Unlocking Your Supernatural Superpower: The Transformative Power of Imagination
In this inspiring episode of the You World Order Showcase Podcast, host Jill Hart welcomes Yasmine Gulzar, an imagination expert and coach, to explore the limitless potential of harnessing imagination to overcome challenges and create a better reality. Yasmine shares her extraordinary journey from battling life-threatening health issues to using imagination as a tool for healing, empowerment, and transformation.
Discover how you can rewrite your story, break free from limiting beliefs, and access your inner strength to manifest the life you desire. Yasmine’s approach integrates practical steps, heartfelt stories, and actionable techniques to help you align with your true potential.
Join us for an uplifting conversation that proves the power of imagination is a superpower we all possess! Don’t miss out on Yasmine’s free creative call offer and the chance to dive deeper into her Universal Awakening program launching soon.
Connect with Yasmine on Facebook here: Yasmine Gulzar
or email her at yasminegulzar6464@gmail.com
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Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Hi and welcome to the You world order showcase. Podcast today I'm your host, Jill Hart. And today we have with us, Yasmin, Galzar, Yasmin's 1 of my dear friends. She's an imagination expert and coach. She helps people who feel stuck in their current circumstances break free to imagine a different possibility, so they can live their best life.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Welcome to the show, Yaz. This is so great to have you here. I really have been looking forward to chatting with you on the podcast for a while. Now.
::Yasmine Gulzar: You know I love you! I called Jill my my favorite magical unicorn.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Because my spiritual guide is Jonah and the unicorns, as you may know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But that's not my spirit animal. My spirit animal is elephants, and Yasmin has helped me imagine a place where I am an elephant, and I can play with my friends, my elephant friends in the in the water. We were talking about earlier. She has a background of an ocean view. Is this Barbados that we're looking at? Yes.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I'm not sure. I just stole it from from zoom. It gives you a choice, and I just thought, oh, I'll have that one.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Okay, okay, it's a it's a lovely beach scene for those of you who are just listening. And it it's not too dissimilar from the the picture that I imagine in my mind when I'm an elephant, and I'm playing in the in the surf with with my other elephant friends. So
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that's why she calls me the man her unicorn, her special unicorn.
::Yasmine Gulzar: You've got a lot of elephants in you, too, you know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I do? I do?
::Yasmine Gulzar: It does. It does look like my favorite beach in Barbados, you know. It does look a lot like it. But in Barbados the end bit by there. Looks like just like a dinosaur.
::Yasmine Gulzar: But by that.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know. So the the trees they just make that kind of T-rex, you know. But apart from that, it looks, it's pretty similar.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Very cool. So tell everybody your story.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I know that you have a a really interesting
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: way that you came to realize the power of an imagination.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Well, it was pure fluke and desperation. What happened with me in 2,002? My body attempted to reject my heart. Now, guys, that feels horrendous. It feels like a big giant bear has got his claws over your heart and is squeezing it tight.
::Yasmine Gulzar: so I couldn't put up with that pain. So I was fighting for my life in hospital, for, like roughly 3 months, maybe a bit less.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I was sedated. It was horrible. It just felt like death to be honest, like extreme death. And but the thing is, I had 6 little kids at home, aged one to 11,
::Yasmine Gulzar: so I had to fight. I had to fight didn't have a choice, you know, so
::Yasmine Gulzar: it was horrific in a way that they didn't know where I had, so they stuck me in isolation, and everyone woke up and everyone had those whites. It's funny now, but it wasn't, and it was, you know, you know, the whites what they called like all over them. You can't see anyone, and if I touched anything they burn it. That's how bad it was.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know. But anytime I come to consciousness. I just. It was so
::Yasmine Gulzar: painful that they used to put what's that drug in your? And they put it in your vein.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Marketing.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Yeah, to knock you straight out. That's it. And then so basically, I thought, 2 and a half months to 3 months, most of it was asleep.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, so, anyway.
::Yasmine Gulzar: so they give me a drug. I think it was steroids by accident, and I was home. I was home, but I was like there was. The skin was hanging off my bones, because at the time I wasn't able to eat anything, so I didn't eat for like 2 and a half months. So I wasn't really mean.
::Yasmine Gulzar: But I was fighting. I really wanted to watch my kids grow up so
::Yasmine Gulzar: I couldn't. I couldn't do it, guys, because, like there was cooking and cleaning, and and these little angels needed to be school runs. And there was all kinds. I mean, I had a car and stuff. I had a partner as well, but, bless him, he couldn't get away from his computer. And the thing is, guys, I was ashamed, and I didn't want to tell him how much pain I was in, and
::Yasmine Gulzar: so that didn't work, and he left. But it wasn't much point in being there to be honest, anyway. So there's me and his 6 kids.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and I needed a way to cope.
::Yasmine Gulzar: So I built the world behind me in my imagination.
::Yasmine Gulzar: So in in my imagination my children were there, but they were little furry creatures. So 6 little furry creatures.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and we just used to play all day. I don't think there was a night. I don't remember there being a night so all day. In reality I was in so much pain
::Yasmine Gulzar: whenever I could, I would imagine myself behind me, you know, in that beach where I'd be in no pain, because you don't actually take your body with you.
::Yasmine Gulzar: so there's me on my beach.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Is
::Yasmine Gulzar: probably buried my kids way more than I should have, but it was in in fun. It was just in fun.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and I just had fun, and I was.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Now I know I was sending
::Yasmine Gulzar: my subconscious. I'm happy. I'm healthy, and really I'm a lot of fun, you know, bearing these kids. But so. But all those years, to cut a long story short, there was 22 pills keeping me alive. They give me 5 years to live.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and I really want to share how easy! Obviously, there are steps, you know. Jill knows the steps, you know, so it's not as easy as imagining, like the secret the book and the movie. There's a lot of truth in that. But they just left out some
::Yasmine Gulzar: steps, basically. But it is true. It is true. You can imagine yourself back to health. You can imagine yourself
::Yasmine Gulzar: loads of money. You can imagine yourself in Barbados. I've done it lots of times. You can imagine yourself be doing and having anything you want.
