Episode 62

Published on:

24th Sep 2024

Radiant Health with Dr. Beata: Empowering Wellness and Breastfeeding Success

In this episode of The You World Order Podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Beata Harasim, a holistic and integrative doctor who is dedicated to helping individuals get to the root of their health issues while empowering them to amplify their energy and vitality. Dr. Harasim dives deep into the world of holistic health, discussing her unique approach to healing and the critical role that breastfeeding plays in supporting both mothers and babies.

The Foundation of Holistic Health

Dr. Beata Harasim's approach to health is rooted in holistic and integrative medicine, which means treating the whole person rather than just addressing symptoms. She believes that health is not just about the physical body, but also about mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This multifaceted approach allows her to address underlying health issues rather than simply treating surface-level symptoms.

One of the most important aspects of her practice is focusing on finding the root causes of health problems. By identifying and treating these root causes, individuals can achieve better long-term health outcomes. Dr. Harasim emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for our health and making informed choices that will positively impact our well-being.

The Importance of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a topic close to Dr. Harasim's heart, and during the episode, she shares her passion for supporting new mothers on their breastfeeding journey. Breastfeeding is not only beneficial for the baby, providing vital nutrients and antibodies, but also for the mother, as it helps with postpartum recovery, bonding, and emotional well-being.

However, Dr. Harasim recognizes that breastfeeding can be challenging, especially for new mothers. She offers practical advice and strategies to help moms succeed with breastfeeding, including the importance of getting the right support and understanding that it’s okay to ask for help. Dr. Harasim believes that every mother’s breastfeeding journey is unique and encourages women to be patient with themselves as they navigate this natural, yet sometimes difficult, process.

Building a Support System for New Moms

In addition to breastfeeding support, Dr. Harasim emphasizes the importance of having a strong support system during the postpartum period. Whether it’s family, friends, or healthcare professionals, having people around to provide guidance, encouragement, and help can make a significant difference in a mother’s physical and emotional health.

Dr. Harasim also stresses that it’s crucial for women to take care of themselves after giving birth, reminding new mothers that their well-being is just as important as their baby’s. Self-care is a critical aspect of postpartum recovery, and Dr. Harasim provides tips for mothers to prioritize their health while caring for their newborns.

Empowering Women Through Holistic Health

Throughout the episode, Dr. Harasim speaks passionately about empowering women to take control of their health. Whether it’s through breastfeeding, managing stress, or addressing deeper health issues, her goal is to equip women with the tools they need to live healthier, more vibrant lives. By focusing on prevention and wellness, rather than simply treating illness, Dr. Harasim’s approach to healthcare is both transformative and sustainable.

She also discusses her Radiant Health Protocol, which is designed to help individuals unlock their full health potential through a combination of nutrition, lifestyle changes, and holistic practices. This protocol focuses on balancing the body, mind, and spirit to achieve optimal health.

Final Thoughts

Dr. Beata Harasim’s approach to holistic health and breastfeeding support offers a refreshing perspective on how to achieve well-being. By focusing on the whole person and addressing the root causes of health issues, she helps individuals lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. Her passion for supporting new mothers on their breastfeeding journey is particularly inspiring, as she encourages women to embrace their unique path and seek out the help they need to succeed.

If you’re interested in learning more about holistic health, breastfeeding, and empowering your overall well-being, this episode with Dr. Beata Harasim is a must-listen!

The 6 Pillars to Radiant Health https://bit.ly/6PillarsRadiantHealth


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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. I'm Jill Hart, your host and today we have with us Doctor Beata Harasim. She's a holistic and integrative Doctor Who partners with ambitious and purpose driven individuals who are ready to get to the root of their health and Wellness issues and aspire to amplify their energy and vitality with the radiant health.


Protocol. Welcome to the show, Beata and some really nice to have you here with.




Thank you so much for having me as a guest, Jill, and I'm excited to have this conversation with you and help spread awareness of some of these options for health and Wellness that some people may not know about. And again, just get more awareness and some experience as well. Hopefully during this interview as well.


Awesome. Awesome. So tell us how you got started. Did you just wake up one day and know this is what?


You had to.


Do so. I think most of us have had these very interesting journeys and so.


Looking back on like the pieces could not have felt more into place divinely if I had tried to plan it right. But as we're going through it, it doesn't make sense sometimes. So looking back, I'm originally a doctor of physical therapy, and so I was, I fell in love with the orthopedic manual, physical therapy world since I was 16. That was my first job.


