Word Magic and the Transformational Act of Book Writing
Crystal Adair-Benning - is best known for not being known at all A sequined secret weapon Copywriter & Ghostwriter she helps people, just like you, land centre-stage while your clients feel like total rockstars working with you.
With a background in Live Events, Marketing, PR, and Media, she teaches strategies backed by real world proof and practice rather than theory. Always keen to think outside the book and push envelopes, she's the Word Magician who loves to explore human connection and emotion before aiming straight at the heart of your very best. clients. ever.
7 Steps to Catapult Your Book to Bestseller Status
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::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Hi and welcome to the You world order showcase. Podcast I'm your host, Jill Hart. And with me today is crystal, Adair Benning crystal is best known for not being known at all. A sequin, secret weapon copywriter and ghost writer. She helps people just like you land center stage, or your clients feel like total rock stars working with you
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: with a background in live events, marketing, Pr and media. She teaches strategies backed by real world proof and practice rather than just theory, always keen to keep
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: thinking outside the book and push the envelope. She is the word magician who loves to explore human connection and emotion before aiming straight at the heart of your very best client. Ever
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: welcome to the show, Crystal. It's really great to have you here.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: My pleasure. Who wrote that bio that was so long.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I know rocks.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Somebody.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Hold it!
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Book. Bio. What happened there.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Love it. You would think that the person who wrote it was maybe a copywriter.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I mean just just maybe a little bit. I it's great. I always laugh when people read my Bios because they change almost on the daily. So if you have a bio that you've held for like more than 5ย min congratulations, you've held your bio longer than I have, because I change them all the time, I think because I get bored of hearing about my own accolades. So I'm like, Oh, today, we're going to be sassy. Today. We're gonna talk about the dog.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Or today, we're going to talk about travel, or today, I'm going to throw some crazy adventure in book writing in. So I love that. That was the bio you read. It was amazing. Thank you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah, just kinda happened that way. And and while I was over there looking on your website, there was some. Oh, I got to a 4 0. 4 page.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and and.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: That's like a travesty. Oh, I'm a copywriter. We shouldn't have those 4 4 s.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It was, it was totally my mistake.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: so I'll just put that out there. But I.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Cool, I.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Was. It was kind of a blessing to to get there, because it was hilarious.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I mean, I genuinely believe that anytime you write anything, it's a chance to share your personality and to shine. And I think what you're talking about is like my 4 0, 4 line comes up is like oops. Error. Gosh! You'd think a copywriter would be on this, or something silly like that. There's a few of them.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It needs a crystal, it said. It needs a crystal, and.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: It does really.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Like I'm all in the woo world, and just like, and then the the double entendre hit me like a ton of bricks.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I I happen to have the world's best name for working with woo we coaches because
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I mean I. The only crystal you need is me. Somebody gave me this one. I've got a crystal for that like for my water bottle, like there's all kind of fun, beautiful double entendres and moments that we can do. So. Yeah, I I think of copy is truly about having fun. And so my life, like my very 1st book that ever got published, and that I wrote I was 14 years old.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and I've been having fun with words long before that, and I swear I'll have fun with words until I die. I I kind of want to write my own
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: like death like notice, like I I really want to write like I I should write it myself, because it would be hilarious, and I think that that's a good exercise for me. So now you've given me an idea. And now I think I'm going to go write my like funeral notification just for funsies, and put it into the file for my husband to be like. What the crap did this lady write? They'll probably be 500 before I before I kick it. But there you go.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you're.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Just like, where did this go already?