::Yasmine Gulzar: The antibodies.
::Yasmine Gulzar: There are steps you have to take.
::Yasmine Gulzar: so that let me let me. Let me just say that I had my dream.
::Yasmine Gulzar: In 2020 I was in Barbados, loving life.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Actually, I wasn't because my kids were home. So I learned right that your paradise, where you really really really want to manifest or want what you want to have
::Yasmine Gulzar: isn't really a place. It's a feeling, you know, so
::Yasmine Gulzar: you can have that feeling anywhere.
::Yasmine Gulzar: And then, once you rehearse that feeling over and over and over again, your subconscious doesn't know.
::Yasmine Gulzar: doesn't know that it's not real. Hence I was able to go to that beach a million times, you know.
::Yasmine Gulzar: So in different places, all over the world I've been. You know, I took all my kids, all my 6 kids. I've got evidence because I thought was going to die. So I created these videos, you know, into music. So I have something to leave my kids when I died. And it's crazy looking back because my kids were so so young. And now they're they're 23. And above, this is miraculous. This is supernatural superpowers, and everyone has the ability to do it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It's it's knowing the steps. That's really the secret.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Yeah, so they do.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: - and you help people learn those steps right as.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I I told you everything. I know, Jill, my favorite unicorn.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I know you've told me, but you help people as a coach.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: learn what all the steps are, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and to to actually put them into play for themselves so that they can imagine their best life
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and and experience it not just.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: There's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: your mind doesn't know the difference between a daydream and a and the reality or a memory.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So you can have these daydreams that you can create yourself.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: That's that's the beauty of it.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Another thing I do is, there's always something in the way. There's always something that time when you know a really special person that says, oh, you're not good enough yet, you know, or you're not good enough. You can go back
::Yasmine Gulzar: to that situation, and it's your imagination. You can
::Yasmine Gulzar: change the scenery. You can change the character to keep it, you know, and you can get that person to say you are worthy. You're great at this, and it makes.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I had a lady the other day. She was a fox, you know, and she'd been married many times. Okay, but none of those men went down on one knee to propose, and she was a bit upset. You know she was like underneath. That's the 1st thing that comes to
::Yasmine Gulzar: her mind, you know. So
::Yasmine Gulzar: she imagined this little fox, this little man Fox, little Tuxedo, and he she she
::Yasmine Gulzar: told me she narrated. She scripted this little fox, getting down on one knee, saying exactly what she needed to hear, and once he said that her face just lit up
::Yasmine Gulzar: because she'd always wanted to hear those words, and and always wanted that man to be on one knee, and it took a fox to do it. It's kind of crazy, but it really works the whole universe or her world on her shoulders, just kind of lifted.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And you can hit.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yes, I can so relate to that. I've been married twice, and neither one of my husband's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: ever got down on their knee, and proposed to me.
::Yasmine Gulzar: You know you're worthy, you know you do, you know.
::Yasmine Gulzar: And this lady she she see I keep on attracting really awesome people like you, you know. So you guys keep me on my toes because you already know this stuff. Anyway.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know. So like my my clients like they already know this stuff, anyway, and they're fluent in Bashar and Abraham Hicks and Neville Gordad, so like. So am I. But like I've got to take it, step to keep up with everyone, you know, and to do that you've got to take it like your imagination. I've got to stretch my imagination to to reach
::Yasmine Gulzar: phenon phenonimal states, you know. And then, when you create from there one of my clients were speaking
::Yasmine Gulzar: to the goals in
::Yasmine Gulzar: in what was that place the gods with. You know where all the gods are, Zeus, and stuff.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Oh, Olympus!
::Yasmine Gulzar: Lympus. That's it right, and, like all he wanted to to feel is heard, and he wanted to be seen.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and, like he, being seen. By gods! Can you imagine that because this this man was is already the cream of the crop? He already knows everything? But he's still in little boy inside him really wants to feel seen and feel heard, and it always goes back to the same kind of we're not worthy.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You it just in this this little conversation we've had.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You've actually helped me reimagine some conversations that went on in my childhood
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that I'm just going to play over and over in my head
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: the the way that I want them to have gone
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: instead of the way that I.
::Yasmine Gulzar: You too.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: The way that I have chosen to narrate them in the past. It doesn't empower me.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and I don't have to remember it that way I can remember it any damn way I want.
::Yasmine Gulzar: It was okay, the one of the recent ones.
::Yasmine Gulzar: She came second in a beauty contest. This lady is beautiful, you know. She is absolutely beautiful. She's a lot older now. She is still the most. She is beautiful, and even though they didn't say that she, you know, it didn't really make sense that she was second.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Excuse me,
::Yasmine Gulzar: So we went back in there, and we tweaked hers to be first.st
::Yasmine Gulzar: So she was. 1st she wore. She told me the feel she wore. She told me how everything smelled, how everything tasted. She was. 1st she took like how the room, how different it was. It was a slight difference between coming second and coming first, st like in the room, you know, and then
::Yasmine Gulzar: left. She left at 4, who
::Yasmine Gulzar: she stood differently. She had her shoulders
::Yasmine Gulzar: felt totally different as soon as she left that call.
::Yasmine Gulzar: It was kind of it's it's so easy to do, guys, is.
