Episode 59

Published on:

12th Aug 2023

Embracing Divine Abundance: Empowering Women to Prosper with Purpose With Lucie Malette

In this inspiring podcast episode, the host welcomes Lucie Malette, a transformational coach and facilitator, known as the Divine abundance coaching coach. Lucie shares her marvelous journey of personal transformation and her mission to make the world a better place. As a specialist in prosperity and purpose, Lucie works with spiritually evolved women entrepreneurs who struggle with money issues and achieving business traction. She empowers them to improve their relationship with money, emphasizing the importance of surrender and trust in their resourceful selves.

Lucie outlines her three-step process for success: the Divine Abundance Group Coaching Program, helping participants work together and foster a positive money mindset; the From Purpose to Plan program, discovering individual purpose and alignment with values; and finally, learning to manage money wisely. Lucie's passion for helping women find their true purpose and embrace abundance shines through, inspiring listeners to take calculated risks, surrender to abundance, and lead fulfilling lives.







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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast.


Today we're speaking with Lucie Mallet and she is the Divine abundance coaching coach and she's going to tell us all about the marvelous things that she's doing in the world to make it a better place.


Welcome, Lucie.


Thank you.


Thank you, Jill.


Thank you so much for this opportunity.


I'm so honored and overwhelmed with joy.


So thank you so much for inviting me here.


Lovely to have you.


Thank you.


So you're a.


Facilitator and transformational coach.


How does that look?


Who do you work with?


What are you doing?


Yeah, well, oh.


How did you get started all this stuff?


Oh, my God, this is.


Such an amazing journey that I'm going through right now and I'm full of joy and happiness and.


Well, like you said, I made transformational coach and consolidator and I am also an aspiring speaker and I specialize in prosperity and purpose.


And I work with spiritually evolved entrepreneurs, women.


That have businesses.


And who are struggling with money, stories, money issues and that and that can't get traction in their business for some reason, right?


And what I do is I empower them.


To have a better.


Relationship with money because they are struggling they.


They need to change the way that they see themselves.


It's all about how they perceive themselves.


So yeah, so I I borrow them to get a better relationship with money.


And so.


So the reason it's all about if they can really prosper with purpose and create all the happy money they deserve because we're all looking for sustainable income and that's part of the problem.


We're stuck.


For some reason so.


Yeah, that's exactly what.


I do and I have a three-step process to work with these wonderful woman. The first step is that I work with a group of women, so it's the divine abundance group coaching program and it's.


A10 week.


Program and we worked in a group setting and it's a very safe container.


Everyone is self resourceful in leadership.


And respectful and everyone has something to bring.


We talk about our challenges, our, our wins, our struggles and we can relate to each other and we learn from each other and we work with the book.


It's called it's not your money by Tosha.


Silver and we read a chapter every week and we've got practices that we worked with and we went, we had our first round in March and it ended in May and my next group starts in September on the 13th.


For another 10 weeks.


So yeah, we're sending tomorrow.


We're sending the early bird invitation, so if anybody is interested, hopefully I know this is not gonna air before.


Maybe two or three weeks, but they'll still be able to to register if there's still room because.


There's only four steps, 4 stays left and yeah, the spots are going fast, so and there's a big mistake that I want to address because woman.


Tend to grasp that money and they are so desperate to get rich.


They are in a lack mindset and that's the worst place to be because you won't build or create wealth on a lack mindset, so they need to surrender and trust themselves and believe in their resourceful self.


That to know that who they are or worthy of receiving money for their services.


For some reason, the women are struggling to ask money to be paid for their services.


And they really need to believe in their divine source and that they are supported by a life positive universe.


And being connected in this relational field and knowing that they are not alone and then they need to connect with their resourceful self also because they are worthy, they all have something to bring.


And if they allow and let go, money will flow.


Because money is energy, right?


So, yeah, so that's something I wanted to address.


This is a big, big problem.


Women are struggling with, and then the second step, that of.


My process is.


Finding your true purpose for RAM, it's a a program that was created by Tim Kelly.


From the True Purpose Institute and I offer A10 week program also so that you learn about who you are.


Meant to be.


What you are meant to do and who you are meant to serve.


And those are the questions.


