Mary Pat FitzGibbons - Healing Touch From a Veteran Nurse Healing Trauma for a Better Life
Mary Pat, HTCPI, has 50 years of nursing experience, throughout the country. Mary Pat provides treatment and education in energy healing. Mary Pat has been a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner since 1996 and Certified Instructor since 1999. Mary Pat graduated from Barbara Brennan School of Healing in 2000. She is a certified Nurse Coach through AHNA 2018. She completed ACC certifications through ICF (International Coaching Federation) in 2021. Mary Pat has been teaching HT in New York, Pennsylvania Ohio and Puerto Rico. She is now living, practicing and teaching in Fort Myers FL. On a more traditional note, Mary Pat has experience in CCU/ICU, home & hospital IV therapy, hospice, home care, cardiac rehabilitation.
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::Hi and welcome to You World Order Showcase program. Today we're speaking with Mary Pat Fitzgibbons. Mary Pat has 50 years of nursing experience throughout the country.
::She provides treatment and education and energy healing. Mary Pat has been a healing touch certified practitioner since 1996 and a certified.
::Instructor since 1999, she graduated from Barbara Brennan School of Healing in 2000. She is a certified nurse coach.
::To a HNA in 2008, she completed ACC certifications through ICE International Coaching Federation in 2021 and has been teaching HT in New York, PA.
::Ohio and Puerto Rico.
::She's now living, practicing and teaching in Fort Myers, FL.
::Yeah, on a more traditional note, Mary Pat has experience in CCU and ICU.
::Home and Hospital IV therapy, Hospice, home care, cardiac rehabilitation Mary PAT maintains membership in the healing Touch Professionals Association, American Holistic Nurses Association, and the International Coaching Federation.
::Mary Pat has also served on the boards of the Central PA chapter of the American Society of Training and Development.
::As to direct communications.
::Pinnacle hospitals, women's care and the Center for Holistic Living, Mary Pat is licensed to practice nursing in Florida. Please help me welcome her to the show today.
::All right. Welcome, Mary pat.
::So tell us all about you.
::What are you doing?
::Who are you?
::Hi, Jill.
::I'm really glad to be here.
::We want to know about me well.
::In a thumbnail, I'm a nurse.
::I've been in nursing since the early 70s.
::I always talk diet and exercise to my heart patients back in the early 70s.
::And right and let me tell you.
::Everybody in the ICU would say.
::She's nuts.
::She's nuts and you know, and I really work like a lot on diet and exercise and really helping people do that.
::And then I I got really excited about energy healing.
::And so I took therapeutic touch on my for my babies.
::I did therapeutic touch every night.
::Their first year of their life.
::And I also did baby massage, and they love the work, you know. And then I got hooked up with healing touch. I went through their program. I've been certified since 96.
::And I teach I'm a teacher for them, and as part of my path.
::I discovered Barbara Brennan, Barbara Brennan school.
::Is a a.
::Four year full time program studying the human energy system.
::So it's a really very in-depth like let's go down into the nooks and crannies and see what's, you know, getting us stuck and let let's, let's move the energy so that you can move.
::So I graduated there in 2000.
::And then I went along and I really want to help you because and as a nurse and as a case manager.
::I'm teaching all the time.
::I'm really helping people and coaching them.
::So I went and got my coach certification.
::And then most recently I have.
::That I've become a facilitator with the feel good life method as developed by Isabel Tierney and.
::And this is.
::Like a another way of helping people get to those parts of them.
::Themselves, where they're stuck and where they keep going around it.
::Let's how do we?
::Clear this and.
::This it's a way of re rewiring the brain.
::So so.
::That's how I got where I am and would you like to know who I'm helping?
::Or we're not there yet.
::Are you helping?
::So you know the you know that something I like.
::To work with.
::Women and so.
::I'm I like to work with midlife women whose lives are kind of falling apart.
::You know, it's just that it could be their relationship. It could be the job. It could be like nothing's working in life. And so I help them. I coach them so that they can.
::Start navigating.
::You know the twist and turns the losses.
::All this stuff that happens to us in midlife so they can reconnect with their purpose.
::And they can reinvent themselves into their highest dreams and highest life that they can.
::That sounds so noble, but I would expect nothing less because you've been a nurse all these years.
::Yeah. Thank you. Thank you.
::So so how do you help these people?
::So I use energy healing and coaching.
::You know, to work on that and I I am finding a lot of women are coming to me and this probably applies to all of us.
::But we've had trauma in the past.
::And so when?
::When people have undergone trauma, especially as children.
::You know, that kind of forms the psyche in a particular way.
