Michael Andre Ford - Bridging Worlds: Intuitive Insights with Angels
In this soulful episode, host Jill interviews Michael Andre Ford, who has a unique ability to connect with angels, spirit guides, and light beings. The conversation delves into the concepts of intuition, connectivity, and kindness, highlighting the transformative power of letting go and embracing our inherent energetic nature.
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::Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast.
::Today we have with us Michael Andre Ford and you guys are in for a treat!
::Michael helps pull back the veil, allowing people to meet, see and hear angels, spirit guides and light beings.
::He's shown me the joy card.
::My father's.
::Girlfriend is named Joy and I just.
::Picture her cause she.
::Is the embodiment of joy she's just like.
::She's helped him so much and I just like it makes me smile when I see them.
::Well, thanks for having me on Jill.
::I appreciate it.
::I am so glad that you.
::Joined us and I.
::Want you to tell us like how
::You got started in all of this.
::Just like.
::So fascinating and.
::Just go ahead.
::Tell us how you got started.
::Well, hey, those are real.
::Those are real photos of angels.
::I was super shy about all this at the beginning.
::I was more like a deer in headlights, 100 million deer in headlights. I was a good American, wondering what the heck am I seeing, hearing, feeling and I even had a hard time with the concept of maybe people being intuitive.
::Spiritual whatever.
::But you know it.
::Everyone knows it.
::Everyone's kind of connected.
::But you know it through sports.
::When you've got some athletic prowess or you're an artist, a singer, just a good cook in the kitchen.
::Or maybe you only have a couple of recipes
::But when you're in the zone.
::Letting go that flow so I didn't make that leap.
::I didn't understand that, you know, it's all kind of the same activity, whether you're reading just your favorite detective series or you do good business when you let go, you let go and it doesn't really matter what you're let going of.
::You're just here, so it's enjoying the ride in life.
::It's trusting that you have more skills and more ability to listen.
::Feel and see and then later, yes, there's more around you all the time.
::So I would just mention I had a Wall Street career for a couple of.
::Years in New.
::York, I always looked super young. So when I was like 23, I looked like I was 14.
::I lost every money manager I had as a client over the phone in person.
::They'd see me and they'd never talked to me again.
::I looked that young, so I decided I was gonna find an industry where the horsepower up here mattered and that was public relations.
::So I did that for 18 years.
::Corporate I was putting people on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.
::All business press stuff, but.
::Financial Times, New York Times back when the press was the press.
::So I represented a lot of law firms, executive recruiters, some other companies a Venture.
::Capital Group and so on, but with 9-11, I ditched my own business, Ford Public Relations and I went in-house.
::It was law firms, a Texas one, that was 28th in the country. And then I got poached kind of from NASCAR to Formula One.
::I went to a top 10, billion revenue law firm Weil-Gotshal, I was their top publicist or.
::PR person worldwide.
::And it was because of Lehman Brothers. I ended up losing my job. About a year later, 72 of us an hours notice.
::And I was the only one excited.
::I bought a home in Texas and it was then when I moved to the home full time, I had to start living.
::Because when you're in New York doing the hustle and bustle, and we all know this, you get super busy.
::It could be family, it could be kids, it could be work.
::You can get consumed and forget what life is all about now.
::I was always a positive guy.
::I was.
::Talking to everybody.
::I thought had high energy, high vibe.
::I I've been a runner for 40 plus years.
::But I didn't know how to fill a house and I'd moved so many times on the East Coast military family boarding school.
::25 to 40 plus moves I never viewed a space as my space, so I needed to learn some basic principles in life. Everything is energy. Own your own flows and realize maybe there's something more around you and within you.
::That's good, but that's bigger.
::Than what you can grasp, and I'm not talking religion necessarily.
::If you're religious, great.
::If you're non religious, great, great.
::It's the same faith or leap of faith because you gotta let go of what you know up here long enough to be here to take a breath, to smile.
::The laugh to enjoy the ride in life.
::And so that's the long answer for what was a crazy almost Christmas Carol like ride?
