Episode 185

Published on:

21st Dec 2023

Sarah Grace Powers - Embracing Menopause with Empowerment

In this enlightening episode, Sarah Grace Powers specializes in empowering individuals over fifty. The conversation introduces Matrix Reimprinting, a modality rooted in quantum physics, for transforming past traumas and beliefs, leading to subtle but profound shifts in reactions and emotions.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are speaking with Sarah Grace Powers. Sarah is a holistic life coach who helps people beyond fifty feel light, strong and radiant. She is your dream, a resuscitator. I'm so glad you're here joining us, Sarah. It's nice to have you.


Thank you. It's great to be here, Jill.


So we were talking beforehand about matrix reimplementing and before we get to that because I really do want to.


Get to that.


Tell us how you got started in this. I know you've been around the block for a little while. So how did? How did you get into life coaching?


Yeah. Yeah. Well, I, I joke and call myself the OG life coach because in my kind of previous life, I.


They founded and owned and operated at an herb shop, kind of a little herb shop where we had a lot of we had herbs and healing products. And then we also had spiritual books and books for personal growth. Lots of like products and ideas and ways.


For finding.


Finding personal development and finding ways to feel better in your life and at that time I was a young mom and so I had a lot of ideas for sort of conscious parenting and books on that. And I would, you know, I was managing the shop, running the shop and people would come in and we'd talk and they asked for me and I'd be.


Giving advice, I wasn't really coaching because I didn't. There was life coaching didn't really exist back then.


That was a long time.


Ago, so I've just always been.


Fascinated by all of this by spirituality, by new ideas, by self development and personal growth.


And so later on, after I sold that shop and did a few other things, I kind of came back to that and really wanted to do something in the healing arts, a way to help people and decided to get into life coaching and took a training with Martha Beck.


And that was.


10 years ago.


Wow, right at the very beginning of the whole coaching movement, which I I'm just fascinated by, I think coaches are just doing so much to further everyone in the world really seems like the last couple of years. It's really taken off in terms of people being aware that there's help out there.


So when you come to actually coaching people who do you help and?


How do you?


Help them.


Yeah, well, I've always focused on. So when I got into life coaching, it was right when I was really in that menopausal passage and I was 50 and I was really, I was looking at my life and really wanting to expand and do different things. And I got really fascinated with this idea of menopause.


Being a portal and like this time of life, actually, instead of being a time when like, oh, everything's over, there's no more eggs, but really being a time when of our expansion and to becoming really, truly who we are.


So I focused on, you know, helping women. I had my background in natural health and herbalism, so helping women really look and feel as vibrant and energetic as possible. So they had that, that passion to really go after their dreams. Like it's a time of life when for a lot of women, maybe the nest is emptying.


So this is a time when they can reinvent their lives, so it's really around helping women go after those dreams and feel that energy.


To do it.


That's powerful.


And so that's who I still.


Help. That's still what it's about. And I do that, you know, on the different levels, you know, really that healing of body, mind and spirit, as cliche as it sounds, it's important.


Yeah, they all go together. It's not like you can pick.


I'm just going to pick one thing and work on that, because then you're lopsided.


It it's really.


100% yeah.


And really I.


Just yeah, exactly 100% and I decided.


To follow life.


Coaching when I was sort of at.


That turning point of deciding which way to go, I could have gone into health coaching because I really that was, I was an herbalist. I had been into the natural health. But as I you know, during all those years I helped people with their health.


I saw there was so much variety and the level of success people would have and I knew there was something more to it than.


And just, you know, kind of following taking certain herbs or supplements, eating a particular diet like that was part of it. But there was, like, so much underneath. And that's why I really was interested in the life coaching. Yes, it really is that it. It is all together. It works all together. And you can't just do one and ignore the others.


I think that's why regular Western medicine doesn't work so well, is they? They try to divide your body up into like.


Bits and pieces as though it's not all integrated, and I was talking with one person not that long ago. She was talking about pain and that you can have.


Pain. If it's chronic pain, it's likely that the pain is gone, but your mind is just running loops and you can change that. It's like why you have phantom pain if you lose a limb.