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: It's all about this.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So I love it. I'm over here thinking about when I had to write my mom's obituary.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Right.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I, you know I I wrote about all the cool stuff that she did, and I you know what made her unique and not the normal. She had, you know, 5 kids or 3 kids, or whatever she had.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Fully expect that somebody should write that I I I never sat still. And I always wondered why there was an airplane that kids weren't allowed on like that needs to be in my obituary, because every single time I get on an airplane and there's a crying child I'm like, why do airplanes for adults only, or adults with pets like I would take that airline to where does that exist? So these are the fun things my brain dreams up and goes like we need to do. And
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I think I'm gonna dive in here for a second. But I I truly think that anybody that's got wisdom, a sense of humor, a personality. Something about you that you love, opinions that you have.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: It's important to write that stuff down. No like. If you don't tell your story, somebody else will. That has been my rule from day one. If you don't tell your story, somebody else is going to tell it for you and my job, oddly enough, as a ghost writer is to do just that for people that don't want to write or can't write their own stories.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I'm 1 who gets to tell them. But good news. You work with me, so you get to control it a little bit. But I think more of us should tell our stories, because at the end of the day, if your obituary is just beloved by 5 people and your pet.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I don't know. I want to know the cool things you did, I want to know, like when you went scuba diving, or your favorite flavor of gelato, or what you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Ballet slippers that you kept in.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Love it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Or that your little girls went and and loved.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Love it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Given up by Alley at that point, but we loved your shoes.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Exactly all of that. I love all of that. So I think more of us deserve to tell our stories. So I think that's where everything that I do kind of started from was a love of storytelling, and it's just kind of progress from there. And now I specialize
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: in working. Oddly enough, I I know in your realm I work with coaches to truly tell their stories, and I write a form of like most of my books, are a form of catharsis, a form of healing, but it's also a form of sharing your story and connecting it to the work you do, so that people truly
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: see your expertise, see your authority, but also get this like powerful holy smokes. You change my life out of a book, and that is always my end goal of what we produce and what we create. And it starts with you, and it ends with a book that changes people's lives.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: And I love that. So that that's kind of where the career started from. And every day I get like a mini master class from incredible humans on their wisdom. I feel like a walking library of random knowledge because of the variety of books that I am blessed to write, and the incredible humans that I get to know, but each one of us has so much inside of us. If you're sitting here right now thinking I don't have a book in me, I
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: promise you you do like, I promise you you have something to say and something to go through. A lot of times we get caught up in the comparisonitis. Oh, my story is not good enough, or nobody wants to hear about that. Yes, yes, we do. Yes, we do. We are naturally curious as human beings. We love other people's stories we love diving into like what makes them tick what they went through, what they learned from it.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: And so I think if more of us found that confidence.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: to write it, and to to talk about it, I think the world would be a better place. So, coaches, you are doing the hard lifting of changing lives that way. I'm a coach. I just do it through books.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: So my my modality for coaching is just through books, and that could be writing a book for you. It could be writing a book with you. It might just be, you know, helping you edit your book or refine your storytelling.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: that's all. It takes the good stuff. And yeah, it's it's a powerful medium, and I love it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And you take people to the bestseller list.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I've been known to do such things. Yes, yes, guilty, guilty as charged. So I have been blessed to have 4 New York times bestsellers under my belt.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: My very 1st I wrote when I was 14 it published 2 weeks before I turned 16 and went to the bestseller list.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I didn't know what I didn't know. I didn't even know what the New York Times bestseller list was at 15. As you know, we weren't that savvy back then I'm a little bit older than I like to announce to the world. But
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: we went, or I went bestseller with that book as a ghost writer.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and it's kind of a a tragic tale turned like pain into purpose story right? Because
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: that 1st book I wrote for somebody. We had a verbal agreement. I knew nothing about contracts. I was 14, I got taken advantage of, and this person reneged on paying me, and actually tried to pay me in dog food like literal dog food. She wanted to pay me in Purina puppy chow.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and in that moment I was devastated and literally felt like I was a terrible business person. I was a like, I didn't do something right?
