Episode 60

Published on:

20th Sep 2024

Fusing Psychology and Spirituality While Exploring Energy with Gabrielle Pimstone

Mastering Your Mindset with Gabrielle Pimstone – Unlocking Your Personal Power

In this insightful episode of The You World Order Podcast, we sit down with Gabrielle Pimstone, a mindset and transformational coach who is passionate about helping individuals reclaim their personal power and create lasting change in their lives. Gabrielle's approach focuses on shifting mindset, breaking through limiting beliefs, and stepping into true potential.

The Power of Mindset in Personal Transformation

Gabrielle begins by discussing the importance of mindset in shaping our reality. According to Gabrielle, many of us are held back by limiting beliefs—deep-rooted thoughts that keep us stuck in old patterns. These beliefs often stem from past experiences or external pressures, but they don’t have to define us.

"Once you understand that your thoughts are not facts, but simply stories you tell yourself, you can begin to rewrite those stories," Gabrielle explains. She emphasizes that mindset is the key to unlocking personal transformation. By shifting our perspective, we can step into a place of power, purpose, and possibility.

Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

A major theme of the episode is the concept of limiting beliefs. Gabrielle shares practical steps for identifying and overcoming these barriers. She encourages listeners to challenge the internal dialogue that tells them they aren’t good enough or capable of achieving their dreams.

"We often get caught up in a cycle of negative self-talk that limits our potential," she says. "But when you question those beliefs, you can break free from them and move forward with confidence."

Gabrielle’s coaching process includes guiding individuals to become aware of these limiting beliefs, dismantling them, and replacing them with empowering ones. She offers exercises and techniques to help people practice shifting their mindset on a daily basis.

Stepping into Your True Potential

Gabrielle explains that transformation isn’t about making massive, overwhelming changes all at once. Instead, it’s about taking small, consistent steps toward your goals. She believes that everyone has the capacity to unlock their true potential, and the journey begins with understanding and embracing who you are.

She encourages people to start by asking themselves key questions:

  • What stories am I telling myself about my abilities?
  • Where am I holding myself back?
  • What small step can I take today to move closer to my goals?

These reflections allow individuals to start seeing opportunities rather than obstacles. Gabrielle’s message is clear: when you shift your mindset, you create space for growth and transformation.

Living a Purpose-Driven Life

For Gabrielle, mindset work goes beyond personal growth—it’s about living a life of purpose and empowerment. She shares that when we align our thoughts with our goals, we can live more authentically and intentionally. This alignment creates a ripple effect, not only improving our own lives but also impacting the people around us.

She highlights the importance of self-awareness and offers practical strategies to maintain this focus:

  • Daily mindset practices like journaling or meditation.
  • Surrounding yourself with positive influences.
  • Setting intentional goals and holding yourself accountable.

Final Thoughts: Take Control of Your Mindset Today

Gabrielle’s inspiring insights remind us that mindset is a powerful tool for transformation. By breaking free from limiting beliefs and taking intentional steps, we can unlock our true potential and live a life that aligns with our purpose.

If you’re ready to take control of your mindset and transform your life, tune in to the full episode with Gabrielle Pimstone to learn more about her approach to mindset mastery and personal empowerment.

Find the 20 minute experiential masterclass entitled "Journey Through Time: A Guide to Connecting With Your Future Self" - https://www.generativegrowth.com.au/


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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. I'm your host, Jill Hart, and with me today is Gabrielle Pimstone. She is a specialist in human response to change and fuses psychology with spirituality to help deepen and speed up change. The topic is how to breakthrough barriers by shifting your energetic state.


That talks about how to master your energy when going through big life transitions and how to find meaning and fulfillment and healing. That's a whole lot, Gabriel. Welcome to the show.


Thank you so much, Jill and Hi to your listeners, it's really good to be here.


That's awesome. So tell us how you got started on this journey and then I've got, like, a bazillion questions to ask you about what you're doing so.


OK. But I actually got started at a young age. I was about 8 when I first had.


A very vivid.


