Wendy Patterson - Mastering Rapid Transformation in 12 Hours
In this mind-shifting episode, Jill speaks with empowerment coach Wendy Patterson, who has developed a realignment method to guide women from feeling overworked and unsupported to appreciated and validated in 12 hours or less.
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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are talking with Wendy Patterson. Wendy is our coach who has developed a realignment method which guides women from overworked and unsupported to feeling appreciated and validated.
::In 12 hours or less, that's pretty remarkable. We're so glad to have you here, Wendy and I can hardly wait to hear all about how this works.
::Thank you for the invite. I'm looking.
::Forward to this.
::How did let's start at the beginning? How did you get started? What do you do and how do you make this happen and just tell us all the stuff?
::Well, let me see. It all started back when I was having it. I worked full time for the federal government as well. I live in Canada.
::Quebec side but working on the Ontario side, lost my mom in 2018 and that's where my world started to shift. But it was just before then things started to really rock'n'roll in my workplace because there was a change of hierarchy and I started really having difficulties with.
::My boss at that time.
::However, that's where I found out my mom's life was.
::Coming to an end, right. So.
::A lot of stuff.
::Was coming up in me at work, at home emotionally and I was having a really difficult time navigating my emotions.
::So I stumbled on a podcast by my former coach and it really taught me a lot to really think about myself, to go with and figure out what's happening, and why am I allowing this to happen.
::To me, because instead of looking at it, why is it happening?
::For me being.
::Accountable rather than dishing out my emotions on to other people because I knew nothing other than deflecting because I had never been taught how to deal with my emotions like nothing. So here I am in this tumultuous time.
::And I'm just barking out of other people and it's like what's going on.
::So I had to really.
::Go in and dig into my own negative emotions into my own past and into my self so deeply.
::That that's where it all started. Shift for me and I found the.
::Program that I have taken in 2021 along with my previous mentor, coach J Lizanne, because I took her empowerment strategist and that's where everything started to shift for me. And then I found NLP, timeline therapy and hypnotherapy that kind of married it all together for me.
::And it just broadened my horizons on so many different levels.
::I had meditated for so many years and I found hypnotherapy is identical to meditating. However, it's a guided meditation with some reframing words within that can kind of shift your thought processes just ever so slightly cause everything's embedded in the hypnotherapy.
::So when you listen to it over and over again, it settles in in the unconscious mind and creates a little bit of a shift.
::So this is where I am today where I like to share everything that I've learned because I've seen so many women's lives change with this particular product.
::And I've discovered that when people really want the change and they do everything that they have to, that they want to do to actually make this change solid.
::They do the.
::Work and it and it's amazing at how it starts to shift and peel away at certain layers of their lives and bring stuff up for them to resolve because they think that they're all good, that it's not, they're not going to have any more, you know, triggers or episodes of emotions, but.
::No. Excuse me, it's going to keep coming up for you to resolve, right? Because that's what triggers are.
::Everything to come up for you to.
::And kind of why is it happening for me? What is the lessons that I need to be that need to be learned here? And OK, how can I move forward from this? What can I do for myself to make sure that it doesn't have ever happen again to me, right or?
::Again for me.
::To stop it right here and now. So it's really, really taking accountability for.
::Everything that you do in life, you think it what you speak it and how you feel it. Full accountability.
::And you mentioned work, but I.
::Having gone through hypnotherapist therapy myself, it's not work like we think of work.
::You know, we're kind.
::Of gives that connotation that it's going.
::To require a lot of effort on your.
::Part, But it's surprisingly doesn't. So you want to talk to that a little bit?
::Well, when I say the work, it's more like if you if I've given.
::Because I can. When I take clients in, I also give them some meditations or small snippets of hypnotherapy that I will record for them that they will listen to and it's and it's about work that you have to pay attention. You've got to listen to it in order for the shift to happen.
::Like meditating, you take.
::Attending meditation retreat and it's a silent meditation retreat and you choose to go to be silent for 10 days.
::Not easy.
::It's a lot of.
::Work, but you're doing it. You're there, so you might as well do the work, right? So this when I mean work, there's things that.
::If you if you want the change then make that change happen by doing a 5-10 minute meditation daily. You'll see a shift listening to hypnotherapy. You'll see the shift.
::A journal. You know, writing down your negative emotions.
