Sharon Permack - Cancer, Courage, & Quantum Living
In this refective episode, Sharon Permack recounts her health journey, addressing lung issues and breast cancer amidst a divorce. She underscores the importance of self-compassion during health challenges and discusses the healing power of meditation, quantum living, and energy work to restore balance and well-being.
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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are speaking with Sharon Permack. Sharon specializes in Women's Health and breast cancer recovery and she's the author of millions of knots, the discovery or discovering my life through cancer. Welcome to the show, Sharon. We're really excited to have you here.
::All kinds of things I.
::Want to ask you about?
::Really, I'm excited to get started.
::Tell us your story.
::OK. Well, back in 2004, I started having lung issues and by 2006 I had seen many respirologist's in and out of doctor's offices. My breathing was just awful. I was on inhalers and medications and I was waiting for.
::A lung biopsy because they were really not sure what was going on and they didn't know ultimately how to treat it. And while I was waiting in August of 2006 for my surgery in September of 2000.
::Six. I woke up and I found blood in my bra and I looked at it and I went Oh my God, this is not good. I just knew I just knew and it was actually the long weekend so I had to wait all weekend to see my doctor. She got me in very quickly to see the breast clinic and it turned out to be.
::Breast cancer. So I was dealing with two very serious conditions at the same time I got.
::After my surgery in September for the lung condition, I found out I had a condition called pulmonary fibrosis, which is a progressive lung disease that scars your lungs. And I knew I was in really big trouble. I was going through a divorce on top of it. My kids were 12 and 18.
::And stress does not begin to describe what I was going through, but something within me and I really feel it was connected to my spirit. It was like.
::We're going to do whatever I have to do in order to recover from all of this, so it's been quite a journey, but the journey has been really taking an integrative, functional medicine approach, functional health approach, living holistically and step by step. It's really turned my health around. So now I share that with others.
::And how to you know really. You know, how do you deal with the health issue? How do you deal with the health crisis and to not feel alone in it?
::Wow, that's a powerful story, and there are so many people that have, like, things that are happening to them and they feel like, oh, I'm the only one, right? It's that feeling alone. And the feeling disempowered. And I often talk about, you know, the work that I do using energy.
::Healing and technology to where can what is your next best?
::And how do we walk towards?
::Your health, but also along the way, feeling empowered because feeling sick is everybody has a cold and we all go to that place. Oh my God. I feel so awful. I'm never going to feel that disempowerment. Right. That's OK to sit in it when you don't feel good, but when you're dealing with a chronic illness, when you can find those little moments of feeling.
::Empowered. Maybe it's a good doctor's appointment that I helped prepare you for. So you got answers to your questions. Maybe it's even just knowing your next best step that's going to help you towards feeling better.
::Now that's really important. And how do you feel that like the whole divorce thing was playing into what was happening to you? Do you think it was related?
::It was huge. I so I wrote a book about my breast cancer experience and the pulmonary fibrosis. As you mentioned the millions of knots and in there I actually write a chapter about going through a divorce. Many women who are.
::Are who are diagnosed can be dealing with a divorce and there's always an emotional component to any health issue. What I really want to point out is we never know what causes because I went down the shame, blame and guilt route. Oh my God. If I dealt with my divorce.
::Better and maybe I wouldn't have had breast cancer.
::That is not a mathematical equation that one can make, right? It happened. There's definitely an emotional component that was a huge factor in.
::I just know when people have said to me, oh, you got cancer because of the way you're handling your divorce. And I.
::Well, that's real helpful.
::Shame, blame and guilt. I think people were well-intentioned. That's the thing I learned like they were well-intentioned. They thought, oh, maybe if she looks at this. But really, when you're feeling that sick and you're in the middle of cancer, the most supportive thing is how can I help you?
::From outside, but inside it's OK. What can I do now going forward to make the changes that I need to make, how can I better care for myself love myself, which is a huge topic unto itself. But you know, I think it was the stressors that I had in my life, and it was divorce and.
::Other stressors, and it all contributes. Can we actually take a spotlight and point our finger and go that caused that?
