Amy Pons - Empowering Women in the Workplace
In this colorful episode, Amy Pons, a Clairsentient master certified coach, emphasizes the power of embracing and channeling emotions constructively. She highlights her role as a transformational life coach, helping professional women tap into their unique brilliance, shed societal conditioning, and become authentically aligned with their true selves.
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Hi and welcome to.
::The You World Order Showcase Podcast today we are speaking with Amy Pons. Amy is from head to heart and she is the Clairsentient master certified.
::Coach, this is so exciting. We were chatting about the divine feminine and the divine masculine powers that are at play right now was kind of an interesting little discussion. I'm so happy to have you on our show, Amy, and tell us about you. What you got going on?
::Maybe we'll delve back into Vanna White and.
::Her situation.
::Absolutely. When I'm on this vibe over the past year when someone asked me how are you? I'm no longer just doing more of the same of, like, good. How are you? It's like, wait, let me pause and check in and see how I'm really doing. So when you asked me how am I? I was like, you know what? I'm feeling a little better.
::This morning I was super ****** and like ragey and it, I call it my sacred rage because.
::There's something that I've been sitting with for the past year in my own healing about I didn't. I didn't think that I.
::In my spiritual journey and leading with light and love and my heart, I swung the pendulum the other way, and I thought that I couldn't.
::Be mad and I was like, no, I can be mad and it can be gorgeous because anger, anger can lead into beautiful, inspirational passion.
::And that's what I have. That's kind of the difference. So I kind of within myself, I said anger is like, OK, anger is coming up.
::I say hello to her. I welcome her in.
::And then as long as I'm getting to a next step, then I'm not dwelling in the unproductive space. That can be anger. So that's kind of how I move through it. So I'm. I'm. I'm.
::Love that? That's so.
::Beautiful. And I'm thinking of fire. Anger and fire are often connected, but passion is also connected with fire and consumption and.
::Fire destroys, but it also.
::Creates its energy. It's not like one of the elements, it is.
::It's it's self.
::Hour. So I love how you were talking about just sitting with anger and letting it visiting with it. And yeah, I like that.
::It's part of you. It's part.
::Of you and it's a part of you that could be either within this lifetime or it could be energy from the past. It could be anything. So just giving.
::Everyone, including energy that you can't see or hear, wants to be seen and heard, so they'll tap you in other ways. So it's an invitation, always so about me, that's a little bit I am a.
::I have beautiful gifts that I've been able to unlock for myself the past year as I have gone back inward. So the 1st 20 years of my life was in.
::Surrounded in experiences.
::That I signed up for before I got to this plane, but I signed up to be able to learn as a human what, you know, physical, mental, emotional abuse looks like. And then in my 2nd 20 years, I realized that what felt safe and familiar to me was more of the same. So I entered in corporate America was perfect for me because I was wanting more.
::Of that.
::That trauma, that Abuse II that felt safe to me at.
::This time and then.
::In 2010.
::All the you know the trauma from the old 20 years and like what was starting in the new 20 years kind of came to a head and I attempted to take my life and that's.
::What led me into?
::What if I didn't do more of the?
::Same what if?
::I were to and I started to kind of I look back on it and I think about my soul was starting to.
::Stir my soul.
::Started to remember.
::What it was to be a soul and that I signed up to be here on this human plane. So I was like, alright. And I didn't know this much back then. I just knew that I didn't leave the plane on purpose. So good news is I stayed here bad or not bad? Nothing's good or bad like.
::So but the opportunity, the other in other, I love that in other news.
::The news.
::I did actually jump back into corporate and it felt really good for a minute because I was actually in a space where I was helping others with their overall health and I was like, cool, you know, I was doing marketing for health and Wellness, vitamin company and.
::That felt really nice. And then things shifted in my personal life in a good way, and brought me to a new crossroads into OK what I want to do next. And because I had this awesome at that point, it probably would have been.
::Ohh. 10 years of this amazing large scale corporate marketing experience. I shifted into another corporate world for the past decade and that was the most.
::Integral part of my life as it relates to my purpose. My self value my self worth, because for the first few years I was in those like battered situations still with like bosses and I was like again seeking and gravitating toward the energy that was going to help me feel safe, which again at the time was more of that.