::It really implants that the, you know, the mind has to look for negativity.
::We got, we build up all these.
::Negative beliefs and you know, like I can't.
::I'm not worthy.
::Who do I think I am?
::And the list goes on forever, you know, and our.
::Our own version.
::And we can get trapped in there.
::And so it's.
::Like, how do we?
::You know, you know, get, you know, follow our emotions down and create the space so that those things can come up and we can actually heal them.
::And then people can now connect with their purpose and move on.
::And so I use.
::Sometimes it's coaching, sometimes it's energy work.
::And you don't necessarily need to be in front of it.
::We can do zoom energy is.
::That there's no time or space in that realm.
::Do you do packages or do you do a program?
::How does that look?
::So I I have a package, I've got AA12 session package that should take place over like four months.
::That that gives us some time.
::Like if there needs to be some weeks off in between and and that's you know how we work on it.
::I start off by teaching people the feel good life method.
::So they have a tool in their toolbox that they can work with as strong emotions come up and as dealings with people come up that can be difficult.
::That is so powerful, I can't tell you how many times I've just been, like, hit with something and it's like now, what do I?
::Do and it's.
::Well, exactly.
::Usually based on, you know, trial to trauma that comes back and it's like it always presents in a different way.
::When you look back on it, you're like, Oh yeah, that again.
::Well, you know, I think it, you know that happens for us a lot and I.
::Think it's like the layers of the.
::Onion, you know, and we, you know, first we get the beginning piece of that and we think, oh, we got it and then, you know, we go around the block and there it is again and then maybe go around two blocks.
::But there it is again, and each time that we that we can be present with it it, you know the layers just peel back until we actually you know we kind of get to that.
::That's final and it leaves and.
::And we're enriched because of it.
::It's not.
::It's not that it goes away.
::It's just that now it becomes.
::You know, like a thread.
::In the tapestry of our life, it's not like a thorn ripping the tapestry of life.
::It's a thread that makes that beautiful tapestry.
::That's you.
::That's me.
::That's all of us.
::Do you find that, like reframing some of the things that we believed?
::About events or things that people that happen in our lives, once we can reframe them and.
::In a way that benefits us versus.
::The way that we.
::Processed it as a child helps.
::Oh, absolutely, absolutely.
::You know, you know, with the child's mind.
::And I I think it's like everything it's like it's my fault.
::You know, I think we come down to it's like my fault.
::It's like.
::I don't know why this happened.
::It must be my fault.
::And if, as we can reframe it as we grow up and as we realize that maybe our parents, our teachers, whoever was like, they were doing the best they could with what they had in the moment and they didn't necessarily have the best of teachers.
::You know, like a lot of this stuff, you know, it's like we never learned, they never learned.
::And so we've been muddling through, but it's really time to change that.
::It's really time to change.
::Like how do I deal with these emotions that are coming up so that I can actually behave like an adult and have loving kindness?
::For the person who was in front of me, that may have be forgetting that you know, like what their their true purpose is and.
::You know and and move on and really create the life that we want, but yes, absolutely.
::We need to refrain and we also need to forgive.
::Yeah, and forget.
::This isn't for other people, it's for ourselves.
::And that that's something that a lot of people they think you can just forgive somebody and let them continue to abuse you.
::Well, that's not.
::How forgiveness works, the forgiveness is to let go of whatever it is that you're holding on to about that situation and let them.
::No, no.
::If they're, if they want to make amends and they're willing to change their behavior, then you might let them back in.
::But if they're just asking for your forgiveness and they're going to continue to behave that way, then you need to make other decisions about your boundaries.
::I I totally agree.
::I totally agree.
::You know, forgiving isn't having total per minute.
::For me.
::What's the word permeable boundaries?
::You know it's it's we have our path that we need to walk and it may be that we can't walk with particular people in our life or we have to keep them.
::You know 200 miles apart. Who knows? That's definitely true. But you know, like a lot of times, especially as we get up in these ages, you know?
::If our issue.
::With our parents, our parents might not be here.
::So we still have to do that forgiveness thing with them, you know, and it's really about us.
::It's about us letting go.
::It's like, yes, this happened and I no longer want to hold on.
::To to these incidents, I don't want to, you know, I want this.
::I want this to leave so that actually on spirit wise we could have like a relationship, you know perhaps.
::I think so too, and you touched.
::On you know.
::From our perspective, because we're older women.
::When you think.
::Back on the things that have happened in the past and in the relationships that you had probably with your parents, but.
::I I look back and I look at my kids, I just had a grandbaby.
::You just had a grand baby.
::Congratulations to you.
::Thank you. Thank you.
