Episode 26

Published on:

26th Jun 2024

Wandering into the Woo - Manifesting & Reality with Dee May

Day May joins us to discuss manifesting, reality and how she helps others as a spiritual mentor, psychic, tarot card reader and host of the podcast spiritually speaking.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Dee May Dee is a student of the spirit intuitive spiritual mentor. She's a psychic medium and tarot card reader and also a podcast host of the Spiritually Speaking podcast.


Welcome to the show, Dee. It's really great to have you here with us.


Thank you so much for having me, Jill. I appreciate you.


So tell us, how did you get started?


I'm always curious about this with people that are.


Wandering in the woo.


Yes, I do love it. Actually. I started in it quite early in life, but my path has been very tumultuous, I guess would be a good word. Maybe that's not a good word. That might be. Anyhow, it's been.


Interesting. An interesting journey, but I saw my first spirit when I was about five years old, that I remember seeing anyway. I'm sure I saw spirit before then, but the first one I remember seeing.


Was when I was around five years old and it just always seemed very natural to me.


And I was never afraid or anything like that. It just seemed like a normal thing to me, you know, and I was, unfortunately or fortunately. However you look at it was raised Pentecostal, which is a very, very strict religion. And there was none of that basically in in that religion or you were you were going to go to.


Hades for eternity. So I didn't really talk about it or explore it or anything until I got a whole lot older.


You know.


Interesting. It's interesting how religion can sometimes feel like it's put you in a pot and tie the lid on real tight.


Around some of these gifts that people have that are pretty phenomenal and they they.


It's like they go out of their way to make you feel like you're there's something wrong with you. Yes, really. Something special that you have.


And it's a gift. The gifts are to help everybody else. I mean it. The fact that.


You can see.


Spirits is like I'm sure it helps you, but.


Really it's it's for the larger.


Community that you're part of.


It is and it and it does help me a lot. I'm I'm super grateful for the gifts that I have because it has been so healing for me, especially with certain relationships I've had, like my parents crossed over a little over two years ago now and.


We didn't have the greatest relationship. We didn't really have much of a relationship at all. In my later years in life, you know, and.


Now that they've crossed over, it has completely shifted and I have an amazing relationship with them now and I just think about the people who don't believe in this or don't embrace their gifts or you know.


It's that's so final to them and there there's none of this healing that can happen if you embrace that gift. And I mean, I've had some amazing conversations with my parents and and they were very devout Pentecostals, and both of them, since they have crossed over, have come to me and told me that they're proud.


Of me, and I am steadfastly in the spiritual space right now. So for them to come to me and say that knowing I'm doing what I'm doing now is just phenomenal. I mean, I can't tell you how healing that has been for me really.


I can totally relate to that and with my own mom. I was. I was the one steeped in religion, and I I had terrible relationship with her. Most of my life. They were just like.


I know that I know I asked for this before I came now, but I didn't know then and.


And after she passed, she came to me several times.


In in dreams mostly, but it was just like there was total healing.


All of all of the pain of our relationship was just like it melted away and she was happy and she was proud of me and she.




We were, we were good. We are good.






And like you said, for for people to get that message, I mean, if you can't, if you're not in a place to receive it yourself, and there are many factors that go into not being able to get those messages on your own. So if you go to someone who is a medium and can help you get those messages from your loved one, it is immensely healing.


And that's why I love it so much. I love talking to other people who do it and hearing their stories about people they've given messages to because we need it. It's so healing. And then when we heal as a collective.


It just ripples out and we get stronger and we get better as people, so it's incredible.


It really is and and the whole we get stronger as a people's theme.


As people begin to understand and connect to the larger energy that we all exist in and realize that you know death and life are just like.


They're just like a shift in in perspective that it's not. It's it's not black and white. It's it's they're together.




I I'm not explaining it very well but.




Yeah, I totally agree with you. They are, you know, and I I caught myself because in a podcast that I just did with my friend who was also medium, I said, you know, in in the real, you know, in the real experience or whatever. And I was like wait, it's all real but but but I mean it's a living experience. You know, it's it's the living experience, but it's all real, I mean.