::You'll see a shift, you'll.
::See a pattern or starting an appreciation journal? You start writing everything that you appreciate and then you start to see how things.
::Will shift. It's doing that type of work. It's the homework for that shift to integrate for that shift to make a significant change.
::Within yourself. So I guess that's what I mean by work.
::And really we.
::Work at stuff all the time. It's just deciding how that work is going to look for you. You have choices in the matter, and when you're using.
::Using Someone Like You.
::But you're allowing somebody like you to help them.
::Through the transition from working in a way that isn't serving them positively to a way that is serving them positively, I think has a lot of impact and it shortens learning curve a lot.
::Hugely, right. I mean, how many people out there truly listen to their own conscious mind, right? Or do they listen to everybody else? So there's also.
::I mean, that's a huge.
::Conversation too. Right there. Right. So yeah, it's how much work?
::Yeah, it's I needed a shift when I when I turned to a certain age. And it's like, OK, I can't afford a vacation. I can't afford anything because I was a single mom at the time and my kids were young and it, like a friend of mine, introduced me to the 10 day meditation retreat and.
::I said oh.
::Oh, I don't have to pay. No, it's all free. What?
::It's run by volunteers. What they feed you? They house you, I said. How can I not go wrong? Right. I had tons of vacation, so I took it.
::Best decision I ever made and I recommend every human do it at least once in their lifetime. Every human not easy yet. It is a really great way.
::Really getting in touch with you, taking that time to get to know you.
::That it scares me just to.
::Think does a lot of.
::People like how many people can not talk for 10 days. I can no problems.
::No, I could go a whole day without talking, let alone string ten of them together.
::You get caught up in your head, right? You hear the stories you hear the judgement, you hear it all going, and then you hear, you hear what's going on all the time. That's on repeat and then it quits down. So it's very, very interesting. And after I took the NLP timeline therapy hypnotherapy.
::Of course it was like I had gone on a 10 day meditation retreat. That's how impactful it was on me that it's like, OK, this is just so spectacular that, you know, 10 days can be shortened down in hours.
::Like, amazing. Amazing.
::Was just going to ask you. So you basically take the 10 days of silent meditation and squish it down to 12 hours for people.
::Instead of 100 hours of meditation. Yeah, yeah.
::I can see how that would be helpful.
::It can be life changing like I say, if the person you know really wants the change really wants that shift, really wants to feel better, it can have such an amazing impact, yeah.
::Talk a little bit.
::About the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
::And maybe even throw in a little bit about what NLP is and isn't.
::Oh wow, now I just know there's hypnotherapy and there's hypnotherapist hypnotherapy is on the medical side. However, I am more on the spiritual side where HIP I am an I'm a hypnotherapist and then you have a hypnotist.
::A hypnotist is the ones I think that are on the medical side. Hypnotherapy is where basically it's.
::Listening to the client and understanding where they're at and then having a dialogue and then a script to kind of reframe what the individual would like to.
::Change within themselves we have there is a inner child meditation that we have where the person goes in and basically.
::Looks at their inner child and themselves as children and embraces them for who they are and where they are today. Right? Because a lot of people get caught in life and they're.
::Past comes into the present and they feel like they did when they were a kid. So this kind of just reframes the situation and says you're now an adult. You're no longer a child. Let's see how we can work this out. So that type of hypnotherapy that can be done.
::Is really, really great because it kind of helps that the adult to recognize that they are no longer that wounded child and the same. It can also help tremendously for people who really want to smoke, quit smoking. Sorry, they want to quit smoking. So it's a matter of reframing.
::Their thoughts, if they truly want to do it.
::And it can really make it an amazing impact on people and it can work if they want to quit. If they don't, it will not work. But if they really want it to work, it can work.
::But you have to want something so badly that you know.
::We can work with something, but if they just say ohh. My wife wants me to quit smoking so I'm you know, I'm here because of that. Well, honey, come back when you really.
::Want to when you when you want to?
::Quit because I'm. I'm not wasting your money on this right now because it's not worth it.
::Come back when you want to quit.
::So I hope that.
::Describes hypnotherapy now NLP. I've heard so many people talk about how NLP can be very manipulative and I can understand how it can be 100%. However, the type of.
::How we use it is just reframing the person's thoughts, reframing how they say things.
