Episode 202

Published on:

11th Jan 2024

Kim Conway - Soulful Coaching: Beyond Confidence

In this inspirative episode, Kim Conway, provides a succinct overview of her holistic approach to personal growth and healing. She discusses fostering confidence, addressing anxiety and unlocking your soul's potential.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Kim Conway. Kim has a threefold practice, but mainly she helps women operators understand and use their souls to unchain the parts holding them back.


And so that you can live with joy, gratitude and aligned with your purpose. She has some other things that she does that she's going to tell us about here just a second, but welcome to the show, Kim. I'm so glad to have you here. And I'm so excited to learn about these other things that you're doing too, because they're kind of fun.


Thank you so much. I'm really happy to be here too. And thank you for doing this. It's wonderful.


Yeah, I'm really excited to learn about. Tell us about the three things that you do as you started to tell me and then I'm going to ask you about this one part of it.


That I'm really interested in.


OK. Yeah. So my background is actually.


A social worker.


And as I kept continuing in in life, other things started developing for me and I became an evidential medium, and from those two things I kind of birthed my coaching practice, which you just were talking about, which is my discover your Soul coaching program.


Which is really about helping people learn how to blend with their.


And how to use their souls to help you just with everything in life. So I work a lot with people who have experienced trauma or traumatic grief, anxiety, panic. But the main thing that people seem to be reaching out to me for.


These days is really lack of confidence or limiting self beliefs, which often come from those other things. So that's a big aspect of my work where I use all of my different trainings combined together in that program. And then I'm also an evidential medium.


So I do offer readings. I'm also connected with another organization. That's an amazing organization to get readings. It's called very soul. But as I progressed through my mediumship, I started noticing that there's so many adjustments.


That we have to make when we're developing our intuition and our mediumship abilities, that really kind of turns your life upside down. So I decided to use my social work skills and my coaching skills and the main focus now is for me to mentor mediums through all those adjustments and the.


Different personal healing and growth that needs to occur to strengthen the intuitive parts of them. And then the third thing is I have a membership community called The Soul Sanctuary where we do different events to really help people feel closer to their soul, believe in themselves, and just feel supported.




So those are my three main things.


And that's a lot.


Yeah, I know.


But they're all very related and I yes.


I was I was mentioning before. We'll talk about the soul sanctuary. Kind of a little more towards the end, but I love that you use Angel numbers with that. I really want to know about what an evidentiary medium evidential medium is and how that works.


So much.


Thank you so much for asking that. So an evidential medium? It's a type of medium ship and basically what it means is if you had a reading from me, I am going to be giving you evidence from your loved ones in spirit showing that they that they are still here. So what can evidence.


Be it can be personality, it can be their. Maybe their cause of death, or maybe any physical things of they had different memories, different items.


Things what I really aim to do as a medium is tell you a story so that I'm not just giving you little snippets, but really giving you an experience where you feel like you just spent time with your loved ones, so an evidential medium is focused on evidence.


And in those readings, an evidential meeting is doesn't ask questions of the sitter, like the person who's receiving the reading. I'm really giving that information to you, and when I do reading, I'm instructing people to just say yes. No, or I don't know, so that they're not.


Being the medium with information, it's really important in evidential medium shifts that the person receiving the reading really trust that it was coming from their loved ones. So that's why we don't ask questions and don't really allow the person receiving the reading to do a whole lot of talking until the reading is over and then we might have a conversation.


And as an evidential medium?


I'm in training and have been in training for many years, so we enter something called mediumship development and there's this whole world of development out there. Classes, workshops, teachers, mentoring that I never really knew about until this just naturally started.


Occurring within myself, so for most evidential mediums.


We kind of enter a lifetime worth of development. You might take some time off here and there, but it's a continued learning process of strengthening that medium shift. So strengthening that evidence, going deeper and deeper and deeper into it so that you're giving more and really serving the world.


The spirit. So another aspect of evidential mediumship is that we're really here for the world of spirit, to give a voice.


To your loved ones, who are literally every day trying to communicate with you. But of course we don't hear them. You know, they could be standing in front of you and we don't see them or giving you a little hug.


