Episode 260

Published on:

20th Mar 2024

Benedict Beaumont - The Power of Breathwork

In this relaxing episode, Benedict Beaumont is a breathwork facilitator. The conversation explores breathwork's versatility, touching on its impact on physical well-being, emotional regulation, fitness, mental clarity, and spiritual connection. Benedict guides listeners through a brief conscious breathwork exercise, highlighting its immediate transformative potential for healing and well-being.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are talking with Benedict Beaumont. Benedict is a breathwork facilitator who trains people to become breathwork facilitators. So welcome to the show Benedict. I am really excited to dive into this.


Interesting topic. I mean we all breathe, but then there's breath work, which really transforms us. So how did you get started?


Hi, Jill. Thank you so much for inviting me onto the show and a real pleasure to connect with you. Before we do anything before I ask your question, would it be OK if we just took a few breaths together to begin like?


Absolutely. I would love that.


Thank you so much. And if you're listening to this, please just if this is safe for you to do. So just close your eyes. Breathe with us right now.


Let's do it.


Thank you, Jill.


Thank you for that.


That feels different, doesn't it?


Yes. It feels lovely.


Breath work is, as you said, we do it every single moment of our lives. It's the first thing that we do and it's the last thing that we do and most of the time we are unconscious of it, but when we.


Bring some awareness to what we do.


Everything change.


And I don't know if you can feel that the energy here in this space is different now I feel more present with you. I feel more.


Connected with you.


And that is because we stopped and we paused and we.


Just took a little bit of.


Time a little bit of energy just to connect with our breath. And when you do that.


Everything can change.


So that's just a very small little taste of one of the ways that breathwork can really help us can be our greatest friends and our wisest counsel. Breath work is a very big church. There's lots of exercises and techniques which I'm sure will dive into which we can use for different situations.


But you're right, conscious breathwork is the thing that changes everything.


So your question was, how did I get started? Well, the like my story. I'm sure it's very similar to yours and probably many people that you that listen to your show.


I was a teacher. I was a Yogi. I practiced yoga. I was a meditation and fanatic. I'll get up very early in the morning. I was always on a quest to make the best person, best version of myself in the world and to try and leave the world a better place than I found it.


Everything that I studied that I did held a little key to everything, held a little part of the puzzle, but nothing clicked well enough forever. About 10 years ago, I was in Bali in a place called.


Robert, which is one of the great spiritual centers of the world and I recommend everyone goes there at some point. There is a there is a guru on every street corner, there is a shaman. Behind every tree there is a yoga genius, you know, waiting to leap out on you. But then in terms of awakening consciousness, it's an extraordinary place to be. Whatever you know, your.


Your passion is all your calling is, and I when I was there, I was invited into a breath work session just as a guest, and by that point I was already in my early 40s and I thought I knew everything already. I've been doing meditation for over 10 years in yoga for over 15 years.


I thought I knew what breath work was. You know, I've done a lot of pranayama. For instance, I've done a lot of foot meditation.


But in that session.


I went to a place that I've always dreamt of, a place of awakening, a place of connection, a place of transformation that had been offered to me or dangled in front of me in, you know, studying Dharma. But I've never.


Reached it was.


Easy and it was joyful. And it was fun. And within just a few breaths I had something change inside me forever.


On fire was started. A light started to shine and I.


Knew that I had.


Found what my calling was what my purpose was in life as it had changed me. I wanted to be a force for change to bring that power in the world. So I committed my life to become a breathwork facilitator, which sounds a bit crazy really. I promise you, I'm not that crazy. Maybe a little bit, but I trained to become a better facilitator.


And then soon after I opened up my own school to train other people to become facilitators as well. I did some maths.


They really want to make a big impact in the world.


I want to be a force for good and as a facilitator I.


I can connect with maybe 100 people a week if I'm really good, but if I can train other facilitators, actually the reach that we have is exponential because even if I train just 10 people and I train over 200 now.


You know that's.