::That that, abusive, that traumatic kind of.
::Mentality. And so the first five years in, in the last organization, that's what I felt. And then about five or six years ago.
::I started to lead the Women's Empowerment Employee Resource group at the Corporation I was with and that.
::That speed up my awakening and my enlightenment, because that allowed me to see.
::One my self worth and value.
::Has that that I needed to go inward and work on that one too. It did not. I knew from my clear cognizance like I knew my worth and value did not align with the work I was doing, kind of nine to five and I was like, OK, interesting. And then that third element of the women's.
::Empowerment group.
::Allow me to realize that one I wanted to be on the front lines as part of the solution for not just women, but humanity to say how do we help raise our vibration overall? Because again, we've gotten into this space where humanity is flipped and it's kind of the IT not kind of it is at the bottom.
::I will say it the standard average workplace in America is broken. So.
::I started to get into that vibe for about three years and then.
::But I loved it. I coached hundreds of women to their next best step, whether it was in the organization or outside of the organization, and that felt that lit me.
::The hell up. I loved it.
::And then I also brought that into the folks that were my direct reports and I loved that too.
::So then my last stop after so I retired in quotes. I retired from the Women's Empowerment Group because we shift every few years to make sure other women get the chance to lead. And so I and I was promoted again into an executive role. And so I moved away from the women's group and walked into a role that was.
::Probably the most.
::Toxic I've ever had, and I am so grateful. Not grateful for the abuse. Not grateful for the trauma. Grateful that my Spirit squad.
::Gathered and said OK, we're going to.
::Do one more time.
::We're going to see if Amy gets it this time and I say that facetiously. Spirits not out to trick us, but our Spirit Squad will try to help us remember what we signed up for on this plane, so they lovingly put this.
::This in experience in my in front of me and it was kind of like a.
::A switch about a year and a half ago and I said, oh, oh, no, no. What? You know, and nothing around me felt safe or good. And the familiarity that I always had known no longer felt safe or familiar. And I was like, oh, I got to do something now. OK, this is this is OK. OK.
::Master alarm beep, red flash so.
::That was a gorgeous experience that I started into, and I also started numbing with alcohol so hard because I did not know what to do with anything.
::That I was.
::Feeling the spiritual stuff the you know the corporate stuff like the always what I had always known and.
::Felt safe with stuff. Nothing felt safe or familiar so numbing hard, and then I, but I was stirring. You can see like my soul was starting to like really help me feel really uncomfortable so that I would.
::Like start doing the work at some point.
::I visited Salem MA a year ago in October.
::So like the absolute, the energetic vortex of Salem and it, you know, and I had my very first tarot card reading and we sat down and the reader was like, whoa, you're magical. I was like, and I thought that was silly. I was like, OK, yeah, you say that to everybody. But he was like, no, you could seriously read my cards. I'm like.
::OK. And I kind of grasped on that. I was like obsessed with it. I was like, what does that mean? And I didn't work on it with him anymore, but I really went inward and said what does that mean? What does that mean that I'm powerful and I'm magical? What does? What does that mean? And I started to realize. So first and foremost, I said, today's my last day.
::At my corporate.
::A year ago and then I had no plan.
::I just knew.
::I could.
::Keep going.
::I chose not to because I had set a firm threshold and had my own back with what I was willing to tolerate going forward in all facets of my life.
::I shut down all engines after I was like I got a few more corporate offers after I left my corporate job and I was like, what am I doing? I left for a reason. Let me take an intentional pause, so I needed to shut down everything. So I did that the rest of the 2022 and then.
::In 2023, the beginning of this year.
::My husband and I were doing a lot of end of life planning. That's what I was like, really passionate about. I was like, let's get our affairs in order. I was just really, really wanting to get some things done and it.
::Was just part of my process while I was.
::Doing that, he.
::Asked. Well, you know, and a couple of companies had asked me to consult and I.
::Was like, yeah, I'm not.
::Ready yet? And he was like.
::But sometime like maybe it makes sense to start an LLC I'm.
::Like sure.
::Let's do that, and then the attorney is like, what do you want?
::To call it.
::And I said, you know what I want to do.
::I want to unlock the magic in people.
::That is already in them.
