Episode 14

Published on:

24th May 2024

Scalar Energy for Healing the World

Tom Paladino joined us to share his scalar energy machine and explain how it works to facilitate healing.

Get your 15 day free trail here: Remote Scalar Energy Healing by Tom Paladino (scalarlight.com)

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase.


Podcast today we have with us Tom Paladino. Tom's a Christian husband, researcher and humanitarian seeking to bring scalar light healing to the world. He believes scalar light energy will improve the quantum health of humanity. Welcome to the show Tom. I am so excited.


Learn all about this amazing technology.


It is amazing technology. Thanks for the invite.


Yeah. So great to have you here. I don't even know where to start. Well, let's start with you. Where did? Where did you start? How did this come into your like? Were you born with it?


Yes, I was born with an inquisitive spirit. Yes, I've always liked discovered. I always liked a challenge. This has been quite a challenge. It's a lifelong challenge. It's been a challenge for the past 15 years, and I'm speaking about scalar energy. Scaler research. That's what I'm working with. I'm in my laboratory.


Because I want to demonstrate my scanner light instruments so it it's my passion. This is my.


So tell us a little bit about scalar energy just for those of us who this is really new to and maybe they have no idea how it works or why it works or.


Just like the basic, even just the very basic definition of what it is.


Scalar light the sunlight.


Gets the initial energy of the sun.


It's not electricity which is a derivative of sunlight.


So I'm working with the primary force.


The animating force of the universe scalar energy.


The energy of the sun and the stars. Why is that important?


Its energy that dictates nature's energy creates energy governs. I am working with the governing principle of the universe.


Energy actually is.


It is the great I am.


Yes it is.


That's it. It's fundamental.


And so so when it comes to healing, how does that all work?


Well, but this energy is primal and it is a great I am, I believe so. It's divine energy. And then this divine energy allows us to.


If you will impart instructions or intelligence, energy carries instructions. This instrument carries broadcast instructions now, to be clear, this is not a biological function. It's intellectual. My process is at intelligence or information.


And when I'm working with this instrument behind me that's scared of that instrument, I don't work with people I work with their information field, their force field.


That's found on a photograph. This is my photograph. It has.


My energy on that photograph, so the way I can connect to a person is not biologically I connect through their force field.


And the force field is dictated by the energy left on the photograph.


That's the new science.


Now let me give an.


Analogy fascinating.


We're having a discussion by computer. Well, that's great. Jill is not in my computer. I'm not in your computer. We're sharing an image through this telephonic connection.


Well, likewise my image is my signature.


I don't work with a person. I work with their energy signature on a photograph.


So a scatter energy instrument can, if you will, identify a person by their photograph, but the energy goes into the force field on the photograph. I never work in person. The instruments not designed to work with people.


I'm going to ask you this question that maybe like.


Too simple or it may not be what you're talking about at all, but it reminds me of like an X-ray where it it sends energy through your body and it delivers an image on the other side. The sun does that with us and that's how we get photographs.


Precisely, and let's use your analogy of an X-ray. Obviously that's not you. It's an image of your tendon or a bone that's an X-ray or an MRI.


So to be clear, we don't work with flesh and blood. We work with the aura or the force field or the information field. Now why do I prefer to work with an aura or a force?


It's intelligence.


I don't have to. If you will factor in a chemical reaction metabolic reaction. I don't have to factor in emotion or diet. I don't have to factor in age or their gender, etcetera, etcetera. The only factor is the energy field on a photograph. Why this is fundamental.


We're not working at the biological level. We're working at the spiritual level, the level of intelligence, and it's so much easier to work at the level of intelligence than it is at the physical level.


Yes, this this makes sense.


To me.


That's like looking.


Out the corner of my eye, where I'm just trying to glimpse catching a glimpse of.


It and there's no harm in that, Joe. This is a new and emerging branch of physics. This is what some people call quantum physics or metaphysics.


That's we're no longer working at A at a mechanistic standpoint.


There is no physical entity here. We're working at intelligence or the level of consciousness. There's a big difference. So we've left behind the physical world. We're working with the non physical intelligence. Again, I prefer to work with non physical intelligence. It's so much easier.


Then working with a chemical reaction.


But one drives the other like the intelligence strives the chemical reactions.


Yes, exactly. So I'll explain what I'm doing. OK. The instrument behind me is on. I can feel the energy. How much energy? So much energy. If I hold the light over my hand, it will illuminate the light bulb.