200,000 in just a week that it is potential for us to reach. So that's just a little bit of my story of how I was given the gift of breathwork. Just unexpectedly, it turned me on 10 years ago and my journey to become what I am now, which is a breathwork teacher and train.


That's a great story. It's interesting that you talk about meditation.


And that you were trying to reach a certain state, but it wasn't until you got the breath work down that change.


Actually happened for you.


Umm, meditation is such an.


Interesting. Interesting Ave. of exploration and I'm really passionate about meditation and I have a very deep practice.


But it's really difficult.


And for most people, it is beyond reach. Even meditators, if they're honest about themselves or talk about how difficult and challenging it is, I I'm sure you're aware of Ramdas, who was one of the great meditation teachers of the, you know, the of the last generation.


You know, he tells many stories of how when he was a young man and serious and, you know, serious about his meditation practice, he'd look on the outside as if he was there in a in a deep meditation. But he said inside his mind was jumping all over the place.


And yes, if you train your mind in meditation and traditional meditation, you can receive so many gifts. But.


It's not easy. You have to sit.


On a meditation cushion.


For a very long time, the great meditators of history will go and sit up in a cave in the Himalayas and go through great physical deprivations to reach that moment of transformation. In that moment of enlightenment, if you like to reach it, and that is.


Impossible for most people.


So I kind of had this thought what?


It didn't have to be like that, or if you could reach that same place of connection and transformation of awakening without years and years and years of great struggle.


What if it was is easy and as joyful and as simple as taking a breath?


What if it was like that?


Because breathing is something that every single person can do, everyone knows how to do it. And when you do it consciously, the gifts that you have inside of you start to come out the light that is already there.


Starts to unlock so pleasurably I think is the way that I would put it.


I've personally found this to be true. I've meditated for years, but it's.


And you know when you first start.


Your mind does.


Go everywhere, but if.


You incorporate breathing consciously, breathing into it, and you're paying attention to the breath more than anything else. It's drawing your attention. It allows your brain to do something, cause your brain hates to do nothing.


No, no, no.


It'll entertain itself.


It will allow you to participate if you want, but it will entertain itself.


The breathing and just focusing on the breath.


You can train your brain.


To just focus on that, because then it feels like it's doing something.


And then then.


Then as you get good at it, you can get into that.


I've heard it called the 5D state. It's that fuzzy.


Exterior place that you can get to.


And you can do it quickly and it doesn't have to.


Take a lot.


Of work and it doesn't. You don't have to.


Sit there for hours.


In like.


Even just in that little meditation that we did.


Breathing at the beginning.


I was able to get into that state.


Where my body feels all fuzzy and fuzzy and.


And not really.


Solid. I don't know if that makes sense.


To you but it.


It's just, it's just through controlling breathing.


And focusing on the breathing and just allowing everything else to.


Be out there.


It's not like.


It's not like.


Well, let me ask it ask it.


As a question.


Do you experience it that?


Way and I know that there's different types of breath work for different situations like I was already in the calm and.


And kind of.


Open place when we first started, so it was really easy for me to get in there, but if I was agitated and I wanted to.


Calm myself down.


There would be a different breathing exercise you walk.


People through different.


Exercises with breathwork. How does how does all that look I guess is.


What my question is.


You know, that's a great question. I love your description or going to that 5D place that is a is I already viscerally somatically and my body felt, yes, that it is exactly it is easy.


A tip for if you've got any coaches listening, if you talk about meditation, you'll attract some people because some people love the power of it. But you'll put a lot of people off as well. But if you say breath work, we're going to do some breathing. Everyone understands that. Everyone gets it. Everyone can do it. Everyone finds it effective. So changing the language.


Luckily, about what you do makes a huge difference with people. It's much more inviting. It's much more achievable for people, and I think we all need to be in the business of what is possible.


So let's just have a breath. If it's alright, I'd like to just stop and pause and take a breath overeating.


And again, is that OK if we?


Just do that again.


Yeah, let's do that.