Those are the main questions we are all asking and struggling to learn more about.


And when we get the answers, then you know exactly who the Sir.


Who's your audience, what your business is all about.


And now you can start making money because the foundation.


Was to have a better.


Relation with money.


Now you can start making money.


And fulfilling all your dreams and desires and having a sustainable income.


So your business is successful, right?


And last but not least, the last step is all about learning how to manage your money and not be managed by your money.


For some reason women don't like finances.


They think it's taboo, and I know something about that because I've worked in the financial industry for more than 30 years and I was a financial planner for more than 20 years.


And I've learned from my clients that ohh my husband take care of that.


I they don't they they're.


They say they're not interested, but I know the real reason is they think they can't manage.


They can't, it's too complicated and it's not.


If you give the right information to women.


They make as better decision than men do.


There's a study that was made so I learn.


I I will learn them to that how to be organized financially to make sure to invest in themselves, but also invest in the future.


There's one tool that I use is.


The four pillars of prosperity.


They need to learn how to balance the four pillars because, like I said, money is energy and it needs to flow.


So between your earnings, you're spending, you're investing and savings and you're giving.


And that's one tool.


Another tool is my Facebook group, purposing with wings.


There's a lot of good information in that group, so I'll share the link so you can share it with your audio.


So yeah, so managing their money, learning more about what to do with their money because, yeah, they're starting to make money now and they need to learn how to manage it well and not be managed buy their money because if they overspend or.


Over earn, they don't have enough time to live their life and appreciate life.


So yeah, it's all about balancing those four pillars and knowing what's coming in, what's going out, basics, it's basics.


So that is like 3 steps.


Not obsessing about it.


Absolutely. And woman gets.


Scared around money and they say I'm not good with money.


That's not true.


It's like avoiding money, avoiding to learn something new and make sure that you're in control of your money and not letting your money control you and being desperate and grasping at it.


Money, as it is, energy needs.


To flow just needs to flow.


So that's what I have to hear.


In abundance and all of those pieces that just like.


It is just energy.


Everything is just energy.


We as human beings are just energy.


It's an illusion what you see.


Exactly where the energy is.


Because it's just.


Believe that we're divine abundance and that we are divine sources and to believe in our infinite possibilities and connecting with that.


And things will start to manifest if you're open and receptive and in wonder.


Amazing things happen, but we need to slow down.


And listen.


And and looking at things in terms of helping people rather than selling stuff to people.


Exactly being of service.


This is the part of the second step.


Being of service is finding our purpose and aligning with our values.


And I've mentioned happy money, happy money is all about how.


You make your.


Money and what you do with your money.


So like you're earning money and what are?


You doing with.


It well, you're investing in yourself.


You're investing in vacationing.


With your family, and if you're happy doing what you love and you are happy with what you're doing with your money, well, that will enhance your life and that will make you happy.


That's why I call it happy money.


That's supposed to.


Like sad money or money that money.


That's elusive, elusive money.


Some people are just not good with money and they just need to realize that it's energy.


And it has to flow in and out.


And if you're over working to make a lot of money and investing and investing and not spending.


What's the worth it it your life is passing you by and.


Yeah, so.


So it's all about feeling worthy and knowing that the divine abundance is already around you and to see it see it slow down.


And knowing that you're supported by this life positive universe and tapping into this relational field.


And believing in your resourceful self because it's already your inner wisdom is already there.


You just need to realize it.


Nothing out there, not even money.


Don't get me wrong, money is important.


It helps, but it's not going to solve all of your problems.


I I can talk about.


Me when I.


Was in my corporate job.


I had a six figure income.


I was healthy.


I still had my amazing husband.


I had everything going on.


Beautiful home, cottage.


I was unhappy.


I was unfulfilled.


There was something broken inside of me and I started to ask questions and get curious and wonder.


I knew there was something bigger than my own mind that was calling me, and I listened.


And I found my purpose in September 2020, I heard an interview with Doctor Deepak Chopra and Claire Zamet.


And when she said transformational coaching, I said, Oh my God, Eureka, this is what I meant to do.


I just felt it like a bolt of lightning in my body.


Because I was ready, I was open to receive.


I was.


I had made space.


