Episode 34

Published on:

18th Jul 2024

Channeling & All That Is; Exploring Consciousness

Anne Aleckson Visionary Channel, Mystic Author & Speaker share her perspective on Channeling All That Is and explores consciousness with us.

Learn More: https://annealeckson.com

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Hi and welcome to The You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us and Anne Aleckson is a visionary channel Mystic, author and speaker and has.


And embodies the universal wisdom teachings of all that is which she has practiced extensively on a personal level and shared with her friends and clients for over 15 years, creating transformation at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels through her own unique transformational conversation mythology, which includes the one minute.


Lyrical emotional healing technique.


The ABC brain retrain process and her very own philosophy of aspect tology welcome to the show, Anne really excited to hear all about these.


Bill, thank you very much. It's so wonderful to be here. And thank you to you and to your people who are watching and getting to know me a little bit more. I really appreciate the opportunity.


Well, I'm really excited to learn more about all the things that you're doing. It's it sounds.


It's really unique, honestly I.


Well, it is I guess because you know, we're all, we're all unique in our own ways. So even if we're doing something that other people.


Recognise the name of like you know. Let's use raki as an example, because that's quite a common one. Even if you're a Reiki practitioner, you're you bring your own energy and your own frequency and your own past and your own experiences to it, so you can never not be unique.


And yet also, yes, it is very unique in that I channel a non physical stream of consciousness that we call all that is. And while it's common knowledge, it has its own way of speaking the words and.


Using the vibrational frequency of the words to create transformation in a clients or a group of people's energy fields.


I I know some people name their.


Collective consciousness that they channel I I personally have a name for mine, but do you name yours or do you just call it?


All that is.


You know, I absolutely love this question, and I'll tell you why.


Because when I first started doing this, when this first happened to me, for me 15 or so years ago, I had been in corporate. I had no idea about spirituality. I'd never been someone who was knowingly psychic.


Or, you know, we're seeing energy beings or anything like that. So when this first started for me, it started with me meditating in my search for happiness. And in my meditation within a couple of weeks of starting to meditate, I started to hear a voice inside me, but also outside of me.


And it always said we are all that is all that was and all that ever will be.


And so to me, it has always been all that is.


And then I started walking into the spiritual arena. You know, the the people who were spiritual, who knew better than I because I was such a newbie and they all said to me, yeah, but what's their name? And I'm like, well, it's all that is. Every time it comes through, it says we are all that is all it was and all that ever will be. So I that's it's.


Well, that is.


But they did manage to convince me to give it a name.


Yeah, cool. You know, I'm I unfortunately back in those days and even to some degree. Now, I have a lot of self doubt. Always assume everyone knows something more than me and particularly coming into it as a new person. So I took their.




Advice and and in fact I had.


A A a channel who was holding space for me when I was learning how to utilise this gift and she told me it was a particular name so I started using that name. But.


It is that name, but it's also everything else. That's why I stick with all that is, because it is everything else. When I'm working with clients I have. I mean, I can't even tell you hundreds and hundreds of different energetic beings that are known come through.




Because they're everything that we know is part of all that is. And so once I really kind of got confident in my own self, I went back to to talking about it as all that is.


So cause even still now whenever they're coming through the first thing they say is where all that is. All that was all that ever will be. And then they say and.


So are you meaning all of us?


So so yes, long answer for a short question I do.


That's really interesting.


Pull it all that.


And I love your story about, you know, listening to other people tell you what you should do, and then then realizing, yeah, I don't really have to listen to them. I can just call them whatever I.


Want you know what's interesting? That Jill, it's taken me a very, very, very, very long time. It took me a long time to come to this place in myself, to be in a place today.


Where I don't follow anyone's teachings. I don't follow anyone's.


Telling me what to do with my business with any part of my life, anything at all? Sure. I I see what's going on out there, there in the world because you have to know what's happening and how people are doing business and things like that. But I have stopped needing to do it the right way and and really stepped into just doing it in my own way.


Now when I look back 15 years ago, I knew that coming in, but I let my human self doubt.


Lead the journey rather than letting sauce lead the journey, which I now know to do of course, and which is so common these days.


I think 15 years ago it was.


And maybe it's just because.


