There be Dragons & They Have a Message For You
Vivyana (Vi), the Dragon Mystic & the "artist formerly known as Tina Dubois", joins us to discuss Dragons, changing direction and how to use intuition to manifest the life you dream of.
She offers personalized dragon connection coaching & dragon readings.
You can learn more here: Vivyana โข The Dragon Mystic and here is the link to her book: Manifesting Magical Moments":
Today marks the day that Vivyana's book is making it's debut, you can find it on her website!
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::Hi and welcome to You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us, Vivyana, the Dragon Mystic and the artist formerly known as Tina Dubois.
::She teaches people how to connect with their own dragon, as well as doing Dragon Guidance readings. So welcome to the show, Vivyana.
::And you'll have to explain to the audience why I introduced you that way.
::Thank you, Jill. Yeah, no problem. Well, Jill and I have known each other for a little while, and the changing my name to Vivyana is a really relatively new thing. Like.
::The day this is being recorded, it's been about.
::Ohh, one month it's been one month since I started this whole Dragon Mystic Adventure and.
::I really felt the need the need to change my name from Tiny Dubois, which is my given name because.
::I feel his deep passion to share my dragon channeling, but every time.
::I thought about sharing my dragon channeling as Tina Dubois. I had this like soul deep dissonance. This just this is.
::Not right. And for a while I thought that maybe I wasn't supposed to share my dragon channeling, and I eventually learned that no, no, I really am. I am meant to share.
::The the wisdom and the messages that the Dragons that I connect with have asked me to share, but I couldn't do it under Tina, so I actually needed to find a name that was more resonant with.
::The core of who I am with.
::The Mystic Ness of myself, and so I retook the name Vivyana. It's not the first time I've been Vivyana. And because the name came from the very first past life that I ever channeled for myself, it was my first incarnation on Earth in Lemuria.
::And so it's Vivyana is the English version of my Lemurian name kind of long winded explanation but there.
::You have it.
::Ohh cool. I had no idea.
::That's really fun.
::Yeah, I remember when I had my interactive awakening in 2010, which was not a fun ride. It was very difficult for the first year, waking up an intuitive empath after, you know, spending.
::11 years in university, getting 2 science degrees, like suddenly waking up, an intuitive empath, being able to feel other peoples emotions and feel other people's pain. And it was a a rough ride for the first year. But you know after a while I really.
::Because, you know, there are some really cool things about being intuitive and all of the gifts that woke up that day and one of them was the realization that past lives are actually a thing and that you can.
::Remember, your own past lives. And so in about 2011, I was thinking I want to do this. I really want to be able to remember my past life because that is the coolest stuff.
::It took another six years. It wasn't until 20/17 that I was able to do that.
::But then, like the door opened, right. And so now I, you know, I remember.
::Quite a few of my past lives on Earth before Earth. Oh, that's, you know, really cool, intuitive stuff and.
::Yeah. So I decided that my Mystic slash dragon slash pen name depending on who I am talking to, was going to be the very first name that I remembered.
::As a past life.
::A wonderful story and it kind of.
::It speaks to what you're really doing here and that's you were doing something else in the business world under Tina Dubois, which it it was, it was a, it was a good thing. And but it's time had come to to move on and.
::And now you you've embraced. You need to tell the story about how you came to channel Dragons. Cause I think that's amazing too. And then we'll we'll tie them both together. So tell.
::Us a story.
::So the story behind tunneling Dragons for the first time.
::Was it started in August of 2023 and about the beginning of the month?
::Everything Dragons started showing up in my life. They were showing up all over my Facebook feed and at the time I was not in any dragon groups. I don't know how it happened, but my Facebook feed started like just being flooded with Dragon Pictures. People were sending me emails about Dragons. I was seeing Dragons on TV.
::In real life, like there were dragon signs and symbols everywhere in my life, and about the third week of August.
::I was scrolling through Facebook at night again and I have a bit of insomnia so it was like really late at night and.
::Another dragon showed up on my Facebook feed and after three weeks of seeing all these dragon signs, my intuition finally clicked and I asked myself.
::I wonder if I have a dragon spirit guide that's trying to connect with me.
::And nothing miraculous happened.
::Like I had this big expectation that something.
::Like something monumental is going to happen. Nothing happened. Except I did have a really powerful intuitive nudge to pick up one of my crystals. So I'm also a crystal healer. My bedroom is full of crystals. My headboard is full of crystals, and one of them was calling me to pick it up. And.