And you don't.


Feel them. So it's their moment to be heard and have that time.


With you as well. It's a beautiful reunion of.


The two of you too.


Other so most evidential mediums are like myself, where we're feeling like we are serving the world of spirit, and of course the person receiving the reading is also benefiting. They may change their opinions about death, you know it might open them up a little bit.


Where they might.


Feel that they just received a little healing or had a little closure. Different things can happen, so you're really serving everyone, but it's focused on what does that spirit person want to say. They've got 30 minutes really to say everything they want to say. If you think of like the course of a lifetime.


Most people will never have a reading.


Or maybe someone will have one reading in their whole lifetime and that spare person knows it so they know I've got 30 minutes. That's it, you know? So it's really important for an evidential medium to stay focused on what that spirit person wants to say. It's their moment. So I hope that answers it. It's kind of a long winded answer to your question.


It does it, but it leads me into.


Two other questions, one of them.




Is how did you get started?


How did you know that this was? This was your call.


We'll start there.


OK, OK. I'll try to keep that answer brief. It wasn't something that.


I asked for.


You know, I wasn't looking for it. My feeling about mediumship before this occurred to me was it? I didn't want anything to do with it. I.


Never wanted to go to.


A medium, I thought. A medium.


Just gonna tell you about all the bad things that are gonna happen to you. Like I wasn't interested. And what happened to me was I had a loss of my grandmother. And this is kind of a common story for a.


Lot of mediums.


Is after a loss or traumatic loss.


The medium shift basically ignites, and in my grief with her, I started experiencing her, and that experience grew from just kind of having a sense that she was there, which most people at one point in their life have that kind of a sense, right, a feeling or a knowing to.


Starting to have conversations with her.


And I didn't really think of that as mediumship because to me mediumship.


Was something way.


Far away from me that I wanted nothing to do with. I just thought, you know, when you love someone and they pass, why can't why can't you still be close to them? I just believe that that was still possible. And over time that kept growing.


More and more, and now I wasn't just talking to one loved one, but quite a few at the same time. I was working as a social worker in a private practice doing psychotherapy.


And my clients loved ones were showing up in the session, giving me information about the client. That was very helpful. Now I had the common sense not to say that in the session I just received the information and was just using it. Sometimes they would directly tell me, ask them this.


Or they're not telling you this, asking about this, and those were often the most powerful psychotherapy sessions. So as that started happening then I was like, well.


They're not my loved ones, like, what's happening to me. And you know about divine timing, right? Because you were talking about Angel numbers and all of that. Well, the universe sent me what I needed. They sent me a new friend who is a powerful evidential medium and teacher, and we became close friends.


And I told her what was happening to me.


And I said to her, I think I have really good intuition. And she laughed. And she said you're having more than just intuition. You're having mediumship experiences. So Long story short of it, she eventually convinced me to start taking a class, and that's what they did. And that's when it really ignited.


And I've basically been in development ever since she told me to do that, but I wasn't looking for it. I was 40 when my grandmother died, so I was well into my adult life.


I would say.


Once I started understanding that I'm a medium.


When I looked back on my life, I always had good intuition, and intuition is like if you think of things as a spectrum, it's like the lower end of the spectrum of mediumship. I kind of always knew things.


And I come from a family who's very much like that. We're very intuitive, psychic kind of people. And I had a couple experiences as a child that made me wonder.


Was that like a mediumship experience or was I? Was it just my imagination? I can't really say for sure. I don't know, but it just kind of made me look back on my life and know, oh, you always were very intuitive. And that's kind of like one of the stepping stones into medium ship. So.


Intuition is just really when you have a sense about something, either a gut feeling, it could even be a feeling in your body or a knowing we all have that all the time, right? And then intuitive is more you can.


Gleam information about other people in the world around you. If you're doing readings now, you can actually give someone information and do a reading and then mediumship is communicating with the world of spirit for all of those things, we are using the same part of ourselves to get that information.


And so it's just really more of like a strengthening once you get to the medium shift, but it's all the same senses.


It's natural to all of us, so I know a lot of people say I have the gift or people will say, oh, they have spiritual gifts.