I'm fairly new to.


Expressing in a more general way what I what I've come to realize that it seems like 15 years ago this was more of a back room discussion that you would have with people. It wasn't like you went to work and you told people about your visions or the things you were hearing or.




What was being said in meditation?


You're absolutely right. And.


Just you know, I don't know if you know this, but just so that I can tell you, I actually knew you back then.


New new of you on social media, right. You were doing hard life coaching or something like that.


And so I knew of you because I was looking for people to to, to help me, to coach me. And I did find a coach way back then. And because I thought, OK, I'm gonna. I'm gonna be like a life coach that was becoming a thing.


I'm gonna teach how to be happy. And and this was before it had really started to come through, but I was. I was aware of it and I wasn't.


I was in that group with people who were holding space for me to be able to do this because the way that I do it is that they use my voice to speak. So it's it's a, it's a for me. It was a harder, harder thing to to allow them to do that. So I needed people to hold space for me and make me feel.




And so I found a coach.


A really top level one of the top coaches based in the US.


And the very first thing she said to me is that you cannot channel for your clients, which knocked me down a peg or two, right? Because yes, it was before, before the the the phenomenon of Abraham Hicks became really well known. I've known of them for quite a while, but they hadn't yet.


On the secret movie and become more, more, more.


Mainstream, no.


So yeah, so one of my very first coaches to help me build my coaching business back then said to me, no, no, no, you can't do that for clients. And and I had clients who were people that I knew who were, you know, corporate level.


Work with me and then create programs that one of them is still now to this day after her session with me she created in one day a program that she still runs today and has made her more, you know, millionaire at least. And and she won't acknowledge that that she ever worked with me because she still has that.


Thing that you don't tell people that you're working with some woo woo weird thing. So I I get it. I and the journey you know, was perfect. I have no doubt about that. That whatever happened was supposed to happen. Otherwise it wouldn't have happened. So I hold. No, no.


Angst about that, or or blame or anything like that, or even shame anymore. But just to to simply say yes, it was such a a different world back then and now every every second person in meet is a.


Channel. And so that's interesting as well because now a channel can be all it can be done, all sorts of ways. Back then a channel was someone who did what I do, which is going to semi tracks and allow the energy to speak through me. So everyone now you know you can you can call yourself a channel if you're just doing.


Channel writings. You can call it self a channel because we are all channeling all the time with whatever tools we use. So my tool is is the the voice the the the words and the the frequency of the words.


And everybody has the ability to do this. I think it's just.


And I I don't know that many people weren't doing this before, but it's it's becoming much more acceptable to talk about it like, you know, I call my Joan in the Unicorn posse just because I can't.






You know, sometimes.


In the early days when we were doing.


Channeling events when I was sitting in front of groups of people.


And channeling for them.


We used to have this funny, silly little joke and and we would call it, we would call it, they would call themselves just. They would say people would say, well, what's your name? And they'd say ohh just.


Call us Bob, yeah.


Which is quite funny, cause nobody back then got the whole all that is thing that's not a name. So they didn't people people wanted a name.


So that's what they would say. Just call us Bob, which is quite funny. I'd forgotten about that. So thank you for reminding me of that. I love that for me.


What I know to be true and the teachings that came through me in my initial spiritual awakenings, is that we are.


You know, they say we are all that is all that was and all that ever will be. And so are you. You humans are the physical manifestation of all that is what that says to me is that if I'm the physical manifestation of all that is, then I have access to all that is the field of oneness, which is where all of these things that we name.


Come from.


So and and that's what I I believe that we're evolving into a new way of being and that new way of being is a higher what you might call a higher consciousness. Again, labels. But what you might call a higher consciousness and that level of higher consciousness is simply able to access the other aspects.


Of us.


This is the human aspect. Those are the non physical aspects, non human aspects and we can.


Live side by side. You know there's no, they're not higher, we're not lower, we're not higher, they're not lower. It's we're all just one and accessible to each other through raising our vibration or frequency.




Everything is that way.


I posted on on on Facebook few days ago about wealth being a state of mind because everything exists for us all the time. It it. It's not about money. Money is just you can always make money. It's just like because it's just it's just the thing it it doesn't.


Represent anything. It's just a medium of transfer of something.