::That's totally fascinating. So when
::Did you first start seeing these beings?
::Well, I mean, I had a bunch of stuff to get me to kind of take it seriously.
::A lot of times that in the middle of the night you hear about those stories, some would be healer later is getting nudged at 3:00 AM maybe 20 years at 3:00 AM.
::Some kahuna in Hawaii.
::I was not lazy, but not smart either.
::I would roll over and my cat would be braver and go to the living room.
::So I had a lot of little experiences.
::But there was a point where Angels.
::Started to pop in.
::I got past the concept of Native American Chiefs, Plato existing and an Angel named Joy did kind of a Roman candle in sort of a light CGI.
::Special effects move from it would be literally like out of Christmas Carol.
::A pink Roman candle shooting out of my floor, going through my ceiling saying Tada, Hi, I'm Joy.
::And then two seconds later.
::Off to the right.
::Same thing again.
::And you know you're left dumbstruck.
::Mouths probably stayed open.
::And I think for the next two days, I'm like, what did I just see?
::There's no way to grasp any of this, so I got lucky.
::I did what every red blooded American will do.
::I grabbed a sure shot camera and I used to hand that camera to folks, but now you can just see with your eyes open.
::Look out your window.
::Some people need a football field away others can do it in the living room just 10 feet away, you can see your guardian Angel meet passed over relatives.
::Audrey Hepburn, Plato, Einstein.
::So I started taking photos of angels indoors, outdoors, daytime, nighttime.
::And here's my guardian Angel one way.
::And the photos help for other people is a great stepping stone picture.
::This as 70 little steps of letting go or baby steps to tap what you've already got here to expand your existing business or athletic intuition.
::Your skill set.
::How well do you listen?
::What are you even allowing for in life?
::But the photos, when you look at the photo and there's a bunch on my website.
::All over my social media go to my YouTube channel and watch people do it on the show.
::Got a show and then also watch it in those little shorts.
::You get a chance to look at Geronimo, ask a question, and it's basic listening so the photos are a great prop.
::In a sense, they're real Angel photos.
::They can move and change color.
::Historical photos can move.
::Wink, smile, Audrey Hepburn Sai Baba from India.
::But you leave your eyes on the photo.
::Let them do their jobs and ask for a hug million ways.
::To feel a hug.
::And we were doing some of these exercises before the.
::Show it's.
::Kind of amazing how.
::If you just let go of your thinking brain.
::Your the rest of the your senses can kind of take over and allow you to have the experience.
::I went on an Akashic journey with another one of my guests a while back.
::She's also a good friend of mine.
::And she does it where she takes.
::She leads you.
::To do it yourself.
::Rather than having somebody.
::Else do it for you, which.
::Was an interesting experience cause it's much like what you're doing.
::With the cards.
::What you were doing with me, with the cards, it's allowing me to have the experience.
::And you're just the guide versus somebody that's like sooth-saying or something or, you know, the old crone with the magic glass.
::The looking glass the crystal ball.
::It's not the 19. Yeah, it's the opposite of the 1920s, nineteen 30s thing. I don't tell anybody anything.
::You get any answers to any questions, all languages and dialects spoken
::You're from India.
::You get it in Hindi or Telugu from Japan.
::Get it in Japanese.
::You get it from that one prefecture outside of Tokyo that you know they have that nuance saying it only if you live there.
::Could you have said it that way
::So it's beautiful how tailored it is, but then angels also, you don't have any privacy
::So think of it this way.
::You've got a particular situation you're you don't have any privacy, privacy.
::They know your situation.
::So they also know how to navigate.
::Your 20 million value system, you've got 20 million different.
::You don't like the New York Jets.
::You like the New England Patriots
::You know you don't like Hawaii, but you like Idaho and the bottom line is they know how to navigate all that to just say something the right way.
::So for business.
::This is great.
::Get any business answer who to call when to call exactly the phrase maybe to use as the approach, but also great for family relations.
::You know, there's a 12 year old daughter.