I don't. I don't like that word at all, because to me, it's quite a natural part of every single one of us. It's really just our sole senses and us connecting to them just like we have physical senses in our body. We have our soul set.


Says. And that's really all it is. It's quite simple really. So that's kind of a long answer. I tried to really shorten that answer to how I got into all.


This but it just.


So fascinating.


Happened. It just ignited and I know so many mediums and so many have a very similar story to mine.


To mine, you know, and others really from the start of childhood, we're interacting with spirit, so it can really happen at any time in your life. Doesn't.


Matter what your age is.


It just doesn't matter what your beliefs are. It doesn't matter what your religious beliefs are. You know, I believed mediums were stay away from them, but you know the joke was on me.


Yeah. Isn't it interesting how that happens? Yeah, absolutely.


Go along and you think you got everything figured out and then suddenly the rug is ripped out from under you and you're like.


I know, I know and.


Maybe it wasn't all that sturdy after all.


That's right. And those are just our opportunities.


To really grow.


And then.


And it opens the world up in in ways that.


It has.


Living with those blinders on doesn't give you the opportunity to see. So absolutely. Why would people come to you and I?


Yeah, let's just leave it with that. Why would people come to you? What? What would? What would they be experiencing? What would they want to know? Why would they?


Why would they look you?




Up OK for all aspects of my work, or are we still just talking about the medium ship? Or do you mean more in the general way?


Well, let's just talk about the medium ship here for a second, if that's what you're doing. Or is the medium ship part of the coaching that it?




Is absolutely kind of encompasses everything so.


OK, so why?


Why don't you explain it that way?


A lot of my coaching clients come to me for the same reason someone would go for psychotherapy, right? So maybe you're having a lack of confidence. Maybe you're having a lot of anxiety or panic. Maybe you keep ending up in unhealthy relationships.




Or you're feeling disvalue or you're not using your voice. You're not believing in yourself and something.


Things shifting inside of you where you're recognizing you know, I have to kind of work on these parts of myself so I can live a happier life or more fulfilled life.


So those are all the reasons someone would go to therapy. Or maybe you've survived A traumatic experience and you're ready to start working on the healing of that. Those would all be reasons to contact me for my discover your Soul coaching program.


And in that program, the main thing that we're doing is I'm teaching you how to blend with your soul and use your soul for your own healing and growing. But of course, we're looking at the specifics of what's going on with that individual.


And every session we work a little bit differently. So it starts out with me giving the person an intuitive reading, which means.


Means like if you go to a doctor or a therapist, usually in the beginning they're taking your history and you're giving them your history so they can kind of make sense of what's going.


On with you.


But I start out differently, where I'm basically giving you your history and making all those connections like connecting the dots of all the things.


That are going on with your life.


Life and we identify in those readings the repetitive patterns in your life, the things that kind of keep happening, like maybe you keep getting in unhealthy relationships, you know.


Do you incorporate past lives into this too? Is it? Is it just this life or is it all?


Yeah, I don't do past life readings because to me they're not evidential. So I.


I'll second.




With I don't want to confuse people too much, but I have done past life regressions where you're putting someone in hypnosis and they're kind of giving their past life. I stopped doing that just because I found that the people coming to me were so focused on the past life and not on this life and I.


Feel like this is the most important.




Take a ball right now and we can make connections to a past life to better.


Understand. Like our struggle in this life and do some healing but staying focused there. I don't think really helps people very much. So and past life readings to me are not. You can't ever prove it as.


A medium, right?


So I'd like to focus on things that are evidential.


But I know.


There's like a whole world of, like, past life readings out there, and that's fine. It's just not like it doesn't really resonate for me, but.


Someone really needs to understand something from a past life. Then I do something that involves hypnosis, where we're really talking to their higher self and being given the information to make those connections. Because I mean, personally, I do believe that we live more than one life.


Even though I kind of don't want to live anymore like this feels like enough, but.


I do believe it's there, right. And so we have all this history and also I believe that maybe on a soul level we're living many lives simultaneously. I don't know how it's all really done. You know, none of us really knows. But in my coaching program, we're really focusing on the present life.