::It doesn't help and there's so many reasons. Like I say every woman.
::That has breast cancer. Their story is unique to them.
::Right. And it's really important. I didn't expect to go down this route, but.
::Blaming yourself? Shaming yourself, guilting yourself, listening to, perhaps, you know well-intentioned people. It is you and one of the.
::Concepts that I talk to women about in breast cancer is finding that mental strength to get through it because there's so many things that are thrown at you, such as why did it happen?
::And it's like, well, what if we go? It happened. I'm here now, what changes can I make and where can I feel empowered?
::And what do I need to do to get through this and get better?
::And get better is an option I I've known lots of people over the years who've gotten breast cancer and.
::Yes, I've known.
::Women who have died from it. But I've also known women who have gone on to live really successful.
::Well balanced lives afterwards, it's.
::Yeah, sometimes it's often like that breast cancer experiences many women I've seen. They're like, oh, my God. You know, I've been wanting to do this and they.
::Shift into these.
::Incredible lives, you know, and I do want.
::To address women who might be struggling and you know they do have a more difficult prognosis.
::You know the way I address this is when I had cancer and I shut out a lot of people, I was just like, head down, get through it and.
::I talk about it in my book because it is so important to make sure that you open your heart no matter what you're going through. And if you do have a more difficult prognosis.
::Where can you find those moments of light where you know, even as you may be declining, that you have a moment with a loved one or you just go outside and sit in nature? We don't have. We can still live our life as we move towards whatever is meant for us going through.
::This diagnosis and this disease that affects so many people.
::Right. Because it's not just you. If you have a family, everybody's involved in it and it's.
::It's a journey that your.
::Whole family takes with you. It's not like you're by yourself. Even if your kids are, you know, older and gone. They it sometimes. I think that's worse because they're they feel like they want to be with you and help you. But they're they have their own lives. They may have kids.
::Jobs and things like that.
::It's the. It's the I call it the juggle. So where in that juggle are your needs being met? What is it even that you desire and want and need? Because different women I like, I sit back and I go like, what's important to you? Let's just talk about what's important to you as you go through this. And I cannot tell you the plethora.
::Of different things that women tell me right because you really have to tap into what is important and then, OK, so how do we make that work for you and your family?
::Mostly for you, because as it as you become really clearer, it helps actually everybody around you generally that's been my experience.
::I was just going to say knowing, knowing what you want and what you need and what you feel would support you best. If you can articulate it to yourself then you can articulate it to others. And when somebody comes and says, hey, can I help you?
::It's easy to say yes, please do XY or Z for me, or you know this is.
::How can I support you? Well, I would feel most supported if you would do this, or if you would approach me this way, or if you would say these things to me. It makes it easier for people to actually be around you and to support you in a way that really does support you rather than.
::The helpful things that people say when they don't know what to say that aren't really helpful.
::Yeah. I mentioned in my book, you know if.
::Don't say somebody call me if you need something.
::Because I know me and many women that I talk to, it's like I'm going to do this by myself and like, you know, we don't want to lose our independence in anything. It's. Would it be helpful if I came by this afternoon and we had coffee outside?
::You know, give them the option, but also you know, don't wait for somebody because you're already not feeling good. You're already feeling overwhelmed. So I also encourage people who are family members and friends of women with breast cancer to read my book because I give that kind of insight where you can.
::Back and sort of have a new look at like what is the woman going through?
::And then how can you translate into what you're feeling comfortable with in supporting that person?
::And sometimes just, you know, going and sitting with somebody.
::You don't have to talk.
::Like I said, bring up bring a coffee. Yeah, just be present. Yeah, because it can be extremely isolating and lonely. Going through any kind of cancer. It can be very isolating.
::Just present.
::Even if they, you know, you're just sitting with them while they're sleeping. Sometimes just knowing someone else is in the room, someone else, another energy source is there and they care.
::Powerful. Yes, I agree, yes.
::You talk about quantum living. Let's.
::Discuss that a little bit. What is that too?
::What that is?
::Such a big topic, but I like to.
::Zero in on the word energy because.
