Episode 262

Published on:

22nd Mar 2024

Zya Be - Attracting Your Hell Yes Life

In this inspiring episode, Zya Be shares launching the "Your Hell Yes Life Podcast," encouraging women to live in alignment with their inner "hell yes." The conversation explores Zya's artistic journey, intentional manifestations, and her unique podcast interviewing style, emphasizing the importance of embracing change and living a fulfilling life.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us. Zya Be is host of Your Hell Yes Life podcast. She's also an artist and an author. Welcome to the show Zya. It's really great to.


Have you here


It's great to be here. Thank you.


We are kind of taking a little bit.


Of a detour.


In that you are not actually a.


Coach. But you are a podcast host.


And you're just finishing up your first season?


And looking for new and exciting things to come.


In the next season and.


Talk a little bit.


About what you're doing with it, and why you started it.


It actually fell into my head. I mean, it sounds a little bit crazy, but I left a very long career and closed a business in 2019 and then I won't go through the whole journey. But there was a massive reinvention basically between then and the last few years that's still in process honestly.


And at the beginning of 2023, I was taking a class on becoming a speaker because it's one thing I'm very interested in and she encouraged us to get on film and just videotape ourselves just to get comfortable in front of a camera and talk about what we want to do. And as I you know, what I said was, I want to help women live their hell, yes. Life.


And as I said it, it was like ohh, what was that? that was


Something and the next day I just got this one hit of I'm going to create a podcast to inspire to celebrate and Spotlight women.


We're living brave, courageous lives to inspire and inform others, and it just came through as one sentence. And again it was like, wait, what was that? Because I honestly didn't really even listen to podcasts at the time or, you know, on occasion if I was on a long drive.


So it surprised me, but it inspired me and you know the rest is history. It took a little time to do some research and get it going.


But I started last summer and then I just finished my first season in December.


That is so cool, isn't it interesting how I think it's channeling. We just get these downloads.


Where it's like.


Oh, that's it.


And you run with it and it just it's.


So easy it's.


When you're doing stuff that you really.


Shouldn't be doing. It's always really.


Difficult and it's hard to even get motivated, but when you're.


In the flow it's like.


Oh yeah, and then I'm going to do this and then I'm going to do this, and then I'm going to do that and can.


Go explore over here.


Exactly. Well, and that's what the hell, yes, is, I mean.


We talked briefly before we started.


Recording. But hell yes. Doesn't mean like woohoo. Every day is sunshine and rainbows. I mean, hopefully you have as many days like that as possible.


But hell yes.


Is just truly in my perspective, aligning to your inner yes, what is your hell? Yes. So yeah, if you're doing things that don't feel like a hell yes, you're dragging yourself to work or you're in a relationship that drains your energy. That is not a hell. Yes, that is a hell no.


And that's the things that I want to encourage women to shift out of and really to create their life aligned with their intuition. Their yes.


I love that I picked peace as my word for the year. It's, I don't know, maybe every year people do this online and I've been online for a really long time. This year is the first year that it really ever occurred to me to.


Pick a word of.


The year. But it I'm seeing it everywhere. It might be like, you know, cars, you know.


When you buy a car.


You see the same car, everything.


Yeah, yeah, reticular activation system going on. Your brain is doing what it needs to do.


Yeah, yeah.


But the piece is really an alignment with, you know, your health. Yes, life. Does it feel right? Is it going to be difficult for me? Is it going to bring me peace to do this or is it going to make me anxious and frustrated? And is it going to be difficult and not in the experiential you're learning?


Something sort of difficult because everything is difficult when you first starting, but in the I'm just going to have to sit down and make myself do it sort of way.


I'm putting.


All of that kind of stuff.


To the side this year.


I'm only doing things that really light me up and make me feel good. Give me peace when I'm when I'm working on them. That's my plan.


I love it, I.


Mean, that is, that is your putting your.


Path for your help.


Your hell yes. Life. I mean, that sounds exactly on point. So rock on. I.


Still, I took two weeks.


To do basically nothing, I didn't want to think. I didn't want to plan, so I actually I do a word as well, although I can't even remember what my.


Word was last year and I want to focus on that this year, I think.


It's gotten more popular because it's.


It feels I want to say easier than resolutions, but more almost more aligned because resolutions there's, you know, just feels like should and they feel heavy. But if you have a word, it's like a North star that can guide you without all these details of, you know, 10 lbs loss and all these things, you just have your one thing that focuses almost like you're. Yes, that's.


You know, if you follow your.


Yes, or that's your path.


Yeah, but it's like the word is your intention, but it's also.


