Episode 127

Published on:

17th Oct 2023

Urvina and Anjali - Cracking the Code to Career Alignment

In this encouraging episode, we meet Anjali and Urvina, co-founders of U Kan Coaching. They talk about their journey in helping mid-career women find career alignment and emphasize their focus on providing clarity and direction to women feeling stuck in their careers.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are talking with Anjali and Urvina who are Co-founders of U Kan Coaching where they align women to careers they want welcome both of you. It's so nice to have you on the show and I'm really excited to learn about what you're doing.


And how youโ€™re doing it


And how that started so thank.


Thanks. Thank you.


It's a pleasure to be with you.


You, Jill, super excited this side of the pond as well.


So you're in the UK?




Yes, OK.


Just wanted to double check on that you asked me where I was.


From but it


Didn't occur to me that you were somewhere else.


So. So how did you get started with UKan Coaching. What? What led you to that


Point. Well it, it started quite a few years ago when a few things triggered it. 1 my role.


Was becoming redundant.


Where I worked I worked in the NHS National Health Service here as a therapeutic radiographer, and I've done that for 27 years and I absolutely loved what I did and it was big they.


Were going to.


Dismantle that role completely, but there didn't seem to be another role that I felt I could do at that.


Level and that point in time. And so that and the other thing that triggered it was I have a one of my children has got learning difficulties and she was at that point post 16 and I started thinking about her career path.


And I thought, well, actually maybe negatively a little bit or maybe real in reality it was.


What if she didn't have somewhere she could work? Could she be? Could I employ her? Could I have something? A legacy that I could leave for her. And so there are two things that really triggered the whole thing. And then. So I partnered with Anjoli and that's another story in itself. But.


That's how we then started. So at the point of when I was turned, 50 was the day that we launched our UCan coaching.


I love that I love how when you it's really like 45 women just start like the.


Something turns on in them like I know Iโ€™m meant for more than this. I got all this this stuff behind me that I'm supposed to do, but life is really just starting for us. So how about you, Anjali? How did you get started? And how did you two meet?


Yeah, that the second question is quite interesting. So for the first bit, how did I get started? So I've been in a corporate role as a finance professional for about 17 years and I've navigated the, you know, the hierarchies.


The politics, the kind of the work, life balance, etcetera. And there were so many strategies and like training, training juniors supporting their development and.


Post COVID when you know we were coming out of all our lockdowns and etcetera it was it kind of.


Hit me and I, I reevaluated. What am I doing? What do I want my next phase of my career to look like and it was around the same time that Urvina was going through her kind of career phase and it just it just made sense. I mean she quit a year before I did but it.


It kind of got us to set things up to start looking into setting up formally as a business and.


it gave me a sense of can I transition into something different? Can I move from being a finance professional to doing personal development stuff and that it just led naturally led onto that journey. And also because I'm a sports coach, as a hobby.


It kind of lent itself the coaching just lent itself, and so I wanted to bring the sports philosophies into kind of the career aspect.


Right. And Urvina was all about the legacy. So we kind of matched a little bit what we wanted to do. And so it was easier to get together and just form U Kan Coaching.


You tell that story. So, so, about 13 years ago, I set up a disability group in our community and Anjali joined me a year later. And that's how we started working together. And she became my right hand woman, if you like.


And so we really understood how to work with each other, what our strengths and weaknesses each were.


And what we could each bring to the table and I think because we've had that experience for 13 years already, it felt very natural when we worked in business together, it worked. So that, yeah, that's how we met.


That's interesting. So was it the disability around your daughter or was it something disconnected?


Yeah, completely. Because I had gone to something in the community and they were setting up workshops and stuff and I thought well.


How does? She was young at the time and I thought, how does she integrate into my community? Who does she have friends with in the community? How does she know people in it? How will she get included?


And that's why I started it. That was my driver. A lot of things that happened in my life is because of the drive behind her. And yeah, that's what led to that and which is still running today. And we have now 8/8 of US women running that, that group and it's fantastic and lots of kids in it.


That's really fantastic. So when it comes to actually coaching women, what do you what do you?


Actually help them with.


I think the.


The biggest thing we help them with is to get clarity.