::I also say that NLP is law of attraction on steroids.
::100% to me because what you think about you bring about what you focus on, you can make happen NLP when you speak we can hear where they are, we can hear their assumptions about life. We can hear where they are in their model of the world and we can just.
::Slightly alter the verbiage so that they can see that they have a choice rather than being where they are at that time, so that there's always a way of looking at things differently, very similar to.
::You know, quantum consciousness. You take the blinders off, you see it as a movie rather than being in it. It's just a different way of seeing things and wording it so that it sticks.
::And that they have that ability to make a choice.
::And they can make the change if they want to.
::Does that make sense?
::It does make sense. It makes a lot of sense and in a way it is manipulation, but you're doing it to yourself. You're choosing how you wish as Marissa Pierce says. You're telling yourself a better lie.
::Exactly. And it's and believing, you know what you're saying and what you're living and.
::Yeah, there's so much more to it. Like much more. And this is just a, you know, a skating on the surface of exactly what, you know, we get into.
::And you're going to be having a workshop here in October when and I know that when this comes out.
::It'll be shortly before the workshop, actually.
::Happens, but you want to.
::Tell the audience what you're going to cover. What?
::What you're doing with?
::It What I'm doing with it. I think the really.
::Big piece is.
::To it is looking at negative emotion.
::And how to navigate the reactions of the negative emotions and how to, once you've gone through your negative emotions and what your triggers are and how to navigate through the triggers and what you can change within yourself, then you can really learn how that little shift in the mind.
::Set can alter a lot of other things in your life. Alter the your the energy around you, alter your relationships that you have with other.
::People, the relationship that you have with yourself, just relationships overall are going to shift energetically, spatially and that it's going to you'll really recognize some things that you can actually make more change in yourself.
::When you look at it from a different perspective and when you take accountability for your feelings and you take accountability for how you say things to yourself.
::Not to others to yourself, because it's all about being accountable. It's all about taking full ownership of yourself and how I came across this recently was I was watching a show and how the little, how the person in the show was.
::I guess she was not comfortable in her skin, so she wasn't comfortable in her skin.
::And then how can she be herself out in the world without being insecure? You know those little stories in her head going over and over again that you know she's, she's this or she's that. And I'm sitting there going. Wow, this is a reflection upon myself. If I'm not good in my skin, how can I get out in the world and start speaking?
::About everything that I've learned and be comfortable doing so.
::Hence here I am.
::Because I truly believe in everything that I've learned and I all the people that I well, the few women that are in my life and that I'm coaching right now, can recognize the similarities. And it's like, wow, let's shift this for you so that you can feel better about life and you can see things from a brighter side rather than the doom and gloom.
::Side. So yeah, it's mind blowing and.
::This is just a piece of it.
::Because I'm introducing what I do, I'm giving tips and tricks.
::About how to.
::And get into the negative emotions. Where do they come from? Let's see what we can do about it. And then we slightly alter it and then we move forward from there. So it's more of the few steps into the big realignment method just to allow people to shake up some of that.
::Way of perceiving the way of being so that they.
::Can be better within.
::To exude that on the outside.
::It sounds like a fantastic.
::Workshop and I highly recommend people go to it. I.
::I from personal experience.
::I can say that hypnotherapy can give you changes.
::So fast, I mean, it's when you talk about 12 hours and big changes, I believe you because I've seen it for myself. Just getting over the.
::The recognizing the patterns, the thought patterns and it's.
::Like the first.
::Step and once you do that.
::It's like.
::The whole world.
::Opens up to you in a way that allows you to let your life align with who you fundamentally are, and you stop really caring about the people that.
::The people that accentuate those negative voices in your head, and there are people that come along in your life that they add the chatter.
::And they trigger the chatter, but it once you get clear on this is what that negative cheddar sounds like in my life. And these are the things that trigger it and.
::These are the.
::Tools that I can use to just release it and it's it is as simple as release.
::But it's not.
::No. And the deeper the trigger.
::The further that trauma goes back, right? So hence if you get into the 12 hour program, we go further back and we kind of massage it a little bit better so that it's.
::Yeah, that's where all the magic truly happens is, you know, when you can go back into the past, but it's so very true that we all get triggered somewhere along the day, and it's just a matter of, OK.
::Where was the first incident this has ever happened to me, and where was I and what was wrong and what can I learn from it?