::This particular stone is called Porcelli Bluestone, and it's also known as Stonehenge Stone because it is the stone that the inner ring of Stonehenge is made out of. It's a quarry from.
::200 kilometers away from Stonehenge, and the mystery is how did those stones get there? You know, so many years ago when Stonehenge was being built. So anyway, I picked up this.
::Really small. It's about this like an inch, not even an inch tall. I pick it.
::In my left hand, and as soon as I did, I felt this.
::Really powerful energy come out of the crystal into my hand up my arm, into my heart. And then, like, spread over my entire body. And I knew that this energy was feminine.
::Because intuitive and pathless and I've been practicing my intuitive listening for the last 14 years, I asked this energy.
::I basically said hello. Who are you?
::And this energy replied and said I'm the Dragon Crystal guardian of Percelli bluestone.
::And I was like.
::OK, like I'm not unfamiliar with having spirit guides. I have 3 angels of my own. I have many animal spirit guides. I have past loved ones who help guide me, but Dragons were totally new and her energy is really powerful.
::And so we started having this conversation, and one of the first things she told me was about Dragon Crystal Guardians. And she said that many Dragons guard guys, crystals. Guy is like the planet and but not all Dragons have crystals and not all crystals have Dragons.
::And my response was.
::That's kind of hard to believe.
::And and she my dragon, she replies. It matters not what you believe, but I think that because I applied my own discernment to something that this new.
::Spirit Guide was telling me.
::She respected that, and so she decided to become my Dragon Spear guide and she rests within me, like curled up on top of my heart or heart chakra. And she is always with me. She is a consciousness that is always with me and sometimes you know, she pipes up when there's something interesting to note or to say.
::And after that we had figured out a name for her because she did not have a name. Not all Dragons have names, some do, some don't. But as a human being who likes to categorize everything I needed to give her a name, and we settled on the name oshara, which she actually likes.
::And after Ashara connected with me, I started connecting with more Dragons and more and more and more and more. And so mostly they are Dragon Crystal Guardians. I've so far channeled about 80 Dragon Crystal Guardians and about 15 ish. Other types of Dragons.
::And my.
::I can.
::Spirit Guide family has grown from one to currently five. It's it's all very interesting. Sometimes it can get a little crowded in my brain, but it's all good and it is extremely, extremely empowering.
::To know that I have Dragons with me all the time and that I can depend on them for support and for guidance and for wisdom whenever I need and it's.
::It's been a really wonderful.
::Event that happened in my life.
::That started one sleepless summer night in August 2023.
::Love that and so.
::As you took your first name or your first Incarnate the name of your first incarnation to.
::Kind of.
::Mary, along with the the new direction, it's almost a rebirth that you're experiencing right now.
::It is exactly that, yes.
::The change in direction of what you're doing, which is like I I knew what you were doing before, but this is like this is so different and it's you look different. I I recognize that when I saw you before you were.
::You were in business Mom mode, but you you you are in, you are in Mystic mode now. You're not even just like business mode. You just like you're.
::All glowy and.
::And stuff.
::Ah, thank you.
::I can see.
::Your aura and it's it's pretty white.
::Mostly white, with a little bit of, like bluish Violet.
::Excuse me, I'm getting over real cold.
::But it's just, it's so exciting to see how all of this is like kind of moving along and it's so new. It's like this new little baby.
::And it's happening so, so fast, so fast.
::Big Dragons.
::On March 1st. So basically in I think it was February.
::February I figured out.
::Of releasing of limiting beliefs exercise that also involve Dragons, by the way, that.
::It was time and it would be OK to let go of metaphysical school. That was my business before Viviana, the Dragon Mystic. I was the founder and CEO of this really big school of 40 faculty members of passionately enlightening teachers from around the world.
::And we had membership and 70 courses and Facebook and Instagram and YouTube. And like all of these things, it was incredibly welcoming, which was the problem for me and why.
::I realized it was time to let it go. It would just had I had billed it too big for one person.
::To maintain and grow.
::And so I knew it was time to let it.
::And in March, March 1st, I.
::Well, let's back up just a little bit. I once I started channeling Dragons at about 30 Dragons, I realized.
::I need to write a book.
::About these Dragons, I need to share their wisdom and their messages and I also need to create an Oracle card deck and so both of these things are in develop.
