Bessie Estonactoc - Spiritual Coach Empowering Women to Trust Their Intuition, Manage Stress & Cultivate Inner Peace
Bessie Estonactoc is the founder and CEO of Bessie Estonactoc LLC. With a wealth of experience spanning over 20 years as a former counselor and psychotherapist, her unwavering dedication has been to empower women in transforming their lives, work, and relationships. Bessie has been instrumental in helping women effectively manage their stress and anxiety, foster trust in their intuition, and cultivate inner peace and confidence across all areas of their lives.
Presently, as a Spiritual Coach and Hypnotherapist, Bessie directs her energy towards supporting Professional Spiritual Women in rediscovering the core essence of their souls and finding their true voice. By delving into the exploration of their current and past lives, she assists women in understanding how these experiences have influenced their present lives, especially having the fear of being visible in their business.
Bessie upholds the belief that our purpose in our earthly existence is to learn profound soul lessons that enable us to lead lives abundantly in all areas of our lives, while simultaneously placing trust in our intuition and embracing inner peace.
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::Hi and welcome to the You
::World Order Showcase program.
::Today, we're speaking with Bessie and she's.
::The founder of Bessie.
::LLC with a wealth of experience spanning over 20 years as a former counselor psychotherapist, and her unwavering dedication has been to empower women.
::In transforming their lives, work and relationships, Bessie has been instrumental in helping women effectively manage their stress and anxiety, foster trust in their intuition, and cultivate inner peace and confidence across all areas of their lives.
::Presently, as a spiritual coach and hypnotherapist, Bessie directs her energy towards supporting professional spiritual women.
::In rediscovering the core essence of their souls and finding their true voice by delving into the exploration of their current and past lives, she assists women in understanding how these experiences have influenced their present lives, especially having the fear of being visible in their life.
::This Bessie upholds the belief that our purpose and our earthly existence is to learn profound soul lessons that enable us to lead lives abundantly in all areas of our lives, while simultaneously placing trust in our intuition and embracing inner peace.
::Please help me welcome Bessie to the show today.
::Nice to have you on this show.
::Go ahead and tell our audience who you are all the things.
::How you doing?
::Ah, thanks, Jill.
::Thank you so much for having me.
::I really, really appreciate it.
::So I'm Bessie.
::Estonactoc and my business name is Bessie.
::Estonactoc LLC and my initials actually are B&E, which I love BE right? It's. It's like it just resonates a lot with me. But I am a spiritual coach and hypnotherapist.
::And I help spiritual business women.
::Learn how to be able to be in touch with their intuition and when they're able to do that, they can trust themselves more about being more visible and really being able to share their voice in social media.
::Because really what they're doing is holding themselves back from really.
::Showing up online and.
::They have a gift that they want to be able to share, so I help them through a process to be able to get them move in and feeling motivated and just really letting go of any old stories that are getting in the way.
::So that they can have their clients attract their clients and you know, get abundance coming into their life and work.
::So what motivated you to go down this path?
::Usually more than likely, coaches are a version of their clients and a few steps ahead of them.
::So with myself, you know, growing up, I didn't have a voice.
::And I was.
::You know, I was very and still am.
::I'm really much of an empath and very intuitive and I really was able to.
::Even though I had a childhood where I couldn't speak up, or else I'd get spanked or reprimanded, there was still that part of me that was very intuitive and that really felt a lot of everybody's energy and also, you know, knowing that.
::I, as sensitive as I was, I could feel.
::I could feel, you know, relatives who have passed on.
::And I was always under want, wanting to understand that.
::What is this all about?
::Even though I didn't have a voice and I couldn't really speak up, I was very curious about what is this all about?
::What am I feeling?
::What am I thinking?
::How is this?
::You know, really.
::Integrating with who I am as a person, how I tick so as time went on.
::I really understood that that.
::Or made of energy.
::Thoughts or energy?
::I love doing past life regression hypnotherapy and so I really understand that I've made this sole contract to come back into this life to really, really nurture my gifts and my talents.
::And so I really realize that it's not about blame, you know, it's not about my parents and what they did.
::It was me learning that.
::I've come back into this earth to know that.
::Basically I'm I've learned how to be able to understand the stories that I created.
::The contracts I guess you would say the sole contracts and to be here right now it is to really say?
::You know what?
::I have a gift.
::You know, I was a prior marriage and family therapist too, so that was a part of my own healing, but also helping clients learn how to be able to heal, heal their stories and.
::And then they were able to heal their relationships and their relationships within themselves.
::So it's kind of been like a.
::I can really see how this has been my curiosity, curiosity about energy and about life and what happens after we leave this earth and how it all just comes to this part where I am right now where here I am having learned so much about myself and my lessons.