::Good luck trying to reach them with what you're trying to say.
::Well talk to their guardian Angel and hear it just the way your 12 year old needs to hear it.
::It's I love you, but it's getting around their defenses.
::So you can actually plant the kiss emotionally and say I love you.
::So it's that sort of thing.
::Plus their hugs can become healing.
::Colorblind people have seen colors and something that you said with your friends.
::You can close your eyes and have angels take you somewhere.
::It can be kind of more of a sacred journey like Egypt or the Middle East at an Oasis Tibetan mountain top.
::You know jungles of Asia or India and you sit with.
::Figures from India plus angels and they're all wardrobed out.
::And you're like, out of Cleopatra.
::The movie with Elizabeth Taylor.
::You're you yourself can check out.
::You're in that garb.
::It's incredible.
::You sit you might have a ceremony of some sort.
::I like doing Hawaii the best because you get to.
::Surfing you don't need to know how to swim.
::You surf like Kelly Slater.
::If people know who that amazing surfer is, you just have the skill set and I don't know how to explain that one, except you get a.
::Couple of great rides and then you get to have a luau on the beach and there you can see your relatives at that distance while you're in the presence of Native American chiefs.
::Kapuna Aunty Margaret.
::Angels, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, whoever. Whoever's important to you. That would be exciting.
::And if you're really cool about the relative, they can come up and sit with you.
::You can chat, get a hug, and just know you're not alone.
::I think that would be.
::One of the biggest messages is love is the fabric of the universe.
::Kindness, gentleness, compassion is what we're all here to really actually experience more of and learn how to give it out a little better.
::Good luck with that.
::We're all busy.
::We got bills to pay, and then there's everything on TV so.
::It's a little bit of a opportunity and a struggle and it's whatever you want to make of it.
::It is.
::But it's there's an interesting balance between.
::We got to go about business.
::And we are these energetic beings having a life experience and trying to marry the two.
::Because I think that's really where.
::Where the magic happens in life is when you're you recognize that you're this energy and that you have this mission and you.
::And you can let yourself go and experience.
::The more.
::Loose side of life and just.
::Recognize that whatever you're doing, it's part of.
::This flow.
::There's a.
::Direction that you should be going in and if you just let go of the trying so hard then then the energy the angels that the spirits that the other souls that.
::Are constantly around.
::Us have a chance to help you and.
::They're here to help.
::Us they want what's best for not only us.
::Because each of us is connected to the next person.
::We're we are one.
::Big Organism operating in individual little.
::Of bodies, entities.
::But we're all connected.
::They're individual.
::Everyone. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
::But we're not.
::And everyone's got a unique life path.
::Now, a lot of us could have gotten stuck and sort of.
::We went lawyering or we thought we had to do the family business.
::And we felt like out of it's a wonderful life.
::We felt obligated.
::We couldn't leave.
::The bank.
::So my bottom line on this is there's a first step.
::And it's a very basic first step.
::It's just recognizing the difference between your flow when you're up in the brain.
::You know, a lot of stress, fear.
::Worry rejection, reacting, knowing to.
::The preclusion of possibility, a lot of stuff that.
::It's not necessarily negative. It could be neutral, it could be 1%.
::Negative, but it's.
::A lot of it's a waste of energy.
::More up here and thinking is not going away, so don't start judging yourself.
::But then there's something when you're down here, it's all the creativity, the positivity, the love, the kindness, compassion.
::It's also action without thought.
::That's when you kicked 6 soccer goals in a row or you made six sales call calls on one day and you got all yeses.
::And it was your greatest.
::Month ever or, you know, just an artist.
::And you did a.
::Amazing painting and half the time you were in the flow, so when you recognize the difference between here and here, it becomes awfully hard to choose thinking every single time.
::It's like a hot stove when you realize really what a lot of this is about. You dropped your heart a little more. Maybe 5% more a week and at that point you're ready to get a little more definition on the unique life path.
::Yeah, like if you want to meet some angels, some.
::Guides your relatives great.