The energy so strong it passes through from the sun through the solar system, nothing can impede it if I have.


A wooden board.


And I place the wooden board here.


That wooden board.


Cannot stop the illumination of a light bulb.




So the energy is everywhere and nothing can impede it. It's the life force energy. Why it's non physical.


It's non physical energy, it's not electric.


Is that?


Is the energy that's being generated.


Is it well, let me ask you this is that being generated by your machine or is it being generated? Is it just a catalyst that or or something that it's pulling other energy through?


It's being generated by the.




I'll show. I'll show the audience.


This is the scalar energy.


It operates at a different level of a different dimension. It's not, it's not electricity, it's not electromagnetic.


OK, so when the.


And it doesn't operate with magnetics.


That's correct, it does not. It does not.


Is this the kind of Meg or the kind of electricity that Tesla was working with?


Yes, exactly. He called it radiant energy.


OK, later in his life, very good. Tessa discovered scalar energy. He was no longer interested in AC electricity. And I can see why. It's much easier. It has a much more profound influence.


So we're leaving behind the electromagnetic grid. We're leaving behind the technology of today. We're going into the future in which the grid system is the universe. The power plant are the sun and the stars.


It's going to make things so much easier.


So much in free energy.


For the.


World. Is that what he used Tesla used when he created that vehicle that ran on what I was? That was just the ether. But it was actually scalar energy.


That's correct. Tessa was demonstrating the car in Buffalo, NY it was silent in operation because there was no motor. There's no combustion. There was there was no induction motor. He was simply capturing energy from the sun and the stars. And he was using that to power his car.


So imagine if we had cars today that you did not have to rely upon any power source. The power source is the cosmos.


As I say, we should. We should have listened to Nikola Tesla.


I would like that.


OK. But it's really hard to.


To monetize.


That kind of thing.


And I think that's why Tesla didn't make it.


Right, because there's an impediment. How do you how do you monetize sun or star energy? It's free. Well, this is where we're going. This will solve our problems. So new industries will evolve, but gone past, say, are going to be oil wells.


And cold gone will be wind farms, gone will be nuclear reactors.


All of those sources of energy.


And and electric vehicles.


Yeah. Yes.


Very silly in my opinion.


Eventually, all of that will be obsolete, right?


OK, so how do I work with this energy? With people and animals? Again, through photographs. Now I'm going to demonstrate. I'm going to.


Show a photograph.


That is a scalar wave and when I place a person's photograph inside the instrument.


They enjoy that scalar wave that will correct their conscience or correct their shockwaves or rebalance their brain waves. Scale energy is a double Helix. That's what this photograph here. When I take my photograph in.


The information field, the force field. I'm enjoying that download of light, that energy.


What does that mean? Well, my shock was will be balanced. My brain waves will be balanced. Many people say that they're no longer depressed after our sessions. Some people say that this helps them with alcohol addiction or drug addiction.


Because we're working through the photographic force field.


The energy field, everybody has an aura. Everybody has a spirit. That's what I capture on a photograph of a person's aura, their spirit.


And I can correct the aura or the spirit.


And instead of doing, people said that they feel better.


My work to be clear, has never been duplicated. My instruments are unique. I want some people to try and duplicate my work. I'm having great results, but thus far nobody's duplicated my results.


Do you?


Reproduce your equipment for other people. Can they buy your equipment from you, or do they have?


Now it's 11.


To like figure it out for themselves.


The laboratory is too extensive. I can't recreate the lab. It's it's a gigantic laboratory. We've only seen just a glimpse of. So what do I propose? I have to introduce this to people through a grassroots movement. That's the key.


And in so doing, once people see the merit and then we start a word of mouth campaign, then I can get.


The ball rolled.


To illustrate, I'm the only researcher right now. Nobody else is helping me. I work alone. Not by choice. It's a poorly understood topic. And what? What do I? What are my avenues of success, people?


People testimonies people.


If I'm the only one in the world with this type of technology, how do I get it out there?


By introducing it to people, millions of people, hopefully.


I yeah.


It it's so fascinating. And what kinds of things are you helping people with, I mean?


We've talked about how you do it, but why? Why would somebody come to you and?


But when I work with this.


What did they expect?


Working with this instrument, what I like is there's no human reason.


