Empowerment Though Mind & Heart Coherence
Gill Kirkham - the mind alchemist
Gill enhances the lives and relationships of conscious leaders, changemakers, and spiritual entrepreneurs. Using a precision connection with the higher self and multidimensional awareness, any weight of the past heals through the subconscious and energetic alchemy, which leads to intentional extraordinary growth. Creator of State Change Alchemy, a process of self-empowerment through mind and heart coherence.
Learn More: Gill Kirkham | Heal, release, awaken
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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us. Gill Kirkham. Gill is the mind's alchemist.
::Don't you just love?
::That Gill enhances the lives and relationships of conscious leaders, changemakers and spiritual entrepreneurs using a precision connection with the higher self.
::And multidimensional awareness.
::Any weight of the past heels through the subconscious and energetic alchemy which leads to intentional extraordinary growth, creator of state change, alchemy, a process of self empowerment through mind and heart. Coherence. I love all of that Gillis so yummy. So tell us how you guys started. Give us your story.
::Tell us all the stuff.
::Ohh the story where it starts so it started with.
::Corporate sales, we go there, we start at that place and then we might go back.
::Started with the four corporate sales. It started with me having uh, ADHD diagnosis. So very, very, very long time ago. So back then there was no real.
::Understanding what for what I now see is highly sensitive, highly intuitive, high functioning.
::Not being able to sit still, worried about everything, jumping around on a hot tin roof very often.
::That kind of was my life. So that's the the shape of the.
::Why? Why? Am I like the way I am? And why are humans the way they are?
::And the plus side of those kinds of awarenesses is being able to read a room connecting people really quickly with what they want, their desires. I was known.
::In Cheltenham in Montpelier, which is exactly where I'm sat now, and I don't live here anymore, sat in my car. I used to be here. My whole misspent youth, and known as the Cheltenham Pied Piper. I'd always be organizing parties and getting everyone together. And it was.
::Kind of known that Jill Kirkham was the person to to know around town for making things happen and who's who and what's what and where to go. And I guess that's the theme for me is.
::That was great, but it wasn't satisfying and it was very toxic for my well-being because the amount of alcohol involved and so I took all of those skills.
::And then when I was in corporate sales, I had this huge WAM moment, everything. Oh, no. Oh, did you see that the lights went off when I went Wham?
::Me at work.
::The world changed and then?
::The superpowers came online and I started having connections with * beings.
::The trauma release work my corporate job had to go because it was just horrendous. Long story, my whole life just pitted away in various various ways. I wasn't listening. So the universe gave me a big and I had to listen. And that's when I went into the trauma release.
::And Ding another Ding of confirmation from the car. Thank you. And that was. Yeah, that's how it all began.
::That's how I.
::Everything with the lines with my values is helping people. What's human behavior? But how can we change what's going on in our mind? How can we change what's going on?
::To for the better, how can we allow ourselves to sit in the sorry about the things in the darker spaces sometimes and not try and get more toxic and positive just because we're feeling bad? You know, they're the nuances of life. Absolutely fulfill me. And the magic that happens when we're in alignment with the synchronicities.
::That just.
::One after the other, after the other, after the another to to help us fulfill our purpose.
::Are so magical that I want as many people as possible to be able to feel those things that I feel now after going through, I must admit the ringer of all the trauma. Really stuff. But actually it's so worth it. So I'm I'm making processes that.
::People don't have to go through what I went through in order to feel like this. That's the idea.
::That's amazing. It it kind of goes along with what we were talking about before we started recording where it's like, I don't, I don't want to live between the lines because we're we're taught growing up that you have to go to school and you have to do all these things and the all the shoulds of life where you're you're forced into certain behaviors.
::Whether or not you're you're good at it, you want to do it.
::It's just expected that you will do it, whereas the breaking free is. It's painful, there's.
::It's a struggle to be to be yourself, but in being yourself you are unique and it's kind of scary to go out there in.
::In that zone to play in that arena.
::Yeah, it's it's really courageous and.
::I do celebrate that I to be not only an entrepreneur.
::On an entrepreneur going into the esoteric world in a.
::In a.
::Knowing the judgment that comes with that, although it's a much better now, I'm sure you're realising the OR seeing that people are much more open to this kind of work than they were even five years ago.
::But yeah, it's a it's a big deal because what we we we have to shine our light in order for others to be able to wake up and shine theirs and some will and some will maybe throw some mud if they don't want to. Don't want to come so absolutely.