::That has been.
::Cloaked or conditioned, or dimmed, or tamped down?
::All the things.
::That they were told not to be themselves. So I launched, I launched unlock the Magic on February 9th this year and.
::I do. I'm a I'm a master certified life coach. I got my certification in the spring. I've been exercising and practicing my gifts, which is again, Claire. Sentience, clear cognizance. I know when I create a safe sacred coaching session with my clients. I already know where we get to. We need to get to, but I tap into your energy.
::To help me way find and help you feel safe too, find what we're trying to get to so that your again going from your head to your heart, finding out what your heart wants to say and feel, and maybe your head won't let you or not let.
::That we all have our free will, but the mind is protecting you from perhaps doing something that could be unfamiliar. So we get into that and I'd still tap into my marketing routes and.
::Now I'm on this gorgeous, gorgeous journey of flow and feeling through what my next steps are and.
::I'm awake.
::That's a little bit, isn't it?
::I always love hearing people's journeys, how they get to this point and it's.
::It's such a lovely space to be in.
::But it.
::It doesn't. Just like you don't open the door and walk through it and then suddenly you've arrived. There's so much involved in the process.
::So how do you actually work with your?
::Clients I know you said.
::You work intuitively and connect with them, but how does that look in practical terms?
::One to one on zoom.
::What types of things do you help people with? I mean, how would somebody know that they?
::Were your perfect client.
::Oh gosh, I don't like the word perfect.
::But I get it.
::You're in perfect client then.
::By or like the. So here's what people can expect when they come to me.
::First of all.
::I post all the time on my social platforms. I have my podcast so my voice is out there. My beliefs, my values, my ideas, my vibes, and if and so what's beautiful is I'm kind of putting out the bat signal. Like here's what I do and who I am.
::As client, as people come to me and say I think I might need a coach.
::We have what's called a vibe check. Am I going to be the right fit for you and vice versa? Because.
::As I was saying before.
::I want to be angry with.
::You I want to.
::Get in the.
::The I will get in the trenches with you.
::But and.
::You should expect that we will get out of the trench together, and if you're not wanting to get out of the trench, I might need not be the best fit and it might be something different. You might need to focus on.
::So I would say that my client roster right now and by the way, it's all women, which I love.
::I'm not opposed to working with men, but women gravitate toward me because of I'm a ****** feminist and humanity equity person in general, so.
::Because we know that the divine feminine is being called back in after thousands of years of being exiled.
::A lot of the things that I do and say resonate with the women that are feeling the big pinch right now in those workplaces that are broken and by broken, I mean.
::There hasn't been the allowance for harmonial balance with the feminine masculine. There's just been one way. So that's what a lot of women are feeling.
::Right now you can expect with me come to me wanting to do the work because we go deep.
::And if you don't want to go there.
::I'm not sure how much we can do in terms of the transformation that you're trying to make and honestly the people that come to me, they're ready to do the work. When you raise your hand and say I am interested in a coach, it's likely that you 9 times out of 10 would say you are ready to do the work because and what what's actually really gorgeous.
::There is by simply saying I would like a coach and starting to work with me. The universe literally starts moving mountains out of your way and.
::Every client that I've had within two or three sessions, they'll get a new job offer. They'll have this other opportunity and we start making the moves needed for them to become their highest self. And So what people can expect from me.
::To answer your question.
::I hope you get back to.
::The you that was.
::Able to dance like no one's watching. Like, let's go back in time. Like what age was that? What age did you start hearing that? It's just your imagination that, oh, don't sing at restaurants. It's impolite. Just like societal conditioning. Where? Where were you on that?
::And we as a coach, we don't dwell on past, we go forward, but it's important to identify when the conditioning started so that we can start to.
::And do it.
::And that you can step into your unique brilliance. That's what I do. I'm the trusted ally in the sounding board to be right there with you through that transformation. And I have the 20 years of corporate and marketing to, you know, from a business perspective to help understand where these women right now.
::In the workplace.
::Mainly, it sounds like you're helping professional women who are feeling kind of stuck.
::Yeah, maybe the.
::I don't like to tell them that they're stuck or trapped with to your that to your point, there are so many things that are limiting that have been put on us like.
