Episode 63

Published on:

17th Aug 2023

Christopher & Nada Lyon - Awakening Divine Energies

In this balanced episode, we have the founders of New Earth Masters Ascension Academy, Nada and Christopher Lyon, joining us from Bali. Together, they're dedicated to helping individuals awaken their divine masculine and feminine energies, assist people in their ascension journey and in embodying their true selves.

Learn more about Christopher & Nada Lyon's: New Earth Masters Ascension Academy

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Hi and welcome to the You.


World Order Showcase podcast.


Today we're speaking with Nada and Christopher and they are in Bali.


They are the founders.


Of New Earth Masters Ascension Academy.


So welcome you too.


It's so nice to have you.


On the show.


Share with us a little bit.


Thank you.


About what you're doing and how you're doing.


It and all the good stuff.


Yeah. Yeah. Thank.


You so much, Jill, and you know, thanks for having us on the show.


When I first saw your, you know, I've been following your emails for a while.


Like I said to you, but when I when.


I saw the name.


Of the podcast, like the name itself was.


Like, Oh my God, this is so where I belong in the you world.


Order because that's what you know.




That's our positioning.


Too, you know, it's like you are the new Earth.


You are the creation of you know how our future generation is gonna come.


So thank you so much for having us here today.


Thank you for having us.


It's a pleasure.


And Super, super excited to go into all of the powerful stuff.


We're here to talk about today.


That is awesome.


That's awesome.


So tell.


Us your story.


So Christopher and I.


Have different stories I can share.


I can share mine and then I'll share with you why it's important for me that you know this message is heard by a lot of people you know, like many empaths, you know, I was born in impact.


I didn't know what I was.


I was just.


I just knew that I was a bit different.


But then, at the age of 14, I got into a car accident and I died for a few.


And then I came back and when I died for a few minutes my soul had left my body about maybe like.


4 or 500 meters above the ground, and I was watching my body.


On the floor.


While everybody was crying over my body thinking that I was dead and I realized that there was so much more to life than what I thought I knew when I was in my body.


And I was with this consciousness called.


Consciousness, this everlasting growing frequency of acceptance and love and compassion.


And it was such a beautiful place to be in, but at the same time I could witness, like from the energetic standpoint, the world and the simulation and.


Like how the world is actually made-up of like numbers and music. And you know that there was the light side and there was the dark side and how it all fit in together and everything happened so quickly, even though, you know, it was.


I was there for quite some time.


And then when?


I woke up back in my body.


I decided like, OK, then.


I gotta go back to my body now, and when I woke up in my body, you know, I was like, kind of reborn, right?


It's like I had.


This information that awoken within me that you know, I can't pretend that I didn't know.


Even though back then there was no Google for me to research.


Right, like what is what, what really happened?


But something changed within me and I got really into all the energy world, the metaphysical world.


You know, I wanted to understand what we're all about and my multidimensionality opened up so, like my connection to different realms opened up.


So that was pretty easy for me to maneuver.


And then you know, once I really understood in my perspective, you know our way back home to our God so.


Of is through the Union of the masculine and feminine within a person.


That is how Christ consciousness activates in the DNA.


And so.


So I've dedicated my life to help women and men awaken that divinity, that, holiness, that wholeness within themselves.


On an emotional level, mental level, but most importantly on a multidimensional level, because we're gonna ascend in words, the Ascension isn't an outward journey.


It's an inward journey.


But our energetic mathematics needs to be correct as well.


You know, there's a lot of false light on the planet and our mathematics gotta be in alignment to the Christ consciousness grids that are around the planet.


So yeah, so, you know, I've been.


On this mission since.


Like I'm 41 years old today, I've been on this mission since I was 23.


And you know it.


It's really beautiful to see how people, you know, evolve and how people love to give themselves the best.


And even though the journey can be hard sometimes and is hard.


A lot of times.


You know, there's this perseverance within everybody.


So knowing that there is.


Kind of like the lights that that they're tapping into as they proceed on that journey.


So that's really it in a nutshell.


My journey was a bit different my.


Let me wish her happy birthday 1st.


Happy birthday. Nada.


Ohh, thank you. Thank you.


So share your journey, Christopher.


Yeah, my journey was I when I was born and was growing up, I knew something was off.


I just couldn't understand what it was and what I mean by off is I meant.


I knew that something about reality didn't sit right and I couldn't quite put my finger on it and.