::They're there.
::Nobody wants to interfere.
::If they're truly unconditional love, the view is, hey, everything is happening right now in your life.
::If you've never heard me or heard the fact that angels exist or they're photos of angels, you're good right now.
::But you have to trust that and good luck with that.
::That could seem like a leap off of the biggest waterfall in Hawaii because you know what
::You know my situation is my problem is here are the facts. Hey, my bank account says $5. What do I do? So there is exactly what you said about getting going down here in life and letting life.
::Come to you or just what you did.
::As a kid going.
::With the flow, or whenever was the highlight of.
::Your life because you weren't thinking about things so hard.
::And making things trying to make things force things to be the way that you think they should be when really it's possible that in you're pushing, you're disrupting everybody else.
::Who's around you
::Cause your energy.
::You're pushing your energy into a space that's already occupied.
::So you're causing injury.
::In that.
::In that space that's in front.
::Of you that you're.
::That you really are trying to get into.
::Whereas if you just let it flow.
::There's a space.
::For you next to them.
::And then it's easy to go through.
::Listening, allowing slowing down the doing that whole you know, to be or not to be Shakespeare or being by doing by being. I was confused the two but one is up here. One's down here and.
::It's maybe not going so fast during the day, so it's learning to simply appreciate all that already is in your life giving you know, building that gratitude practice the appreciation practice.
::But I like allowing with the capital A compassion for all is life.
::So the more you can learn to sort of.
::Be here for an extra hour and.
::1/2 a day if you.
::Have to go for.
::A walk read a book, do yoga, cook a meal.
::It all counts.
::There's nothing complex touch water more, do poetry more, pet your dog more.
::But a lot of us are so busy.
::We're doing the phone driving.
::We're doing the phone as we walk into the home or the apartment, we skip our Fido, who's been waiting 8 hours.
::To see us.
::And we blow right into the next phone call.
::And so it's just, uh, literally realizing that this very moment is the occasion.
::And they don't all have to be around.
::Business or making money. making money should just be like the offshoot of the life experience that you're having because it it's just, it's just a flow.
::It's a current that runs along our lives and.
::You can just scoop it out.
::When the time is right.
::We have so much abundance, especially in this country, I mean.
::It's like it's everywhere.
::And it's what it's said.
::And opportunities.
::Yeah, it's what you said about money, but positivity itself is abundance.
::Learning just to go to here is all the abundance you ever need.
::The money is a byproduct will come with anything that you're excited about, enthusiastic about, passionate about.
::You are going to be successful at but.
::It's a shift in perspective.
::It's a little bit of the Wayne Dyer quote, everything that you know you look at when you, you know, change the way you look at everything at the stuff that you look at shifts or it's the Einstein quote, you know the consciousness that says my problem is or this is the situation isn't the same consciousness that allows you to move past that situation and into five more problems
::So you're stuck now.
::Remember, it's ebb and flow in life and.
::Without a little bit.
::Of flavor, this contrast.
::That's Earth school wouldn't be that exciting.
::Actually, you'd just be happy all the time.
::Doing anything you want all the time and unlimited in terms of creating or co-creating.
::If it was Esther Hicks.
::But the point on this is you're here to learn an energy consciousness form or your consciousness that the more you chillax or chill out whatever way you need to say it for yourself, everyone's different.
::How they roll right now when they're hearing this, the more you can just get.
::Out of the.
::Structure and more into the flow here.
::It's going to do a lot of good.
::For you, for your health.
::For your business, for your relationships, maybe you don't have that soul mate or just a loved.
::One or a pet, you know it's getting going to live more and allow more.
::And going in one direction, I think a lot of times, as entrepreneurs, we tend to like, go all over the place and we want to have all these multiple streams of income and.
::That doesn't work.
::Tell you you're just gonna chase after shiny objects time and time again, whereas if you just get into the flow.
::And you allow the thing that's easy.
::Just get better at it.
::Get better at.
::Practicing the thing.
::That's easy for you, because that's where you're supposed to be.
