Episode 194

Published on:

2nd Jan 2024

Valerie Devi Carpenter - Spirit, Sound and Healing Frequencies

In this delightful episode, Valerie Devi Carpenter, a visionary sound healer, explores the transformative world of sound healing, bridging spirituality and science. Valerie invites listeners to discover the healing potential of sound in this compact and enlightening podcast experience.

Discover more from Valerie at: sound-living.com

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are talking with Valerie Devi Carpenter who is a visionary sound healer who helps accomplished female leaders free themselves from burnout and stress so they can fully embrace their power, passion and purpose. Welcome to the show, Valerie. I'm really excited to chat with you about sound.


Feeling it's very interesting.


And it's great to be with you. Thank you. So.


Much for having me, Jill.


So tell us how you got into this. Tell us about what sound healing is. Tell us all the stuff.


All the stuff OK.


Well, there's a lot of stuff.


So when people think of sound healing, they generally think of maybe crystal bowls or a sound Beth they've attended where people play instruments and bring them into a state of kind of balance and alignment. And most come out just beaming and glowing. And that is one form of sound.


Feeling. But there are many and I had the really good fortune to find myself in a program where I was exposed to all these different kinds of.


Approaches to sound healing and my teacher at the time said really generously, you are all The Pioneers because sound healing is as old as humans existence on Earth.


And it's now coming into consciousness again in this age, and we're going to be the ones who create the field of sound healing. So it's been a wonderful endeavor of creation and seeing where you can go with sound.


One of the things I love to emphasize.


Is rather than.


Having sound done to you.


We can also create sound.


And by doing so, we can become our own great best healers. So, you know, the ancients would do.


This through dancing and drumming and rattling, and any kind of instruments they can make flute playing right and singing.


Chanting and we can we can become our own best healer with our voice.


And let me back up a little bit because you asked me how I arrived at this. Well, I was playing around with, uh, shamanic healing for my own interest, for my own healing, and I was.


LED into this.


By a man I was dating and so often happens, and I found myself in this incredible retreat.


Where it was on Lake Shasta, where we could take a houseboat around Lake Shasta and Park on all these private islands with the lake is full. There are all these little islands in the lake and you can park the house boat there and have this whole island to yourself, inhabited only by deer and owls and bats.


And have this wonderful place to journey. And I was having a journey and.


Suddenly the sky opened.


And music fell in.


And when I looked up.


I could instead of sky and clouds.


I could see all of creation.


It was like a tapestry woven of all these filaments of sound light.


Color, vibration and frequency.


And then I started to sing.


Now, up until that time, I'd been an actress for about 40 years. Who wouldn't sing? And.


I found myself singing and singing and singing and singing.


And this went on for about 6 hours.


And all the time I knew I wasn't singing alone.


It was as if Heaven opened its doors to me and I was hearing heavenly music and singing with that heavenly music.


And then at the same time I was doing these strange tapping motions on my body and uttering syllables that were meaningless to me. But.


Something in me said this must mean something. I have no idea how I was able to keep the singing going and the syllable Ising going, but I did and till finally I just.


Ask myself what the heck am I doing? And I heard really distinctly in my right ear, a voice saying in perfect English. You're downloading everything you need for your future work.


So I took that really seriously.


And found my way into that program that I mentioned where our teacher said that we are The Pioneers of this.


And launched into a very in-depth study of all the modalities that intrigued me.


Including deepening the work that I do with shamanic healing.


And I looked and.


I looked, I looked, looked for years.


I looked for the connection. What's the connection between this shamanic work? Right. This work with the spirits and sound.


And one day, years into my practice where I've supported hundreds of people come into their own balance and harmony.


It just dawned on me, like uh, duh. It was there all the time.


I saw it in that very first vision.


That there is no. I couldn't find the connection because it's actually one.


And if you take.


It is the connection.


Yeah, that's the connection. It's that there's no separation.


Which is what I was seeing in that beautiful vision, and also seeing that everything we see in the manifested universe is.


Actually, frequency made audible or made visible.


And suddenly it made became so easy to do this work and so easy to understand why it's so powerful.


Speak in my language. I have long believed. Then science backs it up. Everything is made-up of vibration and energy is just vibrations.


And that's what a wave is an energy wave and.


