Kris Ashley - Manifesting Your Dream Life
In this awe-inspiring episode, author Kris Ashley, discusses her book "Change Your Mind To Change Your Reality: A Road Map". Her book has been endorsed by experts featured in the film "The Secret," including Anita Moorjani, John Gray, and Bob Doyle.
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PODCAST: Change Your Mind with Kris Ashley
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::Hi and welcome to the You World
::Order Showcase podcast.
::Today we're talking with Kris Ashley.
::Is the author of.
::Change Your Mind To Change Your Reality.
::A road map.
::To guide readers towards living their best life possible.
::I am so excited to talk.
::To you about this topic.
::Because I love the power.
::Of the mind and I.
::Think that's kind of what you're all about?
::So how did you get started?
::Welcome to the show.
::Tell us all the stuff.
::Well, thank you so much for having me.
::First of all, it's really great to be here today.
::And yes, I love talking about all of this stuff.
::And we were just talking before the show about how we're so aligned on it.
::So I'm excited to get into it.
::Just to answer your question how I got started is the way a lot of people, a lot of coaches, I imagine that are on your show, get started and that's by going through something difficult in their life, right?
::So many people who have had a spiritual awakening, or who have really changed their life in really impactful and meaningful ways.
::I've gone through something difficult and I'm no different so.
::When I was 12 years old, I was sexually abused by a family member for four years, and when my very large tight knit Italian extended family found out about that, about half of them disowned me.
::And I remember I had these two cousins who were my best friends, and one day we were inseparable.
::And the next day they were like.
::So I wasn't allowed to see them anymore.
::And in on holidays, the family of my abuser would take the mornings and my parents and I would take the afternoon.
::So it's a very divided thing.
::And as you can imagine, as a young adolescent, that's left me with all kinds of emotions, like anger and guilt that I didn't know how to cope with.
::You know, most adults don't know how to cope with those types.
::Of emotions.
::And it caused me to start getting in trouble in school I was doing drugs.
::I was self harming.
::And I was going down this downward spiral.
::And everything changed when someone handed me a book and it completely changed my way of thinking.
::My way of being my with moving through life.
::And I remember turning the pages and thinking, wow, this feels like the truth.
::And I like to say I was like a sleeper agent, right?
::Like something inside of me just woke up.
::And when I finished that book, I started reaching for more and I just became insatiable.
::I started devouring every metaphysical, spiritual new Age, personal development, psychology, you name it.
::Book that I could get my hands on.
::And I started attending seminars and retreats.
::I started finding teachers to study under and my life just became one big mission to learn, grow, heal, expand every aspect of myself.
::And I just dove in head first.
::I put all of these healing modalities into practice, and my life started to really change.
::And then as this was happening as I was starting to get better, my mother started to get worse because her family had been ripped down the scenes and she didn't have all these teachers and books and healing modalities that I was finding.
::You know, I was doing this inner work.
::I didn't know what it was, right?
::I was just.
::I just felt good.
::And so my mom, it manifested in physical illness for her.
::So I watched her get very, very sick with very serious illnesses like cancer and hepatitis and also very strange afflictions that her doctors at Northwestern had never even heard of before.
::And so they were giving her pills.
::And then they were giving her pills.
::To the side effects of those pills and just throwing anything at the wall, hoping something would stick.
::And she slept a lot.
::She slept for all but a few hours of.
::She at the height of it.
::She was on, I think, like 13 pills.
::She had a fentanyl patch and she was falling down all the time.
::Every time we had this really meaningful conversation, she wouldn't even remember it.
::The next day, she would nod off at the dinner table.
::The first time she met my husband, she fell over a table like she was just she this and this lasted for almost 15 years, so I had this compounded guilt that I had destroyed my family and broken my mother.
::But I like to say that in the end it was my mother who inadvertently became my biggest teacher, because every step she took deeper into depression and illness.
::I climbed in the other direction, out of that dark tunnel because I was seeing what was happening to this human body and spirit in front of me, going down that other path.
::And then I was seeing what was happening to my own as I decided to change my mind.
::About the nature of reality and I made this promise to myself that I would always prioritize my physical, mental, emotional, spiritual health, and I would do everything I could to heal.