I'll show you what I mean. I'm holding up a photograph of Candida albicans. That's a fungus. I'm able to take that photograph and place it in the instrument next to my photograph or anybody's photograph.


And in so doing.


Whether I had Candida albicans as a signature or anybody in that photographic collage had Candida albicans, the instrument would pick out the energy of Candida albicans identified in a person.


And then negate the energy, negate the signal of Candida albicans and the person.


So we're not sending energy. Yes. So what is life? Life is some type of signature, some type of recognition of that fungus to negate that fungus is essentially, I believe, death or negation. At least the signature of the fungus. And how do we achieve that? You can only achieve that with the scatter.


Turn them off.


Energy instrument cannot achieve that with an electrical or magnetic instrument.


So working with this instrument, I can identify a microbe.


And negate the signal and negate its life force energy.


To me, that's fascinating. My predecessor Hieronymus, achieved that likewise.


It sounds like two things. One, our why intentions can work long distance and the other thing that it it strikes me of is we know that particles behave differently when you're looking at them versus when you're not looking at them.


I I think.


This is all.


Tangled up together.


Yes, yes it is. It's quantum entanglement. You're absolutely right. When we observe something in nature, we realize now that our consciousness, our thoughts are having an effect upon that object.


Why? Because our thinking our scanner waves, our thought is a scanner wave, and whether it's an instrument or our thoughts, you can project a thought onto something and influence it.


This this gives credence to positive thinking. You're absolutely right.


And manifesting.


Manifested or prayer or affirmations. Yes, there is a science behind prayer affirmation.


It's scaler sounds.


So fascinating and.


And we can.


Using this I have another question for you.


I heard and I don't know if this is true or not, somebody talking about.


They were talking about pharmaceutical drugs in this in this explanation and what they said was that if a pharmaceutical drug is changed, the composition has changed in the laboratory, that it actually affects all of the other.


UM pieces that are out in the market.


Have you ever heard of that, or do you have any thoughts on that?


I'm not. That's not my specialty. But if we were trying to theorize that has to be quantum entanglement.


That that, that particular molecular formula is connected to every other rendition to every other copy.


And this has been proven. 2 objects can be separated and they still communicate at a vast distance. They're they're still communicating somehow. That's a scalar communication. So I presumably you can do that with a drug.


It the the potential for this and it.


You know I'm.


I'm not a scientist on that level it, but the potential is just like.


Exponentially greater.


For everything, really. Then what? We're.


Condition to accept as we go along in life.


It feels to me like it's shifting into this bigger.


Really more exciting.


Dynamic with scalar technology and.


Absolutely right. This is a new dimension that we're working a new branch of science and it's it's so promising because what was difficult to address in the past or unsolvable will now be easy to address, easy to solve.


I've been working with people around the world. I'll give the audience an indication I've been working with a clinic in India. This is the overcash HIV AIDS clinic in Delhi, India.


I've worked with over 5000 people who at one time were HIV positive.


After working with these people.


If they had a follow up PCR test, nobody has a positive viral load. Nobody has any indication of HIV.


So what did I do?


With their photograph, I identified the HIV virus.


I can take HIV virus, match it up to the people and find the HIV signature.


The signature or the force field of HIV in the person after working with these people.


Of their accord of their opinion, they feel better. Their testimony is is rather promising, and some of those people have had a follow up PCR test and they say that they feel better that they no longer have a viral load for HIV.


And I've never been to Delhi, India. But according to these 5000 people and I have their testimonies on my website, they feel much better.


Here's one of the PCR tests from somebody I worked with at the Om Prakash clinic. Again, I've never met these people.


This individual doesn't have a viral load. They had a viral load ever since they were infected with the HIV virus. After our sessions, they no longer have a viral load.


So it's quite problems. Can this be explained by Newtonian science? No, it's a new science. Quantum science needs definition. It needs a new vocabulary. It needs a new definition.


It's certainly.


I think you could.


I'm sorry.


I think you're going to run into the same problem that Tesla ran into and that.




There are forces out there that don't want you doing this.


If you can, if you can.


Basically, cure AIDS or yeah, cure AIDS.


Which is.


If the virus is no longer there.


And the virus was the problem then.


It was cured.


Can it come back? Perhaps? I don't know. But it's.


And and I'm not.


Just as a a public disclaimer, I'm not saying that Tom Paladino's scalar energy technology will cure you of anything. I don't know that and I don't think that he can make that claim either.