Energy doesn't die, and that's what we are. And it's so fascinating to me that some people don't recognize or acknowledge that because when you think about how your physical body actually works and what is it, if your heart stops, if you go into cardiac arrest or something like that, what do they use to restart your heart?


What do they use? They use an electricity and they ZAP you. And if we weren't electrical and we weren't energy in that way, that wouldn't have an effect on us.


You know, so it's it's.


All it is, it's all the same.


And then when you look at it on a on a larger scale like in the universe, I like, sometimes I like to go down these weird paths. But if you look at our bodies, our bodies, our bodies are all a collection of cells.


Let's go. They're my favorite.


Cells are individual living entities.


By definition.


UMI don't know if they're sentient or not.


But we are a collection of living organisms. That is what is our body. And then you've got.


A planet that we are individual organisms.


And like the plants and the animals they're they're just like different organs in our bodies. Still collections of cells.


It's just a a little.


Bit grander scale and I know that it goes out and out and out.


But in each of those has a consciousness.


We have our individual consciousnesses, perhaps ourselves, have individual consciousnesses.


And the earth.


Has a consciousness.


A collective consciousness that we are all part of.


And I don't. I don't know where it all goes, but it's just interesting to to watch as it.


And I wonder if it.


Goes the other way too, you know, inside the cells there's atoms on those atoms. Could be other civilizations.




We don't know.


It's so interesting because I've listened. I listened to sign. There's a few scientists that I love listening to, so they talk about this stuff, about how, you know, when you're when you go one way and you're looking at everything.


It it expands just the fact that you're looking at it makes it expand.


And that's why we don't really know where the end of the universe is, or the goal, you know, I mean, like, there's all of this stuff. And the more you look at it, the bigger it gets. I mean, like, I love listening to. I've listened to a lot of Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, if you want to get into the cells, he's a microbiologist and he's amazing to listen to. And he makes it really fun. He's not.


One of those.


Dry guys. He makes it really fun to listen to and Greg Braden, they all talk about this kind of stuff. And when you're going the opposite direction and inward and you get to the subatomic particles and you keep going smaller and smaller because we we have equipment now nowadays that can.


Go right down and the fact of the matter is inside of the smallest, smallest thing that they can get inside of is.




That's it, space.


So we are literally just a perception of space. It's fascinating.


Yeah, but it is.


Mindblowing and interesting and exciting all at the same time is.


Like you exist and you don't.


Yeah, yes, it seems surreal, you know, and it's like what I mean.


You hear the phrase truth is stranger than fiction, and it truly is. It truly is. When you really think about the things that are actually real in this world and the things we write about.




Fiction has nothing on the truth of how things really are.


You know, and one of my favorite things to say is you can't out create a spirit when you're trying to learn how to make things happen in your life. And I recently heard someone say.




We don't do the law of attraction.


We be the law of attraction. It's just a state of being, you know, and that was just so fascinating to me because it it is true, it's true. But we make it so complicated with our human side of our nature, you know, so it's it's definitely a learning experience.


It is when it comes to manifesting I I've.


I've had the most amazing last UH-55 or six months. I just in terms of.


I've I've been really focused on it and and intentionally manifesting things and so many amazing things have happened.


In my personal life, that's just like, yeah.


And it's just, I'm not doing any. I'm not any different than I was before this started. It's just an awareness, it's like, but it's an awareness kind of like.


Out of the corner of.


Your eye not really focused.


Fuzzy vision they used to call it in karate. It's the fuzzy vision that happens out here. That's very real.


And it's where all the power is. It's not what you're seeing right in front of you. It's, it's, it's this here.




And that's what our logical minds don't want to believe, and that's why we get stuck here in this tunnel vision of thinking. That's all there is, is what's right in front of us and what we can see. You know, we we don't allow ourselves to believe that our dreams, our dreams, are all right here, right, like you said.


But we don't let ourselves believe it. And and that's that's the logical mind and you can't explain. I mean, how do you explain all the things the synchronicities that have happened for you over the last five months?


There's no way to explain it right? It's just these amazing things that just happened because you decided to believe in fuzzy vision and trust it and know that at some point it's going to pop through into this place so that you can actually touch it.