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I yeah. But like I, I was like.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: like I did like, oh, I messed this up. I'm never gonna write again. And thankfully her publisher, which was one of the Big 5, took me under their wing, taught me everything I know, and gave me the opportunity to write many more New York Times bestsellers. And now I write, you know I write literally dozens of books a year with people.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Not all of them go to the New York Times. That's a that's a big step, and it's an expensive step. If you want to do that? But many of them make the Amazon bestseller list, or they'll make the Washington Post bestseller list or even their local, you know, newspaper or magazines bestseller list.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: New York Times is like the gold standard. Of course everybody wants that, but the truth is, there's more than one ways to be a bestseller, and I teach people how to do that. And I'm proud to say that every book I've been involved in has been a bestseller of one form or another.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And let's talk about the cost of doing becoming a bestseller, because people seem to think that it's just free.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: that you become a bestseller, and you get on these lists, and it doesn't cost you anything. You just have to be really good.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Negative good is only part of the equation. And what people need to realize now is that with the advent of AI and people being able to produce books faster and and better than they have to a certain extent.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: there's so much competition now for those lists that it's actually made it much harder to get even noticed. So that's the 1st thing. Second thing that you need to know is that anything that's been written by AI is typically removed from best seller lists.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: it. It diminishes the quality of it. We all see it. It's plagiarized. It learns from it, learns from people like me who actually make their living writing. Ai literally learns from me. So my books
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: have probably been reviewed by AI, because anything that's public work. Now it reviews, so it uses it to learn how I write, and then it mimics it for you. But what we know, what we now know, and what's been set precedent in both the Us. And Canada is that AI. Is anything written by AI cannot be considered copywritten.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: You cannot own the copyright for something AI wrote because you didn't write it.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: That means that I can go online, steal your book, word for word, produce it, and put it back out into the world
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and still make money on it. So
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: what's now happening is the bestseller. Lists are starting to get even more complicated because they're checking for plagiarism. They're checking for AI. They're doing all their background work.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: And there's so many books coming out that you have to stand out from the noise in the marketplace, and the way that we do that is still storytelling at its very best, you know, if you have a topic that's trending, if you have a unique perspective, a specialty and IP something that's
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: noticeable. And it's gonna garnish attention, something that truly changes lives. And the 1st book off the top of my head was like Marie Kondo's, the magic of the magic art of tidying up. You know, when she released that
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: it it was a simple process.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: like literally, the whole book boils down to get rid of anything that doesn't cause you joy. And everybody knows that now, right. But that book was so powerful because it was one message told through an entire book that basically, if your lifestyle and the stuff you're surrounding yourself doesn't bring you joy.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Get rid of it, do something different. And she leaned on that and still leans on that message. That is her marker. So most of us think like if we don't have a 15 step methodology, and we don't have something to put out in the world that we can't
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: like sell it. But the truth is, all you need is one brilliant idea that's going to change the world. And that's what you produce.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: How you get on the best seller list. You have to stand out, which means marketing the heck out of your book. You can't just drop it on Amazon and be like
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: good we're done here. It doesn't work like that often. What it takes is both organic and paid traffic. You need to have Arc readers who are writing reviews for you. You can pay some of your Arc readers if you need to. But ideally you shouldn't be paying them. You need a launch team that's gonna promote it on social media. A lot of people run entire launch campaigns where they're giving away copies of their books. They're selling copies of their books. They're encouraging multiple multiple buys of their books.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: To become a New York Times bestseller. It's been estimated that the cost ranges between one and 10 million dollars
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: in marketing and investment in a team of people that are going to take you forward. So no, the short answer is, it's not free. The average self publish 1st of all self published books rarely become New York Times bestsellers. It's it's possible, but it's super rare.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: So most of the time you need to go through traditional publishers. So you're gonna have money and time and energy spent getting a traditional publisher. Then you're going to spend time marketing, promoting and doing your book. You're gonna spend time doing book tours. You're gonna spend time doing podcasts and media interviews and a lot of people don't understand. But there's like A, there's a time cost to that. There's a money. There's a physical cost to missing out on your life for the time. It's going to take you to promote your book to become a New York Times bestseller.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Most people aren't ready for that.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And here's the other
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: kicker part. Yeah, you're not making all that much money per book
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you have to.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: So.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Hell of a lot of books.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Self published books typically sell under 5,000 copies. We know this like just looking at the numbers we know, a self published book typically sells under 5,000 copies a published book from a major publisher with them advertising behind it. The average for a big 5 publisher is still under 10,000 copies. Guys
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: like
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: it's it's not a dramatic increase. I mean, if you're a Michael Crichton or a Jk rowling or a colleen Hoover, you're selling millions of copies of books because you've built a following, and you know you don't have to do as much marketing, you know some, literally, I think Jk. Rowling has a new book coming out. I want to say it's like next month. I could be wrong. But she has a new book coming out, and I recently was checking on Amazon and in a couple of book retailers.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and, like her, her sales are already through the roof like she's gonna have a New York Times bestseller again on pre sales, but it's because everybody knows the Harry Potter brand, and they're going to go buy it. Colleen Hoover likewise has a big movie out that's based on one of her books. There's a bunch of controversy. So her name's in the media all over the place.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: you know whether you think that the controversy is good, bad, or indifferent, I promise you. Colleen Hoover still gonna sell a billion books based on the fact that her name is Bloody well out there, and she has a movie, and Blake lively is in it, and Ryan Reynolds is attached to it, and you know what I mean. Like, she's still gonna sell all these books.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: It's the marketing machine that makes
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: a New York Times bestseller.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: It's it's not necessarily the book. I mean, there have been books on the New York Times bestseller list. I've read where I've been like
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: freaking serious like, this is what you like.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Really. Okay.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: they get it right. They get it wrong. But it's the marketing machine that often drives what becomes a bestseller, more so than the content. The content has to work in order to build the momentum. But the marketing
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: machine, the marketing powerhouse, is what actually makes a bestseller.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And so let's talk a little bit about using books as marketing tools in and of themselves, because.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Absolutely.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I. I find that people
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: may want to write a book. They want to be an author, but they don't really understand that there's power in writing a book. It doesn't have to become a bestseller.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You just have to do it.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Oh!