::Yasmine Gulzar: It's incredibly easy. And it's it's life changing. Just one call is life changing? Jill.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It is, it doesn't take a lot. But sometimes you just need somebody to to help. You remember how.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: because I think as we get older. We're we forget that, you know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Daydream is the thing.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It's okay.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You can sit there and make up your own
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: whatever you want, and you don't have to just be sitting someplace. I remember as a teenager. We used to go backpacking all the time, and with my family.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: which was often a kind of a miserable experience to be honest, because we would carry these backpacks, that
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: were. It was back in the seventies, and we were in California and the backpacks. I was the the tallest of the 4 women in our family, and they for some reason thought that I had to carry the most weight.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: because my sisters were smaller than I was. They were younger and smaller, and my mom was smaller
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and more petite than I was. So you know, it's just like well, just give it to Jill. She can carry it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And so long, story short.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I think I need to reimagine that whole scenario. But I used to imagine while I was walking, and we always lived in communities on bases or in foreign countries where we lived in like towns or cities.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So I would imagine living
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: on a on a farm, and I'd have chickens and rabbits and goats and sheep and cows, and you know all the things all the and I grow a garden. We never gardened when I was growing up.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And I know how to make bread and soap and all the stuff.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And this this is the daydream I would have as I'm walking along this path in California.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: which is kind of deserty. It wasn't lush and beautiful like it is when I hike around here. So
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: years later I'm in my forties.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I was. I was 45 at the time because Sarah was a year old.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I'm living in this Mccastle
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: in South Jordan, Utah. I'm standing in this backyard that I've finally like put
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that we bought a brand new house, so the backyard needed to be landscaped. So I I kind of arranged it in a way that was like a garden, and I had
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: was working on growing some crops.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And I realized, I that wasn't what I wanted.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And so it wasn't a month.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: maybe 2 later, that I came up to Cache Valley, which is about an hour and a half
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: from Salt Lake, which is where South Jordan is, and I went through this pass and dropped into Cache valley, which is the most gorgeous place I've ever been. It's just. It's beautiful Lush
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Green Valley, and has 4 seasons and long story short.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I did have a homestead, and I did get chickens and goats and a cow, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I had a llama even for a time.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: but everything that I had been imagining in my my daydreaming walk it, it became reality for me.
::Yasmine Gulzar: It does it, does I?
::Yasmine Gulzar: I like, I said. I have my dream. I was in Barbados 444 days, guys.
::Yasmine Gulzar: but I didn't have. I didn't have my children, so I came back. I came back to sort anything out.
::Yasmine Gulzar: They're grown now, you know. By the last one left, I think, last month, so I want to enjoy the most awesome Christmas with them, because I am at my healthiest when I'm in Barbados, you know.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I do. I'm really. I'm good here, like, you know, but it's not like I can run around the block or anything. But I'm I am really good in in the Uk. But I wanna just relax in in Barbados, and they can come and visit
::Yasmine Gulzar: whenever they want to.
::Yasmine Gulzar: You know, that's my dream, you know, but I'm not in any rush, because I absolutely never here, too, because they are here. I've got a nice house. I've got a nice dog. The only thing I I want to tweak, if anything is the weather, because it's cold.
::Yasmine Gulzar: But
::Yasmine Gulzar: Yesterday it was in the minuses, and the day before it snowed, but I just felt I see sprouts
::Yasmine Gulzar: good in it like like it wasn't horrible or frightening, or I wasn't fearful. I just embraced it, which is not like me. It must be a new yes.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I can see that. And you know sometimes the things that we imagine like, I don't live on a homestead anymore. But I learned so much from that experience.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And I can. I can enjoy
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: my presence. Now we go through seasons. And it's okay to change. It's okay to have a dream. And it's okay to have a bunch of dreams like, you know, you love Barbados, and you can go to Barbados anytime. You want.
::Yasmine Gulzar: We don't.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You don't have to change your whole life and live there.
::Yasmine Gulzar: No, you cannot.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I could go there because it it'll be different, because I went there for a whole month after the 440 after the pandemic.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and I still wasn't a a match. It still was. It was like cause I still had to with like about 2 or 2 or 3 of them at home then, so I still wasn't ready to stay there. So now
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, it's different. It's different, because, like they flown the nest, and they're all doing so well, and they're all like
::Yasmine Gulzar: thriving, and they're all blissful. And
::Yasmine Gulzar: after traveling to Mexico in June, like, I just feel like Barbados, is just like a stone throw away, whereas Mexico was like 10 and a half hours away, you know, and I was Mexico was mad because I didn't even know I was going to Mexico until 9 days before
::Yasmine Gulzar: my my coach. She's just she's something else. It's a spiritual retreat, and
::Yasmine Gulzar: I was I? I don't know I was. This is
::Yasmine Gulzar: there was this lady. She's Mexican, okay, and I'm too playful way, too playful, maybe immature sometimes, and I knew I should have behaved guys I knew. But she she, you know, like she has this bush, and she before we go into the igloo like it's an igloo, but they actually roast you, so she kind of brushes us and smokes us with this, and it was hilarious, I mean. She started off. I did not start it off. But the whole
::Yasmine Gulzar: 4 or 5, the last 5, 6, 7 days. Actually it was.
::Yasmine Gulzar: It was like walking in the pages of the book that I've written about the low creatures on the beach.
::Yasmine Gulzar: because, even though I always thought it was Barbados right? You could walk into the sea
::Yasmine Gulzar: with without any problems like in Barbados, is surrounded by the ocean. So the water's cold. It's not really, but it is when you 1st walk in there, and you get used to it but and the pools that they're cold, unless it's the evening. But in Mexico you could just walk into the scene. You could walk into the pool, no matter what that time of day it was. It was warm.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and there were creatures everywhere, creatures that I I've never met, and I never want to meet again, because they don't tell you about these dog sized looking rats with no tails, you know, and they don't tell you that there's giant snakes slithering around at night, and you know it's like it's but it was an adventure. And
::Yasmine Gulzar: and this stuff is there for you guys. I mean 9 days. I got everything together in 9 days. That that was a miracle in itself that was supernatural superpowers.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I so wanted to say to Riley. I can't do this, but if they could, the it wouldn't. It wouldn't leave my mouth, it would not. It's I couldn't. I couldn't say it because it was meant to be.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and I had the most awesome times with the most awesome people in the universe, and I have a mantra. I'm surrounded by the most awesome people in the universe. And
::Yasmine Gulzar: and it's true guys, it's true.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, you just a lot of it is just believing.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And so often we're we're raised and we fall into the trap of
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: of limiting ourselves, because really we are the only ones who can limit ourselves.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: No, no one else has control over what we think, what we say, how we feel.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Another is, they didn't mean to like our parents, the teachers, the people that we had. They didn't mean to
::Yasmine Gulzar: reprogram us to be like this. They were just copying what their
::Yasmine Gulzar: mums and dads did. And their teachers did, you know, like you can give yourself a
::Yasmine Gulzar: and and another platform another foundation, you know, of imagination. You can fill those.