Something it doesn't even have to be a physical something.


Money isn't even physical anymore. It doesn't exist, and it does. When you start thinking about things in those terms.


It's like.


Everything exists and nothing exists together.


And you have total access to it. Every one of us does, no matter who we are or where we are.


It's just now I think people are becoming aware that there's options I don't have to live in this little container that imprisoned that I'm, you know, we're when we're born and we're programmed and trained to, to believe certain paradigms, it's kind of like putting us in a little prison.


Where we're not allowed to access all of the riches that are life and existence, we just exist in a different.




Yeah. And that and that's exactly right. So the the earth is raising her frequency, you, the human beings on the planet and all other beings on the planet, every other being on the planet, whether that's a being that looks like an animal or looks like a plant or whatever, we're all collectively evolving. And that's the whole point of the universe.


Is to expand to grow, to become more, and we're part of that. And I think human beings like to think that we're separate from that.


But we're not.


And they keep making dumb decisions based on that that thought pattern.


It's a.








The natural flow of things and then consciousness has to adjust to that, I think.


To me personally, the whole global experiment that was.


Conducted on us.


Was a massive failure.


And it was a massive failure because it woke people up to the idea that, hey.


There's a different.


Paradigm out there and I can take part in that.


I think that was just like.




It was the best and worst thing that ever happened to humanity in our lifetimes.


It was. It was certainly an awakening point. It was very clear to me because I'm sitting down here in Australia and, you know, even though we're very similar, we're also a little bit different. We're we're more independent minded and we're more.


I believe for me I've always seen Australia being a bit more spiritually opening opened in this in this way, not the other ways and in when that all happened come March 2020, was it I was watching because I have a lot of clients in the states.


And of course I follow a lot of coaches and things in in America as.


Now, because back in the day when I started, there weren't, I couldn't find them here in Australia, so I went looking there and so in come March 2020, I watched a wave of awakening happen in in your country. And of course, it happened in ours as well. It happened everywhere, but it was really noticeable in.


In America.


It it was just incredible to watch and to listen and to to hear people start talking about things that I'd been shushed about for so long. You know, you can't talk about that in these circles. You can't.


And I've always been and I don't know what it is about me, but I've always been very open about what I do from the day it started happening to me, I was telling everybody and being treated like I was a mad woman.


But I couldn't.


Not tell people it. It just was natural for me to talk about it. So interesting.


So I went through a long 15 year journey. Certainly the 1st 10 years of it where I I had to because of who I was as a person. The the way that I'd grown up, the way that you are as a female when you grow up, particularly in a very masculine country like Australia, are very patriarchal.


And I'm sure you guys have this as well, but I'm very patriarchal here up until recently.


And so I I took about 10 years and just really learned what all that is was teaching me and learned it to the point of becoming the embodiment of it. Because for me, that's the evolution is to become the embodiment of these truths that we're all now talking about.


And and actually living them, not just talking about them and not just sharing them with others, but becoming the frequency of that knowledge because that's the quickest way to change the world is to be the frequency of that. And just take your frequency wherever you.




Be the change you want to see.


Exactly. And I use that expression all the time. That's what I liked when I came across you, I thought, OK, same expression. We're all talking about the same and there there's so many of us talking about, you know, changing the world starts with you, which is one of the little things on my book. Actually. It says changing the world starts with you.


At the top of my book so.


Yeah. And so you do Coach people, do you do one-on-one coaching or do you do group coaching? Is it a combination?




I've been, you know, with the energy that we're in at the moment, there is, there's just been so much I've been going through another transformation. In fact, I've been going through this since my mother died the year before last to December, and then my son died a month later. So last year in January.


And that was really about six months before that, I started caring for my mum and I kind of just slowed down in my business a lot prior to that, I was doing lots of group sessions and I was also doing one-on-one sessions with clients and.


Part of this shift that's happening in me right now, particularly coming out now, is to change the way that I've been doing things because it's it feels like it's time for change and yet also I'm starting to realise I'm actually going back to when I first started.


And being drawn back to a lot of the teachings that I was teaching back then, it it feels like there's almost like a reboot happen.