::And that through time I've been able to just.
::Learn how to be able.
::To say I have a gift and I love working with my clients and I create the space for them.
::If I cower and not show up, then it's almost like.
::I can't think of the word, but it's not.
::It doesn't feel right that I don't show up, so I need to show up to help others learn that no matter what's happened in their life, that they don't, it doesn't need to define.
::Them that they can learn through those challenges, learn those lessons so they can move forward to really be who they are.
::Unconditionally and then really be able to be their best and highest selves as they share their gifts with the world.
::And even if it's like.
::Showing up in a more in a in a way that's in more integrity with themselves and in their relationships and in their life in their business.
::So that's a long story, but that's how I got into it.
::And yeah, that's yeah.
::Yeah, it's really fascinating how.
::We sometimes get caught up in our past and the trauma and all the junk that when you look at it from the terms of this is a sole contract that I made before I came and.
::I'm supposed to have gone through all of these things.
::It wasn't done to me.
::I picked it.
::It it puts a whole new focus on how you meander through the life that you are creating because we all create the lives that we're living, the decisions we make and the connections we make and some of those connections we made prior to coming here.
::And you know, really, for the longest time, especially growing up when I was in my teens and probably a lot in my 20s, I felt like a victim.
::Life is happening, you know, at me, you know, all these things that have happened in my life.
::How can I be?
::You know, how can I be happy?
::I had no control over any of this.
::There's no control.
::And so finally, I got tired of blaming, you know, and I said, well, wait a minute.
::After I understood energy and how thoughts are energy and how you know energy can be held in our body, that well, wait a minute, I have choice.
::I have choice here so you know I went through, you know, and of course, I'm still a work in progress always.
::I mean I in our life.
::Everybody is always going to be evolving and learning and growing, but after a while it was like OK, I'm really feeling tired of feeling crappy, you know, and I I knew.
::It's like I have choice.
::I'm the creator of my life.
::And as I continue to understand that then things got easier and easier.
::And but as we continue on in our life, I think we learn and then there's something else new to learn.
::We learn and there's something else new to learn.
::And so it's just gotten.
::You know, just it a beautiful life that I have.
::I'm just really, really blessed.
::To have the life I have my husband, my kids, my grandkids, my work.
::You know what more can I ask for, really?
::I'm so loved.
::And I feel like I can give so much love to my work and my family and myself and.
::And it's such a different way now.
::It's good.
::I can relate to what you're saying on such a personal level.
::It's like it's like we went through the same journey.
::The last person I had on the podcast she was her company is called Evolve and she said love is in embedded in it.
::In that word, and I've never really noticed that before, that that was so interesting, yeah.
::So it's interesting how you say.
::That we evolve along.
::The way cause we.
::Do, but it's part of it is learning to love ourselves and to accept ourselves and to.
::Other people have other issues and they're on other paths and they're on different journeys and sometimes they're going to intermingle in our lives, but they don't have to be.
::We don't have to take whatever they have going on in their lives that they're trying to figure out their own sole contracts.
::We don't have to absorb those.
::We only have to.
::You know, deal with.
::Our own stuff.
::And so I you know, when I was a therapist, it was a different story.
::I was still learning that rather than taking on their energy and whatever their stuff was, you know it.
::I did.
::I actually took it on, but after some time it's like, OK, wait a minute.
::I am an energetic being and as empathic as I am, I need to really make sure that I create these boundaries to still be empathic, to hold space for them, because it's their journey.
::And I'm holding the space for them to be able to go on their path of their self realization.
::I guess you would say and really hold that space for them as I as they are doing that.
::So yeah it's so important that we as empaths know that we're here.
::To be a I guess you would say vessel to be a, you know, a clear vessel of holding that space for our clients to help them understand themselves and evolve in the way that.
::When they're having something that's going on in their life that that I can hold that space so that they can really unravel whatever that is and then be at a space to be grounded.
::To know. Oh OK.
::It's like you can let their energy come right up to your energy.
::But as impasse, we sometimes just let that energy seep into our energy and overwhelms us.
::And so you find yourself.
::Feeling their feelings.
::And that's not healthy for us.
::And it's really not helpful for them because now we're all trapped in the hole.
::Yeah, kind of been meshed.
::Yeah, kind of been meshed in the energy.
::You got it.
::So it really is a gift to be able to hold space for them, but hold that space with the boundary where they can, they come up to your energy.
::So you can.
::Sort of feel that energy, but keep it from seeping all the way in where you can no longer be effective.
::And that's where really understanding the energy your own energy and really.
::Being aware of your energy and noticing that there's that conscious awareness, that's really important.
::Yeah, that's it.
::It is it.