Yeah, it's like quantum physics are catching up to what the Mystics have known for millennia. But now quantum physics is getting to be better known so that it does give us a certain amount of cachet.


As far as.


Yeah, this is scientifically sound.


Exactly it used to be, people would just say ohh there were woo and kind of crazy. And but it's.


It's being shown more and more often that when you what you do in the.


In the ether, kind of.


Manifest back into the reality like you can change because they could time travel, but in a way you can if you can change how you hold a memory because memories are just vibrations also and.


They are not.


True or untrue, they're just.


In a state of being and that state of being changes over time, and if you can go back and change it, then even the people that were involved.


In that memory.


Their memories of it will change.


Absolutely. I've seen that. I play so many so many times it it's really uncanny.




And there's also.


A lot of biological and neurological science that supports it as well. So you've probably heard of the vagus nerve.


Right. And everybody's embracing the vagus nerve now.


Which is a great.


The newest body part.


Yes, it's the newest, most fun body part to explore and what it is simply is the vagus nerve is the longest nerve in our in our entire body and it extends from the brainstem, runs through the air canal and down through both over both. It's actually two partner.


So it descends.


Through the body, touching all of the major organs except the spleen. I don't know why missus the spleen. But anyway, the implications of this are huge because the vagus nerve is what activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is that part of our nervous system that tells us.


It's safe that it's safe for our body to relax and digest and go into a state of.


Of calm and relaxation, basically. And so the fact that it goes through the ear canal says, Oh well, it must be very sensitive to sound.


And it is.


Extremely sensitive to sound. So not only the sound we listen to, but the sound we make.


Something that occurred for me over during the pandemic. Remember that those fun days? Well, I very, very quickly had to morph at practice. That was 90% hands on physical somatic in the studio.


With my voice and my hands and my instruments into something that I could I could deliver online.


Kind of. It didn't take.


A Mystic to deal with to, to actually understand the power. But what would happen before those days? People would come into my studio and they'd see my table. They'd see my tuning forks, they'd see all the instruments I have and they, like, want to just get down and get on the table.


And say do me no fix me up. Repair me which happy to do love doing that? Still do that. But I found myself that I found that I have a lot to teach people about. Really how our voice is the best healer that we could ever have.


And it makes so much sense. So because of the vagal nerve and because of our history of humankind actually using our body.


Right. And our body.


Stores everything that's ever happened to us.


In this lifetime, and also in past lifetimes, it can live in our organs. It can live in our cells, it can live in our nervous system, our circulatory system.


Something I want to share with you at this point, and it has to do with water and there's a woman who's doing.


Because I know crystals will hold information, they're capable of storing data, and I was thinking about water and water crystals. And when you're talking about all of our organs storing information, I'm wondering if it isn't through the water mechanism.


Our bodies are mostly water and we respond as water responds when we hear sounds.


And if you berate somebody over and over again, they're going to wither up and.


And die? Honestly, just like a plant would. Whereas if you praise them and you help them.


Grow and hear things that are positive. They'll flourish.


Well, these are these are known things, but it was.


Just the water part that.


Kind of hit me.


Yeah, and yeah.


Because water records images.


Yes, and it was a doctor, Masaro Emoto, who started this. And a lot of people have taken it further that if you sing to water, if you give thanks to water.


You can actually change the crystalline composition of water purified waters that have been sullied by pollution and chemical spills and radiation. It's yeah, it's pretty miraculous.


And our body? Yes, our body does the same thing.


And consequently, our bodies are always talking to us.


And just waiting for us to listen.


But what happens when we get a pain?


In our hip, we.


Go. Oh yeah.


Darn this pain. Darn this hip. Ohh God, I wish I could just take this.


Hip off right?


Instead of just actually listening to what the what the body is saying, and I kind of stumbled upon this little Spidey skill that I have, which is when I touch a person's body, I can hear.


Whatever it is I'm tuning into, I can hear the frequencies and I can sound those frequencies.


And they're not always pleasant frequencies. They're not the kinds of frequencies you'd hear at a sound bath generally.


But it's what the body needs to hear to know that you got it.


Right. And I can tell you a little story about the first time I really dared to do this because in my training I was told, never put my sound into anybody's body and I was working with this regular client and she would come in and every time I went around to the right side of her body and touched.


