Episode 135

Published on:

25th Oct 2023

Shrylle Mikkonen - Create The Soul-Filled Life You Deserve

In this inspired episode, guest Shrylle Mikkonen discuss the empowering journey towards realizing one's full potential and creating a better world. The discussion encourages listeners to reframe their perceptions and embrace their unique paths towards fulfillment.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are talking with Shrylle




Shrylle Mikkonen. Man. I am so bad with names these.


Days. I'm so sorry.


Shrylle Mikkonen. alright.


It's not.


like I didn't practice before. Still


That one's a mouthful, so you might still get it wrong by the end, but that's.


OK. Shrylle.




Welcome to the show. I'm really glad that you're here. You empower people to realize their full potential, and I love that. And we were talking about how much we have in common about wanting the world to be a better place and how great it is that people are stepping into their power and realizing that potential so.


Thank you for joining us. And how did


You get started.


That's an excellent question. You know, I've always been passionate about being the best version of myself. That's something my mother instilled in me and you know, then I was like, stop at Mom. I what I'm doing is just fine. Mediocre is good. But having been raised that way.


In 2007, I was introduced.


To the book The Secret.


That premise of what you think about you bring about and you have the power to create your reality and you could have abundance and prosperity and joy. Just really lit a fire in my heart to understand that concept on a more spiritual and scientific level. And so for the last 15 years, I've been reading.


All about self development and self help and how you can truly create the world the way you want it to be.


By focusing on your perception and that translated into my work life in my personal relationships, in my interactions with the person at the gas station to give them a little bit of light and.


Over the years, it shifted to me wanting to teach people that, hey, you can do this too.


It's all possible for everybody and I in my corporate job I tried to incorporate this passion piece and having these conversations about what sets your soul on fire and it was really hard to incorporate that in in the business world.


And so I found ways to inspire my leaders and find my passion and leadership and tried to marry the two and the drive to share my message just became so.


Powerful that I left my job at the beginning of this year and went all in so that I could have inspiring conversations all the time and hopefully teach people that it's possible and you can be in control in your life and it doesn't have to be the stressful mundane.


In the motions of doing things, if you can.


Get in touch with yourself and your authentic self and.


So here I am sharing the message and doing the work that sets my soul on fire in hopes to inspire other people to do the same.


Oh, I love that.


It's so true that it that.


It's like turning on the light sometimes.


And in the in the dark space and when you turn your light on, then others feel like oh I.


Can turn mine on too.


I can be me. I don't have to be somebody else.


Who I was.


Told to be.


I think that's a.


Huge piece of it is that we.


What do you want to be when you grow up and you get stuck in this thing and you become a business person and that becomes your identity and it was for me and I loved it. I loved my work. I loved my career. I was passionate about it. I was passionate about my people.


But was it really who I wanted to be? Was I living my life?


The way that if I.


Could choose everything I wanted. Is this what it would look like and?


The things I wanted to do more of, like cooking and growing flowers and spending time with my family and taking a random trip day trip somewhere that didn't work around somebody else's schedule and.


I'm not saying you have to quit your job to live the life of your dreams. You can absolutely incorporate it, but we get so caught up in I am a parent. I am a business person and we forget about what our dreams are and what our soul wants and.


Getting in touch with that free spirit.


And energy that.


We all have access to. We just.


Forget that we have access to it.


Yeah, I think the we forget is really kind of crucial in this conversation because we do segment things into.


Blocks, you know, boxes. We like to call them around here, the mom box and the entrepreneur box and the wife box and the maid box and all of the things that we are part of our everyday existence that have to be part.


That you just.


Have to take care of some things in life, but.


We often just get overwhelmed and it just like.


We forget.


No, I I'm me. I'm not these individual parts and there's got to be a way to make them harmonious and let you be you in the process.


I love the way that.


You put that because, like I said, it's not quitting your job to create this. It's finding the balance and the alignment in all of these things and creating joy in the small pieces, you know, in the beginning I said the interaction with the guy at the gas.


Station. That's not a monumental intentional.


I'm gonna change his life. It's a genuine. Hey, how are you today? I.


Hope you're having a great.


Day and making eye contact. And when I'm cooking the meal for my family instead.