::But uh, so I had this intention cause manifestation is all about having an intention. And so I had this intention. I'm going to write a best selling Dragon book.
::And about four days later, I was watching uh. I was participating in a panel presentation called successfully launch your best selling book.
::I had this intention to write this best selling book and this presentation came into my field and I was like, I need to do that. So I'm watching this presentation and one of the presenters, a A wonderful and inspiring woman named Melissa Keenan, who had just founded her own publishing company after being CEO.
::But another publishing company.
::She mentioned very briefly that she was creating this multi author book called Manifesting Magical Moments.
::And if you're interested in being an author, let her know and talk about synchronicity. I was reading our mutual friend Carmel Riley's super manifester book at the time, and I was like.
::There's just too much synchronicity here, so I looked into Melissa's profile and found out more about manifesting magical moments.
::And I'm going to be a published author. I I have a chapter I'm going to obviously share about Dragon Wisdom in my chapter, and it's going to be about the lessons I've learned about manifesting since Dragons have come into my life. So that was March 1st.
::In the next two weeks.
::I bought a domain.
::I created domain specific emails. I created a one page website. I created Dragon Guidance readings offer.
::Like all of this happened in two weeks.
::In the time that it took me like 8 months to do the same thing for metaphysical school and I was like, OK, yeah, this is going super super fast.
::What I learned from.
::Creating Metaphysical school was.
::Simplify, simplify, simplify. So I'm trying to remember in absolutely everything I do with my Dragon Mystic business is.
::To bring in ease, to make everything as easy and joyful as possible, and just get rid of the overcomplication and just make things simple.
::I love that. It's just like my word for the year is peace and I've I've reached the point where if if I'm feeling anxious about it, then maybe it's just not meant to be, so I can let it go. And if you have the intention that this is what you want.
::It's like the.
::Manifesting is so amazing. I think just when it's supposed to happen, all the doors just open up and it's really easy. It doesn't take a lot of work and you're like.
::I do it this way or do it that way and it just like it falls together and the people that you're supposed to connect with you connect with and it just look it rules so smoothly.
::I'm learning that every day, every day I feel like.
::My Dragons really supercharged my manifestation skills, mostly because they brought me.
::To Carmel and the reason why.
::I was really drawn to Carmel and you, by the way, because you're part of the Dragon priestess. Abundant circle or dragon pack. And so that's why I was really drawn.
::To you and Carmel and Carrie, because you're in this.
::Circle and yeah.
::Meeting Carmel, I learned so, so many manifestation lessons in her super Manifester book, which I highly recommend, by the way.
::Yeah, I recommend it too. I read it.
::And it it's.
::It's an amazing book. Comma was just an amazing human being.
::I read it twice.
::See it.
::She really is it just like I love her to pieces. But back to you. And what you're doing now. You're doing both coaching and.
::Dragon guidance readings.
::Yes, thank you. I had to.
::Look over at my notes.
::I knew I had written it.
::Dragon guidance readings. So how do those work?
::They are.
::An incredibly magical experience I have given.
::Well, obviously I just started doing this right, so I've probably given away.
::Maybe 10, maybe a dozen readings, and I'm developing my own Dragon Crystal Guardian, Oracle deck, and so I'm not an artist yet. Just put that in there yet. But I do have all of the channeled information for the 64 cards.
::Slash guardians that are going to be in the deck and so I have this.
::Spreadsheet of all of this dragon information, and I actually intuitively downloaded a dragon spread or a a card layout that is in the shape of a dragon.
::Of course.
::Of course.
::And each card represents a different aspect of the intention for the reading and how it works is the person that I am reading for picks a number between one and 64 because there's no shuffling right, like I don't have a physical deck.
::But it's a.
::Really beautiful Co creation of a reading because.
::The person I'm reading for gets to choose the number for their dragon, so for each of the cards they choose a number between one and 64.
::Some of the messages that have come out of those readings are just so.
::Spot on like I've done readings before. I've, you know, I've attended conferences and conventions where I've done hundreds of readings in a weekend, so I'm not unfamiliar with readings, but these.
::Are bringing people to tears, and that is the new thing for me. Like I used to do aura readings for people.
::I I don't remember a lot of tears, but these readings are like deeply touching to people and I just feel so validated and so.
::Fulfilled by giving this dragon wisdom to people that's resonating with them. It is. It's extremely magical.