And it's and I have to go back to the what I was doing back then. Some of the teachings have started to come back to me like things I'd completely forgotten that I used to do with people, you know.


Bringing back the fractured parts of the soul and these sorts of things that I did a lot of back then.


But it's now wanting to come back in.


To come back in again and it feels almost like a restart to me and so I'm in the process of changing things up and putting everything into one program that I'm going to create a a A membership.


Ship an app based membership. So yes, at the moment what I do is I work one-on-one with clients on zoom and I do group sessions as well from time to time. Again Jill, I truly do follow what I'm told to do.


For you every now and then, I'll just bust out and send an e-mail out to my people and say hey, I've just been. I've just got this idea to do this many sessions on Sunday. Who wants 1? And so I've that's that's what I do now. You know, I just let it all happen.


And I love what you were talking about regarding wealth. I I just think it's such an important conversation.


And that's exactly what I'm talking about when I need something, when I want something, when I have a desire for something, I allow myself to receive the way to get it, and then I take action on it. That's pure law of attraction, right. So I love that about the wealth. The thing is that.




I find myself more and more always saying I know how to make money, cause we all know how to make money. Now we all know what's possible. We've just got to get out of our own way because it's just those parts of us that still think we're back there 15 years ago and unsure of ourselves that holds us back. And so really it is about.


Just having the courage to follow your own guidance and to take action on it, it might seem like the weirdest, jankiest thing. Some of the things that I was doing back 15 years ago.


Would you know, people would say I what this is? I don't understand what you're what you're saying, that you're you're doing, but it's that's common these days, right? I could never explain to people what I did because literally I get in front of people a person or people. And I get out of the way.


I move my consciousness out of the way and I let the consciousness that comes through comes through. Sometimes it shows up in a particular historical, spiritual figure. Sometimes it shows up as an alien being or a star family.


I just get out of the way and let what the client needs to come through come through. But back then, people were particularly coaches were like, well, you can't tell people that, you just have to say, you know, make it sound like it's something that and I just, I could never do that. And I used to funnily enough.


Fits in the box.


I don't know why I'm going into all of this. Memories are coming up in this conversation, so thank you for that.


But I used to.


You know, pricing conversations with coaches charge this much and I'd be like.


I I used to say to them well, you know.


What I do there's no I literally I step into the energy field of my client and become one with them.


How how do you price that? Do you know? And they would. And there was always that conversation about, you know, you can't say that to people. You can't say that what you're saying to them is coming from inside them because then they won't pay you. I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not going to pretend.


That I'm doing something that's common and normal.


You know, I had no problem with telling people that.


In sessions, when people say to me how do you know this? I'm like well, because because you know it. You just needed to hear it from me, from someone who looks different than you.


And they'd be like, no, you cannot say that. And I'm like, no, I'm sorry. I can't not say it.


Yeah, but that makes you so unique these days. I mean, I I know other people that are doing something like what you're doing. They do it on a group level and they.


Do it.


Through different programs that they have.


But they're not doing it the way you're doing it, which is it's really a one-on-one concierge type.


Encounter with you and it.


It's really special and the idea that you you have.


People that you've actually helped build huge businesses around a a short conversation with you.


Use me or even a longer conversation with you speaks volumes about how efficacious, what you're doing really is.


Absolutely. And I mean, I don't even know, right, because I'm coming at it like a child. I'm just getting my consciousness out of the way. So it's not about me. And what I, although everything I say when I'm in those sessions, when I watch them back because sometimes I don't remember what said that it will always speak to me at some level as well.


That's why it's. So that's why I love doing groups. Because when you do a group, you talk to one person, but everyone in the room receives the answer that they're looking for. So.


So yes, and and you know this was always.




Very hard. It's it's been a journey for me to try and be OK with telling people the way that I do things and asking them to pay me for it and being told by coaches that I shouldn't be doing it the way that I'm doing it. And now of course, I feel vindicated because I'm watching others doing it.


And that very first coach that I worked with about three years after I fired her, she sent me a sent me a message to her to her mailing list, which I was on saying ohh. I'm selling a new program and I'm going to be channelling for you and.


Like OK, I've got to stop taking other people's advice.


So yeah.


When you hire a coach, you need to hire a coach. That's like further ahead in that area than you are and.