Yeah, your head is so powerful when it comes to getting you in and out of disease and pain in particular with what she was talking about. But it's just a really good illustration of how powerful our mind is and how much we need to incorporate.


Our neuro programming, which is subconscious even you know you don't consciously think, oh, Gee, I wish my leg would hurt.


Exactly. Yeah, yeah.


When it's long past her.


Right, right. And a lot of people are really resistant to that idea, but they've done so much research now that our brain really, you know, like pain really does start in the brain. So, you know, it used to be kind of an insult. Ohh. It's all in your head it actually.


Is in our.


Head. But that doesn't mean there's not actually a physiological issue that has been created because of what was in our head.


But it's not like we did something wrong to create to have that be in our head, it's like.


It has to do with, you know.


Old trauma, even generational stuff that's been passed down. So it's so it's, you know, once you start opening up that box, you know that we do with life coaching. There's just so much there and there's so many ways to go and it's different for every person. What's going to really facilitate their greatest healing and expansion.


Yeah, but there's some things that are pretty similar when it comes to just general patterns. Like, you know, the things that you think about.


They will come about. It's an old saying, but it's like whatever you focus on, you're going to get lots more of that and empowering people to be able to make decisions, to think about things that are going to help them rather than things that are going to attract what they don't want.


Well, yeah, exactly. But see, for some people, that's really hard to do. I mean, it's easy to say, oh, just stop that. But that's not always as easy as easily done as it is said, you'd be like, oh, yeah, I'm going to think this other thought instead. But if you have these, like, deeper subconscious patterns going on, you have to go down.


To that level.


But yeah, you're right, it is all. So a lot of it does boil down to very similar things.


And I think that might bring us to a matrix rein printing, are we?


Close I'm.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, it's a fascinating modality. And you're right. It's not very well known, especially here in the US and it's basically sort of a.


That it was.


Developed by an EFT master and so I got into it when I started getting really interested in EFT. So first I was going into the life coaching to kind of dig into what's going on underneath and then as I was working with myself and my first client.


Hence, I kind of ran into just so we were talking about where like you know, it's like there's other stuff, it's just not that on your you can do a lot on your conscious level, but then you kind of a lot of times we hit this wall and I was exploring that and I really started diving into EFT on my own which is emotional freedom techniques.


Tapping where you're tapping on meridians on your upper face and body to relieve anxiety and enact a lot of change and heal a lot of.


Trauma. So I started. I wanted to. I was doing tapping on my own, and then I was looking. I said, you know, I think I want to be able to do this in my practice. So I started looking into train.


And I found or no. I started looking into working with a practitioner and I found this person who did both EFT and this thing called matrix Rein printing. And I was like, she happened to be right. You know, there was like a lot of synchronicities to her location in different things. So I booked a session with her, and she did this thing called Matrix Rein Printing on me. And it was like.


Blew my mind, so transformative and basically it's using the modality of tapping.


On your inner child. So you're basically, and when you're using matrix reimplementing, you're working more in the quantum field. So you think about the you know what we all know from quantum physics now is that, you know, all time is actually simultaneously simultaneous, even though we can't really wrap our conscious brains around that.


We, we, we.


OK, I guess that's true. So when you're when you go when you do the matrix, you're guided by your practitioner.


And as yourself now, who knows what you know now? You kind of enter into sort of a time capsule and you visit a younger version of yourself that experienced a smaller large trauma in the past, which created a belief that you're still operating under today.


And so you can go in there and you actually through tapping and through some other things, you resource that younger version of yourself, you know that inner.


Child and help kind of create like a parallel alternate memory that creates a new belief that you can then take back with you into the present and that and then you integrate that in and then you can then be able to sort of more easily shed that old limiting belief and be operating.


I'm a new belief, so it's kind of.


Like a quick nutshell explanation of it. So it's amazing because you're doing all this. You know, you're not really in a trance, but it's a little bit similar to sort of that where you're kind of going into like a meditation.


And it's just incredible because you come back and then you do some memory reconsolidation and you really find that some of the charge from that old memory.


Has been relieved, and sometimes it even affects other people who were involved in it.


I've actually experienced that I didn't know what it was called, but I have a friend who's an EFT coach and she.


