Episode 222

Published on:

2nd Feb 2024

Susan Seale - Soul-lit Support with Manifestation, Magic & Mysticism

In this magical podcast episode we meet Susan Seale, an inuitive coach with a unique approach. The conversation delves into the dynamic nature of coaching, adapting to online spaces, and the importance of challenging societal paradigms for genuine personal growth.

Discover Susan's Compassion Wheel

Join Susan in the Money Game!

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Susan Seale. Susan is a soul coach strengthening connection to your eternal, highest, wisest, kindest, most compassionate self so that you can step into your business with a deeper and more grounded powerful.


Commit committed presence that was mouthful to the shows, and I'm so glad that you joined us today.


Thank you, Jill. I'm happy. I'm really happy.


To be here.


You were telling me about the wheel of compassion, which is a guidebook that you've created, and we definitely want to dive into that. But first, let me.


Let's hear your story. Where did you?


Start from how did you get to?


Where you're at right now.


Oh, OK well.


I was originally a teacher. I started teaching music when I was 13 and did that all through high school and university. And then I studied education.


And became a classroom teacher. So I did that for 10 years and I didn't love.


The restriction of.


I guess being in the Union, so I left and opened my own school and I had a I was a like a classroom teacher for 10 years, so I did general classroom like grade one, grade two, grade four, Grade 7.


Then when I opened my school, I actually opened a music school, so I had a music and movement school.


That was based on an ORF methodology and I did that for 20 years and then when I closed the school so I worked with infants. I should say that I worked with babies, so from three months of age to age 12 and I trained teachers and I traveled, I wrote books, I published articles, I was a consultant. I studied around the world. It was.


A big career.


And then I closed my school.


And I just went back to private teaching.


Which I still do. Actually, I travel to children's homes mostly I'm just teaching piano. I'm a multi instrumentalist, so I can teach many things and including dance and movement. I have a background in developmental movement therapy and.


And then when I went back to my private teaching, I started doing training to become a coach. And as I was doing coaching work, people kept saying, well, this is really awesome, but you're not really a cop.


And even in my coaching training, they would tell me I was just more intuitive and I've always been very intuitive and I have studied with many psychics and intuition teachers.


So I started just kind of moving more into that world.


But I didn't.


That people would think I was a psychic because I don't. I think you need to take responsibility for your own intuition. And so I just kept studying. I.


I've you know how coaches have 4000 modalities. I'm like that and.


In the end, because of my background as a.


A business person being self-employed and I've helped many women along the way to open businesses, I ended up I kind of end up helping people with their businesses.


And yeah, so that's.


Kind of how I ended up here.


I just somehow I ended up here. It wasn't like I decided I'm going to do this. It just like one step led.


To the other.


And so now I was.


Doing a lot of more.


Healing work for a while.


And I still do it every week. I have one to one appointments with people, but I also now have group programs where I help women sensitive, intuitive women is really my wheelhouse.


And so we have a money program. We have two business programs.


An energy alchemy program.


Where we clear our energy every week before we start our week. So yeah.


Does that make sense? What I just said?


Sometimes I.


Well, since I'm over here laughing because my website is heart life coach.


Oh, OK.


Let's go.


Trained to be a life coach, but.


Yeah, it's interesting how the universe just kind of sends you along this journey or you think you're headed in One Direction and you're walking faithfully along there and then suddenly you open your eyes and.


You're at a destination you didn't expect, and it's very beautiful. But you didn't.


Expect to get there.


Well, and I.


Think you know? If you're someone who is?


You're trying to help people you want to.


Feel good doing it?


And you're not actually employed by someone, you're creating what you're doing.


Yeah, you can't always. I mean, yes, you can set a goal for sure. Goals are really important.


Sometimes you just.


Have to walk the path.


And be willing.


To make what's appearing.


Bigger and better.


Right. It's like you start, you start with an idea of where you're going and you start walking and then then things come to you and then.


It your mission becomes evident as you're taking action. It's rare that.


You know, somebody's just hit with this idea and then suddenly.


They're doing it.


It's almost always a process and a journey, and it's interesting to see.


I've talked to a lot of coaches and that almost everybody is kind of the same way beyond ring along and we get excited about different things that are out there that I was sharing with you.