::When you look at your kids and.
::You think, gosh, they're so young.
::Mine aren't really young. Mine are like 22. My son that just had his baby. They're.
::My parents were that age when they had me.
::It's like, suddenly a lot of things fall into perspective that, you know, they.
::They just.
::Didn't know, and there wasn't the Internet and there weren't coaches.
::They just had, you know, whatever their parents told them and hopefully their parents had, you know, some wisdom that they could pass down.
::But, you know, probably not.
::Not a lot.
::Exactly, yeah. Exactly, exactly.
::Just kind of different perspectives.
::So what are your feelings on becoming a coach?
::Getting certified.
::Excited to get started?
::In business and.
::Yes, I know. No.
::An entrepreneur.
::Well, you know, like many people, you know, it was like.
::I I well nursing it didn't matter.
::I got a job, you know.
::But you know, it's like, you know, I got my healing touch certification and I, you know, kind of put my shingle out and I expected people to come.
::And no one came.
::And so I had to like, really.
::Kind of like.
::Work to get, you know, to get out there and, you know, be seen.
::And over the years, like I, I always had like a client or a couple of clients, but there weren't like people, you know, feeding the trail in my door.
::And so you know.
::I guess in my thinking you know that that we have is like, oh, I must not be good enough.
::I got to get another certification, you know.
::You know, so that would be like the Barbara Brennan school that would be like coaching.
::I have two coaching certifications, you know, like oh, well, now they'll come.
::So what I'm realizing that I don't think that's the issue.
::The issue is.
::Can I settle enough in myself so that I can be clear?
::And what I have to offer.
::And then can I reach out to enough people?
::And invite them to work with me.
::And so.
::That's why I joined Thrive so that I could begin to learn how to do this.
::And you know, that's how we met and you know, so I'm like, really, really grateful for that.
::I am learning that there's actually a system that you can put in.
::You know that.
::I just needed to let go of the.
::And just like do just like do the system just show up and spend, you know, an hour every day doing some things.
::And then people start noticing you and.
::Saying hey can.
::We talk.
::Can we have a chat?
::And so I understand that's what you're going to be doing, helping people, you know, get out there.
::So that's great.
::That is awesome.
::I'm so happy for you.
::And I'm happy for your clients.
::For them too, and I I really.
::I do this podcast mostly so that I can showcase what coaches are doing out there and how they're being the change because I really believe that everybody has something unique to that they're gifted with to share with the rest of the.
::World, and it's so fascinating to see the different ways that we all come to provide whatever gift we have.
::I think you're.
::I think you're right we because you know, like you and I could be.
::Doing the very same thing.
::But our clients might never overlap.
::You know the fact.
::Of the matter is.
::There are people just for me that I need to be in their life and there are people just.
::For you that you need to be in their life to make them shine and the same with the people that you work with, you know there are plenty of.
::There are 9 billion people in the world.
::We don't have nearly enough coaches for that, so we don't have to worry about competition.
::We can work together and
::Make this place the heaven on Earth that it's.
::Supposed to be.
::And I really think that having all these coaches out there is making it happen because we're providing solutions that.
::We've often overcome ourselves.
::And we're just like here.
::Let's shorten your learning curve, let's.
::Speed. This along let's.
::Have this world that's really.
::Fun and exciting.
::And it.
::A wonderful place to be because everybody's.
::So connected and
::It's just I think we're all just energetically. We're all related, we all connect with each other and you change one person's life. You're going to change everybody's life because that one person has just a ripple effect.
::Keeps going out.
::That's like a wonderful thought.
::And you know it's I love it when I hear other people say the same thing.
::That's perfect.
::I think you're absolutely right.
::And as coaches, we can create like a network that people can springboard.
::Off of us.
::You know, and it it'll just go by wave by wave by wave, creating a better and better world.
::And what that's sustainable because you know, we're all helping each other instead of competing with each other.
::And I just like that model so much better.
::So what's the one thing you would like for our listeners to take away from this conversation today?
::So the I guess the one thing is that I?
::Want to say is that you are worth it.
::You are so worth it.
::It is worth the journey into the depths of your heart and soul to figure out what is holding you back.
::So that you can clear.
::It and then step out.
::That's beautiful.
::And how can people get ahold of you, Mary Pat?
::So I have a website
::And are you going to put that?
::In the thing in the right.
::I am.
::I'll put the links below.
::Alright, great.
::I I have e-mail.
::That you can reach me, Mary is probably the best. I have a couple others, but that's probably the best.
::That would be great.
::That and the links too.
::It's been lovely chatting with you.
::Thank you so much for joining me today.
::Thank you, Jill.