Episode 124

Published on:

13th Oct 2023

Nicole Starbuck - Empowering Your Intuition

In this psychic episode, we welcome Nicole Starbuck, who replaced her day job with an Etsy shop offering psychic readings! Nicole's on a mission to show others how to develop their intuition and spiritual superpowers. She talks about helping people find love, money, and health through energy work, healing, and manifestation.

Take the Quiz! To discover your spiritual superpower: AuracleAcademy.com/quiz

Discover more about Nicole's work at AuracleAcademy.com

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Nicole Starbuck, love you last name too. She replaced her day job with an.


Etsy shop doing psychic readings. That's super impressive. Nicole. I can't believe that. So tell us how you got started, why you were doing that, how you managed to do that as far as replacing your day job and.


Youโ€™ve got a new baby


Congratulations and welcome to the show.


Hi, thank you so much for having me. It's such an honor and privilege to be.


Here. So my journey goes way back into childhood. I first discovered my spiritual gift and ability, which is given intuition. When I was nine years old. And I will say everyone is psychic. It's just that over time and through social conditioning, we lose touch with that. But I discovered this and I didn't have the tools or resources available to me to really develop it. So I just kind of kept it to myself.


And ended up having a lot of anxiety, depression, chronic illness and overwhelm


And then I had a first spiritual awakening in my early 20s. I thought I was doing everything right to go to school, get good grades, get a good job. Everything will be fine, right? And it was not fine. So I ended up in the ER with a panic attack. And I just really thought, ohh, there has to be another way. There has to be another way. So I got into mindsets and personal development, which worked really well for a while.


Actually, a few years and then I got to be in my later 20s and I realized something else is missing. Let me get back to my heart and soul and my mission and purpose. And so I really went all in into the psychic studies and psychic development. I started offering professional readings on etsy


And then built up a clientele ended up impacting over 1000 people through Etsy and replaced my day job income doing that. And what I realized in that process is that a lot of the people that were coming to me were actually also very psychic, just hadn't realized it yet. They had the same issue I had.


Which is the.


The visions and premonitions were creating anxiety in their lives and they were looking for confirmation.


So that was one thing. And then the people that were coming to me for healing sessions, also highly empathic and holding on to energy. So I wanted a way to address that with people. And so that's what really led to what I do now is showing people how to develop their intuition and use their spiritual superpowers.


That is.


Really interesting so.


When right now how? How does your practice look right now?


Yeah, right now I am doing a combination of one-on-one, which is great for a deep dive for anyone that likes that hand held support. I am also being really called to offer community and containers. So that came through as a hybrid group coaching program which is the psychic school and then also a free container which is a Facebook group for people that.


Either don't want to or are ready for that next step of that personalized support.


And then also doing lots of interviews and podcasts and just sharing the message that everyone has the answers, everyone is psychic. It's just a matter of whether or not you're tuning in. And I'd love to show people how to do that.


That's pretty cool.


So you work a lot with helping people find their soul mates, helping people find money.


How? How does that look?


Yeah, so this always is a great question. And three most common things that I see that people are wanting to create or manifest our love money and health. So I get that a lot is let me attract my soul mate and I just want to be clear that we can have dozens or even hundreds of soul mates. A soul mate is just anyone with whom we have a soul connection or perhaps in past.


And with that, the one is really whoever you choose. So a soul mate could be platonic or romantic, but you get to pick whoever you want to be with, and that person can be the one. It's not like one person is destined for you. It's just really whoever aligns for you that you want to spend the rest of your life with. And so in.


Opening up these energies.


Whether you are wanting to attract a soul mate or manifest more money or get a better job or a bigger house, we really look at the basic framework that I take all my one-on-one clients through and all my group clients through is where are you now?


Where would you like to be?


And then what's?


The slow moving energy or resistance that you don't already have that now or you're not already there yet.


And then we backtrack and we identify the root cause. For example, someone wants to manifest their soul mate. Why do you feel that you haven't already done that? Well, actually, like, I don't think that I'm worthy of love. And I have this resistance towards opening up to intimacy. And, you know, I push people away that maybe may be right for me because.


I don't really. I don't really believe that I deserve it. Right. And so we look OK, where does that come from? Usually from childhood and or some sort of past life or something in their ancestral line that is rejecting deep connection. And so we actually go into those situations, we do a lot of forgiveness work. We do a lot of movement and embodiment.


Practices and shifting energy. We'll get into some quantum healing practices. Light language.


Akashic records, meditation, any number of things, depending on their unique situation to really help them to find happiness and wholeness and then move forward with that clean slate so that they can be a vibrational match to what they're calling in.


Well, just the.


Just this conversation.


That we've had so far has gotten me going like.


Oh, maybe I need to go back to the Akashic records.


