Episode 117

Published on:

6th Oct 2023

Claire Dore - Authentic Power in Wild Woman Energy

In this liberating episode, host Jill welcomes Claire Dore, the Wild Woman CEO, author and embodiment coach. Claire's mission is to empower others to live authentically and fearlessly, promoting a shift towards greater freedom and self-expression.

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Hi and welcome to.


You World order.


Showcase podcast.


Today we have with us Claire Dore and Claire is the Wild Woman CEO and she is going to tell us all about herself and what she's doing now and how she's evolving to be the best, embodiment coach out there.




There, so glad to have you on the show.


Thank you, Jill and I am excited for this conversation and how we connected was just brilliant.


So yeah, so I call myself a wild woman.


CEO I'm all things wild.


I have a real sense of aliveness and I am an embodiment coach.


I'm also.


A multi author about to be solo author very soon as well as a speaker.


And yeah, I just love all things.


Like there are ways to express yourself, let's say, and so I actually coach entrepreneurs to.


And I don't want to say the F word, but the F word.


Logic just doesn't sound quite so good, but anyway, and really coach them to embody unshakable trust in themselves, they're really tapping into their power and.


Allow them to show up in the world as fully as themselves.


Yeah, so often we get trapped in the woulda, coulda, shouldas.


I know that you talked about.


Women getting mostly women, I guess men could sometimes fall into this category, but mostly women seem to like put themselves.


Last all the time.


It seems like you're.


You're trying to help us


Not do that.


Yeah, 100%. I have been on a journey myself with that. And you know, one of the things that I feel.


Like as part of my soul mission and really is what my book is all about is, like, really deconstructing generational patterns.


And for sure, that was one of them for me, very much part of my conditioning.


I was modeled to you know, put everyone else above the mother's needs.


I've got three children.


I was married and now divorced and yeah, like.


Put myself at the bottom of.


The pile and what I really.


Well, firstly had to unlearn that, yeah, and really embody the importance of by putting myself first.


Well, I could just be so, so much more of service to everyone, not just my family, but also my clients and the world.


And I think, you know.


When you are very clear on what your mission and your legacy is like, it is.


It's non-negotiable to actually really take care of yourself and your energy because you know when you do show up, it's fully in your power and that is like.


Just in services to the collective consciousness.


And service to the collective consciousness.


I like that.


And it is really a matter of.


Deconditioning I think along the way, what is your story?


Let's start there.


How did your journey begin?


Well, I do.


You know what I'd love to actually just start from the last two years because I think.


Yeah, I could tell you my whole life story.


But actually, what is really juicy and what I feel I've awakened to and really happened in the last two years. So I was married for 19 years with my ex-husband for 21 and.


In July 2021. I well just


Before that, actually, I had an intuitive hit to lead a retreat.


Now I'd always been.


In my business coaching 1 to 1 and then suddenly like this very, very clear message dropped in and it was like you need to run a retreat.


And it was one of those messages and I think, you know, when you're really tapped into your intuition, like your intuition comes with this energy of authority.


And you know, there's courage that is attached to that message to that voice.


And this was definitely that feeling.


And it was almost like the fear.


The fear was there.


It was present.


But it just, like, did not get in the way and.


Literally within 10.


Days I'd filled the retreat, sold out.


It was so aligned and.


In the middle.


Of that retreat, it was a three day retreat.


So on day 2.


Something happened in my body.


And it was the start of a spiritual awakening.


Well, that's what I believed because of what happened after and so something physically shifted.


How I then went home was like, I felt like a new woman.


But actually I was just embodying.


All of who I was.


And so I've gone from very much kind of like running my life in this, like, very masculine energy, my conditioning, to suddenly fully embodying my divine feminine and.


I was unrecognizable.


You know, to my to my husband at the time, like he didn't know.


Who is this woman kind of thing.


And it became very clear to me like.


On stepping home that I was going to be leaving him very soon.


And I left him that month.


Again, you know, it was like a very courageous move and you know.


The fear was.


Present, but it again it was just felt like it was a non negotiable and so.


My evolution over the last two years is.


Really hard to describe, but it's been dramatic, like dramatic.


And the way that I've embodied for us.


Is just on a whole new level.


A whole new level and my book actually is, is really about my journey through, you know, dating and how it's actually healed myself, but also really breaking down some of these like, you know, like conditionings that we've all been.


Kind of brainwashed to believe around how a woman should behave.


Yeah, that gives.


You a little bit of an insight into me.


Funny how the last couple of years have really been a pivotal point for so many people out there, women.