So growing up, I would see things I would understand, things I would you know, talk to multidimensional beings and then it sort of shut off for probably 10-12 years and then right around the time I was about 25, my mother.


I passed and when my mother passed.


It was like everything cracked.


You know, it was in that moment where I something shifted very deeply within me, and I started to understand more about the quantum field, about how the universe works, how we create as creators, and everything started to open.


And it's just been a constant journey of understanding how to work with.


The inner our inner cells to not only experience life, but also to create a more blissful, harmonious life and understanding the tools that every single one of us have to create the reality that we want to experience.


So that has been my journey in this life and it's been a very.


Powerful amazing eye opening journey and I've been using everything that I've personally used and what I've learned on this journey with myself and nada.


We've learned a lot of stuff together on this journey to assist people to experience their most blissful, fruitful life.


What they were sent here to do.


So how does it?


How does it look when?


People work with you.


I know you have a.


Lot of different things that you.


Offer and just like.


You can kind of share.


Yeah, like that's a really good question because you know we do offer a lot of things and you know there's a lot of, you know, coaches that tell us, hey, focus on one niche, but it's like, you know, if you have a bakery and they're so freaking good at croissant, but they're also really good at baguette, and they're really good at quiche.


It'll be a disservice not to offer all three, right?




So predominantly we offer three things and we do three things, right.


So we offer online courses, we offer sessions and we offer retreats, right.


So these are like what the services look like, but the but what they actually do is we help people.


With their ascension mastery, and then we help people rise into their embodied divine, feminine, divine, masculine, and what we specialize in is really living a christed Sophia unit christed divine.


So when it comes to the Ascension mastery, it's basically how people can like really upgrade their merkaba their light body, their DNA, their integrate the dark codes within their field.


If there are any and really like grow with their ascension mathematics and harmonics.


And then when it comes to the feminine, the masculine is like returning to the true nature of who we are as God and goddesses.


And this is not some fluffy. I know. I know a lot of words are used a lot. Now, you know, everything's quantum and everything that God and the God is. But I'm speaking like the literal sense here.


Like we are literally gods and goddesses.




And then the third one would be like how do we have like a divine union because it's the, it's the masculine and the feminine that create that.


Spark of God in embodiment.


So that's it in a nutshell.


You know, we have different types of clients.


We have clients that you know and it's amazing to see cause we have clients that have never meditated at all.


They come and look like a nine month mentorship on like Christ's consciousness activation. It's like, wow, you know, it's like they've quantum jumped.


And you know, we have clients that are, like, really big healers, and they have a massive following that want us to mentor them and how to perfect their skills with the quantum world.


So really our offers are for everybody, yeah.


No, wait, let me rephrase that.


It's for everybody who really wants to upgrade.


It's interesting that you just went right into that because I was thinking that exact question was going to be my.


Next question, so just a little bit on that, so.


We've covered who your ideal clients are.


It's really anybody that.


Wants to move up in their spiritual.


Spirituality in their.


Consciousness of what is happening and how they fit into the energy around them and.


In in the world as we experience it.


When you talk about the mathematics of.


Of the universe is this more along the lines of like?


Ohh, what was the name of that movie?


I just lost it. Where?


Where your.


Where you're.


Where it's a grid.


And we just like.


Are apparitions more?


How would you describe it?


Yeah, I mean, from everything that that we have experienced that we know is there's three things that create everything in existence.


It's sound code.


And geometry. So all of these work together to create like what we would call algorithms. So like an algorithm is a bunch of little pieces of code to create one gigantic code, like let's say human body is our particular algorithm made-up of mathematics of the universe to experience life.


So that's what we're talking about.


We're talking about mathematics is behind the scenes, everything is, everything is energy, and everything is consciousness, and consciousness uses particular facets of creation like mathematics to create existence, to create experience.


Because everyone has this coding, everyone is created with these algorithms.


If someone is wanting to really improve and master their life, they also need to master their algorithm because if something is off in the in that that the coding within themselves, they're gonna experience that in their reality.


So understanding that the mathematics is what creates.


The thing allows you the ability to shift and alchemize things in your life very efficiently and very quickly and easily.


Yeah, like the beautiful part about understanding mathematics and the harmonics of the world.


It's like when you're working on somebody or somebody wants to shift something in the reality there's.


That, like you know, there's two ways to heal something or to change something.


One of them is linear, like go back to an inner child, go back to a past life, go back to an ancestor, heal that, and then move on, and then it will shift because you've shifted the energy from the seed wherever it started, right?