So I'm going on over 20 years of clinical experience, which is kind of crazy to say, but back then, when we think of physical therapy, there's no pharmaceuticals involved, anything like that, really all of our treatment modalities are holistic. We have to work with movement, with blood flow, with circulation.


With various modalities, but we don't use pharmaceuticals so.


Looking back, I'm like that. Background was perfect for setting me up for what I do now, and so after years of doing that, I actually completed a residency and fellowship in orthopedic manual physical therapy, and I was in love with that. And then I had my beautiful daughter and I initially thought that, oh, yeah, I'd stayed home for a little bit.


And then I'd end up going back to the clinic and working again and again, that's when life took a turn on things. So she was born and experienced severe food allergies through my breast milk and she.


Didn't stop crying. Colic. You know, more than you could ever imagine she was pooping straight blood. This baby was just in distress the entire time. And as a mom, you do anything and everything for your child and you know, as a again, a practitioner already. I actually had a nutrition degree and a psychology degree.


As well, so I'm like, OK, this is probably a food allergy. I'm going to figure this out. You know, I've got this. So even with all that training, all that back.


And I went on doctor Google trying to figure things out. So I'm like, OK, I got this. I'm just going to eliminate dairy and maybe gluten and, you know, whatnot, and it'll be.




Well, that was a big, you know. No, no, that did not happen that way. And So what happened is we went on this huge journey of figuring out how to help my daughter.


How to help her feel?


And along the way I discovered my own health concerns, my own health issues, and discovered how to heal those and to gain Brady and Health. And after that experience, I really used that. I started my business and my practice to really support other breastfeeding moms because that is such a sub specialty and such a niche that.


Many practitioners don't don't know about it. I mean, we went to all sorts of practitioners early on and many just didn't know how to help us. They were natural practitioners, functional medicine, naturopaths, etcetera and their strategies. My daughter was too sensitive for them.


So we needed. I needed to figure out how to do this and so again, after years of research and looking at things, I finally found mentors that were able to support us and underwent mentorships etcetera. And then once I started that practice for the breastfeeding moms, what I realized is that I had moms coming to me who stopped breastfeeding.


Or who were never actually able to breastfeed and their baby was on formula. Or they found me when their child was older, but they had these concerns when they were little or, you know, sometimes the mom needed.


Of herself. So all of a sudden I was treating much more and working with a bigger population than just the breastfeeding moms. And I had this moment, this aha moment, where I was like, ohh my gosh, this protocol and this approach that I use is so unique and so powerful that really I can do this with anyone, no matter what health concerns they.


They have because the underlying root causes are the same and everyone, no matter what the health concern, it just presents differently.


And so when did that clicked? I realized how powerful this really is and how much I needed to get it out into the world.


That's amazing. So I have to ask you.


Some questions about this I I've had five kids and I was a breastfeeding mom and I.


Got grandkids and daughters and daughters in laws that are working on breastfeeding or.


Or gave up.


Because, you know, there are some that just are like my milk's not coming in. I'm. I'm just throwing up my hands and and giving up on it. But I know that you had some really.


Those are dire things when you start down that path and.


I I remember when I was breastfeeding my my youngest she she was.


Very severely jaundiced and they the doctors kept saying, no, you can't breastfeed her, which is like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I was 44. So I was kind of over them anyway. We did it after a lot of soul searching. And, you know, I I knew I didn't want to use formula because I really think.


Formula sets kids up for other problems later in life, especially with all the corn syrup that's in the formula these days.


It it, it has its own set of issues, but if you can't breastfeed.


I mean, you got to feed them something.




What what actually ever happened with your daughter? Was she able to continue breastfeeding? Were you able to like figure out what was going on in your body that was affecting her body?


Yes, exactly. So we embarked on this huge healing journey. She is actually 6 1/2 and we are still breastfeeding. And you know we are going with natural term breastfeeding and I like you just said I recognize the incredible benefits of breast milk.


And you know, again, there are some moms who can't for one reason or another. But if it is in your heart that you want to breastfeed and you feel that that that's right for you know that there is always a way. And so that is one of the things that I became known as the mindful breastfeeding mom at one point because I encompassed, you know.


Stress management, nutrition, but also the physical kind of components of breastfeeding in the approach that I used as well, which again is so some some specialty and some specific. But there are so many wonderful things that we can do.