Yeah. And when it does, it's like.


It happened. We were talking before we got on here and started recording that you were having an amazing day and I told you I was going to ask you about it. I think now is the time.




Yes, it's been. It's been, I've been.


Is it happening out here in the fuzzy vision world?


It it is, and it's just so fun. One of the things I've really learned here recently is that.




Don't have to do this by ourselves, right? Because I used to always think that if I couldn't do it by myself, then I didn't deserve to do it, didn't deserve to have it because someone else helped me get there. So it wasn't like me, did it? You know what I mean and what I have learned recently is that.


We need other people like really need other people because we can only grow so far on our own. So when we have these other people in our lives that can help us, or at least, you know, like my friend said to me today, at least validate.


Hey, I've felt that too. You know, you're not batshit crazy. It's just it's that's the way things happen sometimes. That's the way they unfold sometimes, you know. And so it it's been a really emotional day. And I've talked to a couple of different ones of my friends and there's an opportunity that is has presented itself.


And it would be.


It wouldn't be. It is an amazing opportunity and I'm really, really intrigued by it, really, really excited about it.


But there's this.


Being that I'm not sure exactly how it's going to play out yet, you know, and that's that's kind of exciting and fascinating. And I talked to to one of my friends and she's like, well, she presented a different angle and and allowed me to see things a little bit differently. So now I'm just going to, you know, I've just got this intention, if this is, if this is supposed to happen.


Then it will work itself out and I won't have to do anything at all to make it work. It'll just lay itself out in a beautiful way. So I'm really excited about it.


I'm excited for you and the thing that I do know is that.


When you can allow yourself to be in that state of.


This is what I want.


And I'm just allowing myself to be open to receiving it. However it gets here.


And if that's the mechanism that is supposed to like.


All of the pieces will fall into place and the path will just open up and you'll walk down it and you'll get to the destination and it'll be easy peasy. It's when we start trying to help the universe.


Because it can't possibly know any better than us.


Right. And then we've been here for a nanosecond. It's been around forever, but.


Yes, yes, exactly right. We think we do. And and I was that person for the longest time and I still catch myself sometimes and because I wanted to figure everything out and understand it and and I wanted to know how it was going to end up and who the players were going to be and how long it was going to take.


We know better.


And all of these things, and it really doesn't matter, I have a.


A spiritual mentor in my life right now and he told me he's like.


D Stop getting so emotional about it. Just.


Let it teach you. Just be ever vigilant and let it teach you, and I hear that to me that has been one of the best pieces of advice that I've ever received in my entire life because it applies to everything. So I'll catch myself, you know, getting upset or trying to figure something out and I'll hear his voice.


In my head saying, just relax.


Let it teach you, you know, just stop trying to control everything. You know what I mean? Because when we let go of the reins a little bit, the universe is going to take us a completely different direction sometimes. But it's going to be so amazing and we wouldn't have been able to come up with it in a million years.






Exactly it it's just the letting go the not having to be perfect and and enjoying the mistakes the Japanese have this this tradition where if something breaks, they gild it in gold the crack, so that that the thing that's broken.






Is much better and valuable than it was to begin with. I think letting things you've.


All naturally and organically, it looks messy, but it's so beautiful. And and if you can just enjoy the process and enjoy the beauty and enjoy the the things that come along, you know, yeah, some stuff's not going to work right and.




Techs gonna do what tech does.


Because it's tech.


Yes, right. Well, I think you know one of the things that has been coming up, you know, in my world here recently too is that we don't want to sit with the things that don't feel good to us. You know, the things that frustrate us or the things that make us cry or make us mad or don't you know, don't feel good to us in some way we don't want.


To sit with that.


We want to always be feeling good and we think that if we're not always feeling good, things aren't going in the right way and that couldn't be further from the truth because sometimes when things are.


Feeling yucky and everything. That's when. That's where the bass lessons are. That's where the biggest shifts in our soul are. And so if we can allow ourselves just to feel that and say, what does this teaching me? What what possibilities exist in this moment from this situation?