And not somebody that's going to argue with you about everything, whether it's channeling or anything else you need to find the people that that resonate with you and you know, not everybody, not every coach, is for everybody.


Exactly. And I always found because of the work that I do, it was very hard, always very hard to find a coach who also.


Really, truly understood what I was doing, even as the world was waking up, I still would come across coaches and and I, you know, I wanted their help to build my business.




But they would always have some problem with the way that I wanted to do it. You know, I was looking for a true coach, not someone who had their own set.


Idea and just wanted to give you that, which is what so many of them are these days. But yes, so as a spiritual person working the way that I was.


Trying to work with coaches who were very much based in.




Marketing and reality. And it was such a journey for me. I spent multiple thousands and thousands of dollars and often walked away.




So not not every time I want to just say that be very clear. I've had some amazing people that I've worked with, but in those early days it was very hard for me to find someone that I could truly just been myself with, you know?


Oftentimes you have to look.


Just sift through the content to find the Nuggets that you need to help you form your own thing instead of just trying to embrace.


They're they're courses more than coaching often, and people don't really understand the difference. AA course is something that you consume and you you assimilate the information to to facilitate a change in yourself.


Yes, yes.


But a coach helps you take that information and make it actionable.




People that are putting out courses and calling it coaching sometimes forget that.


I think the coaching industry, and again I've watched that because it really was starting to become normal 15 or so years ago. And of course Facebook going up and all of that.


So I've been watching that industry. In fact, I went and did a life coaching certificate and the Law of attraction.




Certificate Life Coaching certificate way back then, so I'm, you know, I've kind of been watching the the life coaching and and business coaching field and it's an interesting one. It's there's not not a lot of cohesion around it. You you know from one to the other it's it's a very interesting field.


Yeah, I I got my life life coaching certificate also and it.




Showed me a bunch of things, mostly about myself, but, and I think most of us like our coaching is, is just an extension of of who we are and when we figure out what our mission is, it makes the whole process just like ohh. So I just should be doing this.


Everything else falls into place.


That's I love that because the mission is a big thing with me and I think it's so, so important because, you know, again, I'm talking a lot about becoming the frequency of the teachings that I teach and the work that I do. And I really believe that's part of the evolution that humanity is going through is to.


Find your mission. Become the frequency of that mission, and then take it out into the world. It doesn't matter how you take it out into.


World because it's got nothing to do with the how it's got to do with how you're being and the frequency that you're being and the people around you being lifted up by that frequency into whatever your mission is. So my mission is peace, so.


When and when I help people, they become more peaceful. They feel the energy of peace and they and they step into that a lot more. So I love that mission. Ohh, so good, so good.


It's my word of the year.


Yeah, and it's.


It's one of those things that I I'm sure that people that seek you out for help with that come away with a a kind of clarity that they're not going to get in other places.




Well, I certainly like.


Seeking that to the.


Taking that to to the consciousness and saying, you know what, what do you think about this? And letting it the consciousness?


Points you in the right direction.


Filtered through who you are at, you're gonna. It's kind.


Of a shortcut.


Yeah, it is. And do you know what I find most fascinating?


From time to time, I'll be talking to some, you know, they'll come to me there, so I don't really know what my purpose is and. And so we'll have the conversation and we'll become really clear to both of us what their purpose is. And it's always.


One of those higher emotional heart emotions that are higher on the emotional scale. If you know Abraham's expert or in the David Hawkins work, the kinesiology stuff. And the funniest thing about that for me is often they will have that word in their name somewhere.


You know, they'll be like this. I'll be talking to someone whose surname might be something like love child.


And their frequency aligns with love.


And so it always it always ends with a with a laugh. We think it's quite it's quite funny or they'll have changed their name to include that the word joy or something somewhere or whatever it is for them. So I find that incredibly fascinating.


When that happens.


As she says, as she, she looks at her last.




I I'm a firm believer in names you grow into your name. The meaning of your name, and I look at the meanings of people's names, often just to see where.


That's what.


What? Where? Where are you really?


And and people that change their names. I'm really fascinated by what motivated them to change their name or how they got this new name.


And so I gosh, it was quite a while ago. It was a very long time ago, must be must be.


