Dalia Al Mahmood - Coaching Visionaries
In this visionary episode, Dalia Al Mahmood, a passionate leadership coach for women entrepreneurs, discusses the significance of cyclical living—aligning schedules with feminine or lunar cycles for optimal productivity and self-awareness. The conversation emphasizes the importance of giving oneself space for growth and embracing curiosity in life's unfolding journey.
Learn more about how to Align Yourself with Cyclical Living
Discover more at DaliaAlMahmood.com
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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Dalia Al Mahmood. She is deeply passionate about helping women thrive in their calling and boldly creating the changes they desire for the world. I love that because it so aligns with my mission, which is helping life.
::Health and transformational coaches be the change they want to.
::See in the world and you.
::Welcome to the show, Dalia. It's so nice.
::To have you here I.
::Thank you for having me, Joe.
::Know you're.
::I know you're calling from Kuwait, which?
::Is kind of cool.
::Yeah, yeah. It's just starting to cool down here. So it's been really nice weather right now.
::But lots of allergies.
::Lots of allergies in full bloom today for me.
::Well, I appreciate you coming on anyway and chatting with us about what you're doing so.
::Tell us your story. How did you get started?
::Why are you doing what you're doing?
::Yeah. So I'm.
::I'm a leadership coach for women entrepreneurs, creatives and coaches and.
::I think essentially deep down inside, I always knew I was going to find the coaching path growing up. I was always really interested in developing people and I started off my career in in the field of education and really helping advising.
::Students working with educational programming and creating customized.
::Workshops programs like all kinds of things for different organizations. And in my first in my first job at the university, our director was doing a course and it was a coaching course and she had told me she was doing a life coaching course and I just thought to myself.
::That has got to be the coolest thing I've.
::Sort of.
::And yeah, I moved to Dubai with my husband a couple of years later and they had a branch from the Coactive Training Institute.
::That's based in San Francisco, but they had a branch in Dubai and the time just came for me to follow my calling and I never looked back.
::That's really interesting. It it's.
::You know, so many of us in the United States, we're just like the world begins and ends on our borders, which I know is totally not true because, you know, I've lived overseas before myself. But it's so interesting to hear how the coaching industry is like branching out worldwide.
::And that it's available to everybody anywhere, so.
::You really can pursue your passions and you can you can step into the things that you were meant to do so.
::You're a leadership coach.
::Is that what you said? How does that look and how?
::Do you help people?
::What kinds of people do you help?
::Yeah. So I really help women.
::Who have an idea they want to bring to the world, whether it's a business they want to scale a new business, a new business they want to bring out into the World Podcast. They want to start a book, they want to write. Transitioning from a nine to five traditional corporate job into running their own business.
::I helped them really step into their leadership and what that looks like for them, you know, and it always starts with self leadership leading from within.
::And in our work together, we really step into creating the foundation they need.
::In order for them to.
::Be able to build on top of that right? So getting to know themselves in terms of what their values are, what their priorities are.
::What they look like when they are in their highest self.
::And really leading.
::Their lives from that place of alignment and of knowing who they are and what's really important to them. Because when they gain that kind of clarity.
::It is extremely powerful and it is really it's really hard to stop themselves from growing once they've got that strong foundation.
::Yes, I've noticed that myself. It's once you have a mission and then everything else just falls into place and the mission, if it's aligned with who you are and really what you were sent here to do. Because I think we.
::All were put here.
::For a reason, and we're supposed to.
::We're giving gifts that we're supposed to share with others to make.
::The whole picture. Beautiful.
::People that so many times people get stuck in trauma or.
::Trapped in a job that they feel like they can't escape from because they don't really understand.
::How that looks?
::To be an entrepreneur, and while a lot of people become coaches not intending to become entrepreneurs, it's helpful if they kind of have the idea that, yeah, we're going to be entrepreneurs too.
::And understanding who they are.
::And what their styles are and what their values are, all those pieces are so important.
::Yeah, yeah.
::And I love what you're speaking to Jill because.
::Like you said, a lot of coaches come into this not necessarily knowing that they're going to become entrepreneurs and a lot of my clients and the women I work with don't necessarily think about.
::How they're going to run the different elements of their business and bring the other aspects of their life together so it becomes a really.
::Beautiful unraveling of how to bring it all together in their own unique way for their own unique.
::Needs and desires.
::Exactly and.
::When you.