We're talking about women who are kind of mid career.


So in their professional lives and so they've, they've had a lot of experience in whatever they're doing. So they know a lot of what they don't want, but they might still have overwhelm or not, not really have the clarity on. OK, what is that next phase? What do I want to be doing?


And our coaching process is designed to give that clarity so that you know it's it doesn't have to be defined, it's not, it's not totally structured or black and white, but what it does is it gives them a direction, a path.


That, you know, this feels right. This is my next move or this is what I need to explore further.


It's not really all about.


Just stopping your career and doing something different.


No, no, some there are some. Some people who clients who come to us, who want that, but predominantly it's they want to still continue in a career there's they are working women and they may want to change it slightly.


But not change careers completely, or they're looking to do something that's more meaningful to them.


But the there, there's always that overwhelm, or the lack of confidence, because they may have been in one career for a while, and so they just need and a lot of these women actually are really, they're really ambitious and they do know they want something more. They just don't.


Know what and how to get


There. So that's what we help them with.


So do you help people everywhere or


Just in the UK.


We help people everywhere, time permitting, because it's all online. So obviously if it's local we could do it face to face. But we predominantly it's online and anywhere.


Yeah, and. And mainly it's because we're not looking at specific jobs or in careers. What we're looking at is more about themselves, what's driving them, what's inside them. So it is possible for us to work with anyone globally because we're not.


You know, looking at individual markets where you need a bit of specialist knowledge maybe.


Interesting. So when you when you work with these women, is it just one-on-one? Is it group?


How? How does that look?


So currently it is 1 to 1. Umm that's how we kind of have designed our program and we prefer to run it that way. Uh, mainly because it's an exploration even for our clients and so we want to make sure that we're there for them through that whole journey.


And supporting them. So we do a lot of supportive work with them just to make sure that.


They're not double overwhelmed. They're coming to us, overwhelmed. We wanna take that away from them. So we dedicate a lot of our time to the clients at the minute


OK, so when you're.


When you're working with them, I know you said you have a workshop that you do for people. Is that how they would kind of find out what it's like to work with you? You give them some tools and tips. How does that look?


Yeah. So we run, we call it like a master class and usually an hour. So it does give them an insight one into how we are together, how we work, but also it gives them a sense of what our, what the an insight into what the program looks like. So we share some of the things we run in the program and we might even do some.


Exercises within that so that it gives them an idea of what they might expect.


And also share some stories because then it helps them to see.


What the results that


They might get as well. So yeah, so.


itโ€™s an hour long.


Very interactive, so hopefully people really well they do and hopefully they do enjoy, enjoy the master classes. So and we will always like to give a little bit of value.


As well, because a lot of people have given up their time in the evening mostly or a weekend, so it's important they get something out of it. Yeah, even though and they are free.


Yeah. So they run.


Once every, every two months, or once every quarter. But they are like value packed, they're jam packed. So it's quite a tight schedule, but the aim is to give them as much information as possible in that time. So it can help them in their career journey.


So what kind of information would they walk away with and what kind of people would


Would want to go to your workshop. What kind of problems would they have that they


Would want solved.


I think the biggest problem that we've seen with a lot of the clients that we get are they're stuck in their career, they're stuck in that, they're so comfortable where they are, they want something more, they know that they're meant for a bit more, but they're quite stuck and they don't know how to.


Move on to that next level. What is, you know what is stopping them? What? What is? What do they need to do? And so.


The master class is designed to kind of break that down a little bit.


So we go.


Through the steps they need they, you know, the steps that would take them through that journey to know what, where they want to be. And then we also go into a lot more detail in a into a couple of those steps that starts giving them.


Just a shift like a new way of looking at things, trying to figure it out and seeing where they got stuck effectively. And you know, for some that's enough for some, that's enough to just get them over the line and go actually I know what I need to do now and for others it's.


I still don't know how to do it and you know we can then help them further after that.




That sounds really helpful. I my mind is going Oh yeah, I can. Just I know these people that are like that, they have careers and they're just like.


They feel like they're stuck. They're not ready for retirement. They know there's more going.


On, but their and maybe their careers are the path that they're on is shifting because everything is shifting so quickly these days, and they're just like.