::Energy healing came into my life just before I was diagnosed through.
::And I had a profound experience where I just the so much stress lifted off of me in that Reiki course, and I felt so connected to my intuition and to myself. And it was really powerful, honestly. Like, I just felt. So I just went, Oh my God, this is who I am. I had, like, this huge awakening. It doesn't always have to be like that.
::But you know, I was going to therapist after therapist when I was in my marriage. And I would leave more wound up and crying my eyes out, driving home. And it's just like wasn't working for me. And as soon as I started with Reiki and body talk, one of the modalities that I'm certified in.
::Dealing with the energy of our bodies and tapping into the resource of that.
::Was just so profound. So quantum living is really.
::Understanding opening our minds to the possibility, like Albert Einstein, everything is energy.
::Well, we're in a world now where more and more people are understanding that energy vibration frequency. So when I go for an energy healing, whether it's Reiki, body talk, many other modalities that are available out there, what we do is we tap into the priority of the person.
::And body talk is all about reestablishing communication within the body, and that's all done energetically, and the body is talking to us all the time.
::How is it doing that through vibration energy, that's around us.
::And as I stepped into this world of energy healing, that also helped turn my life around because it's a holistic approach.
::Yes, the emotional issues definitely needed to be dealt with, but there was also opportunity. Ricky can send energy to a part of your body that it needs most just healing energetic energy. So we have the physical.
::Emotional mental.
::And then my favorite, the spiritual aspect of things, I began to lead a spiritual life after my Reiki, and I don't know what, especially during the pandemic. I don't know what I would have done without it because it helps you to tune into yourself, to your needs, to a greater whatever. Your belief is. Some people say God.
::Spirit ice spirit. I just feel more connected to that word because that energy that knowing that inner knowing, that connectedness to everyone else.
::And then how do you walk through the world as an empath? So many people are empathic now, picking up so much energy and the energy healing helps us.
::To manage our own energy and get really connected to ourselves, to release energy blocks, stress and traumas.
::That help our body to then get into an alignment and into a feeling of homeostasis so the body can do what it does best, which is heal itself.
::That's a big answer. Not sure where you're going to land with that, but it I can only speak from my own experience of going through these energy sessions, energy healing sessions that.
::I was Lee feeling lighter and more balanced and able to manage and to make decisions. So when I work with somebody in a body talk session.
::Let's go back to what we were talking about. A woman tells me what she needs to get through breast cancer. I then use the energy healing to tap into. How can I support her energetically to be able to speak to her family about what she needs or to take that next best step because we've released a lot of the stress old belief systems.
::And blocks around it. Plus just having somebody who can just support you and you don't feel alone in it. So it's a very all-encompassing opportunity for us to heal.
::This kind of leads into something that I was.
::Reading through on your on your Facebook profile and you were talking about meditation and how.
::Impactful it is to our immune system. Our blood work all of the bits and pieces and some.
::Sometimes meditation is misunderstood. I think in in terms of.
::Just what it is.
::But in in practicing meditation rather than.
::Just like.
::I can't think of anything.
::Yeah, it's no doesn't work. My approach is meditation is a time to take out from busy, busy, busy, busy. Our lives are busy phones, laptops, computers.
::Tablets, you name it. Things are bombarding us. Information is bombarding us. Families, the whole thing. And if we go back to you have a health issue, right? It just becomes overwhelming. Meditation is a time where you just take time out and go and sit quietly. You can lie down on your couch.
::And put on music. It's the turning off of all the bombardment.
::And just taking the time and I call it the ride inside.
::Because if we don't.
::Take that time out and just go, hmm.
::And allow.
::Things like music alone can like it's vibration, right? And it's calming down your nervous system. If we just say meditation is good for helping you take 5 minutes of time out where your nervous system is just having a break.
::And then from there, when you start to calm down, yeah, all our systems get back online in a much healthier way.
::I mean, the more you do it.
::On a regular basis, I will be on it. I do not meditate every day. I do not. But I do take time out.
::And I do turn off my laptop and I do just put my hand on my heart and I talk a lot about that in any of the profiles. You go to Instagram, Facebook, because the energy of your hand on your heart is automatically telling your system. I am here now with you.