::When you can catch someone as they're leaving like a profession or an industry that they're in and help them in the transition process over to becoming an entrepreneur and a coach and you know, doing the thing that they were designed to do.
::As an entrepreneur, we're just problem solvers. OK, ultimately.
::That's all we do.
::Just solve problems and if you can help people figure out what problem they are really uniquely equipped to solve for other people and then the doors just.
::Say it magically open for you. You know the things that you need. You recognize them when they show up.
::And they don't seem like miracles anymore.
::Exactly, exactly. And so many. I think that's the thing about.
::This kind of work, as so many women come feeling like they are stuck for all kinds of different reasons. You know, they might feel like they don't have enough time to do it all. They might just feel overwhelmed. They might feel like there are certain people in their lives that are not allowing them to move.
::Forward, but so much of the time.
::When you actually get down to doing the work, it comes down to a lack of clarity.
::And that is what I really help women do is get clear on not only who they are at the time of when we're working together, because we're always changing. We're always entering new seasons of our lives. We're always evolving. We're always growing. Our values might be important to us today and then different values.
::Might come up higher on the priority list in a couple months, so we're really assessing who you are today.
::What it is you want to be doing and then bringing it all together. And I think one really important thing to.
::Note is that.
::So many women come.
::In this day and age, with a very hyper masculine like, they're in their masculine on a very high level and that's because of the patriarchal conditioning that we've, you know, become so accustomed to in our culture that really promotes hustling, pushing forward.
::Just constantly grinding.
::At all costs.
::And they hit a point. Yeah, exactly. They hit a point of overwhelm and eventually burnout, and that impacts their health. And then everything needs to stop. Right. So one of one of the biggest things I found that so many women in this particular industry as well, need to work on.
::You feel our health.
::And want to work on is really finding more of a balance between their feminine and masculine needs, right? Because we need the masculine structure and the processes to move forward like that's important.
::But we also need the feminine of.
::Being connected to one of our most powerful gifts as women, which is our intuition, we need our creativity. We need that playfulness, right? We need the slow pace of things so that we can really assess what is important and really tune into our intuition, which will get us farther, faster.
::So that is something that comes.
::Into the work a lot.
::I love that I know that you have something that you help women with. It's called cycle living. And I think this kind of plays into what you're discussing right now with the masculine and feminine balance. I like to think of it more of, like harmony between the two.
::And I'm so excited that this is really.
::Really getting a lot of exposure in the world where women are realizing that we don't.
::Have to be.
::Women, men, we don't have to play by the rules that men have established it as far as being entrepreneurs or being in business or.
::Or even in the corporate world, women just felt like they had to do things the way the guys did it. And guys have, like, a 12 hour cycle and businesses are set up on men's cycles, not women's. Women have like a 28 day cycle.
::And what serves you better at one part of the month doesn't necessarily work for you later in the month, and I know that you tell us about this.
::Yeah, I love the excitement there and I get really excited about this too because I think.
::It is. It's quite life changing, so I've called it cyclical living and it's really based off of. There's a lot of women who are at the forefront of this work, Elisa Vitti. Kate Northrop does a lot of this work.
::And it's really about syncing your schedule with your feminine cycle, or if you don't experience a feminine cycle or a regular 1, the cycles of the moon, right, because there is a there is a relation, A correlation between the cycles of the moon and our 28 day feminine cycle.
::They've got a similar time.
::And they move and they've got similar seasons. So what this really comes down to is the fact that there is a peak time for us stepping into action and there's a peak time for us being more social for us starting projects for us.
::Really putting ourselves out there. And then there's the peak time for turning inward and tuning into ourselves and kind of creating some quiet for ourselves and reflecting.
::And so cyclical living is really about following your feminine cycle, which dictates what season you are in, right? Whether it's, you know, the follicular stage, your menstrual stage, ovulation stage, there is a peak time for each of those things in those stages.
::And they follow similar rhythms to the seasons, like turning inward like your menstrual cycle is very much about turning inward, reflecting. And it's the winter time of the month.
::Right. So it is really powerful when you learn to really sync your schedule with.
::This your feminine cycles or like I said earlier, the cycles of the moon because you can actually set up in your calendar like physically when is the best time for you to be creating your social content. When is the best time for you to be launching that new group coaching program or that new business?
::When is the best time for you to kind of have create a little more spaciousness in your calendar so that you're not juggling, you know, the 50 things that you need to be juggling when you're actually not at peak energy?
