Building Wealth as a Team: Transforming Finances and Mindsets
In this episode of the You World Order Showcase Podcast, Jill Hart sits down with Brian and Jessalyn Pearson, real estate experts and coaches who specialize in helping couples align their values, transform their financial futures, and build wealth together. From overcoming communication hurdles to creating sustainable real estate strategies, Brian and Jessalyn share their inspiring journey and practical tips for building financial freedom as a team.
Discover how they help couples find alignment, avoid common mistakes, and create custom plans for wealth that match their unique lifestyles. They also share insights into the mindset shifts necessary to move from scarcity to abundance and how women, in particular, can claim their financial power to create lasting change. Plus, don’t miss their free resource, The 3 Mistakes Keeping High-Achieving Couples from Building Wealth and Freedom.
Connect with Brian and Jessalyn:
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- Listen to their podcast: Life by Design
This episode is packed with actionable strategies and inspiration to help you claim the wealth and freedom you deserve!
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::Brian & Jessilyn: Oh!
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Hi and welcome to the Uworld order showcase. Podcast today we have with us Jesalyn and Brian Pearson. They are coaches and real estate experts and help couples transform their financial futures with a passion for empowering couples to build wealth. They combine practical real estate strategies with the mindset shifts needed for true financial freedom.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And they're the hosts of the podcast life by design. Welcome to the show Brian and Jessalyn. It's really great to have you here.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Thank you for having us.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So tell me your story. How did you get started in all of this.
::Brian & Jessilyn: So we actually started investing in real estate together back in 2,009. When we 1st started dating. We weren't even married yet at that point, and when we got our 1st set of keys I was really excited, and this wasn't a home. We've both bought properties prior to that, but it was the ones we lived in right. But this was actual rental. And I was like, this is what I love about real estate. I want to buy a new property every 2 years.
::Brian & Jessilyn: and I didn't share that with him. I just decided that myself.
::Brian & Jessilyn: And then I took us down that journey. Now the thing is, as our journey unfolded we had to really figure out our roles, and his role was property manager, and so he had the bulk of the work. Once we had the investment.
::Brian & Jessilyn: and as time went on in 2016 we both had full time jobs as well, and then we had 2 boys in 2013, and then again 2015. So we were building our family. We're building our portfolio, our careers. We had a lot going on, and then he came home in 2016 and said, He's he's done no more properties. He can't manage anymore. And I was like.
::Brian & Jessilyn: I think you can. I didn't tell Matt either. So when he went away to visit one of our properties, because we had some out of province as well.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I did a lot of Googling, and I found a real estate investment networking group, and I signed him up, and so when he got home, I told him, and he wasn't.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Happy with me, but he went because I already paid for it, and that really changed his perspective and our trajectory as a family, because he was now in a room full of other real estate investors who could see and have done what I could see, but couldn't articulate or communicate to him.
::Brian & Jessilyn: and he came home so excited that night that he wanted to wake me up. But I was having none of that either. I'm like you can tell me in the morning, and that's when he realized that we can build a much larger portfolio, and there are ways to manage it. That isn't necessarily all you or there are different ways to do it.
::Brian & Jessilyn: so I'll let you take it from there. No, that pretty well covers it. It started off kind of a shotgun where we just decided to get into real estate. And we didn't really think about like any of the consequences and
::Brian & Jessilyn: things that have to actually go on in real estate. And in that we there was a lot of communication problems. There was a lot of, you know, strategy issues, all kinds of stuff. And finally, like around 2016, both of us came onto the same page
::Brian & Jessilyn: and started to actually work together. And that that's effectively like what we help couples with is like skipping all the 7 7 plus years of us trying to figure it out, and we just deliver our life in a package and let them figure it out. In a couple months.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: That's an awesome
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: gift to give people. It's not even a gift. It's a service that you provide for people so that they can become involved in real estate investing, which is far different than real estate that you're buying to for a house that you're living in.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: We we had a couple investment properties
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: because we didn't sell the houses that we were living in as we moved. So we had 2 rental properties, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I know some of the pitfalls because we'd bought them prior to 2,008, and everything came crashing down in the United States around real estate in 2,008, and we lost both houses along with the short of it. But
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But we learned a lot in in the process, so it wasn't all bad.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: but I'm sure that you help people with things like, you know, getting renters. Are you talking about rental property? Are you talking about real estate for like homes
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that our rental property. Are you talking about business properties? Is it a combination of both? Do you go in with other people? I mean, I've got so many.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Yeah, all of the above. Yeah. Well, I guess what sets us apart a little bit is that we have been in many, many networking events, conferences, all kinds of stuff, and we found ourselves sitting with couples where only one of the couple was there, and the other one was at home pouting or saying that you know they shouldn't be at this conference, and they don't want to invest in real estate.
