Rob Z Wentz - The Link Between Life and Business Transformation
In this episode, we have Rob Z Wentz from Lit Coaching. Rob discusses the interconnectedness of transforming one's life and business, highlighting how personal and professional growth are intertwined. He emphasizes that personal development is necessary and a requirement of growth.
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Hi and welcome to the You World order.
::Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Rob Zee.
::Wentz is your last name and he's from lit coaching and he's here to tell us all about how transforming your life and your business are interconnected. So welcome to the show, Rob. I'm really excited to hear your thoughts on.
::Coaching on life coaching and how it intersects intertwines with business coaching.
::What are your thoughts where you?
::From tell us all about.
::Jill, thank you so much. First of all for having me here I.
::Really appreciate it.
::I'm from Altoona, PA, so I am in the middle of Pennsylvania. They say everything between Pittsburgh and Philly is called Pennsyltucky, so I'm in Pennsyltucky about half an hour from Penn State University. Yeah, and I am a.
::certified as a personal development coach, as a life coach and as a leadership coach, so I help people.
::And I help businesses with breakthrough with transformation growing as it says. As you can see on the side there grow bigger, better and faster and different facets of your life. And as we were saying before we started recording here when it comes to like business and personal man, everything that is professional comes back to personal. If you're going to start your own business, then a lot of personal things are going to come up.
::And personal development is necessary and a requirement of growing right. So whether we're growing business, growing, financially, growing personally, spiritually, physically, whatever that might be.
::Everything comes back to growth and developing ourselves to be the best version of ourselves and finding new levels of potential. So that's what I love helping people do is find those breakthroughs that help them elevate, to find more potential. We all have unlimited potential and I love people finding more of that potential in themselves.
::Yeah, because you know.
::In my world, we talk a lot about knowing your avatar or knowing your ideal client, but your ideal client isn't just like one person, and it's not who you were three steps ago. It's there's different layers, and each layer has a different set of problems.
::And if you if you understand where you were when you had that, you know, burning problem to that you needed to solve in order to even start your business. Cause you know that's a level in itself and there's a whole set of problems there that's different from like the next layer of.
::And if you're not growing yourself and moving through the different layers yourself, then it's really hard to help other people navigate that and it, you know.
::I talk mostly.
::With life, health and transformational coaches. But.
::It goes for.
::Any kind of business that you're running?
::It doesn't matter what you're.
::Yeah, I love the concept of making your mess your message, right? So we're able to really speak to things and help people through things that we have gone through, right. So it's really difficult and you can kind of tell when you're speaking to somebody, they might be giving you good advice, but they haven't lived through the thing and gotten through the thing. It's hard.
::It's harder for them to speak directly to that thing.
::Right. So I love that concept of. That's one of the reasons I wanted to become a coach was because I've done a lot of I've made a lot of mistakes, personally and professionally. I've worked through a lot of them, still working through some of them right. We're always working through something, but getting myself past those things and like I really love.
::Communicating. I spent 20 years in broadcasting in a previous life, 20 years as a radio broadcaster, hosted a morning show for a long time and spent many of much of my life learning how to communicate with people.
::But a lot of that time was how not to communicate with myself and communicate with others. And then a lot of time learning like, oh, this is how I need to talk to me. This is how I need to talk to other people so that I can.
::Number one, gain their trust and build relationship with them, right? But #2 find out the more I find out who I am.
::The more I get through my stuff, the more I'm able to help people, which is why I find that leadership coaching is obviously in business like we're helping people become better leaders in business. But a lot of people shy away from the term leadership. They shy away from that concept because oh, I don't want to be a leader. Let somebody else handle this stuff well.
::Look at the state of our country. When we let people lead who might not be the best leaders, right? So if you're not a great leader of your own life of yourself, how are you ever going to lead anybody?
::Else, so we have to strive to want to lead ourselves to be better versions of our.
::Themselves and man, the only way to change the world is to change ourselves, right? So if we want to have an impact on the world around us, then we have to really work on ourselves. And it's everything to me. It's something that I pour my life into. So if I can help the things that I've made a mess of and that I've worked through help other people.
::Go through that.
::That's what I love to do. It's so important.
::And if you can help them avoid the pitfalls cause you know you can just be cruising along and then suddenly you find yourself at the bottom of this hole and you're like, Oh my God, I end up here and you know, if you just had somebody that said, you know, you're gonna need to step three steps to.
::The right.