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Use it in other ways. So what are some of the other ways that you know of it?
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Oh, my gosh! Like some people write books because it's a legacy tool for them. They want to tell their story, and they want people to know. I have a book on my desktop right now that I'm working with with a client and he went through an incredible story that was all over the news, but the news got it wrong.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: as it does right, like his story. The way that the news represented it was only one perspective, one piece of the puzzle. And when you actually read his story, it was like, there's so much more color and understanding and depth to that story and meaning to that story.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and he wanted to quote unquote, set the record straight and tell his side of the story right? Because it's years later this went through court. It was a big Kerfuffle. It was all over the news. It it changed thousands of lives literally. And now he wants his story told, because he wants to get it off of his chest and have his side public and acknowledged right? He's ready for that. So that's 1 reason you write a book.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Some people write a book
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: purely as a marketing tool.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: you know, if you're a coach and you have. Now my rule for coaches is the 3 rule, meaning 3 years of teaching, doing the thing before you write the book about it, because I need you to prove it works.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: You can't just sit in your office one day and be like.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: have an idea for this like shock collar therapy, and then we never test it, and we put it out into the world that it's not safe. It's not reasonable. It's not respectable. We're not going to do that. So 3 years of creating a system, a tool an ideology, or whatever teaching it, utilizing it. So you have case studies to back up that it works. Then let's write a book. So 3 years is kind of the minimum kind of benchmark.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and we use your book as a marketing tool because you might not sell the book. You might turn it into an ebook and give it away on your website. You might print copies and give copies to your clients who are working with you. It might be a part of a workbook that's included as part of a program or a coaching system that you offer. So that's a great way to use a marketing tool? Sometimes you do it as a loss leader. So, for example,
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I used to work in events. I had a book that was a marketing tool that we paid to like, have copies in our office to give to clients, because we knew that them reading the book would help them understand better what we did, who we were and why we did what we did
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: right? So it was a marketing tool. That's another great reason. Other people might write a book purely because they need to heal
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: or help themselves. Better understand what they've been through.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Writing. A book is an incredibly
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: cathartic process catharsis on the paper, right like as and anybody who's ever written a book. And, Jill, I know you've written a book. You know the process of telling your own story is catharsis. You know you have to relive it. You have to reassess it. You have to find the I call it the ribbon like, how do we tie the bow? What was the lesson? What are we bringing forward?