Thank you. Thank you, Jill.


So your question was about breathwork techniques for different situations, and you're right, breath work is a very wide church and has got all sorts of different uses. There are breathwork techniques and exercises that you can do for so many different things for physical well-being. For instance, just how you're physically feeling right now.


There's some simple life hacks that you can do which will transform your life.


If you want to increase your fitness, or if you're already a sportsperson, you can increase your performance by again some simple exercises, some simple approaches and techniques or just.


How you breathe Will is the quickest way to improve your fitness, which isn't difficult.


Breath work can work on deeper layers as well. It's astonishing for emotional regulation.


If you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, if you're feeling triggered or hyper aroused, there are some easy techniques and maybe we'll jump into one of these in a in a little moment because I do believe we live in a world that is so full of stimulation that most people are hyper aroused all the time and need to get out of that, you know.


Fight or flight kind of response, which we have from so much constant bombardment from.


Stimulation and drop into a calmer rest and digestive space. So with work can do that. But breath work can also.


Can also light you.


Up on even.


Deeper and more subtle energetic layers as well. It is astonishing for mental clarity to creativity. If you need to have some ideas or see solutions to problems. If there's challenging that you're facing, well, if you can really connect with your breath, well, suddenly again.


Things become achievable and.


You will see solutions to problem.


Breath work also works at even deeper energetic players as well. It is at the heart of almost every spiritual practice. Breathwork is mentioned in every holy book for every religion. Breath book is the heart of every spiritual activity like prayer or like chanting.


Or singing or move.


Breath is always there and as a tool for connecting into those places that are unexplored in ourselves, the different you know, dimensions of our of our soul or our spirit of what is possible, which is the easiest and quickest key for unlocking some of those mysterious and secret places in ourselves.


As well.


I just had this thought.


And I've never run it by you.


Do you think that when we breathe, we breathe in light?


I do.


I do. I believe that we breathe in more than just the atoms and molecules that make up the physical components of oxygen. I believe that our breath is an energy that connects us, that connects us all, not just to the world around us, but to each other. When we breathe together consciously, as we did at the beginning of the show.


We connect at a.


Much deeper energetic level and when we are conscious and aware of the breath that we believe it will connect us to ourselves in a way that most of us don't get to experience, we're cut off from our highest, truest, deepest and wiser cells. We live in a material world.


That actually is only just a superficial reflection of something much more powerful within us. It can connect to us in that it can connect us to source than the true nature of reality. Where should we try and get to? Through meditation? You know where this this world is just an expression of. So I do whatever language resonates with you like this if.


If light and love doesn't, you know, work for you. If energy doesn't work for you, if that's to also esoteric, then there are other words that you can use to understand the power that when you consciously, consciously and.


With awareness connecting to something, then it is possible for it to be so much more.


You know what we can talk about this, we can talk about this, but do you think do you think everyone who's listened to this might like to join us in a little demonstration? A little example, a little participation to see if something is possible with breath.


Yeah, let's do that. That sounds exciting.




Well as I.


As I mentioned, there is breathing techniques and exercises for all sorts of different situations for all reasons, and although we you know if we've got time, we'll jump into another one of those. But I'm feeling called to lead us in a few breaths of conscious breath work and this type of breath work is the most powerful. It's like the rocket fuel of breathwork. It's the breathwork that can change you.


Immediately, within a few breaths, it can start to rewire you. This is what turned me on and lit me up, and I know that it can start to change things for everyone else. Conscious method is really very, very.


Therefore, normally we will only do this in a full workshop where we can give a full explanation where we can keep everyone safe and everyone goes through, you know, some basic medical questionnaires. But for this, for this purpose, you know, a 32nd minute kind of breathwork is absolutely safe for everyone unless you're driving.


Right now, or unless you're playing with knives or heavy machinery or sticking your hand in.


Don't do this.


Breath work with us only do this breath work. This next little exercise.


With us if.


You're in a quiet space where you will be undisturbed for a.