::And it's a promise I've kept to this day and.
::After changing my life, I decided to give back and now I'm a life coach.
::I know that was a long winded answer, but that's the story.
::Most powerful, powerful story.
::Yeah, yeah.
::And it's so easy to get trapped like your mom and just like depression and not no.
::That there's really there.
::Are answers outside of just drugging yourself, which and my mom drugged herself too, so.
::Totally there with you.
::It's like.
::And it really impacts us.
::A lot when it's our.
::Moms cause those are the people that we're like.
::We are connected to and you never cannot be connected to your mother.
::To you're physically.
::We're connected to her for a long period of time.
::So did you try to reach her about?
::What you were learning?
::Or did she just like so far into the?
::Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
::See it?
::It got to a point where she gets.
::I won't give her books anymore because she gets really insulted when I do because she reads it as me trying to me being better than her or me knowing better than her.
::It was actually.
::I don't think I've ever actually said this before on a podcast or out loud, but it was a big motivating factor for writing my book because and it's actually dedicated to her because.
::I knew she would read.
::My book.
::You know that's her daughter.
::And it was like, OK, these are this is the way that I can kind of show her all this.
::So I really.
::I mean, I wrote it for everyone and for myself, but I really wrote it for her.
::That's beautiful. Wow.
::So she's.
::Did she likes it?
::She has read it and she does like it.
::She's read it, she's read it more than once, and she started to put some of the things into practice, and I've seen a change in her attitude, her mood already, and it's pretty cool.
::But I'm, you know, I'm not pushing.
::I'm just.
::That's really all you can do.
::So how did you go about changing your?
::Reality by using your mindset or using your mind.
::I mean, kind of in the way that I explained, like I didn't really know what I was doing, but I was doing all of this inner work and.
::You know, I think when I when I work with clients to help them, I think the first piece of it is understanding your belief system and your lens and your unconscious programming.
::Because I'm a life coach and I teach people to, you know, use the law of attraction and visualize their dream life, and we map it out and I help them close that gap to get there.
::But I do I do that, but then I what I really.
::Focus on is.
::Removing the blocks from that keep people from being able to manifest right from because the universe isn't just this genie in a bottle.
::And so many people teach the law of attraction that.
::Way, right you.
::Can just like kick back and put your feet up and tell the universe what you want.
::It doesn't.
::Work like that.
::So you have to do the work.
::So you know, things like our unconscious programming, our belief system, grudges we hold on to repressed emotions.
::All of that can seep into your manifesting it can.
::It's like these glasses that you put on, right?
::They say rose colored glasses.
::But you know, it's a lens through which you view the world.
::So there's a lot of work.
::In undoing that because.
::You know, by the time you're 3595% of your mind is run by your unconscious programming, right?
::So you could be doing all the great things you could be saying affirmations or journaling or creating a vision board, but you're literally going to be sabotaging yourself 95% of the day, and all of that.
::All of that comes from, like before the age of seven is when most of it comes right.
::So it's the opinions of the adults you grew up around social conditioning, the crush, who rejected you, the boss who says you're not good enough.
::All these things form your belief system and lens, and so it's a lot of unlearning is what happens.
::And reframing. I find that reframing is very helpful. The things that you as a six or seven-year old thought about a situation.
::It doesn't.
::Serve you anymore.
::And you could be still hanging.
::On to it to the.
::To what you.
::Felt or how you?
::Thought about a situation tell you a story about a dog and my mom and I've held on 63.
::I've held on to this for a really long time that a couple months ago I was talking with a coach of mine and she's like what?
::She helped me rephrase it and it.
::Gave me like.
::So much peace when we did, but the story is when I was six, I used to we lived in Naples, Italy, and I had to walk down this hill to get to the school bus, to go to 1st grade.
::And every day I walked down this hill and this German shepherd.
::I'm 6.
::From little and a German shepherd used full grown would come and take my lunch.
::Well, he wouldn't really take my lunch.
::I'd give him my lunch, hoping he would go away because I didn't want to get bit.
::Oh no.
::Because I was.
::Terrified of this dog, he was probably really a friendly dog and he.