But possibilities for 2024, it's just.


Like energetically, it's supposed to be a really great year and I'm very excited about that.


Well, and I signed, not actually, I don't. I have quite a few of my clients actually have quite distinct businesses. They're not really meandering, you know, they're artists, they're poets, they're they have a product based business or they're a massage therapist or they're a doctor or like.


They are actually pretty distinct, but I think in the world of coaching Austin, things are a little more nebulous and it takes a little while to find.


Right, right.


Who your audience really is and.


Who you really want to be so.


Definitely for me, I mean, I know when I first started, I was doing more coaching and then I went into in person work. So I'd studied intuitive energy, massage and aromatherapy and herbalism. And so I was doing in person work and right in my town. And then with COVID, all of that shifted.


Yeah, just everything went online. And so there are things you can do better online.


In the coaching world or the healing world.


So it changes.


Yeah, yes. And that makes life kind of exciting.


That's one way to say yes.


I'm a kind of person. I can get bored.


And I.


And I don't say that lightly because I don't.


I don't really get bored. I just.


Get excited about something different. My goal is to try to keep the excitement narrowed down, wander off into the two leads.




Nice. You were talking about your book, the wheel of compassion. And I think that's really fascinating. You going to talk about?


A little bit.


And we'll kind of go off from there because.


Wow, OK, so I have. It's free on my website when you sign.


Up for my newsletter.


Which I sent.


Out weekly, but it's a book about really about developing self compassion. And so I call it the wheel of compassion because it what I list on there are all the kind of taboos that we have in our culture.


That we're not really supposed to feel our feelings.


That's a taboo. And so that's on the wheel that I have. You're not supposed to or.


You don't feel fully deserving and worthy.


Of big things.


So you limit yourself and as to what you can imagine having in your life. You're not supposed to be vulnerable or have vulnerabilities. You're supposed to be, you know, kind of polished and perfect. You're things are supposed to.


Happen quickly. Not take time. Don't process events. You've been through. Just keep going.


That's how we're raised in our world generally, and I think things are changing, of course, but.


That is the atmosphere we breathe.


Don't change your mind about things once you decide. Like in my case you're a teacher, so you should stay a teacher for your whole life. Well, that's not the.


Way the world.


Works anymore. Don't really look too closely at your childhood history.


Because that that, you know that's a waste of time.


Don't listen to yourself as the highest authority. So what you want, how you feel.


Really. How? How you're being led by your own soul. Don't do that.


It's taboo to own your truth.


You shouldn't really love yourself. Don't focus on yourself. Don't follow your interests. Don't make mistakes.


Definitely don't be imperfect, right? And so in the book I just, I set that up so that you can kind of see that. Ohh. Like it's just really in your face because it all these things are unspoken. Nobody actually says to you don't have that feeling. Well, maybe.


Occasionally that might happen, but it's really more that we learn that by osmosis and.


So this is a wheel of compassion. So it's to take a look at these things and look at your own life with compassion so that you can make shifts for yourself because you'll have a you'll feel better. You'll get more done. You'll have more success in your in your work especially.


In relationships, right. So it's like giving yourself a reminder.


Like I care about you.


I you know, you're worthy just as you are. You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to be polished all the time.


OK, now I sometimes when I say these things I have, I have one of those brains.


That goes but what?


About and I think of you.


There are some times in life where you have to be pretty perfect, like if you were a surgeon, you'd want to kind of get things.


Right. But what I'm talking about is you're the softer.


Part of your world. You're more emotional world, right?


And you can use that wheel in different ways, like giving yourself permission. So you could look at the wheel and say I give myself permission to change my mind. I give myself permission to have big things in my life.


I give myself permission to make a mistake.


So you can do that. You can do shadow work with it and just kind of journal through. Pick something on the wheel. And because I actually have set it up, so it looks like a wheel. So there each one of the things has.


A little piece of the pie.


Yeah, and I use it with clients. Sometimes I have it open on my computer when I'm talking to them.


Just to remind myself. Ohh, you know what? We're into this area where we need to bring some compassion in for.


Whatever they're talking about.


And also there's something about that wheel. When I read it, it reminds me that I'm human, that I need to be human with my clients.


And it changes my nervous system. So it's that principle where like I can feel you, you and I are on zoom here and I can feel your energy.