And if your child isn't able to breastfeed for whatever reason, there are alternatives, so you know there are ways that I actually help clients make a homemade formula that is safe and highly nutritious. There are also donors, so you can find someone who may be able to donate.


A smoke as well, but absolutely. And that's one of the things is that when I meet moms now who are, you know, just starting out, I remember I see myself in them and now I can confidently say that no matter what you've got going.


And on.


I know you can get through it because I was there and I got through it. We were down to A2 food elimination diet at one point and we were, you know, doing everything that we thought we could at the time for healing and health. And now I can look back and see the patterns and see where there may be a mishap happening or where there's something that may be missed.


Because when we truly identify and address the underlying causes, you know the signs and symptoms go away they resolve.


And so yes, it's absolutely powerful. And again, this is just, you know, kind of a side for any breastfeeding moms watching or listening that it is. So it is absolutely possible for you. And again, breast milk starts off our gut microbiome for our babies. These are bacteria that.


No, you can't get from anywhere else other than the breast milk. Our immune health is literally seeded from not just our vagina, as the baby is born, but also through breast milk as well.


Well, and then you know, there are so many other benefits to it that formula just can't match when we're talking about a live substance versus something that is pre made.


Chemicals and it it it never is the same. And I used to. I used to have goats so I would help people with goats. In fact, my kids, my younger three. We didn't ever really have cows milk. We just had goats milk because I had goats for that.


I'm sure I can't hear you.


Not sure why.




I'm not sure why either.


Oh, can you hear me, Joe?


I can hear you.




That works. All right. Welcome back. As usual, there's technology and beta ended up getting bumped off, but she's back now, so we're just going to continue on. That's why she couldn't hear me.




We were talking about, you know, using goats milk as as another potential thing, rather than just if you, rather than using formula. But it needs to be unpasteurized goats milk whenever you pasteurize something, you take all of the pieces apart and you take all of the living things out of it and you stick it back together. So there's.


Absolutely no use for pasteurized milk out of the grocery.




It's just going to harm you, and that's why you have all of these dairy intolerances, because people have been taking these substances into their systems for years.


Like I have one son that is lactose intolerant and I I'm he's like 40 now. So I didn't know back then. What I know now, but I think it was just because I gave him pasteurized milk and he had formula for the most part, I didn't really breastfeed him very long.


And he.


He never really was able to develop the enzymes that you need to develop in your own body in order to digest milk, which you get from breastfeeding.


And you also get from the actual live.


Milk and and breast milk, even if it's somebody else's, is better than.


Is the next best thing to your own. Your own is designed for your children. There's a connection there. Your body makes what your child needs and is able to heal that way. And and. And I'm going to give one recommendation for all people that are getting ready to have their kids.


When you first bring that baby home a.


And if you have it at home, even better. But if you're going to have it at the hospital and you're coming home, make sure that you tell everybody. Don't come visit me. Give me a week if you wanna drop food off, great. Leave it at the front door. But don't come and visit me and my baby because we're just going to be getting established. You need a full week.


Or to our month is better to just sleep and feed that baby, get a get a routine established between you and the.


Child, you can have your other kids come in, it doesn't matter, but just don't have other people coming over to visit you where you're feeling like. Oh, I have to cover up and I'm going to be embarrassed or I'm going to embarrass them. It's it's setting you up for failure.


Absolutely. And I want to even add, you know, thinking back, I didn't know all the.


Just and I mean I thought that I had to not just clean up but also make food and host people, which now I was thinking like, how ludicrous is that it's, you know, absolutely that binding time with your child as much skin to skin as you can. I mean, I was walking around half, making most of the time and.




Yeah, yeah.


You know that is what you need. You need to rest. You need to have that skin to skin and to just be with your child. And that's where that mindfulness and the emotional and even nervous system work that I do comes in because so many moms are just so.


Dazzled. They are in the doing and they don't take that moment to slow down. And like you said, connect with the baby and the baby feeds off of our energy. If we're anxious, if we're stressed, the baby feels that. And that's actually a piece. One of the underlying.


Cause of colic is a dysregulated nervous system and the baby that's picking up on our dysregulated nerve.


System and so I I mean I could go.


Down this rabbit hole quite a bit, but.


It is, you know, one of those things that we need to just be and be present with that new little baby, that life that we brought into this world.