Dream and I got out of bed and I sat on my window. So then I tried to journal.


Doesn't make sense.


And I got really interested at a young age about both psychology and also spirituality. The psychological stuff was the easy part. The spirituality was the part that actually I shut down. And I remember after my father passed away, I was nine. About a year later, I asked my mum.


I wanted to go see a medium, but I had so many questions myself and she said no and.


So I put.


The spirituality on the back burner and then when it came to tertiary education, it was a real no brain I studied.


Psychology at university and then I went on to work in organizational psychology for about 27 years. Big corporations.


And then you know throughout my life, because of the work that I did, but also because I'm a little bit of a a self help junkie. I've been in therapy my whole life.


And in 20.


20 like a lot of people, it was the pandemic, but also I was in a a job that I hated. It was a senior leadership role in a bank.


And my anxiety that I've lived with all my life was made worse by this leadership role. And so I woke up one Sunday morning and I had butterflies in my stomach, a sense of rising trepidation sat on the bed and I kind of tuned in. And I asked the question, what is going on here? What is this about?


And the answer that I got was that I was feeling as well because the following day was Monday and I had to dial into work, took myself off. Long story short, took myself off on a podcast on a walk. Listen to a podcast and that woke me up to what I described it as this almost an invisible.


Putting in my head, Jill, I've been trapped in anxiety my whole life and I realised on that walk that I had to.


Do something different because all the psychological techniques that I've been trying were no longer working. I started searching for a new modality, and energy mastery came my way. So that's it.


In a nutshell.


I I love that I can relate to it and I'm sure a lot of people can relate to the the anxiety being a prison in your head it it's like.


Once you see it for.


What it is it's like.


Oh my gosh. How did I get? How did I live so long like this? And we do it to ourselves. It's.




We did. We do you.


Know there's that that quote by Rooney. Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? We do do it to ourselves because freedom is a choice away, and yet we keep ourselves by choice, consciously, unconsciously, stuck.


In mean struggles that don't serve us, and I guess I got to a point in 2020 where I got sick of the struggle, but it was actually a little bit more than that. It was like there was a survival element to it because I realized that.


If I didn't do something about what was going on in my life, I would cease functioning healthily. You know, I would continue with my life, but healthy functioning would be a thing of the past. So there was a little bit of survival anxiety that was bubbling up. And I think, you know, as someone who's worked in human transformation for so many years.


That's one of the important things we need to change. We need a sense of survival anxiety. We need to be able to point where.


The life as it is is so awful that the hassle of changing or the anxiety and fear of changing is overshadowed by what we're dealing with in our lives. So that was a good thing and.


I embraced it.


I'm. I'm so glad you did. Because.


Now you are here.


So am I.


With us to to share your your findings and to to help people really move beyond just the psychology of of change, which is.


It's been around for a long time, but the spiritual.


Aspect of it it.


To merge the two together and to come up with something that's really pretty unique to you.


That that's fascinating. And So what is it look like when you try to help people break through the energetic barriers and?


Yeah. How does it all happen? I think that's a great question. Before I answer that, it's probably useful to say what an energetic block is and you know and how insidious they are because what actually happens in life is that things happen to us. Let's just talk about childhood because that's something a lot of people.


Like, how does that look?


No, but what I'm about.


To tell you.


Is equally applicable in the womb and gestation, but also passed down from generation to generation, so blocks can form at different points in time, but it's used childhood. As an example, we have experiences in our childhood that are traumatic on a spectrum of trauma. Some of them are kind of, you know, you just get pushed in the.


Playground and you have a cry and something sits with you afterwards. In my case, capital T trauma. My father passed away when I was nine. But things happen. And when we're young, we can't make sense of it. We we don't have the cognitive capacity to do that.


And so we don't work through what happens to us now. Everything that happens in life, our experiences, events, the meaning we place on them and the emotions that I evoke, the thoughts and beliefs, except from all of these have any, they are just energy. They have an energetic frequency. And if we don't work through these.