Because I think I want this but.


The slow moving energy.


It's like I need to go and.


Talk to somebody about that.


And you've just given me.


Like so much help. Thank you. Thank you so much, Nicole.


Yay, I'm so glad.


And I also did your.


Discover your spiritual power X quiz, which was really it was super easy to do.


It was interesting. It's like.


Some of the some of the questions were like.


Hmm, I'm not sure which one's.


The best answer?


But that the overall answer that I got.


Was really interesting to me.


How did you develop that and?


How does it help people?


So I just want to say first answer, best answer, there's no right or wrong, there's only what's true for you. And I know when I, even as I was creating the quiz.


I could say yes to multiple things, so it's like well, which one is more which more, which one do I more deeply align with? I'm actually I think you said you got healer, right? I'm a 5050 split between.


Be psychic and the artist which makes sense for me as a psychic. And also I have an arts background, but as I was visioning for psychic school, I was really looking at what is something that would really capture different types of energies to show people how they can connect to source, to open that door that pathway.


For deeper psychic development and I looked back on my personal experiences, the experiences of my clients, the different types of readings I had done, the healing sessions I had done, the people I had.


Talked to and the different modalities and things that I've studied and identified 5 primary archetypes for how we connect with God's source, Spirit universe, whatever you call that higher power. So we have the artist, which is the creator, the healer which transmutes energy and alkalizes it. We have the psychic which sees and hears and declares. We have the priestess.


Which is really the channeling of the energy and embodying the.


And the witch which is I think I missed one artist, healer psychic pieces which is the last one which really focuses on manifestation and magic.


It's so interesting. So.


I gotta ask you about.


The witch.


What? What kinds of things would?


How do you describe it?


How do I describe which?


Yeah, yeah, I describe, which is anyone who really wants to connect in with powerful intentions and using Co creation with the universe to turn something into the physical 3D reality.


So which gets into some fuzzy territory for some people. Some people don't like the word witch if it doesn't resonate with you, don't use it. But for me it's really about setting that intention and then bringing into tangible form something related to that intention. So often this is working with herbs.


Oils, candles, crystals, incense doesn't have to though. Really it's this idea of I'm here. I have a vision. I have an intention. I'm going to affirm it. I'm going to declare it. And I'm also going to move with the universe to make it so.


My daughters like that.


She totally does that. She's 19, but she is. I've seen her do it a number of times.


And she's just doing it right.


Now she's. She's manifesting a part time job that.


She really wants.


I just watched it happen it was quick.


Yeah, I would say too. So the.


That I know she sets intentions.


And then they happen.


And I would say too that for the witch, it's very much about ceremony and ritual, right? That there's, like, a deep reverence for the divine. And this comes about through a particular modality or particular, like the lighting of candles. You.


Huge. The mixing of certain herbs is huge, but there's different flavors even within that archetype. Like I joke that my husband's the kitchen witch because he is all about like creating beautiful culinary creations that when people not only do they bring people together, but when they eat them, it actually changes their.


Energy within them.


That's really interesting. It's food.


Is one of those things.


It's fascinating to me it.


People just eat.


Randomly that the process of cooking and the person who cooks well in duos their the things they're creating with energy and that energy you eat it, you take it into your body and it actually chemically affects your body.


And things like growing your own vegetables or fruits, and you're tending those, those fruits will.


Mature in a way that are designed to specifically nourish your personal body.


There's magic is just science that hasn't been explained. It's like it's not something that.


Doesn't exist or because we call it magic doesn't mean it isn't.


It isn't happening. It just means that it hasn't been explained in a way that you can.


Understand it. So you call it magic.


Yeah. And.


A lot of things are magic for kids.


You know it's.


We get into, we get into certain circles like I know in religious circles we call them miracles, right? And that somehow that's socially acceptable miracles. But we get into magic and then all of a sudden we're like, oh, no, that's.


That's not for me. That's bad.


Right. But everyone.


Wants it weird, so it's just.


It's the same. It's the same thing. It's just. What do you want to call it?


Yeah, that happens a lot. It happens in.


In a lot of.


Different areas where we all have.


We might have the same name for things, but it means something different to different people. Like, you know, I could.


Ask you who God is and ask.


People that down the street who have a certain religious flavor and it and actually you could ask different people of different religious flavors who God is and you're going to get different answers, but it's all the same thing. It's.


It's the creator. It's the energy. It's what holds us together. It's what connects us. It's ultimately it's just love, yeah.


Love, love and light.


Love and light and lights. Just an energy wave.


It's a vibration.


There's, I don't know. I love science and I love spirituality because they're so closely connected. Once you get the politics in.


It's just like.


There's certain things that just are because.


That's how they are so.


How do people work with you?


Yeah. So.