::It is. It's a one step at one step at a time.
::That it doesn't take that many in order to get.
::Get the shift to happen. In fact, you can feel the shift happening already, just as you were saying five years ago, people weren't aware of the consciousness that they were creating and they were creating a consciousness that was horrible.
::I mean that.
::The consequences of what the thoughts were that were happening.
::Around people, we're running us as as a civilization into a really dark place, but I think COVID just like shifted people's attention and they started looking inward and then outward and realized.
::Hey, that's not the reality I want to live in. This is awful. Let's let's manifest something better and people like you that are out there saying, hey, this is how you do it. This is the easy way. Or you can, you know, try to figure it out yourself. And that's the hard way. And you're going to go through a lot of bumps and.
::Turns and twists and get your knees scraped along the way.
::Go and buy.
::Yeah, yeah.
::Yeah, I think COVID is a really good point. It's it's around alignment, isn't it? For what do I actually value and what do I actually.
::The think is right and how willing am I to put myself?
::Or my head against up against the up on the parapet of difference and change based on my value system. And what am I going to ignore? That was the main thing with COVID and it did create a big split because a lot of people had varying views.
::And I I love the saying separation creates elevation. I absolutely love that because separation from self separation from other people, separation from comfort zone, separation from the norm.
::And then hopefully that the elevation then creates A unification post separation, obviously going around in a bit of a loop like that. And I think COVID did that.
::We then have to reunify in one way or another, with ourselves and with other people, because there was so many different stories going around and behaviors, and yeah, a lot of people had to have a big, long look at themselves after that.
::I think the fact that it was so polarized.
::When, when? When? We. When we're coming back together, there's a lot more tolerance around everybody's opinions about things before. Before that event, people would just be like they're so entrenched in what they believed and everybody else was just wrong. You're wrong, you're wrong. You're wrong. Let me tell you why. And you know you're never going to change anybody's mind.
::But afterwards, in order to come back together as a society, we had to be able to set aside differences.
::You know, yeah, maybe you're like that. And maybe that works for you. And, honey, I'm just going to be OK with it, because, honestly, it doesn't impact my life. It impacts your life. So you need to be good with how you're living your life and and embracing the idea that, you know, not everybody's going to be like you are. And that's a good thing.
::You don't want the whole world to be like you. You want everybody to be different so that we can all, like grow and expand and have better things, because if everybody's the same, then nothing changes.
::This it's change happens at the polls.
::Yeah, it does. And that's the the polarization of being the rescuer or the judge, wasn't it? That's one. Or that was that a lot of that was going on. Then I'm gonna rescue so. And so by changing their mind or I'm gonna rescue so. And so by stopping them doing this or making them do that, depending on who watched what.
::Yeah, where you are?
::But it.
::And actually that none of anyone else's business. And so, yeah, a lot.
::Control stuff came out and fear stuff came out and I think it was definitely one of the biggest shift times and do you know that the same kind of?
::Astrology is going on.
::Soon around all of that, so you know, watch this space, see what happens and.
::Uh, August. Time around.
::Big shifts in the planetary action, so I hear I'm not a massive astrologist, but I I hear some things from the women that are all men or any gender.
::Yeah, that that last Eclipse was a really big energy shifter for the whole planet. And it's not just like 1 country or another because you're in the UK. I'm in the US, people from all over the world literally listen to this podcast and it it's happening for all of us in different ways, but.
::We're feeling the shift and.
::Like, sometimes it's really sudden, like when you have an earthquake and like everything moves all at once, and sometimes it's just one of those, those tremblers where it's just shaking and it continues on for, you know, a minute or two and and then the shift happens I think.
::I think COVID was like the big shift. It was just like in everybody's face. But now things are starting to kind of shift more subtly.
::But they are.
::Shifting and it it means different things for different people, you know, cause everybody's doing something interesting and unique and everybody's living their life in a way that's.
::Or try, I shouldn't say everybody is living their lives. People are seem to be trying to live their lives in a way.
::That resonates with them, allows them to to resonate out who they are, not who they're supposed to be, according to some standard that.
::Really hasn't worked all that well, otherwise we wouldn't be in the position we're in.
::Yeah, self-expression is definitely becoming a more popular choice, which is very cool in my book. Very cool indeed.
::Yeah. Yeah. So when you when you help people?
::Shift their energy or become aware of their energy. What? What exactly? Why don't you describe exactly what you do to help people in your coaching? And I think that's a good place to start.