::Four steps ahead and then two steps back to the left.
::You'll be golden, but.
::To avoid that hole.
::But you know when we're all.
::Wandering around in the dark.
::And ending up.
::In the holes.
::It doesn't really benefit the world and I think that's how the world has been going for quite a.
::Well, now and it's really encouraging to me and really why I do this show because so many people are saying, hey, I saw that hole. Here's how you avoid it.
::And I'm like, come on over. Let me help you tell the world about that. And everybody's got something different. Everybody's mess was different, and there's a handful of people that are just meant for you. And I'm going to help you find them.
::Yeah, it's. It's funny sometimes too you can.
::Read all about the.
::Whole and you can have people say, hey, look, there's the hole and you're like, I still feel like I have to fall into.
::That hole.
::I still end up in the hole and then working myself through it. Sometimes it seems like, well, I don't know if this is true or not, but for me it seems like sometimes.
::That could see somebody telling me something, hear the pitfall. But I still had to go through it myself. It seems like to really to fully understand.
::And it and you were talking about avatars there a minute ago. And when I was trying to find my avatar, I was banging my head against the wall. Who is it that I'm supposed to be helping? Who is it that I'm supposed to be serving? And then I realized it was just me, the old version of me, like me seven years ago. That's the person I really can help because I can speak directly to that person.
::Directly to what they're going through because I went through it. And so I I often encourage people with that. If you're trying to find out who it is you're supposed to be helping, well, the best person to help is the old you cause.
::You can cause you know that person really, really well.
::And it's you weren't.
::You didn't just go from that person where you started to the person you are now. You went through several metamorphosis to get where you are now. They say, you know, you can help somebody. That's two steps behind you well.
::That's really two.
::Levels behind you 2 problems ago that you've already solved and you're still continuing to solve problems.
::And as you continue to solve problems, you can help more layers of that person that you once were, cause they each have a different they're coming from a different perspective, like the person that you started out as well. Let me let me use myself as an example because I don't know who.
::You were with.
::That's something so when I first started.
::Out. I didn't know what I didn't know.
::And I knew that I wanted to do something, but I really didn't.
::Know how to do?
::Anything really, I just knew I like to help people.
::And then I got coaches, and I learned and I read and I tried some stuff.
::And most of it fails. That was the next layer. I knew that the information was out there, but I didn't know how to make it work for me. And then I learned some more, hired different coaches, got more.
::Trial and error got more feedback from the data that I collected and then I was at a different level. And then you reach a point where it's like, OK.
::I got a handle on this and I can show you how to do it step by step to get to a level that's, you know, wherever the level is.
::As I continue to move, I can pull these people up with me. We're different people, but it's understanding where you're.
::Where you were at each step of the way.
::And targeting your message.
::To those people, to.
::Solve that problem.
::And you can help all of the different layers, but if you start sending messages to the different levels then it confuses people.
::Absolutely. And.
::When I'm working with a business right, this is this is interesting because one of the biggest problems businesses are happening having right now is they can't find good employees, right? And I hear so often. Oh, there's this, the work. The workforce is terrible. There's nobody out there who wants to work anymore. And it's it. It's an excuse. It's a scapegoat.
::Out and that might be kind of true. It might. It might be kind of true, but also the other truth is, if we become better communicators.
::And we focus on. So one of the here's a great example, right? So I work with like an amusement park water park and they have trouble finding staff for this amusement park because they're mostly like 16 year olds and 16 year olds used to be clamoring for these jobs that pay below minimum wage, right? They're seasonal jobs. Nobody really wants to do them, but.
::The kids do them in on in the summer time.
::And so they over the past couple of years running this issue, they can't find the right people. And so I started talking to them about like, well, how are you pouring into these kids when they come in to work for you? Right. They're only there for a summer. They might not care about the job, but you have an opportunity as leaders of this company to pour into 16 year olds.
::And inspire them and help them find their strengths. Nobody.
::He maybe has ever done that for them. Most likely somebody has not. For most people, most people get very little encouragement throughout their life, right? Intentional encouragement from people. So this person might come to work for this job for a summer and they might get inspired by a leader there who's speaking into their life, helping them find their strengths, helping them to understand.
::Good morals, good values. Helping them to become a personal lead.
::Peter, right, helping them to see like, oh, it's not just a job, can be so much more than just something I come to and get money for. It can be something where I meet people that help me level up in life. And if you start treating people that way, who's gonna want to leave that job right? People will and I and I've talked to enough people to know that people will stay at.
