Doctor Patricia Petralba - Thrive with Holistic Health
In this enlightening episode of the You World Order Showcase podcast, Jill interviews Doctor Patricia Petralba, who is an integrative medical doctor for Women's Health. She also is a lifestyle and wellness coach, founder of the Thrive Life Center and creator of Revive and Thrive Program.
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Hi and welcome to You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are talking with Doctor Patricia Petralba and she is an integrative.
::Medical doctor for Women's Health. She also is a lifestyle and Wellness coach, founder of the Thrive Life Center and creator of Revive and Thrive Program.
::So welcome, Patricia.
::So glad to have you join us.
::Can you tell us your story?
::I think that's a great place to start.
::Yes, hi Jill.
::Thank you.
::And I'm excited to be here.
::So yes, I am a medical doctor, an integrative medical doctor.
::And for those who are new to what integrative medicine means.
::So it's essentially really combining the best of both worlds or all worlds.
::So it's the eastern, the western, the quantum, the energy healing.
::And it's really intended to get to the root cause versus Band-Aid healing and symptom reduction to really get you to the optimum version of who you want to be like you're thriving best because we are really designed to heal.
::And to be kind of like you know how when we were children, when we had the optimum levels of energy, metabolism sleep, so that version of us that is so optimum and that's where integrative medicine.
::Can help. So my story.
::So I used to be in corporate medicine, meaning insurance based medicine in the hospital.
::Very busy clinic like the 15 minute or less per patient and I just saw you know it's not ideal.
::It doesn't get to the root cause.
::I mean like just meeting your friend.
::And for 15 minutes, it's never enough.
::What more?
::If it's about your life and your health, and I mean, growing up in the Philippines, we are kind of naturally integrative anyway, like using nature herbs and ceremonies as medicine.
::And so I was.
::Really kind of having that.
::Maybe you would call it soul calling, that it being in corporate medicine wasn't now aligning with me and how I serve my patients and the patients.
::I mean, if not everybody.
::knows, they deserve better.
::We deserve better.
::We deserve to be heard and seen in a more holistic way, not just as organs, cardiology, pulmonology, dermatology like we are.
::Mind, body, souls.
::And so, you know, becoming a mom.
::I think awakened that courage inside of me to really kind of be authentic, of who I really AM and how I practice medicine.
::And so here I am, and now I'm kind of, you know, going into the global arena and coaching women all over the world because there's not much who caters to that need.
::And a lot of women are really kind of also dropping out from corporate because they're feeling the, you know, the 9:00 to 5:00.
::Doesn't really support the feminine biology.
::No, it doesn't.
::Not at all.
::Yes, yes.
::And so that's kind of the gap that I'm feeling.
::At the same time, you know, representing that part of the world where representing Filipinos and the indigenous culture and kind of how can we bridge.
::Traditions to modern day living and I feel like I'm an embodiment of that, you know, growing up in the Philippines and being trained in America for medicine.
::So I feel like I really live in both worlds in many ways and I want my clients to get that experience.
::That we can be with nature, honor, culture, traditions and not be in the corporate doing.
::And enjoy life at the same time, but be financially, you know, fulfilled, safe and kind of having that career trajectory that we want.
::So that's kind of the abbreviated story of Tribe Life Center.
::That's pretty impressive.
::I have to.
::Say you've accomplished a lot and I love how you've.
::Your journey has taken you from the male dominated world of medicine and labeling people, because that's really all that you do when you go to the doctor's office, you're just looking for a label and maybe a pill to magically make.
::The symptoms go.
::Away. But instead of getting.
::To like the root of the problem.
::And solving it so that you can live your best, most authentic life.
::And as your journey has progressed, it's gone into more of the feminine energy.
::Where you're incorporating women's cycles and we just like we live on a different rhythm than men do. And it just it's nothing against men.
::It's just that.
::We have conformed to their dynamic for too long and it's so refreshing to see people like you that are just like, well, we'll take what's good from there, cause you learned a lot of knowledge and then we'll just we'll just work on little on refining it so that it.
::It works better.
::With how we were created to be beings rather than doings.
::And right, exactly.
::Beings versus not just being doers and I think.
::It's really now kind of that awakening of the using the female biology.
::We're now recognizing, hey, hang on, we are molding ourselves too much in the 9:00 to 5:00, which is very supportive of the testosterone, predominant biology and male biology.
::But now how can we?
::So this is my facilitation in.
::You know, coaching women, how end the world?
::Like, how can we?
::Knowing that knowledge be more integrative, like how can we honor women and men?
::In our productivity and unproductivity.
::Y’know, and feeling safe that yes, we can still produce equal results.
::When we allow and, we listen to the female biology that I'm having a hot flash right now and it's OK to not do my emails.
::Right night right now.
::And honor my body.