Of oh, this is.


A chore. I gotta cook again. How can I?


Oh, I get to be creative. I get to work with my hands. I'm getting to show my love by cooking a meal and finding little ways to incorporate, incorporate the creativity and incorporate the joy and find small ways that.


As you do more of that for yourself, you turn that light on a little bit brighter each time.


And here's the big change. The World Peace is that when you're feeling better, the people around you feel that. They feel that energy, and then they go to school or work, and they're passing on that energy a little bit. The guy at the gas station is smiling a little more nicely at the next customer who walks in and.


The ripple effect is where we have the chance to be the change.


That we want to see.


In the world and create it.


Yes, for sure. And when you just acknowledge strangers, it does something to them. It does something to their body chemistry that makes them happier.


Just because they've been seen.


You know how many people? Just.


Walk through the checkout line and it's like they don't even acknowledge that there's another human being in front of them.


To have an exchange.


Of like you know, how are you?


And I know.


They asked you how was your day? Did you find everything OK? I mean, they have to do that because that's part of their job. But when you genuinely connect with them.


It's it.


Kind of helps them.


Make their day better and when you can just help.


One other person.


It's just like.


If you make a difference every day and one.


Other person that's.


365 people you've affected.


Over the course of the.


Year and that's.


Just doing it.


Be nice to one person.


I think that sometimes it comes down to courage.


When you're in the grocery line and.


Not only are we so in our box, you know I got the groceries. I have to go home. I'm making the meal. So we're in a box as part of it. But then there's also.


I use this term loosely, the social anxiety of the interaction and.


It's it is a little uncomfortable to speak to a stranger. We're raised as kids, don't speak to strangers and then with the society as it is now. So social media absorbed, this is what we do. And to take a moment and look up and then have the courage to have a conversation with a stranger.


Because it's OK. It's OK to talk to strangers if you're in a safe space. And if you're creating a safe space. And I think that's something that we all need to practice and.


Have the courage to just say, hey, I like your outfit, but we don't say that because we're like, oh, would that be weird? What would they think if I said?


That, and I always say what would.


I think if somebody said I like your outfit to.


Me like, Oh my gosh. Nice that.


Was cool, right? And I would feel this genuine gratitude and.


Give that gift to other people.


Don't get so caught up in. Would they think it's weird? How would you feel if it happened to you?


Yeah. And don't be afraid to.


Interact with people, I mean.


People are people, they all have their problems. Everybody's got a problem. If you can just do something that's nice.


That helps them just a little bit. It doesn't take much, you know, hey, I like.


Your shoes.


I see people with cool shoes all the time.


I'm not an introvert, OK?


I would be doing.




This show if I were but.


I talk to people all the time. It's just.


I genuinely like people and.


A lot of them wear really cool shoes. Strange I can't wear high heels anymore to that point in my life where I just like sandals or tennis shoes sometimes.


Wear my boots, but mostly it's sandals and tennis shoes, and I just love looking at other people's shoes.


I'm comfort over class, baby. Comfort over class, but taking the time to notice other people and.


Yeah, me too.


It doesn't have to be grandiose things that we do to change our.


Own lives. It's true that we're stressed. We're overwhelmed. There's to dos. And how can we manage our stress? How can we change our mindset? Because that's, that's where it all begins. We create these beliefs and we tell ourself.


My life is so stressful. My life is so busy. I'm so overwhelmed and you keep repeating that message to yourself and then you feel like there's no way out and.


Question happens.


Giving the awareness to people that they have the power to change that perception.


Is astronomical.


If they're open to it, but some people don't even know it's a possibility, so the art of the possible is the art of the magic and.


Part of the message that I want to be able to share with everybody.


It seems like such a simple message, but it took me years to discover it. It was just like and when I did it's like.


I have all the power.


And when you come?


To realize you have all the power.


To make life the way you want.


It to be.


That's so empowering. Just.


Plain and simple, that's so true.


It is empowering and it's not like you reach a point where you get it right. It's always a practice because our mind is always playing tricks on us and telling things we're not good enough and you're always going to have stressful situations. You might always have to have a job, whatever that looks like to you, but it doesn't have to define.


And put you into a box where you can't create something bigger and better for yourself.