Few minutes and.


Where you can be supported.


Either sitting or laying down.


It's. I hope that's OK. I can. I can see that you're sitting down. So I think you're safe to do that with me.




OK, so this is the.


It's the highest expression of breathwork, I believe, and you mentioned earlier that when we breathe, it is like breathing in light and it is like.


Breathing in energy? Well, that is exactly what we're doing.


The reason this works is because I believe very deep down that bodies are very, very wise. They're the most amazing piece of engineering. They know what they need to do to heal and transform at any moment.


But The thing is, most of the time we're not in our bodies. We're stuck up in our heads and we're worrying about the future or the past. We're the challenges that we're facing. What we're going to be eating next or what we're going to be watching on Netflix or our kids or our dogs or the weather. Something is always jumping around in here. So when we do a conscious breath work, which is normally.


At least 30 to 40 minutes in length. Then we're giving ourselves space and time. But this breathwork technique is like rocket fuel.


You will feel how.


You will feel.


Physically different. I promise you, as you do this.


So I think the way that we'll do this.


Is we'll just.


We'll just dive straight into a very short meditation just to help bring us into this moment, and then we'll do maybe 90 seconds of breathing together and we'll see if there is something that comes up for you in that moment.


Are you willing to give this a go job?




Well, let's close your eyes.


Take some breaths gently in and out through the nose.


You've just become aware of how your body is moving right now, your chest rising and falling.


Feel the air against your skin.


And feel how the air is entering and.


Leaving your body.


In through your nose.


When you're ready.


Take your awareness inside on an inhale, feel your awareness. Go deep inside to that still quiet place within you.


That's it.


Easy and simply.


Go inside.


And connect to that still quiet place within you.


Place where your wisest, truest, highest self resides a place.


Of strength.


A place of love and a place of wisdom.


In a moment, I'm going to ask.


You a question and I want you to feel the answer that arises inside you to listen to it rather than to think of the answer.


If there was a challenge that you are facing right now that you needed some light and some energy.


Some clarity on what would that challenge be.


There was a challenge that you are facing right now.


That you needed some clarity, some light, some energy.


Maybe there is something inside of you that isn't being expressed, something that it is time to let out.


Maybe there is a relationship that isn't working. Just listen and feel it.


You don't have to speak it out. I want you just.


To connect to it.


Now let's begin our breathwork and we'll breathe for justice. 90 seconds. Please follow my instructions.


Open your mouth wide, really wide, as if you're taking the bite of Nepal. That's it. Now start taking full body breaths.


Into every part of your body.


That's a key breathing.


Now the most important instruction is. Please make sure that there are no pauses at the top and no pauses at the bottom. As one breath ends, the next begins.


That's it. Breathlessly. Breathe easily. Let that breath enter inside into you. Let that energy enter into your body deeper, more powerfully.


Say if you wish to go deeper, breathe a little more fully, keep your mouth wide.


If you can.


That's it and pauses at the top and it pauses at the bottom. You've already been here 30 seconds. There is one minute left to breathe, so stay committed. Stay present for this minute.


And remember, if there was a challenge that you're facing now that you wish some light and some energy into.


What would that be?


Let your breath let your breath like you are. Let your breath give you some energy. Give you some light. Feel into what that might be. Keep.


Breathing fully. Ohh.


That's it. 30 more seconds of breathing fully and freely.


Let your breath light you up.


Just another 15 seconds. Stay committed to your breath for this last 10 seconds, breathe as if this meant everything to you.


Fully and freely.


Five more of the deepest breaths.


And one more.


One deep, beautiful breath.


OK, close your mouth. Put some pauses into your breath. Keep your eyes closed.


And just feel for a moment, because physically you will be feeling different right now.


The sensations the physical sensations will be quite powerful.


And it will take a.


Moment or two to come back.


So just stay with us a minute, and if there was a gift for you in that breathwork just feel into it.


Just connect him into it. Was there a spark?


That came through. Was there some words? Maybe a?