And a lot happens in our present lives that we have to understand and that we can grow from and that we need some healing for too. So we will identify.


Those repetitive patterns will identify where we need to focus on the healing because we do some healing sessions too, and we create like what are their goals for themselves? What are they wanting to get out of the program?


What do what do they want their results to be? And then I also identify the things that they're already really doing well at because I think we forget about those parts of ourselves. And it's really important to know that about yourself because everyone has things.


That they do really well.


So we start out with that and then as the sessions go on, we have a Reiki healing session, so that's healing energy where we're focused on those healing needs that we identified. I do some education and exploration about the soul because I really believe that.




But spiritually in our beliefs, we're all where we need to be, so it's not really about me changing someone's beliefs, but helping them, deepening and understanding of their own, and then just giving them some aspects of what I've learned about the soul for them to either use or not use.


And talking about the soul is really important because the goal is for them to learn how to blend with their soul. So then I teach them how to do that.


That and for a lot of people can feel like a meditation, and I record that so that they can use that to be practicing blending with their soul. And that is a practice that they begin to do on their own and that they can do when we're done working together anytime that they want.


Is this like the difference between your soul and your personality? Do you look at your soul as your personality?


So your is 1 aspect of your.


Because your soul will hold all of our personalities. So, for instance, when I'm giving a mediumship reading, that's their person still is showing me the personality.


That they had.


Right. It's one of the ways people can identify. Ohh.


Yeah, I know.


That's my dad. That's exactly his personality, you know? So it's.


One aspect of what is encompassed in in our souls, yes.


Do you think?


Personalities change as lives change.


Or does the personality kind of stay the same?


I think we wow, I think we grow. So for instance, I'm actually an introvert and I started off most of my life really shy.


I don't feel.


So shy anymore, but being shy was an aspect of my personality.


But I've worked really hard and grown a lot through that and overcome it. Am I still an introvert? I totally. But I can come on a podcast and talk. I can give inspirational talks. I can run my membership. I became comfortable. But like, that's something that I had to grow into.


You know.


But that aspect of my personality is still there. I still will have those times when I'm feeling shy and I kind of treasure now my introverted.


Ness, I don't know if that's.


A word. But I treasure that because by being an introvert, I feel like it.


Help me learn how to go within and connect to that deeper part of myself.


Because I focus there a lot. So yeah, I do think like the personality is always there, but you can you grow within it.


Does that make sense?


It does.


So if you.


If you had a couple cycles you, you wouldn't maybe recognize the person.


The next time they came around, like I, I don't think all people that pass stay there like indefinitely. I believe we recycle through.


Right, yeah.


I would imagine and you know, correct me if I'm wrong, that the people that the beings that you connect with on the other side are beings that are.


Are over there now.


Or here unseen here but.


Because if they weren't, if they were reincarnated, they wouldn't be there to talk to you. Is that?


So you're bringing up a really important like huge thing. So. So first of all, I call them spirit people because there's still people, right. They're coming through with their whole life history, including their personality.


If I'm connecting to someone who's still alive, not in the world of spirit, then that's a psychic reading or intuitive reading. So the difference between that is mediumship is connecting to someone who's in the world of spirit, who's not in the physical body. The physical body in the ego mind are the only two different things, right?


So right now we both have a physical body and our ego mind. But in the world of spirit, we don't have those things. So if a medium is connecting to someone who's here, they're doing an intuitive reading.


A psychic reading.


Mediumship is always communicating with the world of spirit, and what's interesting is all mediums are also psychics or intuitives. They're both.


But not all intuitives or psychics are mediums.


OK, so you can go to someone who can give you a great psychic reading, but they don't communicate with the.


World of spirit.


But if you go to a medium, they can do both for you.


So if you just kind of think of that spectrum of growth, everyone has intuition everyone.


Has the sole.


Senses to do to.


Experience spirit, but not everyone can, like, give a reading. It takes a lot of practice honestly, and flexing up that muscle. But when you're talking about like.


People coming back again for another life.


My personal belief about that is it's not a quick turn around, but I know there are a lot of religions, right is a quick.


Turn around so.