::Agreed. How about this?
::Can I blow sage to your audience?
::This is where I.
::Light a little.
::And I've done this on maybe 40 shows in the last year. So Coast to Coast AM I was on for four hours I think in March of 2023, March 23rd it's looking.
::I used to.
::Love Art Bell I.
::Would I was delivering papers for a short while when my third son was born, or my second son.
::But third child he.
::You would just.
::Join me as we.
::Move through papers.
::Here's a little bit of sage the type you can get out of Whole Foods.
::I think it's Juniper Ridge, the California company.
::Leave your eyes on the sage.
::Let angels the universe bring it to you.
::My unofficial tip is just breathe through your mouth a little.
::Leave your eyes on the smoke and smell it.
::But if you want the active only bit of structure I've got, ask angels.
::Ask your family ancestors to help you smell it.
::Some people taste it when.
::They see it lit.
::But let it come to you.
::And then here's the point that's still a linear response.
::I know we're going through two screens around the world, and you're not watching.
::This show.
::Until 2024 January, let's say, even though the show's coming out, probably in October of 2023, my point is time and space don't really matter. Ask for some flowers. I just had Lorna Byrne on my show.
::Catch daisies and roses in Ireland and I think Jennifer McLean caught three different flower smells as well.
::My show is angels, positivity and love.
::I'll say it now so I don't forget it at the.
::But the point is everybody gets to smell sage and it's not.
::A big deal.
::But ask it to cleanse your room, your apartment, your house, your property.
::If you've got health issues, again, always see a doctor take medication, but ask for what you don't even need.
::Know to ask for.
::Let it be a healing presence.
::It's like.
::Getting a hug.
::And that's what angels are great at.
::You don't have to have my photos or even use me, you know, do something to loosen up.
::Go for a walk, have a great meal, have a red wine with your feet up on the back patio.
::Look at the sunset and then ask your guardian Angel your own Angel team to come in.
::close your eyes for a.
::second, If you need to or look at a tree.
::Asked to feel a.
::Hug if you're focused on what I'm gonna actually feel a hug, you'll get goosebumps down.
::Back there's a million ways to get a hug, a little energy, push a wind in the room when all the windows are shut, the AC unit is off.
::I've run to the thermostat 100 times because you know we're all human. We wanna.
::Doubt everything we wanna be up in the brain trying to control limit and to fix in concrete everything around us, especially people and.
::Business situations.
::We know what we know and it's not about knowing up top.
::It's about almost not knowing or the leap of faith to just trust more in everything around you.
::I'll do it one other.
::Way, if you see a stranger on a walk and it's the type of place where people wave still and you're gonna wave to a complete stranger, you're not wondering what an NFL team type fan they are.
::Are they a New Orleans Saints fan?
::Well, I'm not gonna then wave to them or a political party or this or.
::That you just wave, that's a.
::Huge leap of faith.
::So that's the type of thing I'm talking about here.
::You're fully capable of being more in each moment.
::Just limit it to four times a week.
::You're never going to get it down, and even if you said I'm gonna do the sage thing and I'm gonna go watch that video, it might be a month before you get to it.
::We forget.
::Everything all the time.
::And that's OK too.
::OK, so I had lavender.
::Ohh good bravo yay. And goosebumps
::Do you want me to put one photo of an Angel up, Joy?
::You can be our guinea pig and I don't mean to put it that way.
::Our test subject just for folks at home.
::Test subject.
::Just put your hand up.
::You might feel on your fingers, your palm, everything.
::You might feel.
::Heat, sparkle, electricity.
::I'm not gonna use any words a million ways to feel an Angel named Joy.
::Who's the emotion? Joy
::And she's here as the ambassador communicator to make it easy for you.
::So feel what you can feel.
::Don't judge.
::You might get it down.
::your back.
::But ask for a hug as well while you're feeling with your hands.
::Go two different routes.
::Get a woosh or goosebump on the neck, back.
::Feel what you can feel on the hand and.
::Then ask her Hey.