She worked me through something that happened when I.


Was like 6.


That I held on to I63 and I've held on to it all this time framed 1.


OK, but through the tapping, I realized that it.


There was. There was a very positive way of looking at what happened and the experience that I had charged.


So negatively to a very positive, empowering.


Memory and it was it was a simple process. I mean, none of these things, these modalities that we practice are overly complicated.


That in the simplicity of having somebody that knows what they're doing, walk you through the process it.


Can be life changing in just a matter of even like one session?


Exactly, yeah.


Around something that's so profound that it has affected your whole life.


Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I mean, it can be and. And sometimes you do need to go into for a couple of more and sort of especially if it's a really intense thing that happened or for some reason it's very clingy. Do you need to go into some different aspects? But you're right. Like often one session.


Is all you need.


And with the matrix, it's a like with tapping itself we do a lot of work, sometimes with old memories and releasing the charge on different levels, but it like that takes more time and it's just a little more clunky. But with the matrix, because you're sort of doing this quantum field work where you're literally talking to the younger version of yourself.


Like it's like you call it an echo so that younger version of yourself is called an echo. In this terminology with matrix.


And it's it has its own voice. Like you're not, like, thinking, well, what would she say? It's like she's talking to you. Your younger self is talking to you and telling you what she's thinking, what she's feeling. And then you grounding yourself in what you know now are able to help resource her in that moment.


Where she is having so much difficulty and it's really transformative. You're right once.


And you know, it's one session isn't going to.


Like change your whole life.


Don't get me.


No, you're probably not. Yeah, probably not. It just.


Wrong, but it's probably not, but.


It does help you take a step towards.


Making your life the way you want it to be like the way you would envision it if you could just.


Daydream your life into whatever you want it to.


Be and we can you.


Having access to somebody who can help you tweak these programs that we've been had instilled in us at a young age because that's when we are programmed between you know, birth and seven years old, it's like all of the programming for all of the way we're going to.


Interact in the world has already been laid down, but what I think you're saying with this matrix reimplementing is that we can change that programming. We can go in and insert better code in there so that.


As it's being run today.


We have access to better.


Better decisions, I guess, is one way of putting it is that.


Yeah, yeah, better decisions and just not getting hijacked by I think an old unconscious thing, that sort of, you know, they say that our unconscious is really 90% of our, you know, of our mind. You know, so you think of like an iceberg and you know, they talk about the tip of the. So our conscious mind, all the things we're thinking, feeling and.


Spending, you know, saying we want, that's just like this one little tip of the iceberg. And there's all this stuff underneath there, which is the unconscious, all this programming as you're talking about that that got embedded between the ages of zero and seven. And we don't even really realize it. So, you know, family culture, so many ways and.


And those during that time and even sometimes later, you know, there's things that happen and with this programming we develop these beliefs about ourselves or about the world.


And what happens is when you can actually shift that belief and even have, even if it's not completely gone, you, you, you now have another.


Kind of parallel belief. That's much more empowering for you to make those decisions. You want to make for you to take steps that you know might be too scary when you're operating from the saying old belief of, you know, the classic is I'm not good enough. Maybe I'm not smart enough. You know, I'm not smart enough to apply for this graduate program or something.


And then you have this parallel belief. It's like then you start to have more courage to like take these steps into something different which is, you know, basically what I'm helping a lot of my clients do.


And on a subconscious level, because tapping isn't always about what you're consciously thinking.


It affects you subconsciously and releases things and allows you to subconsciously.


Have different.


Let things affect you in a different way.


Like if.


If you had any experience that before tapping or before matrix rein printing, you handled in one way.


You got offended or you took it personally because you always have and you just heard it in a way that came across as you are not important.


After the sessions with.


Or matrix reimplementing you would.


You could hear the same thing, but it wouldn't be received in the same way because you've changed the internal programming that you have. So you could you could look at it differently. You wouldn't. It wouldn't be. Your automatic reaction wouldn't be to become offended or to become hurt.


Yeah. Yeah. Well said. Yeah, well said, well said. And it's, you know, it's looked at as kind of a, you know, a non re traumatizing way to release some of the charge of a of a trauma. And I mean, not to say that it's obviously for a serious traumas. You know, they may need deeper.