::Is it's such an interesting journey.
::The whole energy concept is just.
::So, so amazing it just like.
::Because everything is energy, there's nothing that exists that is not energy and held together by energy.
::I mean, and.
::And we can go into the cosmos, you know.
::And, you know, on a bigger level about how we, I mean, we're like a minuscule pinky, dinky, minuscule of this energy.
::But we're All Souls.
::All of us are our sole essence.
::Is here on this earth.
::And I love the saying that.
::What is it?
::We're not human beings having a spiritual experience.
::We're spiritual beings, having a human experience.
::Yes, I like that a lot.
::You know, I can I share a story?
::Sure, I'd love that.
::That's OK. Yeah.
::So, you know, I've always had this curiosity about, like, I had mentioned life and spirituality and the the sensitivity that I had.
::And through the years, you know, it's evolved for me to understand that there's more to this life after we leave this earth and.
::My father passed away many years ago.
::I don't even remember the year, but I knew that he and we didn't have a very good relationship, you know.
::But I learned that he was my teacher.
::And one of the biggest things about him passing was really forgiving myself and forgiving him.
::And what I realized when he was actually, he was basically he was.
::Kind of comatose.
::And he was just kind of like holding on.
::I could really feel that he was holding on there.
::Was that fear?
::And so I didn't know anything about energy work.
::Intuitively, I knew that he was really having a hard time.
::So I basically just rubbed his belly, just gave him love and light.
::And I just.
::You know, said to him.
::It's OK, dad.
::It's OK, you can just let go now and you're OK.
::And I held space for him to and.
::And I've he finally just, you know, let go and I can feel.
::I felt his body just leave his spirit leave.
::And that was powerful for me to even hold space because, you know, we had a rough I feel that I had a very difficult relationship with him, but I understood, you know that he was really my teacher and then Fast forward my mom came to live with us in Hawaii.
::And we were, we got closer.
::When she lived with me and I was already in my.
::50s, I guess 60s, late 50s and you know to have, you know, your mom living with you, who's aging and ill, was a lot.
::There was a, there was a lot of energy that I had to.
::Put out and.
::But I realized how important it was to have that unconditional, unconditional, non judgmental.
::Space within me.
::About my mother and her old way, her ways of being, and that that was a beautiful.
::We had a beautiful relationship towards the end and she said to me.
::Because we were able to communicate with each other, she said to me.
::And I had to open up the conversation about death with her.
::But I said, Mom, you know, planning is important.
::And so we talked about her funeral experience.
::But she said to me, Bess, I'm afraid to die.
::And I said, Mom, you know.
::After you leave this earth, we're still going to be able to be connected to one another and we can communicate with each other.
::You're going to be OK.
::And Mom, I promise you, I will be with you until your last breath.
::On a Friday, she said.
::I don't want to take my medications anymore and I said OK.
::If that's your wish, you know and then took her to the doctor.
::OK, well, now you're going to be on Hospice Friday.
::Wednesday, She called me or else.
::Well, her caretaker called and said Bess.
::She said to me, Bess, it's time.
::How did she know?
::Blew me away, but so I said.
::I'll be there.
::I'm coming and.
::Held space for her.
::You know, Priest came and gave her.
::The last rites.
::55 and I, you know, gave her Reiki because I knew Reiki. Then I was just really, you know, with her and holding space for her.
::And 5:30 the next morning, the Roosters are crying in Hawaii and she passed.
::And I knew that it was a very peaceful death for her.
::And I'm just so blessed about that.
::After she passed away 2 seconds, I felt.
::Her touch my shoulder.
::And she says.
::Bess, I'm OK, thank.
::You made me cry.
::It was just like, Oh my God.
::And it really.
::Was and I just.
::It was just a really beautiful thing, but it just it helped me.
::Really realize that.
::Life is just.
::Too short, you know, and if we can really love ourselves, love others.
::I want to be able to teach that I want to live it even more.
::You know, it's so, so important.
::And I just had no regrets with my mom.
::I have no regrets with my dad.
::I mean, I feel like I've this this karma thing.
::I feel that my karma with them has really been able to be healed.
::A lot of ways.
::But my relationship with my mom was just so beautiful, and I felt her energy.
::She's come to me many times and I'm I was.
::I wasn't afraid, you know, and I'm not afraid.
::And I know she's one of my angels, so.
::I know there's more to this life.
::And that we have angels, we have our guides, we have, if we have a force of people here right on this earth.
::That's a tribe of people who help us.
::We have a tribe of people that are helping us up above or, you know, realms.
::Around us, they're here.
::I mean, the veil is so thin.
::The veil is so thin.
::I have a story very similar to.
::That with my own mom.