::OK, so before it was the trauma.
::In the dark, when you were in the dark.
::Mostly we go into the dark before we go into the light. That is for sure, unless we use state change alchemy because that's more about shifting through emotional state. The If I'm 1:00 to 1:00.
::Depending on how spiritually aware and capable and.
::Open the client is depends on mostly what comes through, because I work with their higher self, I become a conduit for their higher self.
::I guess I'm like, uh, a perception of their their oh, I mean umbrella hologram. I can I can bring like a hologram image of whatever comes through. So if they are trying to think of some examples. So if they've got some kind of illness that needs to shift out and we can.
::We can get to the root cause of the illness and we can actually move and shift that.
::Up if they had a very strict upbringing within a cult or a church or something, that's.
::Got them tied up in knots. I can go into the consciousness of the parents and the ancestral lying to see how far back we can do the healing that's affecting them or find out if it's their energy, their sadness, their.
::Pain and then shift it out through the ancestral line. If it's past life, often a past life might come through or.
::Something in the cash it records. We need to go and have a look through. If there are past lives from star being existences, sometimes the star beings come through and they'll fight, feel them on their shoulders or on their head.
::I I I get imagery.
::More so, Cog Claire, Cognizant. So I feel I feel everything and then so I'm feel pink or I feel blue or I feel a huge.
::Energy, or sometimes the shamanic my shamanic helpers, come in some aspects of myself, white feather and medicine man. They're like, oh, step aside. I'll do your dirty work for you and they'll clear off the entities when you know a lot of people have addiction.
::Or they've been doing way too much cocaine and they've got all of these entities niggling.
::Around in their energy. So.
::I hand it over and we send them off with love and they often.
::Actually, some of the entities have come back while I've been in the car. I've managed to get them through and how can we stay into the 5th dimension and they've come back and thanked me with pure love and I found myself sat in traffic crying my eyes out because this entity came back the next day and thanked me so much for removing him from the man that I removed him from because he.
::He thought he was doing a good job guarding the house, sort of guarding the man, making him miserable since the age of five. He'd been with him. He'd manifested this thought form that had been stuck with him, being angry with his dad.
::Yeah, and it it literally, I couldn't believe the power of the love that came through to me with the gratitude of moving that consciousness on. So any kind of.
::Any kind of consciousness is, is is I can work with depending on what comes my way as long as the client's pretty pure in their their light and they want great change and they're open.
::I can work with their higher selves and their energy.
::So what kind of people would would come to you? What, like what kinds of things would they be experiencing that they would want to come in and chat?
::With so say that their business is stuck or their one lady had a degenerative back issue and she's a very highly gifted psychic. But she couldn't work and she had no confidence in front of the camera and we.
::We spoke and then all of that kind of stuff that I was talking about came.
::Through so.
::The stuck energy was family orientated.
::And that removed. So then she was walking. Then she was swimming. And then she was in front of the camera. Someone who I work for luxury. Which sounds weird. Luxury recovery business. So. So you. You're getting clean from drugs and but you go in.
::You you stop whatever you're taking day six. I will go in and I will spend 3 hours with them and I will go through and clean their entire energy system and then get to the root cause of the pain that was.
::Mostly a mother wound or father wound that was suppressed so much that we bring it out with love and then it's gone and they just feel cleaner and clearer. So they're far less likely to relapse.
::But in the main entrepreneurs in the main entrepreneurs that know that they're spiritual and.
::Just just can't get past things. You know that other other things have not quite succeeded, or they're just they're feeling lonely or they need a sense of belonging or they they've got everything, but they still feel empty. And it's because they haven't connected with their spiritual side.
::That that makes perfect sense. And so how do you help these people? Is it like one-on-one, is it?
::Group coaching.
::Yeah. So I do. I do a 12 session package and often the first session is a three hour breakthrough and they can use that over five months. So it's it's up to them.
::It if they come every week or they want to miss every, you know, every other week. And with that I'm available on WhatsApp. So you know the random headache that appears in the middle of the day, I might be able to just tune into and go. What's the conflict? Where are you at? How are you feeling with about your mum? And then we can shift it on. So there's.
::There's a bonus kind of extra connection to be able to come into my WhatsApp, because once I'm tuned into some.
::It just works, you know, just works.
::Yeah, there's the, the energetic tie there. Yeah.
::And then they they never seem to leave. I don't know.
::You have to. You have to be really.
::Strict, don't you?