It is also the thing that you measure the yes against.


Yeah, exactly.


And it can.


Be different for everyone. I posted it in my group the other day and it was so interesting to see all the different answers people came up with.


And they expounded on them. You know why that word was important to them? Because you know, just hearing the word doesn't always mean the same thing to you as that means to them.




And it's interesting to explore that.


So what was?


Your word for this year or had you not?


I haven't done it this year because my yes was to do nothing for two weeks and I don't mean nothing. I didn't sit around and just watch TV, but I didn't want to plan. I didn't want to think. I didn't want to work. I really just wanted to.


Settled on it yet?


Connect with friends, connect with myself, get out into nature and just enjoy. Not to say that you know some of these things aren't enjoyable, but really just completely step away from quote UN quote normal life for a little while, so I haven't thought about.


It week.


This don't you find that that's the time when it just kind of comes to you. I find when I thinking about.


Stuff. It's just like.


I am trying to force this.


To be the thing for me. But it's not. It doesn't feel right. And when you just let it go, it's kind of like the name of your podcast. It just.


Sort of happens.


And you know, OK, I know this is what it is.


Yeah. No, that makes.


Sense I think I just.


If it was even going to come up, I probably would have pushed it away last week because I just don't even want to think. You know, I didn't want to even think about the year ahead. I just really wanted to be present.


I really wanted to just relax and.


Yeah. Enjoy. But you're right. I mean, it's if I sit down and think and force it through, then it doesn't feel as natural as just letting it float to the top.


And it will I.


I'm sure that anytime we intend something, you know, like I intended to find a word.


And I tried on a few other words, but that piece, just like came out of the blue and it was like, yeah, that's what I want.


So I picked that but.


It's like planning. I I'm the worst of planning. I can plan for the same month and on three different days and it will be 3 different plans.


Not related.


So then which one actually does guide you? You know, when you wake up and you think this is what I'm going to do today? Is it just day-to-day? Do you align to what feels good for that day or how? Which plan do you follow?


I generally align I have things that need to get done.


And I do the I do those things, you know, the daily.


The daily grind, things that everybody has to do, you know, you brush your teeth, you post your thing to YouTube and you.


Look at your emails and you do all of the.


The technical stuff that you're supposed to do, but and I do my podcast episodes, I usually research on those, but as far as the other stuff I have usually a running list of what I need to accomplish at any given time, but it's not.


I leave space.


For stuff.


To evolve and surprise me because I like to live a life that.


It's not drudgery.


I like magic in my life.


I love that and I like the word surprise as well because I also love that that that, you know, especially I that we I've told you that I'm a traveller. I've been around the world and back again. I've you.


Know I've been to.


Every continent and I will have a rough idea of where I'm going, what I'm doing, but like very rough and I love the surprises that pop up and I try to bring that home as much as possible.


To just really stay open and see what falls into my life, into my head, into my.


Into my path.


I can see that with your art.


I've looked at some of the other pieces you you've done, but I can see the.


The way that I think your art comes into being, for those of you who are listening on the podcast, she has a picture that she's created that's behind her that.


It has all my favorite colors in.


It just to start with.


Maybe it's going to end up in.


Your house. I would love that.


It but it.


My parents were both artists and my mom was a painter for gosh, a million years.


But it was always interesting to watch how things kind of.


Came into being there.


They are created, but they also bring surprise into how they actually end.


Does that make sense?


Absolutely, yeah. This one actually, I changed my name a few years ago and this one I painted.


As a.


It's called becoming me and it was a about that change. But no, I mean, if I can share the story of how.


I even got into art it yeah.


I'd love that.


So 2020 I had a one way ticket I was going to travel around the world and figure everything out. I was going to find.


My partner I was.


Going to find my new purpose and path.


And I was going to find my place and where I wanted to live.


And I got to a small town in Mexico, and COVID laughed at all of that. I was there for two months, and I eventually.


Came home and I'm single and live alone. And so it was actually a very lonely time because I'm in San Francisco, which was very tight about the lockdowns.


And so I took a lot of.


Creativity classes I.


Took singing and poetry and all kinds of things.


And towards the end of the year, there is an artist that I've been following for years. I honestly don't even know how I got on her list.


Because I've.


Never been interested in painting and she had this class called Legend where you paint your legendary self.


Basically your higher self.


And I was intrigued. And yet terrified because I hadn't picked up a paintbrush since I was, I don't know, 10 or something like that. And I saw the paintings that other women had made.


And I there's no way that I could do something like that. And I contacted people on the Facebook group and everyone was very encouraging and I tried.