And then a year after I transformed myself, all those inner barriers and starting to know myself better, I became sober because I was.


I was so sad.


I was numbing my pain.


So I decided.


This is enough.


I don't need this enough anymore.


I stopped drinking, never went to an AA meeting.


Not saying that's not good.


I didn't need it because I was tapping into my resourceful self and I was a divine abundant.


And everything fell into place.


A year after like last year, I quit my corporate job.


My 6 figure income job.


That was it for me.


I knew what I was supposed to be, what I was supposed to do, and here I am.


This is who I meant to do and be.


And I'm reaching out to my audience.


I know exactly who I'm here for.


How would they know?


That they're your people.


What characteristic?


Do they commonly have?


Yeah. Well, they're in business like me. They're femme trainers. They're woman, and they're 50. I'd say close to 45 and over.


They can be empty nesters that have given all their lives, and now they're empty because they don't know what to do.


They can't even connect with their own needs.


So women 45 and over that want to make the world a better place.


They want to change the world.


They know that they have something to do.


They don't need to have all the answers.


That's why I'm here to help them connect with their true with self and learn what it is that their talents and their gifts.


We go over, we go.


Over those steps in the second step of my process, learning about your essence, your blessing, your mission, and your message.


And then you're good to go.


Because now you're really connected to your resourceful self and you the divine abundance is supporting you.


And it's all good.


Now you can move forward and make happy money, yeah.


And it, it's not even.


I don't think making the money so much as the money will just flow to you.


It's a natural extension of providing enough value in the marketplace and everybody is gifted with some way that they can help others solve problems and it really.


This comes down to.


We're like little.


Puzzle pieces out there and we all fit together in a specific way to paint this beautiful picture.


And if you don't know what your little piece looks like and how you fit in.


With the other.


Pieces in the puzzle.


Well then, then you're lost, and it's kind.


Of a hopeless place to be in that you don't have to.


Yeah, it's lovely.


It's really lonely.


It's lonely.


But once you realize.


Ohh this is where I fit.


It's so exactly.


You suck you up and.


It's so exciting.


It's exciting to know that you're part of something way bigger than your mind and knowing that we all have a true purpose.


We are encoded in our we have it encoded in our DNA and when I learned that I said Oh my God, I'm part of this large universe source.


God, you can call it whatever you want and that I'm a Co creator that I have support.


I'm not alone, and now that I'm connected to myself and my inner wisdom and my trusted source.


And that I have all of this infinite possibilities and potential.


I I was uplifted, I said I'm reinventing myself and that was it.


And I went into several programs to learn more how to build a business and coach people and facilitate groups.


And I'm putting tools in, in my bag, in my bag or my.


How do we say that?


I'm trying to find the word.




We put bucket.


Yeah, I'm putting pills in my bucket and I have to say, Jill, this is my first interview on a podcast.


And I love it.


It's really exciting to have.


I love you.


You here, Lucy?


It's just like you're.


Your joy is infectious.


Ohh you just like.


Thank you.


Beam happiness.


And I can tell you're excited about what you do, and I know that you get people tremendous results because.


I love that I just.


I'm inspired by my own journey and I want to inspire women.


And I got a little story I can share with.


You my name.


Is Lucie.


And Lucie is like in Latin.


And the priest told me that about 30 years ago, but it always stuck with me and I knew there was something.


There's a message in there.


And while I was creating my business and learning about my purpose.


Well, my trusted source told me that I'm Lucie the light.


I'm an inspiring guiding light.


And I just, it just resonates with me so.


I know I'm.


Bubbly. I'm passionate and but I I-beam my life and I shine, I shine it out.


My what I wished for.


Is that woman open up to their possibilities, as I did, because we all have it in us.


We all have our life experiences are in their wisdom.


And yeah, it's scary and it's risky.


But I rather take risk calculated risk.


Then not do anything and stay unhappy.


And depressed and unfulfilled.


Now I made a big decision in the last couple of years, leaving my job selling the cottage a lot.


Of creating space.


To receive what needs to come, cause what would will need to come will come.


One needs to go, needs to go and you let it go.


You need to surrender.


Like I said, if you allow and let go, money will flow, but energy will flow.


Abundance will flow.


Everything comes into place.


Like you said, little puzzle pieces coming together.


