Manifesting Love and Connection: The Soul Love Method with Diana Dorell
In this episode of The You World Order Showcase Podcast, Diana Dorell, the Dancing Goddess, shares her transformative Soul Love Method, empowering professional women to manifest their dream relationships by starting with self-love. Diana discusses her journey from healer to coach, the four pillars of her method, and how to cultivate joy, set boundaries, and embrace interdependence in relationships. Whether you're single or in a partnership, her insights will inspire you to align your heart and soul for deeper, more fulfilling connections. Tune in and take the first step towards manifesting the love you deserve!
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Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Hi and welcome to the You world order showcase. Podcast I'm your host, Jill Hart. And with us today is Deanna Doral, the dancing goddess who empowers professional women to manifest their dream relationship, starting with the one they have with themselves using the soul love method, I love it. Welcome to the show.
::Diana Dorell: Thank you so much for having me. I am really really excited to be here.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I am excited to hear all about what you're doing for people and how you got started. Cause I you know it's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: it's kind of an interesting way that you're you're working with people.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And I'd like to know the story behind that.
::Diana Dorell: Yes, so Hello, everybody. It's so good to be here. And you know, whenever you, whenever you engage with this like, just know that it's the perfect time. One of the biggest things that I'd like to share, as far as how I got started is
::Diana Dorell: I come from a long line of healers and medicine women from Colombia and Venezuela. So I actually got my start as a psychic. I was doing oracle readings.
::Diana Dorell: and you know, energy healing, which I still do and incorporate in my coaching business. But I kept seeing that the common theme that people would ask me about was love, and
::Diana Dorell: when I started this business back in 2,009, it felt like I felt like such
::Diana Dorell: such an imposter, because my own relationships were such a mess I spent, you know, a lot of time sorting through
::Diana Dorell: different, you know, relationships that all pointed to the fact that the common denominator was me right, and when they fell apart it was really easy to blame the other people, and really I had to learn to love and trust myself, which is the foundation of what I help others with.
::Diana Dorell: So that's how I began. And I just I love empowering and holding space for powerful women who, you know. Maybe you've figured out your career space. You feel like a rock star in every area except love, and
::Diana Dorell: you feel like a failure. And you're just wondering if you're supposed to be alone.
::Diana Dorell: I am here for you, and I say yes, you can have it all, and it really is about shifting your energy, and coming back to yourself in a nutshell.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I love that. And it's so important for people to to be themselves before they're trying to be
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: part of a relationship with other people.
::Diana Dorell: Absolutely, and you know, just full disclosure. I am married. I'm happily married and and I got married later in life. So I got married when I was 40, and
::Diana Dorell: I never thought that I even wanted that, because I was so afraid of repeating the same patterns that I saw growing up, and throughout my twenties and thirties, and the man that I am married to is amazing. He is grounding. He sees me for me, and he lets me be my crazy goddess self, even though he doesn't understand it all the time.
::Diana Dorell: And it's you know, we were talking before we recorded this, and I think it's important to bring up like it's not about 2 halves. Make a whole
::Diana Dorell: kind of like the the ROM-coms will tell you.
::Diana Dorell: and it's really about 2 wholes coming together to create something beautiful in the world and amplify each of your individual energies.
::Diana Dorell: And so, if you know, if you can get yourself to that whole space.
::Diana Dorell: you'll notice the the caliber of partners that you're attracting are very different. Your nervous system is going to be relaxed and open, and when you know something doesn't go your way, or you feel rejected, it's going to be like, oh, well, they're lost.
::Diana Dorell: I'm still me, and I still love me, and that's going to help you attract the high value person that you really want.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I love that, and I have noticed over the years I've been married. I told you for 30 years that, and I wasn't always in the space that I'm in now
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I've I've had my trauma and drama, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: was sure it was all his fault. But as I've grown and come to know myself and love myself, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: appreciate him, my husband, for who he is, and allowed him to just be who he is.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: because I didn't have to change him. He doesn't have to be any way for me, except that he can't shave his head in front of the mirror in my living room. He must go to the bathroom.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: do it there, but you know, beyond those little little things
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: it's he could just be who he is, because I can be who I am, and it
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: in the process of learning to be myself
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and allowing him to be himself. It's opened up space
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: for us to have a much more fun relationship. It's not all about like I don't feel like I have to be his mother, or I have to, you know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: be in charge. You know I'm I'm a kind of take charge sort of person, but it's like, you know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I'm open you. You can do whatever you want, and and we can just have fun together, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: it doesn't have to be always an agenda.