And I took the class and if you look at a picture from when I started, it looks like where I left off. I mean, my 10 year old self would have been.


Very proud and at the end my friends call it a masterpiece. I mean, sadly, I think my first piece is actually my most amazing piece.


It looks like a an indigenous woman kind of came through a little bit and then it the whole thing comes through meditations. It's different. And then we paint symbols based on the meditations. But I say that she unveiled herself. I mean, I don't feel like I painted.


This being onto the canvas, it just slowly appeared and it was like Oh well hello. Nice to meet you. So that's the surprise that showed up for sure. And I absolutely agree with what you're saying, especially with abstract. The way I do.


I don't plan. I'll pick out some colors that I'm interested in, but then beyond that, it's what movement wants to come through me at this point and how am I feeling and.


How do I want to play with this and then I just open myself to what's going to happen.


And some amazing things.


Show up when people operate like that.


It's what makes life fun.


Otherwise, you're living this really drudges life that.


Every step is a trudge well and.


Also goes against. It's almost like if you live that way, where everything's planned, it's.


Telling the universe.


I got it. I know better than what you could possibly give me.




Versus like, alright, I'm going to lean in this direction. What do you got for me and see what happens.


And not be totally tied to the outcomes I've.


I recently manifested $54,000.


Well hello.


In a very short period of time, and I did it intentionally. It's like on the new Moon of November 13th, I set out to manifest $50,000 and had a list of things that I was going to do to help the universe. But I also was doing tapping and journaling and.


All the things OK and so and I had planned this launch that I was going to do and it.


It ended up.


I manifested $54,000 on December 12th, which was the next new Moon.


That exact day.


But it was it was an inheritance.




And it was.


It was nothing like what I thought it was going to be.


Like, but it did happen. The universe.


Did provide and.


And the fact that it was an inheritance was also.


There was just so many really interesting things around it. I've told the story before and you can find it over in the group.


I saw it on your e-mail.


Yeah. Yeah, it just like.


It was such a weird.


Weird experience, but an interesting experience. I should call it more interesting than weird that the universe really does listen to us, and it really does provide us.


What we.


What we desire.


And if we just kind of look around for what's happening beyond just the narrow, this is how I expect it to come to me.


Parameters. Then it could be surprised because it could be like forming out here and just outside your peripheral vision. And then.


Suddenly it's loops to the forefront.


That's what I do. Get a little specific.


When I.


Excuse me when I ask for things, so I need to aim higher. A friend of mine and I had a competition to see if we could manifest $1000 and I did do that. But you know, 54 is nicer. But I will say that I want it, but it has to come from a good source. So I don't want it from a lawsuit. I don't want it from an I don't want it from an inheritance because it means someone has to die.


So that's my caveat when I ask for things like that because I know that there are ways.


Of like oh you.


Can get it because you know, I don't know. There's a car accident and you.


Win. I don't want any of that.


Because I don't want the accident.


I respect that and honestly the.


The death that happened was in was.


A good death.


It was my father-in-law and he lived a really good life and.


He chose to go. He had decided he was going to live to be 100, but he there were some things that happened that night that he was just like we saw it in his eyes. He was just like, no, I'm not putting up with this. I'm out here and he left. And it was good. And he was.


That's beautiful.


It was really beautiful.


And he left us the.


Money. Yeah, I'm not judging yours. I'm just saying, you know, the only people I know who would leave me money at this point would be my parents. And I'm not ready for them to go anywhere. So


Yeah, no. And it was apparent, but it was, you know, it was, it was all good. I, you know, my dad, my dad's still kicking and I hope he lives to be 100.


Me too.


Remember when I was telling you about?


About what?


About not editing podcasts, and that my animals sometimes broken.


Oh, I actually didn't. See did. Ohh hello.


For those of you listening, there's an adorable dog that just joined the scene.


Yep, CC got a haircut yesterday. Very nice.


So do you interview people on your on your podcast also?


How does that work?


Oh yeah, yeah. I've only done, I think.


Two solo episodes at this point.


It's all it's all interviews.


And how do how do you what?


Do you look?


For people to come and be interviewed.


On your podcast.


Actually quite picky. So it's somebody that has chosen their life or created their life.


Through there, yes. So while I honor people who are resilient and have overcome challenges, and I.


Think that's amazing?


Thing I tend to pick people who are more just proactively chosen so you know you want to be an artist and you made it happen to be an artist. I had one person who's an international clown and has gotten Fulbright awards to be an international clown. Like who really say I don't care the expectations. Here's the life I want. And I'm.


Going after it.