::Jobs that aren't great for a long time because they love the culture. They love the people, and this is whether it's business or it's personal for personal things like you, you'll spend time with people that you love to be in.
::Sound. It's just natural, and you'll if you have good enough self esteem, you'll notice these people aren't treating me well. I need to.
::Get away from.
::As fast as humanly possible, I need to get away from these people. They're toxic, right? So it's the same with work environments. You could have a crappy job, but if you love the people you work with and you have a connection with them.
::And they just make you feel good about yourself. Then you're gonna want to be there. You're gonna want to spend time with them, and it's gonna change the culture of that company. It's gonna change the way people look at it.
::It's such a simple concept, but we can lose sight of it so easily. So you know, we have opportunities every single day to pour into people and love on people and to help them to see the goodness in themselves.
::I couldn't agree with you.
::More and I know 2 examples of exactly what you're talking about and I.
::There's a company around us called Nucor. There's steel manufacturer.
::And they are an amazing company to work for. It's really hard to get.
::On with them.
::But the way they pay their employees, it's based on production, so everybody is everybody else's boss. You better know your job and if you're slacking off, that guy next to you, his paycheck depends on what you're doing.
::Bet your money that he's gonna make sure you're doing your job. Excellent. He's going to do whatever it takes to make sure that you keep production up.
::Paying people to give them the.
::Results that you want.
::Another story. These are true stories. My I have a son that works for Nucor. I'm just like.
::It's a it's an insanely amazing company.
::He'll be there for.
::The rest of his life.
::My husband worked for Walmart as a truck driver and he went into the room with these truck drivers and this was maybe, I don't know, close to 8 or 9 years ago when he started and it was just as the truck driving it was. Shortly after Sam Walton died. And they're trucking the trucking part of their.
::Mark there.
::Had a had a culture and these guys had their own trucks.
::They were really.
::Proud of what they were doing. They were there for like, a lot of these guys had been around drivers for Walmart for like 20 years. So they were there was a culture for the truck drivers, but the rest of the organization.
::And they weren't paid very well.
::And you know, it's Walmart.
::He goes into this meeting. It's a round table meeting with other truck drivers and it was one of the first ones, he.
::Was in and they did the.
::Chair cause you know they're trying.
::To keep the culture going but.
::They're in a.
::Transition and one of the managers said, you know, we do these employee surveys.
::And we can't understand why truck drivers who are paid exceptionally well. One of the best paying jobs in the trucking.
::Industry is with Walmart.
::I mean, hands down, the time home benefits everything and.
::You know, you compare that to store workers who aren't paid all that well. So he's like, I can't understand why truck drivers are always having such high, high marks on satisfaction where everybody else and all the other departments are like.
::And then it's really low. So instead.
::Of like looking at.
::You know, this is these are all the things we're doing for truck drivers. No wonder they love us.
::And applying that to the rest of the company, they just decided, well, we'll just start cheating the truck drivers like the rest of the.
::Country or company?
::Which is the exact opposite of what Sam Walton would have done.
::Absolutely. Absolutely. I just.
::I don't. My husband doesn't work for Walmart anymore and I don't shop there because I just like.
::It just doesn't.
::Align with who I am and the values that I have, so won't the but.
::The people.
::That work there, now they don't care. It's just.
::That's and that's what happens, right? That that culture shifts and.
::You know it, it seems to be.
::It's, I don't know. To me it's so obvious, but I spend a lot of time thinking about this kind of stuff and talking to people about this kind of stuff. So it's obvious to me like, these are the things that really matter. And you know what's the most important thing in our life? Like when we die.
::Are we going to be able to take anything with us? We can't. You can't take anything with you.
::So what's the?
::I beg to differ. I think relationships. I think you can take relationships.
::Most important.
::With you.
::That's. Yeah, I meant, like, physical, right? The physical things can take. But that's it. Relationships are the thing we can build.
::What kind of?
::What kind of impact did we make while we were here on Earth? When we go up, I I'm a Christian, so I believe we get up there and we're talking to God. We're talking to Jesus and he's like, and I and I've read.
::Books. You know, I've read many near life near Death experience accounts and there's a life review and you're saying look at these great accomplishments.
::Like I got this promotion. I got this job. I made this amount.
::Of money and.
::They're like we.
::Don't care about that. Look at these relationships.