I really just love creating safe space for people to connect that can be on Instagram, my Facebook Group podcast such as this.


And usually if they like my vibe, they connect with me in some way. Instagram, Facebook, and then I'm all about showing up and just speaking major. So sharing a free master class, a workshop if free download. If that resonates with you, then we get into. OK, here's a group cooking container if you want.


Personalized attention, here's a one-on-one container.


But then it's everything's tailored to the unique individuals. So I've had people that come to me for starting and growing businesses and then we've discovered that, oh, we actually have many stories here that are holding us back from starting and growing said business. So let's go back, and often the personal and the business are closely connected and.


The money are closely connected and so we're able to then address their primary concerns and help them rise in the way that they're looking to.


Very cool. And so how would you?


Describe being a psychic.


I would describe it as.


Being a channel like as if I were a television or radio and I've basically turned on the on switch.


And it was off for a long time because I was hiding my gifts. But now it's on. It's on full.


Plus, and I can TuneIn like just as you would change the channel on the TV or radio to a specific channel. Like if I wanted to tune in to you I could TuneIn to you if I wanted to tune in to someone for reading, I could.


Do that if I'm.


Going to tune in to my client, I can, but also there can be interference, right? So people often question their intuition. I did for many years.


Because I had all these other radio signals and frequencies plugging into my antenna.


At the same time, so my parents and their religious views and opinions my selves and partner before he really woke up to the spiritual journey. My friends that didn't understand what I was doing, the news and the media that tell you that you can't trust yourself. You don't know what you're talking about. Social media, which is often judgmental and also school.


System how we would grow that up and religious constructs and structures.




And so being a psychic is very much about.


Seeing everything and feeling everything all at once, but an experienced psychic will learn how to differentiate what's your energy, what's not, what's spirit, what's your own ego? And then it's not that anxiety ever goes away, but you learn. Ohh this is this is coming in from my headspace versus this is coming in from my soul.


My intuition you've got like, lit up right now like.


I don't know if you see that you're complete.


Yeah, I glow every now and then. I definitely got lighting issues. I mean, we go along, I'm fine and then I get my glue on.


Doesn't change.


It's perfect. It's perfect for this conversation, though.


Maybe it's just because I talk to people like you want to see.


Now it's gone. Do anything.


Ohh my goodness so.


You were asking what's it like to be a psychic? And then we talked about the glow.


Oh yeah.


Yeah, yeah.


Totally distracted because.


The glow thing happens so often, just like really.


It it's interesting about the psychic abilities and being able to tune in and tune out.


A lot of.


It is the tuning out I would imagine of the other.


The other information that.


Comes at us from.


Programming from our childhood, from our friends, from our.


Communities because every community has.


Its own little set of rules.


They could be subtle, they could be really overt, but those impact your ability to.


Just listen to that still small voice.


That's true. Yeah, that's true.


And do you find a lot of your clients have like chatter in their heads?


That they have to get beyond.


Yeah, that's one of the basic things we start with is making sure we're emotionally stable, right? Getting rid of the chatter, getting rid of the anxiety, stabilizing that, working on our mindset. And I described we have.


The four S's, which is survival.


Stability, Success, Significance, so a lot of people that come in are somewhere between survival and stability, right? They're not quite like.


At rock bottom. But there's something kind of off and they're wanting to get their mindset straight, their emotions straight. They want to feel good in their bodies and get to a baseline to where they can build a really solid foundation for attracting soul mates or building a business or whatever it is that they're creating.


That makes a lot of.


Sense. So what's the one thing that you want


To leave the audience with today.


Oooh, OK, one of my core pillars is that you already have the answers. The answers are inside of you. It's just a matter of whether or not you're listening.


And you can absolutely figure out how to tune in on your own. That's fantastic. Took me 20 years to figure.


That one.


Out. But there are also people out there such as myself, who genuinely care and can be a guide and a resource. It's not that someone like myself goes in and fixes you, but simply ask the guided questions to be the guide to show you the way so that you can.


hall yourself.


That's perfect. And how do they get in touch with you? What's your website?


Beautiful. Yeah. So you can reach me online. My main website, is auracleacademy dot com. I'll spell that for everyone. So it's a play on words between the psychic Oracle and Aura AURACLE academy dot com. If you'd like to take the quiz to discover your spiritual superpower, your intuitive type, you would just go to Auracle.


Academy dot com/quiz.


And it's quick. Two minutes, seven question quiz. It will tell you that. And then, of course, I'm also on Instagram. Instagram dot com/nicole dot Starbuck and then I also have the free Facebook group as well. So facebook dot com/group/auracleacademy


Perfect. And we'll put those links in the show notes, Nicole. It's been amazing having you here with us. This has been a great conversation. Thank you so much.


For joining me.


Thank you.

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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.