::Diana Dorell: Yes, I know. And and it's so interesting, because when you can get into that space of
::Diana Dorell: allowing the other person to be exactly who they are. You give the relationship permission to breathe and to be organically growing instead of trying to strong arm it.
::Diana Dorell: I talk a lot about, you know, feminine and masculine polarity and and energy dynamics. And it's.
::Diana Dorell: you know, often what I see is.
::Diana Dorell: you know, we just aren't given the tools to relax into our feminine.
::Diana Dorell: and being your feminine doesn't necessarily mean you have to put on the lipstick and the dress, and like talk, or be a certain way, but it's bringing out that level of trust and that emotional softness
::Diana Dorell: that so often we guard against in the workplace in the business world, too.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And it, and it also allows your spouse, who
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: does have feminine qualities, because we both both genders, and both.
::Diana Dorell: I don't.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: All the energies, and when you allow them to move into both
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: types of energy you leave them space for that.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: then they can in turn nurture you
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: at times when you need nurturing instead of always being, you know. Usually it's the woman who's the mom, and you're always in the nurturing role. But it's really training
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: to always be in that position and to never be able to just accept
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It's love, in a way, from other people, and let them
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: let them express themselves and their feminine side and their their softer caring empathetic potential that everybody has.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But we usually tell guys, oh, don't cry and suck it up, and you gotta be strong. Well, you know it's really exhausting to be strong all the time.
::Diana Dorell: Yes, it is, it definitely is. And you know I I have to say, like, it's so liberating
::Diana Dorell: to oscillate between the 2 energies organically right, and to, and to be able to notice like which one am I am I in, and which one is my partner in? And
::Diana Dorell: can we dance with each other.
::Diana Dorell: And sometimes the situation does call for like a lot of focus and a lot of decision making which is masculine and and at the same time. Right? There's times in a relationship where it's okay to not know what's next. And it's okay to just think into the power of the present moment
::Diana Dorell: and enjoy the beauty that unfolds when you're not trying to control.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Exactly exactly, and and to leave space
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: for the not having to control some of us. Me, I.
::Diana Dorell: Me, too, had to learn this.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I had to learn this, because if there was a vacuum I felt like it needed to be filled. We can't just sit with this space.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It's got to be like we've got to be on target. But if you can just learn to relax and let
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: sometimes just let things unfold.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: it's a lesson my husband did actually teach me, because I used to want him to make decisions like you have to decide right now, and sometimes he would tell me. You know, we can just wait and see how it works out.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: because it it doesn't really matter how it works out. We could be surprised.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And I've learned to embrace that in my life, in some areas, and it's made my life so much richer and enjoyable because you can enjoy the moment without having to worry about what the next moment's bringing, and the one after that.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: because you're not living in the now you're always living in the I can't wait for this next thing to happen.
::Diana Dorell: And I don't know about you. But the moment that I finally really got that like.
::Diana Dorell: I'm not that special like, I don't actually have to do everything or like, try to manage the universe
::Diana Dorell: like fuck.
::Diana Dorell: Oh, really like my worth isn't like equated to how much I manage or how much I produce
::Diana Dorell: or don't produce. It's like, I just get to be and like, enjoy life.
::Diana Dorell: That's okay. It sounds so simple. But like, I think sometimes we are programmed from different places in the world or growing up, and
::Diana Dorell: it has to be equated to what you're doing. Your value is like in your lovability is based on what you do for other people or what you produce. And it's like, no.
::Diana Dorell: those are effects of how you're being.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And and you're allowed to to say, No, are you there?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I grew up thinking, This is this is a really silly thing, but I grew up thinking that for holidays it was my responsibility as the mom to have
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you know, all the fine china out and throw a big dinner party and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: cook all the food, and it just clean the house. And it was like it was so much. And I've I've come to realize mostly because I go over to my daughter-in-law's house.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: We eat on paper plates.
::Diana Dorell: Yes.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yes.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: huge table my son bought. That's it's really a Viking table. It's it's enormous. It takes up. There's there's 2 living rooms in that house, and they have one living room that they live in, and the other one is their dining room, and it's like.
::Diana Dorell: Wow!
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Like maybe 20 feet long. The room.