And I'm going to say the other part of that is if you feel like watching television and holding your baby or reading a book and holding your baby or journaling.


It's. I'm not saying that you need to spend a month just like looking at your baby because you know, then you start feeling guilty about that too. It's like ohh. I must not love my baby. I want to watch television. You know, if that's what you want to do. Just.


Do it. You're.


OK, I'm just. I'm talking about everybody and their brother wants to come and.


See this new baby.


Just tell him no, right?


Give them some time. Give yourself some time.


Soothing and it's it's permission for yourself and the permission to say no, which many of us have been taught. We're not. We're not allowed to or it's not OK to say that. And. And so again, that actually shows up that kind of more people pleasing nature can show up physically as well. So the way I I think of the body, it is just.


Onto everything is connected. The body is its own universe.


And so when we, you know, can't say no. For example, when we have these people pleasing tendencies, you know when we are stressed or anxious, that's going to manifest physically at the same time. And so not just physically, I mean there's mental and emotional health as well, spiritual health, but it can literally be.


A physical manifestation as well, which some people I know again.


Seven years ago, I did not see that connection yet and it was just, you know, that wasn't in my training at the moment and I didn't have that personal experience. But going through it and helping dozens of clients feel that shift, that is one of the most amazing things. I mean, I've had people with back pain with stomach pain with.


There was one person with a we'll call it a restricted rib cage, you know, and doing literally emotional energetics is the word that I call it. I didn't touch them.


And they feel the weight lifted. They're able to breathe now. They're able to have better digestion. So that is one of the root causes that very few people talk about. And again, connect that causation even to.


Yeah, we do store so much of.


It can even be self induced trauma because you know sometimes we just do it to ourselves when we let people come into our periphery, when we're not ready for them, or we just.


People pleasing is, I can say it's the worst because you know, I've been a people pleaser. A lot of my life where I really wanted people to like me and and I would never set my boundaries. And if and boundaries are another thing with little kids, you need to have boundaries for them. But you need to respect, teach them how to have boundaries and respect those boundaries.


So they understand how boundaries work, and then when they grow up, they're not going to have these.


Traumatic issues that we had, but they'll have different ones because everybody has trauma. Trauma was what teaches us and informs us about things we shouldn't do. Absolutely. And you know, you touched on a couple subjects there. One is that.




Developmental trauma is literally again a silent epidemic that the majority of us have experienced some kind of childhood trauma, childhood neglect.


Even Miss Attunement misalignment with our caregivers, that kind of feel very traumatic. So you may be thinking, no, I had a pretty good childhood, etcetera.


But if our caregivers were not attuned to our needs and to our maybe sensitivities, as you know, someone I was a very sensitive child, you know, or someone who, you know, wanted to cry or got angry frequently and maybe we were told not to cry or not to be angry. It's not OK to.


You know, do this or that.


That lives within our bodies. It becomes trapped, it becomes stagnant energy and again, then manifests into physical. But you know we can't stop just at that developmental trauma that also includes attachment, trauma, etcetera. But again, you know, even through the teenage years, there can be certain traumas that.


Happened to us with even bullying at school or being made fun of or whatnot, but then you know again there can be PTSD, complex PTSD that can happen into adulthood even and all.


All of that presents and lives within our body until we process and integrate it. So I wanted to mention that again, just to kind of really pull that that thought forward because.


For me, that was revolutionary. When I first started seeing the connections and feeling the connections within me and at the same time, it's so important to know that we have agency, that it's. These things may have happened to us.


And they may have happened for us. Is the way that I like to say that one way or another, it is for us, it is supporting us and I call in the divine often. And I just say it's divine timing. Whatever we had to go.




We did and now is our opportunity to have the Agency to learn from it.


And to grow from it and to be able to integrate it and move on into a different level into a different timeline, we can even say. And so that was absolutely transformational in our experience as well. And it's something I'm so past.


In it, with helping others see the connections and you don't have to be retraumatization. That's something that I also want to really put out there, that there are many ways of working with these emotions and energies that you don't have to relive traumatic experiences. You don't have to remember them.


I use a lot of somatic practices, so by using what's alive in our body.


We can help work with these energies and these emotions and integrate them, because sometimes people are like, oh, that can be scary. I don't want to go there. And you know, sometimes we need support of modalities such as E MDR is one that I often recommend, etcetera. But we can work with a lot just.


You and me at home or even I teach one of my biggest things is empowering.