I don't know where to go so.


Yeah. And.


We find also a lot of women around 45 onwards, 40/45 onwards are starting to and we talked about this a little bit of mid life where the shift in their thinking you know what's the next 20-30 years going to look like of my career, you still have that much or to devote to your career. So you might as well.


Make it as meaningful as possible


And also children are growing up for if they have children, so you know they're not as needed as much there. So now it's time they have time a little bit to focus on their career. So a lot of things have shifted around that time. So it kind of has brought them to that point of, OK, I think I need to do something about my career now.


Yeah, that. Yeah, I've seen that so many times just like.


Not now what I.


Do and it. It really is 30 to 40.


Years, I mean.


People are younger longer now than I think they ever have been, especially women.




Where you know they.


You know, The Golden Girls were in their 40s when they were.


And they were supposed to be like, over the hill 40 is like.


Girl, you just finally grew up.




Yeah, it's true. That is so true now. Yeah, a lot of things change. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.




So how do you go about finding your clients or getting their message out? I know you're doing this podcast with me, but are you on a lot of podcasts? Are you on LinkedIn? Are you on Facebook? Are you in groups? How?


Do we find you?


Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So. So we have our own social media, mostly it's via social media. So we're on LinkedIn, we're on Instagram, we're on Facebook and we're putting.


out a lot of information and nuggets on top career related topics on there quite regularly and so definitely you know can give you the links to follow us or even DM us. And in terms of.


How else we get through, is


Apart from our social media is through podcasts, but also certain groups which are dedicated to these kinds of forums, career related forums. We do, we do speaking engagements so you.


Know we will.


We have certain specific topics that we talk about, especially around getting out of.


Your comfort zone.


That's a that's quite a big one. Uh, when you're stuck in your career. So we have a some specific talks on just how to get out of your comfort zone. What can you do to get out of your


Comfort zone and it all kind of links in and so we run we run these in various groups as well. So that you know the more people know how to get out of their comfort zone, the easier it is for them to transition into that next phase of their career.


You got some tips for that?


Getting out of your comfort zone.


To share with our audience.


Share our concept.


Let me put you on the spot here.


Yeah, I mean, I mean, the biggest thing, the biggest thing that stops us from getting out of our comfort zone is fear.


And you know, the biggest one of the fears is fear of failure


Yeah. So it's all it's all linked around how we as human beings behave and interact. And it's all very protective. So once we understand the psychology, it becomes easier to start taking steps and we're talking about baby steps. We're not talking about start, you know, jumping from tomorrow.


But the more steps we take around it, the more we're pushing our boundary of that, that comfort limit and it's creating that room to start growing, which automatically gives us that confidence to then start taking bigger steps.


So there isn't any sexy formula for it unfortunately, but it is slow and steady steps and understand the biggest thing to understand is what is your fear? What is stopping you? How what is it? What is the? What is the worst outcome that you're fearing?


And also then conversely, kind of going instead of thinking, what if it doesn't happen is what if it happens, what, what is the impact if you're able to take that step, what will it give you?


I think that's something that people don't look at because we tend to look at, Oh my God, what if I fail and our thing is, Oh my God, what if you don't fail? What if you actually succeed? Can you imagine what it will do for you? And it's just getting ourselves to think slightly differently. And you automatically start.


Taking bigger steps as you get more, more comfortable. Ironically with the with getting out of your comfort zone.


I love that meme.


It you what you were talking about? Just.


Brought to mind it, it's.


What if I?


Fall and the so my darling. But what if you fly?


Yeah, that's it.


Absolutely, absolutely. You're not going to know until.


You do it.


And sometimes you're falling and falling and flapping your wings. And then the wind catches you and you're off and sailing and it's.


It's being able to fall through the fear.


And keep clapping cause.


That's it. That's all. That's. Yeah. If you stand and fall again


Yeah. Yeah and.


If you stand up and fall again, it's not failure, it's feedback.


Yeah, it's feedback. My daughter is a black belt in karate and one of her little they. They memorized these sayings and she has like.


Since she was 6, she's 19 now, so one of them's fall down.


50 times. Get up 51 or something like that, but.