::Diana Dorell: Game of game of thrones. Scene.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It is, and we can. All the whole family and all the kids can sit around the table, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I used to live in that house, and we had, like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: a small portion of it was where we used to have the dining room table, but he just he made the whole room, the dining room table. There's a fireplace in there, it's so cool, but we eat on paper plates, and we use plastic utensils, and everybody cooks and brings food, and it's fun.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And we play games. And I, you know it's not like.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I don't have to worry about people breaking plates. I can enjoy the grandkids, and just like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: we're having a good time.
::Diana Dorell: I think what you're hitting at, too, is like, you know, your values. And there's the real value and spirit of this time is connection. It's not about
::Diana Dorell: show. I mean, some people really get off on the the fancy decorations and the perfectly set table. And like, if that's you like, awesome.
::Diana Dorell: but it's about the slide.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You're doing it for you.
::Diana Dorell: Yeah, yeah, doing it for you, not doing it out of obligation or out of guilt or out of well.
::Diana Dorell: who's gonna get mad at me. If I don't.
::Diana Dorell: then you get to actually enjoy it.
::Diana Dorell: and not be resentfully washing dishes.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, it just.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I am so grateful to my daughter-in-law for teaching me that it's just like.
::Diana Dorell: She's like, we're not doing that.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah.
::Diana Dorell: Everybody. Get your face down, get your plate. I'm not gonna babysit. You just don't, you know, ruin my furniture? But come as you are.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, she doesn't even care if you wreck her furniture.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: She's just so laid back.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I love. I love all of my, all of my extended family. All of the partners my children have picked are just like these amazing human beings.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and you can't expect anything less, because, you know, my kids are amazing human beings.
::Diana Dorell: Yes. Well, they have an amazing mom.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I don't think I had a whole lot to do with it. They just
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: they just turned out the way they did. I was surprised.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So how do you actually coach people? I know that you have a coaching program. So let's talk about that for a minute.
::Diana Dorell: Yeah. So the method that I use is called the soul love method. And it's based on the principle, actually.
::Diana Dorell: 4 pillars. That I take clients through. And again, the intention is to help them to manifest their dream relationship.
::Diana Dorell: even if they're in a partnership already. Right? It's about just deepening that that energy and that joy. Or if they don't want to be in a relationship, it's about themselves right? How can they be the best version of themselves. So the 1st pillar is trust.
::Diana Dorell: You know, and really developing that sense of trust with yourself again.
::Diana Dorell: a lot of times we've got past experiences that are just kind of hampering, how we show up in the world that we don't even realize. So a lot of my work. And the reason people hire me is I'm a master at identifying precisely what is blocking somebody
::Diana Dorell: blind spots, so to speak, and we do massive energy clearing and up leveling in that 1st pillar, and then the second one
::Diana Dorell: is clarity and vision. So it's like, now that you're not hampered by this stuff.
::Diana Dorell: you can see clearly what it is that you deserve, that you want right and also create a vision that you can stand behind. That's going to help you make decisions going to help you show up the way you want to show up, etc.
::Diana Dorell: and then the 3rd one is embodiment. So this is where you know I teach feminine energy principles, we actually will put it into practice out in the real world. I'll give them exercises to feel the difference in their body when they are tapping into themselves, and when they're kind of coming at something from their head, or fear or wishful thinking.
::Diana Dorell: And this is. And then the 4th one is receiving and allowing. So you know, said another way,
::Diana Dorell: you know, celebrating and and surrendering to the process and looking at what comes in to your world. I liken it to a queen right on her throne, and
::Diana Dorell: people are bestowing gifts at our feet, and it doesn't mean she has to take all the gifts.
::Diana Dorell: but she's not turning anybody away. She's just kind of sovereign in her in her kingdom. So
::Diana Dorell: a lot of times clients have shared with me that when they start the program they're like.
::Diana Dorell: you know, these Princess, you know, princesses that are pissed off, and they end the program, and they're like the Queen goddess. That's just
::Diana Dorell: comfortable with ourself, and commanding in a very feminine way, and just enjoying life again.
::Diana Dorell: So in a nutshell, that is what I do.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I like that a lot.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It's such a needed thing out there, because so many women I know struggle with.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, who am I? And a lot of times when you get to like into your forties. And your kids are finally, you know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: launching on their own.
::Diana Dorell: Teenagers! Yep.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You're like, Okay, who am I? Finally?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And what am I doing in this relationship?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Do I even want this relationship?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Do I know who I am?