You know and not get so bogged down and, Gee, this feels like crap right now because I know personally, and I'm sure, and I know this is true for everyone, not just for me, but some of the times in my life where things have felt the worst. And I was like, Oh my God, how am I even like, I don't even feel like I can breathe right now, you know?


Those were the times of my life when the shifts were happening that pushed me in a direction that I was going to refuse to go if I hadn't had those moments, you know, and I needed to go in that direction.


So those are the things that happened that pushed me into the more beautiful place and the more peaceful place. So if we can look at it that way.


Instead of being so overwhelmed by the fact that it doesn't feel good in the moment and there's so much magic in that.


And giving ourselves grace, going through the process, don't beat yourself up because things didn't turn out the way that you thought they should.




You know the shoulds of life are nothing. They're just things you've made-up for yourself. They're the To Do List. You can just cross the shoulds out of it. Maybe you want to.


Maybe it's just not meant for you. It's OK.


Sometimes things blow up in life, and it can be really painful going through it, but if you can give yourself the grace and the space to say, OK, yeah, this sucks hard. I feel you.


But I'm not going to really react over it. I'm just going to accept that it hurts and that it's yucky and.




And we'll just move on because tomorrow is going to be a different day and new new things are going to come along and.


Almost invariably I I'm thinking about something that happened in my own life that was really traumatic.


For my whole family, it wasn't like it just hit me personally, but on the other side of it was.


Everything I'd always hoped for, yeah.




And that's it. And and we we can find if we really allow ourselves just to be in that place and and just kind of take stock of things that we really are OK. And I think that we get so reactive that we're like oh, this is happening and it doesn't feel good. So I'm not OK. Hey, you are you are.


99.9% of the time you are just fine. In that moment. It doesn't feel good. It's not fun. It sucks like you said, going through it, it hurts your heart, but you really are OK.


Way and allowing yourself to see the possibilities on the other side of that. You know, sometimes one of the things I say is we hold on so hard to what we're experiencing like we don't want to let go of let's use a relationship as an example, you're in a crappy relationship, but you don't want to let go because you think there's nothing beyond.


But The thing is, if you never let it go.


You don't know.


There's always something beyond that thing. Always.


Always. And we hold on so tightly, you know, and and we will. You know there's that illustration where someone's holding on to a rope and their hands are getting all tore up and and their feet are literally just inches from the ground. And all they have to do is just let go and they're.


Me, you know, and I think that's what we need to realize, that it doesn't always look pretty and we're scared and that's normal, you know, and that's what we have to understand too that we it's OK to be scared, but just allow yourself to see the possibilities if you do like.


Go of that rope. If you do let go of that relationship, there's going to be something else for you in the future. That's better for you.






At the very least, it's going to be different and it's a new experience there. There was a book written by Jonathan Bock. It was called no Richard Bach. It's called the reluctant Messiah.




I don't know if you've ever read it, but it's a great book.


He also wrote Jonathan Livingston Siegel back in the 70s, I think. But this book is in the beginning. There's a the prologue, that's it's handwritten, looks like it's written on a yellow notepad, and it's all about these creatures that live in the stream, and they cling to the side.


And you know, don't wanna let go. Don't let go.




Don't let go.


One creature, it's just like I can't take any Barney releases and he goes down the stream and he finds his whole new, wonderful life because he let go.


Yeah. Yes.


And that's a great illustration for how life really, truly is. And we are so afraid.


You know and and that's what holds us back from almost everything. Fear. Fear of not being enough. Fear of failure, fear of success. I mean, we we just fear in a lot of ways and you know being different like you said it, it can be different. And The thing is that's what scares a lot of people is the fact that it's different.


Dear everything.


As we get so comfortable, I was married for 20 years and it was not a good marriage. It was. It was very stressful and there was a lot of, you know, dynamics there and everything. But I knew what to expect.


Right. Even though I wasn't enjoying it, I knew what to expect every single day. So in that there was comfort, you know, because I I knew what my day-to-day was going to hold.


Being outside of that, like when I finally decided I'm done and I'm going to leave, I was terrified. I didn't know how to do life.


Alone, like on my own as a single woman, I didn't know how to do that. I've never lived by myself in my entire.


Life until I.


Got divorced, you know. And that was terrifying to me. But you know what I found?








