Episode 261

Published on:

21st Mar 2024

Frances Day - Money and Masculine Energy

In this discerning episode, Frances Day, an experienced energy healer and intuitive soul coach, highlights the pivotal role of self-worth. Through her unique "soul psychology" approach, she guides clients in releasing blocked energy, fostering positive transformations.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Frances Day. Frances is an energy healer and an intuitive soul coach. She's dedicated to empowering women in business to see that everything is a direct reflection of their own self worth. Welcome to the show.


Frances, I'm really glad that you decided to join us today.


Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I feel really honored to be here. It's lovely over the pond.


Exactly. It's much later where you are than where I am.


So tell us.


A little bit about energy healing and how you got into this and I should also mention you're the author of diving deep.


To climb high.


Which sounds like a fascinating book and I think it's part of your story.


If I'm not mistaken.


That's right. Yeah. Yeah, so.


My background is marketing and you know from a logical perspective I've run and design agency and all that sort of stuff in my past life and I got.


Into energy healing, probably about five years ago. I've always been able to do it.


However, learning the theory so that you can help other people with it is a whole different ball game and.


I decided to write the book.


It there was a very specific point I was sitting.


On a sun.


Bed in EOS, a Greek island.


The week that my daughter was due to get married, very bored and I decided to start writing the first chapter and I didn't stop writing it. It took me a whole nine months to.


Birth the book.


And it was during the process of writing the book.


The whole my whole purpose came out and it was about self worth. So the books about it's part autobiography and parts theory because.


I'm Claire sentient, which means that I feel energy.


And I have spirit guides. Some of this will be a bit left field for people who are not into the whole energy and spirit. Who?


And I had a real sense of.


This book is not just about you. It's not just about your story. I was told by a shaman that thousands of women were standing behind me waiting for me to write the book. I'm like, goodness, no pressure, right? Right.


Yeah, yeah.


So I started writing it and then I thought I've added some like theoretical bits into the.


To help you with journaling and help the reader to understand what's sitting there beneath the surface for her to.


That diving deep to climb, high reference and if you ask me now where that title came from, I actually don't remember.


But it ohh I had two or three titles that I was playing around with and I put them out on my social media to get some feedback from women and they liked that the best.


So it was because it does what it says on the tin. It's about really going beneath the surface.


To discover what's sitting there.


So that we can clear it, let it go and almost start with a blank piece of paper and go right bit like, you know, 2024 brand new start to the whole year, yeah.


It's and this year is going to be so amazing.


Like everybody can feel it.


Let's talk about.


Energy for a minute and.


And how you?


How you would describe it?


I know what it is.


But other people might not. So how?


What's your understanding?


Yeah, we are all energy.


We are made-up of energetic particles and we vibrate at certain frequencies.


And people who are in the energy world have will have heard of the energetic scale by it was created by Esther and Jerry Hicks. And we are all emotions. Energy, emotions are energy, emotion.


So when we're vibrating at a lower frequency.


So by that I mean a lower energetic scale, like lack scarcity, fear.


We attract similar things into our lives from an energetic perspective, so it's our job as humans to raise our energetic frequency to beautiful frequencies like love hope.


Joy. Abundance because when we're feel great, it's always about the way that we feel. So when we feel great, then we attract.


More optimal opportunities into our lives. So yeah, if there was, yeah, I'll. I'll save that bit. Yeah. But yeah, this sometimes we can feel good, but there can be things sitting beneath the surface.


That might be holding us back a little bit. So with my energy work, it's a slightly different modality in that it's called soul psychology. So when I work 1:00 to 1:00 with clients, I don't need them to tell me what's going on because I can feel it. I use that less sentient skill.


To feel where the energy is blocked in their body. So as I'm working with them one to one on zoom I'll I might start coughing or I've got a sore throat or I can feel it in a particular energy center.


And that gives me real.


Indications that.


Of how old they are when they took the blocked energy on, who gave it to them.


And what we do is we release it and give it back to the person that gave it to them with love so that it heals the DNA lineage to it's beautiful.


Very interesting. So how does that look when?


You when you're doing it.


How does it look?


You can't see it, yeah.


I recognize that, but when somebody's working with you, how would?


How would they experience this with you?


Yeah. Well, let me give you a good let me give you an example with the lady that I worked with just before Christmas. I'm doing another session with her on Thursday.


So she was a bit of a skeptic, because of course it's a very intangible thing, isn't it? So I said, so why don't we just do one session so that you can feel the difference and then you can make a decision about whether you want to do another session or not.


And she had a lot of what I call wounded child story.


And that was affecting the way that she was making decisions about everything, because everything is energy and the way that you do one thing will be the way that you do another thing.