Events the energy energy doesn't just disappear. It's either it's gotta be transmuted. And so if we don't do that, the energy sits with us. And what happens is it starts as a block in our or Ric fields then as.


More and more and more.


Or events happen over life. It compounds, they get blocks in our chakras and then when it's really deep, it can actually physically manifest in our physical body. So that's what and that becomes like an invisible hand. Rachel, like, you know, you start to experience repetitive patterns in your life that you can't make sense of or you can't break in my case.


There was stuff around grief and loss and anxiety. Then 20-30 years of therapy couldn't cure. So that's what we're facing into and so.


When people come.


To me that I'm helping them release that invisible handbrake and what I'm doing is I'm employing a typical coaching process, which is, you know, person. It's at point A. They want to get to Point C and helping them look at what's getting in the way of that and helping them move forward. That's what coaching is about.


But I overlay energy into it and what I do is I help people go back to that inception point and release the energetic root of what's stopping them in.


The here and now.


So that's kind of bigger than Russia.


Are you doing that with hypnotherapy?


No, I'm not. But I do actually get people. It's interesting you say that because hypnotherapy when you do hypnotherapy, you get into what's called a Theta state or Theta state as you would call it in the state. And what it's interesting because I now that I'm so kind of worked, you know, I've worked with energy for so long now.


I can get into that estate really quickly and what that does is it helps when you innovate and stay tuned like you've.


Get back. You can see or hear what's going on around you, but you're not. Kind of, not really in the movie. That's I actually don't intentionally, but sometimes get my clients into that. In fact, I had a client A.


Couple of weeks.


Ago, who listened to one of my healings at to Evergreen healings and said that she got into a fated state.


So so it's not hypnotherapy, what it is is it's virtual hands on.


Feeling. But I'm working with energetic structures that we call sacred geometry that allow me to travel across their timeline before birth and to find the inception points, the route of what's keeping them stuck now. And I do that through a number of modalities. Like I actually work with my hands.


And work with these these sacred geometry structures. But I've also activated my spiritual gifts, like intuition is on. And so if I'm reading your energy.


I can find I'm always looking for the route and I can find it. Sometimes it's with pinpoint precision, sometimes it's like I'm sensing something happened in the womb. Let's talk about that. Well, I'm sensing something in your maternal line. There's there's something about money in your maternal line for arguments sake.


And then we go into that. So it's, yeah, a lot of it is, I mean it should have healer and an intuitive coach as well.


Kind of like you have X-ray.




I'm over here going. I wonder if she can see.




You know what?


Definitely not. I'm not in that mode. I'm not.


Reading it at.


The moment, but we all have it. This is the thing like we've all got spiritual gifts. We've all got intuition. We've all got different spiritual gifts.


We're born with it and what happens is, you know, when life starts happening as a young child, we.


We those go, you know, we reject them. And for some lucky few of us, we actually find them again. And these gifts intuition is like having internal GPS. It's like a sat NAV inside you. You really it allows you to navigate life with so much.


Greater ease to make decisions from a place of clarity, and so it's not anything to be afraid of. It's something to really embrace. It's it's really in my case and in people that I know and I've worked with. It really is the compass that we need to navigate through life.


It's interesting, as the feminine energy kind of rises over the the centuries or so of masculine energy dominance that we're starting to embrace more of these intuitive gifts that we were given and our mother's.


Voices and our mothers were babies when they had us. Absolutely. When you're 20, you're not even done yourself. And you're having babies and you're trying to do the best you can and.




Yeah, you're gonna screw stuff up. And in these society, that's gone on for the last, I would say 80 years, you've got disjointed families. So you don't have like the older, older people.


Kind of shepherding the babies too, and helping the parents, you know, move, move on in a logical way. Instead, they're just kind of like they're trapped in their own trauma.


They have no way of escaping, and the masculine energy model didn't really address that. They just wanted women to be men.


We want you.




To work and we want you to take care of kids and we want you to have it all. You can have a career and you can be a lawyer and you can raise three kids and have a beautiful house and make sure everything is like.