Clients so that they don't have to rely on a practitioner for their whole life. So yes, I'm going to guide you and hold your hand through this process and I'm going to teach you how to do it yourself. That's one of the biggest things. So that not only can you do it for yourself, you can teach your kids, you can teach your family members, you can teach friends. And I think that was one of the.


The coolest things is, UM, recently we do EFT are tapping myself and I taught my daughter and I was doing a little workshop thing and we were doing some tapping and I had her watching TV while I was doing it. The single mom life. Sometimes we have to multitask, right?


And I all of a sudden, I realized she's ignoring the TV. She came over, sat next to me and just started tapping right along. And I was like, ohh, how cool. Like you really, you know, have embodied this, that this is more interesting than the TV is right now. I would take that as.


A win? Yeah, for sure and it.


It's all the more reason for moms, especially out there, who might be listening to.


Take on.


Coaches because when you get.


Trained to do some of these modalities, you will share them with your kids and it does change how the next generation approaches problem solving and these tools are are life changing. Learning how to to use EFT effectively.


It's it's not like you're sitting there beating yourself up. It's it's kind of I think of it as kind of like magic because I don't really understand how it works. All I know is that it works and you walk away from the situation. By the time you're done.


Feeling the the shift and it it's just sometimes it's really subtle, but it's it's huge and when you're feeling good and when you have the tools to approach the world from a.


From a positive viewpoint, your kids are going to feed it back to you and they will feed it to their friends and you know, it just mushrooms out beautiful way.


That's absolutely and that's actually a new kind of direction that I've been moving lately is actually training.


People who want to become practitioners with a mentorship, because that's what I've noticed is that my clients want to spread the word. They want to help others heal and help use and learn these modalities and these tools.


As well, and so that's something I'm very excited about because that's again, like you said, how we get that, I call it the ripple effect. You know, it's like one drop and now we can affect so many other people, we can affect generations and also practitioners who already are, you know, doing their modality, the Radiant health protocol encompasses multiple different modalities in a very unique and special way. So that.


Even if you already work, let's say with frequency, or maybe you do work with naturopathy or dietician or whatever it may be, you can encompass all of these and integrate them into a really powerful practice. So that's something that I'm very excited about.


Because that's really when we make this bigger impact on the world. And that's when I saw your podcast on, like you world order. Yes. Like, this is what I want to bring to the world.


Yeah, I'm. I'm all about.


This world order where people are are present and intentional in their lives and they're.


I mean, they're bringing their special gifts to share, and they can be respected and honored for them. Where not everybody doesn't have to be the best at everything and compete with each other. I like the word coopetition. Where you're the very best you can be at what you're you're gifted at and you can just appreciate the gifts of other people.


And you take other you go to other people and you get them to help you with the things that your.


You're not the best at and you let them let them shine and you stay in your lane and you help the people you're meant to help. And it just like the synergy is so, so yummy to me. Absolutely, absolutely.


So who are your ideal clients? Let me ask you that.


Yeah. So as far as health conditions, I work with all sorts of signs and symptoms and health conditions. I do focus on forming areas. So the first one is weight loss.


Because the protocol that I use is very effective for weight loss with that holistic perspective and integrative perspective, the next one is gut health and digestive issues and food allergies, and then the third one is again that breastfeeding, pregnancy and fertility. So trying to conceive population as well because again.


When we remove these blocks, when we nourish the body, when we detoxify, when we do all these things.


Just ideally before conception. Then the road ahead is actually much smoother as well, so that's something that I'm very passionate about helping moms not have to go through the experience that I did with again now being able to look back and be like this is what I would recommend to do differently. And then that 4th area is anxiety.


And burnout and overwhelmed so.


That these are these are all categories that I have personally experienced and are very near and dear to my heart and at the same time, you know, I've worked with people with autoimmune conditions, with depression, with various skin conditions, eczema again, that kind of falls into that food allergies categories so.


It's all connected, but those are my four UM kind of favorite areas I can I would.


I I recognize they're all very interconnected too.


Exactly, exactly. And it's really, you know, people who are willing to, like, dig deep, who are willing to do the work, who are willing to make the lifestyle changes, who are willing to take the time to be present and at the same time.


I also want to say that as a busy mom, I've been able to modify these modalities and these tips and techniques that I teach.