In that we give people power.


Work and other work and psychotherapy and things like that, but there's so much of the, you know, sort of that.


Like kind of a clenching on to a certain way you have to be and it just it can loosen that to a point where, yeah, you feel so much. You just and it's very subtle, you know. It's just like a lot of times for me when I've experienced it for my you know as a.


Client for myself.


You know afterwards you're like, yeah, that's great. I feel I feel better. And then it's like a week or two later. You're like, oh, like I'm. I'm not getting all upset like, you know, when this person says this thing to me all the time, my husband says this.


Thing to me, all the.


Time and not like I'm like, I don't even care anymore. Like you suddenly realize like.


Something fairly.


Then your reaction has shifted. Yeah, but so it is subtle, though, because it's not always, like, right after the session. You're going. Oh my God. I mean, you know, it's.


Like, alright, that's nothing.


Yeah, that was really.


Cool, I feel. Yeah. But you feel better and it's always, you know, kind of a pretty, you know, it's a nice experience by the end of it because you've created this new memory and you know, it's. But, yeah, then you start really seeing the things. And there's definitely been.


Incidents where people will like, let's say they heal a memory that involved, you know a sibling or another relative, and then later on that week the relative calls and they actually you can tell they're lighter and looser and they've experienced them healing or some less attachment around this you know so it's just.


Fascinating because that you are. You're doing this work in the quantum field you actually working with. You know, these energies that are, you know, transmitted into the now. I mean, I'm no scientist. So I don't, you know, I can't really explain it.


As well as I would like.


It's all particle physics. It's a particle is.


It's in a one spot and it's everywhere simultaneously. And when you change something in that spot.


Everything around it changes also. So when you change this memory, which is what you're talking about, is changing a memory. Everyone that was associated with the memory that changes too, and there's lots of science around this. This is not woo.


Woo at all.


Yeah, and it even goes so far as chemicals.


I want to. I don't want to say medicine, but in chemical compounds, if you have a compound and you change the particles.


In in the formula.


You have to change the particles themselves. It will change all of the.


Particles in all of the other compounds that aren't necessarily right with the compound that you're changing.


Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. No, I've read that. And it's true. I mean, this is this is this is not. This is beyond the woo. This is actually it's where the.


Woo or the mystical meets.


The science meets science and that's what's been happening with some of these quantum experiments that are just, you know, absolutely fascinating. And this is just a way to.


Use it in a in a very personal way and to be able to sort of harness into that and actually make changes for yourself in ways that you've been stuck for a long time.


Mine. There's something else. I was going to say about that. Yeah. One of my mentors, you know, calls it like hacking reality, you know, because it it's like, you know, using sort of this.


This quantum physics.


Cruise to like kind of hack into what we think is like reality because what we think is reality is all just an illusion anyway, and even the memories.


We create our realities.


Like I used to.


Yeah, like I have a really practical part that as much as I loved matrix I.


Would be like but.


Really like that other memory did.


Happened, but what I've realized like in further studies like that, you know, actually our memories are not really, you know, like every time you think of a memory, it somehow changes subtly, you know, like your brain changes it a little bit and it's.


So it's like.


What is the, you know, the truth of that memory is not necessarily this like.


Like it's hard and fast truth. It's like nothing is like this. Table is just a bunch of vibrating molecules. You know, a rock. You think? Ohh. Rock is a hard and fast truth. Well, maybe, maybe not, right.


So it's all we're all just vibrating. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So. So, yeah, it's a really fun way to play.


It exists and it doesn't.


We are all just energy.


That yeah. Yeah, so.


Everything is just energy. It's not even like.


There is nothing that exists that isn't energy.


Otherwise it wouldn't exist.


Yeah. Yeah. And there's so much possibility there. I mean, even though we can't, we're just, you know, the way our brains are for most of us, we can't really quite rock that when you really sort of start reading and thinking about it and how everything is just energy or meditating with it, like so much.


Possibility can open up.


Because it just. It's like ohh everything that I thought was just me.


That's it's just, it's just energy.


And energy moves.


And that allows you, yeah.


It's always moving. It's never still. And even when you think it's still.