::Brian & Jessilyn: and we would see this misalignment in couples over and over and over again, and we we saw it because we it was us at 1 point in the past.
::Brian & Jessilyn: And that's so. That's where we start is we actually get the couple on board together and make sure that they are actually in alignment to invest in real estate, because otherwise it's going to be a struggle, no matter how good the real estate deal is, it's going to be an issue between the couples, and eventually that deal, or that real estate portfolio is going to fall apart in some way.
::Brian & Jessilyn: So we start with the couple first, st and then we provide them with all kinds of real estate tools in the in the back end, to to help them actually functionally invest in real estate.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So do you do it as a co-OP, or do you help them? Just take their nest egg and and start.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Co-OP, as in.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Like you come together, you pool money to buy property, and then
::Brian & Jessilyn: Yeah. So we have joint ventures. We use joint ventures. I have actually a license here in Canada for the private capital markets. So I have access to like private real estate funds where you can invest in mortgages, you can invest in real estate itself, and many other different types of of real estate products. And and then we're also into multifamily, too. So you can come in and buy like a fractional piece of a larger building of some sort.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: That's really interesting. And as we talked about briefly before we started recording, you guys are in Canada. But all of these same principles apply everywhere just in the United States. How does.
::Brian & Jessilyn: So for the program where we coach individuals and couples that applies globally, because, like Brian was mentioning, we start with the foundation of like, okay, what are your values? Why do you want to be wealthy? What does wealth look like to you? And that might not be real estate?
::Brian & Jessilyn: Right? So we help them understand. And then we help them build a 90 day action plan to get them into action. Whether that's a joint venture with us. Real estate on their own, or maybe not real estate, but investing somewhere, somehow. So that applies globally. Now, when it comes to investing with us, a lot of it is in Canada, and we are starting to work with partners in the United States as well.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Awesome, awesome. So I that does take us around to it's not just about buying property. There's there's a lot of different vehicles it
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: around real estate. I can invest in mortgages. You know the person that
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: has a house down the street and is struggling to get financing through the traditional bank methods. They may look to investors to help them get into a house, and you can own a piece of that is that.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Hmm.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: 1 1 aspect of it, but it there's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I know that personally, I know that there are a lot of different mechanisms
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: around real estate where there's an investment opportunities, and they don't often really require huge sums of money to get started.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Yeah, real estate is a huge game. There's so many ways to to make money at it. So we teach something called your sleep at night factor. And that's the big thing where that, we teach couples because the couples are generally not in alignment to what they want to invest into. And so one of the couple, or sometimes both of the couple.