You can feel my energy.


Because we're human and that's what our nervous systems do. They regulate with one another. IC can feel you feeling me.


And you can feel me feeling you.


And so looking at a chart like that can help you to calm your nervous system, at least for me, as a as a coach or a healer. I can read that before I come to a session and just remind myself, oh, OK.


Which is people here and that makes me a better.


I can see how that would work that way, and as you were reading through the some of the different aspects of it, I was thinking about how often.


Paradigms have been instilled in us when we were young and you know the one about don't look at your childhood. Well, if you look at your childhood, you've realized that somebody told you somewhere along the line. All of these lies and you know you're talking about, don't show your emotions well, you know, they told you big girls don't cry.


And so you take that with you, even though you know the situation, situations where sometimes you may just need to cry to get.


The release, you know there's.


We have physical reactions.


Their emotions are a chemical reaction in your body and they cause a physical reaction to take place just on the science end of it. And sometimes tears happen and.


The whole big girls don't cry thing. It's like, well, sometimes they do. Sometimes you should just shake to get rid of the energy that your body has produced.


As a response to something that you heard or felt or saw.


It just.


It's just the way.


It's the way we were created. So you do need to feel your feelings.


Well, you know, if you do any kind of study of somatic healing, you'll find out that there's a fellow who's written a book, just forgotten the name of the book, Stanley Rosenberg. And he talks about how a negative thought actually affects the muscles in your neck.


In your head and.


You will become dysregulated just by having a negative thought and.


Yeah, it's very. I mean these are all really kind of basic things, right, but.


That they're not things we're taught.


No, it's and they're not. It's not like someone necessarily.


It's not like.


Everybody is probably not affected by someone saying, well, be a big girl. Maybe they like that, you know, and but maybe another personality would be affected more negatively by that kind of thing. I think it's just that the way our whole society.


Kind of.


Has like the whole. I guess the patriarchal kind of energies that we've grown up in that creates a certain atmosphere, right. Certain things are OK. It's certain things are not OK. You know, when I have a client that I'm working with even in a in like one of the group programs.


Someone will say well.


I've been working on this so long. Like how long is this going to take and?


Uh, that's actually a clue that they've internalized something on that wheel.


That it shouldn't take so long.


But actually things just take as long as they take.


And they actually seem.


To go faster if you don't.


Turn a negative perspective on them. That makes sense. So yeah.


Yeah, it's kind of.


Like the.


The particle that behaves differently when you're watching it.


Yes, that's true. That's very true.


Getting stuff done in your life and making changes in your life happens faster if you're.


Not watching the process.


Totally. Oh my God.


Everyone's so different. Like when you come into. I've been in so many different programs myself and I often find I just don't feel like I'm good enough because I do things my own way and you can be in a business program where someone will tell you it should be done this way or everyone has to do this.


And I just think of 1 program I have right now and there's one woman I just said, I don't actually think you need a website. She's just starting something new and.


Just she's a channeler, and I just thought, you know, you don't really need a website. I think you what you need is exposure and you need to.


Be on podcasts and you need to go into to different kinds of social media groups and get interviewed by different people and have a YouTube channel.


Because you don't need a website, you just need a.


Link for people.


To book with you pretty people pretty much know what a channeller does, and once they see you talking, they'll be like oh I want to talk to her and they'll just book an appointment and come and see you where other people.


Yes, they should have a website, some artists. They don't have websites.


Because they're just on Instagram or they're on TikTok or however they're managing their art.


Let's see or whatever or what.


Whatever. Yeah. Etsy. So, yeah, I guess.


I really kind.


Of approach my clients as individuals, even when they're in a group program, it's everybody's different, so.


You need to find a way.


To work with everybody that way.


I agree with you and I love group programs.


But not usually the way most people think you should. Like reprograms. I love them because.


When I'm in them myself, I have met so many interesting people and it's the people that are in the group that make the magic of the group, not the person who's leading the group.


It's the connections that you can make and your horizons can just broaden so much faster when you have more people that are kind of all traveling on the same path because they'll have questions that you didn't even think of that were that'll be like, oh, wow, OK. If I just had done.


That I can get this result and it's so exciting.


Yeah, I agree with.


Thank you.