::You and I care about you, your body, me, myself and I. I'm just taking a few minutes out here.
::I used to do it in the car I used to do it in the car when I was waiting to pick up my kids from school.
::Because I would be more centered. So when they came out, I was present for my children, you know.
::Yeah, and that's important too. Is being present. It's kind of I think of putting my hands over my heart as like recharging it.
::re charge your cell phones.
::Because your hands have, they're like the space where the energy like leaves your body and you're just kind of putting it back in there. I I've done qidong a couple of times. Not regularly, but my experience with that.
::Energy manipulation of energy around you is like.
::Until you experience it, it's really hard to describe to someone else who hasn't done any energy work, how powerful the energy around.
::Us is all the time.
::We just are so used to ignoring.
::The It's just energy, it's it. It exists around us. It's not empty space. Just because you're you can't see anything there.
::It's. There's stuff going through it all the time and you can tap into it and pull it into your body.
::And it.
::Helps you. It recharges you.
::Right. It's a resource.
::That's untapped. So one of the.
::Modalities they use. So it's not really a modality, it's that the technology of the AO scan. We talked about it briefly before we got on and they have scientifically tapped into universal energy and have created and they can they have a library of frequencies now that they can label like this frequency is love.
::This frequency is inner peace. This frequency is, I don't know, peace, tranquility and.
::With the auto scan you can use these frequencies to broadcast it to yourself so you can experience inner peace inner calm because we're energy and when we get fed the right frequencies.
::It really just helps calm us down. So I actually want to bring this in because you mentioned meditation and the AO scan has.
::Part of it that's called Inner Voice, where it you speak into the technology on your phone for 15 seconds and it analyzes the frequency of your voice using 10,000 frequencies and 12 octaves. It's all very scientifically based and it picks up the emotions in your voice.
::That's right. We know when somebody's happy. Ha ha ha ha, right. That's an emotion and a vibration. Or when someone's angry. We can feel that coming off of somebody. Right. So it picks it up and it analyze the four top emotions that are out of.
::Months and generates A harmonic balancing recording that you listen to.
::And it.
::You know, talking to this inner voice, it generates it and you don't have to start thinking about it. I gotta meditate and I have to stop thinking. All you gotta do is lie quietly or you can just sit in a chair and listen. And it just helps to balance you emotionally. So there's so many options out there of ways to.
::You know, tap into that meditative, quiet space that our bodies crave.
::Yeah. And I know that there are frequencies that will actually heal you if you have different things going on in your body, there's.
::I forget what?
::I know there's 10s units, but there's another kind of technology out there that you can you dial up frequencies and it helps heal your body and.
::And that's what the AO does as well. It has frequency specific for different conditions and right because.
::You know, it helps to lower the stress levels so your body can do what it needs to do, but it also sends you frequencies so your body recognizes.
::Healthier frequencies, like they have a lot of proprietary compilations of frequencies and out like one of them on the audio is lungs breathing. So my breathing's off lungs breathing.
::Hypoxia, which is low oxygen and it reminds the body what to do and it's helping my lungs to.
::Just it's very supportive because if you work at the energetic level, then it begins to manifest on the physical. That's how the energy healing works with frequencies.
::And we're like tuning.
::Forks if you have.
::Two tuning forks sitting next to each other and you hit one the other one. You don't do anything to it. It'll be vibrating at the same frequency. Just really important.
::Concept. When you're dealing with people, be careful of who you hang around with because you will vibrate at that frequency.
::Hmm, this is the presentation and we talked about Doctor Moto who took water and put word labels on the water, froze it. So he did love peace, but he.
::Also did war.
::I will kill you. Like, really negative. And he took the water.
::And he.
::Food under the microscopes took pictures of the crystalline structures, so the ones with love, peace, all these positive ones had beautiful crystalline structures.
::The ones with the more negative words the water looked like mud under the telescope, and we are.
::Mostly water, right? So yes, we're picking up words from people, but also ourselves. What are we saying to ourselves but also other people's and everything is affecting our energy. But I don't want people to feel like, Oh my God, I don't know what to do about this. It's.
