Chanin Zellner - The Path to Healing and Empowerment
In this unveiling podcast episode, Chanin Zellner, a holistic healer, discusses the power of remote energy healing and ancestral healing, emphasizing its potential to break generational patterns and help individuals regain confidence and step into their true power.
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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are speaking with Chanin Zellner. Chanin is a holistic healer and she's on a mission to restore your peace and harmony by guiding you beyond your trauma using your innate energetic healing ability. I'm so excited to talk with you today.
::And all about the energy field, how we can heal what you're doing, how you're doing it, to whom you're doing it to. Welcome to the show.
::Thank you, Jill. I'm so excited to be here and talking with you today.
::So tell us your story. How did you get into this and what exactly?
::Do you do? How?
::How does energy healing work in your in your world?
::Yeah. So Long story short, right, so I came. I come from a background.
::Of a lot.
::Of different trauma, sexual trauma, domestic abuse, a weird, dysfunctional childhood. And I worked in the accounting world for 30 years. I had my own bookkeeping company for 10 years and six years ago.
::I found my energy medicine mentor. Although it wasn't intentional, I joined her program to help with my bookkeeping company and create a nonprofit for veterans. And as it turned out, she was training people in her modality. And there, that's. I just went down this other path that I never anticipated.
::And so she.
::Helped me completely transform my life from living in a default state of fear to living in a default state of joy, which is why I leave my joy sign behind me as a constant for my.
::Under that's where I live nowadays. And so like I my goal, my like my over reaching mission is to help everyone learn to love themselves unconditionally and then share that with the world because I didn't used to love myself. And now and now I do no.
::Matter what?
::So I love helping people overcome their trauma that is keeping them suffering, whether it's emotional, physical or spiritual. So I'll leave.
::You with that?
::I love it. It's interesting to me. I have a bookkeeping background also. How people that are kind of.
::The psychic have a lot.
::Of trauma in their background.
::Seemed to like.
::Accounting and I look at accounting like it's different than math because I was really horrible at math, but I love accounting because it was like a big puzzle and I love puzzles and I love, like making things fit together and finding what was missing. And it was just like.
::It was just problem solving on steroids. For me, it was the most fun I ever had.
::In in the corporate setting.
::And it's really the only kind.
::Of corporate ish job.
::Job I ever had. Everything else was like.
::Selling houses, selling real estate, selling insurance, just things like that, that we're more entrepreneurial but.
::I still to this day.
::I do my own bookkeeping because I like it.
::Yeah. And it's interesting because I had probably in the past couple of weeks realization about the interconnected interconnectedness just as.
::You described it.
::With bookkeeping and what I do now, totally different sides of the brain.
::And approaches obviously but.
::Still really getting to that same.
::Yeah. Yeah, it's really interesting. So how does how?
::Do you work with people in terms of energy healing? Cause you know, think that maybe you'd have to be right there with them to feel their energy.
::So most of the most of the things I do nowadays.
::Our distant, our remote, I do events.
::I do I.
::Just started up. I've been I've been doing, uh, cusp. The cosmic healing.
::Circle for two years.
::Remotely and now I'm doing more Sister circle type things, but these sessions for individuals.
::I don't even have.
::To I don't have.
::I don't even have to talk to them to help them and it's been really cool the past couple of years, Jill, because the divine has like planted a.
::Seed hey, you.
::Should do this and.
::I'm like, I don't know how to do that.
::And I'm like.
::Do it anyway and so I would.
::Get a bunch of Guinea.
::Pigs and try it. And the first time.
::That that I got the idea that I could help people.
::Outside of an actual energy healing.
::Fashion. I started doing what are now called Chakra Blackie's readings and I remember there was one lady we just couldn't connect to talk to each other and I was terrified. And like, how can I do this without even I didn't have a picture. And the information that I got for her was fought on. And so it's.
::It's really cool. It's just it's all you know, I'm connecting to you energetically. It doesn't. It's not something tangible that we can touch. It's out there and I just it just makes my.
::Heart like you.
::Just said it makes my heart sing.
::To be able to do that.
::I can see how that would work and that we're all energetically connected in one way or another. We're just like.
::Creation is just a huge energy field and everything is interconnected and it's we're.
::Here, but we're everywhere.