You have a couple groups, right? You have like.


Yeah. So.


Your energy clearing group and.


Yeah, I have a group called inspirata. It's a 12 week program and so it's we work on branding and messaging and all kinds of things. And that group also does my energy group on Monday. So they meet Monday and Friday and then and they tend to be women who are earning.


Under 5K a month and then.


I never thought I would have this kind of a program, but I had people kept repeating in sporadic because they loved it so much. And then I was asked by some of the women. Could you start another program for us? And so I have another program called the owner and it.


It's called the owner because they all come in with that energy.


I own this business so they and they're starting to make more money and we work on marketing and we meet. We have four different sort of sessions a week. There's the energy session Monday.


There's a mastermind on Tuesday, Thursday, we have Co working for two hours and Friday is a spotlight coaching and not everybody comes to every call. Some people come once a week, only some people come to every call. Some people just like the coworking and I've set it up and priced it so that.


Even if you only come a couple of times a month.


You still are getting value for what you're paying for and.


But it's an amazing program. They're making so much progress. I'm just. I'm so glad I'm doing it. I never thought I would do a program like that, and then I have another program called money pre Staffs where we work on money, healing, money, mindset and we work on things like.


How you manage the money that you make in your business, uh. So different kinds of uh.


I guess accounting type thing, but it's not.


It's a hard, I don't know. It's a system money systems and so that's actually a great place to enter into my world because it's a lifetime membership.


And so you enter in and you and we have coaching live coaching every Wednesday.


Morning. Oh, Wednesday morning Pacific Time. So I have people all over the world in that program and some people come once a month. Some people come every week. And so we do different things in that program. It's quite varied. Lots of we do a cachet records readings at the beginning of every month.


The money system where money healing work.


Yeah, there's quite.


A lot that goes on there.


Fascinating. How many?


Aspects there are to being an entrepreneur, there's.


Baseline where you have to know all these technological.


Things which are always changing always.


Today was Monday and I woke up to my server had been changed and so my website was down.


Just what you want to know before you have coffee it.


It was a simple fix, I just you know.


Took me 5 minutes.


That that just one layer. And then there's the whole mindset expansion layer where you have to like grow your mind and grow your being who you are being along the journey.


It's just.


Because that changes to your identity changes.


And you.


Like you didn't.


Just wake up one day and become.


Soul Coach helping entrepreneurs really connect between their.


Alignment and actually creating a business out of it, you.


Have this whole.


Journey that you already had gone on and different.


Some of the concepts.


Are all the same you, you.


You had an identity as a teacher and as a business owner and as a private coach and.


You've got all of these other pieces.


It's like I look at.


Creating a successful business is kind of like the.


The iceberg you see, all these people that are, you know, at the very tip where they're, you know, all this success that's happened to them well.


There's this.


Huge mountain underneath.


Of skills and things they've gone through and things they've accomplished and you know, challenges that they've overcome.


To get to that.


Pieces sticking out above the ocean.


Yeah, you know, if that's so interesting, I yes. And I think for me.


I mean, I'm in my 60s now, so.


That's a big life.


To have already had so most of my clients are definitely younger than me.


Quite a bit younger.


But I think that one of the things they like about working with me is.


That I've had so much life experience and business experience. And so when like if I were.


To actually do.


Tune into the soul of your business or someone's business. It's a very different kind of thing than you know when we're looking at a website or we're talking about.


An offer like it's actually looking at the energetics behind your website or the energetics.


In you and I had, I had a master class in September and I had.


Quite a few like, I don't know, over 50 people signed up for it. Not everyone could come live, but I offered, like, a free session, as we often do after our master class.


Almost every call I had.


The women I spoke with.


Did not feel aligned with their business name.


Now, not every call, but almost every call.


And I would, I would say, you know, I'm really confused. There's just this confusion about this name and they say ohh yeah. Like I don't like the name and or I've been thinking I should use my own name and it was just fascinating to me how it actually showed up energetically.


That's that. I think that's part of my skill set is probably what sets me apart from.


A lot of other.


Coaches, types of coaches.


And now what do I want to say about that? I'm sitting.


Here going.


I'll just leave it there for now.


It's kind of.


Important and.


I think sometimes people think that they need to come up.


With a name.


When they're just starting out and they haven't really arrived at what?