::Look at the relationships that you built. Look at the relationships that you did not build. Look, look how you helped people and loved on people. Look how you hurt people and didn't love on them. And that's the thing that's highlighted over and over again in near death experience life reviews. If you've never read into it. Anybody who's watching or listening, there's a great book called Imagine Heaven. That book is.
::Phenomenal. Just really, really good at going through these near death experiences. And if you go on YouTube, you can find hundreds of them really, really interesting.
::And I don't know why. I don't know why thousands of people would make up these stories, right?
::If not thousands.
::It's like.
::And a lot of them are very similar. So it's about relationships. So when you want to build something great, it comes down to how you're treating people, which seems obvious. It seems obvious, but we get lost in that in the day-to-day life.
::I think part of it is that we get lost in the idea that we should love ourselves.
::Because as you said in.
::The beginning it all starts with us.
::And if we don't have love, if we aren't fundamentally capable of loving ourselves, we can't possibly love somebody else because we're so worried about getting love for ourselves. And you don't have to get love externally.
::You can just.
::Be satisfied with who you are. You're OK. You are enough. You have everything you need inside of you.
::Let that other stuff go and it's easier said than done because we all have baggage, but.
::There's there are.
::Tools and there are coaches and there are people around like you that can help them get through that, unpack the baggage and make their lives, make them make themselves able to appreciate who they are so that they can share with others.
::The interesting part of that, because this, this this is speaking directly to my experience like I didn't. I had low self esteem, low self-confidence, kind of hated myself right for a long time so.
::I was like miserable with who I was. And I remember watching Tony Robbins years ago and he was saying, you know, in order to grow, you have to be of service to others in order to love yourself more, you have to love others more. And I was like, that doesn't make any sense. I was so self absorbed. Like that makes no sense to me. And so over the years of past, like decade.
::Of putting this into practice, I realize the more I go out of my way to help other people and to build them up, the more I love myself. So it's interesting. So if I would spend time just and I did spend a lot of time really trying to build up my own self esteem, it didn't work. But the more that I spent time like helping others and getting outside of myself and I think this is a problem with so much.
::Of people who are.
::Depressed. We're spending so much time worrying about us and like, how am I gonna get better? But when you, like, start helping people.
::And you're no longer thinking about you cause helping other people. You can't think about two things at once. If I'm thinking about helping this person, I can't think about me and how miserable I am. And when I see that person feel better, it makes me feel better. It's really interesting, and it's kind of like the hive mind kind of thing. We're all interconnected. We wanna pretend like we're not like we're insular.
::And that's where the ego comes in, right. The ego wants to think like I'm me and I'm not connected to anyone else. But go try to live by yourself and not talk to anybody for a year. And unless you're an.
::And being you're probably gonna. You've you're gonna come out struggling like we need people. At least I do. I need people. I need interactions. I need that community, and I need to be of service to other people. And it's so helpful. And I think oftentimes we get stuck in our own BS. We get stuck in our own heads.
::And when you get outside of yourself and help.
::Then you don't. Now I can't worry about me. And that actually helps me, which is counterintuitive, but it actually works.
::It does work. It really does. And if you feel like I'm so broke, we'll go help somebody that's really broke.
::You know, do something. Give them the your last 10 bucks, you're going to get more. They might not. It might make all the difference for them or go, you know, help out at a soup kitchen.
::There's so many things you can do to help people around you, and you don't even have to like, go out and look for people. They'll just show up. Trust me.
::And you know, if you're, say, say you're at and you're not even going to volunteer, right, say you have a job and you don't necessarily like your job, and there's somebody at that job who just makes they make the job miserable because they're miserable.
::It's a fun game to play. This is a fun game to play. How nice can you be to the miserable person that.
::You work with how?
::Can you just be annoyingly nice to them to where you might? You might actually break them. You might. They might actually start being nice because of how nice you're being to them. Like, show that person kindness was a guy I used to work with and he was.
::Like at all the time, like everything was just negative and the and I used to. The guy used to drive me freaking nuts. I couldn't stand him. But then I started learning this sort of stuff, right? So I started just being nice to him, and I was just like, well, he.
::Said something mean.
::I'd be like, yeah, but it's not that bad. And I and I throw like, a positive spin on it. I'd smile and say hi to him.
::And over time, he would get angry. I could tell he'd get angry at me and, like, annoyed by me by being nice to him because he didn't like that feeling. But over time he started being nice to me and I saw before I had left that job with my last radio job. I could see him start to change his attitude, and I would. I'm not going to say it's me that did it.