Her under the ribs.


Where the liver is, I would hear this.


Crazy shrieking sound, just like a banshee.


I mean this.


Wild whale.


I thought I got to stay away from this. I you know. But weeks went by and she kept. I kept hearing it and I learned that when I when I hear something I really.


Need to.


Share that so I asked if I could. I told her that I was hearing a certain sound from her liver, and I asked if I could make this sound. And she said, oh.


Yeah, I said. Now I warn you, it's going to be loud. It's going to be very loud and it's not going to be necessarily pleasant.


Is that OK? She gave her permission. And so I LED out with exactly what I was hearing, which sounded like a banshee screaming.


And her response was to go.


And she settled into the deepest relaxation. I'd seen her go to that date.


It's as if her liver had all this energy that needed to be.


And tended to and it acted like a kind of a biofeedback system.


As soon as she heard it.


Her body relaxed.


And the liver was freed. You know, the in the liver is called the general of the body in Chinese medicine. Right. And so, you know, if a general is pisssed off you never, that's never good.


Yeah, all the troops are in trouble.


Exactly, exactly. But in a balanced state, the liver becomes the happy wanderer.


And so that.


30 seconds in my studio did more to unravel years of stress and tension.


In in this woman.


More than.


Like years of exploration had done for her.


And I find that so frequently happens and it gave me the courage also to.


See if this was a thing.


To see if I could simply bring peoples.


Bodies into harmony by sounding them.


And yes you can.


And yes, it becomes like this Symphony when you know you got your liver saying one thing, your spleen saying another, your heart in the middle go help me and you just keep listening and tending and the sound changes.


So I I'll touch with that liver again that had that Banshee scream and I'll hear a beautiful melody that I can then sing to the client. And then when all the melodies come together.


The body is 1.


It's like a Symphony Orchestra turning up.


That is fascinating. I know that sound can heal organs.


That different frequencies you can listen to them and it will actually help that organ heal. I've never heard of the organs, actually.


Making sounds themselves. It's really interesting.


Oh, they're desperately trying to tell us what's going on and what they need and.


If we learn to listen and we can actually sound into those organs so they, then they really know that we're listening, that we can have extremely rapid transformation.


And I've got a theory about this.


If you'd like to hear it.


And the theory is that.


So many of us are trying to transcend our physical being.


Transcend or escape our physical being because our physical being is what makes us uncomfortable because we actually have to live in this world in a physical body, even though we are spiritual beings, we are inhabiting the physical body and the laws of.


Physical manifestation, our duality, and it causes conflict and friction.


And so some of us may want to just escape by not listening to the body. And some of us may want to escape by going into spirit, but the body is still talking because it's not being listened to.


In my almost 20 years of doing this, if I've noticed one through line.


For all of my clients, is that in some way?


Their voices have been squashed, stifled or silenced.


OK, something in their early life in their married life, in their careers has made them in. Their school, has made them get smaller and want to squash their voice.


And it makes me emotional whenever I talk about it because I've seen it time and time again and what happens?


When we.


When that happens to us, what happens as a result is we stop listening to ourselves. We stop listening to our inner voices.


And we stopped speaking up.


And what is a chance of a poor liver have to tell you what's going on.


Well, it's going to create a migraine.




Or it's going to catapult you into road rage.


Right. That's what that is. Is the organ out of balance.


But when we can interact with our bodies sonically.


It's better than a Sonic hair toothbrush.


I'm not sure if that that don't matter for holes, but it just came to my mind.


I wonder if that doesn't have like.


Some sound effects on your teeth.


Yeah, well, I talk.


And your teeth are connected to all your organs.


Yeah, it actually breaks up the plaque with the and it's called Sonic care for a reason. It uses sound.


And it uses the motion, and the bacteria doesn't want to live in that environment.


Fascinating. This is just like.


My mind is blown. It's like over there somewhere.


It makes total sense to me and that I, you know, I look at a body as a collective. It's not actually just like one thing. We're a collective of cells that make up this Organism. Even people should talk about coral. Coral is not.


A rock. It's a collection of living entities. So it's alive and everything that's alive is actually a collection of other smaller organisms. Each cell is alive, in and of itself.