What it is that they do yet I see that a lot with coaches, they, they.


They know that they.


Can solve this problem. They're not.


They're not real clear on who they're going to solve it for, exactly how they're they know how to solve it, but they don't.


They can solve it for like anybody.


But instead of figuring out how they're going to solve it for one person and what that one person's problem looks like to that person so that they can recognize that they're suffering from the problem so that they can.


Get it solved.


They just come up with.


A name.


And it's like.


Like and they want to build a website and have cards made.


But they haven't really even.


Gotten got the slave.


Well, all and there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with that. You have to start somewhere. And that's like if you go back to that wheel of compassion, it would be you're allowed to make mistakes and you're allowed to be imperfect and you're allowed to.


Oh, absolutely.


Be in process.


It just doesn't feel that good.


And you.


Can change.


Yeah, you have to change like you start and then.


You change and.


And that's what happened to me. That seems to be what happens to everyone. I know there's a woman in.


My programs right now who?


Says she'll say, oh, I was hiding behind that name and suddenly after being in, you know, this container for a few months, she's.


Oh, I'm ready to use my name.


And now everything's changing.


It's there's this if you could find a program.


In a community, if you like group programs and you want one, if you can find one where you can relax.


And let yourself be your real self.


Everything changes.


I just find everything changes because often we go into things and we're just we're hustling or that's what I see. I see women hustling and.


That's not actually sometimes. I guess you have to move like that to get clients, but.


Actually I found it's the opposite that when you actually get really relaxed.


And just get calm.


Everything slows down.


And gets clear.


And then once you're clear, then you can hustle.


And it doesn't have to be hustled forever.


No, no, but it in a sense. I think people think, well, you have to kind of have that energy, that sort of masculine outward energy. And you do need to do things or you won't have clients, but.


There is something about.


Sitting back.


And it I don't mean do nothing. I mean let your nervous system get really calm and get in touch with that voice that I think everyone has. It's like Michael Singer will.


Talk about that.


He's the fellow who wrote the untethered soul, the author, so that reactive energy, that reactive self that we have that's talking to you all the time. You're not doing enough. What are you doing? How?


Is this going to?


Happen I'm. I'm not making enough money.


This terrible thing is gonna happen like it's it is all the bad.


Bad news. It's a bad news voice, but it's just an energy that runs through us. And if you can see that, you're not that that, that's actually just a mind thing.


And let yourself get really relaxed.


And present.


Really present.


I think.


It's just easier.


That's what I've seen with all my clients.


The ones who really start to move forward, they.


This happens, they just kind of.


Drop some kind of.


That they've been wearing cloak of.


I don't know what it.


Is it's kind of energy.


Kind of like the cloak of invisibility.


Definitely have that some. Some have that not all have that, but it's.


They want to be visible, but they really they're afraid to be visible. It's like.


If you stand up in front of a.


Yeah, that's a different thing that that's actually a different thing, but that's definitely true.


But this this piece of just getting really still with yourself like that?


That's different, yeah.


Oh, that's not the invisibility.


Thing I was talking about.


Being still is absolute must.


You have to be able to.


Even plan a time in your day for just like backing off and reflection not doing.


Doing, doing, doing, doing because.


It's easy to get off.


On a tangent or get lost in the weeds if you don't stop and reflect on what's the big picture.


What? Say what do your guides say, chicken?


Yeah, just clean off your desk because there's too much paper.


Yeah, or that.


You know, just taking time. Yeah, totally. I get that.


Rent the vacuum.


Something needs backing.


Where can people get in?


Touch with you, Susan. What's the?


Best way for them?


To reach out to you.


Well, I have a website Susan Seale dot com.


I'm I'm on Instagram and Facebook but the website is is probably the easiest because I'm there and there you can send me an e-mail through there my e-mail susan@ Susan Seale dot com.


Seal with an eat like the animal but with an eat.


So that would that would.


Be the probably the easiest way.


Awesome. And what's the one thing you'd like to leave the audience with today?


Well, you have permission to create a life you want.


If you need permission, you have it.


You have it.


For me anyway.


I'll back you up with that.


Thank you so much for joining me today, Susan.


Thank you, Jill. So nice to meet you.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the Worldโ€”Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to seek in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.