::Diana Dorell: Yes, who am I? When all of the distraction? Not that kids are distraction, but they kind of can be right, like all of the obligations or responsibilities that I had and the identity that I had up until now is kind of
::Diana Dorell: obsolete or changing.
::Diana Dorell: And then that's an exciting time, because you get to redefine yourself, you get to reconnect, and those fears are normal. It's like, what if we have nothing to say to each other like if we're not talking about the kids or the dogs like, what do we have in common and like questioning things? But it's like, okay, this is just another evolution of this
::Diana Dorell: relationship and and yourself. And again, let's see what happens when we're both being truthful.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And giving each other space and recognizing that, you know it doesn't always have to be the same. It's never always the same.
::Diana Dorell: Yeah. And and actually, it's more fun that it's not the same like my husband is
::Diana Dorell: pretty opposite of me in a lot of ways, and we don't have a whole lot in common on paper. Right? So like logically, why are those 2 together? But we have a heart connection and a soul connection, and we have shared values that run very deep and are not something that I ever had to negotiate or over explain, because we vibrate there.
::Diana Dorell: And so it's also about kind of again, this is part of the the second step, which is vision, like knowing what your lifestyle is and what you desire, and
::Diana Dorell: going out, you know, with people on a 4th or 5th date that really kind of harmonize with that, instead of trying to like, negotiate yourself, and like, put yourself into their life, which is what I see a lot of women doing.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah. And then, when you've tried to fit yourself into that life.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you find yourself like always having to be the one that says, oh, I'm sorry, or Oh, I'll get that, or it. It makes it more difficult to set boundaries
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: unless you come in with your boundaries. I mean, it's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I speak from experience. I didn't have any boundaries
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: started my relationship with my husband, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and I wanted him to be a certain way, but because he was a truck driver, and he was gone most of the time. When he did come home I could wait on him hand and foot, because it was like 3 days a month.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: The rest of the time
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I did what I wanted to do. I live my life. I found out who I was, and when he retired. He's been retired for a couple of years now, and we had to.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: We had to have some discussions about. You know
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: how he was going to have to live his own life now
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that he was home, which sounds silly. But when somebody lives over the road all the time and they're gone. They don't have friends in the community, and they don't have things that they do every day, because normally they just wake up in the truck and they start driving
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: to wherever they're going.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It's it's a weird life. But that's the life he led for 28 years. And so
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: when he came home, he and he had to start participating in in life at home, where, you know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: laundry has a schedule.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Things have to get done in the house, and he needs to be part of that. I can't just be doing everything, and I can't make all the plans, and I can't, you know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So he goes to the gym 3 days a week.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and and he goes to the Hot Springs by himself
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: several times a week, and he has. He's turned the garage into what he calls his office.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: insulated it because we live in a very cold area, but we have our spaces, and we have rituals that you know at night. He likes to stay downstairs. He's kind of a night owl, and I go to sleep early, so I go upstairs and I watch television and play with the dog, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you know it works. But he comes up at 7 30 and brings me my tea.
::Diana Dorell: I love that so much. And what I hear there is like, you guys have
::Diana Dorell: practice the art of interdependence.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yes.
::Diana Dorell: Right like
::Diana Dorell: you're not codependent and like changing your life to fit his because you don't feel like you can get your needs met otherwise, and you're not so independent that you know there's like 2 units, but like you don't communicate ever. So. I love that. And I have a similar dynamic with my husband. I am the big traveler. I I love it. I get off on it, and he is fine with
::Diana Dorell: seeing his family twice a year, and maybe one other small trip with me, and the man is good to watch the dogs and hold down the fort, and I'm like I love you. Bye, it's like I love you, too. See you in a week.
::Diana Dorell: But we do come together as well, and enjoy things like cooking, and
::Diana Dorell: and not expecting him to be on my rhythm all the time, because the fact is, I don't know how you feel, but, like
::Diana Dorell: the traditional marriage thing never worked for me like where I had was expected to like cook and clean and like. Be with them. 24, 7. I'm like, I can't do this like is something wrong with me, like
::Diana Dorell: I'm very, very
::Diana Dorell: free spirit at heart. And so I needed to find a partner who loved that like didn't just like tolerate it, but loved it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, and there's somebody like that for everybody.
::Diana Dorell: Yes, there is.