But the research is very promising phrase.


It that way.


And he's really interested in people.


Joining his experiment with him.


In in terms of, you offer a 15 day free trial.


How does that work?


Very simple. People go to our website, upload e-mail, us your photograph and you can send your family if they are. If they allow. If they permit, include your pets and again all I need is a bus shot. Your facial photograph.


For 15 days I'll treat you.


I'll eradicate. I'll identify and eradicate microbes, viruses, bacteria, fungi. You're going to balance your shockers, your brain waves. This instrument does that automatically. And then the third technique that we've developed, we're able to take vitamins or minerals. This is beta carotene.


There's a nutrient program we can, if you will, in part the intelligence.


Of beta care to you?


How do I do that when I take a photograph which carries an energy signature and I place it next to my photograph? Beta carotene is in part it is downloaded into my photograph.


We impart the energy of beta carotene into a person.


So it's not a nutritional program for say, the form of a liquid or a drink or a meal or a supplement. It's a nutrient program by way of energy.


All administered through energy through the force field of scatter energy.


Ohh, just made beds.


Med beds are so passe and they haven't even made it to the real world yet.


Yeah, I I don't know what to make of that. I've heard about that. That's. But I haven't seen one yet. So I don't know what to tell you.


I don't think they exist except on start.


Right. The movie.


But there there has been a lot of buzz around some circles.


About the healing people, but it.


You don't. What you're saying is that you don't actually have to have the physical body there. It's just the imprint and.


And it works.


It works full stop.


It works.


It's it works it it works. Yes. Yeah. And, you know, let's say 100 years ago, we would tell people that we could have a communication through a computer. We could speak through a computer. They'd say no, that's impossible.


Well, it's, it's. It's a matter of fact where we can have somebody's voice could be modulated in the cell phone. OK, well, why can't your energy signal on a photograph which is light according to the laws of science? Light your light signature on a photograph is you. And we can influence your light signature on a photograph.


Yes, we can.


The Indians knew that. That's why they didn't want their pictures taken.


And they they understood that innately they had that wisdom, that knowledge, any photograph, whether it's in your possession.


Or on Facebook or on Twitter or in a newspaper is your essence.


You lead your character on that photograph. My predecessor was able to ascertain a person's heart rate, blood pressure, organ function from their photograph.


So the photograph is your energetic copy.


Which you're by located version.


So. So my mind's going to like the teleporting.


Yes, that's what that. Thank you. That's what this is. OK. If you were to send me your photograph, you would teleport to this instrument to my laboratory.


Because teleportation is non physical information, how do you teleport? Not physically.


You teleport through information. It's a non physical process.


Yeah, like we're we're teleporting right now because we're having this conversation together in space because it it's not.


I'm not there and you're not here.


We are, we exist together in another, in another realm which is.


That's kind of mind blowing. When.


You think about that?


Yes, it is. You're absolutely right. Yes, it is.


Very interesting so.


How how do you work with people? What do you?


I I don't even know how to ask this question.


How would how would people reach out to you and why would they reach out to you? And what are you looking for with people?


Step One, Joe, is introduction to education. I give away 15 days on my website, 15 days of free exceptions. Why do I do that? This is brand.


New I'm the only one in the room with this instrument. I'm the only one in the world. Hence, with this technology with this approach. So anybody in the world can go to our website, we want them to sign up for free. Send us your entire families, include your pets, and then you be the judge of scaler healing. You tell us how.


This has helped you soul mind and body. It's up to people to carry this fellow.


You made a good point.


There are powers out out there that don't want this to happen to they don't want to see this technology advance. The only way I can advance this is through people.


As a grassroots movement, that's what I propose, A grassroots movement.


So I know there's other kinds of technologies out there like sound energy and the.


It's their their patches and they do light wave energy off of your body.


This is different. Those those kinds of modalities generally are.


They're MLM's, but.


Sometimes, sometimes they're not there. They can be actual pieces of equipment. How how are you envisioning this growing if you're the only person that has this technology?


It has to grow in a controlled atmosphere and hopefully I'll provide.


And then with the fact that we can miniaturize the photographs, I can easily work with 2-3 million photographs a day.


So the obstacle the bottleneck is not needed. This instrument can work with 5 million photographs a day. The bottleneck right now is awareness. We have to get the message out there. I want people to be aware of this.