::Walk and address your stress. Really look after yourself and like.
::If you find that you have not been looking after yourself, just go. Hey, you know what? I'm taking 10 minutes.
::I would periodically tell my kids I'm taking 10.
::And they knew I'm there if they need me, but Oh my God, I need 10 minutes and that.
::Just changes the biology and the frequency so quickly.
::Yeah. I just.
::The being still for a little while outside in your backyard or just stand outside if you're working. I'm just like.
::They used to have smoke breaks, take a smoke break.
::Let's call it a pause. Let's call it a pause. But I'll tell people that, like, you know, like, take a pause. Pause is a really powerful word, and it's a positive action that you can take for yourself. Nobody teaches us pause, you know, until you read the right thing or you listen to the right.
::Podcast just take a pause, yeah.
::Yeah, and.
::Where does that take you?
::Spend some minutes breathing. You were talking about before we got started. That you have an offer for people to get your book.
::Do you want?
::To talk about that a little bit.
::Would love to thank you. Yes, I have a special offer on my website. Just go to Sharon Permack dot com/book.
::And hit the ‘order my book now’. So my story is not just about eye cancer and had this and surgeries, it's more about how the obstacles that I hit.
::And how I worked my way through them. I also share a lot of wisdom that I learned as I was going at the end of every chapter. I just have a little snippet of advice around your health and it talks a lot. The purpose of my book is to really introduce using a functional medicine integrative approach to your health.
::And that I really want people to start looking.
::At all their options, really. So I tell my story of how when I was so sick and how I developed my own integrative healthcare plan and how other people can do it. And it gives you insight into how women feel going through cancer. And if you've been through a divorce, there's a chapter on that as I.
::Mentioned. So there's a lot in the book and I also have a spiritual aspect where I talk about the divine feminine and how our femininity is affected, whether we have breast cancer or any illness. It can and the importance of connecting to that. So there's a lot in the book. So I encourage you to order it, go to my website.
::Or and I have a coupon for you heart to heart. That's heart TO heart. Not the number two. And that will give you $10 off my book and included also as a bookmark that I created. I'm also an abstract artist.
::And I'm including one of my art cards for you as a bonus, but I really encourage you. Order the book, read my story, and everybody takes away a gym or two about their own health.
::That's amazing and I look.
::Forward to reading it actually myself.
::So what's the one thing you want to?
::Leave the audience with today, Sharon.
::And focusing on the importance of your health.
::And what that means is take one step.
::One small change.
::I think I mean it, it was really late by the time I went, Oh my God. Like nobody talked to me about my health, and then it wasn't until I got really sick and I went, Oh my God. And I started waking up.
::And I encourage people to take just small changes like I found out how sick I was. And I like, emptied my kitchen of every, like, bad thing in it. And I went crazy. But you don't have to do that. You don't want to do that. It's one step at a time.
::But also take that pause reach out.
::For help, especially don't try to do it all on your own, especially if you're facing a serious illness.
::Whatever that means to you, whether it's family, whether it's a practitioner, you know, I like to call myself a little health Angel in your back pocket for the clients that work with me. So there's lots of choices on what you can do. But if you have a little message going on that you need to make a small change, maybe it's.
::Give up fast food.
::It doesn't have to be forever, but make that small change and listen to the messages from your body that you are receiving.
::Because better to catch it early and if you do have a chronic illness or cancer.
::Read my book and I encourage you to take a integrative approach. And what I mean by that is have complementary treatments such as massage or whatever therapies will help you. Because going back and forth to treatments is one thing and they're so important to follow through on your medical treatments.
::But what else is available to you? To really support you in your health?
::And just ask the universe. Teach me. Show me. Oh, it was a famous my favorite saying is show me what I need to see.
::Tell me what I need to hear for my highest good and for all others, and that opens up the energy.
::To have new things show up.
::Thank you so much for joining us and sharing your story with us and.
::Having an impact on those that here at.
::Thank you for having me. I love uh sharing.
::All that with you.