::Because that's the basis of a particle, the smallest thing. If you look at it, it behaves differently than when you're not looking at it, and it exists in a spot, but it exists.
::Everywhere. If you change something within that that particle, everything around it changes.
::Even though.
::It's not touching. It could be all the way on the other side of the world, so I can see how this works. But and you started to explain it in terms of Reiki energy that you want to expand on that a little more because I.
::Think maybe the audience.
::Might be missing some of this these pieces.
::Yeah, I will. I will try. So. So the basis of what I do is Reiki. That was my very first training Reiki and it's a generalization is more so about relaxation overall. The what I do is much.
::I try to be careful.
::With my words, it it's much.
::More powerful, it just is.
::Chanin's just step into it. It's.
::Much more powerful than.
::Ricky. Yeah, kind of.
::Be offensive, but it just it is what?
::It is right?
::I'm able to tune in to people on a cellular level and.
::As I said to you right before we start, like I'm a psychic medium.
::So I hear.
::People's trapped emotions, I hear things they said to themselves throughout their entire life, things that were said to them. I get images, I get feelings, and if one believes in past lives, I get that information. And the strongest thing that comes into every session. Now, whether I call it in or not is ancestral healing because the things that happened.
::To our ancestors, gets passed on genetically. It's proven it's scientific epigenetics and a multitude of other.
::Things so when I help people resolve their trapped emotions, whether it is in their head or in their body, it is helping their ancestry. And I have a lot of cool stories about that. So it's, you know, it's just incredible the things that can happen in these sessions.
::It honestly like so many of them, blew my mind. It's just so cool.
::I don't.
::You like we're.
::Know if that's helpful, but.
::Kind of like we're all radio stations and you can tune into that specific.
::Frequency wave set that's going out. That's cool. So tell us one of those stories.
::All right, I.
::Love, this is one of my favorite ones and it's interesting I just reconnected.
::With this lady over the weekend so.
::She was one of.
::My Guinea pigs two years ago for this chakra black just reading as.
::It's come to be known.
::And so after I get done so. So I I'm a channel. So I just say whatever's coming out, whatever I'm.
::And at the end I always ask the person. Did that resonate with your conscious mind? Often it doesn't because it I'm delving into their body and their subconscious. And so she said, not really. And I said, well, I've been doing this long enough to know that it's within your field or your body somewhere. I sent you the recording.
::And this was a lady I didn't know at all the next morning she messaged me and said I watched the recording and I think that was my.
::Mom's stuff.
::And I said, oh, it very well could be.
::She called her mom, and her mom told her that she had been up sick that night for two hours and when she woke up, she felt like a different person.
::So the healing that I.
::Had done for this client.
::It helped her mom. Instantaneous.
::Honestly, it's incredible.
::I love it.
::And it just.
::So she was kind of a channel for.
::Gets more.
::Her mom in order.
::Yeah, because we're all it's. It's just, it's that connection. And nowadays I do actual healing generational trauma sessions for people where I take them on a journey to meet an ancestor known or unknown to them, and then I'm calling in their ancestors. And so I get messages from their ancestors for them and such. And the ancestors are telling me.
::What needs addressed for their lineage? What are they all ready to be done with? What can that person be the cycle breaker for?
::Oh wow.
::That is so powerful. How much impact you?
::Have on people. If you just change one person.
::It makes me teary honestly, like I'm.
::Choked up. It is incredible.
::Yeah. So you really don't have to impact that many people to impact millions of people just and people that aren't even here yet.
::Yeah, it's I.
::Have so many people, you know, once we put out an intention then we attract people right for that I attract. I'm attracting more and more people who are aware of their generational patterns, whether it's addictions or anger issues. You know, whatever it is or physical issues, heart disease, those sorts of things.
::And they want to be that cycle breaker. So many women I hear say, I don't want to pass this on to my kids.
::And even if they do have children existing now, we.
::Through the energy and stuff number through the energy, but then also through the example as that healed parent, right? If it's a behavior you're helping your existing children and your unborn children.
::So powerful, so powerful. So how do people find you and what? What sorts of things would they come to you because they are struggling with them?
::Yeah. So I mean, I have a website and I'm on Facebook is my main place at the moment. My main social media platform and.