It's not, it's.


It's interacting and it's.


It's like particles. They behave differently when you're looking at them as the when you're not looking at them and.




Just that concept itself.


It should make people wonder he's just.


Like, yeah.


Anything can be.


If you can imagine it, it can happen.


Which is just like.


Such a powerful, powerful thought and things that you're told that have happened.


Might not necessarily have happened.


At all.


And definitely not in the way that you've been.


Told because yeah.


Everybody interprets things you know. First you have to filter it through whatever the source is that you're getting it from, and then through whoever's telling it to you.


Whether it's you or somebody else is telling it to you and then you have.


To filter it through yourself.


And your memories and your programming.


So nobody has ever coming up with the same thing. Nobody's ever reaching the same conclusion. They may think they are, but it's.


Is there different?


Exactly, exactly. I mean, yeah, you may. You can totally go down a rabbit hole with this stuff. I mean, they, you know, they've.


Proven that you know two siblings might be you know, the same event. Supposedly they're going to, they're going to remember it differently and that, you know, both people.


Are convinced that.


They their memory is the right one. It's just it's just that's the nature of it.


It's not.


It's not just like a solid.


Absolute. So yeah. So that's really it's working with that.


I mean, I don't want to say fact, but just that sort of that, that energy, that's what, that's what we do with the matrix reimporting and even a little bit with the tapping I.


Mean the tapping.


You know, actually literally it sort of transmits and message to your nervous system.


Them, you know. So you're saying words that are talking to your brain, but then the tapping is really talking more to sort of your body and that nervous system and that deeper subconscious. So it's all working with that energy and using those type of modalities I think helps with like sort of then the more conscious level coaching and the kind of.


Things that we're talking about.


About thinking a new thought.


And even you know, for me, a lot of what I'm sharing with my clients and I remind myself of cons.


Is this just because it's been a certain way in the past, like a certain you've acted a certain way or things have worked a certain way doesn't mean that's the way it's always going to be in the future. Our brains get very stuck on that. Our brains think. Ohh no, this is just the way you don't. Like, you know, I've only made this much money in the past. That's all I can make in the future. I've never lost weight successfully, so I'm not going to lose weight.


Now, but that's just, you know, that's a trick. Our brain is playing on us has nothing to do with the truth, because anything can change.


I have a story about.


That, and it relates to.


Truck driving. When I learned to.


Drive a the big rig so.


Wow. Good for you. That's amazing.


I drove over the road.


With my husband for a year, and then I started having more kids and he stayed a truck driver, but.


We used to.


Worry about snow.


Because we both lived in warm climates, most of our lives, and the idea of driving through snow was just horrifying to us. And you know, the chains and all of these things that snow entails. But the truth about snow is that it happens.


It does happen.


But it doesn't. You're not going to be.


In it because.


You're moving. You're going to move through it, and you may be in it for a couple of hours, but you're not going to.


Be in it all.


Day you may be in it when you go through the mountains and it may be.


Slow, but it's still you're not going to be experiencing the really intense like dump of snow that paralyzes everything.


For long periods of time, but in our.


Minds. We had made this up like it was this big, horrible.


And it took.


It took actually a while for us to realize that, you know, weather is transitory and as you're moving and you're moving, you know, on a truck, you move 60 miles an hour.


You're moving through it quickly and.


You could have.


Like snow and then rain and then beautiful sunshine, all in the same day.


Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Or even. And even if you're not moving. But you know, certainly when you're driving like that. Yeah. Yeah. And it's so interesting because, you know, I I'm also, you know, not that experienced driving in snow, never driven a big rig, but even just in a car. When I drive into snow, you know, my nervous system clenches up. I get really, you know, it's like, oh.


My God, this is going to be terrible.


You know.


And you do you feel like?


It's never going to end.


And of course it does, you know, and it's just that illustration of that shifting and you know, you move through it, the storm shifts or you or you just drive.


Past it.


And life is kind of.


Like that we.


We like to wrap our mind around.


All of these.


Horrible things that are going to happen to us and we're.


Going to be.


Stuck there forever. I think that's what fear.


Is all about. It's the idea that.


You'll never get through it to the other side like I can talk about.