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: And so a lot of people actually write books that never want to press, play on them. They never want to publish it. They just need to write it so they can process and move through what they had so that they can move on to the next thing. So
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: there's a billion different reasons to write a book. And I mean, if there was 10 people in this room. Every single one of them would say some version of those things.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: but we all have our own
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: reasons for writing.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I also love when people are like, I just want to become an expert at authority, because I want to speak on stages, and I want access to stages. I want to be seen as an expert in my field. Great.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Technically, it's a marketing tool. But I understand that your goal is to kind of spotlight your wisdom, or IP some people want it as copyright as an as a way to protect
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: their business or their modality or methodology to like, know that it was theirs first, st right? Oftentimes. I'm guilty of this, too. When I write things. Sometimes I'm like, I'm gonna assign copyright to this, because if anybody else uses it. I'm going to be so mad like I came up with the name. I came up with the system. It's mine. So sometimes we write just to kind of protect ourselves, to protect our business and our our wisdom.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: So yeah, there's there's many reasons that you would write a book, and not all of them are about becoming a bestseller. I feel like a bestseller status is kind of.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: It's like an afterthought. There's some people who start with. I want to have a bestseller, but for most of us it's a i want to write this book because of X,
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and if Y being bestseller status happens, I'm really excited.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: so that kind.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Brings us around to the idea of anthologies in.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: In, the.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: World that you and I both
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: swim in.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Yep.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: To mix my metaphors for you.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Like it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: we. We get inundated with people trying to get us to join these anthologies and pay large sums of money, and to to write a chapter.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Maybe maybe if you're lucky, 5,000 words, but often not even that many, for you know 1,500 or $2,000, and you'll get the best seller status, and it's like they just want to stamp you with this. Okay, you're a bestseller. So now that gives you some authority. But it really doesn't, because.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: 100%.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You've done is cheapen it
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: because you're part of this.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You've diluted your message, for one thing, because you're part of something else
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: that somebody else is driving. They have an agenda.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Oh, I listen, I have. I have a thousand of opinions about joining these anthologies and archives. Here's here's the short version of it.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Don't do it.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: You cheapen your brand. You are never going to get out of it what you put into it. Yes, you're going to have best seller stats. You're going to be able to say best selling author. But the truth is, when the hell did you last go into a store and buy an anthology that you didn't know somebody had written somebody who had written in it. The reason they become bestsellers guys
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: is purely marketing.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: You buy in. You pay $2,000, or whatever it is to be a part of it.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: then they purchase cop. Sometimes they purchase copies and give it to you as part of your.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: you know, money upfront most of the time. You're committing to also buying copies of said book.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: That's how they're getting their numbers up so that they can get bestseller status, and the only time, like the only bestseller status I've ever seen an anthology truly take, and I could be wrong here, but I've never seen it go beyond an Amazon bestseller. I can do that as a solo rider.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and be more proud of and have more
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: ownership of that work than writing for somebody else.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Anthologies are.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I mean, they have the marketing power because they have manpower behind it. The reason you want 20 authors in your anthology is because now 20 people are talking about your book. It's it's like crowdfunding your your best seller status. So fine.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And it's really all about the best seller status. It's not really about giving a good message in the book.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: And I I find a lot of them aren't cohesive. They might start out with like a theme. I have a great example where somebody I write for all the time had asked me to write for write in their anthology last year. I didn't really want to, but they were. They were just a couple authors short, and they really wanted me to help out.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: So I was like, Okay, fine. I'll write a I'll write a piece for your magazine or for your I called it a magazine. It's not. It's an anthology. But when I, when I wrote the article.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Magazine.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I. It feels like a magazine to me. But when I wrote the article and like it's beautiful, and they full color printed it, and the whole 9. It's a beautiful article, but based on the theme they had given me.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I did something completely different than everybody else in the magazine
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: or our anthology right? And so what ends up happening is, it feels weird and slightly off, because my topic choice was so different from like everybody else went for their one like crazy
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: like like the the bottom of the barrel story, right? Because that's what we tend to do when we write in anthologies we go for the bottom of the barrel story.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: The problem for me is, I'm not writing my bottom of the barrel story in an anthology where, like how many people are going to read it, the people who like bought into the book instead, I'm going to tell my bottom of the barrel story. If I'm going to tell my bottom of the barrel story, I'm going to write it in my own damn book.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I'm saving that masterpiece for my own work that's on me that is going to give me all the credit, me all the funding me all the like best selling status. I'm not giving that up to somebody else, and so many authors