::Or we have blue lights. No excuse the blue lights.
::Just thinking the blue light special.
::I'm supposed to be thinking about blue lights and what they represent. Maybe that's now's a good time to ask you that question.
::What blue lights represent to me?
::Well, what if somebody were seeing blue lights a lot? What? What do you think that has to do with?
::So the blue energy that I work with.
::That lately on.
::Yeah, that's either arcturian or Palladian, or it's simple or divine technology communication through the folk chakra. So.
::There's another blue one.
::But those are the two that Main 2.
::Syrian Syrian comes through as blue sometimes as well, so Syrian safe. We've had a past life, Syrian and part of your soul aspect is from there.
::Materion and what was the other one?
::Victorian and Palladium.
::Yeah. And possibly even Orion. But I'm thinking it doesn't feel right to be Orion. It's just that they get so.
::Often come together because if someone's had past lives in some star systems, they've had them in others. But I would define Palladian, A riots. No Palladian arcturian.
::What was the other one I said?
::Syrian, Syrian.
::Stop being so serious, yes.
::So you think that if people are are star seeds that they, they're not usually just?
::Like from 1:00 and.
::Planet or star system? They're from, like multiple ones they.
::It's like reincarnating in different star systems and then now they're here and they're.
::Yeah. Yeah. And I don't. I think it's even more complex than that. I think we have sole aspects. So if you imagine hundreds of energy tubes of time and experiences coming off that we might not even be, one soul might not be in one life. We have aspects of soul.
::That go into different places.
::That's why it's so hard to.
::I don't know if our human mind is actually quite capable of.
::Really knowing it feels like it's more complex than the soldiers goes.
::Yeah, that actually.
::Makes a lot of sense because you can you can kind of change paradigms you.
::Can you can?
::Do it through meditation, but uh, you can you can do it, even fully conscious, you can.
::You can slip.
::This is going to sound weird, but you can slip paradigms while you're.
::Where you think you're doing one thing you can actually be doing something else at the same time in a different.
::Parallel universe sort of experience.
::Exactly. So and you can time jump, can't you? Quantum leap. So there's.
::So why would the soldiers be in one like one life after another? And there's no such thing as time anyway. So yeah, it's definitely more complex than.
::You can change the past just by thinking about.
::A past event differently. Choosing, consciously, choosing to think about something differently. It affects the event itself.
::Because it affects everybody. Everybody perceives the event differently at the time and then they remember it differently in the.
::Later and so if you remember it.
::Differently than you had been remembering it, it changes the event altogether.
::Yeah. And that's why gaslighting and narcissism and all of those buzzwords are so big, because they literally mess with people's minds.
::Yeah, they they mess with their memories. They they challenge memories. And because they're the memories. The two memories are so totally.
::Diametrically opposed.
::In in the, the memory of both individuals that and one is a very powerful individual is in terms of influencing the other person. That's how gaslighting can actually occur is you accept the more powerful interpretation, even though you may.
::Think that.
::It's wrong some somewhere in your head you've got this cognitive dissonance going on going. No, that's not what happen.
::That you're not sure because like I said, you can just by thinking about something differently. You can actually change.
::The event.
::Yes. And that's why manifesting when people are so sure, I'm focusing and focusing and focusing on the truth that they want or the reality they want, that it's more likely to happen.
::They're they're they're remembering into the future.
::And and all the feelings that come with it and feeling is so important when it comes to manifesting being able to put yourself in the feeling that you want to feel.
::As you experience whatever you're experiencing, you want to experience.
::Which you are actually experiencing, it just has.
::Entered into the reality yet and everything exists in the reality, and nothing exists in the reality. That's what I like. People wanting money. Well, you can want anything you want. Everything exists.
::It's just whether it's going to show up in the material world for you or not.
::Has more to do with being in that resonance that you could see it.
::Rather than just.
::Having it in your in your in your imagination.
::Fascinating, isn't it?
::So fascinating.
::And it all comes down to, you know, we.
::We get what we focus on and we are always manifesting and.
::Just you know.
::Be careful what you think about.
::Hmm, so you. UM, you offer a become an energetic client magnet?
::How does that work?
::So I become an energetic client. Magnet is a series, so the first one was around healing the survivor wound, and they've all been things that I've worked on myself because I've gone through it, documented it all and then.
::Worked with the energetics so.
::Because my past sales experience, I did a a four day.