::But I truly believe life is a reflection of how we feel on the inside, right? So my perspective started to change on him. My perspective of him started to change. So I started to see him in a different way. And I saw him as nicer, kinder, and I started to like instead of loathing him, I started to feel like I started to.
::Feel compassion for him. Like this guy's hurting somebody else. Hurt him. I don't know why it happened or how it happened, but he's just living out the hurt that he experienced and.
::He needs an example that it can be different, you know, and since he's putting up putting out so much negativity, that's all he's getting back. So I try to be that difference and that's so if you have a job and it's you, somebody like that at your job, that's a form in my opinion, that's a form of volunteer work here.
::Volunteering positivity to help somebody who might just be living through misery and there's a there's a blessing in that for sure.
::And you don't have to look, you don't have to go and volunteer for helping people. There are people all around you just help them. It's.
::Just like 9.
::He says just do it.
::Absolutely. If I could say.
::One more thing to that I.
::My stepmom and I didn't always have a great relationship.
::And I I really went through a period of forgiveness over the past couple of years and I.
::Realized a great thing for me to do was if I show up differently, I was, I was gonna my mentor. Ray always talks about how you gonna show up. You show up differently. People were gonna show up differently. So I started to show up. Not with, like, a resistance. Right? Cause I would resist.
::Her I started to embrace her of who she was. I started to embrace who she was. So when I showed up, I started to show up in a more loving way, in a more like.
::Open way of just accept.
::That thing.
::And it's I'm. I won't go into detail, but like over the past couple of years, our relationship has drastically changed to where?
::Like I've gone up and consoled her when she's upset about things that I.
::Normally would like.
::Run and try to get out of there. But now I like had a heart to go up and like, give her a hug and, like, try to see where she's at and understand what she's going through. And it it's been life changing for me because it's very true that.
::If we show up.
::Without resistance, then people won't. We won't receive resistance back. It's like that idea that you can't get rid of energy. You can just. Energy is gonna go somewhere. But you can change it. But you're not gonna get rid of it.
::So how are?
::You going to change that vibration of how you're vibrating and it affects how somebody else is and.
::You can just see the difference, but that that for me has been a huge transformation in my life of.
::Ohh right I am if I want to take the leadership role in this position I can I have. We all have the opportunity at all times to take the leadership position.
::But we might not realize it, especially when we're talking about family and old wounds, right? Because those are like on repeat, we're living like on a hamster wheel on those things. So if we can, like, step in and change those, that's powerful.
::It's very powerful. It changes your whole life.
::And it changes generations. It's not just your life, but the lives of your children and your grandchildren and their children, because that's how you break the generational curses is.
::Very true, yes.
::You step up and you.
::Figure out how to operate in love and.
::You know, it's not something that everybody's taught and.
::And it's also not easy to do right?
::Well, it doesn't have to be hard. It's just it's just knowing that it's OK.
::So what's the one thing you want to leave?
::The audience with today, Rob, this has been great.
::I'll leave them with, you know, I think everything is a blessing, depending on how you look at it, there's a blessing in everything and everything that seems to be a curse in.
::Your life could be a gift, uh?
::And I'll just say this. So my stepmom will use that as an example. Again, I used to think like this is like a curse, but actually it's a it's a gift. It's an opportunity to do things differently. It's an opportunity to see things differently. And through that, I've seen that that situation has helped me see other situations differently in my life. So even how bad something can be.
::There's a blessing in it somewhere. Go back to Victor Frankel and man, search for meaning. He took the concentration camps as a blessing that he created a whole entire line of psychiatry.
::Out of being in the concentration camps, which was called Logotherapy, I think is what.
::It was called, but man, there's blessings in everything. So if we can look at life that way, it makes the suffering actually seem meaningful, you know? So I think that's my message.
::And that those lessons you can take with you?
::Yes, those you can take with you. Good point.
::All right, rob. How do people get?
::In touch with you.
::Do you wanna talk to me? You could go to my website, which is lead impact transform dot com Facebook Rob Z Wentz. That's probably the easiest way to get ahold of me. I'll accept your friend request. So shoot me a friend request on Facebook Rob Z Wentz and we can connect and talk.
::Thanks, Jill. This has been awesome. I love this podcast. This is great.
::This has been a great conversation. I've really enjoyed it and I will put the links in the show notes below. Thank you so much for joining me today. Rob.
::Thank you.