::Yasmine Gulzar: They're like huge gaping holes that need to be filled with love and and longing and accept being accepted. You could do that yourself. You don't need it outside of you.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, because when you do that yourself, even if you imagine your mom because my mom. Oh, my gosh! I'm not even going to describe her. But she wasn't very nice, you know, and my dad he wasn't very nice, but for 20 years. I got my dad to be nice because I scripted him nice. Towards the end he glitched a bit, but that was okay, because I had my 20 years, but if anything is possible, my dad was so, so, so mean. So I got a pen.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and I scripted what a real dad would be like a supportive dad. You know, a dad that was good with my kids, a dad that was loving a dad that was caring, and
::Yasmine Gulzar: he stepped up to that, and I never really believed that he would, but he did so. It's it's
::Yasmine Gulzar: it's
::Yasmine Gulzar: limitless. You know what you could do with your imagination. I think it needed to pen with my dad, I think because I don't think if I just imagined it, I don't think my my subconscious would have believed it. So, writing it down with my dad. It's more powerful.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: For people that aren't so that you haven't had so much experience with events in your life
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that have become so ingrained in who you are.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You can often just change what you're thinking about the behaviors that they have
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that annoy you and cause you to have like friction with them.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I just imagine, imagine the thing differently
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: as it's happening to you. We all have those situations where something happens and it can be. I like to use this example, because
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: it was something that in the beginning bugged me a lot when my husband 1st came off the road. But he would leave this Mason jar in the sink with the Shaker ball in it, because he likes to make protein shakes.
::Yasmine Gulzar: He would fill it up with water and leave it in the sink.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And I hate dishes in the sink.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Dishes in the sink are like a message to me.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You're not. You're not being good enough, and and God God forbid! We get a whole bunch of them in the sink. And then it's a big project, because I hate big projects.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: cleaning projects like that, so I used to be like I would grumble about it every single day.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But he said to me, I can't put my hand in the jar, so I like to let it soak.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Now when I see the mason jar sitting in the sink, it's like, Oh.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I can help my husband because my hand does fit in that jar. I buy the wide mouth ones because my hand fits in there and I can clean it properly.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It doesn't bother me anymore.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Because I it's like.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And and because of that, he he did realize that there are a lot of things that I just do that he could do for himself, and so he does other things
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that I am really grateful for.
::Yasmine Gulzar: You're really an alchemist, you really are an alchemist.
::Yasmine Gulzar: The way I like to explain it is to Sue, just to Sue. Okay, is, there's only so many scenarios on this Earth.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and like when you watch movies and when you watch series like they do the same ones over and over and over the mason. Jai is probably one in there. Have you ever seen it on a you know I haven't seen it, but if there's probably like one that's been scripted, you know, if it's not, if it's not, there's a good one but
::Yasmine Gulzar: So when people come to me and they have a lot of problems and
::Yasmine Gulzar: kind of get them to zoom out and just like.
::Yasmine Gulzar: look at it as if, like, you're a human. This is human behavior.
::Yasmine Gulzar: And the this is replicated like all over the world. It's replicated in movies and series. And you know, and
::Yasmine Gulzar: like, it's, it's okay. Do you know what I mean, it's okay. And if if you can
::Yasmine Gulzar: get a different perspective on it.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I mean, it's it's we're human. And when we're gonna get things wrong, we're gonna make it make mistakes me more than anything like I already told you that I give myself a really hard time. I mean, I had no business in bringing up 6 kids when I couldn't breathe no business at all, you know I try to make it up to them with a hundred holidays, because
::Yasmine Gulzar: well, not quite a hundred, but like, you know, like you know, because I could, I could. I could breathe on holiday when, if I was in a warm climate. I could run around in in Babai dust and do all the towels, and you know the swimwear, and like a million times a day I would still have energy. But bring me back to the Uk. And you know it's it wasn't. It wasn't pretty. So
::Yasmine Gulzar: this
::Yasmine Gulzar: easier, like you said to script it for to see it, to look at it from another perspective, like how you do. Did that all by yourself, like, you know, there was this one lady
::Yasmine Gulzar: I can't remember her name, but she was so so upset when she comes to the call, and I was trying to get it to put the upset aside so we can get like this really, really nice platform to build. But she would not do it, and I was kind of like, what do I do? So I let her talk. Bless her right. And then she was upset because she had a friend.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and her friend she was, she said, be on the phone to her just to see her all day every day. And now this friend was gone, and I said, Well, where's the friend gone.
::Yasmine Gulzar: She she met somebody she met a man, and she's in love.
::Yasmine Gulzar: but that's not gone. That's in love. She still loves you. She's just in love, you know she's right now. Her tensions on this man because she's in love doesn't mean that she loves you any less. Just give her a minute, you know. Bless her! And then
::Yasmine Gulzar: the woman she just kind of let a little giggle, and then she said, You're right. I've got so much time to start my business now. I got so much time to see my own friends and my family now, and and she'll like, I said, Yeah, and she'll come right back around because it's not that she doesn't love you. It's just she loves right now somebody else is taking up more attention, and that's just a little tweak.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and this lady was so so happy. And then we went on to have a really good creative call.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Sometimes just having someone that can help you shift this. So it isn't.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It is easy, but often we make it more complicated than it needs to be. We just get trapped in these these thought cycles, where
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you know it's just like you're running conversations in your head that you'll never have in real life
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that mean nothing.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: They really don't mean anything. All they're doing is making you miserable.