So the way that it looks is it's we do it on zoom. I have two screens in front of me. I'm looking and feeling into the energy of the person. While we're like you and I are doing here and then another screen, I've got lots of notes and lots of tools.


And lots of here.


Killing modules if you like and I use my energy to feel into that and together what I do is pull a story together.


So I'm connecting with your soul and we're writing a story based on the healing tools. I use a blend of crystal.


Herbs, symbols and rays and each ray is connected to an Archangel an individually, all those healing tools are very powerful, but what we do is blend them together energetically, and I use a process.


To connect to, send those healing energies through the ether into your energy system. So what happened with this lady was.


She'd got some physical symptoms that she'd had checked out at the doctor's. She'd got an ache in the base of her spine that she wasn't able to get rid of. She checked it out with the doctor. There was nothing wrong with her from a medical perspective.


And of course I can never. I never guarantee that I would be able to, but and obviously I need to check and make sure that they are OK first, before we go through that energetic process.




And I knew that we've done a really powerful process. I can tell you.


When I meet with like a non commit commitment can't get my words out.


A no obligatory session. My guides tell me whether I can help you or not.


So I knew that.


We were going to have an amazing.


Session and the energy in the room.


Was off the scale like the guides.


Were all rolling their.


Sleeves up. Right. So, and let's get started. Let's.


Do this work?


And I always can't.


Connect with the client the day after to see how they're feeling. What happens energetically is that they'll usually either feel light, like they've offloaded this great big rucksack from their shoulders, or they're exhausted, and it they start yawning.


And they just want to go to bed afterwards. And that's an indication that the energy is recalibrated in this system.


So I contacted her the day after and I said, how are you feeling? She's like, I can't tell you how I'm feeling, she said. I feel amazing.


The ache and the pain in my back is gone. I feel lighter. I feel more confident, so yeah.


It's very.


Difficult, isn't it, to articulate energy work because of that intangibility?


But it only.


Ever gives you what you need, not what you want.


Yeah. And because we all create our own realities.


The energy that we put out.


Is like.


Like you know, the matrix is a really bad example, but in some ways.


It's a real example.


Of the realities that we do create and how quickly we can change them and that energies are like those little lines that go down the coding into what?


We're going to see.


How it's going?


To show up as reality for us, just again, hard to articulate but it.


It is how reality works like we can both be doing the same.


I'm having the same experience.


But our realities of the experience are totally different. Even like you and I, it's 8:00 at night where you are. Well, it's only, like 1:00 in the afternoon where I am. That's just the beginning of.


Of the reality differences.


It's a shared experience. We're both on zoom here together. We're both talking about the same sub.


And yet we'll both walk away from this experience with different ideas about the experience, and it will have appeared differently for us.


Does that make sense to me?


Yeah, that's right. Yeah.


Yeah, because we have that filter, don't we? We're all seeing it through a slightly different filter, yeah.


And then when?


It comes to the energy aspect of it.


It seems like.


Energy is created around emotions and the stories that we tell ourselves also play into how.


What emotions we're going to be experiencing and we really do experience emotions, though we don't have to, we get to choose how we are going to interact with emotions that show up for us.


Yeah, yeah, there's that. There's that story that Tony Robbins tells isn't there about the twin boys, where their dads are abusive, alcoholic, and one boy goes off and says I'm never going to be like my father. And he has this amazing relationship with a girl.


And they have beautiful boys and he becomes a successful business owner and the other one exactly replicates his father. And I think that that is a great example of how.


You know, twin boys can have exactly the same experience and yet go off into the world with completely different life experiences because of that experience that they had with their father.


Right. So the only variable is there.


The reality that they created around and the stories that they told themselves around the situation that happened.


That's right. Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, and very powerful, very powerful.


So it took you nine months to write this.


Yes, that's right. To give birth to my baby.


Yeah, I like that. I like that.


It took nine months.


It's the whole.


The whole life process.


It's a very emotional process because it's because it's your autobiography and so it's not just about putting words on a page, which is hard enough writing a book.


You're very emotionally attached to these stories and what's people that are close to me gonna think of that. And, you know, there was a whole process involved in.


What do I what do I put in?


What do I leave out?


What? What is going to be OK for the reader to hear?


So though there were so many layers to the book too, and probably 25 edits before it was OK and it's still not perfect. You read it over and over again and there are, you know, I found a typo or.


A it's like ah.


But you know.


It's so yeah, yeah.


Yeah, it's big learning big learning curve, but it helped me. It was very cathartic. It really helped me get all that stuff out.


And then crows.


Reliving the experiences, if anybody's thinking about writing their autobiography, the one bit of advice I would give about writing their autobiography is write it.


Even if and don't think about the end, think about the process, because you could it even if you decide not to publish it at the end, you will benefit so much from doing it. Yeah, yeah.