10 or so years ago, I, you know, was delving into numerology, and da da, da, da, all these things. And of course, I was starting to go into the spiritual arena to to see what this was all about. And so came across so many spiritual people.


And so many had changed their names, and I was encouraged to change my name. And I went through the process. I almost got to the point I sent my my birth certificate off with all the paperwork and the money to get my name changed. And then I rang them two weeks later and said, can you just not do that? Can you send it back to me, please? So that's really interesting.


To me, because.


Yes, I have my ideas of why people feel the need to change their name and all of those sorts of things. Whether it's true or not, I don't know. It's just my thoughts about it, but I'm at this point. I'm very glad that I didn't do that. You know, numerology would tell you that there are numbers.


Missing in your name and that's why you have never been able to make money or find love or whatever it is. And that may well be true. But bottom line.


The very first thing that all that is said to me when we when I was comfortable and we were starting to have these conversations and the the body of work that I that my book is about came through was.


What you believe is true.


And I've really tried to own that and live into that.


Because it is such a truth, right? People who believe that the eclipse is going to cause them to feel a certain way end up feeling that way and it's it doesn't cause that for everybody. So therefore, that's because of what they believe is going to happen, just like everything else. And so I try to be very, very careful about what I'm firmly believe in even having this conversation.


Tomorrow we could have the same conversation and I'll tell you something different.


Right, because I'm not set in any beliefs, I believe that even spirituality is a set of beliefs and they're, you know, there's a lot of people in the spiritual arena. When I first started doing this, as I said, I would go and do psychic events and things like that because literally.


In my spiritual awakening, all of my players opened up.


So I would do go to psychic fairs and things and channel for people and I would have people I didn't even know come up to me and say ohh, you know, you've gotta do this and you've got to do that. And one time I was on Facebook and I posted that I was going to do some channeling sessions and they would cost this much.


I had two women.


Two women send me private messages saying you can't do that. You're not supposed to do that. You're supposed to give it away for free. Lord, help me. So you know there's they're just belief systems as well. Based on who you are and the way you've come up in the world.


And your family history. And and just so many variables as you know. So I'm forever looking at my belief system.


And cleaning them up and I'm forever looking at my emotional wounding and cleaning that up as well, because that's how you raise your vibrational frequency the quickest way. I mean, yes, You Can Dance around the house every time something happens, but if you just clean up the reason that you need to dance around the house, you can raise your vibration more permanently.


I think a lot of that.


Just starts with watching what you're thinking about.


And then stopping those negative thoughts that you know everybody has.




The loops, everybody has them, but if you're not, if you're not really diligent about thinking about what you're thinking about.


If you start ruminating on the wrong things, you're going to end up. We're always manifesting everything all the time, and you start thinking about things that you don't want to have happen or things that bad things in your life.


They will show up. It's just the way the universe works. So if you can be really careful about what you're thinking about and how you're thinking about things and how you're feeling when you're thinking about things, you'll you'll start getting clues from your body saying.


Better watch out.




The more that I've been able to.


Grab hold of that philosophy and that awareness. The more my life has improved. I mean, like every aspect of my life is so much better since I've been.


Really concentrating on the quality of my thoughts and meditation is a great, great place to start. With that, just to be aware.


Yeah, yeah.


Yeah. And you mentioned emotions as well, and I love that because for me, every belief is attached to an unfelt feeling and emotion that you're holding inside you, and you've been holding onto probably for your whole.


Life. That's why no one wants to look at it because they know that once they open that up, I mean, it's like Pandora's box, right? It's just huge. I mean, I was terrified of of breaking down and crying because I thought I'd never be able to lift myself up off the floor again because I had so much grief and sadness.


And from every moment in my life where where I felt a certain way. So yeah, so it's that's a particular thing that happens for women. I've noticed over the years most afraid to feel that emotion. But that, and that's where my my philosophy of aspectos logy comes in.


So we're we're, we're the physical manifestation of all that is. So we're the physical, they're the non physical and then we have the five layers of our.


Energy body. So we've got the physical, the emotional, the, the mental and the spiritual. So for I should say. And so every belief is tied to an an emotion that you've not felt or you've refused to feel. And so I call them the trauma twins. And of course, when I'm Speaking of trauma, I want to be very clear.