::Knew I was gonna give.
::Him food.
::I was making the problem worse, but I would beg my mom, who had I had two younger sisters, to take me down to the bus stop.
::And I was mad.
::I mean, just mad at her for years, decades, most of my life over this incident, she gave me an umbrella.
::And she said just poke him.
::I'm like, ******* the dog.
::I'm coming.
::The reframing of it is I am who I.
::Am today because.
::Of the way my mom treated me and raised me, there were.
::A lot of things.
::She did that were not really very.
::Very nice, but if you hang on to that bad feeling, it doesn't really serve you as an adult.
::Much like this is a much, much way lower example than what you went through at a time when you really didn't have a say.
::So how do you?
::How do you adjust that?
::To that in your life.
::Yeah, I think you totally nailed it and that's really what my book is about.
::Also is changing your perspective, right?
::Because if you can learn to shift your perspective from one of being a victim to one of being empowered and every adversity that we go through.
::Is an opportunity to learn and grow right?
::There is a hidden Easter egg and when you find it, you level up.
::And that's really what life is about.
::That's why we're here.
::We're here to learn and grow and have experiences as a human being.
::So, you know, sometimes when I tell my story, people are like, oh, I'm so sorry you went through that.
::And I'm like, I'm not.
::You know, I wouldn't change a thing because it brought me to this moment.
::It led me to awakening.
::It was this catalyst.
::It needed to happen and I'm actually grateful for every challenge that I've gone through.
::It's not fun when you're going through it, but as you start to change your mindset and shift your perspective and you grow and you level up more when challenges do come.
::You almost look forward to it because you're like, OK, I know on the other.
::Side of.
::This is gross, and that's when you know that you really changed.
::So it's all about being in that empowered mindset because we're not a victim of our circumstances or other people or anything, you know, we are creators in our own life and everything happens for us.
::Not to us.
::Right. The universe is trying.
::To help you.
::It's a friendly, friendly place in fact, and when you can change your perspective and when you embrace the story that is your life.
::And I personally.
::Believe we choose.
::What we're going to go through here?
::And everybody's on a different journey, so not everybody is meant to be.
::In your story, the whole way through.
::Some are bit actors and some are some are pivotal.
::Points in your story, but it's just a story, and you're the hero and you.
::Get to choose.
::How the story is going to go, and I love that meme that was out there for a while.
::It's like when things aren't going your way.
::You'll plot twist and change.
::Them I love that and I 100% talk about that in my book that life.
::Is a game a play, a movie, right and you are the lead player, the lead role, the hero of your own story.
::And it's like we we've created this.
::I like to think of it as like you're dropped into a video game world, right?
::Like you choose your avatar, you choose what you look like.
::The parents you're born to.
::What your circumstances are you choose how you're going to die.
::You choose some big life circumstances because they plant the seeds for you to grow, but then it's up to you if you actually.
::Grow from those right and.
::And then you get to assemble.
::Once you're in this game, your dream life, right, you get to assemble your career that you love, the people that you want to cultivate relationships with, you know everything.
::And it's when you think about it that way life becomes really fun.
::And I love the play metaphor, too.
::I talk about that.
::As well, like that's.
::That's how I teach forgiveness.
::Actually, it's like we all have soul contracts with each other, right?
::And someone.
::Someone might be your enemy here, right?
::They're this villain, but they're probably your best friend on the other side, right?
::And they love you so much that they've agreed to play this part to help you grow, right.
::And then when all of this is over, you're on the other side of the veil.
::They're going to take their costume off and give.
::You a big hug and tell you did so good.
::And when you can shift your perspective and think of these people like that, you have a lot more compassion for them, right?
::You have great, you're grateful and you know, we tend to turn these people into monsters, but they're really teachers.
::And if you can change your mind and start to think about everyone as your teacher, then you're always grow.
::You know.
::Yes, it's an opportunity for learning, for not.
::Just you but everybody that's around.
::You and how you interact with people that are not.
::Not showing up in a way that is perceived as being the way things should be.
::It impacts others too. I mean, your mom's a great example. Your mom's life was catastrophically changed and it, but she too chose that she agreed to be your mother and presumably the sister of your abuser.