::Diana Dorell: and if what I just described you're like that sounds like my nightmare, Deanna. I wanna be home with them all the time like you'll find that person that loves that too.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, you will, I.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But first, st if you have to know who you are and what you want.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you need to know what you want your life to look like.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and then you can find that other person. The other person, will just be attracted to you because they're going to be like. Oh, I love all these things about you, and your husband probably likes that you're gone sometimes, because he probably likes being home alone.
::Diana Dorell: Loved it like he. He's like, I'm gonna miss you, and I'm like, don't put on that act. I know you won't. But I love you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, I love you for saying that. And it makes me feel like I I know it's gonna be okay, because
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you're getting something out of this, too. It's not like I'm abandoning you.
::Diana Dorell: Right? Right?
::Diana Dorell: That's a perfect example, right of like codependency versus interdependence. There's an acceptance.
::Diana Dorell: and I'm getting something out of traveling, and he's getting something out of me, not being there. 24, 7.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And as a person who is naturally introverted, I really don't need to be around people very much.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I've had to learn to be extroverted, and people think that you know I can just be around people all the time that I really can't.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and I like having time to myself every night.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It's several hours of just time alone. It
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I need it to recharge. And my husband likes it, too.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: He likes having time where he's just doing the things that he likes to do by himself.
::Diana Dorell: Yes, yes, so like for all the for all the the women listening, and and men too. It's like.
::Diana Dorell: if you want to manifest the stream relationship.
::Diana Dorell: Make sure you're cultivating your own joy now
::Diana Dorell: like, really get clear on what brings you joy, what lights you up and
::Diana Dorell: don't downplay any part of yourself, you know. For me it was about not downplaying my spiritual side. I was like, I can't negotiate that anymore.
::Diana Dorell: If they're not comfortable with me using crystals and doing my little new moon thing like
::Diana Dorell: I can't be in this.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And they don't have to participate in it.
::Diana Dorell: No.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But they just need to leave you enough space so that you can.
::Diana Dorell: Yes.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Exactly, really.
::Diana Dorell: So often is like
::Diana Dorell: clients cutting themselves off at the knees before they even get a commitment from the person. Right? It's like, well, well, he doesn't like this kind of thing. So I'm gonna like not talk about it. And it's like, but you don't even have an exclusive agreement yet. And
::Diana Dorell: why? Right?
::Diana Dorell: Why would you downplay part of yourself? So there's that inner belief that like, if it doesn't work out with this person, then like there's not going to be anybody else.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It's always someone else.
::Diana Dorell: There's always someone else.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And and they may not even be the the person that you think that you're expecting.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But there's always going to be someone else, and you just need to be the person that you want to be and wait.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you know. Go out and do stuff. You're probably not going to find them if you're home all the time, and you don't connect with other people. But
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you will find other people. If you you know you're gonna go to the grocery store right?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Maybe you won't have your groceries delivered, but it
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: get involved in activities in your community.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Do the things that you like to do if you like to hike, join, come
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: communities that are doing hikes. If you like to do pottery, or you're artistic, go and join a course and do pottery, and you'll meet other people doing pottery, and it, you know
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you'll meet men and women.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But your ideal partner could be in that in that group.
::Diana Dorell: Right or the people that you connect with, and that could know somebody
::Diana Dorell: to introduce you to. So it's not always about the direct connection. It's like, if you can see the world it's like
::Diana Dorell: from that lens of the universe wants to like.
::Diana Dorell: Give this to me. They want to support me
::Diana Dorell: than anybody. It can come through anybody in any situation. So you might as well be enjoying your life.
::Diana Dorell: and I also want to say like a word about online dating. So I know this, a lot of women, right? Especially in their forties and fifties, especially if you're like coming out of divorce. Or you're feeling like, Oh, my God, I don't. The landscape has changed.
::Diana Dorell: I'm scared to go, you know. Go online. It's just another way to show the universe that you've got some skin in the game. So, even though you may meet him at Yoga or at Trader Joe's
::Diana Dorell: still put yourself on at least one app that you align with.
::Diana Dorell: and just widen the pool for yourself, because you never know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Conversations with people.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But if you're dating online, I have one caveat about that. Make sure that you meet in a public place.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and you have backup.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Get your buddy to go somewhere near you just to make sure that you're safe. It just be smart.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Don't.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I've heard too many horror stories, my dating.
::Diana Dorell: I have a whole section. So for anybody that likes likes to read, do people read anymore, you can check out my book, The dating mirror. And there's a whole chapter on there about online dating and like one of them is one of the tips I can share with. Everyone is like.