::Brian & Jessilyn: can't sleep at night based on what they invested into. They're they're stressing out about tenants, or they're stressing out that the economy is going to collapse. Something is something is worrying them. And so we go through their values to actually find the real estate product that is going to work best for them and help them sleep at night, that they're not going to worry about it. It'll it'll perform exactly as as they want
::Brian & Jessilyn: to perform, and they can rest easy. Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Not like it. It feels like it's like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: when you you have your 4 0. 1 K, and you can have the like. The really aggressive
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: portfolios, or you can have the the mid tier ones, or you can have the. You know
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you're getting old and you're getting ready to retire, so you need to take care of that nest egg. Let's not gamble with it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You have the whole gamut right.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Very, very similar. Yeah, yeah. And and so it's a mix of like, right from the, if you want the brick and mortar tangible, you're okay with what we call toilets and tenants perfect. We can help you plan for that and get into that market. If you absolutely want no work
::Brian & Jessilyn: right, and you just want to invest your money. That's where it's the private capital. And then there's stuff in the middle like joint ventures and other ideas as you mentioned. So yeah, it's a matter of educating them on their options and align it with their values. Who they are, what works with what they have already going on in their life whether they have careers run a business kids right? So we look at the whole package so that
::Brian & Jessilyn: they can build their wealth, not just financially, but most people when they want wealth, it's time they want time, freedom. And so we look at that. That's a big aspect, because that was ours, right? We really wanted to be able to have more time with our kids. And so that played into, okay, what are we going to invest in. What's that going to look like? How's that going to give us the time? Freedom we want to spend with our family?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I like that. And and a lot of this is what you discovered when you went to that conference by yourself.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Oh, that was that was just the kickoff. Yeah. So that was a networking group here in Canada, one of the one of the largest real estate networking groups that Canada has. And the problem was that we lived in a bubble before that right? So we were doing everything on our own. We didn't have other couples, other real estate investors around us to to support us.
::Brian & Jessilyn: And that's where Jess found the real estate networking group, and she put me into the room, and then, all of a sudden, I'm surrounded by like minded peers, and we bought 3 properties within the next 2 years due to that, like our real estate portfolio, just accelerated and tripled very, very quickly because we were around the right people. And and you just learn new ideas. You learn new ways to do things, and
::Brian & Jessilyn: that you didn't know before. And all of a sudden you have new paths open to you that that you didn't know you had. Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: That's a beauty of groups and community, and you just don't even know what you don't know. You think that there's like one way to do this, and.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You have to do all the crap work.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Yeah, that's 1 of the things we help couples with, because very often couples have 2 different ways to do things right. And and we bring them together to show them like, Hey, you know what your way works and your way works, and you can come together and like, find a solution in in the middle. Right? Yeah. And that at that point they they can actually like come to some type of an agreement where there was nothing before.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I love that a lot, because it's so easy to to have one part party of a of a couple, and when you're talking about investing. It's both of your money. You are a corporation between the 2 of you. If you're married or in a partnership, that's long term.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: all your all your resources are combined and your resources are more than just your money. It's your time, it's your relationship, really with each other. And and these kinds of of
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: things you need to think about when you're you're looking at investing. And I really appreciate that you guys work with people over their mindset and help them get
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: get a plan together that they're both on board with. One of them's not like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: coming along kicking and dragging their feet.
::Brian & Jessilyn: That happened. But like in the end, we get them into alignment and and have the same plan. Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that's awesome. So do you work one on one with people? Do you work in groups with them? How does how does all of that look.
::Brian & Jessilyn: How do you should be able to.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: With you.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Yeah, so we have group programs. That is more for the individual. Because generally couples kind of like to keep their stuff. You know, to themselves, they don't want to share it to to a whole bunch of other couples, or a whole bunch of other individuals.
::Brian & Jessilyn: So generally couples. We work individually, and Jess and I will both coach them, because we have obviously the the male and the female perspectives and and the the different sides that we had to come from to to come together as a as a single unit. And yeah, it. So it's really kind of based on on the person or the couples need that on where they get coached, and how they get coach.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, that sounds great. And so you're not like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: kicking out single people. And no, you're on your own. Okay.
::Brian & Jessilyn: No, we've actually we did we, when we originally kicked us off. It was we were just saying we work with couples, and we just had so many be like, well, will you work with me if I'm not in a relationship? And we're like, absolutely, because if you want to build your wealth, we can help you. You don't have to be in a partnership now, if they are in a relationship, and they want to work just them. And we get that, too. We actually get that a lot. We still will work with them. And the way we work here is that our price is the same for one or both of you.
::Brian & Jessilyn: So if your partner isn't interested now, just know that he or she can join next week, or they can review it in private, but we make it open to both of them, so that they know that, like that, we firmly stand behind. It will work better for both of you if you're together on this. But we understand that sometimes some people want to build their wealth and their partner just isn't there yet.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, I can totally respect that. And I like that. You.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You leave the door open, but you're not forcing them to walk through it.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Can't do that voice works best. In my opinion.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: In my experience.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: yeah, people are gonna do what they want to do. So what kinds of people do you work with.