I always say success breeds success. That's not an original. Everybody's heard that saying that the definition of success is different from person to person to one person. That might mean living off the grid and the cottage in the woods for another person, that might mean lavish holiday vacations at all inclusive resorts. Or, you know, weekly.


That aways with their family, but climbing the corporate ladder and being a CEO of whatever corporation that you want to be a part of, like however you define success. But that's part of the problem too, is some people don't even know what does success look like to me.


What does my dream life look like? What do I want out of life?


Because we dive right?


Into the to DOS and the responsibilities.


That all the possibilities kind of drift away, and then it's hard to I'm amazed at how many people I'm like. So what brings you joy?


What do you?


Like to do for fun.


I don't. I don't know. I guess I work a lot. It's like, OK, that's fine. That's great. Does it bring you joy?


And maybe it does, but if it doesn't, how can you incorporate things that do bring you joy and?


What does success look like? What?


Is your dream life.


I see. I just have to share this. I saw this woman on TikTok yesterday and she was giving a little tour of her house and her clip was I collect weird things and she had a little hamburger telephone and she had a little.


Chair. That was a flower, and each of the petals broke out into an individual chair and they were just she had pink walls in her house and.


Who says you?


Can't have pink walls in your house like you're an adult. You can do whatever you want and we restrict our creativity.


In in in the box and she really gave me this vision of creativity and freedom that we forget about. And it doesn't have to be as lavish as painting your walls pink, but use that as an analogy to get in touch with your creative side and.


Play with it, play with the creative.


Energy. Because when you get in that space.


It's childlike, and it's such a fun energy.


To be in if you can.


Unleash the creative beast.


Yeah, and giving yourself permission to not have to.


Conform like my daughter painted the door in her room, which we now live in, and I love that.


Door it it's just.


It's. I mean, she didn't just like paint it one color. She made it. It's an image, but it's an abstract sort of sea motif. At least that's what I see in it. But it's like every time I go in that in the room and I see the door, I'm just like.


Filled with her.


I know that she created it and I love that door and there was a time when my son.


We had this House that only had three bedrooms and my father-in-law lived with us and I had three kids, so the boy slept in the family room. That was their bedroom.


Had two doors.


But it didn't have a door to.


The rest of the house.


So I mean.


You can just.


There are no rules, you know you're talking about painting walls pink. I'm like.


It's a room. You can make it whatever you want.


Absolutely. There's the freedom that comes with that and the, you know, the way that you emotionally are triggered in such a beautiful way every time you see that door.


As long as your needs.


It's a connection that you share with your daughter, whether she's there or not, and the expression that she was able to put into that and the pride that she could see in her.


Art and.


Have you ever heard?


Of the book the artist way by Julia Cameron.


No, I'm. I'm writing that down.


It's such a it's a 12 week workbook basically and it talks about getting in touch with your inner artist and my mom gave me the book and I kind of discounted it. I was like, I'm not an artist, I can't draw.


I'm. I'm not a painter.


And eventually I dove into the book a couple of years later and it talks about your inner artist just getting in touch with your creativity.


So to me, my creativity might be sitting by the water, reading a book, and it's this energy of creative playfulness and freedom that I feel and.


Maybe it's in the kitchen when I'm cooking a meal and I'm working with my hands. I don't think I didn't used to think of cooking as being creative, but now I recognize that that's kind of a creative outlet for me and having the courage to try new things is a huge empowerment piece that.


Once you have the courage to try something new.


You open this whole door of exciting possibilities, and that's where the dreaming can start.


Oh, I didn't even know that I liked going to community plays. That's way outside my zone, but turns out I loved it and I'm passionate about it. And maybe you become involved, or maybe it's just a hobby that you have on Friday nights to go watch the play and trying those new things and getting outside of your box takes courage.


But that's where you get into the playful energy, but also begin to dream and design your life the way you want.


Go ask a 5 year old kid.


What they want their house to look like when they grow up instead of what they want to be when they grow up and ask yourself those questions and.


You can you can become so expansive and.


When you start to feel playful and bring this happiness about you, that's what everybody wants.


To be happy.


And much like success, happiness has its own definition. It might it's very different to you than it is to me.