::So. So we're recording this in October and I'm just launching a new program. This is this is my 30 day program called Awaken your Inner Vixen. And so this particular program and I and I'm excited to see where it goes is for women who I keep seeing the wallflower. You're the wallflower, you're the second fiddle.
::Right. You like maybe growing?
::Up you had the really.
::Popular friend and you were off in the background.
::That woman who's tired of being 2nd, 2nd place who's tired of being invisible and is ready to step into her own power with more confidence, more courage, more bravery, those sorts of things. And very often those women, because I was that woman. Everything I do is because of someone who.
::That was in the past, right?
::Our mess is always our message.
::Exactly. You know it's we're.
::We're afraid to be seen. We're afraid to be heard because of trauma and abuse and such, and we're ready to, especially because I'll be 55 in nine days, you know, like women of the Gen. next generation.
::We were taught to be quiet, right?
::And I know these are generalizations.
::But still, we were taught to be quiet, to play.
::Small and hide off in the shadows. While the men went and did their thing.
::But so it's those.
::Type of women that seem to be drawn.
::To me, who?
::Have who have just.
::Felt stifled and restricted. Maybe they have sexual trauma, though. That's a big one. That's like I said, that's my background and we're.
::We're ready to.
::Be done with it. We're ready to be empowered to speak our truth, to stand up for ourselves and for other people.
::Those seem to be the people that I am attracting and I love helping.
::Them because like I.
::Said that was me. Like if someone had told me five years ago I'd be doing podcasts, you know, and talking about my sexual.
::Of all things.
::Like it wouldn't have happened, you know, five years ago. It's amazing.
::It's amazing how right now, so much of this is breaking free. We're.
::We're about 10 years our age gap, but I know that 10 years was really I remember that time period and what was going on, almost no women in our age group have.
::It's gone through their life without experiencing some form of a rape or B sexual trauma or D.
::Dysfunction in a partnership. Marriage. It was it was just at the cusp when women were starting to have more freedom. And in that freedom, men took advantage of women in a horrible way, and it was and.
::It's not all men, but it was a lot of men.
::The men that are our age.
::Not so much, but it was.
::The men that were slightly older, who preyed on us and.
::Because they were from a different generation, where women, women really had to get married in order to have any sort of life. Women went to college to find husbands. They didn't go to college to become educated or have careers. I mean, that was just unheard of. And the idea that you wouldn't have.
::Children and you know, not everybody should have children. I don't think my mom should have children. Honestly, she didn't want children.
::Thank you.
::Well, I'm glad she did. But you know, if it weren't her, it would been somebody else. I mean, I.
::Was a soul and I was going to come through one way.
::Or the other.
::But it's just like there was so much of that. But right now, in the last, I would say five years, it has just become people talk about it now. It used to be like and you didn't talk about abortions and you didn't talk about being raped.
::That I know. I've talked to many, many women, hundreds, probably thousands of women over my lifetime and every single one of them in my age group, regardless of their religious background, have been raped.
::Yeah, and.
::When you expand cause I mean sexual trauma, helping women overcome is one of my biggest passions. And when you expand the definition of the generally accepted sex, when you expand the generally accept the definition of sexual trauma, it's not just a physical assault.
::It is the.
::Societal conditioning around what it means to be a female. One of my one of my stories. Again, I have so many when I.
::Was about 8:00.
::There was a boy on my bus who liked to pull my hair and poke me and, you know, shove me on the playground and such.
::And when I got home one day, he had pulled my hair on the bus again and I told my mom that gosh darn blah, blah, blah pulled my hair again and.
::What does she do? She.
::Said come here and she smacked me.
::Because I said, gosh darn.
::And then she said. Now tell.
::Me your story.
::So what I.
::Learned was multiple things. If I talk about bad things that happen to me, I get smacked.
::And here's the other thing is my parents saying, oh, well, when boys do that?
::To you, it's because they like you.
::Yeah. So what?
::Does this mean to you?
::Right. So what's the other message?
::Boys like me when they hurt me so.
::It's warped and it's so subtle and people like you said.
::Like in the past few years.
::People are starting to see that those.
::Things weren't healthy.
::Right. And yeah, I mean, I can go on for hours about it. The, the all the societal conditioning around that, that that like I have my husband and.