::Because when you listen to your body.
::And you really look into the root cause.
::It will produce and create for you 10 times more versus going to just you know like an OBGYN and give you hormonal replacement therapy and mask the symptom.
::It makes you feel you're kind of living an illusion that the symptom went away, but you're actually masking it and you're perpetuating the dynamic and the time and energy management that got you in the hot flash in the 1st place.
::So I'm not against conventional medicine.
::I still prescribe anti hypertensive.
::Thyroid medication I still lean on it because it's very good at life saving.
::It's very good at quick fix when you like.
::I really need to be here for my family or whatever, but if it's going to be like a chronic and life long sentence
::That's where I feel like we're missing the point.
::We are perpetuating the root cause of what got us there in the 1st place.
::If we just use pharmaceuticals.
::I agree with that a lot and.
::I also agree with your point that.
::Modern medicine, the industrial medical complex, is really good at critical care, and they can bring you back from the brink.
::But the problem that I see when people go to the doctor and they get a prescription, they don't really understand that.
::They need to.
::Be their own advocate.
::They're responsible for calling the doctor and making a new appointment and doing the tests to make sure that you still need that.
::That pharmaceutical drug, which is just, it's supposed to be an emergency relief getting you to better health.
::But people miss that component of you need to make some changes.
::Something got you to this point where you're in dis-ease in your body.
::And you need to make some changes.
::In order to.
::Get beyond that.
::That, and doctors don't tell you what you need to.
::Do a lot of it has to.
::Do with diet.
::But you know, diets just.
::One portion of.
::It and then there's also exercise and there's, you know, mental practices and spiritual practices that it's the whole person isn't just like.
::Your gallbladder or your pancreas or your brain, or your heart or your liver, I mean.
::Or your digestive tract.
::I'm amazed at how many people are unaware that your immune system is in your gut.
::I mean that's something that you should know in elementary school because if you take care of what you're putting in there.
::You're going to be healthier, but yeah.
::100% agree and you know, talking about what we teach children.
::My children goes to Waldorf school, so there I completely align with their philosophy into the first seven years of life and this is where I think.
::Most of us in our adult life, it shows up in our symptoms of our stress because we haven't connected our mind and our body.
::And so in the first seven years of life, Rudolph Steiner believes that our critical brain isn't well formed.
::So it's.
::not very ideal to let children 7 and below think or kind of learn ABC's 1-2-3. We want to really maximize the body awareness, the sensory the five senses. So you're really checked in like how is my body feeling?
::Versus what are you thinking?
::So contrast to regular school of thought, where immediately we bombard our children with kind of learning their ABC's learning math, and so then immediately we're up in our heads and that's where a lot of the dysregulation happens that I see with emotional health and mental health.
::Is we somehow disconnected our physical, emotional, and critical thinking because we were encouraged to think?
::When we are still in our hypnotic state, brain frequency, meaning the first seven years of life, we are mostly in our theta and delta waves where that's like the very relaxed brain waves.
::We are very suggestible. Hypnotic
::You know how when we don't have?
::A lot of memories during the first seven years of life because our brain hasn't really woken up.
::We are kind of in that dream state and we keep waking up our consciousness when we weren't ready yet, we needed to wake up our bodies and emotions first.
::And so I know that's kind of.
::What's worse?
::Yeah, right now, is that not only are they, like pushing young boys, especially in into schools at an earlier and earlier age where they're they really need to be outside playing, they need to be interacting with nature.
::They're big muscles.
::Are starting to develop.
::And it it's just, it's cruel to say you have to sit in this chair and to pay attention.
::I know I just said in the chair for 45 minutes, you know.
::They're just.
::They're not physically capable of it.
::And then we start giving them drugs.
::Let's dull you down so that you don't think.
::And then we wonder why they struggle with grades or behavioral problems.
::It's like just it's like odd. Who
::Cares if they really go.
::To school until they're like.
::13 or 14.
::You can learn and I know this for a fact cause I did it with my own kids.
::Everything you need to know you can learn.
::In two years.
::I unschooled my kids for the first.
::12 and a half thirteen years of their lives.
::And then I plugged them into a school so they could get their certificate.
::Their diploma, and they all graduated in three years with pretty close to straight
::A’s and they were done at 16.
::Yes, yes, I love it.
::I didn't torture them the whole way.
::They were growing up with let's, let's sit here and learn.
::How to do?
::This stuff that really you'll never use.
::Again, in your life and.
::I know, right? And what you can use with your life is what you were saying, moving, being out in nature and you know, me and my husband, he's also an integrated physician where we were reflecting seeing all these diseases, right. And the root cause, 90% of the root cause is really how.
::If you do use it.
::We were poured into.
::The roots of our roots during childhood, like how are we able to?
::Supported and allowed to express our feelings.
