Krista Gray Kirschman - Designing Success Through Energy Alignment
In this engaging episode, we're introduced to Krista Gray Kirschman, an interior designer and spiritual entrepreneur. Krista explains how she combines her expertise in interior design with energy work, including Akashic records readings, to help entrepreneurs align with their ideal success.
Discover more about Krista Gray Kirschman on her website
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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast.
::Today we are talking with Krista Gray Kirschman and she is the.
::Head guru at refined energy dot com.
::But she's really an interesting human being.
::She is an interior designer.
::And has decided to go down the path of integrating that with a Akashic records journeys.
::The first time I've got that word.
::Right on me.
::And now she helps.
::Coach or she helps entrepreneurs align their energies and I'm screwing this all up, I'm sure.
::So I'm just going to let Krista explain to us what exactly.
::It is that.
::She does, and how it's all integrated.
::Welcome to the show.
::Thank you so much for having me.
::I love talking to other spiritually minded individuals.
::So thank you so much.
::So basically what I do is I help spiritually minded entrepreneurs align with their ideal success, whether that be through their surroundings and.
::Aligning their interior space, or whether that be through Akashic records readings.
::So I actually have a successful 6 figure home staging business.
::Yes, and.
::That that has been a journey in itself, and after doing that for so many years, and also having this passion for spirituality, I've realized that there is such a connection between your surroundings your interior space and the abundance that comes into your life.
::And So what I've started to do and what I've been like, just really called to do is make my spirituality a career and start going that direction.
::It's just been a gut feeling that I couldn't nudge.
::And in 2020, I started diving into all this energy. I guess I would call it energy work and really studying spiritual modalities and.
::I was instantly drawn to the Akashic records.
::I saw someone have a interview on Gaia, which I call spiritual Netflix, and I was instantly drawn to that woman.
::And so once I heard Akashic record.
::I read books on it.
::I ended up being drawn to take a course on it and through that my psychic abilities really like woke up.
::I realize that I'm able to see images in my mind's eye. I'm able to hear through my thoughts, voice messages.
::From the higher realms from what I call universal consciousness and then I'm able to interpret that for my clients as well as I have that gift of interior alignment and being able to really feel out spaces and the energy within spaces as well.
::That's not something to be slight about.
::Being able to experience or to arrange spaces so that they give you a feeling when you enter them.
::I have a real estate background, so I totally get what you're doing and I know what it feels like when.
::You walk into a home.
::That staged in such a way as to generate a feeling when you walk in there.
::And the difference between going into an empty house that's been remodeled or painted at least, and really clean.
::And then there's.
::The homes that you go into where
::You just want.
::To run away as fast as possible, and it's just because the energy that's existing in the things that are in the home.
::Just repel you and there's like nothing you can.
::Do about it.
::Well, there is.
::Something you do.
::About it, yeah.
::You're not gonna buy that house.
::No, no.
::Like what?
::It's going to be.
::One of the things I always say is.
::Everything has a consciousness and an energy to it, whether it's an enemy, say, that word, inanimate, inanimate object, or it's a living, breathing being right.
::So everything in your space has an energy, even a home within itself has an energy.
::And my whole.
::My full methodology is being intentional about that and actually setting the intention in this space.
::I want to feel this certain way.
::So when you walk into that space, you do feel that way, but a lot of people just don't think about it, and then they're just allowing the environment to affect them rather than taking initiative.
::And kind of coercing how the energy feels in the space.
::And making things, there's things you can do to like change this.
::The energy in your space you wanna.
::Talk about that a little bit.
::Yeah. Yeah, so.
::My it's hard to explain something that comes so natural.
::But I will do.
::My best.
::When I walk into a space, what I.
::Realize is that.
::There has to be a good.
::Low and clutter is probably your worst enemy because clutter or.
::Things that aren't touched often I always say like if you haven't touched something in like months at all, it needs some attention.
::So clutter.
::It really is a stagnant energy.
::It actually makes the space feel heavier, a little slower moving.
::You're not as creative.
::Fast, motivated, productive in the in those kind of spaces that are very cluttered, or when they haven't been even cleaned in a while because there's no attention, there's no intention
::in those spaces.
::And so when I walk into space first I noticed that if you know the space is cluttered or dirty or whatnot, and also there's a flow of.
::I don't know.