Or the second thing.


Is you can open the mathematics and fix the numbers and fix the like the structure of energy and when you do that you're not working on a linear state, you're working on a multi dimensional state so you know you can work like somebody like you can work on somebody's.


Entire life.


And when I mean entire life, I mean, all the billion lives they've had on Earth or other planets at the same time.


It's like opening the person's software. You know it's it's deeper than the Akashic records. It is the source of creation, like step one.


So you know it's really efficient because when we work on past lives like, gosh, we can sit here forever, we're gonna still have more like, past lives.


But when you work with.


Numbers and the mathematics of the universe.


You know you're.


Shifting them all.


How do you?


See find feel.


I'm really curious about the numbers you keep talking about the mathematics and the numbers.


I'm trying to wrap my head around that and it's.


It's kind of a new concept for me, OK, it's not kind of.


It is a new concept for me and I'm trying.


To understand it so.


Keep talking.


So like if I wanna just you know share a bit more what's coming through to share with you about this is like everything in the universe is made-up of light, right, light is the essence of creation. But then when light wants to formulate into.


Physical form or etheric physical form like an Angel would be an etheric physical form, right?


Right, right, you know.


Everything has a code and that coding is made-up of like numbers, but then the numbers turn into sacred geometry.


And I'm not talking about the flower.


Of life and the.


The ones that we use or people use, I'm talking like tetrahedrons though decahedron, you know octahedrons.


Everything turns into that type of sacred geometry, and then it carries.


Like chemistry.


I don't like chemistry.


Yeah, and.


And then then it carries A harmonic.


It carries like a frequency that has a sound.


And that is translated into Christopher Nada.


Everybody watching here.


A laptop, a TV.


Like everything has a code.


Kind of like if we are in a simulation, you know, and.


We are in.


An organic simulation, but at the end of the day it's still a simulation, so just like.


Any computer game, right, you know.


For a character to exist, the character has to have a code somewhere in the software you know, with the designer, it's kind.


Of like that.


And a lot of people carry wrong mathematics.


A lot of people because you, you know, there are a lot of like dark energies that have kind of like created an amnesia on the planet for people to forget their true self and their, power.




So and they're very smart.


These being so, what they've done is.


They haven't gone.


To every single person and created amnesia.


They've created amnesia in the collective grid of the planet, which is they've altered the mathematics so people can't really access their alignment to the source grids.


So that's why a lot of people on the spiritual path.


Have like 2 steps forward, one step back, 2 steps forward, one step back because there are grids that are gonna that are designed to keep people in trauma and to keep people in suffering and never really get to the light at the end of the.


You know for whatever reasons that they have, you know, if you want, we can go into it.


It doesn't really matter, but what matters here is that every light worker, coach, healer that is interested in this stuff knows that it's very important.


Like it is probably the most important thing to get our algorithm.


In alignment to the Christ's grids of Earth, because it's the christed grids of Earth that are connected to the God worlds.


Totally fascinating.


I'm still.


Like in the mathematics thing that I'm thinking the when I think about chemistry and how molecules go together and atoms are.


Really, atoms are just energy.


You know, people talk about the three parts, but they're just energy.


They're things that exist, but they don't.


But they do.


And that's the basic makeup of all of these other pieces, and chemistry is all mathematical, but it's shapes the math forms shapes.


And those shapes like.


You can look at water, water.


Has is a bent molecule.


If water weren't a bent molecule, we could not exist.


I'm just. I'm just kind.


Of like working this through.


Bear with me.


Yeah, yeah, I totally hear you.


Really fascinating.


Itโ€™s bringing the.


The science realm of ways that we do look at things and kind of relating it to.


This this larger spiritual concept of connecting with the divine and being able to get the downloads that we need to get and be able to live the life that we were really designed to live.


We all come here for a reason.


We have a mission.


But like you said, most people are just like blinded to it all that.


They miss it.


Yeah, they missed it and.


You know like.


You know, they're also things like we can't turn a blind eye on, like for example, like us, US people who are awake.


OK, I don't.


I don't like to categorize because in my world, even the person who's sleeping, you know is just as divine and perfect as somebody who's awake.


There's a lot of separation on this spiritual.


But those.


That are aware, right?


So they are, they are spiritually mature that they like they get what's going on, right.


It is our divine responsibility to align ourselves to the Christ and grids, because we're holding space for the whole planet, like for the.


Entire planet, right?


So there's a lot of.