::So it really defeats the purpose and it really helps you.
::Prevent yourself from hitting a point of burnout, so it's quite phenomenal actually.
::Yeah, I've.
::I really became aware of this after menopause, but I remember when I was cycling and it was just like.
::And I was working in.
::I have always been an entrepreneur, but I have worked in occupations and sales where you just have to keep going. You might not feel like it.
::But you got.
::To keep grinding it out, because that's what we did in the 80s and 90s.
::And early 2000s, you just hustled all the.
::Time. If you wanted to make money, you.
::Had to hustle.
::And the idea of just like slowing down and respecting your body and respecting time and respecting the seasons that you're going through, I move to the country and I have learned.
::About seasons in life as well as seasons in the garden and outside, and.
::There's the cycle. You know the smaller is the monthly cycle, but then there's annual cycles and periods of time, seasons that you go.
::Through as you progress through your life like I'm in the crown season of my life, I own that. I like it here and. And you're younger. And I don't know if you have children or if you even want to have children, but that's a different season. If there's a building, a business season, it's.
::There's just like different seasons that you.
::You work through and if you recognize that.
::All of nothing is ever static. I guess is what I'm trying to get at. Things are constantly changing, but they're circular and they go in circles and cycles and but they're never the same.
::Each cycle is different.
::Exactly, exactly. I mean, I became a mother's three years ago and.
::My entire identity change I had to completely reevaluate who I was, what I wanted, what my priorities were, what my relationship like. I think the biggest one was working on my relationship with time.
::And you know the season of motherhood has taken me down many different many seasons and cycles within itself. So I think it's a beautiful thing when we really acknowledge that we go through different seasons.
::And that.
::It's OK. It's.
::Necessary and crucial to be compassionate and kind to ourselves in the process, because we're not meant to be static. We're meant to constantly be evolving, so really meeting ourselves where we are, I think is one of the greatest gifts.
::We can give ourselves.
::And giving ourselves space.
::I remember when my kids were really young and for some reason in.
::My mind they.
::Reached this Barnacle stage and.
::Your child is 3.
::3:00-ish yeah.
::Probably already experienced this where they don't want to let go of you. They want you to hold them all the time and some kids are worse than others. But.
::When you're going through it.
::And it's usually when they're like, just learning to walk.
::And they and they.
::Don't really want to walk. They want you to carry them. It's easier for them and they just like, cling to you. Used to call it the Barnacle phase or the Klingon phase.
::Love that.
::Well, you're going through.
::It and they're so heavy. And you're just like, oh, my car. I'm not going to be able to carry you forever. But if you could just stop and appreciate that this isn't going to last forever and just treasure the time that that child wants to hold on to you. They don't want to let go right now and it's OK.
::And if.
::You can just.
::Appreciate the season that you're in while you're in it. It makes it next season Special 2.
::Because it will move and they'll grow up.
::And have babies with their own.
::Exactly. And I think something really important that you spoke to was giving yourself that space, because when you allow yourself the space.
::Then you're able to really process and integrate things you know, whereas kind of that hustle culture.
::And being.
::Overly in our masculines become.
::The opposite, where we don't have the time to process and integrate, and then that's when we've been in that place for far too long. That's when the problems start to come in. That's when we haven't processed our emotions. Our nervous systems are probably really dysregulated.
::And we actually come to a point where we're feeling quite lost, but when we give ourselves that space.
::It allows for us to process those feelings for that, not to eventually turn into disease if not processed right. It allow ourselves to be coming from a more regulated nervous system to be calmer and to be able to.
::Have the clarity to see clearly what it is we really want, and that's when we're really in a place of being empowered to move forward with very conscious steps toward bringing what we want to life.
::I think space is also one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves because not enough of us do that, and it's something that a lot of us are relearning.
::Because we've lost that as children, you know, as children, we had that we were uninhibited. But through experiences, through life experiences and different conditioning, we lost that along the way. And I think once we hit a certain point in our adulthood, we need to relearn it and unlearn the other things in order to relearn.
::So I think it's a.
::It's quite the journey for a lot of us.
::Myself included.
::And there's also the piece of.
::Of leaving.
::Leaving enough curiosity and not being like I have to have this, it has to come to fruition in exactly this way, and I'm not going to accept it any other way. Instead of being curious, putting out there what you want, I'll give you a story this morning.