It's like journaling on steroids.


It really is. It really is, yeah.


And going back through and re experiencing these things over and over again you it allows you to look at it and to feel it from different perspectives, which sounds weird because it's your story and.


You should always be looking at it through the same perspective. Maybe some people might think, but it really is.


You look at it through a different lens every time you look at it, it's like.


This is how I felt when.


I read it or wrote.


It and you know a week later and you.


Read it again, you're like.


That's not. That's not exactly how I think I want to remember it.


Or other.


Details Will.


Become more obvious to your kind of like come to the forefront of your memory.


And you'll want to share those too.


One of the one of the other sort of outcomes from writing the book was I developed a course on the back of it called your self worth is your self worth.


And that's where the title of this talk comes about, really.


Because I realised in the process of writing the book that actually it's always an inside job.


A bit like what we were talking about in that.


When you when you.


Go beneath the surface and clear out all that stuff that's keeping you playing small.


Then your business is a direct reflection of what's going on beneath the surface, and therefore it makes sense to start with what's going on beneath the surface, because everything else then unravels and opens up. And it's no accident that last year, 2023.


Was the best year that I've had in business ever.


Because I've done this work.


And I feel like I'm a totally different person because of the process.


I started my word of the year last year was well, I decided that I was going to really look at the whole money side of things because money again, is a tangible reflection of your self worth.


And it would be no great surprise that up until that point, I'd not really made a success of anything because I was sabotaging my growth.


But I decided to launch something on the 8th of August on Lionsgate because the energy was very powerful. Called money manifesto. Ohh my goodness. Now that was the story.


This is like these are all details that are going but #2 I have a friend who's a really powerful energy healer. In fact, she taught me my Reiki.


And she sent me a message that morning, and she said, I don't know what you're doing today, she said. But Mary Magdalene's coming through and she wants to send you some healing. I'm like, what? So I went send it how amazing. And as I was delivering the talk, I felt like I was a conduit.


And all this.


Preparation that I've done was just flowing out of my mouth. It was so electric and so beautiful.


I rang her afterwards and I said.


What happened there? That was just off the scale, amazing, she said. That's because that's your signature talk.


And Mary Magdalene is here to help women step into their power.


And I every time I mention a name, she like steps in and gives me a really big hug. I can feel her now. It's beautiful. So lovely. So she and I are on a very special journey together. Yes, it is.


I love that.


I love home money manifesting thing because that's kind of been my theme for the last.


Couple of months.


My word for the year is peace.


That money manifesting is something that I'm.


I'm actively.


Working on this year.


Yeah, yeah, the powerful thing and.


What I tend to do when I'm focusing on something is I go all in and I'm like, right, I'm going and I'm going gold mining, looking for every single little nugget with a dedicated journal and the works. So this year, my word of the year is love.


I'm looking over there because it's on my left hand side because I've got a vision board up and the word love is right in the middle of it, so I'm calling in my, my, the one my partner and of course it will reflect in every area of my life.


I spent Christmas Day on my own this year and it was really challenging and but it was a lesson that I needed to learn and. And that's where my word of the year has come from.


That's amazing. Do you? Do you not have any?


Family or.


Yeah, I do have family. The child, my children are grown up. They've got their own children. And they were spending it with, you know, my ex partner and that sort of thing. So it wasn't.


It wasn't a purposeful thing. They were just, you know, off doing other things. Yeah, yeah.


It's hard when they get to that point.


And they move.


Away I have. I have. I have five children and three of them live local and they two of them have.


Grandbabies we had two grandbabies this year.


Ohh me too. Yeah, me too. Yeah.


They're so fun.


Ohh I know I've been to see.


One of them today I've got 4 grandchildren and I've been to see one this afternoon just to fill my heart up with a.


Bit more joy.


It is just like.


It's going to make me cry because when I think about it, it's just like they have so much yummy energy that there's like.


Well, it's pure. Yeah, it's pure. It's.


In some way, they're like puppies.


Unwatered, isn't it?


So it's like you just need a little fix of that beauty. That beautiful, unfiltered, don't you? Yeah. Yeah.


And just holding them on your lap or hugging them, it's just like you can feel it. It feels so good.


Yeah, absolutely. There's something really precious about them being connected to you energetically, too. Isn't there through that bloodline? It's just like, oh, oh, yeah, I know, I know. Ohh, you could just eat them, couldn't you?


Oh dear.


I love that for.


You I like.


I will hold space in.


For you to find this.


Perfect love that will come.


Thank you. I don't. I think it's no accident. I do genuinely believe that he is on the periphery there and I'm calling him in. I'm just, I've just started that whole online dating thing. Oh. Oh, it's a bit of a minefield. But as Brenna Abraham says.