::Not that they are, but they feel like that sometimes feel like I can't quit this job because I've got all these things, all these obligations and all.
::Sure. Right.
::These things that I put on myself, that are creating barriers around me like a prison. I mean, we create our own little prisons sometimes.
::We start to move from cant to could and once I have that could.
::I'm like a little I'm like.
::A little door.
::Door opener like I'm just.
::Like, oh, there, there. Let's go there.
::That's where we get to is going from camp to could and to just start wondering what's possible. I still hear women every day and a lot of networking sessions that I am they will, they will say something that is very historical and patriarchal. For instance, I can't because.
::That is the old world. The new world is that I can because I am.
::And that is what I'm trying to help usher in to women who have been handcuffed in this type of way so.
::And it's no one. It's not their fault. A lot of women, a lot of times, women are told get out of.
::Your own way.
::Well, I'm not in my own way.
::I'm not in my own way the again the overarching.
::World is in my way, and so we tap back into.
::Your unique brilliance amplify it and then be unapologetic about it as you seamlessly walk through and into your next step.
::And it allows people to be more authentic.
::And aligned with who they really fundamentally are, which is something that's trained out of us very young.
::I mean it's.
::It's not polite for young girls to be loud.
::Like that.
::Or expressive.
::No, **** that.
::For unique.
::That's my vibe. **** that.
::I hear you. I hear you. I feel the same way. It's taken me a lot of years to reach the point where.
::It's just like.
::I don't care. I'm just going to be who I am. And if you like it, great. If you don't, great.
::Great and.
::Of some people.
::And go on.
::Go on with light and love. We will move away with light and love. It does not have to be a lot of.
::People will say because I use.
::Curse words or that I have passion.
::That I'm ******.
::Well, maybe I.
::Am ******. I also have so much love and passion and bursting from me I genuinely want.
::For people to find that peace and grace and calmness in their central nervous system that we've.
::Never been able.
::To have do it for yourself and if someone if people, places and things do not align with your higher self and serve that.
::Release with light and love nothing bad has to.
::Happen you're not a *****.
::Give yourself the permission to say.
::When do I feel my most alive?
::And chase the **** out of that. That's how we're up leveling the vibration of humanity and being able to usher back in.
::Who people really are as unique, brilliant souls and not just this fallen line conformed version.
::That we'd have to ask that to be so interesting is that so for women? What I'm what? I'm starting a conversation about is I'm bringing in women from every generation. So traditionalist boomers, ex millennial Z, and I think it's what's under Z alpha or something bringing those women all together.
::Competing with each other.
::Because there's a lot of assumption that.
::We don't have common ground. Ohh we do.
::And so I'm creating a space a safe space with empathy and no judgment.
::Or try to anyway.
::We're human, still bringing together generations and say, boomers what? What are your assumptions about?
::The generations before you or after you, and how do you feel today? And we do that along every generation so that we can make space for each.
::Other but also find that neutral common ground so that we can.
::Say all right.
::This world, especially post pandemic.
::None of us know how to do it. Can we all agree on that? Let's come together.
::And say what?
::Do we want the new world to look like and?
::Z's doing it right now in their own way. They're saying Nope, not doing that. Millennials are like, holding their fingers in the damn, like, between.
::All the gems.
::And then you know every and then there's some folks that are just like I'm out.
::Bye. And so it's just kind of.
::Bringing together, squashing some of the assumptions. Better understanding, healing through it so that then we this group of women, this conversation that I'm starting can have a ripple effect across the world and we can we can really drive the true impact and change that I so desperately want and see so that.
::Everyone can lead with like with that unique brilliance that is already again in them.
::Speak in my language, girl, speak in my language.
::I'm all about Coopetition where everyone is unique, everyone.
::Is really good.
::At the thing they were gifted at, we don't have to compete with each other. We can just lock arms and all of us bring our a game and it just makes it so much better. Instead of 1 having to be.
::Better than the other.
::We're all better.
::Or unequally. It doesn't really even matter. It's just.
::It doesn't. It doesn't matter. No women.
::Being in the flow where you're supposed to be.
::We were taught, though, to compete with each other because there's only ever one spot, if any, for a woman to be at the table, so to speak. I hate that saying, but there was only ever one spot. So then it was like well.