But if we can embrace that.


And find out what triggers our happiness, how to manage the stress and the get out-of-the-box.


And then share that with other people.


And be the change.


Yeah, just the.


Idea of changing how you view the world, your perception and allowing yourself the freedom to just.


Whatever happens happened, but having a vision.


Of what? Daydreaming? You know, we were told so much. Don't Daydream that that's where great ideas start. It's not Daydream, you know.


I remember once when I was hiking, I was a.


Teenager we.


Would go on these long hiking trips.


And I was the tallest. So I had to carry. I have two sisters and my mom was short. My sisters are short, also shorter than I am, so I always had to carry the lion share. And I would. I would have to Daydream because I was in so much.


Pain care. Let's jump.


And I would Daydream about having chickens. And, you know, we always lived in the city, so we never had chickens or a garden or animals.


I mean we.


The dog. But that was it. No kids.


And as I got older I realized that you know, that's what I wanted. I wanted a farm. I wanted animals. I wanted to know what it was like to be in the country and to grow things and to.


Lots of animals and you know, you know.


But your animals?


And to be self-sufficient I mean.


They're, I know.


They're vegetarians out there and vegans out there that are.


Just like Oh no.


I promise you, if we butchered our.


Own food. You wouldn't eat very much meat.


It's a hard process.


Especially if you know the animal.


And I knew all the animals.


That I have ever.


Butchered it but.


You know, there's a process of.


Of life that you really get to understand when you live close to the land. And I had it, it started as a Daydream when I was 14 and I didn't realize it until I was 45.


You know.


It all starts in.


It all starts with a thought.


What if? What if?


This could be a possibility for us.


I love that that you know that it came full.


Circle for you and.


You have to be willing to dream, and sometimes it's hard questions, you know, for some people, dreaming is scary and intimidating and.


It feels impossible.


And you know, if you look around the Internet, people are doing incredible things that you're like, that's how they're making money.


Because oftentimes we say that money is the thing that's holding us back, but that's not true.


It's fear that's holding people back. It's a lack of courage. It's a lack of confidence.


It's our perception that we have about ourselves and the world around us and what's possible, and if we can get in in touch with what those beliefs are that we're holding and change them. And like you said, change our perception about the world and what's possible.


We can start to.


Reel me back in when?


I lost my train of fire.


Start who's really, actually.


See these things happen in your life.


As soon as.


You open the possibility up and entertain the idea. Hey, maybe I could have chickens. Doesn't matter. I don't know anything about them or goats. You know, I didn't know goats only had.


Teeth on the bottom.


Until I'd had them for several months.


I didn't know that either.


I wanted goats. Don't ask me why, but I loved my goats. They were amazing creatures.


And I learned.


So much from them.


It's just, but it all started with.


A hike when I.


Was 14 years old thinking hey?


I really want this for my life. I don't want to just be a business person or.


Having to work all the time and.


And that would suck up my whole life.


And you know, it took a while for it to happen, but things came along that presented themselves and just made it a possibility. And it was the first season, the thing that most people I think, get caught up in is they look at life as though what I'm doing right now is a forever.


Thing and it never is. There's always a season and this season can be whatever you want it to be. The next season is going to come, so be prepared. Continue preparing for the next season as you're enjoying the season that you're.




See how life doesn't.


Expand for you in terms of how much joy you can find knowing that now is just now.


And later is going to be different.


And you get to choose.


How different it's going to be?


It doesn't have to just be a surprise if you like surprises, it could.


Be, but I promise you, we grow the seeds we're planting today. We'll harvest in a few months.


That's such a great reminder, Jill, but it nothing is permanent.


And you can choose and create anything you want and.


Nothing can hold you back as much as you say. I can't do this because of finances or because of the way I was raised.


So you can change it, you can change your finances, you can change your job, you can change the way you spend your money so that you can have more money to do the things you want. You know, I hear so often.


I can't do this because of my finances. Well, who's stopping you from making more money?


Nobody you that brings me back to the people on the Internet who are doing the silliest things. I just posted this morning. There's this woman who I follow.


She's it's called.


The dope kitchen and she gets high on marijuana and then cooks a meal and she's silly and she's funny and she's authentic and she's expressing her creativity and I think she just started doing it for fun with no intention of.