I'm talking about trauma being subjective.


So it can be a big thing or a small thing, and it's different for everybody. Some people can have the same experience and some one person will have no, no, nothing, no.


No reaction.




No reaction and response and these sorts of things and the other person, it becomes the thing that holds them down for their entire lives. So that's what I mean by trauma.


Being subjective, so I call them the trauma twins, because every time something happens to you that you don't like.


You create a belief about yourself or you make meaning out of it. Because we're meaning making creative creations, right? So we create a meaning about it, and it's always about ourselves because we're focused on ourselves at the time because we're holding in the emotion that it's making us feel. So those trauma twins create this tight magnet.


Inside you and that's the thing that's magnetizing the life that you're living. So if you're having the same boyfriend over and over again.


You treats you the same way, even though it's a different person every time. Then there's some of these things inside you. These shadows. Some people call them and I actually like that because the more of them you remove, the more the true light of yourself of your true being comes comes out. So yeah, so that's, that's where the aspect of.


Budgie comes in the different aspects, so there's the emotional aspects and the belief aspects or the mindset aspects, so always together. For me it's always the two.




And I became someone who chased triggers right as part of me becoming the frequency of the work that I teach. Chase the triggers when you get triggered, don't react to it. Just go back to yourself. Why? What? What did it make me feel?


And then deal with the feeling and then deal with the and what did I make it mean about me?


Me. Deal with that and and get rid of them together. I find it the best way to do it. That's how I do.


My work the. But yeah, what did it mean to me and the ability to make up different stories about situations in your life?


Iceless no, but it's also.


It can mean anything you want it to mean.


Exactly. And so we can go back to our past and change the story, change the meaning that we made these things mean about us. It really can be as easy and as powerful as that and to then be able to let the past sit wherever the hell it sits and focus.


On now and the future, which is where we all need to be, we need to turn away from the past at this point that's become very clear to me over the past couple of weeks is that it's time to turn away from the past, not just as a collective humanity, but.


Personally, and the whole world, we have to stop focusing on things that happened in our past and bringing them into the now moment where we then project them into the future. It's the only way we're gonna.


Change the world.


At level of.


The only time that exists is now. Now is the only thing you have and what you believe about.


The moment that you're living in.


It it's it's always a choice. You can choose to be happy. You can choose to be wealthy. You can choose to have joy. You can choose all of these, these emotions.




You just can. You can make the decision and it cuts off all other options. Then the option to be sad goes away and it doesn't matter what happens to you. The longer and you practice standing in that emotion of happiness and joy and peace and and.


And confidence in, you know, I am who I am.


Yes, you know, there's going to be people that bounce off of you. There's going to be people that try to attack you.


But you've got to just be OK with that, right? And we've got to start realizing that.


In fact, that's got nothing to do with me. If someone has a problem with me, the only thing that I care about is how does it make me feel, and what do I make it mean about?


Myself, yeah.


Nothing to do with them. They're just a gift to me to show me these things.


So they're going to struggle with their own things, and eventually my goal in the world is that everybody realizes this and we can all stop pinging off each other.


And just appreciate the uniqueness of each individual that comes into our path and.


Yes, yes, I love that. So let me tell.




About the experience that I had where I saw the world in peace.


Because we're going there, there's no in my mind, no doubt in my mind. I just very quickly I I was sitting to meditate and all that is said to me, we're gonna we're gonna. We're gonna take you into the future. And they did. And I have some idea of when that is. Although the time frame the the timeline is collapsing.


So it will come sooner than back. That was about seven years ago. So the time frame has collapsed since then. So even though I knew what the time was then it's not. It's not that anymore.


But I saw the world in peace. I saw the world in peace, and I was shown my mission statement.


And it was all it, of course. It's all around the teachings that I teach, which is my mission statement is World Peace through inner peace, one person at a time.


And it starts with me.


And that came from that moment where they took me into the future. I saw the world in peace. I came back as I landed back into my body. I felt like I had been stamped with this statement, this statement that I just said, well, piece through in the piece, one person at a time. And it starts with me. And then I.


And then that got broken down for me. So World Peace is my soul's mission. Or in fact, our souls mission.