::Oh, totally.
::Or somewhere along those lines.
::Yes, absolutely.
::We choose our big life circumstances, yeah.
::So she's she too has.
::That and she has the ability to change how she is recognizing what's going on, to change her perspective so.
::You were telling me before we got started that you, well, you did just publish this book fairly recently.
::June 20th? Yeah, pretty recently.
::Yeah, yeah, that is kudos to you.
::For writing it and getting it out.
::And so you were mentioning that you had this great offer for people that buy your book through?
::Your website you want to tell them about that.
::I do. Yeah. So if you go to the URL is a little bit long, so it's HTTPS, colon, back slash, back slash and then www.changeyourmind to change your reality title the book.
::Dot com slash order book. So change your mind to change your if you order it through there then you can get my course for free.
::So the course is an $897.00 value. It goes hand in hand with the book and you can still choose your favorite bookstore to buy the book through. It's on Amazon.
::Walmart, Google Books, Apple Books, everywhere you get your books.
::Barnes and Noble.
::And it's an audio paperback eBook.
::But as long as you go through that website to buy it, you'll get the course for.
::That is really exciting.
::Thanks for letting me share that.
::Yeah, I I'm glad that you have such like a fantastic offer.
::So when you do work.
::With people and I, I do presume you are a life coach and you are working with people.
::How does that look and how can they get in?
::Touch with me.
::Yeah, it's absolutely great questions. So there's a few different tiers. So I have a online course that's completely pre recorded. I have a weekly group coaching call and then I do work one-on-one with clients.
::As well, and actually the other thing I have in the works right now, a business partner and I are gonna be putting on personal development events around the Bay Area where I'm from.
::So if you're in California, come check them out and there's going to be a lot of different ways to get in touch with me there as well.
::Going to keep making more courses so.
::It you know, it just depends on how much you want.
::Work with me and if you like the group coaching aspect or you want to do the pre recorded online and I love working with clients.
::I love working with people and it's that's what I say.
::If my story can help one other person, my experience can help one other person.
::Then it's all worth it.
::So this is what my sole purpose is while I'm here on this.
::Done it so.
::That, that's amazing.
::So I was looking at your website and there was one part and I'm.
::Or maybe it was.
::When you.
::Were explaining to me what you did, but it seems to me that the people that wrote the secret.
::Endorsed you in some way do.
::You want to talk about that a little?
::So it was, it was really cool.
::That's pretty.
::So my book, it's my book.
::My book has been endorsed by three experts who were in the film The Secret Marcy Shimoff, Michael Bernard Beckwith and Bob Doyle.
::If you're in the spiritual or personal development space, those names are probably mean a lot to you.
::It was also endorsed by Anita Moore.
::Johnny do you know who that is?
::She was so she was Wayne Dyer's protege. She. She wrote this amazing book called Dying to be Me, and it was based off of like her Ted talk.
::I did not, personally.
::But she had a near death experience after going into a coma from Stage 4 cancer, and then she came back and her cancer was gone.
::So she has a phenomenal story.
::She tours around with Greg.
::Brayden and Bruce Lipton, like she's a big deal.
::She endorsed my book.
::And then John Gray, who wrote men are from Mars women are from Venus, endorsed it.
::And about, I think, like 12 other authors in the in the space, one QHT practitioner.
::So yeah, I was.
::I was very.
::He humbled and grateful to get those endorsements, and Bob Frizzle is another one.
::He wrote.
::Nothing in this book is true, but it's exactly how things are.
::I don't know if you've ever read that one.
::That's a good one, too.
::Oh, I love.
::That it's.
::So yeah, it was.
::It was pretty special to have all these people whose work I've revered and who I have so much respect for, then turn around and endorse it.
::Very special, very special.
::I'm so glad that you wrote it, because it that your story needed to be told.
::Needs to be.
::Told and the.
::Amazing way that you've overcome.
::What most people would perceive as a crippling.
::Just by changing your mind.
::And shifting your reality.
::Yeah, yeah. And you know.
::It's funny when I go on these podcasts, there's either podcasters like you who really get it and it's like, yeah, let's talk about the spirituality and the content and the and all of this amazing stuff.