Like the end of the world.


For example, people think about, you know, it would be all so horrible. Some catastrophic thing happened. Well.


Every catastrophic thing, and you can look at COVID as a great example of.


This has a.


Beginning a middle end and the end and we're kind of coming out of the end of it right now, I think, but in the beginning it was just like you could hear all the people were just like.


Oh, this is going to be forever.


Yeah, the panic and you know and yeah. And that's the thing. And everything does it morphs, it shifts, it changes.


And usually ends or changes into something else.


Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, it is.


I personally think.


It's changed into something amazing on this side, which was, I don't think the intended consequence but.


I think is the best thing that could have happened.


To the world, because the world shifted.


Because of it and so much opportunity has presented itself that didn't exist before COVID, I think.


Absolutely, yeah. Many ways. Many ways. There's lots of ways that it's been a positive. Many people have really did a lot of soul searching during COVID or you know.


It was like an awakening.


Became more aware of environmental impacts, and yeah, all kinds of things. So yeah. And so that's really that, you know, like thing, everything changes and when we can open up and open up sort of little doorways and little portals into that.


Kind of that quantum place and like let that in and then that's when we actually in these sort of feel what seems to be these like very solid and leading human bodies can like take our steps into the directions of our dreams and where we.


Want to go?


And what we want to do with our wild and precious life that we're in right now.


Yeah, and having a coach that can kind of help you shorten the curve and kind.


Of guide you to where.


Where you want to go and show.


You the possibilities is like.


Time it's like shrinking time.


It is. It is.


I mean, I feel like, you know, coaching changes everything because what it is.


You know I'm a coach, but when I get coached, it's always like, oh, big insight, big opening, big realization, because we have our own, you know, our brains are like little blinders on and we just we can't see our own stuff sometimes and just having a coach reflect back to you and see things.


It just accelerates your progress so much. At least it has for me and I really noticed like if I not seeing a coach or getting some coaching from another person, I will start slowing down and I'll start getting a little bit into these little quagmires of my own brain making and yeah.


I really appreciate working with someone else, so yeah, I think you're right. Like it's something that a lot of people are realizing is.


Very powerful and very useful for them.


Yeah. So how do people work with you?


Well, I'm. I have. I do six months deep dive transformational packages and then I'm also now bringing in some of some smaller packages for sort of quicker transformations like with the matrix rein printing with the EFT, some breath work and those can be you know anywhere from.


Three sessions to six sessions and.


They way to get any of that started is to get in touch with me. We can have a quick call, a consult call and talk about. I get to know the client. The client gets to know me and if we're fit and then I can help them decide what would be you know, for what their goals are, which direction to go in.


Yeah, and they can do that.


No one-on-one right now I do.


It's all one-on-one, OK?


Then they can do that through your website, right?


Yeah, they can contact me. I have a.


They can sign up for a consult on my website. They can find me on Facebook, they can find me on Instagram and DM me if they if that's easier for them. But you know the best way is to go to the website.


Use the form. They can pick their time. You can pick your time when you want to meet up and yeah.


Perfect and decide how they want to.


And you do your work online, so anybody anywhere can.


Anywhere in the world. Yeah. Yeah. We meet on zoom. Sessions are generally an hour, sometimes with matrix. I'll do an hour and a half depending on, you know. So it's really. It's like a couture thing because I talk with the person and I get to know you.


And like exactly where you want to go or what you want to shift. And then we can discuss what's going to be the best way to get you where you want to be.


So that's the.


It's more like a.




Life concierge versus the life coach.


Exactly. Yeah. Life costs. Yeah, I like that. Yeah. Yeah.


Sarah, what's the one?


Thing you want to leave the audience with today?


Yeah, well, I.


Think in keeping with our conversation today and the direction it went. I mean, I really just want to leave everyone with the reminder of like you are so much more than your brain believes you are and you are actually your ability to get what you want and to change and shift is really just.


Just like a blink of an eye away.




And all you might need is just a little nudge.


So I'm here to help you as well as all the other life coaches that are out there.


Thank you so much for joining me today. This has been great.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the Worldโ€”Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to seek in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
Contact: https://hartlifecoach.com
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.