::Yasmine Gulzar: When you could do something else with that time, you know something really, really cool.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, and and like I've got these pockets of
::Yasmine Gulzar: I can't remember what they're called now, but maybe pocket pockets of perspectives, I think I called them where like
::Yasmine Gulzar: if I got like a moment where I this I I am aware this is like a moment in between thoughts. I'll I'll pick. I'll pick it up and and think of the most funniest times.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, because I always want my vibration to be happier and happy and happy. It's fine if it's not, but that's my intention, because, like when we're vibrating higher and higher and higher, like our subconscious knows that. And it has to give us by law more of that good stuff, you know, and I like the good stuff. You know.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I really like the bad stuff. I don't want to go back there ever, you know. So so I'm playful about that. Obviously, I don't mean that. But I do mean that. But you know, like, in a playful way, not yeah. So yeah. So I do that I have these pockets of
::Yasmine Gulzar: appreciation as well.
::Yasmine Gulzar: You know I and I need appreciate, like Scooby. Scooby was once a crocodile in a dog's body, and now I can literally have walks within that. It's a real adventure, not like when you know
::Yasmine Gulzar: I'm not even.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Adventure.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Yeah, I'm not even gonna speak into it because he's there. And I don't want him to, you know. But like, yeah, he imagine the worst, and it's worse than that. Okay. Limbs went missing.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah. But at this point.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Walker also, I can. I can identify with what you're talking about. I had a dog that I could not walk.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: She was a she. There's a kind of a breed of dog called a Walker hound.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and we used to call her the Can't Walker Hound, because you couldn't walk her. I can't tell you how many times I would put a leash on her, and she would take my feet out from under me. She weighed like 80 pounds or something. She was huge.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and she just. I had to put those spiky collars on her.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I really I'm not that kind of person I would put the spiky collar on her and a harness on her, and I'd have the that spiky collar on the leash
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and the harness on a leash just to get her so that she would like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: maybe go in the same direction. I was going in at my pace.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It was we just. I gave up walking her because it was just so miserable.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: couldn't just let her go because she'd run off.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You should come home eventually, but like.
::Yasmine Gulzar: It's funny that you said you can't walk her, and she's a walking dog, because his name's Scooby, and they literally say, Scooby, do as you know, Scooby don't.
::Yasmine Gulzar: But it was exhausting. But now, like I kind of used to try and not imagine it, because it was too far a jump, you know. But then I, you know, like I just thought, imagine going to bed instead of overthinking how many people he's bitten that day.
::Yasmine Gulzar: guys, I when I say limbs are lost. There wasn't any limbs lost. I exaggerate, but he did. Used to bite mouth, you know. There wasn't any blood, either, you know. So like. But it's it's not nice to be bitten, even if there's no blood. Yeah. And he's still like the sound effects used to act like he was had rabies, and you know it was. It wasn't a good situation, but
::Yasmine Gulzar: he was a Covid baby, and and I had a lot of patients, and now he's an angel. So I'm really really grateful mostly Angel, you know, like they only have like glimpses of the old Scooby, rarely, you know. But I can't tell if he's going to be mean when somebody approaches or a dog approaches. He doesn't have that
::Yasmine Gulzar: Whatever it is, I am intuitive as well, but I still can't tell whether he's going to be kind or whether he's going to be mean. It's like I, you know, and I look to the owner, you know, and the owner says, Oh, yeah, it's a fine demo owner does not know. This company looks really really cute.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, and he's got this
::Yasmine Gulzar: collar that says nervous, and it's a bright yellow one, and he's got this lead that says nervous. So it tells like people to be cautious.
::Yasmine Gulzar: but so I leave it to the owner of the other dog. But like like I said he, he's doing really, really, really great jobs. He's listening.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Dogs are such funny creatures. I
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: we we run into dogs on our walk all the time.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: There's because we walk the same route, and we. We have another dog, Charlie, that we take, and he's young, and he's really smart, and he's pretty well behaved. So I love walking him. It makes me feel good to walk, Charlie.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But Charlie's not allowed in my office when I'm on calls because he doesn't understand who I'm talking to, so he wants to be in my lap, and he's a big dog also
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: the other dog Pudge, who is very pudgy and very old. He just lays in the corner. Now
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: he can come in the office. That's his treat for the day.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But so we have these dogs that we we come across, and most of them are, you know they're just like, Hello! How are you? And they'll they'll bark
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: this one dog. Her name is Sadie, and she's behind this fence
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that has a gate that's wide open, because the the people that own her have a
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: an auto mechanic shop there. So Sadie will run at the fence.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: the fenced in portion, not the open portion.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and she goes, and she she's baring her teeth, but she's wagging her tail. It's like.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: think she's just smiling, but it's like the weirdest smile, because her teeth are all showing, and she's barking like she's really happy. But her teeth are showing.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Zadie, you are confused, dog, and she'll run down to where the gates open, turn around and walk off.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Does, his tails wagging his furs up like you? Don't. You don't know which part is telling the truth?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Right, exactly.
::Yasmine Gulzar: But that's that's the thing. This is a question I got for you. Okay, that like, everyone's on about like, not everyone but telling the truth. Okay, so I've always had this
::Yasmine Gulzar: this the thing, because when we imagine
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know well, because I spent most of my, I spent all of my life. Imagine it began. Because I live. I live in Tiger Bay. I kind of still do. And
::Yasmine Gulzar: I I wasn't accepted by my mum and dad. I mean, you know, that my mom and dad were doing the best with what they had less than. But you know I was born like 4, 5 years and 6 years after my 3 siblings.