::And then there's people who get really stuck on the trauma, right? But when you actually look at my book, it's like a page and a half, like the first page and 1/2 is that so?
::Sorry and that's it because it was just a catalyst, right?
::It was just something I had to go through to wake up.
::Like you said, something that I was contracted to do and then the real work begins, right.
::And then we get to talk about how your emotions are tied to your health and the placebo and nocebo effect.
::And we get to talk about resiliency and.
::Forgiveness and reprogramming your unconscious mind and get into like, all the meat of it.
::That's the fun stuff.
::And it's so powerful.
::Your mind is.
::So powerful people have no idea.
::Exactly, leaders.
::What creators?
::We really can be and yeah.
::We when we speak.
::The words we speak over ourselves, but the words we speak over others is also really impactful.
::It actually changes your body chemistry.
::Yeah, I was.
::Because we're water.
::Just gonna say that.
::Yeah, absolutely.
::And even just on a biological aspect, like your thoughts make you feel certain emotions, right?
::And when you're feeling emotions of stress, your brain starts to go into incoherence with your heart.
::And it sends a.
::Disorderly signal down your nervous system and that sends a disorderly signal to your endocrine system and your digestive system and your immune system.
::And it can literally make you sick just from your thoughts.
::You know, this is science back.
::Sometimes people are like, oh, this is a lot of wood, but this is science back.
::You can make yourself sick and you can make yourself heal.
::Right if.
::You can heal yourself.
::Wayne Dyer is a great example of that.
::He basically was told he'd never walk again and he healed himself by his thoughts.
::If it's what he.
::Because he talks about feeling what you're gonna feel like when you've actually realized the reality you want, which is it's an interesting exercise to try to, to feel what you think you'll feel like.
::Joe Dispenser talks about that a lot too.
::Yeah, it's still dispenser.
::I was thinking, I complained it too all the time.
::Two amazing people.
::They are both really amazing people and they've they Dispenza does a lot of science to back up his what he's doing.
::I mean, he measures brain waves and your body chemistry when you're having certain thoughts and it's.
::There's, like you said, we keep saying there's data that supports the idea that you change your thoughts, change your mind, and you'll change your reality.
::Things would just be different.
::You're absolutely right as far as.
::Your emotions generating a response in your body with your endocrine system.
::And listening to your body is another thing people don't do, you know, get out of your head and into what is your body telling you about something?
::How are you feeling?
::And really trying to connect with that.
::And you know all these symptoms that you feel when you're in pain or when you're when something's going on are messages from your body exactly like you were just saying.
::And so often we just medicate, right.
::And I like to like and it to your smoke detectors going off coz there's a fire in your house.
::And you could take the batteries out of the smoke detector.
::OK, cover up the symptom.
::It's not going to take care of the problem, right?
::So, yeah.
::So, exactly.
::Listen to your body.
::Yes, there.
::And oftentimes that comes from repressed emotions, right from emotions that you're not allowing yourself to feel because emotions are energy and they are powerful.
::And if you don't feel them, they just get stuck in your body and they can cause muscle tension.
::They can cause pain.
::They can cause disease, which of course is disease.
::And a whole host of problems so.
::They can get stuck in your organs.
::We heard of the body code, I'm sure.
::I haven't read that one.
::It's a.
::It's actually a modality where you can.
::Use your body to get answers.
::To things that you've.
::Locked emotions that you've.
::Locked into different organs and it's a way.
::To release them.
::And let them go and it's.
::It's not invasive at all, but it's one of those things that there's so many new modalities out there for helping people get.
::Get through.
::Repressing trauma, which is really the bigger part of what happens with people who experience things that they don't really have an explanation for or they're trying to.
::To make the explanation fit.
::Their paradigm that they're living in rather than just.
::Allowing their paradigm to shift, it's OK.
::Well, because when you're in that heightened state, you can't even process new information, right?
::Like when your nervous system is like in sympathetic, like fight flight or freeze and your brain waves are in high beta.
::Like, you can't even.
::Nothing comes in unless it's in alignment with those thoughts and feelings you're already having, right?
::So that's, that's where Joe dispensers work comes in.