You know and and the ability to make my own decisions without someone judging every move I made. I mean, it was incredible, but I was terrified. But if I hadn't let that go, I wouldn't have gotten to experience the peace that came after that.






Everything that we go through in life is like that. There's always trade-offs that if we can just open ourselves up and just jump the universe.




Just take that step, because the solid ground is going to.




It always does. It did.




You can count on it.


It may not look like what you think it's going to look like, but it will happen. And if you're if you do life with intention and it.




You can equate it to like vision boards or whatever, something that you're you're comfortable thinking about, but an intention is just telling the universe hey.


I think I like this. I want more of this in my life or I think I would like my life to look like this.




And then just set it aside, let the universe work on it.


And it may bring you some little things along the way to say like this.


And it might just be like if your intention is to.


To manifest a bunch of money.


Because a lot of people like to do this.


If you find a penny on the ground, hey.


Pick it up.


Be great. We'll celebrate it. Yes, you, nurse. That's what I'm talking.


Yes, that's right.


Thank you. Cash money. Thank you. And put it in your pocket and then put it in the your treasure chest and, you know, make a big deal about it because it tells the.




Yeah, you're on the right track. That's what I'm looking for. And then more and more of it will come and it doesn't have to come in any specific way. And believe me, right, it can come from the most unexpected spaces I've.




Literally manifested over $100,000 in the last six months.


That's amazing. Congratulations.


From a variety of different places and.


It's not like anything I've done. I haven't done anything.


It's just that it comes here and it comes from there and.


It's just like.


One day it was just like, oh, what, I love this because I.


Said the intention to.


Talking now.


To have $1,000,000 come into my life this year.


Oh, that's amazing.


And it's I see evidence of it happening and it's. Yeah, it's coming in.


It's coming in.


We have to open up the possibility, you know, and that's just it because, you know, I just told this story in a in a recording with my friend. But.


I have a friend named Jessica and every time she her palm itches, she gets money from somewhere. It might be different, varying amounts of money. You know, it's never been a windfall, but she always gets money when her palms itch. And I was like doesn't matter which hand because you know, like you hear, like, one hand is for receiving one hand is for it going out coming then.


Going out, she goes. No, it doesn't matter. Either hand can.


And she said I'll I'll get money. And I was like, well, that doesn't happen to me.


And then I I thought, but what if it did?


What if it did happen like that for me? And then week before last I my palms were itching? I mean like crazy. I was like scratching. I'm sitting at the table and I was talking to Steve about it. And I was like, man, my palms itch. And Jessica says when she does this, it always gets money. But I never do. I go but what if I did?




And I just threw that out there. OK, my palms itch. So what if I do?


Get some money.


That'd be cool. Don't know where that's going to come from, but you know, I'm just going to let that be.




I recently I have a friend, another friend and she's local. So she allowed me to put some of my artwork into her massage studio.


And I went to my grandma's last week and then when I came back, she called me. And she's like, guess what?


And I was like what? She was one of your trees sold the big one. And I was like, holy crap, there's my money for my itchy palms. I mean, so. And I just because I just did.


So when your palms itch, money's coming. That's right.


I think part of it is being a open to the possibilities, but B looking for evidence to prove it's true, because sometimes we put this out there and we forget to look.




This sucks.




It may have actually even happened.


Yes, forget to notice that.


But we don't know because we weren't paying attention.


Right, eyes wide open. We got to have our eyes open, our ears open. Our hearts open. You know, I mean, my life has shifted exponentially since I started listening to my.




Because it's like what? What feels good, not what makes sense. Don't think about what makes sense, because that that's not always going to work for you.




And what other people think?


About it looking all crazy and that you should be doing this and there's those shoulds again, right. You should be doing that. But just let it flow. What feels good? What does your soul need to do? And since I've done that, you know, like my business doesn't even look the same as it did before, you know, and it's changed so much.




And I'm excited to see what else is going to happen because I've just opened up and said if it feels good, I'm going to do it, you know? And if it doesn't speak to my soul, I'm not going to do it. No.




How much sense it makes to anybody, really? It doesn't matter. I'm just going to follow my soul from now on because.