It's just got to keep standing.


Back up and eventually you're going to get it.


Yes, that's exactly, yeah. And I think the.


Or you do that as until he was explaining those small.


Steps it just after a while you.


Don't even notice that fear as much, because you'll just do it.


You know, it doesn't feel so fearful. So you don't you don't procrastinate, and then you just, you just do it and then see what happens.


Yeah, the, the hardest thing about getting started is getting started.


That's it.


Just like because you have all of these things around it instead of just.


Ripping the Band-Aid off and.


Going the floor it I like to.


Like think about it and.


And sometimes when you overthink things, you can think yourself out of doing stuff that really could have like.


Been your lifeโ€™s mission.


True, very true


Yes, absolutely, absolutely. You know 80% of the times, that's what we're doing. We're talking ourselves out of doing something that could change our lives.


And not just your life, but.


You know the.


Lives of people around you and ultimately.


Everyone in the world, because we're all connected. And when you make a decision.


And you know your daughter is a really good example, Urvina, where she has a an issue and instead of just like.


Coddling it or curling up in a ball and saying whoa as me, the world's awful you went out and.


You formed a group.


And now other people are impacted by that and then you know, their families impact other families.


And it just kind of.


Ripples around and it's what makes the world a better place. And to me, it's so exciting. Thatโ€™s why I do what I do.


Yes, that ripple is amazing. Yeah. Yeah, certainly.


When more than one person comes, when it, when it when you can see that impact on more than one person, it's really amazing.


That's why we do what we do.


It is and


Helping people figure out their career paths or readjusting their career paths or making steps to tailor their career path in a way that's more fulfilling to them, impacts the world in a huge way.


Because as.


As they're working in and a lot of times, I think you deal with people that are corporate or professionals, they get burned out. But instead, and then they leave and they take that knowledge base with them and the knowledge bank that someone has after 20 years in a profession.


Is huge, and when those people leave, the people coming up.


They don't get the advantage of this wisdom that these people have to share and it you, you can't put it in a manual. It's something that happens person to person. And I think what you're doing is valuable for professions in general because you're helping retain that.


Knowledge Bank long enough.


To help the people coming up.


To be able to benefit from that and that benefits everybody.


Yeah. Well, you talk about the ripple effect there you go.


I know you're going to be doing workshops again. Do you want to talk about


When you think those will be coming up, do you want to talk about how people can get in touch with you to connect in terms of getting on the on the


Calendar to join your workshops.


Yeah. So our free workshops run at least once a 1/4, so they'll be up on our website to what the next dates are and we'll give you the link, Jill to put into the show notes for that. So go online and anyone can join them.




So whatever time or whatever date is convenient, just register, book yourselves in and.


And turn up turn up for the life changing master class. And in terms of getting in touch with us, if you can't wait until the master class and we get that as well, then just DM us. So we are on Instagram. So our handle is at U Kan Coaching which is UKAN.


Coaching. We're on Facebook as well with the same name U Kan Coaching so.


You know, feel free.


To DM us and we can set up a quick chat up just to see whether we can help or not. And we're also on LinkedIn, so LinkedIn is Urvina Shah and Anjali Gudhka we'll give the links as well because it could be a mouthful. So we'll give the links as well. So you can connect with us on LinkedIn.


Follow us on LinkedIn as well, so there's loads of different social media channels that you know give you access to us, and definitely the master class is the best way to start. Start that career transition journey.


Perfect. Perfect. So is there one last thing that you would like the audience to take away from our conversation today?


Well, one of the things we always, always say is that because we are our name is U Kan. So we always leave our people with uh you can we believe you can so.


You know, it's all. It's all.


In in you.


It's in you and all. We all we are doing is tapping into it because you might be overwhelmed. You might be tired, you might be exhausted and you can't. You can't think straight and we help you tap into it. But we actually believe that it is possible.


And you can do it. You can do whatever, whatever, transitioning, whatever looks good for you. You can do it.


That's perfect. Thank you so much for joining us today.


You're very welcome, Jill. Pleasure.


Thank you, Jill, for having us. It's been amazing. Thank you.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the Worldโ€”Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to seek in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.