::I have 5 kids.
::Between us.
::Some of them have kids, so I have 3 granddaughters and it's beautiful because I'm seeing my son who has.
::The two.
::Who live near me? They're raising their girls differently.
::And it makes me so happy. Plus, plus, they're doing it. And then I also now get to be in the influence as well that I have learned that those behaviors and things that the ways in which we were raised weren't necessarily healthy.
::I love that I have five children too.
::I have two 2 girls 1's 41 and one's 19. The huge difference, and there's a.
::Just the societal changes between my oldest and my youngest are staggering and how my oldest conducts her life versus how my youngest, who's she's just.
::This magnificent blossom, who just like she.
::She has taught me.
::So much I know. She came here to teach me, but just like such an amazing human. Me. But it just.
::The difference in how?
::How women?
::Interact in the world and what they believe are their responsibilities, energetically.
::It's just like so.
::Different now than it was then.
::Absolutely. You know, and that's another thing, you know, in in the multitude of sessions and events I've seen, you know, two prime thing is that people pleasing, right? We need to be nice to people to get things to be loved and that external validation is.
::What's important?
::I hear that again and again and again. And then the other piece of that too is, you know, speaking about the sexual trauma that I hear virtually in every woman is the anger that is held in their womb for generations. I see I get very, as you can tell, a lot more.
::Forceful about this.
::The generations of oppression that we have been holding on to, and it's no coincidence in my mind that in the world one out of three women report having some sort of sexual trauma and one out of three women have to get a hysterectomy by the age of 60.
::There's no there's no coincidence.
::There I had to get.
::A partial hysterectomy in February and I was very upset that I hadn't been able to heal myself, so I had to go through a little bit of purging with that. But every woman in my family either had reproductive problems, whether it's a hysterectomy, whatever it was because of sexual trauma that happened in our family line, there's no coincidence.
::And so that's another thing that I'm really passionate about is helping women to release that anger that we've been holding on to that is causing physical suffering.
::Wow, that's really interesting that you say that I suffered from endometriosis and my mom had.
::She almost died when my younger sister was born and.
::She had the doctor instead of doing a.
::A horizontal she was born caesarean section back in.
::The 60s which?
::You know that in itself was an issue and it was a military hospital.
::Another they're like teaching hospitals pretty much. So they did the they did this incision incorrectly. They went from belly button to navel or to sternum and then they and she had pneumonia at the time. And then they wrapped her abdomen. So it healed weird.
::They'd cut all the muscles in her stomach. So 4.
::You know, she was in her 20s, ruined her figure at a time when a woman's.
::Physical body was really important and their looks were like it was. It was a huge deal and it shouldn't have been, I mean.
::Who cares if you're a little bit overweight, but she had a poochy stomach and she was she was really concerned about it. And you know, men were leaving their wives in droves of, you know, you got too fat. We'll just divorce you because now we can. It used to be that it had to do with infidelity, but.
::You know that was.
::A2 edged sword and then it cut.
::A lot of women, deeply, a lot of older women who raised kids and now they were just.
::That's aside, yeah.
::And you know my father or my husband's mother committed suicide mainly because of that.
::It just trauma.
::Yeah, the trauma that just gets passed on and the trauma gets passed on to the men as well. You know, something like that.
::It's horrible. I mean the horribles not.
::Even word like to even begin to describe it.
::Yeah, my husband's brother has all kinds of psychological issues. And my husband, he suffers from that, and we still have a relationship with his dad. And he still has.
::With his dad, I never thought a while ago.
::It was causing me physical issues.
::Yeah, it's incredible.
::People and it's and people are really starting to understand now more and more because more of us are talking about with that correlation between our emotional health and our physical well-being. They are not separate. It is absolutely interconnected. The stress and the trauma cause is what causes our physical.
::Disease. Disease. What in whatever form it appears?
::It absolutely is. And on every level it's just like if you've got something going on in your body.
::There's a reason for it, and it starts in your head and it there's something that happened.
::Yeah, go ahead.
::In fact, I was.
::I was just looking at my screen. I I'm getting ready to order the secret language of the body.
::Yeah, cause one of the basis of my work is the chakra system. And so I have a wealth of knowledge about each chakra.