Like spiritual people.


That live in like this love and light paradigm.


And that's all great.


That's amazing because it is love and life.


Nothing is outside love.


Everything is love.


Everything was designed from love for love, to love, to experience love, right.


But if we're not aligned.


To the to.


The christed grids right then we're actually.


Not really holding space for the whole planet to wake up.


Activate, so we can shift vibration into the new.


So it's very important that you know we all get into that get out of the false grids and into the light grids.


I'm all about that and that's what my podcast is all about, this.


Giving people a platform to show.


People that are stepping.


Up and making a difference and kind of nudging us all along.


To the new world cause.


It's going to be an amazing place when we all.


Can come to.


To terms with who we are, but when we're stepping into our purpose and we're living.


The way that we were.


Meant to live, I look at it.


Like everybody's a piece of the puzzle and we all fit.


A specific way, and we're all designed to do something that better somebody else's life. And when you really get that.


Get a clue about what that is.


What that means for?


You and I think that's what you guys do.


You help people.


Realize this is what you were meant to do.


By providing you know a way to.


Connect with the diva.


And then you become the massive creator and.


You put your piece out.


There into the.


World and then others can come and join you because they feel what you're.


What you're supposed to be doing, and then they come and they become attracted to you because you provide something that.


Completes their little piece.


Does that makes sense?


Yeah, absolutely.


How do people work with you?


How do?


They connect with you.


How would?


What do you what do you do?


For marketing, I guess is the best way.


To ask it.


How did they become aware of you?


Yeah, well, it's not.


As said, we have many facets to our business and what we offer so our new Earth masters.com we have 12 online courses that.


Are specific to every area of life, so we have courses on abundance.


We have courses on activating your psychic abilities.


We have courses on, you know, harmonizing the inner masculine, the inner feminine to really build that Union within.


We have a very powerful course on dealing with the quantum space, how to heal.


Yourself how to heal others. So on newermasters.com and the courses section we have all 12 courses there that are very well laid out.


Everything is very crystal clear, so you know, are people that come for this, the online courses, everything is there for them.


Then we have the.


Stuff paste.


Is it self-paced or is it group coaching?


The online courses that is self-paced.




Someone can go through it in a couple days. Some of them need, you know, a month, month and 1/2.


So it it will go by what they are looking for and how dedicated they are to understand and to integrate the material.


Then the second phase of the session.


So as we are talking about the mathematics working on someones quantum body shifting their life that's in the sessions part.


So we have sessions also for many different facets of life.


So quantum healing relationships, business, home clearing.


We have.


Life upgrades.


Life upgrades.


That's one of the biggest ones.


Like people, a lot of people booking life upgrades because you know you can just change the coding of their life.


Live upgrades.


And then we have a very powerful program coming up that I wanted to take a couple minutes to talk about because this is very important.


You know when we're talking about the mathematics and the harmony of the universe and the Union of the masculine and the feminine within.


An area that we are working with people right now that is that is absolutely changing their life is helping people with their relationships.


And understanding the power of the physical union.


Coinciding with the inner union, so we have a very powerful course coming out very soon, might be out already after, you know when this podcast is released, called Divine Union Academy.


So this is a powerful program that we will be working with couples.


Quite a few months.


Spiritual couples.


Exactly, and that is.


That will be coming out very shortly and we're.


Very, very, very excited for that.


And like the objective of the Divine Union Academy is to really help every woman activate that goddess frequency inside her womb and really wake up into her fullest expression of.


What her frequency is all about?


What she's here to do.


She's here to be.


And that fierce softness within her.


Her full empowered state and to wake up the Divine Sacred Warrior, the, the King Energy in every man with his expression with his embodiment.


With his like lion masculine, like.


Really solid role on the planet.


And then how do these couples work together harmoniously from intimacy to social connections, to sacred sexuality?


And we teach it in a beautiful way.


Like you know, we've been really busy recording this program.


It's quite long.


It's not gonna happen overnight.


It's like a three month process.


But, but you know what's beautiful about it is we're teaching a lot of, like, embodied work.


But then a lot of energetic work that goes along with it and yeah, and we're just really, really, really excited.


So like we said earlier, like, we really do 3.


Things like we help women and men.


With, you know they're feminine and they're masculine, and then they're relationships.


That's the second thing.


And then the Ascension mastery is the third thing.


So divine union.


Academy is really putting it all together and offering spiritual couples who you know are kind of struggling within their own polarity in the relationship.