::I like to tap in the morning, do EFT and I was doing a Margaret Lynch tapping about.
::You know, expecting miracles, and so I've been looking for this this jug, that it was a tea jug.
::My daughter and I used it to water.
::Our plants, but we also have a.
::Puppy right now and things disappear.
::And I was looking everywhere.
::For this stupid thing last week and I gave up and I decided, OK, I'll just use this other pot that I've got for watering my plants and getting water out to the chickens.
::And so after I did the tapping this morning, I went upstairs to get dressed and lo and behold.
::The drug shows up.
::To me, that was a miracle because I'd given up all hope on ever finding this thing, and it's kind of a silly example, but it.
::I could have been expecting a miracle. A big miracle. That's like going to totally.
::Change my life.
::But it was.
::Just a little miracle, but it was a miracle I recognized, you know, for me.
::It confirmed that you know, a tapping does work and I always believe tapping works. So I look for things to make it true, validate my opinion.
::Yeah, I love. I love that story. And I think we experienced little miracles all the time. We just don't notice, right?
::And I think that's one of the biggest.
::Parts about not giving ourselves.
::The spaciousness and not.
::Not really allowing for that because we can actually.
::Not realize we're actually living what we're working toward. So this actually hit me a couple weeks ago. Maybe like a month ago.
::You know, I've got my vision board and I help my clients do the same and there's mine is more long term, right? So it's not like it's something I'm changing every year because these are like big things in there. And I was looking at it the other day because I have a morning practice to really ground myself in the mornings, I do meditation and then I.
::I do a.
::Little bit of journaling, and sometimes I'll do some embodiment work and I find that that really sets me up for my day and I look at and I do this in front of like my altar, which has my vision board on there, and I was looking at it and I was thinking about.
::What was on there and what I was still AM.
::Manifesting in my life and working toward, and I realized that when I really.
::Looked at it, I was already.
::Living that life.
::The only thing that I wasn't necessarily experiencing was being in a particular location because eventually we want to be in Europe, but other than that, I was like, I'm living this life like what it what is it?
::What more am I asking for? Right? So I think it's really important to allow ourselves.
::To have that space to really be able to process like what is actually.
::Happening for us.
::Yes, that that is.
::Really an important piece of the process that I think gets missed by a lot of people when they're teaching about manifesting things you have.
::To be looking.
::Because this stuff shows.
::Up and it it's almost never really like in one.
::Fell swoop. It's little pieces.
::That are like coming together.
::To give you what you want, because the universe always wants your highest and best good because you know it's in its best interest for you to be performing at your best and living your best life and.
::Watching it.
::Watching for it to come and not expecting it to come in a specific way, but being able to recognize like looking at your vision board and.
::Saying yeah, yeah.
::I did it. I I've. I've done that so many times in my life where I've written in my journal. You know, this is what I want. This is exactly what I want. The thing to look like and you know, the more clear you are on the particulars of whatever you're trying to manifest the more likely you are to get exactly what you want.
::Letting the universe fill in the blanks, it's like.
::But being open to letting the universe deliver it in the manner that it's she's.
::Exactly. Exactly. Holding an intention but holding it loosely, allowing for the flexibility of it to come in whatever form it's known to.
::Yeah, exactly.
::I have a story about this.
::That one of my clients told me about.
::This friend that he had who was manifesting she was living in somebody's house in, in a room and she really wanted.
::Her own space.
::That she wasn't sharing with other people and she wanted a fireplace and she wanted a black.
::Cat and so she put all these things.
::Out just like that.
::And then she went along for a while and then she realized that she was living in a room that was detached from a.
::A house so she was living in her own space. There was a fireplace.
::But it didn't work.
::And there was a black cat.
::Statue on the front porch.
::That is hilarious.
::That's why I say.
::The universe will fill in the.
::Blanks for you need to be specific.
::If you want to living black out.
::Getting well.
::It will come in the.
::Craziest ways, I mean, we literally manifested.
::Our dog like little.
::Really, I had always wanted my husband and I to have a dog.
::And he just.
::He's not a well. He wasn't a dog person at the time and he didn't want one, and he made a joke cause at the time we were living in Dubai in an apartment. He made a joke and he was like, OK.
::If we ever have a.
::Dog it's gonna be a Chihuahua because it.
::Will be. It'll need to be really small because we're in a.
::You know, in an apartment. And I said fine.
::But we need to have two.