::It sounds amazing.
::Should we do it?
::Yeah, yeah, totally. I brought my Dragon Crystal Guardian Oracle deck spreadsheet with me. And so if you would like to pick a number between one and 64 first, let's pick an intention.
::Well, what's your intention for this reading so that we have something to apply this message to?
::My intention for this reading is around what I have coming up.
::Later this month, in terms of my community and a challenge that I'm putting together.
::The card number 8 or the 8th Dragon. Her name is Polly and she is the Dragon Crystal Guardian of Paradox, which is the gem version of Olivia.
::And she is a light to mid olive green dragon and she is a mid 30 ish. So almost all the way mature dragon. There's quite a bit about.
::Information about relative age and whatnot. So we're not going to go into, but she also lives in Hawaii.
::And so one of the really special things about Polly is she's not only a dragon Crystal guardian for Parido, but she is also a dragon guardian for one of Gaias's heart chakras. So just like we have chakras, the planet has chakras and the the planet Gaia has multiple heart shakers and one of them is in Hawaii.
::And Polly is also that guard.
::And in terms of personality, Polly is the epitome of love, kindness, caring and all things related to.
::The heart chakra.
::Her dragon energy archetypes are heart and healing, and her message that she wants to share with the world is 2 sentences.
::And the first thing you're going to learn about Dragons and their messages is that they're really short, very succinct and usually incredibly powerful. And she was the first one to have two sentences and her message.
::Is love each other?
::Honor your heart.
::And So what I am intuitively receiving for this message for you is that whatever events that you are planning on.
::You need to honor your heart as you are doing them as you're planning them as you're doing them and afterwards.
::Very cool.
::I know you've told me this before.
::You might have picked the same number, just so you know 8 is a is the Dragon's favorite number. I call it the Dragon number, and it's also the number of abundance. It's the number of Infinity.
::I did pick the same.
::And so.
::Uh, it's my number of the year.
::Yeah. And it's also the numerology numerological number for 2024, too, right? But yeah.
::Right, I think you you were the one that pointed out on my birthday. I I'm I'm 64. I turned 64 this year, which is 8 times.
::Eight, yes, which is why there are 64 cards in the deck. Also it's 8 ^2 or abundant squared.
::That's really interesting too. I didn't know that. Thank you so much for.
::That I the.
::It means a lot to me.
::I'm not not not going to cry on it, but I might cry later, OK?
::I understand it happens.
::So so you do this for other people, and I'm sure that you go in deeper with them.
::In terms of what what it could mean and I gave you a very vague.
::Piece. But for me the answer is very.
::Telling I it it.
::It was a message that I needed and.
::In what I I'm planning on doing it, it makes total sense to me though as listeners you may be like I don't know what she's talking about. She's rambling on.
::You do and that's all.
::That matters.
::My point being that I'm sure that as you're working with somebody else who gave you a more clearer explanation of what their intention was and what they brought to you, an intention that was more.
::Well defined than the one that I gave you. Then the the message back is going to.
::It it it leaves room for exploration that I did not leave.
::You room for?
::For sure, my last reading was exactly that it it was amazing this.
::A beautiful colleague of mine, we did a reading and.
::I feel like I can share her attention was about also future.
::Programs that she's planning on offering.
::One of the messages that I shared with her from the reading.
::Resonated with her in terms of past experiences like the way that I worded it and.
::That is the beauty of.
::Being connected with your intuition and practicing building trust and confidence in it, which is something that.
::Basically I've been doing for the last.
::Seven years, eight years now, is teaching people intuitive development and.
::What people don't understand is that intuition is 2 things.
::It is your ability to receive energetic information and it's your skill in interpreting.
::Those messages or interpreting that information into understandable messages.
::And so intuitive development is about.
::Expanding your energetic frequency range and.
::About interpreting the energy that you receive so that it makes sense to you. Because what's the point of getting a message is that you have no idea.
::What it means like it's?
::It's kind of pointless, right? So that is what I do. That's what I have been doing for eight years and basically I'm just transferring those skills over to.
::Dragon connection coaching.
::And connecting with your Dragon Spirit guide or connecting with any of your spirit guides is exactly the same thing. It's being open to the energy.
::Information that your spirit guide is transmitting to you and sharing with you, and being able to interpret that.
::That information.
::I think that part of it has to do with remembering it too. Like I get a lot of downloads first thing in.