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: who write in these anthologies give up their best piece of work, their best story to somebody else
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and to me. That's just awful.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's shared.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: It never gets shared. I mean, I have a copy of that particular anthology on my desk right now. I have never read it beyond opening it up to see my own story and closing it. I couldn't even tell you who else is in that book.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I don't. I don't have a clue.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: So.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Idea is good, but it's really a money making mechanism for whoever is
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: putting it together.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Listen. It's not my jam, the people it works really well, for, however, are people who are new in the industry, they haven't spent 3 years they haven't developed their IP. They don't have a full book within them, but they're looking to generate some media, some hype, some interest around themselves. They're they're they're needing something to cachet themselves for a minute. Those people are fine, cool. It's perfect for you, do it. I get it
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: however, to me anybody who's been in the industry longer than 3 years and has some wisdom and some IP to share with the world. Don't do the anthology.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Write your damn book.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Tell me your story. Don't hide behind 19 other authors hidden in the middle of Chapter 6. Don't do that to yourself. This isn't chicken soup for the goddamn soul. This is like me standing up as a business owner and being like I have wisdom to share, and this is the hill I'm willing to die on, and it's not a 2 page summary of my life.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: And I know that that's going to make people upset. Sorry to anybody who's been an anthology. There's a time and a place. It's just not my deal, because I think most of us have more wisdom, more guidance, more storytelling inside of us than a 2 pager or a 4 page inside of an anthology is going to allow.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: And so just right.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: My, my bigger, my bigger point
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: is that
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: just becoming an Amazon bestseller.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: It.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's a game.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and and you don't have to. You don't have to have that label.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You can write a book for a lot of different reasons.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: 100%.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Just because you have that label doesn't mean anything in terms of who you are doesn't make you a better coach or worse coach. It doesn't.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It doesn't have any meaning beyond. It's like.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: By selling writer.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Go for you.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Bestselling writer is a status symbol depending again, everything is dependent upon where you exist in the world, and what you want to do with it. So best selling bestselling author
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: can be a caveat of helping you get more stages or being seen differently in your field, if, like. If being a celebrated author is like a big, important thing. You always have to look at the bigger picture to determine.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Do I need the accolade, or do I just need the damn book like I've written plenty of books that I have self published, printed my damn self to use. Never hit Amazon. They're not best sellers. They're just shit that I use because I need it. I need it in my business. There's something I want to teach somebody or use. So I've made the book.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Hi.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Right, and I don't need bestseller status on it. I just need the book.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: that, said I. Also don't mind bestseller status, and if people want to use it. That's fine. But now the only differential is when somebody can say they're a New York Times bestseller, or they're a Washington times bestseller, or they're an la times bestseller or whatever. So it's starting to get to the point where bestselling author doesn't mean much, except for the caveat of
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: put where before it.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: If your answer is just Amazon's
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: cool, I'm excited for you. It's not that hard to become an Amazon bestseller for the record, like it's it's really not every book I've ever written has been an Amazon bestseller, technically so, I mean yay, me, I'm 100 on that one but of the hundreds of books, or that I've had a chance to write or be part of
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: 4
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: since I was 15, have gone to our times bestseller.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I'm not 15 anymore. I'm in my forties for the record. So like it, it takes a lot of work, a lot of effort to become a New York Times bestseller
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: don't just expect, and and a lot of people go in with a like.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: especially when they hire me. They'll be like, I want a New York Times, a seller, and I'm like cool. How much you got to put into marketing because you're gonna pay me a pretty penny for writing it, and then you're gonna pay a pretty penny
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: for marketing it to get it to New York Times. A seller status.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: And it's not a short process. So
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: you know, the world moves pretty quick these days. We want to print and publish our IP so that somebody else doesn't do it. 1st
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: publishing is still kind of in the Dark Ages.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: It takes a year and a half to 3 years to publish a book through a traditional publisher.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: No, I'm not talking about niche publishers or vanity publishers and stuff like that. I'm talking about the big 5 traditional publishers still take between 18 months and 3 years typically to publish.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: which means that your IP is just sitting there for 3 years for somebody else to swoop in underneath you, and you know, publish it first.st
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Is that a weird risk you're willing to take?