All of these cool things are happening now. All of these synchronicities.


All of these people that are so in alignment with the way I believe and look at things are coming in and I'm developing these relationships with people that I never would have had before if I could just continued blowing through the stuff that wasn't feeling good to me.






You know, it doesn't mean it wasn't good stuff. It was good stuff. But it it just wasn't for me.


And something's some things can be for you for now, but not for later. I mean, we're traveling. Things are constantly changing and shifting. Nothing is ever always the same.






And nothing will ever look.


That's very true.


Exactly the way you imagine it.


Even if you're trying to get your website redone, just are not going to be you and they're not going to read your mind.




How many intuitive designers you talked to?


That's funny. Listen, and that's why I named my business. What I named it. It's eternal soul evolution. I actually changed the name of my business this year to Eternal Soul Evolution, because it's exactly what you said. We are never in the same.


I think.




One thing that is an absolute in this life is that things are always moving and shifting. They're never staying in the same place ever.


Ah, and and a lot of times it's circular. It's like a spiral.


It just keeps moving out, gets bigger, and then you go through the same seasons, but every season is different and brings different challenges and blessings.




And it's it's just life is so yummy. If you can just relax into it and and enjoy it.


And it gets fun. I mean, to me, it gets really fun checking out how things come across every day. The learning you know, and you you find yourself in a in a situation where you're like, oh, that feels like crap. But then you get out of it so much faster because you're paying attention, you're being vigilant and you're allowing things to teach you and you realize.


Says the those epiphanies come a whole lot quicker. And then you notice the synchronicities and it just gets fun to just check it out and talk to.


Your friends and be like.


Oh, you don't believe what happened today. Even though we do believe it, because we know we're all on that same wavelength. It's just really cool and fun to to see how it all unravels as.




As time goes by, you know.


I just want to.


Be able to share with other people that just accept it as like this.


Is totally normal.




I I love that and and you're there's nothing wrong with you. For, for enjoying it and for.


Just you know.




I saw the stars.


Last night I haven't seen the stars in a while and.


I just was like, they're so beautiful.


Yeah, because it's been cloudy for a lot. A lot of the months.


And and just just just to appreciate.


The small glimpse or the new growth on trees that happens in the spring and watching just watching it move from, yeah.




To summer and all of the processes that happen, they're each they're small.


To small incremental changes, but.


All of a sudden, everything's going to be green and there's going to be flowers and it's just going to be an explosion of of life.


And then it'll.


It'll melt into summer.


And that will be a different experience than fall.


I don't know. I just love it. I love life. It's so.


Yeah, I do too. And it's it's amazing and it's beautiful and that's that's what it's all about, is just embracing all of it instead of, you know, feeling like you can only be happy because we live, you know, when it's a certain temperature outside or you're in a certain location or whatever. You know, I do believe in being where you're happy.




So like I totally moved out of Indiana because I.


I hate.


Freezing cold weather. I'm a Florida girl, so I came back home to Florida, you know? And not everybody like that. But it's OK, you know? And. But embracing the wholeness of everything instead of limiting our happiness to.


This little snapshot in time, you know, and it's I love watching things like that too, and noticing the beauty in things can totally shift your world. You know, when I was going through a really tough time in life and I felt like I didn't know how I was going to move forward. And I distinctly remember.


Pulling up to a red light and there was a stand of palm trees in the median and there was this blue sky. You know, the kind that you look like. You could dive into it. You.




And the wind was blowing and those palm fronds were just waving against that sky. And I was just mesmerized and.


I thought how beautiful.


How beautiful. And that was when things started shifting for me, you know, at that point in my journey.




We get to allow ourselves to see beauty even when we're going through something difficult, and it completely changes everything because it shows us the possibilities that are there.




And the palm tree doesn't have any.


Anything invested in whether you have a good day or a bad day, it's just there.


Yeah, it's just there being a palm tree.


Waving its little fronds.


Yeah, but it made such a big difference.


In your life.


At least in your day.


It did.


Yeah, it it made a big difference in my life because that's when I really started allowing myself to think, you know, things can be different. I can move forward from this situation that I'm in and it was my last toxic relationship that I was in before I got in this amazing relationship. I'm in now where I'm completely safe and I can be myself 100%.