Message for you in that breathwork.


To just feel for a moment or two more.


And when you're ready, just blink your eyes open.


Have a look around.


The room that you are in.


Notice one thing, but maybe you don't look at very much.


Let's give a smile.


Whatever it is, a picture or a book.


A little crack in the wall.


And needs a little bit of love.


And then give yourself a shake.


Welcome back, Joe. Welcome. Welcome back and thank you for committing to that breathwork. I saw you commit to that. I saw you breathe fully. I saw you breathe beautifully, actually. How?


About does it feel right to share a little bit of your experience during that? Maybe start with?


How that physically felt with for you?


I do feel like I want to.


Share and I want to share the experience that I felt.


Energized, I felt.


I felt like I was moving out of my head and into my body. At one point I was between like my heart and my third eye that connects kind of in the back.


Well, for me anyway, and I had a question.


Because there was something that was bothering me.


About something that I'm doing in my business.


And I got the message. Just trust the process.


Thank you for that.


I needed that.




Really has allowed me to shift my energy from one of control, which is my.


The state that I was in normally for most of my life, I want to control the outcome. I want to control the situation and.


This year, I.


Chose a word.


To guide me and that word is peace and it's not like just this sit around and do nothing, sort of peace, but it's the peace where you're in flow and where you are aligned with your soul, with your purpose and.


And things that are outside of that.


In terms of trying to control things.


Because ultimately the only control we have is the reality that we choose to create and.


We are always creating our own realities like we can share the same experience.


They'll walk away.


From that and describe it to somebody else and it will be totally different.


Like my reality of what we're doing here is totally different from your reality of.


What we're doing here?


Even though we're experiencing the same sort of.


Experience and.


It was very yummy.


Well, thank you so much for sharing actually and really properly sharing about what that gave to you.


I love how breathwork.


It always has something for us. Always.


Has some magic in there.


And I love what your word is in your attitude and your approach to your pieces and something where it's just sit back and expect it to happen. But it is an approach and an attitude of other allowing things to happen.


About being in flow and about not being too concerned, maybe about the outcome that it is there to trust the process, that something will come from this. So thank you so much for sharing. That's really inspiring to hear.


Thank you.


Well, thank you, that's.


I don't know what I expected because I really come to these interviews where I'm not really expecting anything and it's always so interesting what transpires and allowing the conversation to just evolve.


Is very special I.


So as listeners, you all feel the same way I.


It's just like.


It's kind of a little.


Bit of magic.


So I'm.


Let's shift a little bit because I would like for people to know how that they can work with you personally also and talk a little bit about how you train coaches or even just, you know, regular people who want to be part of the breathwork.


Become a breathwork facilitator. How? How would that look for somebody? How would they know if this would be for them?


Well, thanks for the invitation and chill and I hope if you'll listen to this, that short little practice that we did there, I hope you were able to commit to it. And I hope it gave something to you. I hope maybe a little spark was lit with inside of you, cause I truly believe Breathwork can benefit every single person, wherever you are in your life.


And whatever you are doing right now, whatever your journey looks like, I think breath work can help everyone.


So you know what I do?


I offer quite a lot. I try and offer something for every everyone wherever they are on their.


Journey if you.


Would like to.


Experience a little bit more of what we did just then, but a full session if you really want to go a.


Little bit deeper.


I offer 5 free live workshops every single week.


These are called our online breathing spaces and I've done that because I have a school where I train people and I've got a lot of teachers. I've got a lot of faculty, staff and so these people are all around the world.


And of course, we need to serve people in every different time zone in at every different day. Not everyone can make the same time. So we have 5 free workshops every single week on zoom.


Where you can truly experience we did 90 seconds of breathing in that space. You'll do 30 minutes of breathing, usually set to music, but of course every time there's a different facilitator every time there's a different energy every time there's a different gift for you, so if you've not experienced.


Breath work before.