::Yasmine Gulzar: So I was kind of left out a lot, you know, and I mean, like this one time they went to Paddington, and they literally left me go to school. I went to school. They all went for a day out in Paddington, and when I called. She didn't tell me till I came back, but that really, really, really hurt like for forever, you know, that's just
::Yasmine Gulzar: oh, that's just wrong, anyway. So that's that's an example of what Mom and Dad and my siblings used to be like. So
::Yasmine Gulzar: outside there were these trees. I passed them every day in Scooby's Walk, and they were they were my tiger trees, and like every time I go out there, or sometimes they call for me the tiger trees. And I'm just a kid guys. They would just like open. And these out of the trees these tigers would come out. And only recently I noticed that there was a mummy tiger, Daddy Tiger, and 3 siblings tiger like a girl sibling and like just just like in the house. But
::Yasmine Gulzar: I felt so much love from those tigers, you know, and
::Yasmine Gulzar: if I could feel them from those tigers out, obviously were real well, they were real to me. But you know, like like what is truth.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, because technically, that wasn't true. But it's true to me.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Marissa Pierce's. Tell yourself a better lie, because they're all lies and well.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: we don't want people to lie to us.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: We're perfectly free to lie to ourselves.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Do you know, you can make up any memory you want, and you can change any memory you want. I give you permission.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Hmm!
::Yasmine Gulzar: In that content, I call it pretend, you know, because, like another word for imagination is pretend, like I always say, like before you tend you have. You have to do some pre-work first, st
::Yasmine Gulzar: like, if you just imagine and go into the imagining without the the pre stuff
::Yasmine Gulzar: I like. I, Jill knows already. When I was in Barbados. I was. I was split energy because I wanted to be with my children.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and everything was going upside down and inside out, and all of a sudden a volcano erupted, and and the whole of Barbados was
::Yasmine Gulzar: covered by this like plume of ash, and it looked extremely up. How do you say the word?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Apocalyptic.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Yeah. And it was. It was horrific. And it's me I'm in Barbados, because heart disease and asthma and all my other health conditions right, and who can manifest that, you know?
::Yasmine Gulzar: And the sulphur? Oh, my gosh! It just felt like my whole esophagus was on fire. It was crazy. And what kept me going was
::Yasmine Gulzar: like, you know that the matrix when Morpheus say it says to Neo, if you think that's real air you breathe in
::Yasmine Gulzar: that kept me going because I just thought this isn't real. This can't be real, because, you know, I I you know, I worked all this time to survive like heart disease to look after my kids for this. I wasn't accepting that, you know.
::Yasmine Gulzar: It's just. I just want a scripted my own life. You can script your own life. It's so easy.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, it it is easy.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I I highly recommend that you join with
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yasmine because she's got this group over on Facebook.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: where she really does help people, and you can also
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: reach out to her through Facebook and have her
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: help. You figure out how to get your imagination working
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: for you in a way that
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: helps you have a better life right.
::Yasmine Gulzar: It's called your supernatural superpower, because I just got the blueprint. You have it all, you know, so
::Yasmine Gulzar: excuse me. The 1st session is always free, because you don't know, even though we've talked about it for ages. You don't actually know I do.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know. So like I I give the 1st session free. So you actually know. And you leave that session feeling absolutely awesome, blissful.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know you you do, you know. So even if you don't work with me after that. You always know where it lives. It lives inside you.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know. It's always been there.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Did you tell you? You know it's always been in his right under our nose, and it's it's so
::Yasmine Gulzar: easy to reach there. But, like I said, the 1st session is always free. I'm launching on the 16th of December, and that's in a group called Universal Awakening.
::Yasmine Gulzar: So if you want an invitation. But to that, then just
::Yasmine Gulzar: say you know, direct that them direct message me and
::Yasmine Gulzar: and I could sort you with that. Or if you want to create a call, you can have that for free if you want to go into the group, just let me know what let me know whatever you want you can have, because
::Yasmine Gulzar: I really want to give back. I wasn't supposed to be here 22 years after that happened to me.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and even though it took me
::Yasmine Gulzar: bucket list after bucket list after bucket list to get to this Yaz, and even one big giant fear list
::Yasmine Gulzar: I really want to share. I really want to share with you like how this works. And I wanted. I'll
::Yasmine Gulzar: once I've done this, I'll I'll create an app. So everyone can taste this, you know, because everyone needs to know how easy this is, and just to be happy
::Yasmine Gulzar: just to be happy. I mean
::Yasmine Gulzar: all those scenarios in all those movies.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and if you could pick one what the best, best, best, best one, and and create it for yourself.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, and relive it as if it is you, and you are the main character. You are the hero, or you are the Queen, or you are the whatever you want to be in Jill's case and elephant, but it doesn't make it like any good or bad, whether you're an animal or a human character, because
::Yasmine Gulzar: when you're a human character like me,
::Yasmine Gulzar: In that world, I would have had like the dishes to do, I would have had the school runs. I would have had the cooking, the cleaning uniforms, but because I was on the beach, and my kids showed up as those little furry creatures.
::Yasmine Gulzar: All of that went out the window, and it was just pure love, pure play, pure attention for those children I could not give to them in real life.
::Yasmine Gulzar: so I felt a hole on that beach. I could not feel anything like that in reality, but like, when the the worlds were merged.
::Yasmine Gulzar: it took a long time because I did not know what I was doing. Guys, you know, took a while for me, but now I know what I'm doing, I can do it much faster and much quicker, much playful and much fun, because I take all the seriousness out.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Because if you imagine with seriousness, then you create seriousness. If you imagine with playfulness, you create playfulness, and
::Yasmine Gulzar: when you intend playfulness, you're in a child who is
::Yasmine Gulzar: like like 0 to 7 when all your belief systems were created
::Yasmine Gulzar: like, if you invite them just by being paperful.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, then, when you build your imagination
::Yasmine Gulzar: realm, your belief systems go down each and every last one of them go down.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know. So you've got that foundation of immense love, immense
::Yasmine Gulzar: pure playfulness, like like kid, like like
::Yasmine Gulzar: anything's possible, you know, like, you know, like, if you had the perspective of a child like you're you were a child, not me, you know, and whatever components you had.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know this pre everything is pre programming.