::Like it's just how the furniture needs to be set up so that there's an easy walking flow.
::It feels inviting.
::You're not walking into the back of a sofa or the back of a chair.
::The art on the walls.
::It really is important because either it's representing you, your aspirations, things that are very personal and dear to you, and so that is an important thing to pay attention to what you're putting on your walls.
::Plants too.
::Plants have an energy and a life to them, so I always like to bring in plants into spaces.
::And then.
::Things that you are no longer resonant with or you feel an obligation to keep them or have them out.
::Like, maybe there's a vase from your in laws that you actually don't like, but you feel an obligation to have it on the shelf because it was.
::Gifted to you, I just think that being intentional about what's.
::Out and around you is the best way to make yourself feel.
::Like your ideal self in your space, and that ripples throughout your whole life.
::This the, your.
::Home is where you want to focus on because you spend so much time in your home, whether it's, you know, sleeping 8 hours at night, you're not conscious, but your body's still there absorbing energies, or you're spending a lot of time in your living room and.
::You might just not even notice the things that.
::Are sitting there.
::Uh, sometimes you know that saying like you go nose blind, you go you go blind with certain things that are just always there.
::And so having.
::that rreset and a refresh and how you look at your environment and really looking at everything and being like, OK, why do I have that there?
::How does that make me feel?
::And go through your whole house doing that.
::You will feel an.
::Instant shift.
::Once you do that, even that alone.
::OK, so I'm going to be real with you.
::That sounds like a lot of work.
::As I look around my office that has a.
::Lot of stuff in it I.
::Didn't design this room.
::To for me to be in.
::It all the time.
::That I have.
::My husband's home all the time now, so I can't like spread out to the rest of the house.
::It's arranged differently, but I do find that I'm more creative.
::In the living room.
::Than I am in my office and I think you just have like given me such good pointers as to I just need.
::To go through this office.
::And get rid of the clutter.
::Because it was kind of a storage room for a long time and I haven't taken the time to.
::Make it my office again and not the storage room.
::And it's also I think that doing this is a version of self love to yourself, so.
::That was definitely a gift.
::And you're doing it with the intention that in this office, like, how do you want to feel you want to feel creative, motivated, successful, happy, light, bright.
::And when you are clearing out things or looking at things on your shelves, if you have books or little tchotchkes or whatever.
::Just think about it.
::When you're placing these items in certain places, you can fold something and say, OK, when I look at this or when I'm around this, this is going to make me feel prosperous and bring prosperity to me and then place it on the shelf.
::And so when you're in the office, you see that little thing and be like prosperity like it.
::It is like a trigger for your mind.
::To instantly think about that, it helps your cognition and what your thoughts.
::Uh your thoughts path is when you're triggered by something that you.
::Intended that when I look at this, it's going to make me feel this way and just doing that with one item at least, if not a couple that can make you feel different things.
::Yeah, that's a great idea that everything does have its own energy.
::I mean, we have so many things in our life.
::As I look around this office and.
::It's like, Yep, lots of stuff in here.
::Yeah, it's all sort of.
::And it doesn't all need to be in here.
::Because it's all got some of.
::It's got like competing energy and.
::That travels into me, so I need to.
::I definitely need.
::To go through here.
::So I gave you.
::Some homework earlier and now I've got homework.
::That's so funny.
::I use that word.
::I say OK.
::Like you have some homework.
::But something I also say to like my staging clients because I stage vacant homes like I have a warehouse full of furniture, but I also stage homes where the people are still living there while it's on the market.
::So it's all their stuff and.
::And I go through the.
::Home and I.
::Blunt and honest, and I say what
::What's going to attract the buyers?
::How to make your house more marketable, et cetera and.
::Sometimes it is.
::You know a lot of.
::Work a lot, a lot to take on.
::Some people have been living in their homes for 20 years and they have a whole basement full of. Junk
::You know, stuff or rooms that are just jam packed and my.
::Advice is focus on one room at a time rather than being like, Oh my God, I have to do my whole house.
::Just focus on like your office and just focus there and then maybe move to like your living room or your bedroom.
::The places where you spend the most time.
::And for the people that I'm doing consultations for, for staging, I say the selling rooms which are you know, the places that you spend the.
::Most time in.
::The bedroom, the kitchen.
::Yeah, well, living room.