Of anything grandiose, and now she has brands reaching out to her and she's advertising all kinds of things through her cooking videos.


And she works from home and her job is to get stoned and baked goodies like don't tell me that your dream isn't possible because anything is possible if you believe it. And again, she probably didn't start out with the intention of I'm going to create a life by doing these things, but she just got in touch with what brought her joy.


And all these doors opened that she'd never even imagined possible.


Because she was willing to just play.


And we all have to do that and take the risk and change your perception.


And when you?


Get into that zone. Things become easy.


When you're when you're trying to do something that you really shouldn't be doing or is isn't really aligned with who you are, it's always really difficult and it it's like pushing the rock up the hill. But when you're in the zone where you know you know what you're doing, you know how it feels you.


You're really excited about.


It man, it's just like.


All the doors swing open and it's.


Easy salad.


So easy. Absolutely. You know, that's.


The name of my business is Align, Life works and I'm a Libra and a Libra is always looking for balance and.


We if we can.


Aim to create balance in all the areas of our lives.


And incorporate more joy and creativity and all the things I've been talking about and you get in alignment with your true self and your authentic self. And what your purpose is and what brings you joy if just works and it's easy and it flows and.


That's the message that I want to share that it's possible.


You just got to figure out how to do that and the information is out there, right? That's the thing about all these things. The information was out there for me to learn how to do a business, but I didn't know what to do. It was like I know what to do, but I don't know what to do next. And that's where having a coach helps you. Because I've done the process. I know what?


Can work and I can help hold you accountable and give you the energy to have.


You are the five people you surround yourself with, so surround yourself with somebody who's enthusiastic and inspiring and believes in you and.


Believes it's possible.


And take all the extra time wasted that you're searching and researching and trying to figure out how it works and let somebody show.


You the way.


And be surrounded by somebody who believes in you and.


Make it happen.


And that brings me to.


A workbook that you put together you want.


To talk about that a little bit.


Yeah, sure. I created a free five day challenge for the people in my community to. It's called from stress to success to help them learn how to manage stresses.


Understand how it affects our body. So many of the ailments and disease that we have in our body stems from stress and that's within our control.


And so throughout this program, we talked about what is stress and how it affects our body and how we can manage it and the overthinking and anxiety that keeps us in the box and how to step outside that and analyzing our limiting beliefs and.


How creating confidence gives us the courage to step outside that box and ask those hard questions and the fun questions and create the life.


That you want.


So in this workbook it gives all that information a little quiz to kind of help you see where you're at. It's a fun little.


Two-minute quiz.


And then a little information about each topic and then some really deep introspective journaling questions. And you can sit down and do it.


for one question at a time, and uh, that's something that I offer I'm looking to offer for free so that people can kind of get a jump start on their journey and experience some of that introspection


And soul searching, if you will, to get on their journey to creating the life that that you deserve and that you want. And it starts by asking questions that you weren't asking before.


And they can find that workbook by joining your Facebook group. Yes


And that's.


Facebook dot com/align Life Works is the private Facebook group that you can join. I would love to have you as a part of the Community and you can also join. Follow my public profile Shrylle dot Mikkonen. I hope Jill will put that in the comments.


Absolutely, absolutely.


It's a mouthful to say and spell, but join me, join my community, participate, follow along. I'd love to.


Inspire your listeners and your community to.


Know that it's possible and to dream bigger and to teach them how to get there.


Be the change they want.


To see in the world.


Yes, yes.


So what's the one thing you want to leave the


Audience with today.


The one thing I want to leave the audience with today is if you don't believe that it's possible yet.


If you can't see that far, then borrow my belief.


Until you can see it for yourself.


And it is possible, and if you can dream it, you can do it. And if you believe it, you can achieve it. And as cheesy as those things are.


That's the truth.


You really do work and.


Been witness to it so many times, both in my life and in the lives of other people I've seen.


It's like it's.


Some kind of magic


It is, and we all have all have access to the magic to play in the world.


As we want to see it.


Yeah. Thanks so much for joining us today.


It's been a pleasure. Thank you so much for having me.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the Worldโ€”Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to seek in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.