::Joy, what do I need to know in life right now?
::And listen, it might be your voice for one second.
::Just let go a little more.
::Breathe a little more, and you'll hear your own voice.
::What do you think? Half your intuition's been this entire time? Not the one that said. Take that Jag and go 120 miles an hour.
::It wasn't your Jaguar that's the bad intuition. More like Magnum Pi in the 1980s. If anyone ever saw that detective thing, he had a little intuitive voice, so it was a spirituality show, if you can.
::believe it, but listen to the good voice.
::It's your heart.
::How about that?
::For safety.
::It's your heart or it's your soul.
::If you don't mind hearing that.
::But it's also your.
::Angels who
::If you're at a golf course, you're a big golfer and you're in the middle.
::Of a tournament.
::You're that good.
::And you're talking to yourself because you know you're on a roll and you're like, let's smack this baby.
::I don't know how you talk if you're a golfer, but I want to get a hole in one.
::I wanna only two more strokes it into the hole.
::You're on a roll.
::You're pushing yourself.
::If your Aunt Martha, who passed over 20 years ago, said smack.
::That ball in her voice, you probably quit the tournament and be freaked out.
::So think of it that way.
::Half the good intuition coming in is your relatives, your angels, your guides, your pets supporting you.
::They're all around you all the time.
::So just you don't have to see it, you can't
::You don't have to get a hug.
::You can't and you don't have to get all your answers.
::You can totally get all your answers.
::Just trust that you're heard.
::One way if you wanna be safe and slow about this, know that when you speak you're heard and try to rein it in a little about talking about your neighbor, that you don't like, or the business person you don't like.
::There's some negativity there.
::The less you do with that and the more you just focus on being here, everything else will take care of itself.
::Well, I'm just caught up in like.
::Communicating with Joy, what's your next to you
::I'm enthusiasm, so I can go on forever, but I'm I have a high vibe.
::I help people.
::Get out of their own way and to trust that their heart is already you're already a rock star.
::You're already a Fort Knox.
::If you want to think about business, you're already just fantastic at basic listening, basic feeling and seeing.
::But those seventy baby steps I talked about one good act to letting go, which I would argue anybody who caught flowers or the scent of sage halfway across the globe in New Zealand.
::Right now, that's like 10 of the steps. So one act of letting go can be one 5th of the way for the big picture, you just have to learn that you're plumbing, your electricity. Your senses are just fine.
::And when you do look at yoga.
::Or your sports, or your business, or.
::What high
::School was like if you had a good time in high school.
::Some point in your life.
::Everything was like perfect.
::Maybe your childhood.
::You never lost that, that flow, that connection to everything.
::Yes, stuff happened. PTSD
::The car accident, the health issue, the divorce.
::6 divorces and 13 dogs and you don't understand my situation. I got $25 in the bank, but my point is.
::So it's not about the physical deep details.
::Keep letting go on everything until your natural, authentic you pops back out and says Ohh I've got a broader perspective and you can get going living again.
::And not being so caught up in what
::Where you physically are in the moment because like just a moment.
::And you may as well enjoy the.
::The surroundings because you're there for the moment.
::But other things are going to come along.
::Nothing is.
::Static in this world.
::Not even human beings or the desk that you're sitting next to, or the chair that you're sitting on.
::It's in motion.
::Everything is in motion and everything continues to move along a path and you can fight it.
::You can try to swim upstream, but.
::It's just going to make your life miserable or you can enjoy the ride.
::See where it takes you.
::Everything's energy. So if you've got a pet, you.
::Can see your dogs aura.
::Or if you watch the movie, Celestine Prophecy
::They do it this way.
::You can see your aura, the light between your fingers.
::But in India they do it this way.
::I can do a really quick one.
::This is a regular American BIC lighter.
::There's nothing hard about this.
::You're just going to name the color of the flame a white, a gold.
::A yellow.
::What do you see?
::OK, now ask Joy to come in and see a little bit of pink light on the.
::Same flame, just.