::When she passed, we had a.
::Most of my life and she came to me in my dreams.
::For several months after she was gone and I knew that she was at peace and we were good together and.
::It was just.
::It's interesting how.
::You think we?
::Think we're trained to think that death is the end, but it really isn't?
::Yes. Yeah, absolutely.
::So let's change tax here.
::Just a little.
::Bit who are your ideal clients?
::As I wipe my tears somewhere.
::Yeah, I did a lot of my own crying, but yeah.
::You know that space for you as well?
::That yeah, yeah.
::But my ideal clients.
::I have this thing on my website called Ascension Academy.
::And I my ideal clients are spiritual women.
::Who have an inkling?
::I mean, they know they're in very intuitive and they know that there's more to life than this life, and they really want to be able to understand how they tick.
::I guess you would say and what are some things that are blinders that are in the way of them?
::Showing up in their business or even showing up in their relationship, or showing up for themselves because.
::I think it's.
::Our business is our life.
::Our life is our business.
::It's all one and in in Ascension Academy, you know I have spiritual hypnotherapy which is past life, spiritual aggression, life between lives.
::I have all these different things of in this.
::In the spiritual realm, how you're able to just understand where are those, I guess, glitches in your energy field that that wanna glow instead of be dark, I guess.
::You would say.
::And and learn where are those blind spots for them so that they can really be.
::They can show up in their business and their life and their relationships whole, more with joy, with more ease.
::And I just, I feel like that's my mission right now is to really be able to help those women who know they're spiritual, who know they're intuitive and.
::They want to be able to.
::Heal whatever needs to be healed, not get caught up in that victim mentality.
::And then I teach them how to be able to learn how to just understand how to rewire their brains, but also.
::Connect with them.
::There's their souls, then with themselves at a conscious level, and be that light who they are.
::So those that are really wanting to learn that and let go of the anxiety and the stress and the this and the that that.
::It doesn't have to be that way.
::There's choice, yeah.
::So do you do this as?
::Group coaching or do you?
::Just one-on-one. And do you packages?
::I have I have I have one on ones I have different.
::I have a three, six and 12 month package.
::One-on-one coaching where I actually provide coaching along with hypnotherapy, so it really is a spiritual hypnotherapy, whatever is kind of like happening.
::Well, we can do an an hour of hypnotherapy session during our time together.
::I had just finished a group program.
::It's called lead.
::With your woo.
::I love it.
::And so it's the same thing.
::It's learning how to be able to trust your intuition so that you can, you know, attract your ideal clients, your abundance.
::But I think more importantly, as we've gone through the program, how they've been able to really heal whatever has been getting in the way, whatever.
::Stories so they can show up with just more joy and ease in their life.
::So yeah, so it's a combination of both.
::Right now, my lead with your Woo program is going to start.
::In August is going to be in August, but right now I have my 1:00 to ones or if anybody's interested in.
::Hypnotherapy, or spiritual hypnotherapy packages.
::I have that available.
::I have a I I'm very diverse in a lot of ways about that because everybody has a price point.
::I also have a.
::Hypno Sound bath membership where because I love crystal balls and of course I love hypnotherapy and I have that available as a membership.
::If if people are interested in in really wanting to be able to three times a month, have some, you know, energy with me and me with them so that they can get a taste of what I do so.
::And all of those are available on your website.
::Yes, we can find out more about that, OK.
::So what's the one thing that you want everyone to take away from this conversation today?
::One thing ohh there's so many things.
::I think the most important thing to remember is that you have to remember who you are on.
::A soul level.
::When you can remember who you are on a soul level, there's infinite possibilities to be able to have you look at how you can really be the creator of your life and that.
::We don't need to be a victim in our life.
::And that when we can choose to be victorious.
::Then there's infinite possibilities on how to really be able to be the creator of.
::But when you stay victim in that victim mode and you walk around with, oh, what was me then?
::It's going to be tough, yeah.
::They're always trying to climb out.
::Of that pit.
::Got to just get out of there and say I.
::Choose. Yeah, yeah.
::So how can people get ahold of you?
::Ohh gosh, let's see my website.
::It's my two long names. Bessie Estonactoc, and.
::We'll definitely put the link in the description below.
::Yeah. Yeah, because yeah, yeah.
::They if they can go to my website, I actually have a freebie there.
::If you want to get a little bit of a taste of what I do.
::It's I love teaching about the chakras in the work that I do and in there is a quiz that you can.
::Take and when you take that.
::You know you can have a consultation with me and I can give you a little bit of information about the results of your chakras.
::Thanks for joining us today, Bessie.
::Our honor having you here.
::I appreciate your time with me and it's been an honor to be with you.
::Jill, thank you.