::Brian & Jessilyn: We generally work with. The so the couples are usually between, I'd say early thirties to around 50. They're at that stage where they've passed the. They've kind of built their career. They're past the marriage state. They're comfortable in their relationship, whether they're married or not, and they're ready to start looking at
::Brian & Jessilyn: the wealth, what that looks like for them. And again, whether that's early retirement time, freedom, you know, saving a legacy. Maybe they have kids, and they want to know? Like, what's that going to look like for my kids when I when I move on so they're in that stage of their life, and then when it comes to like individual or singles.
::Brian & Jessilyn: that again ranges. But it's I'd probably say, the same demographic.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: What kind of what kind of disposable or excess income for investing would you say people need to have in order to start
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: looking at building wealth versus just, you know, survival mode.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Yeah, I mean in Canada. Here it ranges all over the place in Toronto and Vancouver. You need a lot of disposable disposable income, because the rental prices and housing prices are very high.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Here in Edmonton, you know, housing is half the price as Toronto or Vancouver. So it really depends on where they're coming from. But in in general. What we help with mostly is finding either how to make more money or finding money. That they didn't even know existed like a lot of people won't use their house to like build wealth when that's 1 of the one of the best ways you can build. Wealth is out of your house, because otherwise you're just.
::Brian & Jessilyn: You're just spending money into your house and hoping that the price goes up one day. So there we really open up people to like different avenues, regardless of whether they are, you know, a high income, individual or or or just like a really go getter who's who's starting out their career.
::Brian & Jessilyn: It will meet them wherever wherever they want to, so long as they have the motivation and the and the drive towards real estate and wealth, and once they have that, it's pretty easy to coach them along and and have them, you know, really open their mind to to new ways of doing things.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So what are some kinds of the returns that people could expect on real estate?
::Brian & Jessilyn: That's all over the place kind of like what you were talking about earlier. If you're, you know, retiring, and you really need to protect your investment. Maybe you need to. Maybe you need to lock it into something that's like super stable, not not going to move in value, just going to pay you a nice return. And you're, you know, 5%. If you're younger, then maybe you can get more aggressive. You can invest into some riskier markets, and then you
::Brian & Jessilyn: you can get like 25, or higher, depending on again how risky you want to go. So that's where the sleep at night factor comes in. It's like, you know, are you? Are you almost on the verge of retirement? Do you really want to invest in that high risk? 25% return where all your money could disappear, that we would probably
::Brian & Jessilyn: move them away from that into something that is a little bit more sensical for their that time of their life.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And how often do people lose everything.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Well, I mean you can lose anything at at any time with me in the private capital markets. We we don't have an F. Word, we have a g word. It's like there's no guarantees. And and it is true, like you. We were. We were talking about 2,008 before. And
::Brian & Jessilyn: you know, people saw 2,008 coming. But everybody kind of closed their eyes to it. And a lot of people lost a lot of stuff. Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But you can always come back.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Yeah, yeah, you can.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Like I've seen it. I'm old enough to have seen it go up and down, and up and down, and up and down, and if
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: if you pay attention and and hold on.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: if you can hold on sometimes you just can't hold on, and and then you got to let it go and start over, and it's not the end of the world starting over.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Yeah. Sometimes the world just pushes against you, and you don't really have too much of a choice.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And it really isn't.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You would think that it would be a a huge deal. But it really just really isn't.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Nothing is that big of a deal anywhere.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It's more of a game to me than anything else I like.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I like the idea of of money moving and people being able to like scoop some out, and and the whole real estate
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: platform. It's so huge, and there's so much opportunity in it. There's really so much opportunity everywhere in the world. Yeah. So
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I just love what you're doing and that you're helping people see the possibilities where? Because it's not. It used to be in the eighties. You could turn on late night television, and you'd see the guy standing up there behind the microphone on his podium and talking about invest in real estate.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and then the flipping houses thing.