To fit into any lifestyle. So again, as a busy mom, I don't have hours to meditate every day and to, you know, do all of these practices. And there are ways that we can break them down and really make them what I say is be that we anchor them into your identity. They become your being. So it's not like a checklist where you're like, oh, I have to do this. And then I have to do that. And I have to do this for.


Two hours? That's not what this is. This is about creating little habits, but it's really mind shifts so that you become a different person. And when I say I say that it's you're transforming your health and Wellness, but your life as a whole. Because at the end, you walk out a different person than when you walked in. And so it's literally.


Anchoring into your being and not having it be extra things, it just becomes a whole new way of living.


Do you find with your clients that as they're they're making these little shifts that?


Eventually, they're going to have to change what they're doing and what they're eating and the choices that they're making, because if you don't change those decisions, then your outcome is not going to change. But there's a way to do it that doesn't feel like.


Oh my God. I have to give up that too.






Absolutely. And so that's, I do a lot of we can call it groundwork with getting really clear on our why getting really clear on the intrinsic motivation and inspiration getting really clear on how is this affecting my life as a whole. And you know this again goes way beyond just health and Wellness.


But you know, as far as relationships, how does it affecting my ability to show up in my career or my business? How is this affecting my financial life? How is this affecting my family life? How is this affecting my stress and mental?


And so when we really dig deep into that, that that portion, I call it Wellness by design, when we dig into the Wellness by design piece.


You have so much clarity and absolute certainty as to why it is so important that you take care of this now, not next week, not next month, but now and how it's going to affect your life that it almost becomes just useful. Like the strategies become.


It just it just flows. Is the word that I like to say because when you have that clarity and certainty, if there's an obstacle, you always have your why back there. You always have that in the back of your mind to keep you on track to get you back because life happens to all of us. We all have little slip ups or backslides or, you know, who knows what life throws in our lap.


And when we are so clear on our why and our intrinsic motivation, then everything else comes comes into play. And you know when again, when we're talking about diet changes, we look at that cookie in a very different way.


And we go all right, is this is me eating this cookie going to be for my highest and greatest good is how is this going to affect the bathroom trips that I'm going to have while I'm trying to do host a meeting or whatnot at work? Is this going to affect my energy levels later in the day when I'm trying to play with my kids? Is this going to affect my?


You know, just sleep. So am I going to be able to rest well tonight and then wake up refreshed and ready to go the next day? So we go layers and layers deep on that and that's one of the biggest.


I I think a really effective way of helping people work through some of those lifestyle and diet changes, especially in the beginning.


Yeah. And it's more of a moving towards rather than having to move away from right feeling right. And I think that it sets you up for success, but it also.


It makes you feel like you're you're doing something positive rather than denying yourself something that you think you.


Are going to miss and almost universally you don't miss it.


Right. And you know absolutely I like to focus on the abundance versus the lack. So what can you eat now? You know, when we're talking about the holistic nutrition nourishment pillars, we'll look at all these wonderful, nourishing, amazing things that you can't eat.


And that was one of my biggest UM, you know, strategies when we were down to two food elimination diet because, you know, that's not easy to eat two ingredients for months on end and when you think of wow, I'm able to make this amazing nourishing food that is not just nourishing me now it's nourishing my daughter through me.




It it just shifts the whole perspective. So you're not in a lack state, you're actually in an abundant state, which again helps health and Wellness come into.


Yeah, for sure for sure. So do you work mostly just one-on-one. Do you work in groups? How does how does?


That look, yes.


Yeah. So I have a hybrid program and so I do one-on-one consultations with everyone. I'd like to start off with a one-on-one consultation because then we do the whole assessment evaluation history taking.


And we create a custom plan.


And then from there, ioffer a month of support included in that consultation. So I have multiple resources already made, different trainings, different videos, workshops courses etcetera. So depending on what your unique needs are, I direct you to that. So that really you get multiple.


Consultations in one.


In a way, and I found that to be the most effective because there are certain things that are general that everyone can benefit from and then we tweak it and customize it specifically to you, depending on how things are going. And one of the things that I experienced again years ago was that we would go to, let's say, a naturopath.


The functional medicine doctor and we'd have our appointment and they'd be like, OK, see you in six weeks or see you in eight weeks. Well.


In those couple of weeks, a lot of questions came up. Am I doing this right? What happens if you know if this is happening etcetera? You know this rash is popping up that's happening. This is, you know, what do I do? And I remember feeling very alone and very confused at times on that journey. And, you know, to the point where I'd be up at 2:00 in the middle of the night.