This is exactly what happened to me when I started to transform and get curious and open up.


Get receptive.


I received so much information it's fulfilling.


It's a joy and I'm so happy.


I'm so happy.


I now am connected to myself, my truest self.


Isn't it amazing when you find out what your name means and then step into that?


Yes, yes, I'm a beaming light.


My name means youthful bright light so.


When you said that it was ohh so.


And I named my kids mostly on purpose.


Some of them I didn't.


I have lots of them so.


I had lots of chances.


But I it's been interesting to.


Watch them grow into their names, too.


Some of them.


I didn't know what their names meant when I named them, but as adults, it's like ohh.


Isn't that interesting?


One of one of my sons is free.


Robert and Jeffrey means Traveler, and Robert means famous.


And he everybody knows Bob.


He just like everybody knows Bob.


So he's famous.


And he travels a lot for his job and.


Just because he.


Likes to travel.


That's great.


And you had no clue when you named them, but probably subconsciously.


Something was telling you this is the name.


This is you.


Look at your baby and you see the name coming up.




How many?


How many kids do you have?


I have 5:00.


Oh my God.


Ohh, that's a lot.


Congratulations because I decided not to have kids.


And I know how it's important to be fully engaged.


So yeah, what great.


I did it for 40 years.


Fun you are.


Oh my God. So.


I have a 40 year old daughter and a.


19 year old daughter.


Oh, my God, you don't look your.


Youthful, bright light.


It's not funny.


Wow, that's amazing.


Joe, what a great story.


My sisters didn't have children either, and they always thank me because I had all the kids for them.


Oh, well, there you go.


They just.


Some people, they just have other.


Other things are meant for.


Them through this journey.


And you know for me.


I wanted to have kids.


And you know, I totally.


Respect people that are like, no, I have a.


This this time through.


Well, you have the calling first to be a mother and now you're a podcaster.


Wow, reinventing yourself that.


And I.


That's really courageous.


It's been lots of fun.


I really enjoyed it and I really appreciate your.


Your discussion about money as energy and finding your purpose because it's.


Ohh so connected.


And just getting to getting to know you and the meaning of your name and how you stepped into it is?


It is.


It just makes me smile.


Makes me smile.


So as to make everybody smile fill up.


I'm doing that right now.


Thank you.


So what's the one thing that you really want the audience to?


Take away from our conversation today.


That they need to believe in their words.


That they are worthy of receiving money from.


Their clients and knowing that it's OK that it's our birthright.


And but just not only focusing on money.


Well, when we're in business, we are there to have a sustainable income, which is normal, but to also focus on abundance other than money other than material wealth.


We have material wisdom.




Well, wisdom in in every ounces of our being, we are divine abundant being.


And to remember that we are full of resources.


And nothing out there will ever, ever bring us happiness if we're broken inside.


We really need to open ourselves up and reconnect with ourselves.


And that's through transformational coating.


Ohh yeah.


And so how can people?


Get in touch with you.


If they want to work with you.


I just.


Well, yes, I have a professional page which is purposing no prosper with purpose.


That's my professional page.


I have a Facebook group which is purchasing with wings and I'll be sharing all the links with you.


And I have a newsletter also a every three months.


The next one is August 1st.


If they want to learn more about what I'm doing, I've got workshop going on about prosperity, about purpose and yeah, through my Facebook group purposing with wing.




And we'll make sure that we put those links in the description for the show, the show notes.


And also I forgot Lucy the light 11 for Instagram.


Lucy the light 11.


I love those Angel.


Numbers, yes.


And the.


Wings. I love all those.


The imagery is just like so perfect.


And I have to tell the audience she.


Has this little.


Glowing diffused amount of light coming in shining on.


Her. So she.


Just looks kind of ethereal sitting there.


On the other side.


Angelic. I'm angelic.


It's in.


You are totally angelic.


I so appreciate you coming and sharing your abundance with me today.


Cause you have.


Lifted uplifted me and inspired me and it's just been my honor to get to chat with you.


Lucy, thanks for joining us.


Thank you so much.


Jill, I would do that over and over.


Again, with you anytime.


Thank you so much for the opportunity.


Thank you.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the Worldโ€”Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to seek in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.