I get to drink my coffee in peace every morning and there's no screaming and yelling, you know? I mean, it's amazing. And if it hadn't been for those palm trees, I I don't know. I mean, allowing myself to see the beauty in that that day. I don't know how much longer it would have been before. I thought things can be beautiful in my life. You know, you don't have.


To this way.


I I love coffee and peas alone in the morning. I like it's it's important to me. It's a ritual and I don't. I don't want anybody else around.


I tolerate my dogs, but you know, I give them something to entertain themselves. Leave me alone.


I I only get One Cup a day. I want to really enjoy.




Hey. Yeah. And it's a great opportunity. You know, we always say we don't have time, not always, but a lot of us say we don't have time to journal or, you know, spend a little bit of time with ourselves. But if we're if you're doing having a cup of coffee, that's the perfect time to journal. I journal with my coffee every morning and I draw myself a tarot card or two or.


Sometimes more, depending on what my deck decides I need to see that day and you know.


Half of it dumps out on the table.


You eat all this girl.


I had that.


Happen. I'm like, I really literally do not have time for that many cards today. So and so. Yeah. And I journal about all of the cards. Journal about the dreams I've had that night and everything. And it's just.


Taking that few minutes of time to give yourself some love and care and and allow yourself to put your soul on to paper and going back and reading that sometimes is really, you know, really fascinating and you get to see just how much spirit is actually working in your life when you go back and read your journals.


Yeah, and.


There's there's living in the present, but also appreciating what's come before to bring you to this place.


And and being able to envision a future.


That you want to experience and allowing yourself to sit and and and feel and smell and hear and taste the experience in the present.


Yes. And then be looking for it to show up.


That's that's the big thing.


Yes, be watching for those signs and synchronicities and it's, you know, like.


I want a.


Aqua blue pickup truck. I've always wanted a pickup truck.


I want an Aqua blue one and and when I'm driving down the road in our black Tahoe, I'm not driving down the road in the Black Tahoe. I'm driving down the road and my Aqua blue pickup truck. You know, I just have that vision. I see the Aqua blue hood in front of me and you know and and that's.


Just to you know, and feeling the feeling we've got to emotionalize it to, you know, feeling how exciting it is and how much it means to you to have that thing so that you can do whatever it is with it that you're planning to do. You know, having the vision beyond the vision is one of the phrases I heard from a coach that I listened to in a podcast and.


I thought that was really cool how we need to have that next step. Kind of, even if we don't know, it's in firmness that we have kind of an idea of what we want to do after we reach this goal here. You know, I think that's really cool.


To having that just kind of out there.




Nicole Majik said out of time and.


And she meant it in that you're not in the moment, not that you're out of time.


Like you ran out of time, but you're you've removed yourself from the timeline.


So you're out of time sitting out there having a different experience.


And then you can move back in.




I liked the way that.




Made me feel.


Yeah, that's really cool because time is a human construct anyway. It doesn't exist in other places they don't recognize. I mean, like, it's just a human thing that we do because we like to.


You know, bag, tag and label everything and it's, I mean it's it's kind of like the logical piece of things like we we have to have the logical piece of things because you know if you have a job you need or a meeting for a podcast interview, you know you have to show up at that.


Space so that you can do the thing, but.


We don't have to. I mean, there's so many other pieces to life that aren't logical, and I just those are my favorite things. They really are my favorite things.


Even when you think about what we're doing here when recording this.


We are not together.


We have made an arrangement to exist in space.




Somewhere that doesn't actually even exist.






Isn't that interesting?


Yeah, that's pretty amazing when you think about it, that's probably going to trip a lot of people out when they hear you say that. But I'm on the same page as you. It's so true and it's just such a really cool thing, you know, because I I love playing out there in the, you know.


I call it playing in the stratosphere. That's like my favorite thing, you know, because it's so free. You don't have any.


Any of the constructs of being in the human world, and it's just it's fun. And then you come back in and you have to, you know, deal with the the logical side of things. You know, you have the.