::How were we supported and allowed to move?
::No, and not like what you were saying.
::Pin down.
::Listen to this.
::And how were we able to be outside in nature?
::Imagine those three things as an adult.
::Emotional mastery.
::Sensory body mastery like you can do cartwheels.
::You can, you know, go up the mountain rock climb.
::Climb trees
::And the real nature?
::Like you crave for what is natural and a lot of us are nature deficit.
::We're always in artificial light, artificial air, artificial ground.
::Our water healing process, yes, artificial food.
::Artificial food.
::And so we can re-parent that child within using those three things.
::No, and this is integrative medicine, right here.
::Express yourself.
::Honor your emotion instead of pacifying it immediately.
::With retail therapy, food, or Instagram, scrolling through your social media.
::Honor them.
::Welcome them versus I need to tie down my anxiety.
::I need to turn off my depression.
::And then move, you know, of course it's energy and motion ‘e-motion’.
::The body can be the medium to move that emotion aside from your cardiovascular system and longevity.
::And then nature we are elements.
::Yes, we are designed to be an integral part of the energy system.
::That is the world and it's we're all connected.
::We're connected to the air, we're connected, and we're not even real solid beings.
::It's just an illusion.
::What we are is a bunch of molecules that are all vibrating.
::And molecules aren't like a thing.
::They're frequency, yes.
::More than they are an energy more than they are like.
::A. A substance, we.
::Give them labels, which makes it seem like.
::They're the little ball with the toothpicks and the other little balls, but that's not how they exist.
::I love it. in reality
::Yes and.
::I love what you said about we are frequency, we are energy and that's 100% true. And what people I think need to hear and be reminded because we all the answers are inside of us.
::That the heart.
::Is 5000 more powerful? The electric and magnetic charge.
::Of the heart is more powerful than the brain.
::We think that the brain is the command center that we have to think things through.
::We have to figure it out, but honestly the brain is the command center.
::When we allow ourselves to feel.
::The brain follows neurochemistry.
::What you need, what you desire, what brings you joy, what brings you peace.
::And yeah, that that's what I see.
::And it's so sad.
::I see it.
::You know, on a daily life like kind of their heart space.
::Their heart frequency is like dulled down because of.
::Again, like from early childhood, we lean on so much with our logic and it makes us feel so unsafe to lean on our emotions.
::Yes, and leaning on your emotions, your.
::You have the.
::The term gut check and it's because you feel stuff in your gut.
::And if you can listen to it.
::It will tell.
::You what?
::The right thing to do is.
::And if you can get out of your.
::Head and your thoughts?
::Kind of like if you let your thoughts rule.
::Everything about your life which you're talking about in your head well in your head is what you're thinking about.
::And we have all of these thoughts and most of them are really negative from our childhood that we just like.
::Mull over and we just replay that record and it it's not serving us and it keeps us from connecting with our body and respecting our intuition and respecting that gut check that you get when something happens and it impacts you and you're not really sure why it's impacting.
::You know that you.
::Feel it?
::If you stop just letting the your brain run everything and you can feel what you're.
::What your response is to a given stimulus, it'll help you navigate it better.
::Yes, yes.
::I think that's what you were saying about, you know, we need to get out of our head and back into.
::Our body and our heart, you know our heart.
::Feel things and to.
::Respect the emotions that we have.
::And you know the gut, I love that you said that gut check because.
::The gut actually has more of those neurochemistry, like the serotonin than norepinephrine, that supports our emotional well-being. We think it's mental health, but honestly a lot of it too is actually more of it is gut health because we have more of the.
::We actually have more nerve cells, or neurons, whatever cells that we have in our brain in the gut than the brain.
::Yeah, who knew?
::We have more of.
::In our gut.
::So that's why what we put in, we really need to be mindful because it drives really our health.
::I mean everything is connected.
::And I love that we're now and this is really kind of a recent phenomenon getting into like the holistic health coaches
::Which is and it sounded kind of, you know, fringy for the longest time, but it really shouldn't be fringy.
::It's just looking at the human being as the whole individual.
::You are not just your body and you're not just parts of your body, which is what modern medicine really likes to.
::Chop you up.
::You're just your liver.
::You're just your guts.
::You're just your legs.
::You're just your heart and.
::And then they just address those one.
::Parts or your bones, you know if.
::It's just like or your reproductive.
::Organs, you know?
::You go to a doctor for specific parts.
::Of your body, and that's just not.
::It just doesn't make any sense to me right now because we're.
::We're not just those parts.
::Those parts are a part of a larger Organism and it it's impacted by things even outside of the Organism.
::That's driving it, but I think that's why you end up with just getting a label.
::And a prescription.
::Because they really and 15 minutes, I mean really they're going to know something about you in 15 minutes just by looking at you.