Better homes and garden ready for them to come and take pictures of your house and your life when you know that's not how life is. Life is a messy and I love this feminine energy where there's, you know, perfection is like.








It's way overrated. You never find perfection in nature. There is nothing perfect in nature. It's all.




It's all swirls.


Absolutely it is. It really is. And he's so right about this. The feminine principle is really gaining traction. And it's interesting that you say that because I've noticed it in my own practice.


In the beginning, my clients were mainly woman.


And now more men are coming are consulting me. And so that's interesting, isn't it? You know, there's something that is universal about.


Introspection search for meaning.


Openness, flexibility, learning all the feminine stuff. And I think you're right. The the energy planet wide is kind of really rebalancing and that's a really good thing.


I think it's an amazing thing. There's so many people. For the longest time, men were dying of heart attacks pretty young from the stress and you know, again, a lot of it's trauma that's not resolved. They don't have the tools they. They just knew that they had to provide for their family and they weren't really equipped for it. So they would.


Abuse alcohol or drugs and you know there's just like this horrible, vicious.


A cycle of abuse and fear and all those things that are they're not, they're not feel good things and I don't think that's how we were designed to live, but now we've got these, these other tools that are becoming like more and more available to men and women because women were starting to have heart attacks at young ages.




They're not.


For the same reason that you know you left your job that just like the anxiety and pressure of of some of these positions that are just like.


Yes, exactly.


What does it matter in the long run of things?


If the paper gets put in this.


Pile or that pile.


And that's perspective, I wish so many more people would wake up to that and it's a matter of prioritizing what's important in life. For me, when I made that decision.


My thyroid, I have always had Graves' disease which is hyper hypothyroidism. It had been in remission for like over a decade and it flared up again. I was sick. I wasn't sleeping and you know the what's interesting about change is that.


You know, getting off the starting blocks, making that decision is the difficult thing for many of us and most of us need it. We actually all need a case. Otherwise, why would you change?


And what I've come to understand is catalysts can come in two forms, and most of us choose the one form most of the time. The 1st and most common way change is through crisis. We wait for the crisis to hit and then we go like in my case.




There's a survival issue here, but we actually there's a gentle way to change that. Most of us don't know about and this is what I help unlock. People unlock in my coaching, which is change through insight. We all have moments in our lives. They may not, you know, happen all the time when they happen, they're very powerful.


Way we have an AHA moments. We're suddenly we're able to join the dots and go, oh, I've seen this pattern and I've been bringing it on in the following way. We might have a dream that gives us an incredible insight into what's happening in our inner world. There are those moments and most of us ride.


With them. But actually those are also equally important catalysts for change, and they're less painful. And there's a part of me that wishes that I hadn't have waited for the crisis to hit back because I know there were a lot of learning moments before that. The 9th of August 2020. That's Sunday.


When I woke up.


There were a lot of more subtle but learning moments nevertheless, and I never grabbed him and so the invitation for people listening is don't wait for the crisis, find moments where you can move forward with new insights.


Yeah. And then that's so important. If you're starting to feel like something's not right, listen to your gut. Because you'll get those inklings. They start out slow and quiet. That's still small boys and and you know, and it's real easy to just push it down and ignore it.


That it will keep growing and keep growing until it becomes a health crisis. And I've known people that you know, they ignored it and ignored it. And it doesn't matter if you're working for a corporation or you're self-employed. And I think people that are self-employed.




They're the worst because they they're just like if I just work harder.


And then.


And they it it doesn't work that way, working harder.


That's the masculine. That's the masculine principle. That's the divine masculine that.


Work, work, work.


Well, not the divine masculine. That's masculine energy. Work, work, work, work. The feminine principle to say, you know.


Get your energy.


In the right place first and then apply yourself like Energy, first action second. So there are such differences between the masculine and the feminine energy and I.


Don't know if.


It's probably worthwhile saying that you know it's not gender based, like as a right female. As a woman, I've got an internal divine masculine.


And divine venom, the enema, and the animas.