::And you know, I'm from Kuwait and we were visiting here because my husband started working here again and.
::I was telling my friend the story and she rescued animals here in Kuwait and she was like she literally like her face lit up. She pulls out her phone and she shows me a picture of two chew always that need a home. And they were like babies.
::And I was like.
::This is this is it. This is my dog. And you know, five years later, he's just an integral part of our family. But I just thought it was so fascinating that, you know, I could literally manifest the exact type of dog I wanted.
::And that was just a testament to how the universe is really always working in our favor and wants our highest good and wants us to be able to share our gifts with other people. And it'll come in the most unexpected way. But it will come when you are clear.
::I got my dog the same way.
::I have two dogs, 11 is about 12 or 13 years.
::Old he's older.
::We got him at.
::The County Fair.
::When he was a puppy and I'd taken the kids because my daughter was doing 4H and she was showing goats and they were with. They're with their friends. My son. One of my sons and my daughter. And they're two friends. So they find these puppies and they're just like.
::Oh, we have to have.
::This puppy we have to have this puppy.
::So we get the puppies and.
::They were outside dogs for a long time. Then then.
::Pudge became an inside dog as we moved around. We weren't living on the farm anymore so.
::Then we had another dog. That was another one of my kids stocks, but she passed away earlier in the year and I wanted a Labradoodle. I really wanted a Labradoodle, but I wanted a medium sized Labradoodle. Usually labradoodles are really big. They're like standard sized poodles. The, the, the big giant poodles.
::But I wanted a medium size.
::And I found one that I thought would be like pretty perfect, but my husband's like, no, we decided we weren't going to get any more dogs and.
::And the price was really good. But he's like, no, no, don't do that. And so I kept. I kept thinking, you know, I just want this black.
::Curly hair. Labrador. This is what? That's.
::Medium size, not big.
::And then I'm doing something and I'm in the grocery store and he gone to the fair this year with my son and his wife.
::Same son and they call me from the fair. Hey, and that my daughter was there too.
::Hey, there's labradoodles here.
::Do you want to come look?
::At that.
::So Needless to say, both of.
::My dogs came from the.
::Fair. Just I love that and I think.
::This this is not a coincidence. Like maybe we need to start some sort of program around how to manifest.
::Your dog? Yes. And he is. He's the perfect. He's just the perfect.
::Size. He's black and.
::Early and is a little bit of.
::On his, on his chin, and on his neck. But beyond that, he's just like, he's exactly what I pictured. And he's smart. And lovable and sweet.
::And definitely a puppy because he's destroying everything. But you know he'll get through that.
::Oh, that's beautiful. I love that story.
::So yeah, we could start a.
::A manifest your perfect pet.
::You know, I I'm sure there would be a lot of demand for that. There are a lot of people out there who want to manifest their perfect they're perfect, dog, cat, whatever it is you'd like to have.
::Yeah, and I think a lot of it is just thinking about you.
::Know what?
::Do you want in an animal?
::Like my son got a my other son got a.
::A Husky.
::And later he looked up, you know, the definition of people that got Huskies, the people that don't research their pets very clearly.
::Is the funniest dog.
::There you go.
::About it a lot. He's just like Cronk from that Disney movie.
::Big and not real, right?
::I didn't know that about.
::It excuse me how to say?
::So how can people find your cycle living?
::Yeah. So cyclical living, so I can share the link. There's a link that they'll have access to. So I'm also offering over the next.
::Couple weeks I'm offering a free clarity of the vision call.
::Where we get on a call and we talk about where you're at, what the vision you have for your life is I help you, I go, we go into some coaching right then and there and we talk about what it would be like to.
::Work together so.
::It feels like a good fit and on that call I'm also going to be sharing.
::The cyclical living tool with you, but if?
::You would like access.
::To that as.
::Well, you can contact me through my social media handle. My Instagram is Dalia coaching.
::And I'll share the link right then and there with you and you get access to that and you can start to really align your schedule to have more freedom and just alignment with your natural energy levels.
::Love that I have one other question for you. Really fast. When you were talking about aligning your cycle with the moon where?
::If you're not cycling anymore, where would that fit in? In the moon cycles like it's in the new moon, like the menstruating.
::Yeah. Yeah. So you're literally just following that. The new Moon starts at the menstruating period, and then the rest of the moon cycles follow through to the follicular phase, the ovulation phase.