::Brian & Jessilyn: That's right.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Things you can do, but.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Those people still exist.
::Brian & Jessilyn: It's on the Internet now.
::Brian & Jessilyn: yeah. And what we like is we're in. And I'm part of a lot of women's networks, and what I'm loving there is. I'm introducing them to alternative options that a lot of them aren't even aware of. They hear of your typical stocks and bonds, or your Rsp. Which is similar to your 401 k. And that's what they know. And so when I can, just 30, 60 seconds that I might have to speak. Educate them on other things. At least I'm triggering them
::Brian & Jessilyn: to start researching and see if it's a better fit for them, and some of them have lost
::Brian & Jessilyn: a lot in the stocks, and they don't want to do it. And I'm like, Well, you can try these. These aren't tied to the the stocks or the economy that way, and it's a different way to invest your money. So I just, I love being out there helping educate women on ways that they can invest and build their legacy for their family, for their kids, because
::Brian & Jessilyn: most of them weren't educated.
::Brian & Jessilyn: One of the things.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: They don't teach you that.
::Brian & Jessilyn: We don't. Not in school. No.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Once.
::Brian & Jessilyn: College. Not, I mean, unless you're actually studying that in university. They don't teach you that either. Right? You're not going to learn it on your job unless you're physically in that kind of a game. So there's so many women, and especially those who choose to take time off, or maybe not work at all while having kids. They're definitely out of the game. So when they're coming back and building their businesses, I can, just as they learn what I do to show them different ways, and, like Brian was saying, like, Well, if your house is paid off, you're sitting on 400 grand
::Brian & Jessilyn: that you could be invest. Well, here, yeah, a million in our houses are a little cheaper here, but that you could invest and we could show them like, here's what you can make over 5 years over 10 years like. Do you want to explore that? And there's there's not really a lot of people out there, showing them that. So it just opens up doors for them, and opportunities.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, it's there's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: like I said, so much opportunity I'm sitting here thinking of. I have 5 kids and 2 of them.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: One of them. I know I gave him rich, dad, poor dad!
::Brian & Jessilyn: Yep. Yep.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: When he was 17 or 18,
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and he's now in. He's 39, I think, now, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: he he does have a co-OP with his friends, his buddies, and they live in Southern California and this 1 million dollar home, and they have other properties on their property that they rent out, and he's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: he and his wife are just like they're always churning.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: They're they're really good at real estate. And they have an investment group with their friends. And so they're buying stuff and selling stuff and and doing all the things. But I'm going to introduce him to to what you're doing, because I think he might be interested, and the other one is
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: 2322, or 23. I can never keep track of how old. There's such a big span between that I'm never really sure where they are. But
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: He works for a steel mill, but the people
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: they make gobs of money there, and the people that are there. That work there, you would think, oh, they're just blue collar workers, but they're all really interested in investing and cryptos and the stock market, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: just all kinds of interesting ways to magnify their money, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I'm sure that he would be really interested in in what you're doing.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Always up to meet them. Absolutely. Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah. So I'm I'm definitely gonna point them in your direction.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Thank you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So anyway, back to you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: What do you?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: What do you? What do you aspire to with with helping these people.
::Brian & Jessilyn: So our goal
::Brian & Jessilyn: is obviously to help as many as we can build their wealth, but mine more personally for me, I find
::Brian & Jessilyn: my vision. My.
::Brian & Jessilyn: why, I feel like I'm here in this world is to help women, which, whether they're in a relationship or not, build their wealth. And the reason I'm so passionate about it is because, being having been through what I've been through in my life, I know
::Brian & Jessilyn: money is maybe not everything, but it can help you get out of situations that I find a lot of women
::Brian & Jessilyn: feel trapped in, whether it's a horrible marriage, a crappy job wanting to spend time with their family, but they're stuck working 2 jobs, whatever their situation is, it can help them. And then, as I'm aging, and I may a sandwich
::Brian & Jessilyn: generation raising young boys, but also now helping my parents as they're aging. And what does that look like financially and finding more people in that role? And it's like, Okay, but if you're wealthy and you have the money, you can support both without feeling, you have to be working 8, 10 HA day, and then one of the things I've noticed over the past few years as I'm working with more women is
::Brian & Jessilyn: one of the biggest things we want to do is we want to give back, whether it be our community a nonprofit, whatever it is. But I was like, Okay, but giving 20 bucks to say the food bank or to a woman in need or a hundred bucks
::Brian & Jessilyn: isn't a lot.