::He helps people meditate and get down back to their alpha Green Wave state and their Theta brain wave state.
::But yeah, and then I love.
::I love also using quantum physics a lot in my book too like that backs all of this up too.
::So you know, it all ties in together.
::It's pretty amazing.
::It is I choose to believe energy.
::Is the world.
::It it's, it's just in different forms and shapes and we're all connected and it we're all just energy.
::Formed in different.
::Different shapes, but it's and it's always transferring around.
::It's nothing, is stagnant, everything is always vibrating because energy vibrates it has a signature and each person has a signature vibration and it just is so beautiful.
::How intricate.
::And powerful it all is and.
::Yeah, yeah.
::We've, we've learned.
::To harness a few things, but go ahead.
::No, go ahead. Go ahead.
::And finish well.
::We've learned to harness electricity in in terms of using power to get a result, but we our batteries, we our powers, we have all of that at our disposal.
::It's what we choose to do with our.
::Thoughts that?
::Make it turn on or off.
::And what really excites me too about quantum physics is that every possible reality exists out there in a future state, right?
::In just a state of rest just waiting to be chosen by our thoughts, by the law of attraction and it's everything you can imagine and everything you can't imagine.
::And I love the many worlds theory of quantum physics.
::And it coincides a lot.
::I'm a big Dolores cannon fan.
::I don't know if you've.
::Ever read?
::Her work.
::Oh, she's amazing.
::She's a past life regression hypnotist.
::She was.
::She passed away and she wrote 19 books that chronicle her sessions.
::Like they're literally the transcribed recordings.
::And it's everything from ET abductions to people.
::Regressing as like a star or to the place between life and death.
::It's they're.
::But she, one of the things her clients talked about was how we're not a whole soul.
::We're a fraction of a soul.
::So every time you have a choice to make.
::You make the conscious choice you do, and then your timeline branch is off and there's another version of you that lives through the other choice, and then each time those two timelines have to make a choice, they branch off and pretty soon there's all these timelines starring you as the lead actor, and some of them are very different to the life you're living, and some of them are.
::Vastly pardon very similar and some are vastly different.
::But all of this is for so we can have as much as many experiences as possible so that we when we go back to the other side, right, we have all this knowledge we have as many lived experiences and I love it because quantum physics backs it up.
::Right, the many worlds theory of quantum physics says that you know there is this wave function.
::You can think of it like a cloud or realm of possibilities everywhere.
::A particle can be right cuz particles are really waves or matter is really.
::But when we look at them, they the wave function collapses and it becomes a particle in one time in space only.
::So quantum physics says that every other place that that particle could exist in that realm in that cloud actually exists in another timeline that's parallel to ours.
::And that's the many world theory of quantum physics.
::And it's just I love when.
::Science and biology and all these things back up with these Mystics and these teachers have been saying for so long, and people who have had NE's and people who have been regressed to pass lives, and it just all comes together.
::It gives me chills.
::I love it.
::You know, it's there's so much more going on than we know.
::And there's just so much more than just.
::What we perceive in our very limited.
::Day-to-day existence.
::When you start talking about.
::Existences of your soul going through this timeline and then you multiply that by all the other timelines that you've been a part of.
::Like I've had glimpses of past lives.
::So I know.
::That it does exist.
::And it's.
::That's just like it's so much, yeah.
::It's so simple.
::Yeah. And then if you want to make it even crazier, time doesn't really exist, right? It just exists as a function of our 3D Earth.
::So past lives are actually parallel lives, right?
::And time exists so that we can come here and learn how to use the law of attraction.
::Learn how to use this quantum field.
::Right, because as we.
::As we rise in levels of consciousness to other dimensions and in our next lifetimes.
::That power is gonna be automatic and think about 70 to 90% of people's thoughts right now are negative and repetitive.
::So you don't.
::Wanna think about something negative and have it just immediately appear into your life?
::So there's this buffer, right?
::There's time, so it teaches us how to use this power so that we can redirect right so that we can.
::We can change our minds.
::So yeah, no, it's a lot to think about, but it's so fun to think about.
::These mind expanding topics.
::These are the conversations that are just so fun to have.