Then please come and try that because it is an amazing introduction. It doesn't cost you anything. We have some free courses as well to get you started. We've got a breath book starter kit. We've got a short three day transformational breath Work Program which is called Spark actually Rewire, Spark.


Which is an extraordinary like little taster of what breath can give you if you would.


Like to experience.


A deep personal transformation. We're just we've just launched a program called Rewire, which is a 12 week transformational breathwork program which.


As I mentioned earlier.


Reboot doesn't matter.


You know what transformational change doesn't have to be difficult. It doesn't have to be hours and hours and hours of every single day of really hard striving kind of work. What if it was easy? What if it was as simple as taking a breath? So Rewire is a really simple is a simple program that only takes.


Maybe 15?


Once a day.


And once a week, do a longer breath work an hour at the end of it, but with just that over 12 weeks period, the changes that you will see will be incredible because that program is what I did on my training and it forms a part of our facilitator training now as well people. If they want to.


Become a if they truly want to become a better.


So let's take it and hold other people in that space of transformational change. Everyone has to commit to going to those spaces in themselves again and again and again because you know, connection, enlightenment transformation isn't something that happens just once and that's it. It is not. It is a continued commitment every single day to shop as your best version of.


So that Rewire program is part of our facilitated training. Now if you're a coach already or if you've suddenly been inspired, if you, as I did knew immediately had, as I experienced, read, this is what I wanted. Then I trained people to become breath facilitators and to do.


What I do?


That is a deep program because you cannot do this overnight. It's a is a year long program of about 400 hours, so it's a big commitment to become a Bradford facilitator, but it is life.


It is life changing not just for you in how you show up in every single moment of your life, with every single relationship becomes deeper and more profound. You start making a bigger impact in the world.


Breath. It doesn't replace anything that you do already, so whether you are a therapist or a Reiki practitioner or a yoga teacher, whether you're a coach, everything that you do is still valuable. Breathwork integrates everything and elevates everything. It will make everything that you do more powerful because breathwork is at the foundation of everything that we do.


Including in the show notes. I'm hoping she'll I'll. I love to try and give away little bits when I come on to podcast, cause I'm so grateful for the opportunity to come and share my passion. What is in my heart. So I always as a little thanks to my.


To the people who come and listen to me there, there'll be some discount codes for you if you would like to try one of our paid programs. But of course try some of the free ones as well you may.


Not like.


Me and my cockney villain, Hollywood bad guy kind of voice, might put you off if that's the case. Fine. I know I don't resonate with everyone, but please.


Find someone who you do and connect with your breath because it is the greatest gift that you have inside of you. It is with you every single moment. It can be your best friend and your wisest counsel.


Ohh that was quite a ramp there.


Wasn't it? That was quite.


A lot of information there that I didn't mean to go on so.


Long till. I'm sorry if I.


Went a little.


Bit over there but please find your breath everyone.


No, that's.




Yes, it it's so important, it's.


I learned a very simple technique from someone who was of menopause, coach.


And it was.


It's just box breathing.


And I have to tell you, it has changed my whole life.


I could not sleep.


I couldn't go.


To sleep, I would wake up at night.


All the time and I started box breathing and I box breathe every night. At least you know, five or six breaths.


And I.


Fall into sleep. I stay asleep.


And I wake up refreshed in the morning.


And for a post menopausal woman to be able to tell.


You that that's like.


Very rare, very rare.


Do older women sleep very well and it's all from just this little simple breathing exercise? So I personally can attest to how powerful breath work is and how transformational it can be.


You know, you think you know how to breathe. Done it all our lives. Truly. I can tell you there are things to learn about it that are.


That are transformational. That is just like.


I will call it magic.


It is magic and Phil, thank you. I'm so glad you mentioned box breathing. That was actually the very first technique that I learned. My, my fiancé, my, my then fiancé. Now my wife taught it to me 10 years ago and.


You know, I was hoping to do a breath work for emotional regulation and box breathing is one of my go to ones and it is one of the simplest. And you're right, it's simple and yet so powerful. And that's the way everything should be. You know, it doesn't have to be complicated or difficult. What if it was?