So I'll I'll treat everybody in the world.


If I have to for.


Free. But we have to get the ball rolling by way of grassroots movement.


So, so just getting people to send in, send in their photographs and do they need to tell you what's wrong with them or what they're feeling or just the just send me your picture and let me help you feel better. And if you have people that actually are under medical.


Nothing correct.


That's correct.


Supervision at the moment for.


You know things that are going on with them. If they went and then does it matter when the photo was taken?


It does not matter when the photo is taken because your force field is with you throughout life. It's like your fingerprint. Your fingerprint is with you throughout life, so your photograph is always in real time.


Even though the image might not look like you anymore.


That's correct.


OK, so if somebody were?


To be being seen by the medical community for some disease in their body and sent you their photo.


Graph would it?


Be helpful to.


You if they also went back later and had tests done again and then you could get that information from them about.


Before and after.


It's giving, yeah. Then you're getting real data that you can.


Yes, even though it's anecdotal, before and after would be great.


I have many people who've told me you look, I I had the herpes virus and after your sessions, here's my test result and I don't have herpes. That's what I need before and after results. You're right.


And and it's just a matter of time before this will spread by word of mouth.


I'll be sending you my photo.


Please do so.


And does it work for like blood pressure and?


And I I believe people have high blood pressure because their body needs to be regulated and it needs to be that high in order for them to be healthy fish. That's just my opinion.


Some people.


It has helped some people with high blood pressure. Change your question, yes.




So, so pretty much any anything that ails you.


Send in your picture and let Tom.


That God, that God hill. I claim that this is a divine energy, because who who can control the energy of the sun and the stars who created the sun and the stars? It's got. So if this is controlling that energy, then it's God's energy. It's the light of God. It's not my energy. So send your photograph in and try.


That's simple.


What do you got to lose? Nothing.


But that it's not so simple.


Yeah, you and you have so much to gain just just from sending the photo in. So can they. They can send their photos in on your website, right?


That's correct. Scaler life.com sca.com send us. Your photographs. Won't work with you for 15 days.




You will feel something most the greater majority of people say they feel better. You might not be able to put your finger on it because this is unique. You've never experienced this before, but the greater majority of people feel an improvement. A significant improvement in their health.


That's so interesting. I I personally experienced.


A healing with intention.


In that I was part of a group of people that were holding intentions together, and I'd hit my thumb with a pneumatic nail gun. I hit the bone and it hurt so bad it just happened that we were having this call that night and it was all over the Internet. We're all in different parts of the world.


And after.


20 minutes of them just focusing on healing my thumb. My thumb was healed. I mean, it went from. It was throbbing. It hurt really bad to. It was perfectly fine.


You know.


It's it's mind over matter. This is a reality.


Yeah, and all means.


Yeah, very interesting so.


Having people sending their photographs and and help you actually gather data is like your your biggest call for help. And is there anything else that you'd really like for them to to know about this or working with you?


I'll put this into into break it down so everybody can can cogitate upon this. What is a thought? A thought is a scale, right? What is an emotion? A scalar wave? So what am I getting at? How is it that we can think it's a form of energy, scale of energy?


What is a?


And emotion, what are our feelings? It has to be some type of intelligence. It's consciousness or scalar energy.


So everybody with the mind and the heart will have a mind and the heart is capable of scale or energy of of exercising this primal energy. So this is not, if you will, this this is not esoteric.


Everybody has a skid or energy mind, a skid energy heart.


And it it you're either on or you're off. And if you're breathing, you're on just just to let you know. OK, so it wasn't any question about that.


Exactly. And I don't want this to be esoteric. Everybody has a mind and the heart. Everybody has a scatter energy being well that's that's sunlight or Starlight that dictates nature.


I yeah.


I can tie this back to so many different things, but is there one thing that you hope the audience takes away from this conversation today?


It's always a message of hope to him. It's always a.


Message of hope.


The world needs to unite when we're when we unite, we can achieve so much. So let's be happy. Let's unite. Let's work together.


There's great prospect out there for for transition, for change, for improvement.


It's a message of hope.


I agree. Thank you so much for joining me today, Tom.


Thank you so much.

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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist & host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world. Join our private community, where you will find support, networking & collaboration, get featured on our podcast and we also provide coaching to help you find clients with podcasts. It all starts with joining our community! (it's free)