::Morning, when I wake up.
::And if I don't stop, I can lose it. But I got a lot of really amazing. They're just downloads. I'm waking up and.
::Jones dumping it in there.
::I get it. I totally get it. It also so I have a very scientific background and so I like to explain all all the things and like down to Earth kind of ways and.
::You know, when we first wake up, this was also very much shared in Carmel's Super Manifester book when we first wake up. Our brain waves are in Theta, and it's a really, you know, slow brain wave, and at that.
::Level of consciousness. That's when we are connected with source or connected with the universe. And so that's when all of that information we're really open to it. We're really receptive to it. And once our brain waves change and get a little faster and a little bit more.
::I don't know. Active, chaotic, whatever word you want to use. You know that that intuitive information, it kind of.
::Gets lost in the activity of our brain waves. And so that's why I have a very trusty. Actually, it's an electronic journal because I I can't be bothered to hand write in the morning. And you can like what I do is sometimes I take audio notes or I.
::Take like I type them out because I I can.
::And so, yeah, I journal those intuitive downloads. That's kind of what my Dragon channeling has been since August is I have my electronic journal right next to the bed, and I wake up in the middle of the night.
::And if some new dragon or a dragon that I've connected with before has something to share with me.
::I need to write it down. I call it dragooning so like for sure. So I wake up in the middle of the night dragooning and I get. I have to write all of it down. And so yeah, that's exactly what I do and that's what I recommend.
::I love that. It's so fun.
::To people, because then you get to look back at it.
::And you receive all this validation from. Oh my gosh, that happened. And I totally understand what that means now. And oh, that symbol. That's what that that's what that means. When I see that from now on, right like.
::Those things are.
::Are really great to put in a journal so that you can look back at them.
::And see how far you've come.
::Yeah, over the years it's, it's amazing how.
::So because life progresses incrementally.
::And what seems like it's really slow, but it's really pretty fast. If you look back. I mean, August wasn't that long ago. Yes, it was a year ago, but.
::Really, in the span of.
::The universe. It's nothing.
::And a lots happened. Since then, a lot of changes have happened. Slowly at 1st and then faster and faster and faster.
::But they just.
::Lots happened. I mean to channel, but like over 60 close to 90.
::I'm I'm almost at 100. Yeah, I'm just drive 100 at.
::This point, that's a lot of hundred a hundred encounters you've had with 100 different spirits.
::That takes time.
::Yeah, yeah, I knew I had to make an Oracle deck and write this book as soon as 30 Dragons came in and.
::At that point.
::It was.
::The Dragon Crystal Guardian Collective as a whole had a message to share.
::With humanity.
::And I would really like to share that where do I have?
::I should really put it in my dragon Crystal Guardian Oracle tag because it's my favorite message.
::Oh, here we go. Have it.
::Once this message came through, I knew that.
::I needed to share all of my dragon channeling.
::With the world in whatever way that was going to work for me and the message that the Dragon Crystal Garden shared was.
::Humanity is divided by region, thought, belief, inequality.
::You believe you are separate, you are not.
::You are all one. You are all spirit.
::And so that's my favorite message.
::To share and the one that really.
::So important.
::Yeah, yeah, it's the one that really.
::Sparked the need.
::Shine brighter to let go of being afraid of Sharing Hello podcast world that I really needed to share this message with as many people who were going to see.
::It as possible.
::It's an important message. It's it is the message.
::For raising the global consciousness.
::That we are all one.
::Even the things that you don't like, even the people that drive you crazy, are still one with them. You are connected to them.
::Even the really evil people in the world, it's like, oh, I don't want to be connected to them. Well, I'm sorry. You're still connected to them.
::We're all one consciousness. We're just we are just.
::They're all one cuts.
::Smaller aspects.
::Of universal consciousness.
::Yeah. Then we all contribute something to it, and each individual it's important that you contribute while you were brought here to contribute.
::You wake up and you start paying attention in the mornings or in the middle of the night, or whenever it is that the universe wants your attention.
::Agreed and take up dragony.
::It's super fun. It's it's, it's magical and inspiring, and you really never know what you're going to get.
::A new word for journaling.
::Because everyone is different. Every dragon that I've channeled is completely unique individual.
::I'm really excited for your deck to come out because I I'd really like to see all the different Dragons and they're different messages and I'm excited for your book to come out and I can't wait for that.