This is just me talking about like what I believe. I believe that there's so much planning involved for what our life is going to be like creating that blueprint.


So to speak.


You know, figuring out who do you want your parents to be, what kind of body do you need? So what are the genetics that you need? You know, what is it that you want to learn? How is that gonna happen with the people?


That you're gonna interact in I.


Feel like there's like this huge plan that occurs.


And that takes a long time, but also.


You're also.


Doing work on healing and growing from the life that you've just lived, right? So there's a lot of time spent doing that. And I do believe that.


It's up to us like we have the choice. Do we want to keep spending time in the world of spirit and learn and grow that way or do we want to come back as a human being and learn and grow that way? I don't really believe that we're forced to come back. I believe we make that choice.


And I keep saying I believe because I want people to just understand like, this is just my personal belief. I can't prove any of this to you. It's just what I've come to believe through my experiences as a medium.


And my teachings is from my teachers too.


It makes.


Perfect sense to me.


The point that I've reached.


And my understanding of how things.


Operate what you're talking about does make.


A lot of sense and it it's interesting to me. I've never actually talked to a medium before.


But I've had medium experiences like I know my mom came to me after she passed and it. It smoothed everything over.


All the rough edges that and just knowing learning about sole contracts.


This huge healing piece for me, it's like.


You know the things that happened.


I asked for them.


And the things that are happening to those around me, they asked for those things. I don't have to fix them. They're not broken. They're on a journey.


Yeah. And it's hard to wrap your head around that like as a trauma practitioner.


That's a piece that's tricky because.


Trauma is never OK like it's never OK to hurt another human being. It's never OK that a person is so deeply hurt and we see trauma all around us. In our world, it's horrific.


But if we.


Once we've survived the trauma, we can't undo what has occurred. But what we can do is use it.


For personal growth and they do feel like we tend to grow more from our difficult experiences than our easy experience.


As you know, because they make us look at ourselves and they make us look at others and we have to work on forgiveness, we have to work on asking for forgiveness or being sorry. Like there's so many things that come out of all of that that we can use.


And I want to make sure people understand, like I don't think trauma is OK, I really don't. But. But I do think that like certain things, right? Like there's just different ways to learn and.


It's not OK that it changes overtime.


Maybe we chose it all. Absolutely. Maybe we chose it.


Ohh, and that's a hard thing. That's a hard thing to wrap your head around. It really is. And what helps me wrap my head around it is.


From my medium ship, the experiences that I've had with the world of spirit, it's such a place of profound deep.


Abundant, unconditional love that when I think about that.


And when I feel that.


It reminds me that on some level, like on.


The soul level.


All is always well.


So when I'm going through my own really difficult experiences or scary experiences, I now use that to kind of settle myself down. And that has been very helpful for me. And I do believe that ethical mediumship couldn't.


Really help people.


In that way of showing people really the power of the love that's really around us and.


Also a part.


Of us like we have it too. We have it too, and it gets lost in the shuffle. It gets it gets buried by the ego, mind and our life experiences and our beliefs and everything else.


But it is there so that is something that gives me a lot of peace.


They're all really connected it. It's like we are all parts of this.


The energy that is the universe, that is God.


And we are experiencing for it.


Different aspects.


Of experience because it's all knowing and it is love and that's all that it. It can't have external experiences with.


Out putting us out here.


Detached to a certain extent, to have these experiences to take them back.


And it's so complicated, isn't it? Like we on the one sense we're all one.


Yeah, we're having a very individual experience.


You know, which makes us feel like we're.


Separated but.


We know that we, a compassionate person, knows that we're not right because you feel for other people when they're hurt.


You feel for strangers. You feel for the world and things that are going on, and it can. It can put you.


On the floor, right.


It can really put you on the floor.


That's also a reminder of the we are all connected. If one person is hurt, we're all hurt, you know, so.


There is power in that.


If used correctly.


It causes change through.


Through the Society of the world altogether, and there was a time when it was, you know, perfectly acceptable to burn people at the.


Stake. I mean that.


That wasn't it was awful and horrible.


But it was.


Not unacceptable if it were unacceptable, it wouldn't have happened. It doesn't happen anymore because it it's like abhorrent to us that idea.