::Yasmine Gulzar: So anything is possible. I can't you know, say that enough. Anything is possible in that little world like I'm still living today because anything is possible.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, so number one that she or he. Your only child's involved. So they're happy. They're extremely happy. And so when they're extremely happy. And your you know, your belief systems are down. Anything's possible literally is anything's possible. Like I already said, your subconscious is lit up because you're lit up.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and the universal law is, if you're lit up.
::Yasmine Gulzar: the universe has to give you more of that through serendipities and coincidences and and stuff. You'll have downloads of awesome ideas and and have
::Yasmine Gulzar: Jill in your life. There's evidence right by there.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It was.
::Yasmine Gulzar: But yeah, this is, it just becomes more blissful and more blissful and more blissful. And then it feels like every day. If I you know, like it just feels like you expect blissfulness. I I go through my day every night, and I expect
::Yasmine Gulzar: like it's kind of like a sprinkle, smiles and little nods, and of appreciation and conversations like Oh, well, thank you, you know, and people opening up the door, or me opening up the door, and people appreciating Scooby. That was a bit of a stretch, but that while back, and you know the kids, I include the kids. I include the crap, the grand cubs, you know, I include, like, like my closest friends from around here. It's just
::Yasmine Gulzar: absolutely awesome. What is possible?
::Yasmine Gulzar: It's it's incredible.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I I couldn't say it better myself, and all the more reason y'all really need to reach out to Yasmin and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: get to know her it just to be in her, in her energy. Field is.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It's a wonderful fun place, knowing her enriches your life.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and I don't say that lightly.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I remember Joel invited me to a group, and I did a live. I was really nervous. It was a while back. It was 3 wishes fulfilled. And it was a bit of a cheat. Guys. Okay? Because the 1st wish goes to your higher self. And all it means is that
::Yasmine Gulzar: is that you do something creative, something that really lights you up inside? I mean, it could be as simple as hopping on one leg, you know. I mean whatever like artwork, whatever. And then the second wish goes to your inner child
::Yasmine Gulzar: again. That could be as easy as hopping on one leg or or artwork, or whatever you did when you was a kid. Dancing, you know, Popscotch, and if you know what that is like skipping.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and the rope, or playing, or running, or jumping, or being silly in the in the room like, and then the 3rd and final wish is is yours. But by the time you go through the higher self wish
::Yasmine Gulzar: and the inner child wish, like you kind of feel fulfilled. Anyway.
::Yasmine Gulzar: that wish is so close, and and then I share how to do that. I share how you get your wish.
::Yasmine Gulzar: And that's where the creative goal. Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And she has a magic lamp.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I could get away without talking about the magic lamp.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Actually I was gonna bring it down. Actually, I forgot, it's like a million miles upstairs. I fell down the stairs the other day.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Oh! Oh! My God!
::Yasmine Gulzar: Miracle you know I have. I meant to bring that down as well. I had a
::Yasmine Gulzar: copper band around my wrist, you know, so. The only thing that it hurt was the Paul Copper band.
::Yasmine Gulzar: So, even though it's bruised, it doesn't hurt. It's not broken. I broke my fall by going backwards, because the other month I fell down the stairs, and I used my little toe so that I broke my little toe so that wasn't good. I was hobbling around for ages. So I learned.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I thought that I think it's a sign to move because I got a million stairs and my kids have left home. I do not need 4 bedrooms anymore.
::Yasmine Gulzar: So I'm looking into moving, and it's fun, you know. But, A couple of weeks ago I was thinking, oh, should I? Should I stay here? Because it's winter, and it's cold, and I want to hibernate. But now I want to move. That's the evidence, you know. It's very pretty.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: That's gorgeous, all of all my favorite colors, purple, teal.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Oh, this is, you know. Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So I'm I'm gonna imagine a a wonderful space for you that's just the right size.
::Yasmine Gulzar: To make.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You feel cozy, but not sometimes. Spaces can can be just not fit us anymore.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Because
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you know, all the the people and things that used to be in them. We don't. We just become caretakers of all that stuff.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: instead of being able to just appreciate the things we want to appreciate in that space.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Well, I thought I was going to die. So I've got thousands and thousands of well, a lot of photographs of my little angels and kids and
::Yasmine Gulzar: got boxes and boxes of them. I've decluttered everything else. I did a lot of decluttering. So
::Yasmine Gulzar: My kids! My last daughter
::Yasmine Gulzar: if she takes all the furniture to her new house, so she's moving soon.
::Yasmine Gulzar: then I won't have much left.
::Yasmine Gulzar: like I'll be. I can go to a 2 bedroom, or I don't know.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, and I'll keep it for a while, and then go to Barbados.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and then let it go. If I'm staying there or keep it if I'm coming back. So
::Yasmine Gulzar: I'm not sure I just leave it open. I'm grateful times a million, 1 million, either way.
::Yasmine Gulzar: because I'm you know I'm alive and and kicking, and and I'm.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: There's a new adventure just around the corner for you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and you can just leave it open and let the adventure unfold as it wants to unfold.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Yeah, it's gonna evolve perfectly.