And often it is a life change, you know, they were in corporate America, like I was in consulting and then switched. But it was a proactive no more. I'm live in alignment, living in alignment to me and my desires and my yes. And I'm going this.


And so that's typically who I highlight. I've had a few words resilient if they got over just unbelievable things and then created a new path, which again I'm not saying that I don't honor that. Absolutely. It was just more.


In line with the message, it was a little bit more focused on the proactively choosing the yes.


Yeah. Do you find that most people?


Actually experienced some traumatic event. It doesn't have to be like cataclysmic, but.


Traumatic in that it causes them to make a change there. There's something that happens. They're like, yeah, no, this was the line in the sand. I'm not going further than this. I'm going to change something.


Or do you do?


I think.


You find that there's a different.


Yeah, I'd say I think if I put it a different way, like I don't think that most people change because of the traumatic. But I think if there is something traumatic most people change.




But I think.


I mean there is a line in the sand like let's say with mine.


It wasn't really traumatic, but I had wanted to get out of consulting for a long time and then the main client I had here was the electric company who was found guilty of starting the wildfires in California. I mean, not starting them and not, you know, actively starting them, that they were.


Yeah, they.


Found at fault.


Contributed to.


Yeah. And just the way they handled my that my team members, the community, all of it, they went into bankruptcy so they could avoid.


Paying some of these things, I thought I this is I'm too far out of alignment. I can't work with them anymore.


So there was.


A little bit of a line in the sand, but it wasn't.


A traumatic experience. It was just like, OK, I've reached my limit and now I'm out. I think some people, it's also just and financially OK at this point. It's.


Time to go.


So yeah, I think most times when you are.


Slammed against a wall, you know, metaphorically, not really. But you know, something big happens. For most people, I think it's a wake up call and they come back different.


But I think people are changing for other reasons as well. I mean I think.


Mid life is 1, so it's not necessarily traumatic, but you get to that point of like, OK, I can't pretend anymore. This is my life. I'm going.


To do what I want to do.


Midlife is definitely like that for almost every woman.


You just reached that point where it's like, no?


I don't have to be the good girl. I'm going to have to excuse myself for half a second and I'm going to put these animals out of my office because they're driving me crazy.


Yeah, exactly.




My office door does not.


Have a latch on it.




So I have.


To kind of.


Make the make the push I push a.


Piece of paper in there that's folded million times and sometimes they can't.


Push it open.


That they're going to try.


It's just the two of them. I have the cat and a dog that like to fight with each other.


The cat is much.


Older than the dog. So she's always telling the puppy what's what.


Oh, you want to play?


No, no. I just want you to.


Get away from me.


But I'm going.


To go in the.


Room that you want to be in.


Thank you for your patience.


You're also the author of.


Creative life book. Yes. And do you want to talk about that a little bit?


Sure, I'm a co-author. There were 65 women that came together.


And created we each got one chapter.


To write our best tip on how to live more creatively, so it's not just for artists and people who consider themselves creative because I personally think every human is creative. I mean, you are literally creating your life, whether it's the life you want or not. You're creating it right so you know, how do you cook for yourself? How do you dress? What work do you do? How do you show up?


In relationships, everything you're doing is a creation.


And so my tips were focused on.


Learning from what you did in childhood, so if you think about how you created in childhood, you know whether you were coloring a picture or paintings, doing truly more creative things.


You approached it with a sense of play. It's not like I'm going to go make a picture now. It was like, yay, I get to go make a picture now, right. And it's. Hmm. Ohh, maybe I wanna have pink hair and a purple nose and.


You just do whatever.


Feels good to you.


And so bringing that sense of play to all areas of your life, not just.


When you're sitting down to create a piece.


Of art.


But I do think that is important in art not being attached to the outcome which you mentioned because again.


As kids get older, they'll start to judge themselves just because they get that feedback from the outside world of what's good and bad. Oh, that's an ugly picture. That's a pretty picture. But what if you picture more like a 2 year old? You know they have a head, arms and legs. There's no neck, there's no body. They don't care. That looks perfect to them, and they're just having fun.


They're just enjoying the process.


Being curious.


So it's like oh.


What would happen if I mixed blue with purple? What happens if I approach the world in a different way? What happens if I try this new spice? You know, it's just anything in life if you approach it from curiosity of a different perspective.


All of these.


Ways that you know, literally getting on the floor and looking up or.


You know, addressing in a way that you would never dress and see how people respond to you. Just again, it brings in the play, but it's also the curiosity of what if, you know, often we have our.


Minds of what if?


And then it goes to worry. Not everybody, but I think.