::Like, why would anyone want to talk about celebrity gossip when they could talk about this, right?
::Yeah, right.
::Just like the possibilities are truly endless.
::You know, it doesn't even.
::Matter if what we understand about the past is true or not.
::Because I have questions about what we're told reality is and has been and it's kind of why I started this show because I had in my mind I was creating a reality that I did not want to have materialized.
::And I realized that all I have to do is focus on.
::The people that are being the change they want to.
::See in the world.
::And it's a little shift in thought in a thought process, but it's a big shift because I really, truly believe coaches and people that are exploring the edges of what has normally been taught to us to be.
::Accepted the accepted state of being.
::And they're just like, they're stuck in that that thing.
::And I was stuck.
::In it too, for a long time.
::So you know, no.
::I'm not bashing anybody.
::Everybody's on their own spot in their journey.
::All right.
::But to get to talk with somebody, that's like, yeah and.
::What about this?
::And what about this?
::These possibilities.
::It's just so fun.
::And you know, I love.
::I wonder if the reason you love seeing.
::Like focusing on those people who are being the change they want to see because it opens your own mind.
::That's what it did for me.
::It opened my own mind up to the possibility that, like, hey, they can do it.
::So can I.
::You know, if they're, if they're able to help this many people, so can I.
::If they're able to make this much money, so can I.
::Whatever it is, right and then they make the path those people make the path that much easier for everyone else.
::And that's how you heal the world, by the way.
::You don't heal the world by fighting the outside world.
::You heal the world by healing yourself and rising and being that shining light for others, giving them the helping hand.
::And I'm going to use the same line you said in the earlier rising tides.
::Lift all ships, right.
::And as the people in your life see, you change and grow and level up, it inspires them to do so.
::That's like my mom.
::I couldn't if I sent her a Joe dispenser book, she would get so insulted.
::But it's like if she sees me changing, it's like uh.
::Well, what are you doing?
::You know?
::And it sends this ripple effect and then the people whose lives you touch others, and it's just that's how you.
::Change the world.
::That's exactly how.
::You changed the world.
::And that and you find the one thing that you can do to help just touch somebody else's life.
::In a positive.
::Way so that that ripple effect can start.
::It's like, you know, casting the stone into the into the water because.
::You don't know what it's going to change on the shoreline.
::And I like how you said just find the one thing you can do because you don't have to be out there in the public eye.
::You know, you don't have to.
::Be a coach it doesn't take much to.
::Touch someoneโs life.
::Just small acts, yeah.
::It doesn't.
::Well, is there one thing?
::The audience with.
::Today cause I'll.
::Just sit here and talk to you all afternoon.
::I know. I like how.
::You said it's gonna be 20 minutes.
::It's like 40.
::Five later. I love it.
::But that's how you that's how you know that.
::It's a.
::Good conversation.
::One thing I would say.
::That we're all in this together.
::That's a really important message.
::You know, we are all reflections of each other.
::We are all parts of the same.
::We came from the same thing.
::We go back to the.
::Same thing.
::No one outside of you is separate.
::We're all living in this illusion of reality, right?
::This school, this game, this play, whatever you want to call it and what one person does really does affect.
::Everyone else kind of like we were just talking about.
::And again, quantum physics backs this up with entanglement, you know, like 2 particles or two electrons or whatever they are can be light years.
::And when one is changed, the other one immediately instantaneously because they're connected.
::So you know if you hurt another person, if you.
::Send out that.
::This is why I hate cancel culture, by the way.
::It's like if you make another person feel humiliated or shame or angry or anything, all of those emotions that you're making, that other person feel go into the quantum realm, right?
::And then it gets reflected back at all of us.
::And you can't say that you want World Peace and be fighting with your coworkers, right?
::Like we are all connected so.
::You know, when we reflect love and kindness and compassion and understanding out into the world, the world gets more of that.
::So there's a lot of turbulence out there right now.
::There's a lot of victimization out there right now.
::There's a lot of judgment and blame and you know.
::The more we put things on to others, the more.
::It's going to come back to all of us, so.
::Be the hero of.
::Your own story.
::You're in charge.
::You can make it up as you go along.
::It's OK.
::Exactly, exactly.