::Kitchen, main bedroom.
::Yeah, yeah.
::And sometimes the bathroom.
::Yeah, if you only have one.
::It better be really great.
::Yeah. Simple. Yeah, yeah.
::And less is more a lot of times we get like caught in the I've got to have all this stuff, but this stuff is really.
::An anchor.
::It's an anchor to your energy and people when they go into your home.
::If they're trying to picture themselves in your home, it's really difficult when you've got all of these competing energies going on.
::Yeah, I always do a more neutral scheme.
::I mean, I like, you know, little pops of color here and there, but in my own home, I have it very neutral because I have enough going on.
::I'm running businesses and have employees and have a husband and social life and trying.
::To stay sane.
::And when I come home, I want to have an Oasis, a sanctuary, and to me, neutral colors help calm me and make me feel more serene and.
::And more minimal accessories and things.
::Things that are on the surface are very intentional.
::Rather than, you know, I'm just putting all this stuff out here cause I think it's all pretty.
::But you know, I think a lot.
::Of things are.
::Pretty, but I'm not going to go out and like, buy every single thing that I think is.
::You know pretty, but that's.
::That's what I think is that when it's neutral.
::Soft, simple. Then it also translates to your mind. Your mind's more clear minded and relaxed however.
::If maybe you love color and you just kind of get energized and feel at home in color, then bring that to your house.
::Everyone's a little different to me.
::If I walked into a super colorful room, I'd probably like, you know, get a little, get a little hyper.
::But for, you know, some people want that some people might feel super drained.
::And want a little bit of uplifting color so everyone's different, but everything really does affect you everything, your whole surroundings.
::It's constantly affecting you and.
::It's affecting your energy whether you're intentional or aware of it or not.
::And in color, color is a big deal.
::You talk about neutral colors and it.
::You can have different colors in different rooms that you need to have.
::The colors make.
::You feel the way you want to feel in.
::That room and bright Reds are great for.
::Yeah, those color psychology.
::For dining rooms, there's often you know, bright red in there.
::But it can make you feel jittery also.
::And when you're talking about really bright colors.
::They need to be.
::They need to be.
::In an accent area, not like your whole House and.
::And when it comes to selling your house?
::You're better off just painting that wall white.
::Neutral. Yeah, because it gives again there we're. We're talking about it. It totally relates what I realize is that all of my staging, which is what I call like my more like 3D job, it's more normalized and then my energetic coaching, spiritual career, there's so many.
::So many inner intertwining philosophies.
::Because when I'm walking into a house that is going on the market that needs to appeal to the most amount of buyers, right?
::That's a bigger pool of people.
::I always suggests more neutral colors because then anyone can picture themselves living there.
::It's a blank slate for them to add their own personal touch.
::But then your own home.
::It's the same thing you you're adding your own personal touch in your own home, but maybe when you if you go back to like when you bought it, obviously you felt a certain feeling when you walked in there because you chose to buy it.
::But if you made certain changes.
::That's a preference that you made that actually affects how you live and feel in your home, and it's more of a representation of you as a person is what you put out around you, what you wear, what you're surrounded by.
::It can totally change your whole personality.
::In the way that you show up in the world, if you want to up level and you feel more like you want to up level your career, your life, your income.
::Sometimes if you start by either.
::Surrounding yourself in a.
::More in a nice environment that your future self that self that's making that much money would live in.
::Then that actually makes you feel like, oh, I am that person or you start dressing that way.
::It makes you feel like you're embodying that version of yourself.
::It's there's so many connections between what are, what's physical and then how it translates to our mindset.
::Yeah, absolutely.
::It's so interesting.
::Your new clothes have energy, too.
::The different fabrics have different vibrations and.
::They can make you feel.
::Like, really great or they
::Can make you feel really bad.
::It's the same body.
::Yeah, yeah.
::It's just what you're draping over it.
::Yeah, yeah.
::This this has been a really interesting conversation about real estate in staging, but it really is all connected in the energy.
::Part of it.
::And so I know you do Akoshic journeys, records journeys for people.
::What kind of people are you helping with that?
::Yeah, I.
::I can help anyone.
::However my passion is towards spiritual entrepreneurs and that because that's what I am.
::I kind of I'm like helping the I'm giving the service that I wish I.
::Had when I.