::Figured it out. Duke it out and it was like, no, I reject that unsubscribe.
::I I'm feeling that happening more and more now than it ever has and I.
::I am a boomer and I remember what it was like when I was in my 20s and 30s and dealing in the corporate world and dealing with you.
::Know the whole glass.
::Ceiling thing and it was just. It was just after the Civil Rights Act when women actually started to be able.
::To be women.
::And work in the workplace without.
::So a lot of the.
::The Ickiness and I was on the tail end of the ickiness. That happened a lot.
::In in the workplace, you know they talk about, you know.
::I can't remember what they call it.
::But it was just like you're.
::You get hit on by guys. They think that was totally fine and no.
::Yeah, all of that stuff.
::It's illegal now, but it didn't used to be.
::And I would say it's still rampant.
::It is, I mean you.
::Even though it's a.
::Bill O'Reilly.
::Lost his job over it.
::So it's like it's interesting because.
::From that perspective.
::I do have genuine.
::I have space in me to hear.
::The sides of people that are misogynist because I've learned.
::That leading with leading with that rage or anger that I've had this whole segment, their list, their tuners or the listeners will turn off. So if someone were to say something that offends me, I will lean in and say tell me more because we all have to remember.
::None of us were born with those ideas.
::Well, in some cases, depending on we pick up as we pick up our mother's grandma's great grandmothers, everything in the womb, I digress. My point is, we're taught a lot of things. So if you can provide if you can just give yourself just the tiniest lens to.
::Have any sort of grace for those people who?
::Don't know any better or refuse to know any better.
::They might not be your people and they don't.
::Have to be.
::But keep in mind your peace.
::Your mission and what I like to say is I give everyone space and grace, and if I don't, if some if I don't feel safe in the conversation or if I don't feel that I'm going to vibe with someone, I just remove myself, I have free will and autonomy over that. So I do that with light and love. Again nothing.
::It has to be.
::And we've kind of reached a point.
::As a.
::A collective that.
::There are we are learning.
::How to set boundaries?
::And there was a time between manners and boundaries.
::When it was kind of.
::Like a free for.
::All and to me, it's really nice to see this term boundaries come up.
::And boundaries just allow people to interact with each other in the way that they choose to be interacted with.
::It's you can set your own boundaries, but when you set your own boundaries, it makes you aware that other people have boundaries also, and so you can respect their boundaries.
::And you know, again, you don't have to like everybody, you don't have to interact with everybody.
::If you recognize that what they're doing and how they're doing it doesn't align with what you want in your life, you can just.
::Walk away from them.
::It's fine and it doesn't.
::Have to be personal even.
::Nothing bad has to happen.
::I think and that's the struggle, I think that a lot of women are facing because again, we're supposed to be polite, good girls and if we are saying goodbye or releasing someone in our lives, especially family.
::It's still not allowed.
::To a certain extent, millennials, I mean, we're.
::Jill, will you be part of my intergenerational conversation?
::I would love to.
::Thank you.
::I would absolutely.
::Let me know if you.
::Love to.
::Have any?
::I need. I'm just. I'm on the gathering right now of women who want to be part of this conversation, and there's not a lot of criteria. It's just that, like, which generation, where, when you know, where were you born in, like, what? And if the goal of that.
::Is like what were you?
::Taught where? Just to get a sense and then.
::And then all come together, and those who have capacity to give safe space is the ones that I'm looking for so great. I will jot you down. Thank you and anyone else you think of any other woman that would be part of the that would want to be part of this conversation of any generation.
::Would love to have him.
::Now I have several generations in my.
::In my family, my kids, they span from my youngest is 19 and my oldest is 41.
::So I've got them all in there.
::How do people get in touch?
::With you, if they want to work with you.
::Where are you showing it?
::I'm on LinkedIn.
::Yeah, LinkedIn and Instagram are. My Instagram is unlocked the magic under score.
::And LinkedIn is Amy ponsis magic.
::And my website is.
::Makes it easy.
::And what's the one thing you want to leave the?
::Audience with today.
::Remember who the **** you are.
::I'll leave it with that.
::I loved it.
::Thanks so much for joining me, Amy.
::Thank you.