::UM activation and then prompts on sale, so that was literally shift your energy out of survivor into Thriver keeps that activation and then do the four prompts, and it was a brilliant, brilliant buzz because everyone was in a WhatsApp booth cheering each other on the next one.
::Pleaser to profit, but profit is a double entendre.
::So it's the profit that we are in our the wisdom people within and also to make more profits. So that's exactly the same layout and then there will be more. So what whatever comes through the.
::Me when I'm doing more layers of myself, I then bring them into this series of becoming an energetic client magnet. They're they're low, low ticket as they say in the online world, they're easy, you know, easy entry value, being really good laugh, massively supportive and it welcomes people into my world without too much outlay so that they can really see and feel how I work with the energy and.
::Where I hold the space.
::And the.
::A safe, structured place with fun integrity held well and yeah, so I really enjoyed those.
::That's interesting. I I know from experience when I'm around people who are really energetically in tune with.
::This life experience we're having.
::My whole energy level rises and I, I I feel more empowered.
::Doing what I'm doing, everything that I'm doing and and it spreads out to, you know, my community and people that I interact with in, in my real life, not my online life, they they start responding to me differently too. But when you're trying to go.
::That go it alone out there by yourself. It's easy to get discouraged because you don't have anybody else that really understands the value of of operating on a higher energy level.
::You start to doubt yourself, and that's that's when. That's when the darkness takes over. And the old trauma starts rearing its head. Glory head. And you're like, well, maybe I shouldn't be different. Maybe I should just go back in the middle of the circle and be a good little whatever.
::Just reflect it right back out to them. Keep yourself safe or just you may have to do another layer, but there's always a way through these things. There's always a big gift. There's always a separation that might need to happen in order to elevate.
::Yeah, yeah, I love that. So.
::So how do people work with you? How do? How do they get in touch with you?
::Wow. If you're in the UK.
::You are a coach or you are a healer, or you'd like to travel to the UK in September. There will be the state change alchemy training where I facilitate one full day in a Manor house called Cowley Manor, which is this beautiful Cotswold spa hotel and we go into.
::The 45 minute process so you learn it with other coaches. Uh, I'm going to say high caliber and I don't mean that in an arrogant way. I mean that in a I want people to be able to hold space for each other so they have to have a level of ability to hold.
::Humans before because when I beta tested it a couple of the people were willing to.
::Be held for, but they weren't then holding for the other people, so it wasn't.
::And it it didn't hold the group structure well, so.
::High caliber coaches, healers, therapists come come and learn steak, change alchemy with me. It's a four month.
::The most of it's online after the initial day, and then you'll be qualified and then we're going to build a community through that.
::That's all on my website, jillkirkham.com state change alchemy.
::One to ones I do as I said.
::1212 sessions.
::And that would be, I'm actually full at the moment.
::I've got 10 clients, so that's enough, however.
::You know the this video when when this video, God, I sounded really ancient. Then when this goes out, I might not have turned. But it's always worth asking. And if it's a one off session. If someone really just needs a shift and we can do it three hours and it's done and I am open to that depending on what the the circumstances is and that's all on my.
::UM website as well or social media and quite big on Facebook. I like. I like Facebook.
::I do too.
::Seems like I'm always there and you spell your name with a GI spell. My name with AJ just wanted to get that out there for people that are listening to this and they're like, oh, I typed. Jill. JL Kirk, come in there and I didn't find anything. It's Jill with AG.
::Yes, Joe, Jay.
::Two with a G.
::I love that. So what's the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from this conversation today, Joe?
::To not be scared of making changes that cause separation, I think I've mentioned it a few times, so it's obviously the.
::We do have to let go of things. We do have to surrender. We do have to see the mirrors.
::In ourselves, in order to fall back.
::Get the gifts and get the learning of things often and.
::Sometimes the things we can ruminate or procrastinate about for months on end, the moment we do them, it's the best thing we ever.
::So yeah, separate to elevate. That's that's the definite.
::Go for it. You can not that everything is temporary. You can always re reconnect, whether it's a partner or a.
::Uh, yeah, the connection or just with the thought a reoccurring thought.
::Let it go, in the words of that famous song.
::From somebody in your neck of the woods.
::Thank you so much for joining me today. This has been awesome.
::Ohh, been an absolute pleasure. It's nine. I think it's 10:00 at night. Here now, so apologies for the dark, but yeah, I'm really glad we had to call. It's been the energy between us is lovely and I hope other people appreciate it too. So thank you so much for holding space for me.
::Thank you for joining me.