::Diana Dorell: don't
::Diana Dorell: don't con like, let an email or like chat relationship, right? Continue without meeting in person, or at least like a a video call.
::Diana Dorell: Right? This is where you can get emotional, emotionally entangled. This is where, like the scam, energy comes in. So set your boundaries early.
::Diana Dorell: and, as you know, a dating, a dating coach myself. I can say, like, 1, st 3 interactions can be
::Diana Dorell: what they are right in chat and then take it to an in person meeting. If they're not willing to meet in person or get on a video call, then, you know, you may not want to be dating them anyway. So it just shows that you're serious and that you're not just kind of looking to fill an emotional void without actually having a commitment.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, and and there's just different levels of commitment. And you can test the waters. But I
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: just be safe and be smart about
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: online dating online connections of any kind, because you just never know
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: with people unless you're I mean.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I run into all kinds of people
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: doing what I do. And some people, most people are like, they're totally
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: connected to some form of reality.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: There's like this point 5% out there, though, that are just like.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: They may seem normal in your 1st interactions with them. But really they're very far out there, not
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: closely tethered to the planet.
::Diana Dorell: Yeah. So you know, in short, just
::Diana Dorell: you know, making sure that you're feeding your own joy, cultivating your own life
::Diana Dorell: and trusting that the more that you can right put yourself out there.
::Diana Dorell: connect with the things that make you happy and the people that you love like. It's gonna send a certain energy out. And
::Diana Dorell: and then yes, when you're when you're ready to date, or even if you're in a relationship and you want to deepen it, it's it's about
::Diana Dorell: expectations, defining standards and boundaries. And if you need help with that, like, I'm here for you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And how do people get in touch with you? And how does your coaching program look? Is it one on one? Do you do group coaching.
::Diana Dorell: Yeah. So I have a 1 on one program. It's 90 days. It's called Soulmate.
::Diana Dorell: and we would meet 3 times a month. On zoom. And you also get some Whatsapp chat support. Because I know right when we're making big changes. Sometimes
::Diana Dorell: things can come up and you need to process before like hopping on the phone. So I make that available. And then I also have a group called the Goddess Circle Collective. It is we meet once a month on zoom, usually during a new moon, and set intentions together. Everybody in there is like minded high vibe, and committed to a life of joy and growth. So
::Diana Dorell: you are welcome to check out my website at And I'm also on all of the socials under my name Deanna Durrell.
::Diana Dorell: And yeah, I'd love to hear from you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: That is awesome, and I know that you you offer a couple of things to help people get started. You want to talk about those a little bit.
::Diana Dorell: Yeah. So I have a 5 day email course that I created called Soulmate. Trust yourself, love yourself. And it doesn't matter what relationship status you are in. It's really about the inner world
::Diana Dorell: and giving you a taster for what it's like to make changes like big changes that we look at in one on one, but for free. So every day you'll get a new email to your inbox. Once you sign up for that, and then I also have another freebie on my main website.
::Diana Dorell: which is 7 things that block your heart's desire. So these are things I noticed over the years that tend to block manifesting particularly around relationships. So you want to identify what those are. So you can start plugging those leaks and changing your energy. Now.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Oh, I love that.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So you can find those
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: linked in the show notes. And also we'll put the link to Deanna's website in the show notes so you can reach out to her. And even if you're in a long term relationship, it's always good to like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: check in with somebody that. That's also, you know, kind of on that path. So I think your community is a great idea. And it's not just for single people out there.
::Diana Dorell: No, not at all. Wherever you are, if you even just listening to me, if you're like, I kind of vibrate with her. I don't know why, like, send me an email. We can hop on an intro call no charge. Just see what's going on in your life and see how I can help you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: That's awesome. Thanks. So much for joining me today. What's the one thing you hope the audience takes away from our conversation.
::Diana Dorell: Thank you for having me so. The biggest thing I want to leave you all with is
::Diana Dorell: that you are enough.
::Diana Dorell: You are enough, just as you are.
::Diana Dorell: There's nothing that you need to prove in this world in order to be lovable. And when you can live from that space and be that energy.
::Diana Dorell: You will be surprised at what gets magnetized to you right now.
::Diana Dorell: So hand on your heart. If you want to do an exercise with me.
::Diana Dorell: Just take a deep breath into I am enough it, and so it is.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Thank you for joining me.
::Diana Dorell: Thank you so much.