::And the luteal phase, right? So instead of following your cycle, you're following the moon cycle, which is very much an alignment. So it's just a win for all women.
::We have it in the sky so easy.
::Exactly. And that's how I used to be.
::Right. Long, long time ago it.
::Used to be that.
::Simple and women used to really honor their cycles, their energy levels, their time in that way. So I think there's a real.
::Calling in the world for changing the way we live in it and the way we treat ourselves in that process and it starts with really coming back to our nature and really living in alignment with it.
::I love that so much I feel.
::It just like resonates with me so profoundly, it's.
::And it's so important to be living.
::Living in a whole way and this really does allow people to live in a whole way rather than, you know, chop, this is the time I go to work and this is the time I do this and this is the time I do that it doesn't.
::It's not living, it's existing.
::It's moving from one moment to the next.
::Yeah. And I just, I want to speak to one more thing really quick, Jill, about.
::That is, you're not always in life. Things are going to happen. You're not always going to.
::Be able to.
::Align everything in your schedule with where you're at in that season of your cycle.
::But what you are?
::Able to do is really.
::Tune into the energy of that cycle, right? So if you're at a point where you're in your menstrual cycle and you need to create a lot more space, but you know you're launching a program or launching a new business, or scaling something and you've got all of these dates that are rolling out, it's going to be really hard for you to change that and move that around, right. That's just life.
::But really, holding yourself to allowing yourself to have more space for yourself in that time, eliminating what you can eliminate from your schedule, and that time will really serve you. So it's very much about.
::Honoring the energetics behind where you're at.
::I appreciate that a lot I.
::I went through a season of a few months where I was really pushing really hard and.
::I realized that this was not serving me and it wasn't meeting.
::It wasn't really meeting any of my needs.
::I was just.
::Trying to accomplish something but I didn't have to be working that hard. I was it's like I missed the whole summer because I was just so focused on doing this.
::Getting this podcast going is really what it was and I was doing a lot of episodes every single day except on the weekends, but then I would have to. There's a lot of work that goes behind, actually putting the episodes out, and I was doing all that myself and.
::It was just like.
::I was burning out. It's the way to burn out when you don't respect.
::The space that you need as a human being and as a woman.
::To allow yourself to work at your own pace and not.
::Put artificial.
::Goals or boundaries or challenges?
::To yourself out there, it's.
::It can all get done.
::But it doesn't have to all get done.
::Right this minute.
::He just step back.
::And I've I did that the last.
::Couple of weeks I've.
::Shifted my schedule around. I've slowed way down and I I'm back to. I love doing this now. I was getting to the point where I was like, no, I don't. I don't want Monday to come because.
::I don't want to talk to anybody right now.
::Yeah, yeah, I.
::Think that is so important of, you know, noticing when your light starts to burn out, then it starts to burn out for what you love to do as well, because you just don't have the energy, which therefore impacts the excitement and the enthusiasm behind something. So really listening to your needs and.
::Honoring your unique rhythms is really, really crucial.
::So I love.
::That you actually stepped into that place for yourself.
::Thank you. I like it too.
::It feels so much better.
::So, Dalia, what's the one thing you want?
::To leave the audience with today.
::I think I think what.
::I'd love to leave everyone with is.
::Fact that.
::Coaching is not just for when you're struggling. A lot of people I think have that misconception that coaching, you know, you start coaching or therapy simply when you're struggling. But.
::Coaching is also.
::About going from good to great and.
::Through the process you grow, you gain insight and that's when you're able to really up level your entire life. So I think it's important for people to know that about the profession and if they're thinking of.
::Of joining a new coaching program or journey.
::I agree with that a lot and.
::And just understanding that there's.
::There's a coach out there.
::For everybody and.
::And looking at where you are and where you want to go.
::And reaching out and having those conversations with coaches, you know a lot of them offer free coaching call take.
::Them up on it.
::Coaches aren't.
::Aren't ******** sales people?
::In my experience.
::They just want. They just want.
::They are not.
::Help you and if they can help you solve the problem that you're suffering from or struggling with.
::Why not talk to him?
::At least find out you know how working together with them would look.
::And then you can make choices from there.
::Exactly. And when I get some free.
::Coaching in the process.
::You almost assuredly will. It just happens that way. We can't help.
::Ourselves does it just comes with the IT just comes with the profession.
::Thanks so much for joining me today, Dalia this has been.
::Great. Thank you for having.