::You're the director of your own play, right?
::Yep, absolutely.
::I have to tell you.
::One more thing.
::Yeah, I heard a while ago.
::That someone and I'm probably gonna screw this.
::Up, but it had to do with.
::Electrons and chemical compounds.
::I think it was some sort of medication, but when the when the formula changed in the lab, it changed in the same compound that was out in the.
::In the public, which I thought was really interesting.
::It you know what that reminds me of?
::That is super interesting.
::It reminds me of the 100th monkey theory or 100th monkey effect.
::Have you heard of?
::OK, it's cool.
::I know we're trying to wrap up, but it's really fast.
::Yeah, list here.
::So, so.
::In Japan, I forget.
::I think it was like the 50s or something.
::There was this team of scientists studying these monkeys on this island in Japan and they would feed the they were wild colony of monkeys and they would feed them sweet potatoes.
::But they would throw the sweet potatoes into the sand.
::And the monkeys love the sweet potatoes, but they hated the sand that.
::Cured them and they studied these monkeys for, like, a span of, like, 30 years.
::And then one day, this one young female monkey took her potato and she washed it off in.
::Water and other monkeys in her family saw her do this.
::And they started to do.
::It and then other monkeys in the colony saw it and they started to do it.
::And then one day.
::They call it the 100th monkey effect.
::One day there was this tipping point that was reached, and all of a sudden.
::Monkeys across the entire island were washing their sweet potatoes.
::But not only that, monkeys on every other island in Japan, as well as on mainland Japan, all started washing their food the same way on the same day, and they hadn't witnessed the behavior.
::It was like it uploaded into the collective consciousness, right?
::So it reminds me exactly.
::That it's again, we are all connected.
::I have literal goosebumps.
::Yeah, from this story.
::It's not cool, I know I.
::Do too.
::Yeah, that same sort of concept with you.
::Electrons don't behave.
::Particles don't behave the same when you.
::Look at them.
::Or you when you're not looking.
::At them and they can be anywhere and.
::Yeah, that's super silly.
::Everywhere, all at the same time.
::Yeah, because it's a wave.
::I know it's super trippy.
::And it goes back to what you were saying.
::It's all a vibration.
::And even Adams, like when we were in science class, we thought atoms were these tangible things that you could see.
::But they're spinning vortexes of invisible energy.
::Like if you think about, have you ever seen the wind pick up some leaves and spin them around like a little mini?
::Tornado it's like that, but without the lead.
::So if you and Bruce Lipton talks about this like he says, if you were to look at an atom under a microscope from far away, it would look like a blurry sphere.
::The closer you get to it, the less in focus it would become.
::And then right when you're on top of it, it would just disappear.
::All you would see is a physical void and everything in our universe is made of atoms.
::This is at our foundational level.
::So when you said we're all vibration like we literally are all energy and vibration, that's all we are.
::We don't actually exist.
::Yeah, and everything else is this is all made-up of vibrating energy, yeah.
::We do and we don't.
::And then it makes your problem seem not that big.
::Of a deal, right?
::Really, in the realm of things, nothing really matters and everything matters.
::Yeah. And that's why that's what's so cool about all those ND's experiences when all these people report the same thing.
::When they go back, there is zero judgment.
::It's just pure, unconditional love.
::They went through their life, even if they did terrible things, there's no judgment.
::Because it was all.
::Just a learning experience, right?
::It was all.
::A at a.
::School that you went to a grade in school and it's just pure love on the other side.
::So it really doesn't matter.
::You know it does and it doesn't like you said, but you know we have so many, we have endless chances to pass this grade and then we just go on to the next grade and the next planet as the next being in the next dimension or.
::Wherever it is you know and we just climb that ladder.
::So exciting.
::Well, Kris, how could people get?
::In touch with you.
::Thanks for having me.
::I have really appreciated you in the conversation so.
::Yeah, yeah, you too.
::Much is there you already gave.
::The website right we've covered so much ground.
::Yep, change your mind to change your
::Slash order book.
::There you go.
::Get her book.
::Change your mind and change your reality.
::Thanks so.
::Much for joining me.
::Thank you so much.
::It was really.
::Great to be here.