::Yasmine Gulzar: And that's a really good place to be in, like not wanting anything just being satisfied.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, I I can agree with you on that. I've reached a point in my life where I I am happy.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: where I'm at. I'm happy with what I have.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: My life is really good, and I get to spend Thursdays with one of my grandsons, and we have
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: fun adventures, and we play.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: We took him to the pool last night. Even he he doesn't.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: He doesn't swim yet. He's only 4
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that he there was another 4 year old there, and his sister, who's 3 that they both liked to play in the water a lot, and they they were really
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: really agile, even though they had life jackets on like my grandson did. They were just like jumping in and splashing around, and their dad was playing with them, and they were they were really
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: it really good at.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: They wanted the the little boy. His name is Hiram. He wanted to play with my grandson so much and it. It helped my grandson get out of his shell, and want to learn how to like.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Be adventurous in the water, too, instead of like just clinging to me like, don't let me drown. I don't want to get hurt.
::Yasmine Gulzar: One of them my so we went to the swimming pool, big Giant swimming pool with millions of slides in that, and
::Yasmine Gulzar: my daughter had my granddaughter, and I had my grandson. My daughter was 3. My granddaughter was 3 at the time, and grandson 5. They're about to be 4 and 6 anyway.
::Yasmine Gulzar: My grandson, I call him a grand cub. He!
::Yasmine Gulzar: He was screaming. Now this place is noisy like, and he was screaming. He did not want to go in the water, and I didn't realize that my daughter had set me up because I had 6 kids. I'm really good with kids. So I said, Okay, sonny, we're going to put one toe in, and if our 1st toe likes it, then we'll put the next toe in, and if the next toe doesn't like it, we'll take it out and we'll start again. And I kept on saying that over and over until I got to
::Yasmine Gulzar: all 10 toes, and then he just stopped screaming and said, Okay, we'll do it.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know. But I wasn't. I wasn't quite sure what to do with him in all honesty, you know, but it worked, you know, and then we put our toes in, and then he adored it. His sister's a mermaid. He's not quite
::Yasmine Gulzar: a mermaid, bless him! But but we've taken him quite a lot after that. And do you know what I just? I just want him in my background. I just want him in my beach. I want him in the sand. I want him to taste Barbados. I want him, because that's his heritage as well.
::Yasmine Gulzar: So
::Yasmine Gulzar: yeah. So if I stay in the Uk, the chances of that happening are slim, because when kids grow up they grow up, you see them. They visit a couple of times a month, but that's it. I'm not moaning. I still appreciate them. I got millions of them, so I'm fine. But when I go to Barbados, like the caliber of interaction, is different. There's pools, and there's food like nothing
::Yasmine Gulzar: like it's like food for gods, and then there's the sea, and there's is oh, the ice cream and the sweets and the fruits, and the it's like
::Yasmine Gulzar: beyond imagination.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Not beyond doors, though.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I'm I'm there right now. Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I can feel it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I I do get that. I have. I have 5 kids myself. So I get the whole. I've got plenty of them.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So I know that if anything ever happens
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I've got, I've got fallback positions.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and 3 of them live close enough. That I can do a lot with with their kids
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: really on a on a pretty regular basis, like the one we we have a standing date on Thursdays. We take him out. We do something fun, whether it's go to the park or go to the movies or go play in the water or go bowling. We do something with him every day or every week.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: The other ones are still babies, but I think in another year or 2 we'll be able to have all 3 of them and and go do stuff with them. So I'm really excited about that. But I have 5 other grand cubs who live in California. So when I go to see them. It's kind of different, and there's tons of stuff to do in San Diego, so we always have a good time. There.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Got a little correction for you. Right. I have grand coats. You have grand calves, because you're an elephant.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Oh, yeah, that's.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Never thought of it that way.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I call them my grand littles usually, but.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Thank you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Like grand caps.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Good going back.
::Yasmine Gulzar: But yeah, I just I still think, though, because I only got 2 grand copes because I've got lots of kids. They're still quite young. I guess yours is only one of the older ones I've had, but I'm sure, like, as I said before, if I'm studying, if I go to Barbados then the caliber. I probably won't see him as often.
::Yasmine Gulzar: But the caliber of experiences will be different.
::Yasmine Gulzar: You'll be like.
::Yasmine Gulzar: I don't know. I just I favor. I'm favoring it right now, because my position is in the Uk. Like when I go over there and start missing them. Maybe then they'll be different.
::Yasmine Gulzar: But like I said, it's just like 7, maybe 8 h flights. It's not like
::Yasmine Gulzar: and Mexico. It was a lot, and they've changed the airports as well. So whereas we used to have to travel like 5 h to the airport. We only have to travel to to get to Barbados
::Yasmine Gulzar: 2 h the airport. So it's just it's just that 3 h of like, you know. Shorten the travel. Distance is a lot.
::Yasmine Gulzar: No, this is a miracle.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I love it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yes, this has been an amazing conversation, and I know that
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you're you're probably getting to the point where you need to go and cough and freedom.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So what's the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from the conversation we've had today?
::Yasmine Gulzar: Audience. Everyone out there. You have a supernatural superpower, and your supernatural superpower will lead you easily and playfully to be. Do and have anything you wish.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and you can have it. You can have it. And it does not take long. But it's for reality to catch up. I mean, you know, improve.
::Yasmine Gulzar: Okay? And yeah, I asked for the Uk. Asked to come back to the Uk. I asked to be, have my children and here and stuff, you know, and I'm enjoying every single moment. In fact, I'm recording every single moment. So so when I'm over there.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, I don't know. But then it's guys, it's just a feeling, because come and get it. And then you you kind of like.
::Yasmine Gulzar: you know, bask in it. And it it comes to you
::Yasmine Gulzar: when, as soon as you want something, it it just.
::Yasmine Gulzar: It perils out of control. Then you don't really get it. But when you feel like you've already got it, and you play with it like it's a scenario like it's a character like it's yours. Then the whole universe changes, and that's your supernatural super superpower, nobody else's. I can give you the blueprints, and you can play with it, but it's not mine, you know. I just I just discovered it.
::Yasmine Gulzar: and like everyone says that it's not out there. They haven't seen anything like it out there, and
::Yasmine Gulzar: I should be have a go.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Awesome thanks for joining me today as.