::And how it gets impacted and how you can heal it and.
::The all.
::The physical symptoms and emotional symptoms of those specific chakras.
::It's, it's really.
::It's really awesome and my mentor Allison, you know, obviously she taught me and then I've learned it more since then. But it's incredible.
::And when I can dive in, you know, and that and often I don't intention.
::Only TuneIn to people, because that is just like a total violation of people's free will and karma and all these other things. But sometimes stuff pops in when I meet people and then, you know, like they'll tell me that they're having a physical problem or whatever. And then I and then I'll get an inkling, you know, over here as to what.
::Went on with them but.
::I can't do anything with that information, but you know and I don't, I don't say anything, but it's just, it's incredible. All of the information, everything is within us, everything is within us. It's just a matter of learning to tap into it yourself, which I help people with.
::Or having someone if you're not able to yet help you right so you can release it and transform your life.
::It really is important, I think, to have guides when it comes to stuff like that, because it may seem like, ohh I'm just, you know, relegated to living with whatever this thing is that's bugging me. And no matter what I do or how many times I go to the doctor, he's just like it's all in your head. Well, he's probably right, it probably does start in your head.
::So you can give them that, but unless you go to someone who really does understand how the body mind connection works and how the energy in your body works, you're just going to.
::Keep going in circles and it's until you get that clue that there's more to this healing than just like piece meal. The way functional medicine.
::Or that?
::Functional medicine? No, it's just Western medicine works where they just want to take one piece and specialize in that one piece. And no matter what you're doing, if you go to a doctor's, a surgeon, surgery is always the answer.
::Yeah, or.
::Pills. Medication. Let's. Let's mask the symptoms.
::And take this pill for the rest of.
::In your life. But no, you don't have to do that. It's not.
::You just don't.
::Have to like I have been healed of so many things in the.
::Past six years.
::Fibromyalgia being a big one, so many women.
::Have that vague.
::Fibromyalgia diagnosis because no one knows what it is and it's an emotional energetic.
::Dis ease or syndrome or whatever word what liver label we want to put on it.
::Yeah, like when I got my hysterectomy, my partial hysterectomy. I.
::Also had pelvic organ prolapse.
::Which is another thing my low back pain that I've been suffering from for 40 years was gone.
::Because I.
::Took out that physical representation. This is my understanding of it. I took out the physical representation of all the trauma and all the anger and all this other stuff I've been holding on to for years. I removed it in my body and I actually have it.
::And I'm going.
::To bury it, that's another story and give it its own little funeral.
::But you I don't do.
::Thank you I.
::Don't have that physical.
::Like constant chronic back pain anymore. Oh my gosh, it's so amazing to not wake up every morning going ohh.
::That's interesting that the whole removal of the.
::The problem from your body.
::Oh yeah, I could.
::I have my.
::Gallbladder removed and I'm pretty sure that my father-in-law lived with us for 18 years, so he he's got his own set of problems. I I'm. I'm not sad that he lived with us. He contributed to our family in a way that I think really did help at the time that I'm.
::Really glad that he lives on his own now and he's able to have a relationship with his son, which he didn't have when he was living with us.
::Because he was a truck driver, he's gone all the time. So I had to deal.
::With him. So now I don't deal with them.
::My husband's home. He goes. Who deals with?
::This step but.
::I think the bitterness that I was feeling ended up and the resentment in the.
::The struggle that I was going through because my boundaries were constantly being trampled.
::And there were.
::Other it was just like a whole bunch of things that were combined.
::And then I had my gallbladder removed and I went through this, like, emotional catharsis, where it's like I learned about boundaries. And I learned about, you know, who I was. And it just stepped into being who I was and stopped trying to be what I thought I was supposed.
::To be to.
::Make everybody else happy, because I just got to the, you know.
::Point where you're just like, I can't do that anymore. So I'm just going to make myself happy. And people that are happy for me, they can be around me. And if you're not fine.
::Yep, fabulous.
::You go live your life and do your thing, and I can be happy for.
::You and not.
::Have you?
::From afar.
::I get that and I think it was the gallbladder removal that was just like that was the big part of it.
::Yeah, that's your solar plexus chakra. That's all about your identity and power and boundaries. It makes perfect sense.