::Quick trigger response right there. How can you get over a trigger instead of feeling it owning it? Reverting into a little cave or a cocoon and saying Oh well, it was me. This has happened to me and it's like.
::Step up, you know, and breathe into it and move forward from it.
::And I find that especially.
::With COVID these days, so many people do not.
::Shouldn't say that cancel, cancel a lot of individuals have difficulties going out into the public now because it's been three years that they stayed home.
::So it's just a matter of, you know, getting back out there, standing up, speaking up, being seen and heard that a lot of women, you know, struggle with from the get go so.
::A lot of work.
::And I think they're.
::But it's work that's already being done. It's just a different.
::Way of doing the work and correct.
::And recognizing instead of when you're when you're getting triggered.
::Instead of doing the reverting back to the your child and hiding.
::You start to.
::Look for these things just like it's an opportunity.
::To practice. Ohh yeah. OK, I'm feeling that now. Yep, Yep.
::And it becomes kind of what used to be really painful for you can become.
::Kind of exciting.
::It's like, hey, I could part of this, though, it's an opportunity.
::100% like are you feeling it in your body, right? And what does it feel like? And you know what? How can I release it and my breath work or, you know, changing your, you know, reframing or whatever. There's so much out there to help you work through that.
::Like so much.
::Yeah, yeah. And it, it just becomes fun, which sounds silly because you're taking these negative events, triggers, emotions, and you're like.
::I can work with.
::And then then your life does totally shift to a place where it's just like, hey, I can pretty much handle anything because.
::But I'm looking forward to the bed. I love the good.
::Well, and how you say that you revert to your childhood state as your child's state? Because when you're a child state, nothing bothers you. You go through life happy, joyous and people can talk to you and you don't take it personally.
::In this whole process, we also learn that going back into having fun, making life fun rather than the doom and gloom and the hardships and the negative emotions, if you can make it fun, Oh my God, it shifts so much because this whole process can be fun.
::If you let.
::Right. And so can life.
::There's many times.
::So many times growing up.
::You get the you should feel bad about this. They don't tell you how long.
::You're supposed to feel bad about it.
::Shame on you.
::Right. Terrible thing you did.
::Therefore, you're a terrible person, so.
::You don't know as a child.
::How long am I supposed to be this bad person?
::And so it does get kind of stored in the back of your head and until.
::You have a way of saying.
::Well, no, I think the.
::Time limits up on that one.
::Great point like great point.
::Absolutely. Absolutely. So yeah, that's so very, very true.
::Yeah, yeah. And how many of?
::Us wanderer have wandered around.
::Like that for so many years, it's like.
::Yeah, I know. It's like that was who.
::I was not that long ago.
::Right, right. Yes.
::And then and then you get boundaries and you know a few other things that kind of help you to be able to.
::Keep people from.
::Overstepping the bounds.
::Just what boundaries are all about?
::So that you can you can live in in a state, not necessarily bliss.
::But it's a it's a good place to be.
::Right where you're you.
::Feel encouraged and you feel hopeful and you feel empowered to just do the thing that you were sent here to do because we all have, like, some mission that I believe that anyway, you're supposed to be doing, but we get so caught up in all this other garbage.
::That we can't. We can't focus on the thing we should be doing. We're still over here.
::Curled up in the fetal position trying to get.
::Over the.
::The trigger that.
::It was based on something that was from so long ago in most cases.
::Rate and in the workshop, that's also something that I kind of touch upon is personal.
::Boundaries and then other boundaries because there's two distinct boundaries there, right? You have your personal ones and you have ones with others, so it's a matter of really knowing the two between the.
::Two, which I didn't.
::Know back in the day, however, now I do so it's quite interesting.
::When you brought out the boundaries.
::On the personal boundaries a little bit, the difference between the two kinds of boundaries.
::Well, if you.
::Say I go into work and I like to have people I like to respect myself and my area right. And if somebody comes into my area and disrespects my area or how can I say that? Yeah, comes in and disrespects my area and I'd let them.
::That's a breach.
::Of my own personal boundary that I didn't step up and say. Excuse me, I really don't appreciate you coming into doing this. So once you breach a personal boundary.