That are just.


Like coming into.


Being who they were meant to be.


I can so relate to what you're saying because it kind of happened for me about that time, too, was about two or three years ago.


I just like everything about me shifted.


And it just.


Was like I was like.


This before and now I'm like this.


And they're not the same and.


And the.


When you talk about the trust and just.


You just know it's a gut feeling.




When you're on the right path.


Things just seem to be easy to do.


And the next logical step comes along.


And the information that you need.


Is there and it's just it's.


It's not hard and for so long things were hard.


It was just like pushing a boulder up the hill every single day.


Yeah, I can so relate to that.


And I think for me being in my masculine energy, it was it was like pushing, forcing, controlling always on like no space ever.


And yeah, suddenly it's like you're in flow and you have faith because you created that and because your soul desires it and it.


Allows all this clarity to drop in.


So then yeah, you just have to lean on that trust within.


Yeah. Yeah, it's.


So interesting so.


What do you think is the reason for this and


How do you help people?


Two totally kind of different, questions I guess.


Yeah, I.


I feel I was chosen to be away awakened because I was.


On the wrong path.


Because I'm here to do this really.


Huge work and I see it as.


It's really interesting actually.


I was doing some journaling this morning and.


I had my coaching session with my coach and there's some stuff coming up around money like some fears and.


It was really interesting, like the shift about, you know, what were my top #1 money for fear was.


What if I can't publish my book?


Like what if I don't have the


Money to publish my book.


That was like my fears.


I recognized were all connected to my purpose rather than how they used to be, which was how will I feed my kids?


And like that is like a tremendous shift.


It's almost like I feel so - the Lionsgate has had a massive impact on me and I think that, you know, that was only like last week.


I know when this actually is like got goes to air like it'll be later.


But you know Lionsgate on the 8th of.


Of August, was a really potent energy this year and.


I think.


Yeah, it was like I was chosen to, to realign and pick to be.


Awakened so that I could really stand on this global stage and actually.


Make this huge impact that I'm here to make.


That's very much my belief.


What is the exact impact that you think you're here to make?


My legacy is to do with creating freedom.


Freedom for people to really be themselves.


And how does that look when you


Express it.


It's like fearless.


Fearless to.


You know.


Say the things that are deeply passionate to them without fear and being able to stand on the stage and yeah, voice.


About the things that are deeply important in their heart.


You know the cause that keeps them awake at night, but I think there is so much society.


Breathe fear.


And so.


People get so stuck in that that they then don't voice the thing that actually they know.


They need to talk about, but they're scared about, like, ohh, what will so and so think or what will they think?


And so and so going to judge.


Me and you.


Know all the.


Stories that get in the way.


Freedom is kind of a lack of control or lack of being controlled.


It's the ability to live, live your life authentically, and it looks different for other different people that we've.


When we live in fear, we live under the control of whatever the authority is that we are afraid of.


And it can be a human being, it could be a system, it could be.


It could be your house.


It could be your neighbor.


It's just like when you're in fear.


Of what other people are going to say or think or do because of what.


You say think or do.


You're being controlled by another human.


Being or another entity.


I think it really is important and I think now is a time and it's really a phenomenon over the last couple of years, COVID has done some amazing sociological things I.


Think around the world.


And one of them was that it just made people question.


What is the truth.


What is the truth for me?


Not even necessarily a universal truth.


It's just what


What do I believe?


I've got all this conflicting information coming at me and.


Do I want to believe we were given all these choices


Do I want to believe the authorities?


Do I want to believe the, you know, wing nuts on either side of the spectrum.


It's just like where


Where do I feel aligned with all of this?


Were asked to really do a gut check.


And we


Get out of.


Our heads, because we weren't getting the information that we needed in our heads and get into our bodies and listen to the intuition that was coming up around these, these feelings around what was happening and.


It has caused a huge shift.


And you can feel it.


I can feel it anyway.


And it's kind of why I do what I do.


I used.


To live in fear that the whole world.


Was being controlled and I just realized that I don't have to do that.


I could


I could do something different.


And there's something different was to talk to people like you and the other coaches.


That I've talked.


To who are really stepping out of.


The fear mindset.


And helping other people.


Take a step closer to living in freedom, too.


Freedom from pain, freedom from mind control from the various levels, freedom from spiritual control.


They're just.


It's just so much.


So much openness that there didn't used to be.


Yeah, I think there.


Is a shift being created, but I think.


I mean, I'm in the UK and something that I am the more I start to really voice.


