Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to see in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist & host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world. Join our private community, where you will find support, networking & collaboration, get featured on our podcast and we also provide coaching to help you find clients with podcasts. It all starts with joining our community! (it's free)