How do they like?


Rise into this really beautiful sophianna christed.


It's called the heroes Gamos, right, which is the ultimate divine union.


That sounds fascinating.


I'm sure you'll get.


A lot of people that want to do that.


What's the one thing?


That you really.


Want people to take away from this conversation today?


I would say one of the most important things I'd like to share with everyone is you know what we've learned on this journey and what you know, we teach people what we work with people is that everyone deserves a beautiful, fruitful, blissful life.


And everyone can create that.


You know this?


There, this isn't something where it's like only a few people on the planet can experience a beautiful life.


Every single one listening here has the ability to create whatever life they want to create.


And what you know, we would like to share is that everything is available to you.


Everything can be achieved with disciplined dedication, devotion and self love.


Self love is so, so, so important because for someone to really change their life in a very powerful way, they first have to love themselves to start the journey.


And to continue the journey, which is it's forevermore.


So I would say that.


That would be right now the biggest message I have for everyone is to really love themselves, take charge in their life.


Dedicate themselves, and if they need help, there's resources and there's everything they need there for them.


It's beautiful.


Do you want to share something?


If I was.


Going to leave people with a message today it's, you know you, you are not broken and there's nothing wrong with you in any shape or form.


Us empaths and


Everyone that is on a path or.


A coach or healer is an.


Empath you know we love to, we love.


To find out what's wrong with us.


So we can get better at it, right?


But what if what if you just realize that you're divine and that you're perfect and that you're whole and you're holy and you're complete?


Just as you are you.


Know there's nothing to do to become better.


There's nothing to do anything.


And combining that with what Christopher said, is they just choose to love yourself in this moment and realize that you're perfect.


You are perfect.


That God makes no mistakes.


God creates geniuses.


God creates masterpieces God creates like perfection.


And and you know.


By a lot of people rejecting their frequency, they wanting to be something else.


They are rejecting the magic that stays within them.


And justice, like an orchestra, every single instrument matters exactly the way it's playing itself, so the whole.


Masterpiece can come online.


So our frequency in every moment matters so much and, you know, loving yourself fully and accepting yourself where you're at with whatever.


You're experiencing.


This is mastery, so remember you are divine and you're holy and you're perfect and you know, choose to accept that in your reality.


Very true.


Well, that's so much.


This has been so inspiring for me personally, so I thank you guys both for joining me today.


You did mention that you had something that you wanted to give to people.


With do you?


Want to tell them a little bit about that?


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Thanks for bringing that up.


And you know, thanks Jill, I want to share with you like everything is.


Always two ways.


So you know we're both sharing frequency here.


So I really appreciate your.


Presence as well.


You have a very beautiful high priestess energy and it's.


Yeah, it's very soothing and.


It's very loving.


So what we would like to share with people is you know, the Divine Union Academy that we shared with all of you, we have like a prequel to.


It and it's.


A free master class called, you know, love one another better.


And you know, it is really like the creme de la creme of our work and we've put it in like this beautiful 40.


5 Minute Master class and.


If you're in.


A relationship.


If you want to get into a relationship.


If you're done.


With old patterns and wanna like have a really beautiful, romantic, intimate, soulful connection with somebody.


If you are in a relationship and you just feel like you want to move it up a notch, then this is for you.




You know, all you need to do is maybe just get in touch with us.


There's so many ways to get in touch with us, go to new Earth


Masters.com you can get onto Instagram, your earth masters and every platform. There's a way for you to message us and you have our direct like our WhatsApp or you can message us on Instagram and then we can send you the master class.


You know it's beautiful. It's very deep. And what I love about it is that it has like zero fluff. Like there's gonna be 45 minutes. Get your notepad. Get your.


And you know, there's so much wisdom and knowledge shared in that 45 minutes. So if you're somebody that really wants to master divine unions, love one another better is our new masterpiece.


So you can get your.


Hands on that.


That sounds amazing. I'm.


Going to order it.


And we'll put.


We'll be sure to.


Put all the links in the show notes so that people can reach out to you.


And get in contact with you.


And yeah, definitely get that cause.


It's not just like romantic relationships.


Do you have relationships with everybody around you and?


The better those relationships are, the.


Better the planet.


It's going to be so.


Thank you guys.


So much for joining me today.


This has been.


Such an incredible experience.


I really appreciate it.


Yeah. Thank you so much.


You, Jill.


Jill the feelings are mutual.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the Worldโ€”Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to seek in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.