::Allow, allow, allow. I'll tell one dad joke real quick to help everybody get a little lighter. Santa's reindeer Blitz and Dancer. Just those two. Why do they drink so much coffee? Because they're Santas. Star. Bucks. Now let.
::Joy come in and have a little pink light around white.
::Yeah, yeah. Pink light.
::Now replay that and I know it's a.
::Bad dad joke.
::But the whole point is.
::It's not about rejecting the joke or oh, I don't like Dad jokes.
::Welcome to adulting.
::It's about lightening up and watch what happens in your life on every front.
::So with her.
::Have anybody who needs the help pretend my finger
::Is the lighter.
::Go ahead and see my energy coming off.
::I'll go on an all body.
::Boarding surf trip.
::And are you are you already seeing my
::Light right here.
::Yay, good job.
::And on that one, if anybody needs to go jump in their swimming pool or hug the dog or hug a tree or go barefoot in the grass, do something extra to let go.
::If you think.
::You need the help.
::I'll give you the magic line or I don't like the word magic, but the one letting go line.
::The only bit of structure I've taught in.
::12 years thousands of folks is just:
::Hey, angels Get Me Out of my head, into my heart.
::Make this nice. Amen, rock'n'roll. Thank you. If you're from India and you like Sai Baba Om Sai Ram, you gotta set your intent.
::So for the tennis players, you've got a match next Thursday.
::Set your intent now for the best match in the world.
::You're not only gonna win, but you gonna have fun.
::You'll have this.
::I've been able to see auras
::For a large part of my.
::Life, but never really.
::Did it too much or talked about it too
::Much you can turn it on anytime you want, and I recommend to folks the two best places I know of are the theater.
::So you're seeing a movie, pick six rows down.
::Be as respectful as you can.
::Look at the.
::Back of their head and tune out like the most boring or the most exciting professor.
::You know that was in high school or college, you'll start to see a little thing of light.
::But right now you could stare at my nose.
::If you need help, go to here and you can start to see a band of light and I'll tell one more.
::Dad joke.
::It's a hospital joke, but it's still a good one.
::Doctors and nurses still haven't heard it.
::Where in a hospital is the worst place
::To play hide and seek.
::Where in a.
::Hospital the ICU.
::As you laugh, you're letting go.
::Ah terrible, terrible Dad jokes.
::Yeah, and here's the duality thing or the non duality thing that Buddhists talk about in many other circles.
::You breathe all the time, but you're not really conscious of the breath.
::It's usually the once a year physical for the doctor with the stethoscope.
::So the more you can just breathe bigger, the more you bring an oxygen in, the more you flow, the more you.
::Connect to everything in and around you.
::I think it was a Peaceful Warrior.
::I love the movie gymnastics movie.
::Very safe.
::Zen a little bit like an adult karate kid film.
::Peaceful warrior.
::Check out the book.
::Way of the peaceful warrior by Dan Millman.
::I'm losing my track on that one, but the bottom line is you already have everything within and if you just trust a little more, you're gonna find that you the universe opens up tons of doors.
::It's like The Alchemist or Esther Hicks.
::Universal forces are in place to help you follow that unique life path.
::Whether we're talking business relationships.
::Love you learning to overcome your obstacles you were handed earlier in life.
::And so it gets amazingly colorful.
::I've lost two parents, lots of ebb and flow and.
::And what I.
::Do here you think?
::I mean, it's incredible miracles happen and people throw hugs on you.
::And they're like, Oh my God miracles
::But for every one person doing this, there's two people who completely rejected it, and they could be the spiritual industry or this organization that's all about angels.
::Umm so it's I think it's really whenever you catch a person.
::They could be completely slamming the door on you, and then two years later they could be the nicest person.
::They don't remember rejecting you and they do it all.
::And even then you gotta let that go.
::So this isn't about failures, accomplishments.
::This isn't about gaining or losing anything.
::I'm gonna quote angels, move past seeing the negative.
::That's deep.
::This isn't about fixing anything.