All together, they have different missions, but.


It's like we're all these little.


Call them planets if you want her own little planets orbiting around other little planets out there.


And then we.


Interact with others because nothing is solid. We're always exchanging electrons with the atmosphere or with other people. When we touch them or we touch something where we don't like touch the desk, we become one with the desk because those molecules or those.


Electrons transfer back and forth.


Absolutely it does.


Making sense and the balance is they're empty and stuff moves back and forth. That's what.


Make stuff stick together.


Absolutely. You know, early on, somebody asked me a question. It is sound of what is it sound? An electrical force, is it in a magnetic force?


And it's actually a physical force because it's actually moving electrons. It's I make sound waves and these sound waves impact other sound waves and of other waves, and it starts moving matter around. It starts moving molecular matter around.


I think that's what happened. Have you ever heard of?


The coral castle.


It was started in Florida. Little guy was like.


4 foot nothing back in the early 1900s, he built this castle or compound more like that.


It was out of.


These huge.


Boulders, we're talking like several tons apiece and he moved them all himself.


I think it was done with sound.


Well, that's.


Than lay lines, I think lay lines were involved in it too, because lay lines have different. They work differently. The magnetic field, and I think magnetism has to do with sound as well.


Oh, there's the secret of the pyramids right there.


Yeah, well, after I heard about the guy that moved these rocks around and something happened where he had to actually leave, move all of the rocks from where he had.


Them set up.


To someplace else. And he put them on these trucks, but he wouldn't let anybody be around. Will he move them onto the trucks? And then the trucks would move them to wherever he was going to redo it. And he redid it in this new.


Place it it's.


It's a fascinating mystery of how it was accomplished because he didn't leave any.


Notes about it.


And he didn't have any family? I don't think so. Nobody really knows how he did it. Just like the pyramids, you know?


They talk about.


That's fascinating.


Logs and rolling these huge things across logs it's like.


No, you're just making this up, sorry.


The explanation is going to be way simpler and much different than.


What your little engineering brain is telling us.


Very true.


Very true.


Kind of. It's so amazing. What sound can do. Sound can actually break things up. They use it for.


Like some sorts of surgery, like gallstones or other kinds of stones.


Absolutely. And.


Let me tell you something on a like a very accessible level is.


So I do sound bats. I don't do them as much these days since the pandemic, but I called it a sound spa and.


I approached it differently from some of my colleagues and those colleagues are brilliant musicians and sound healers, and they would play instruments so they would play the instruments to you.


Right. So they would, you know, make this array of just beautiful, beautiful sounds.


And I had a different approach.


I play what I hear in the room.


So I play what I hear coming from.


And it can come out just like the banshee.


Shriek from the liver.


It can come out in many, many different ways.


And when you get a group of people.


Together, and I may know in what direction it's coming from in the room, occasionally with what in an individual it's coming from, but it can be anything from spirit guides that wanna come forth to talk to them, to random snatches of song.


To choosing an instrument that wants to keep playing so.


This has happened a lot when I've picked up a Thunder stick. It's like the group energy would not let me stop and a thunderstick is kind of activating energy and it's a it's a big sound and I've gotten the instructions from them that the group that no, we want a bigger sound and an even bigger sound and an even bigger sound. And no, we don't want you to stop. We want you to keep going. We want you to keep.


And you know the same thing about.


Kind of erratic instruments or erratic soundings with my voice.


And what we're working with is not just the feeling of consonance, which is sound, that is coherent, that goes together, but the principle of dissonance, because if you introduce dissonance, that's where the stuff that wants to release is.


That's where you can start really breaking up the constellations of emotional and physical matter that want to be released, that want to open and be revealed.


That's fascinating.




Can totally picture.


All of this, these things that you're talking about.


It's just like.


It's so powerful and.


Exists all around us all of the time.


But so many of us just.


Are not.


Able we don't have the tools or the skills to tap into.


It and that's.


Why people like you are needed?


So how does this?


Look, when people work with.


You I imagine you figured out.


How to do it?


Online now.


Uh, yes, it.


Does it works in many different ways, so I always think of it as a Co creative healing journey.


Like we're coming together.


So say if we were working together. Jill, you come in, you have your history.