But there were.


Societies that didn't think too much about it, they thought that was, you know, perfectly acceptable thing to do. So it does change society in terms of what at any given time is acceptable. Like I could imagine in, you know, another 100 or 200 years that things that we do.


Now that we think there's, you know, that's totally fine to do.


That would be like ohh I can't believe.


We did that. I just like.


That's so cruel. Or that's so.






Right. And that's a good point because it's like a reminder of like how we are growing in humanity, right, to be more humane. Well, really to be more spirit LED. Right. Love Leo.


And when and we need that reminder when there's so many things going on that are horrific and but when you were talking, I was just thinking like how, you know, a couple generations ago it was OK to spank your children and now like you, you don't you can't do that. Right? So, like, even in these.


And we taint in.


These little ways it can help change.


Us in bigger ways, right? So.


Yeah, that was a good example.


Yeah, and it makes the world better.


You know, you just move.


A little bit along.


And I think conversations like this really help open peoples eyes to like the possibilities and that idea that, you know, we are all connected and we are all in this together and it is really each of our personal responsibilities to step up and step into the gifts that were given and to research them so.


You have the soul sanctuary with your Angel #1111. It's so affordable. So tell us a little bit about that and how people can find you and join your group and get in touch with you and work with you and.


All this stuff.


Oh, sure, so.


I really it's really my passion to help as many people as I can and I never want someone to not be able to work with me for financial reasons. So I very specifically structured some very I do free things so anyone can come and then very, very low, low cost things.


Compared to my coaching program, so this whole sanctuary is one of those low cost things, it's $11.11 a.


And the purpose of that is the same as everything I do is to just help bring you closer to your heart and your soul and learn how to use it. So in the soul Sanctuary, we have a private Facebook group where people can just interact. And I have two events that I do every month. They're on zoom, so anyone can join.


And I record them so I have people that come to the live events and then I have people who just watch the recording. So whatever works for you is perfect.


One event is I call it the cafe and the cafe. We take a topic I do a little teaching about that topic and we have some inspirational discussion. And then the second event is called a healing circle, which is usually related to whatever that topic is. And I run a healing circle.


Each event is only an hour, so it's not really time consuming for people, so it's easy for people to catch up on the recordings too and.


When you join like from the start of your joining those recordings are always available to you. So especially for the healing circles, a lot of times people go back and watch those repetitively because I might do like a deep meditation or it might have been sending Reiki. So every time they watch it, they're getting a little Reiki, which I know sounds strange.


But it's.


I believe it's real.


Yeah, once it happened, it's out there.


Because people e-mail me with their experiences.


And I'm like, ohh, that's so fabulous so.


It's always there for.


You. So it's a really easy way.


For someone to be able to work with me, that feels like, well, your coaching program is too intense. I don't want to do all of that or it's too costly or I'm not a medium, but I want to work with you so I can do this. So that's the sole sanctuary and everything is just on my website. It's very easy or people.


And just message me on Facebook and have a chat. It's very easy to get in touch with me.


And we'll be sure and put the links in the show notes below. Is there one thing you want to leave the audience with today?


Just that I guess.


My personal passion and mission.


Is for people to really understand that no matter what.


Your life experiences teach you no matter what people have told you about yourself, no matter what is said to you over and over by that critical ego, mind.


The truth of you is so much more that within you lies this beautiful soul that is all unconditional love, and it is of power. It's a creator and it's abundant. It's patiently waiting for you to become who it knows you already are.


Are and I believe it's the truth of who we are and that's what I just hope people start understanding about themselves. And it doesn't mean every second of the day.


You live in that space. I don't.


Right. I get caught up in my.


Mind, we're supposed to. We're supposed to have this human.


Experience, but that there's.


A place you can return to.


And recharge and remember, really, who you are and.


As you do.


You just become more loving to everyone and everything around you.


And create a better space.


I love that.


Thank you so much Kim, for joining me today. This has been.


Oh, thank you. It was lovely to spend time with you.


Yeah, so great. Thanks.

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About the Podcast

The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the Worldโ€”Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to seek in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
Contact: https://hartlifecoach.com
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.