And the challenge in life, one of the reasons we're on Earth is to balance those two. And so in my case, I had actually an over act of masculine internal masculine. I was one of those people. Were that what you just said? Work harder. Push, push, push. All of that stuff.


And my learning journey has been to balance that with my divine feminine.


And to really trust in the divine timing of my life, to really let go, surrender. Not in the sense of not doing anything, but in the sense of being receptive and open and flexible and being able to really morph with life. That is the divine feminine principle in action, and it's something I personally have.


To work on and most of us have some kind of imbalance. You gotta work out what yours is, and that's the journey.


Yeah, and and working with Someone Like You that can look at your energetic state and and help you kind of navigate where you are because really.


The only way?


To to get somewhere else is to identify the spot that you're in, and then look for and and ask for help, because none of us was meant to go through this life alone.




You know, and I don't like the word help. I think that does it's kind of conscious of him as a helplessness, but us for support, maybe that's something that's more palatable for, for your, for your viewers. But you know, one of the ways that I do it, as you were talking, I was thinking, you know, how do I tap into this energy is I do hands on healing. I use sacred geometry.


Do all of that stuff, but I actually also do very simple things. I pay attention to words to the language that people use, so if I hear somebody saying things like.


Like I can't sit still or I can't not solve this problem or you know that kind of language. That's an indication that under the waterline, you know, in their internal world, their masculine side, their masculine energy is over activated and so.


One of the ways that we can get insight into our energetic state, which is largely invisible.


Is through words watching what we say to ourselves, watching how we speak to other people, and catching yourself in the moment and looking at this and saying that's really interesting. I used to. I woke up one morning. It was.


A number of years ago I've had eight hours of sleep till I was rested and I.


Woke up.


Got out of bed and said out loud. I'm exhausted.




And thought I listened to myself. And what did I just say? And then I heard myself saying it over and over again, and over the next few days I heard myself saying different iterations of that and realized that when I actually looked in what was just about my energetic state was in burnout.


And even though I was physically rested psychologically, I couldn't cope with what the demands of the day were going to bring to me. I didn't have the resources, so pay attention to your words. It's a simple way of really getting in touch.


And it starts with paying attention to your thoughts. You know when they.


There is always something going through your mind and you don't have to act on everything that drops in. You can just acknowledge that. Oh yeah, that's interesting.


And let it go.


Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. We we're in a constant inner monologue. It's actually, you know, it's crazy. People could actually, yeah, in a monologue, would be carted off, you know.


It would be very noisy and when.


You got in crowds.


Very nice.


That's exactly right, yeah.


So interesting.


So we we were talking before we got started, you were talking about different energetic states exist all at the same time. Can you expand on that for just a second? Because I thought that was really fascinating.


Oh, yes, OK. So the concept of time as we know it is linear. As humans, we're taught there's past, present, future and it's like a linear timeline, but in reality.


In any given moment, as I'm sitting here now, are my energy fractals. Also, there's a aspect of me. There's a version of me that is my past self that's easy for us to understand because we access our past self through our memories. You know, if I said to you what was the happiest birthday you had as a young child, you'd go back to your child.


You've accessed the past version of you.


To answer that question, of course, the present version of us is easy to understand. That's me and you in conversation here. But what's difficult for people to wrap their heads around is there's actually a future version of you, and there are multiple future versions of you. That version of you that has already solved the problems that you're struggling with.


In the here and now.


So this is the version of you that has learned the lessons that has got the answers. That's got the wisdom and what I teach part of what I teach people is how to access the energetic frequency of the of the future version of themselves to help them.


Them and embody it, because change is all about energetic embodiment. You could talk, talk, talk until the cars come home, but real change happens when our state shifts and our energy shifts. And so that's that's a really interesting thing because part of if you wanted to change your life manifest something.


There is a version of you that you can tap.


Into in any point in time that gives you those answers, and you can really just pull the frequency in. So yeah, and I've got a really simple exercise that helps people do that. I've got a a 20 minutes master class. It's. It's actually on my website. It's free. It takes you through the process.