Openly my beliefs and it is really pushing up against the boundaries of the conditioned masculine, which is very much like what society has.


Kind of dictated to us really to you know, we're rewarded for controlling ourselves.


You know, you get rewarded for that behavior.


And I think when you suddenly step outside that you're pushing up against these boundaries, that people have been led to believe and.


Yeah, it's like the system can, you know like.


Like feel like start to come towards you.


I mean I see that as like I'm on the.


Right track.


But I've had some situations where, yeah, I can see that I am really ruffling people's feathers because I am.


Yeah, like pushing a boundary of theirs and they are not there.


You know they are.


They are like the woman I used to be.


So I'm kind of like learning to really sit from a place of compassion and go.


I was that woman, you know, who may have judged a woman for.


for being


You know, sexually free or whatever it is, or you know semi naked, you know, like how I tend.


To show up a lot right now.


And I think so.


I can really see why that is, because it's like, you know, been running through generations.


And society wants us to be controlled, you know.


And mostly it's one segment of society that wants everyone else to be controlled by them and.


When you start pushing back as a woman.


It's just like.


It's amazing.


The amount.


Oh, incredible.


Of impact that you can have.


And still I think that the I think that that paradigm, the masculine energy paradigm of you know pyramids and big business and conglomerates is kind of fading and I see that through the efforts of coaches really out there, coaches are.


Are making the way we transact.


Problem solving, but on a different level.


Ohh yeah, we're definitely the light bearers.


You know, we are definitely.


You know, I think all the coaches in the world have a huge role to play in really bringing.


Yeah, waking people up and really, you know.


Bringing being that beacon of light.


And I think you know, just touching back, I just had a thought on the.


You know what


We're talking about the masculine energy and the condition of masculine like.


The society has not wanted us to step into that divine feminine power because the feminine power is more powerful.


And it's untamable.


It's boundary less so, you know, it's like.


It you know, like it's uncertain and society like certainty and stability.


And of course the feminine power is none of that.


We have a much longer cycle than males do. A male cycle is about 12 hours. A woman's cycle is 28 days.


And it takes


That long for us to move through things and because we're not just like.


As a human being, I'm pretty good at making decisions and moving on.


It's from my conditioning.


It's my problem solving background.


It's really my superpower.


I can say, OK, we're just going to do this and I'll head in that direction.


There's another part.


Of me that says.


Slow down, sometimes just slow down.


It's OK.


Just slow down.


And it's and that's the feminine side.


You don't have to make that.


Decision right this second.


It's OK to wait.


And I actually learned.


That from my husband, his idea is to.


Not make a decision unless you absolutely have to, because generally it will work out.


Yeah, I think.


There's so much power in slowing down like that is like the fastest way to drop into your feminine energy like it's just slow down and it's and it's trusting you're going to get the clarity on that decision when you need it.


And yeah, there is no rush.


Love that.


And training our children.


I don't know if you.


Have sons and daughters or just daughters or just sons, but I have.


Two daughters and three sons and training your kids to slow down and to kind of.


Fall into who they are rather than pushing them to be something that they may or may not be aligned with.


And that's men and women.


And girls and boys.


I agree, and I think it's, you know, phantom modelling, isn't it?


Like, it's not what we say.


It's like how we act.


Always about how we act.


I have both.


I have two boys and a girl.


Yeah, we were on holiday recently actually and I wasn't feeling very well one day and I said to the kids, I could go for a nap.


Well, three hours later I emerged from the bedroom.


And they were like, that was a long nap.


And I said yeah.


Yeah, took my time.


And I thought I would never have done that before, but I thought what brilliant modelling to show how you look after yourself.


I was, like, celebrating myself there.


Yeah, but you know, yeah, it would have been like ohh, you know, better get back and you know, are they OK?


And it's like, of course they're OK like.


You know.


And it's yeah, taking care of ourselves first, like its come full circle.


Learning how to.


Be bored is a skill that everyone should teach their children, and very.


Few do these days.


It's in the boredom that ideas are born and daydreams happen and naps.


Naps happen when you're bored, and naps can.


Be good for you.


We used to take them when we were little because our bodies needed time to recharge.


We were going really hard.


And now we just go really hard.


And drink more coffee.


Which messes up our sleep at night.


Ohh my gosh.


Yeah, totally.


No, no, I can't do that.


My sleep is too important.


But yeah, no, I think that's it.


I think it's.


Being really in tune with your body and you talked earlier about, you know, like how.


You know we've been wired to be living in our heads like society has conditioned us to live in our heads and actually the juices in our bodies.