Through inner peace, one person at a time. That's my. That's my.


Mission as an on the planet for the years that I'm on this planet in, in this, in this body. And then it starts with me. That's my personal mission. I had to become. At first I had to become the embodiment of these teachings so that I could share them with others and.


That's really the only part that I've got to play in this. I know that there's part. There's a part of me that's going to come back in another form and continue this journey, because that's what it's all about. And I know that it's in there at all. I know we're going to have peace. I know we're getting closer to it, even though it looks like we might even be getting further away from it. But I know.


What the end is, I know that we get there. I have no doubt at all and I hope to encourage everyone to have some level of.


Peace around that, I guess that.


All the stuff that's going on in the world out there, it's just part of the game to get where we're going, which is to World Peace, and it might not happen in our lifetimes.


And that's OK as well, because we don't end, we are just the physical manifestation of energy. Energy doesn't stop it just.


Changes shape.


Or shifts itself or morphs into something else. And yeah, it's just it gives you. It gives me such peace knowing that. So that's why I tell people all the time we're going to get.


There does this World Peace.




I mean a a world without boundaries.


Did you see a world?


There is no for that. There is no need. Because here's the thing, when we all recognise and realise that we are one.


That there is really only one of us sitting here, even though it looks like there's two of us, we are only one.


And everything that I'm saying to you is a gift to you and everything that you're saying to me is a gift to me, to help our souls and our souls evolve.


Yeah. So in in the world in peace, we we all recognize that we're one.


We all know that everything that I do impacts everything else.


There's an inner and there's an outer and it's all one and the same. We treat them as being separate at this point, but in that world we all know the truth that we are one and we're all you know.


Every time I think about it and talk about it, I see that image of those beautiful birds in the sky who all you know, do all that flying where they're and it's just a magnificent thing to see and also fish schools of fish, all swimming in the same direction. Humanity, human beings have forgotten or they've been taken away from the knowing.


That we are also part of nature and that's our natural way. We're like a school of fish. All those families of birds. I don't know what you call.


Flock of birds.


We are exactly the same as that and we can all become aligned.


And that's when we'll see what it is that we're all wanting at this point to have peace, to have harmony, to have compassion for other human beings to have.


Every human being, having their basic needs met so they can get on with being their natural self, like a blade of grass.


You know, we're just like that. We're just like all of these things that are in nature. We are a piece of nature.


It's our consciousness and our brain and our thinking that and our ego that believes that we're separate from that, that everything else is nature, but not I.


When the truth is, I am.




Yes, the truth is I am and.


We are all I am.






So, Anne, how do people get in touch with you to work with you?


This has just been like such a fascinating conversation.


Thank you. And it has been a great conversation. I I I love your. I love what you've asked and it it's just been beautiful.


So I do have a website itsannealexon.com and on that website there is a Speaking of purpose and mission. There is a purpose frequency quiz that people can do and then they'll be on my list. So that's how I.


Keep in touch with my clients or people who are interested in what?


I do, but I actually I've been on Facebook since it became something in the world and and and it's my comfort zone. It's my. It's my happy place and I love to connect with people on Facebook either on my profile or on my page. And I also have a group that I'll invite you into if you.


Are interested in that. It's called frequency first because that's what it's all about. Putting our frequency 1st and being our frequency first in the world so.


Any of those places, but certainly love to connect with people for sure.


That. That's awesome. I'm going to join your group too. Thank you. No, no, thank you. So, what's the one thing you hope the audience takes away from this conversation today?


Well, you know, we were just talking about peace and if I may, I've got two very quick things. First of all, I wanted to take away the confidence that I have.


The surety that I have that we are heading towards peace, that it's OK you can breathe, you can relax. You can keep living.


There's nothing going wrong here. And then the second thing, and it's something that all that is teaches through me, which I of course now teach without all that is. Although again we never separate, we're never separate. It's always me and all that is.


One of the things that I find really beautiful that they've said from time to time is this.


And I want everyone to really, really, really just breathe this in and feel it and know it. You were born perfect and you haven't changed yet.


We'll leave it with that. Thank you.


For joining me, Anne.


My absolute pleasure. Thank you.


I'm like how that was so good.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the Worldโ€”Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to seek in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.