And it's simpler than you think.


I'm actually kind of excited about that and I am going to.


Go try it.


And I will put the link for that in the show notes below when we're when we're done, when this gets posted.




This has been.


So fascinating energy is one of those things that it's just like.


It's it's everything, it's, it's how we exist. Without energy, we would not be it. It it is. It is that I am. It's because it exists.




Or nothing exists.


Exactly. Exactly.


And I have another thought about time.


You're in tomorrow. We were joking about.


This before we came on.




I always tease people from Australia about this, but this is a perfect example of time not being linear because for you it's tomorrow morning. For me it's the day before in the evening and.


Yet we're together.


In space, because we exist but don't exist on this screen where we're talking to each other.




Well said. I couldn't say anything.


Hundreds. I don't know how many thousands of miles apart we are, but in this moment, time does not exist. It's just us sitting here in this frame, these frames.


It's just, you know what we've got to.


Excuse me, I've got a bit of a.


Frog in my throat 70.


We have to throw.


Out our I'm going to have. Sorry, I'm going to have a coffee.




That's good. That's fine.


I hate when that happens too.


When I first got started, I had a fold and I I it was I had COVID. It's really what happened and I was just like coughing and coughing and coughing and it's just.




Oh wow.


Like, keep talking because I can't talk.


I like these moments, though. I hope you don't edit the sound it.


Makes me more human.


Makes all of us human.


Don't edit anything.


Yeah, the great the the idea is that if you know one of the things I always tell people that I work with and I actually sometimes have to tell myself this as well is.


Your mind doesn't have to be on board for all of this to work. In fact, if we try to understand this idea of living across different times, or you know, different time in space and.


We've imploded. We not designed to understand everything and we're certainly not designed to understand the machinations of energy. And so the invitation for people is to really just lean into the process and watch and see what happens and to actually.




Take your mind and park it. Leave it at the door so it doesn't get in the way of the magic and the beauty of this modality.


That's so beautiful. And it it's so simple. But as human beings, we like to make everything much more difficult.


We do. We definitely do. I know about that myself, personally, yeah.


I think it's just part of of being human, but I love that you're doing these things. How do people work with you? Do you do one-on-one or groups or both?




I do both. I have a 28 days to healing group process. It's a bite size transformation process. You bring one thing you want to shift in your life within a month, 28 days and it's a small group process. It's intimate, it's non threatening.


It's all virtual, by the way, and that is that's my group, my flagship group program.


And then and I've.


Got about six or seven different coaching, one-on-one coaching programs to suit different people's needs. Anything from like a one week.


Strategy coaching Strategy week where you know you got two hours of me on Monday and hour on Wednesday and two hours the following Monday, all the way up to a 12 month coaching program. And there's lots of versions of between and most people pick between three and six months because it does take time to to shift things and they some of them bring more than one issue.


Table so yeah, so it's both, it's individual and it's group coaching both of those.


And how would they get a hold of you?


Probably go to my website generativegrowth.com dot AU or follow me on LinkedIn or follow me on Instagram. Those are the two social media platforms that are most active on.


Perfect. And we will put those links in the show notes as well. So people can get in touch with you and and don't forget the 20 minute.


Experiential master class entitled Journey through Time, a guide to connecting with your future self and I'm really excited to go try this.


I will. I will for sure. Thank you so much for joining me. Gabriel, can you sum up what you want the audience to take away from our conversation?


Well, actually you, you.


Said it a a few minutes ago, that energy is everything I think.


You said that.


I said slightly differently. It's same thing. Energy runs the show and if you want real transformation in your life, you've got to start working at that level. It's the quickest and it's the most.


I guess sustainable way of shifting things and achieving change in your life.


Perfect. Thanks so much for joining me.


Thank you for having me. Thank you.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the World—Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
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Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist & host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world. Join our private community, where you will find support, networking & collaboration, get featured on our podcast and we also provide coaching to help you find clients with podcasts. It all starts with joining our community! (it's free)