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Maybe maybe not. I don't know. Depends depends on a lot of factors.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And then it gets back to, you know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Cost.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: So life.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You're not.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Going.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's not becoming a bestseller. Yeah, is an advertising expense.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It is not a money making venture.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Unless you are Jk. Rollins, and they're giving you great advances.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and they can. They can know. I mean, they do the.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Maps.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: They know how much they're going to make off of her next book, and they can give her in advance because
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: they know what the royalty.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Okay. But let's let's let's talk about advances, because there's a misnomer with advances, too. People assume that in advance is you being paid for your book. It absolutely is not. It's not an advance is literally what it sounds like, and it's an it's an advance on how many books they suspect you're gonna sell, and the amount of commission that you're going to make on those sales.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Should your book not reach that number they lose. If your book goes over that number they win, but you only are going to take commission on your books beyond that advance.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: So if you get a million dollar advance, and you're Jk rowling, and you can sell 10 million dollars worth of books and get royalties for it on 10 million bucks. You're going to win because you got your advance plus, you're going to get money on royalties
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: if you are not, though, if you're the average author and guys like everybody always assumes like it's a million dollar book deal, or it's a hundred $1,000 book deal. Nope, the average book deal right now is somewhere between 20 and 60,000.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: The average book deal only is 20 to 60,000, and the expectation of that advance is that you're going to use it to market your book
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: because your traditional publishers are helping, but they're not paying for all of it. You're still expected to reinvest in marketing that book so that it gets out there, and more books get sold. How do you get another book contract? You sell more books.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: is the short answer.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And that means paying to fly around the world.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Racks.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And go to bookstores and do book signings and do television appearances and figure out how to get on those television.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: There is, there is a there is a very clear reason why I'm a ghost writer, and that is that
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: a I don't want the cost of marketing a book and trying to become a New York Times bestseller on my own BI have no intention of jumping on Oprah's couch. I I couldn't care less. That is not my deal. And I like my time to myself. So when I ghost right you as the author, get to go on the book tour and spend your money to go on the book tour.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I get to be on the beach in the Maldives with my commission check from writing your book in the 1st place, and sometimes I'm still you know, ghost writers dependent upon the way your contract is signed. I often make royalties anyway. So you out there promoting the book also makes me money, so please have at it. Enjoy your enjoy your book tour. I will continue to make money in the background. But for me
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I was. I was always happier writing than promoting writing. The book was like, that is my joy. That is my gift. That is like my master class and everything that you know, and that I get to learn.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I love that stuff. What I didn't love was
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: the marketing machine of having to be an author, and and at that a bestselling author. So again, there's a million reasons to write a book. Not everybody wants to be a bestselling author. But if you do, I want you to understand. And
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: the commitment that you're making
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: to promoting this book. Because really, you're going to turn into a marketing machine for anywhere between 2 to 5 years.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: And you're gonna have to commit to traveling the world and constantly running events and talking about your book and doing social media and running email lists and speaking on stages and doing all of this stuff, whereas I get to write your book.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and then I'm done. I just collect my royalty check. I collect my payment check, and I move on with my life and do the next thing.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: And I'm okay with that.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Special.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: The next bestseller that I mean. That's that's literally my gig, and and I love it. But
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: that's not to say there's anything wrong with wanting to be a bestseller. I just.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Sounds. I don't.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I just wish more of us were so open about the idea of like.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: if you want to do this, there's there's a cost associated with it. And there's again there's nothing wrong with being an Amazon bestseller guys at all. If you just want to be bestseller status, just get your Amazon best seller, your best selling out there congrats.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: If you want to create a book that has a New York Times Buzz, or a Washington Post, or an la Times or a times on Sunday, or whatever. If you want that kind of accolade, just know what it's going to take.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: that's all.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah. And you have
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: a guide for people 7 steps to catch.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: You go.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You're booked to best seller status.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Yeah, yeah, we're gonna I'm gonna give it away for free. I mean, it's gonna give you the the honest to goodness. True, some of it we talked about today. That goes into it a little bit more in depth in the Pdf, but I'm gonna just tell you straight from
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I was. Gonna say, the horse's mouth. But that's rude to me straight from the copywriter and the ghost writer's mouth. I'm going to tell you what it actually takes behind the scenes. And the truth is, it takes a lot more than people actually think. If it was that easy to do, we'd all have a New York Times bestseller. There's a reason why
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I highlight my New York Times bestsellers in my bios because it's not common. It's not