Googling things, having insomnia, insomnia and anxiety because I needed the answer to this question. So that's one of the aspects of the concierge care that I provide is that.


You know you have a question, you send me an e-mail and I'm working on it for you. You know, 24 to 48 hours. But you don't have to have that in your mental load. I'm going to take care of it and more than likely, I already have a resource made for you or, you know, some kind of video or some kind of support already there for you. And so that is the.


Here and also again you check in so it's like alright, we start implementing the plan and this happens. Well, let's tweak it. Let's modify it because one of the other pillars that I have is decoding our body and that's being able to really understand what our body is telling us because it communicates with us all the time.


And so a lot of the time when we introduce something, when we change something, we need to learn how to tune in and pay attention to our body, what it is communicating with us, and then make the adjustments from there. So again, when you're in it, it can be hard to see that. And I know for me it was it was, you know, you're kind of in this tunnel, you've got narrow vision and you can.


Only see so much.


But now being on the outside and being able to see others do.


These there are so many patterns and things that I can pick up on that you know it's it's easy in a way to be like, Nope, this is where you gotta go. We're going to shift here. Keep on the course, whatever it may be. And so that's the way that I really love supporting clients and then that hybrid program allows people to still have the one-on-one support.


But also the community as well, which I find really important to have that support to be able to, you know, be on a call with other people and be like I'm not the only one going through this and we all learn from each other as well. That's the beauty.


Yeah, that it really is. The beauty of it.


I love communities.


There's just like there's magic in communities and you meet people that are on the same path you're on and you know, long beyond the time when you're in the program, so to speak, you you can collaborate on other things that you're doing and you just make friends and who can't use more friends in the world.




So one other resources that you do offer is the six pillars to radiant health. You want to talk about that for a minute.


Yes. So this is a free master class series that ioffer and it has lots of free bonuses. When you sign up for it. And it is a master class. The first part is the master class focusing on the six pillars of the Radiant Health protocol. So we've kind of alluded to a bunch of them throughout the interview, but they are holistic nutrition and nourishment.


Integrative detoxification, nervous system regulation, comprehensive gut health and healing, emotional energetics, and then decoding the.


So in that master class I touch on all of them and I give lots of action steps. So things that you can start doing today to start transforming your health and Wellness and then in the series again you get a deep dive, a guided exercise on for example that why getting a lot of clarity on what is your motivation, why are you doing this? Why is now the time to work on your health?


Right. What makes this a non negotiable? And then there are master classes on each of the pillars diving deep into those. And again just lots of action steps, lots of tips that you can take and start applying now. And and again it opens up the.




It it expands the consciousness we can say of health, how everything is really connected and how everything affects everything else. Again, in this quantum universe way and and yeah it's my gift to anyone who's wanting to learn more about this and to experience this themselves. And that's why I included some of those bonus guided practices in there so that people can.


Have the experience of going through it as well.


I love it. I love it and we'll put the link to that in the show notes.




What's the best?


Way for people to get in touch with you.


Yeah. So my website is www.holisticdrbeata.com and then my e-mail is the best way, just biada at holisticdrbiada.com if we can put that in the notes too.


Because that can be a.


A mouth a mouthful. But those are the best ways all over.


Social media as well on YouTube. So if you search doctor, be out of somewhere, you'll probably find me.


Awesome. Awesome. I have really enjoyed this conversation today. Doctor biado. So what is the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from the conversation today?


Yes, thank you so much still for having me as well. It's an honor to be here and thank you for having this platform and this opportunity to get our message out to more people. And you know what I really think of that last message.


I want people to know that no matter where they are on their health journey, that radiant health is possible and that no matter what you've already tried, maybe you've tried diets, maybe you've tried supplements, maybe you've tried energy work, there is an answer, and it is within.


That's ultimately it. It's within us and it's learning how to use.


These pieces together and to align with where we are in our journey. So I want people to have hope and agency that no matter what condition they're in, what, no matter what, what phase they're in, that there is healing and health possible for them as well.


I love that. Thank you so much.


Thank you, Jill. I really appreciate it.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the World—Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to see in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist & host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world. Join our private community, where you will find support, networking & collaboration, get featured on our podcast and we also provide coaching to help you find clients with podcasts. It all starts with joining our community! (it's free)