Strong back warm heart.


And be open to, you know, maybe it's going to show up a different way than you expect.


Yeah, you just never know, do you? If he's there, he's there, isn't he?


You don't.


You can look for, you know, all the little clues like you're standing in line and somebody does something nice for.


That's a clue. I call it confirmation bias.


Yeah, yeah.


It's happening. Some nice man. Talk to me.


He might not be the one, but he might. You never know.


You never know. You never know.


Yes, I agree. Yeah. He's on his way.


He is have to keep me posted on that.


I will. Yes, I will. Thank you.


And let the listeners know so you do have an activation meditation that you share with people. And we'll talk about that a little bit.


I do, yes. Thank you for mentioning that.


It's something that I developed.


It's like if you're a bit curious about energy and you want to understand how it works.


As humans, we're like a great big iceberg, and there's a tiny little bit above the surface. That's the stuff that.


We are aware of.


We absorb information in our conscious mind at 22 bits per second, and in our subconscious at 2,000,000 bits per second. That's how vast the bit is that sits beneath the surface.


So this activation meditation helps you to connect to what sits beneath the surface and the best way to use it is.


When you've got something going on where you're not quite sure what the answer is, the best way that I've discovered how to use it is a piece of paper.


Just brain dump all the ideas, perhaps for a new business idea or a podcast or whatever it is that you're deciding you're.


Going to do.


Plunk it all down on a piece of paper and then listen to the activation.


And what that will do is help you to connect to what's sitting beneath the surface, and I promise you, beautiful things will bubble to the surface that you didn't even think about.


You suggest doing this in.


The evening like before, you go to sleep.


Yeah, I think it's probably a good time when you, when your head's not so full and you sort of relaxing for the evening cause then of course, you've got that time, that sleep time having you to be able to process and digest and make sure you take a pen and a piece of.


Paper to bed with you.


At all.


That's a little tiny flashlight if you.


Sleep with a partner.


Yeah, yeah.


At some point in the future.


Yeah. So how do how do people find this activation meditation? Is it just off your website or is it a special spot that I should link to in the show notes?


Yes, I'm. I'm going to send you.


A link for.


People to be able to download that.


Uh, you can find me on the socials on LinkedIn, on Instagram, on Facebook. It's Frances with an E so Frances Day.


Uh, and just ask me for the UM activation if you know, if you don't have access to it and I'll forward it on to you.


Perfect. Perfect. My grandmother was named Frances. We used to.


Call her Fritzy.


Ah, my. My grandchildren called me Granny Franny.


It's cute, isn't it?


When you've got a little 4 year old saying it trying to get their teeth around that whole thing, it's very delightful.


They're so funny that way. I might. My new my newest grandsons named Leo, and he has a brother named well, Lincoln. And when Lincoln he's like 3 and he's just really learning to, to formulate words. So he calls him.


We oh we oh.


Ohh cute.


That may be his meaning.


Isn't it funny how they?


End up with these that they end up keeping these little names that we can't pronounce when we're young ones. My eldest granddaughters called.


Needy but for short. And yeah, her little brother is like Daddy. Daddy. Yeah. Cute. Very cute.


It is really cute.


I got named Hart Nana by my first granddaughter.


Ohh. Beautiful. That's so gorgeous.


I love that so much, and my grandkids do.


Call me heart Nana.


Yeah, beautiful.


Because they have other nanas.


Yeah, yeah.


Which is good for them so.


Do you work with people one-on-one in groups? How does your coaching actually look?


UM, in lots of different ways, so I do something called wise women, which is an online group. We meet once a month and that's a blend of business coaching and energy work.


I do the self work course.


And that happens. I roll it over the year. You can find that on my website.


And then 1:00 to 1:00 work to yeah.


Perfect. Perfect. So we'll make sure that we get those links in the show notes and what's the one thing you hope the audience takes away from our conversation today.


That if you've got a book inside you go for it.


You are capable of so much more.


Than you believe you are.


And if you're feeling overwhelmed, take a breath.


Take a step away from it and go outside and have get and ground yourselves for a little 20 minute walk and come back. It's never as.


Bad as you think it is.


It gives you time to change your reality.


It really is as simple as just changing how you're thinking about it. The story that you're telling yourself around the situation.


That's right, yeah. Yeah. Agreed. I think you and I are both see things from a very similar perspective, don't we?


I think so.


Thanks Frances, for joining me. It's been amazing.


You're welcome. My pleasure. Thank you very much.

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Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist & host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world. Join our private community, where you will find support, networking & collaboration, get featured on our podcast and we also provide coaching to help you find clients with podcasts. It all starts with joining our community! (it's free)