::Brian & Jessilyn: But imagine you could write a check for a thousand or 5 or 10, I said, if you can build your wealth.
::Brian & Jessilyn: that you could be writing those checks now, you're a powerhouse to help support more women who will continue to support more women because we're just, we're a community. And we just collaborate. And we're relational. Right? I just feel like if I can help shift that perspective in the world.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Holistically, more women will become wealthy, and they'll just keep spreading and sharing that and change the world as a whole. So that's that's mine.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Bad.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Can you top that, Brian?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Even when it try.
::Brian & Jessilyn: But but I can rip off of it. So one of the things we're really passionate about is kind of like what Jess was saying, there is breaking down stereotypes. So the stereotype of the women has to stay at home, or the or the man goes out and builds the wealth like like Jess said.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Women spend a lot of the money in the household, and from our experience coaching a lot of couples. It's often the woman who's making the decisions on a lot of things. And so they, bringing them into the picture really changes where and how fast that wealth can be created.
::Brian & Jessilyn: So the woman has much more choice than stereotypes, typically like thought of. And the other thing that we're really passionate about is like bringing people from a scarcity mindset out to a
::Brian & Jessilyn: wealth mindset. And then, when 2,008 happens and things like that go sideways in the world, if you're in the wealth camp. Then really nothing can bother you all that much, because you can either just go out and make it make more of it, or you
::Brian & Jessilyn: put the right things in place that you didn't get harmed by it. When you're in that scarcity mindset. The world kind of happens to you, and you don't really have too much of a choice in the matter. So we love bringing people from out of that scarcity mindset and and putting them into that wealth mindset.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I love that. So what's the one thing you hope the audience takes away from this conversation today?
::Brian & Jessilyn: I hope that they, even though we didn't talk about it too much, but understand that wealth is
::Brian & Jessilyn: a choice, and it's available. Everyone
::Brian & Jessilyn: can have it, and everyone deserves it. Let's put that out there because we all deserve it, and we all can have it.
::Brian & Jessilyn: And if you don't think there's money out there. I encourage you to look around when you're out doing your daily activities, whether it's shopping, dropping kids off, running around you look. And you'll see there's lineups, people buying stuff everywhere. The restaurants are full. Fancy vehicles are being driven, new properties are being built, there is money everywhere, and there's enough, and you deserve a piece as well.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I forgot to mention that you have a lifestyle.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you have a something that you give away it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: The 3 mistakes, keeping high, achieving couples from building their wealth and freedom. Do you want to talk about that for really quick.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Sure, if you go to our website, discoverlifebydesignca slash wealth, it's a free download there. You can just go in and read through it, and it'll help guide you on some of the mistakes that we don't even realize we're making.
::Brian & Jessilyn: And we pull those to the forefront. And if you're on our website. You can also book a free discovery. Call with us so we can happily sit down and chat with you and see kind of where you're at and help, maybe plan next steps for you. And then, of course, if you just want some information, life by design is our, podcast we put it out every 2 weeks, and we give out all kinds of tips on how to shift your money. Mindset. Get your partner on board, build your wealth, build your real estate. So whatever you're looking for, you can find it in our podcast.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Awesome.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: How about you, Brian? Any last thoughts.
::Brian & Jessilyn: No, she nailed all of them. Yeah, we're really big believers in that wealth. Wealth is a choice, because a lot of people out there think that you know they were born into certain situations, and that's really not true. So live every moment like you have a choice in the matter, and make the choice that make the choice of wealth.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I like to think of it as we're all born into wealth.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Yes.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: We just have to like claim it.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Yeah, yeah. Some people just ignore it. Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Thank you guys so much for joining me today.
::Brian & Jessilyn: Thank you for having us.