::I can't wait for the chapter that you're doing in this book, because I think it's going to be fascinating to see who else is paired with you.
::In in the book. But I know that you've got your own book out there.
::That will come.
::Yes, at this point it looks like this year, hopefully this year.
::Baby steps.
::Is 4 book projects and two Oracle card decks.
::Yeah, I'm. I'm work.
::But you can't.
::Just do the Oracle deck without having a book that goes with that too, so.
::Exactly. Exactly. So they're companion pieces, right? You want to work with the Dragon? The my book working title.
::Not it hasn't been finalized or anything, but my book is going to be called Dragon Wisdom empowering tunneled messages from the Dragon Crystal Guardian Collective and the companion piece is obviously going to be the Dragon Crystal Guardian Oracle deck.
::Yeah, I love it it.
::It's so fun to see these kinds of projects coming out and.
::Yeah. And we talked about before about your the art that you're doing, which is AI art. But you know, there's a lot to AI art. It's not like you're just putting in something and taking whatever you get. You've put a lot of thought into this artwork.
::And it it really is a just a different way of creating.
::It's a different medium. It's like, you know, watercolors or oil. AI is its own medium, and there's different types of AI that you can work with, and they all are slightly different. And they give you different flavors of images.
::It is a different medium. Yeah, exactly.
::That they bring up. So when you say you're, you're learning to be an artist, you know I can.
::Totally see that?
::There is a skill to.
::Coming up with a text prompt and actually achieving.
::The vision that you had in your mind.
::On the screen like.
::It is not easy.
::This was the.
::Time that you really wish the computer.
::Was reading your mind right?
::Yes, yes, exactly, exactly.
::Just look at what I want you to do. Put it up there for me.
::I am so, so fortunate and grateful that I get to work with one of the Premier AI Dragon artists in the world, Enchanted Ink AI Studio.
::I'm so so.
::We connected over Dragons, the artist and myself. And by the way.
::I did not know this, but on her website she calls herself the dragon.
::And so it is just yet more synchronicity that the artist that I'm working with to bring my Dragons to life.
::Is named the Dragon. She is definitely.
::For software translate.
::Definitely a dragon and.
::I am just so so grateful to get to work with her, to bring my Dragons to life. And yeah, I can't wait. I can't wait for my deck to come out.
::So exciting, so exciting. So how do people get a hold of you? Viviana, if they want to work with you or if they just want to learn more.
::What you're doing well, seeing as all of this is about a little over a month.
::People can connect with me through my brand new website at the Dragon and from that website there's a little introduction about me. But there's also booking links for my Dragon connection coaching and my dragon guiding guidance readings. And there's also.
::My free gift that I would love to offer to people if you are wondering or at all curious and have the slightest inkling.
::That you have a Dragon spirit guide.
::That is your intuition telling you that you do and that you are ready to take the next step and connecting with them. And so my free gift is a booklet, a PDF booklet that you can download by signing up for my newsletter that is called the Five Steps to connect and.
::Commune with your own Dragon Spirit guide.
::So that is what I would like to share with people also that you can find at the Dragon
::I'll definitely have to check that.
::Out too.
::Cool. Wonderful.
::So what's the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from this conversation today?
::That's probably the message that I've been sharing for the last eight years and that is the importance of developing trust and confidence in your intuition.
::The the wonderful thing, the beautiful thing about trusting your intuition is the increased connection you have with everything, the connection with the core of who you are, your higher self, a deeper connection with all of the people, and all of the relationships you have in your life.
::A deeper connection with Gaia.
::With our planets, with all of your Spirit team Dragons included.
::And an increased connection with source God the universe, whichever way, whatever word that you use to describe that, that is what building trust and confidence in your intuition gives you.
::It's so amazing.
::And there's just nothing like it.
::There isn't, and that is like intuition. Is a truly.
::Magical part of being human.
::And once you recognize it, it's like there's no going back.
::So it's.
::It's just like.
::Oh, I've crossed over to this is what they're talking about.
::Exactly. That's what intuitive awakening is like.
::It's just the next level and there are so many different types of intuitive awakenings and different levels. And yeah, that's what I've been teaching for the last seven years and.
::I'm continuing to teach it just.
::A little bit more.
::Yeah, yeah. With the Dragons. Exactly.
::Thanks for joining me.
::Thank you for having me, Jill. It was such a pleasure. Always lovely to connect with you.