Easy. How about Jill? We just do a few rounds of box breathing now as a simple little take away that everyone can do. There are no contraindications to this. You can do it all day, every single day, and it will only benefit you. Would that be something that you might like to just do a?


Little bit of.


OK, if I fall asleep.


You'll have to rouse me back up.




That's the only forewarning.


Well, this is a really simple exercise. Everyone who's doing this so breathe along with this, but the concept of it is it we call it box breathing because we count our inhales and our exhales, we're gonna do it to a count of four this time. But at the top of the breath we do a breath hold for the same amount of time. So we'll do a breath, hold full for a count of four, and then at.


The end of the exhale.


We do another breath, hold again for a count of four. So our inhales and the holds all are the same length. And if you like to think of it.


Like a box we inhale.


Up hold. Go along. Exhale. Go down. Hold empty. Go back to the start. And that's what's called block screening. I'll lead us in with some counting for a few breaths. Does that work for you? Or just do maybe five or six rounds of this. All right, Jill, give yourself a shake.


Yeah, I love it.


Inhale through the nose fully.


Exhale fully through the mouth.


Now let's breathe in through the nose.


Inhale two, three, four.


Exhale two, three, four. Hold. Empty 2


3-4 inhale 2.


3-4 hold 2, 3, 4.


Exhale 2,3,4.


Hold empty two.


3-4 and inhale.


Hold empty. Exhale


Hold empty.


Last time, go by yourself. Inhale. Exhale


When you're ready.


Keep your eyes open. Give yourself.


A shake.


Breathe normally.


There we go. Just a few rounds of box breathing. How do you feel now, Jill?


Very relaxed.


It's so interesting to me how powerful breathing can be and how much difference it can make you feel.


Whether you believe it or not.


It's just like it's just one of those.


Exercises that it affects your whole body.


Because the oxygen is going in at all the time.


And the energy that you're breathing in and the light that you're breathing in and when?


You're conscious when you're doing it consciously, it's almost like.


It has a bigger impact on all of the all of your cells. I'd like to think of our body as a collective. We're not. We're not just one being, you know how Gaia is.


All of the.


Organisms that are connected to her we as humans.


Really, all animals that are more than one cell are a collective of cells and cells are living.


Beings they.


They may not be sentient, or they may. Who knows.


I love that.


But we're providing for them and.


I really believe that we are. We genuinely breathe, believe that we are with our breath. It supports every single part within us, every cell, you know, all the different consciousness, all the different energies that we have in our whole. It is all nourished by our brand.


Thank you, Jill for this. I've.


Really enjoyed the time that we've spent together.


I have too. This is so fascinating.


I it's.


Rare that you talk to somebody and you're just talking about breathing.


But it's such a huge subject.


And yet it's very simple and anyone can do it. Anyone does it, everyone does.


Everyone does.


So we will put all of the links in the show notes for people to get in contact with you and I strongly encourage the audience to take it, take you up on your offers for the free breathwork courses and to just join the clinics that you do.


During the week.


And also if you're interested in augmenting your coaching practice to include helping your clients with breath work, you want to get in touch with Benedict about his training.


Program at.


It sounds fascinating. I.


I really believe.


That this needs to get out to as.


Many people as.


Possible because it's just so powerful.


So what's the?


One thing you.


Want to leave the audience with today, Benedict?


I thank you for asking that. I would like to.


Just invite them.


To fall in love with their breath.


It is like.


A friend that you never knew existed. It is like the love of your life that is just waiting there inside of you that has so many gifts to give you that has so much so just let your breath into your life because it can change everything.


In just one simple breath.


Awesome. Thank you so much for joining me and for doing the exercises with me and.


For doing what you do.


I think it's really important and it's really powerful.


Thank you, Jill. Perhaps we could close as we started just by taking a few breaths together.


Let's do that.


Thank you.


Thank you.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the World—Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to seek in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.