::It's not up to humans to fix anything.
::You're here to literally learn and share and be more love, more sparkle up here.
::That sage person that you love hanging out with that you're.
::Like, how do they
::Do what they do.
::They just feel good to be around.
::You do that and you practice being in the moment.
::Anything you touch is gonna be love, and love is the definition of success.
::I yeah, I love it.
::Ditto, I love it too.
::Now it's Casablanca.
::If anybody remembers Humphrey Bogart and Ohh, who was that Swedish actress?
::Ingrid Bergman but the when the gendarme chief of police walks into the casino now, he gambles there every night.
::Thank you, Bergman.
::But he's acting like he's never been there before.
::He goes, I'm shocked to see there's gambling going on in this casino and a waiter sneaks up to him with the envelope with all the cash stuffed in.
::And he's like, Sir, you're winnings.
::And he goes like this, and he's like, I'm shocked to see there's gambling going on here.
::Close the place down and arrest the usual suspects.
::Now that casino and all the gambling is our thinking, it ain't gonna stop.
::You've just had 19 reactions today to seeing
::light to the fact that angels could exist.
::So you have to find your own way.
::If it's a pool party to dip your toe.
::Into the pool.
::I'm the type.
::2 hours later I might not even have touched the pool.
::It's cold or an hour later.
::I'm only up to my knees now.
::A lot of people will cannonball right in, so find an entry point.
::The pool is.
::Your heart, the pool is spirituality.
::The pool is the universe.
::It doesn't matter, but it's got to go through what you know. This is Seth from the 1970s, the whole new Age. Jane Roberts, the whole foundation for this.
::You can meet Seth Lighting, but it's through the world you knew and into a greater reality, and that was a peaceful warrior as well.
::It's the last place according to the garage attendant, gas station attendant.
::Where you want to go is your own heart.
::It's scary.
::You got burned there once, like a hot stove in a in a bad way.
::And yet it's the number one place you wanna reside.
::So it's really getting to know yourself.
::And then allowing the universe to fill in everything you signed up for to be here, you know, not just great business, but great relationships that loved one.
::You know, maybe start with the pooch.
::Yeah, alright.
::This has been so amazing.
::Thank you.
::so much, Michael.
::What's the one thing?
::That you want to leave the audience with today.
::Just allow more, love more.
::Don't worry about any of the details I threw out today.
::Trust in the little things in life like try to enjoy the enjoy that you know the commute.
::It's the worst commute in the world.
::It's the tick, not Han pieces.
::Every step, that little book find mindfulness in the middle of washing some dishes or mowing the lawn.
::If you can crack that kind of code, everything else, everything else that you touch is going.
::To be fantastic.
::That's that is very true.
::It's the Marie Kondo.
::Approach to laundry.
::Be grateful for each piece as you fold it. Exactly
::And notice the colors in your in your clothing and get colors if you're just dressed in black and tan and white, get some colors in your clothing.
::Pick the ones that make you feel good.
::Who cares if they match your complexion or not?
::Exactly. No limits.
::No limits.
::So you have two YouTube channels.
::You have a website and you have.
::A book if I'm remembering correctly?
::Yeah, everything is at my website, which is just my name.
::Michael Andre.
::Like the Champagne Ford.
::Like the truck or car.
::Michaelandreford dot com, the YouTube channel is at Michael Andre Ford and the show is angels, positivity and love started in January.
::We've got 42 episodes taped by the middle of this month, with Episode 30 coming out this weekend in New Zealand.
::Healer last this currently right now is Lorna Byrne.
::In the fall, you're going to see Jennifer McLean.
::Echo Bodine has said yes.
::Some pretty famous longtime healers, but it's healers, authors, experts show hosts themselves, and they take a lot of steps on air, so take confidence.
::Watching others do it, whether it's smelling sage.
::Talking to angels and so on.
::No limits.
::That's perfect.
::And we'll make.
::We put the show or the links in the show notes below.
::Thank you so much for joining me today.
::Great to meet you and look forward to connecting again.