::Yes, yes.
::And it feels overwhelming.
::It feels very overwhelming when we navigate it when it's separate parts and nobody is.
::Piecing that all together for you.
::Well you can right because you need to be and I think the most effective healthcare would be your own.
::Accountability and self leadership.
::But it can be very overwhelming.
::So that's what actually most of my patients would tell me.
::Like, there's so much information out there, even with, you know, the holistic health kind of starting to boom.
::You know from nutrition to exercise to all this mind body therapies from tapping to you know, meditation.
::There's just so much.
::And so that's where I think facilitation by either a coach or an integrative medical doctor comes in
::Something because we help kind of.
::Distil all the information, so you're not overwhelmed and you can feel like you can move forward without kind of overthinking where?
::Well, wait a minute, how do I?
::Which truth do I follow?
::You know, like which?
::Which diet, which supplement and so, yeah.
::So I think I want to just recognize that it can really feel overwhelming.
::But the hope is that there are now providers and resources.
::To get rid of that overwhelm so you can move forward. And you.
::Really should take advantage of coaches and integrative physicians.
::There aren't nearly.
::As many integrative physicians out there as are needed.
::It's just like I've tried to find them in my area and.
::They're just, they just don't exist in some areas, but so word out there to anybody that's thinking about.
::Going into it.
::We need you here.
::But and I was as I was saying about the holistic coaches that you.
::You have somebody that can.
::Take you by the hand.
::Who's probably gone through what you've gone through?
::You're going through.
::They can help you navigate all of the things that they had to figure out for themselves
::Until they found out what works to solve that problem and working with somebody that's more holistic takes away that, you know, 15 minutes that you're going to spend with your doctor and then he's going to give you something but not follow up with you.
::I can't tell you how many people I've known personally who've taken medication that.
::Their doctor gave to them years ago, started them on this medication.
::No one.
::Ever followed up with?
::Them as to whether they still needed it, cause our bodies totally changed every seven years.
::It's just.
::Every single cell is different after seven years.
::But they're still taking this prescription.
::They were given like 10 years ago.
::Maybe they call it in.
::They, you know, the doctor just keeps giving it to him when they may or may not still need it.
::They could probably have gotten off of it within a couple months if they just changed some things about how.
::They were living.
::Right, right.
::I agree.
::And so there that's where kind of that self leadership comes in.
::Our healthcare system or meaning honestly it's not even healthcare system.
::I feel like it's disease management system, it's not built in a way where you know we it's personalized or customized or that we're on top of things.
::So we really need to be at the advocates of ourself.
::And even with me, how come?
::Even if I'm concierge and I really know my patience through and through, I give them the ball like I am very honest and I want to.
::Train my patients that it's not me doing the healing.
::It's not my job to.
::To be on top of things, I'm merely here to mirror and reflect back to you the data that I have and help you go to where you wanna go and provide accountability.
::But we put so much power on to doctors sometimes that hang on like, that's not their job.
::It's your job and we just kind of follow your lead.
::And so bridging to the current disease medical system for us to really envision the new healthcare.
::We have to support.
::Seek those integrative doctors.
::So then we become the consumers.
::Always drive the trend.
::So it's through our dollars that we can create the change, you know, and anyway, so that's a call to action to whoever is listening.
::If you're complaining.
::Be part of the solution.
::Support your integrative doctors, support your holistic health coach.
::We all need to support each other, you know.
::And take personal.
::Responsibility for you
::For your health, you know they're there to empower you not to wave a magic wand over you and excuse the behaviors that got you to the place that you're at.
::If you want something to change, you have to change.
::So what's the one thing you want to leave the audience?
::With doctor Patricia.
::So much good stuff, but you know.
::I think with all the information out there with all the holistic coaches out there.
::And we tend to have this label that we're followers of this coach and whatnot.
::The follower really is you and you are the leader too.
::Self leadership with love, always with love.
::You lead with love.
::Because love is really like the easiest access to the healing frequency, the heart space can inform every organ, every cell, every nerve.
::To go where you wanna go.
::So I leave you with that.
::I hope that resonated with your listeners.
::Lead with love into your thriving self.
::And on top of that, you have a.
::Thing that you give away called the thriving women formula, and I don't want you to leave before you tell the.
::Audience about that because I think.
::That's really important.
::So it's a free guidebook on how to.
::It's really a kind of nervous system regulation how to turn on the parasympathetic or turn on the healing response.
::So you're relaxed
::How to feel calmer.
::So it's a it's a workbook.
::It will guide you through how to do just that.
::So it's a free downloadable workbook that you can find in my website
::Perfect, perfect. And they can find you at thrive with Doctor patricia dot com as well. Correct. Thank you so much for joining me today. This has been an amazing conversation. I really appreciate you.
::Same here Jill. Thank you.