::Right. I didn't even know that these things happen and change happens. It's just like it's so interesting to me.
::Yeah. Oh, yeah.
::So you work with people online and in groups.
::And how do they get ahold of you if they want?
::To work with you.
::Yeah. So I have a website, my business my.
::My alter ego.
::Is called ‘the light vessel’ ‘the light.
::Vessel’ dot com I do need to update.
::My website but it's.
::It's there. Find me on Facebook. That's where I am much.
::Too much actually all.
::Right way too.
::Much I'm working on that, but I'm there. Those are the two easiest places to find me and.
::Yeah, I.
::I have a multitude of different offers at the moment, you know.
::Things are always.
::Shifting as an entrepreneur, right? But.
::But yeah, I've got. I've got the like I.
::Said that, the one program awakening the inner vixen. I don't know if it's a one.
::Time thing or?
::If it'll be an ongoing thing, and then the other thing the other.
::Movement that had started.
::Is called the soul Sister Rev.
::And so this is this is greatly about all of us women who've been pitted against each other for eons, right, and healing that wound and bringing them together in sisterhood. And that that is my new thing. It it's like, that's not going away. So there's a program for that. There's sister circles for that.
::And who knows what else is gonna come from it? It's just it's like.
::Brand new in the past two weeks.
::I love that so much I.
::And there's a Facebook.
::Oh, his thumbs on that one. I am so about. I'm so over the competition between women. I think that's just like.
::It's a man made thing, and the men can just have it.
::Because women need.
::Each other, you know, in the world of elephants.
::The women have the families and their kids and when males get to be a certain age, they go off.
::And they live by themselves or in small groups, but they're not part of the Sisterhood of elephants. And it's that that.
::Matriarchal system where every once in a while they'll run into the males and then they move away because they.
::They have their own mission and goals and.
::They don't really need them.
::Yeah. And.
::How much else?
::The new.
::I love that so much. Elephants are incredible and the beautiful thing too. And this is part of this. This program is we it's blending the divine feminine and the divine masculine energies where we can be nurturing and loving and compassionate all the stereotypical feminine energies. Right. But we can also be bold.
::And assertive and set boundaries and change.
::The world through our.
::Actions we can do, we can do.
::Both. Both. We can do both and that is where the world is going, where women are stepping into their power, embracing all of that and being the world is going to change because of women. Women are the new change makers.
::Yes, yes, we are seeing the.
::Change we want to.
::See together.
::Together, yeah, helping each other and moving each other forward and being the best we can be for.
::And appreciating the best about the other.
::Which is.
::We haven't been allowed to do that. Most of our lives and I love that it's happening right now on such a massive scale and it's global, it's everywhere. It's not just like a thing that happened in the US, it's a thing that's happening in Africa and then Australia and the UK.
::You did.
::It's just like everywhere I talked to women all over the world and it is a universal.
::Event that has just.
::It's like everybody woke up at the same time and we're locking arms and moving forward and it's having a big impact.
::It is. It's incredible. I, you know, and I it's interesting. There's this, this woman who runs these sister, sister ship circles and she has a business around it. And I've been following her emails for three.
::I wasn't ready yet.
::I was still in the competition and comparing mode because of my upbringing and finally a couple weekends ago I finally did it and like this, you know, the skies opened up, the Angels were singing.
::It's like, Oh my gosh, this is.
::It I'm ready and that's when the soul Sister revival was born.
::It just came to me one morning. I was trying to come up with a name.
::For it with my brain and I woke up in the morning. I'm like, OK, what do you want to be?
::Called and it was.
::Instantaneous soul sister revival. And I'm like, yes.
::That's how do you.
::World order happened. It was just like.
::Yeah, just like that.
::Oh, that's it. That's what we're talking about here.
::Well, Chanin, it has been marvelous chatting with you this morning. Is there one thing that you would like to leave the audience with?
::Thank you. Yes, it is my biggest, most important message.
::You matter.
::You are beautiful.
::You deserve respect.
::And you are loved. You are loved no matter what you do, no matter what you've done. You are a divine being, a love and no one can take that away from you.
::No matter what.
::That's that. We'll leave it on that.
::Thank you so much for joining me.
::Thank you so much for having me. I'm so grateful. Thank you.