You're the known and the unknown in your history. You have places of great strength and power and places of deep wounding. Right, and I have this set of skills and these different tools and modalities and I never know what's going to be needed at any.


Particular time. So I always start with where are you right now? Where are you today?


What's hurting? How's your digestion? How's your sleep? What's going on in your in your life that wants attention right now?


OK. And then that creates the doorway.


Right. So that we may start working with.


If we're, if we're in the studio, I may start working with the tuning forks and I have.


I'm a practitioner of something called Accutronics, which are tuning for. You've heard of them.


I think so.


It's a system of tuning forks that was created by an, an acupuncturist and the Dean of the Healing College. She had a near death experience herself.


Had an experience where she heard what she called the music of the spheres, which is what I was hearing in that mystical experience that I had, and she wanted to bring that down into the human body. She was a true Daoist, so that we are the microcosm of the macrocosm. So all these tuning forks.


Are tuned to the heavenly bodies.


The sun, the earth, the sun, the moon and the planets that most influence us in our in our solar system and.


So by bringing down those energies into the body, we are able to kind of disconnect us from the artificial grids that we've created all over of Wi-Fi and AC/DC current and smart energy. And you know, and you name it and.


Come into more harmony with the natural world and because we're using sound in many different octaves on these very potent points, we're able to.


Access the whole human being.


The physical, the emotional, the mental, the spiritual, the psychic. And so that's always a part of my sessions in the studio.


It can also be done remotely.


It's a little bit more subtle, but since we're not a.


We're an impatient people. We want things to happen really quickly. So when I'm working online with people, I focus on.


What? What can we do with our voice? So you come in with that whatever state it is and we work right from.


There to see how best to mend that with sound, and sometimes it will be very contemplative practices, like an inward humming where you just hum into your heart.


And again, simulate that vagus nerve and bring your body into a state of relaxation and calm. Or it could be very expressive. It could be you've got a raging.


Liver and it.


Wants to come out and it wants to.


Really be heard.


So I help people find their way to doing that through all the taboos. Because you know what? When we free our voice.


We actually can feel our power.


Right. When we feel powerless.


I don't know.


Anybody with chronic illness or fatigue who doesn't feel that at least some of the time.


We are putting our.


Putting the chips on the table for somebody.


Else to come in.


And fix it.


Instead of saying ah, I can create my own reality.


That was a little bit rambling.


Did that make any sense?


It did. It did. It's.


When it comes to.


All of these bits and pieces and you're trying to do this online rather than in person. How would it? How would somebody?


Initiate a conversation with you about doing this.


Or hiring you to work with them.


Oh well, I love to do consults with people and I call it a freer voice breakthrough session and I am offering that at no charge for anybody listening to this podcast. And we would spend 45 minutes to an hour.


You know, seeing where you are now in relation to what's going on in your life and the most common things that people would come to me.


With our overwhelm and burnout and exhaustion and self doubt, and so we try, we get as close as we can to the root of that.


And then I give.


I help activate your vision of what's possible for you.


And what you actually want instead of.


That because if we don't have, if we don't know where we're going, we'll never get there. We'll just stay, right. It's like, oh, you know, get rid of this pain and then get rid of the pain in my jaw. And then, oh, the pain in my heart. No, it's we need the.


Bigger picture.


And I'll give some recommendations on how to get there. And sometimes that includes working with me.


That sounds awesome, and I'll be sure to put that link in the show notes below.


Is there one thing that you would?


Really like the audience to take away from our conversation today.


Freeing your voice doesn't mean being the loudest voice in the room.


It doesn't mean having a beautiful singing voice or any kind of a singing voice. It means freeing the currents of sound that are so fundamental and basic to your nature and your being and coming back to that state of innocence that we all have. When we were babies.


And we just wanted to see what marvelous things this moving and sounding machine can do, right is a source of endless fascination.


I encourage your all your listeners.


To revel in their own sound.


Even if it has to be in the privacy.


Of their own home.


But if they want a witness or they want some guidance in being able to really free their voice so they can feel their power, I would be very happy to support anybody who contacts me through this podcast.


Thank you so much. I really appreciate you joining me and sharing how sound healing works. It's just been fascinating.


Thank you. It's been an absolute delight.

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Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the Worldโ€”Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
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Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.