::It kind of takes a piece of you away because you're because I'm not speaking up for myself. I'm not stating, hey, man, can you like not come in here because this is my space and I don't like anybody coming in and mulling over my stuff. If you need to know something, just ask me. That kind of thing, because it really, if, if, if I can't speak up for myself.
::And who am I living for?
::Right, right. So we touch upon that and then the people that you know family that you need to set personal boundaries with or you need to set a boundary with a family member that's a little bit different because it's like, hey, you know what, it's a boundary, but a personal boundary is where you really, really.
::Reach yourself rather than saying it's upon the other person, you need to set something up with them, and it's just that it's nuanced, just a little bit differently and it affects you more.
::When you breach your own personal boundaries.
::And then you really.
::Kind of like.
::Feel the outer boundaries that you might have with family and friends is to protect your inner boundaries.
::So that you can have a closer relationship with them than you would have with everybody else.
::Because you actually have another set of boundaries out there for everyone else, the personal boundaries are things that.
::Get you out of alignment with.
::Who you are.
::And it's like personal space.
::You know when people start to impose on your personal space, whether it's physical or emotional or spiritual, because those are you have spaces that you hold for each of those.
::That's the more personal boundary, whereas the.
::The other boundaries.
::And I would suggest there's even more than two.
::Protect you in a.
::Larger sense, you know, not everybody is going to be super close to you. You are the most important being and you need to protect yourself. Then you have a little cocoon and then others come in different layers.
::Thank you for letting me express that.
::So working it out in my own head.
::No, I totally get it because it's it could be worded in any different way and for you to understand it that way, it's it was stellar. Very well said, very well put.
::Well, thank you, I feel.
::You're very welcome.
::Like its a personal coaching session here.
::It's situated so much.
::Well, we do. We do have our.
::Entities. We have our spirit, right. And we have our mind.
::And we have our body and we have our souls. So there are so many boundaries that can be set. Like you said, many, many, many layers.
::Yeah, yeah. And you cover all that in your workshop, and you do have a meditation that you offer for people. So you want to.
::Tell them about.
::That a little bit sure.
::It's on the same premises as the 10 day meditation that I've been doing for so many years, and it's a silent meditation and I recognize that even if I take 5 minutes out of my day, morning and night, at how clear I can hear.
::My own unconscious mind, my own unconscious.
::Thoughts. And the more I meditate, the more I hear it. As clear as day. It's like asking a question. If you have a question, you ask it, you get an answer and that's kind of what happened to me when I went on a full 10 day meditation retreat and after the NLP course or the NLP timeline therapy hypnotherapy course.
::But this 10-5 minute meditation is really, really simple. It's all about the breath and you can download it at any time. You can listen to it on your phone, you can listen to it on your computer. You can turn it on at.
::Anytime it's just.
::Me telling you to.
::Breathe and that's.
::It but it is a simple 5 minute meditation on that same premise of the past the meditation that I've been practicing for so many years.
::And I can have that available because there's a PDF attached to it with a list of various other meditations, and I recommend everybody to try.
::All of the meditations pick the one that you resonate most with and stick to it. Just because the 10 day the one the with the one that I do it suits me. It may not suit you. So if it doesn't help you, don't listen to it anymore but find something that does resonate with you.
::That's awesome. And we'll put the links for that in the show notes. So people will be able to get access to that and we'll also put links in the show notes for.
::Your workshop that's coming up, and though I realized as the episode drops, the workshop will be very soon.
::You did mention that there might be some opportunity for people to get into a future workshop or get access to this workshop after it. It actually is done.
::Most definitely. We'll find a way to get people out there and just to get into the information because I will have a workbook available for it and it can.
::Be, you know, easy.
::Peasy. And once you have the you can download the workshop and work through it. And if you have any questions, just reach out so.
::Yes, I will I.
::Plan on recording this one this time.
::Perfect. Perfect.
::So what's the one thing you want to?
::Leave the audience with Wendy.
::If you truly want to change, invest in yourself.
::The biggest one right there that I have, you know, done for me is like that. That has really made that impact on myself by taking the time and investing in myself and getting to know myself and go within. And if you need help, then reach.
::Out to the.
::The appropriate people that you resonate with and start that work.
::Awesome. Thank you so much for joining us today. This has been amazing.
::Thank you very much for inviting me. I had a pleasure talking about all this and I look forward to seeing this posted.
::Yeah, me too.