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: easy. It's something that takes a lot of work.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: And it's funny to me because, like I get to claim New York Times bestselling ghost writer because I am.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: But I also didn't have to do the book tour.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Yay, me.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I got my New York Times, but I didn't have to do. I didn't have to do the book tour. I didn't have to be like pumping it out for 5 years. I literally wrote the book, and I got to walk away. And for me that's the best of the that's the amazing part, and the best part of my world.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And there are people that they they need. I I'm gonna bring up politicians for a moment. They need the book, and they need to have it written. They want they want to to take advantage of a reason to get in front of a whole bunch of people.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Totally.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And that's why they're writing it. And that's why it needs to be a best seller, and.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Totally.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And we're we're talking about nonfiction here, you know, fiction is a whole different kind of world.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Fiction fiction, I mean, a lot of the same rules apply, but fiction is very different. But I think that I I've always had this belief that everybody has a story, but not everybody should tell it.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: 1st of all, there are some people that should not write a book. If you are in the thick of it. Don't write a book
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: you are writing from the scar. We don't, or sorry you're writing from the wound, not the scar. Don't write from the wound.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: All you're gonna do is vicariously traumatize people. Please do not do that.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Right.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Please like, especially as coaches like you know better. Don't do that. You can write it for yourself, like journal it out so you don't forget shit. But when you go to actually write the book I'm gonna I will be the 1st person who's like that needs a rewrite. You can't say that.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: There are other people who should not write a book like
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: people who just, you know, their their tone of voice or their ability to tell a story is not great.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Don't write a book. I'm not saying, don't have a book, I'm saying. Don't write it. Your damn self.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: or hire a book, coach, or hire a ghost writer. You can still tell your story, but we need to know our limits. I, for example, am freaking terrible with accounting my books would be a nightmare if I tried to do them for my damn self. That's why I have an incredible bookkeeper and an accountant to keep me on task right.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Know what you're capable of, and hire for the stuff that you can't. There's nothing saying you can't have a book just because you're not a great writer, or you. You don't have time to write, or whatever you can. You just have to hire.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and it's not a cheat to hire. Cause I I promise you you're gonna do work with me.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: You can't. You don't just show up in my office and be like crystal. Today. We're going to write a book about X and leave me to it, and I magically come up with a book at the end of it. That is not the process. It's still all your content. The trick is, you're going to teach it to me, and then I'm going to transmute it out into the world in a way that makes sense to your reader, not just to you.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: That's the trick. So if if you're the person who has the incredible brilliance, you just don't have the time to write, or the desire to write, or the skill to write
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: higher.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: You can still have a book.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And how could people hire you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: or at least have a conversation
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you, about hiring you.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Yeah, absolutely. So my website right now is word magic copywritingcom. It's due to change shortly to write WRIT. E
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: word magic.com. So if this comes out later, it's right word magic. If not, it's word magic copywriting. Try them both
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: and you can go on there. You can book a call with me. It's completely free to talk about your book, and I will give you my unfettered, unfiltered opinion of like, write this. Don't write this. You need a book coach. You need a ghost writer, you need nothing. Go write it your dumb self. You're good
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: but I am known, for one thing, in the industry which is,
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: literally giving you my opinion freely, and telling you what should and should not be written, and how I would go about writing it. And so I'm happy to do that for people. And if you want to work with me, if you want to hire me. Ghost writing has a wait list book coaching usually can come in fairly quickly, right?
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: You know, oftentimes even same week. But ghost writing. There is a bit of a wait list. So it depends on the book and what you're writing and how long we need to prep it. But most people. It's 6 months out at least 6 months to a year.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So take the course, and then have her ghost. Write it for you.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: 100%. Figure it out.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Amazing yeah.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: There's there's more than one way to write a book. The only way I'm going to recommend you don't write a book is through AI, and that's purely because you will not own it. And you're just going to train it
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: to know everything that you know.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: so that somebody else can use it in their book.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Don't do that.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah, there's a time and a place for AI.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: There is a time and place for yeah. Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Super enlightening crystal, and I really appreciate you coming on and just sharing your
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: unvarnished opinions about
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: all of the all the things.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: Completely unvarnished. Like I said, I I love what I do, and I think the coaches truly, like, you guys, are the Mavericks. You guys change the world with the with the stuff that you do. I am always in awe when my coaches come to me and teach me incredible things that like you guys change my life every time you come in to teach me what I need to know, to write your books. I'm always in awe and like complete and utter respect for what you do.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: And the world needs more of you. And the way that we can get you out into the world isn't by one on one coaching, it's by creating something that's going to be able to spread faster and wider than we can.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Really, why I do this podcast.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I love it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: For the same reason.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I love it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So thank you so much for joining me. What's the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from this conversation today?
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: I mean the smart ass in me was like, please don't write in an anthology, but in truth it's in truth, it's that what I really want you to do is understand that you have an incredible power and story inside of you, and you have the ability to tell it. So if you ever get the chance. If you even have an inkling inside of you that you want to share your story or your wisdom, do it. Don't wait. It is the number one
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: like most regretted decision when they've interviewed people who are dying. The biggest regret is that they didn't tell their story, and they didn't write it themselves, and so honestly write your story
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: what you do with it next. That's a marketing decision. But write your story.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Thank you so much for joining me.
::Crystal Adair-Benning: Word Magic Copywriting: My absolute pleasure. Thank you so much.