And when we're tuned into that like we know like Ohh, actually it's going to be more efficient.


For me to nap now.


And you know, that's my next marketing.


Step take a nap.


Yeah, sometimes you just need to take a nap.


Sometimes you just need to go.


And meditate for 20 minutes.


Sometimes you just need to go outside and walk around and pick.


Raspberries off your Bush.


Yeah, my favorite afternoon activity.


I love that.


Raspberry seasons fading. I'l have to


Wait till next year.


Oh, you can still go and walk on the grass barefoot.


Yeah, I have other things that are coming into bloom now or into fruit now, so it's.


It's fun and it just like connects.


You with.


The Earth and I need to go out barefoot and.


Just stand out there and.


Feel the grass and talk to my chickens.


I think that's yeah.


It's them.


It's very powerful I think.


Just stepping out and being in nature.


Even if it's just your backyard.




Yeah, it's connecting and.


Waking up and late at night when the stars.


Are out and.


Just stepping out front and looking at the stars for a few minutes.


And then going back to bed.


The little things.


That's a lovely thing to do.


We like to sit out in the evenings and.


Under this tree that we love.


It's the Linden tree, and it's supposed to be one of the most fragrant.


Flowers in the world and it is just smells so good in the spring when it blossoms.


We keep getting eaten alive.


So we have to stop that for.


A little while.


Ohh that.


Sounds a lovely thing.


So what is the name of this book that's coming


Out that you're publishing soon.


Now that's a little bit tricky to say.


Because it does have an F form in the middle, but I will make it a different title slightly and you can.


Yeah, it's Un with the F bomb in the middle and leashed.


And an ING.


Un F*ing and leashed there.


Yes, that's right.


And when is it supposed to be published?


Or will it be released?


So I don't have a publishing date yet.


I am working very closely with a publishing agent at the moment and she is putting together a strategy and will be selling me into.


Various publishers, most likely UK publishers, but the book will go worldwide.


Very exciting.


That is really exciting.


Is there a way


Able to get on a wait list too.


Not right now, but that is a great question and maybe something for me to take away as an action because yeah, I've been on a lot of podcasts.


And actually, yeah, there's been a lot of.


People asking for that, so yeah, maybe something for me to try and organize there.


Thank you.


Yeah, if you could put something like that together, I would be happy to put the link in the description or in the show notes, because this isn't going.


To come out until October.


Yeah. Amazing.


So we've got a minute.


Thank you.


Yeah, that would be incredible.


Let's do that and is there one thing that you would like the audience to take away from our conversation today?


I love that question and I think.


Probably the biggest thing that I have had to.


Really lean into is this.


Feeling of.


The rendering and just trusting.


Trust in my intuition, you know, following the little bread crumbs and.


Just being OK with not knowing.


OK, that would be it.


It's kind of hard for a lot of people just to sit with the uncertainty.


But it always works out.


It always works out.


It really does.


And I think.


You know when.


You start on the journey, you know, it's just about taking each step as they show up.


And I think so often, you know, we've been wired to think about Oh my God.


Like the big how you know the whole the whole journey like in the you know, what does the whole staircase look like?


And it's like they you don't need to know that.


It's like the first step and just take that first step and.


Yeah, it's just like, really trusting that voice within.


Universe always has a.


Way of bringing what you need when you need it.


100% yeah, I was reading something this morning actually that was saying like the universe.


Thinks it's more important for you to fulfill your purpose.


Rather than keep you comfortable.


Yeah, that's kind of scary.


I know, and I was.


Talking about fear.


Like, oh, that's so true.


It's like, yeah, the universe will take us right to the edge and really stretch us and make us deeply uncomfortable.


But yeah, it's like what you just said, like it.


Always brings us exactly what we need in.


At the right time, you know.


Kind of exciting if you can live your life.


That way, or you're.


Not having to worry about.


It just.


You know it's going to show up when.


It's supposed to.


Message for myself even


Well, Claire.


Are there any links that you want to share with people how they can get in touch with you?


I think the best way to connect with me is on Facebook, Claire Dore. And that's with an acute on the E or Instagram and TikTok. I'm the Wild woman CEO.


Yeah, I'm always there doing videos and speaking


So yeah there, that would be the best way.


Thank you.




We'll make sure we put the links in the show notes.


Thank you so much for joining me today.


I really have been looking forward to this interview for a long time.


Thank you, Jill.


I've loved it.


And yeah, really appreciate you having me.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the Worldโ€”Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to seek in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.