You know, make sure your bath water is not too hot or it'll burn your skin or, you know, things like that. Stay on the right side of the road when you're driving the correct side of the road, depending on where you are.


So yeah, it's really it's really cool. It's fun to look at things from all of the different perspectives.


I love it so.


How do people work with you?


If they wanted you to mentor them, how would that look?


I have.


Three months, six months or longer, mentorships, and the reason I want to do the mentoring or that I'm doing the mentoring and not the coaching is because it's to me. It's a more intimate relationship. You get more of my time. There's more guidance, there's more availability for those conversations that.




You know you're you're going to have questions about and things like that and.


So I I like that it's more of it's more intimate to me.


Do the mentorship. It feels like a closer connection than just the coaching, so that's what I do. And of course I have the intuitive readings and of mediumship readings and tarot readings if anybody's interested in something like that. A friend of mine and I do a we're starting to do a monthly.


Night of mediumship and intuitive readings online where people can purchase a zoom.


Pass and come and join us and we'll do intuitive readings and answer any questions people have you know about what we do or the process of intuitive and medium chip readings.


And I also have a.


Facebook group, where people can connect with me. I'm on Facebook. I'm on LinkedIn, I'm on Instagram. I've been spending more time on Facebook lately because that's where my group is, so I'm a lot more active on Facebook than I am anywhere else, so that's a great place to connect with me.






So all of this is going to be available on your website.


Yes, I have links to all of the stuff on my website.




OK. And that's the eternal?


Soulevolution.com. Yes, and I'll put that in.


The show notes.


Talk a little bit more about that.


The zoom thing that you're doing, I I think that's really fascinating.


It's kind of like being able to.


Yeah. So it's just.




Walk into a a a medium and but it's it's a group.




It's a group setting, so if you watch people on TV like, you know Theresa Caputo or anything anyone like that that's been on TV, where they go into a room full of people and they're on stage.


And you know, then they just pick up on certain spirits and they'll say, well, I'm picking up on a grandfather. And he looks like this and he's saying and gifts some details. And then there'll be someone in the audience who is like, hey, that that sounds like my grandpa. And then the reading will get more intimate after that. So it's kind of like that. And then my friend and I do it together.


So you know, she'll pick up on someone and then I will. Or you know it. It's something we we like doing it together because it just seems to.


You know when you have that common energy and plus I I love to bring people with me when I go, you know, when I I feel like I'm going places and what I'm doing. So I'm going to bring my friends with me because I have no sense of competition at all. I want my friends success just as much as I want my own. So it's easy to do it together.


You know, and it's fun and and I and I think it provides a different experience also for the people who show up for the readings. And we didn't have that many people show up last time because it was our first one and we're just getting started with that.


But people commented on and the video.


Those gotten getting close to 800 views now and people have commented. You know, I wish I'd seen this when it was live and you know, so I will be posting about that.




Do have a Facebook group on for spiritually speaking as well. It's a free there's a free group and I always post things in there 1st and give the people in the group the opportunity to.


Participate in those opportunities first before I post it outside of the group. So that's one of the perks of being in the group is you get, you get first dibs on whatever it is we're doing, and then after.




Yeah. And then if there's not enough people who want to participate inside of the group, then I'll post it on my YouTube channel and in my Facebook, my regular Facebook profile so that other people can.


Jump in if they want to.


But it's really fun. We had a lot of fun last time.


Very cool.


Yeah, I I'm going to be scoping you out for sure. Sounds like a great time.




We covered all that.


How? What's the one thing you want to leave the audience with? Or you hope that they take away?


From this conversation.


Covered so much ground.


Don't be afraid to explore your spirituality. Yes, we did. We covered a lot of ground. But don't be afraid to explore your spirituality and understanding that stepping into that space where you allow yourself to experience your spirituality in a deeper, more intimate way is going to absolutely shift your life and start bringing things into your life.


That you.


Can't even imagine. And you, you just. I mean, it's so beautiful. It really is. So that would, that would be the big thing. Just don't be afraid. And and if you need help not being afraid, I'm definitely here to to help you through that.


Awesome. Thanks for joining me. Dee, this has been awesome.


Yeah, it has. Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate you so much.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the Worldโ€”Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to seek in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.