That's a human tendency of, you know, what if there's traffic? And what if what if there's not traffic? What?


If parking is easy.


What if everything flows wonderfully today and shift it to what if from a positive perspective?


And then there was one other one that I should have refreshed myself on right now, but they'll just have to go buy the book. It's not very expensive and I you.


Know mine is just one chapter.


And there has been another book released since in this series, which is the life book focused on radical self love. So mine was about creativity.


Like that. This is kind of a we're moving into more radical self love and acceptance and.


I have a daughter who's she's 19 right now and she's.


She really, genuinely doesn't care about the opinions of other people, but she.


She has shoulder length hair now, while she did before she did her.


Experiment that she cut it.


Just the top part of it, so she still has a long part. And then there's another part that's a Bob, the Bob is pink, the bottom parts white that she wears in braids, the bangs are white and there's just a little tiny pink fringe on it.


Tiny and cute and she.


She just she owns it. It's just.


That's awesome.


And she's always been like that. She's just like.


She went to an alternative school for a couple of years to get her diploma because we, my husband, felt strongly that they needed that piece of paper. Even though I homeschooled them like all the way up till like we're 13 and then they we could plug them into the school.


She used to wear the wildest things, and the school finally they were dresses, but they were just like they were fun. 2 would wear petticoats and dresses that were really poofy, finally said. Don't let her come to school, wear those things anyway.


What like it's?


You know.


See, that's what I'm talking about with society. I mean, I could see if she was wearing something that's so short that when she bends over, she's exposing herself, that, you know, they don't want to distract people. But.


They were.


It's strange that if she's not bothering anybody else at the school would care what she's wearing. So these are the pressures that I'm talking about from society that we don't even realize that day in, day out. I mean, it sounds like she's confident enough in herself that that's not going to affect her long.


Term, but a lot of people you know, you hear like, oh, I shouldn't dress like this. And over time maybe you just start.


Dressing in a much more traditional way and don't even realize that it was the outside that made that happen.


Well, we just started sending her to school in our pajamas, my pants and AT shirt, and they were perfectly fine with that.


That's crazy.


You guys are.


Kind of silly. They also had no shave November for the boys, and so she wanted to participate. So she took a black magic marker to a mustache.


Oh my gosh, that's awesome.


They didn't like that either. Oh, really?


It's like she's in the wrong school. I mean, a school should really support people in self-expression, no?


That's my opinion. I she was there. She was like 2019 was her last full year there and then COVID.


NIT and then it was.


She was really back to home school.


I have my own thoughts about education and the education system. It's just really a game and we're just going to play the game to get this piece.


Of paper.


That's really pointless because.


Very little of what you.


Learn in school is.


Is applicable really to your life.


Yeah. I mean, had a college professor in college that said something once that made a lot of sense. And he said in college, he's like, I don't care what you study. You're here to learn to think critically and to be able to create an argument and stand behind it.


To write well, things like that. It's not about the subject, so I think in school, you know, younger if.


It'd be great if that's what we were learning, more about how to problem solve, how to understand the world. I mean, I think there's also a lot that's missing. You know, why don't we have communication, interpersonal skills, financial skills?


All of the things that we actually really need day-to-day think about what the world would be, at least in the US I.


Don't know what the curriculum is everywhere else.


If we actually learned those things when we were young and impressionable, instead of trying to figure it out with therapy years later.




Exactly, but it doesn't. It doesn't go that way. Generally, I think it's it could be changing in that a lot more people are choosing homeschooling.


I think the pandemic helped with that on that front too, where they're learning.


They're learning at home and they're learning more.


Life skills rather than just.


Educational things that they don't have the hooks to hang the information on yet.


We'll see how it goes.


So how can people listen to your podcast?


It's pretty much any platform, you know, Spotify, Apple.


IHeartRadio, but you know all the major platforms that's out there.


OK, OK. And we'll put those links in the in the notes for the show. So is there anything you hope that the audience would take away from our conversation today?


Well, they learned about the cat and dog.


No kidding. Uh. Justin.


They did.


Your life is yours to design, and so to.


Whenever possible, follow your yes and it doesn't mean that you steamroll someone else, that it's your yes, over somebody elseโ€™s, because in that case if you're in a relationship then you're yes, maybe peace and ease and growth as a as you know as a friendship as a couple, whatever it is. But following your guess and.


And taking the courage to actually follow it through, right, so to not just have the inclination of my yes is different than what I'm living. But then to take action and go make that change.


Absolutely. Thank you so much for joining me, Zya.


Thank you. It's been a blast.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the Worldโ€”Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.