::Was feeling burnt out in my industry and I just know that with entrepreneurs running a business there is there's so much pressure and so much stuff comes up so, so much emotional stuff.
::Pump up like your business is a mirror to yourself and how you're showing up and.
::I just find that there's also a lot of these inner healing inner healing journeys we need to go through or limiting beliefs, you know, inner child work.
::All of that can help you become a more successful entrepreneur.
::Have a more.
::Successful business because you're showing up differently from a more enlightened, healed perspective.
::Once you have the awareness through Akashic readings of how you're operating.
::So maybe you're operating from a belief that.
::Money is really hard to make.
::You have to work super hard to earn the money that you want to make.
::That's your.
::That's your limiting belief that you have.
::And so through a reading, I can ask the universal consciousness.
::Where does that root with you and your soul?
::Where did that originate that belief?
::And then sometimes I'll see like visions of your past life, or I'll get a message that it's rooted from, you know, the certain situation that happened.
::And then we identified that.
::And then we can ask, OK, well, what can we do to move through it and move past it and shift how we're operating and how we're thinking and then I'll get downloads and information for, you know, homework that, that's where I call homework for you to do to make those positive steps and move through that limiting belief so that you can operate.
::From a mindset where money isn't hard to come by, you can easily receive money and it doesn't have to be this this striving thing.
::And so that's just one example of how it can relate to entrepreneurs.
::Yeah, I went on an Akashic journey with another guest who's also a friend.
::And it was really a great experience.
::What's that?
::And she guided me rather than going on it herself.
::So I can go back and it.
::Really close to a place where I go all.
::The time like at night.
::So it opened the door to being able to.
::I love that.
::Ask and get answers to questions that I have about what's going on in my life and just.
::Even if it's just me talking to me, which I know there are people out there that think that.
::It doesn't matter.
::It's taking the time to just.
::Be still enough to listen to yourself even and really, that's what I think.
::Intuition and consciousness is all about.
::It's just being aligned with.
::Being rather than.
::Trying to be busy and doing and.
::Staying on the hamster wheel every now and then, we just.
::Have to pull ourselves off and I think your whole.
::Discussion about your environment.
::It's so important because that without having a an environment that's inviting to let you sit in peace.
::And just listen
::Or visualize or whatever you're going to do, it's.
::You can't do it.
::You're just like getting bombarded with all of this other information
::Yeah, you need an Oasis. stimulus.
::And I always say that I believe that everyone is psychic at some level and that you don't have to seek answers from outside of yourself.
::You don't have to come to me to access your intuition and your, you know, your inner guidance.
::But if you're not sure where to start or you want a little bit more clarity along the way, that's when you get a coach or mentor for someone to help you help yourself.
::If anyone is saying that you can't do this without me, then I don't believe that that's true and aligned everyone.
::Everyone knows themselves better than anyone else, right?
::You know what is aligned with your soul and what feels good for you and what you want more than anyone else.
::And so if you have that.
::That calling to look deeper and you're not sure how, then you, you know, you can seek guidance and help and whatnot, but if anyone tries to take your power away and say that you can't do it on your own, I just, I don't believe that.
::So I truly agree with you that if you just, you know, quiet your mind, find a quiet place.
::An Oasis in your in your home in your you know, office.
::In your car, wherever and just intend to pick the messages, ask for them and just sit as quiet as you can or, you know, just kind of sometimes I get most messages when I'm driving.
::Because I drive a lot for my business and I get a lot of messages when I'm when I'm driving.
::So I'm gonna relax.
::Well, I love driving, so I'm kind of like in a relaxed state.
::I'm cruising and I get a lot.
::Of downloads that way.
::But again, I also get a lot of downloads when I'm like at home doing a like a focused meditation, but I think some people also think that.
::Being psychic or, you know awake, whatever is something.
::So put on a pedestal.
::It's so unobtainable.
::But everyone has it.
::Everyone can do it. It's not, you know, no one's levitating yet. And you know, everyone can and everyone.
::can tune into their own intuition and get those knowings you know your gut feelings.
::That's a psychic ability in itself.
::If you follow it, you're following your psychic intuition.
::So yeah, I believe that everyone has this gift.
::It's just some people.
::Will practice it and strengthen it, and then in turn it it's stronger and then some people ignore it and suppress it and then, you know, can cause anxiety or doubt.
::Yeah, it's the.
::Whole listening to that, still small voice.
::Everybody has it in their head and.
::A lot of times, instead of just.
::Letting whatever is going to come up come up.
::Maybe write it down without having to think about it.
::Just let it happen and you can get a lot of information that way and.
::You know, or maybe use tarot cards and and they don't, they're not magic, they're just pictures.
::That's it. Yeah, last.
::But it allows your mind to have some place to start in terms of trying to figure out an answer to a question.
::So much of this stuff, magic is just science that hasn't been proven yet.
::Yes. Oh my gosh.
::I love that, yeah.
::And I love what you said about the tarot cards or Oracle cards or whatever you, you know, you use in my akasha greetings.
::I actually use Oracle cards and I'm like intuitively guided to hold certain ones at certain times.
::And what I explain it as in like why I do it is it takes some things that are metaphysical.
::And maybe you're kind of, you know, doubting or whatever and it gives you a physical thing that says, yes, this is aligned.
::What I'm hearing is aligned and it helps me as a reader like it kind of guides me and it helps the client feel that what would you call it like validation?
::It helps them fill that validation too, and so if you're a new person to spirituality and you're just kind of starting or you want to strengthen your gifts and your intuition, starting with cards and playing with that is such a great way to strengthen your intuition because it actually is.
::Physical validation of what you may be feeling or thinking, and it's a physical card that could align with that knowing that you have.
::Yeah. And.
::It's OK to.
::Make stuff up.
::You know, in, in living.
::Their own truth, yes.
::And it can be whatever you want.
::It to be or whatever.
::It speaks to you as being it's, you know, people marginalize imagination so much that everything starts in our imagination.
::If we don't imagine it, it will never become.
::Yeah. Yeah and.
::Everything, yeah.
::Giving people permission to use your imagination, Daydream is a good thing.
::Not like your teacher said.
::No, don't.
::Be daydreaming in.
::Here well, why not?
::Yeah, well, that's.
::The best place.
::To do Daydream.
::Yeah, I mean, that's the societal programming that we're all trying to break through is being pulled, that it's wrong to be playful or imaginative or creative or different or weird or whatever being told that's wrong.
::Being told that you have to be in this box, you have to go on this path.
::You have to do it this way.
::Or it's wrong. There really is no, you know, quote unquote right or wrong. It's just how you're perceiving things, it's how you're perceiving your reality. You're perceiving situations, and that's different to each individual.
::Yeah, it definitely is.
::So what's the one thing, Krista do you want to leave the audience with today?
::This has been such a great conversation.
::Ohh, thank you.
::It might seem kind of out of the blue.
::However it's something that is so important to me and something that I've kind of gone through is working through the fear of being seen.
::So I came from a, you know, I was, I'm running a home staging business.
::No, none of my clients really know how spiritual.
::And I am how into consciousness and all this metaphysical stuff.
::I am.
::But I've started to show up publicly, putting it out there, being authentic, being myself without the fear of judgment.
::And well, there's a little fear, but still doing it anyways.
::Doing it even if you're scared, because that's who you truly are, right?
::If that is a reflection of you and.
::I just want anyone that is feeling scared to put themselves out there to that's feeling scared of being authentic or that's holding themselves back because they're scared of other people's opinions or judgment or criticism to just do it anyways and be true to yourself because this is your only lifetime.
::In this timeline, in this body, as you, so why waste it any longer?
::Holding yourself back from what you really want to do, what you want to be, what you want to achieve?
::And so yeah, just doing it scared and just putting yourself out there and not being afraid of being seen, or at least working through that
::Working through that fear.
::And somebody say that you just need.
::To be the.
::Beacon so that the people are who are supposed to find.
::You can find you and everybody else can crash on the rocks beneath you.
::She might not have said it that way, but that's how I see it.
::So I really appreciate you spending time with us today and we can find you where?
::I'm most active on my Instagram, which is my name, Krista Gray, under score, kirschman, KIRSCHMAN and all my links are on there to my spirit business where all my offers are refined energy dot life and my.
::Staging business too.
::You can check out some of my designs and it's all on my Instagram.
::So yeah, I would go there.
::And we'll put those links in the show notes below.
::Thanks again for joining us. It's
::Been a great.
::Thank you for this conversation. Thank you.